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Posted to by Lou DeGenaro <> on 2020/02/18 15:28:48 UTC

simple experiment yields namenode exception

beware: I'm a noob.

The objective is to put a 1GB file into crail DRAM, then measure how fast
it can be retrieved into a client's memory.

I have an 8GB VM running CentOS.  I have 2 docker containers, one each for
namenode and datanode.  Configuration is for 4GB of storage for crail.

# docker run -it --network host -e NAMENODE_HOST=sgt-pepper -e
> DATAPATH=/tmp/hugepages/data -e CACHEPATH=/tmp/hugepages/cache -e
> STORAGELIMIT=4294967296 apache/incubator-crail:1.2 namenode

# docker run -it --network host -e NAMENODE_HOST=sgt-pepper -e
> DATAPATH=/tmp/hugepages/data -e CACHEPATH=/tmp/hugepages/cache -e
> STORAGELIMIT=4294967296 apache/incubator-cra:1.2 datanode

To put 1GB file into crail, I use:

#  /usr/local/apache-crail-1.2-incubating/bin/crail fs -copyFromLocal
> /root/G1.txt /

Seems fine:

> /usr/local/apache-crail-1.2-incubating/bin/crail fs -ls /

Found 1 items
> -rw-rw-rw-   1 crail crail 1073741824 2020-02-18 09:02 /G1.txt

# java -version
> openjdk version "1.8.0_242"
> OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_242-b08)
> OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.242-b08, mixed mode)

# env | grep CLASSPATH
> CLASSPATH=/usr/local/apache-crail-1.2-incubating/jars/*

# env | grep CRAIL_HOME
> CRAIL_HOME=/usr/local/apache-crail-1.2-incubating

To fetch from crail into memory, I use:

# java -f G1.txt -t readSequential
> experiment 0
> log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.crail).
> log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
> log4j:WARN See for
> more info.
> readSequential, filename G1.txt, size 1048576, loop 1, buffered true
> warmUp, warmupFile G1.txt-709380522, operations 32
> starting benchmark...
> execution time 0.01
> ops 1.0
> sumbytes 1048576.0
> throughput 838.8608
> latency 10000.0

Not 1GB, but seems OK so far.  But on namenode console, I see:

20/02/18 15:06:14 INFO crail: new connection from /
> 20/02/18 15:06:14 INFO narpc: adding new channel to selector, from /
> Connection reset by peer
> at Method)
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> 20/02/18 15:06:15 INFO narpc: closing the select call

And more, if I try readSequentioal again, the requester is frozen and on
namenode console all I see is:

20/02/18 15:21:33 INFO crail: new connection from /

Thanks for any insights.

BTW, the CrailBenchmark code has sparse comments.  Would be nice if there
was more explanation.  Or is there some better place to look for code to
