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[GitHub] chrismattmann closed pull request #155: Working dratstat

chrismattmann closed pull request #155: Working dratstat

This is a PR merged from a forked repository.
As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for
the sake of provenance:

As this is a foreign pull request (from a fork), the diff is supplied
below (as it won't show otherwise due to GitHub magic):

diff --git a/distribution/src/main/resources/bin/drat b/distribution/src/main/resources/bin/drat
index 8081a3e0..f20d116b 100755
--- a/distribution/src/main/resources/bin/drat
+++ b/distribution/src/main/resources/bin/drat
@@ -243,28 +243,28 @@ function reset {
 # Clears the Solr Statistics repo for aggregating crawl stats. Expects no arguments.
-function delstats{
-    check_services_running "running"
-    check_num_args "delstats" $# 0
-    echo "This will remove any previous or current Solr DRAT stats information."
-    read -p "Do you wish to continue? [yN] " yn
-        case $yn in
-            [Yy]*)
-                echo "rm -rf $DRAT_HOME/solr/statistics/data"
-                rm -rf $DRAT_HOME/solr/statistics/data
-                echo "Please restart OODT with '\$DRAT_HOME/bin/oodt start' if you wish to run another crawl."
-            ;;
-            [Nn]*)
-                echo "Reset cancelled. Exiting..."
-                exit 0
-            ;;
-            *)
-                echo "Aborting..."
-                exit 1
-            ;;
-        esac
+#function delstats{
+#    check_services_running "running"
+#    check_num_args "delstats" $# 0
+#    echo "This will remove any previous or current Solr DRAT stats information."
+#    read -p "Do you wish to continue? [yN] " yn
+#        case $yn in
+#            [Yy]*)
+#                echo "rm -rf $DRAT_HOME/solr/statistics/data"
+#                rm -rf $DRAT_HOME/solr/statistics/data
+#                echo "Please restart OODT with '\$DRAT_HOME/bin/oodt start' if you wish to run another crawl."
+#            ;;
+#            [Nn]*)
+#                echo "Reset cancelled. Exiting..."
+#                exit 0
+#            ;;
+#            *)
+#                echo "Aborting..."
+#                exit 1
+#            ;;
+#        esac
 # Start parsing the arguments.
 case $1 in
diff --git a/distribution/src/main/resources/bin/ b/distribution/src/main/resources/bin/
index cae5c897..4648c682 100644
--- a/distribution/src/main/resources/bin/
+++ b/distribution/src/main/resources/bin/
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ def drat_process(command, repository):
 		elif command == "index":
 			retcode ="${DRAT_HOME}/bin/drat" + " " + command + " " + repository, shell=True)
 		elif command == "map" or command == "reduce":
-			retcode ="nohup ${DRAT_HOME}/bin/drat" + " " + command + " &", shell=True)
+			retcode ="${DRAT_HOME}/bin/drat" + " " + command + " &", shell=True)
 		if retcode < 0:
 			print >>sys.stderr, "DRAT " + command + " process was terminated by signal", -retcode, ". Aborting..."
 			retval = False
@@ -180,12 +180,19 @@ def drat_reset():
 def job_in_queue(job_name):
 	status = "PGE EXEC"
 	server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(os.getenv("WORKFLOW_URL"), verbose=False)
-	response = server.workflowmgr.getWorkflowInstancesByStatus(status)
+	for x in range(0,6):
+		response = server.workflowmgr.getWorkflowInstancesByStatus(status)
-	for i in range(0, len(response)):
+		for i in range(0, len(response)):
 		#print response[i]["sharedContext"]["TaskId"]
-		if response[i]["sharedContext"]["TaskId"][0] == job_name:
-			return True
+			if response[i]["sharedContext"]["TaskId"][0] == job_name:
+				return True
+		time.sleep(10)		
 	return False
@@ -268,7 +275,7 @@ def run(repos_list, output_dir):
 			print("\nOODT Started: OK\n")
 			print('Adding repository: '+str(rep)+' to Solr')
-			index_solr(json.dumps([rep]))
+			# index_solr(json.dumps([rep]))
 			print("\nRunning DRAT on " + rep["repo"] + " ...\n")
@@ -281,6 +288,12 @@ def run(repos_list, output_dir):
 			retval = drat_process("crawl", rep["repo"])
 			stats['crawl_end'] = current_datetime()
+			rep["id"] = "id:"+os.path.normpath(rep["repo"])
+			outputfile = os.getenv("DRAT_HOME") + "/data/repo"
+			file = open(outputfile,"w")
+			file.write(json.dumps(rep))
+			file.close()
 			if retval:
 				stats['index_start'] = current_datetime()
@@ -296,177 +309,14 @@ def run(repos_list, output_dir):
 					stats['map_end'] = current_datetime()
-					if retval:
-						time.sleep(5)
-						stats['reduce_start'] = current_datetime()
-						# Extract data from RatAggregate File
-						totalNotes = 0
-						totalBinaries = 0
-						totalArchives = 0
-						totalStandards = 0
-						totalApache = 0
-						totalGenerated = 0
-						totalUnknown = 0
-						rat_dir = os.getenv("DRAT_HOME") + "/data/archive/rat"
-						# Iterate over all RAT log files 
-						for root, dirs, files in os.walk(rat_dir):
-							for filename in files:
-								if filename.endswith(".log"):
-									(notes, binaries, archives,standards,apachelicensed,generated,unknown) = parseFile(os.path.join(root, filename))
-									totalNotes = totalNotes + notes
-									totalBinaries = totalBinaries + binaries
-									totalArchives = totalArchives + archives
-									totalStandards = totalStandards + standards
-									totalApache = totalApache + apachelicensed
-									totalGenerated = totalGenerated + generated
-									totalUnknown = totalUnknown + unknown
-						stats["license_Notes"] = totalNotes
-						stats["license_Binaries"] = totalBinaries
-						stats["license_Archives"] = totalArchives
-						stats["license_Standards"] = totalStandards
-						stats["license_Apache"] = totalApache
-						stats["license_Generated"] = totalGenerated
-						stats["license_Unknown"] = totalUnknown
-						stats['reduce_end'] = current_datetime()
-						print "\nDRAT Scan Completed: OK\n"
-			time.sleep(5)
-			if retval:
-				# Copy Data with datetime variables above, extract output from RatAggregate file, extract data from Solr Core
-				printnow ("\nCopying data to Solr and Output Directory...\n")
-				# Extract data from Solr
-				neg_mimetype = ["image", "application", "text", "video", "audio", "message", "multipart"]
-				connection = urllib2.urlopen(os.getenv("SOLR_URL") + "/drat/select?q=*%3A*&rows=0&facet=true&facet.field=mimetype&wt=python&indent=true")
-				response = eval(
-				mime_count = response["facet_counts"]["facet_fields"]["mimetype"]
-				for i in range(0, len(mime_count), 2):
-					if mime_count[i].split("/")[0] not in neg_mimetype:
-						stats["mime_" + mime_count[i]] = mime_count[i + 1]
-				# Count the number of files
-				stats["files"] = count_num_files(rep["repo"], ".git")
-				# Write data into Solr
-				stats["type"] = 'software'
-				stats_data = []
-				stats_data.append(stats)
-				json_data = json.dumps(stats_data)
-				index_solr(json_data)
-				# Parse RAT logs
-				rat_logs_dir = os.getenv("DRAT_HOME") + "/data/archive/rat/*/*.log"
-				rat_license = {}
-				rat_header = {}
-				for filename in glob.glob(rat_logs_dir):
-					#print('=' * 20)
-					l = 0
-					h = 0
-					cur_file = ''
-					cur_header = ''
-					cur_section = ''
-					parsedHeaders = False
-					parsedLicenses = False
-					with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
-						printnow('Parsing rat log: ['+filename+']')
-						for line in f:
-							if '*****************************************************' in line:
-								l = 0
-								h = 0
-								if cur_section == 'licenses':
-									parsedLicenses = True
-								if cur_section == 'headers':
-									parsedHeaders = True
-								cur_file = ''
-								cur_header = ''
-								cur_section = ''
-							if line.startswith('  Files with Apache') and not parsedLicenses:
-								cur_section = 'licenses'
-							if line.startswith(' Printing headers for ') and not parsedHeaders:
-								cur_section = 'headers'
-							if cur_section == 'licenses':
-								l += 1
-								if l > 4:
-									line = line.strip()
-									if line:
-										print("File: %s with License Line: %s" % (filename, line))
-										li = parse_license(line)
-										rat_license[li[0]] = li[1]
-									 	print(li)
-							if cur_section == 'headers':
-								if '=====================================================' in line or '== File:' in line:
-									h += 1
-								if h == 2:
-									cur_file = line.split("/")[-1].strip()
-								if h == 3:
-									cur_header += line
-								if h == 4:
-									rat_header[cur_file] = cur_header.split("\n", 1)[1]
-									cur_file = ''
-									cur_header = ''
-									h = 1
-					if h == 3:
-						rat_header[cur_file] = cur_header.split("\n", 1)[1]
-					parsedHeaders = True
-					parsedLicenses = True
-				# Index RAT logs into Solr
-				connection = urllib2.urlopen(os.getenv("SOLR_URL") +
-											 "/drat/select?q=*%3A*&fl=filename%2Cfilelocation%2Cmimetype&wt=python&rows="
-											 + str(stats["files"]) +"&indent=true")
-				response = eval(
-				docs = response['response']['docs']
-				file_data = []
-				batch = 100
-				dc = 0
-				for doc in docs:
-					fdata = {}
-					fdata['id'] = os.path.join(doc['filelocation'][0], doc['filename'][0])
-					m =
-					m.update(fdata['id'])
-					hashId = m.hexdigest()
-					fileId = hashId+"-"+doc['filename'][0]
-					if fileId not in rat_license:
-						print "File: "+str(fdata['id'])+": ID: ["+fileId+"] not present in parsed licenses => Likely file copying issue. Skipping."
-						continue #handle issue with DRAT #93
-					fdata["type"] = 'file'
-					fdata['parent'] = rep["repo"]
-					fdata['mimetype'] = doc['mimetype'][0]
-					fdata['license'] = rat_license[fileId]
-					if fileId in rat_header:
-						fdata['header'] = rat_header[fileId]
-					file_data.append(fdata)
-					dc += 1
-					if dc % batch == 0:
-						json_data = json.dumps(file_data)
-						index_solr(json_data)
-						file_data = []
-				if dc % batch != 0:
-					json_data = json.dumps(file_data)
-					index_solr(json_data)
-				# Copying data to Output Directory
-				repos_out = output_dir + "/" + normalize_path(rep["repo"])
-				shutil.copytree(os.getenv("DRAT_HOME") + "/data", repos_out)
-				print("\nData copied to Solr and Output Directory: OK\n")
-			else:
-				print ("\nDRAT Scan Completed: Resulted in Error\n")
+					if(retval):
+						wait_for_job("urn:drat:RatAggregator")
+						time.sleep(10)
+						retval = drat_process("reduce",None)
+						time.sleep(10)
+						print ("\nwaiting for Rat Aggregator...\n")
+						wait_for_job("urn:drat:RatAggregator")
 			print ("\nStopping OODT...\n")
diff --git a/nohup.out b/nohup.out
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb32b5eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nohup.out
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Started dynamic workflow with id '6453cca6-9f30-11e8-b99d-f5018c8e9233'
+Navigate to http://localhost:8080/opsui/ to view the OODT browser and http://localhost:8080/solr to view the Solr catalog.
diff --git a/webapps/proteus-new/src/main/webapp/resources/public/logo.png b/webapps/proteus-new/src/main/webapp/resources/public/logo.png
index 445d7d7e..7800df90 100644
Binary files a/webapps/proteus-new/src/main/webapp/resources/public/logo.png and b/webapps/proteus-new/src/main/webapp/resources/public/logo.png differ
diff --git a/webapps/proteus-new/src/main/webapp/resources/src/App.vue b/webapps/proteus-new/src/main/webapp/resources/src/App.vue
index d071508f..b952de13 100644
--- a/webapps/proteus-new/src/main/webapp/resources/src/App.vue
+++ b/webapps/proteus-new/src/main/webapp/resources/src/App.vue
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ the License.
     <v-card id="footercard">
-      <img height="60px"  src="logo.png">
+      <img height="80px"  src="logo.png">
diff --git a/webapps/proteus-new/src/main/webapp/resources/src/components/auditsummarycomp.vue b/webapps/proteus-new/src/main/webapp/resources/src/components/auditsummarycomp.vue
index 345dfdcf..eec59a9b 100644
--- a/webapps/proteus-new/src/main/webapp/resources/src/components/auditsummarycomp.vue
+++ b/webapps/proteus-new/src/main/webapp/resources/src/components/auditsummarycomp.vue
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ the License.
               var docs =;
-            // var docs = [{"license_Generated":0,"license_Archives":1,"license_Standards":108,"license_Unknown":12,"license_Binaries":139,"license_Apache":96,"id":"/media/Workings/GSOC-2018/drat/deploy/data/clones/android-UniversalMusicPlayer","license_Notes":1}];
               for(var i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) {
                   var doc = docs[i];
                   var repo ="/");
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ the License.
                         var offset = -gapBetweenGroups/2;
                         var horz = spaceForLabels + chartWidth + 40 - legendRectSize;
                         var vert = i * height - offset;
-                        return 'translate(' + horz + ',' + vert + ')';
+                        return 'translate(' + 0+ ',' + vert + ')';
diff --git a/webapps/proteus-new/src/main/webapp/resources/src/logo.png b/webapps/proteus-new/src/main/webapp/resources/src/logo.png
index 445d7d7e..7800df90 100644
Binary files a/webapps/proteus-new/src/main/webapp/resources/src/logo.png and b/webapps/proteus-new/src/main/webapp/resources/src/logo.png differ


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