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Modified: incubator/uima/uimaj/trunk/uima-docbooks/src/docbook/references/ref.xml.component_descriptor.xml
--- incubator/uima/uimaj/trunk/uima-docbooks/src/docbook/references/ref.xml.component_descriptor.xml (original)
+++ incubator/uima/uimaj/trunk/uima-docbooks/src/docbook/references/ref.xml.component_descriptor.xml Thu Aug 28 14:28:14 2008
@@ -1,2235 +1,2235 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
-<!ENTITY % uimaents SYSTEM "../entities.ent" > 
-<!ENTITY tp "ugr.ref.xml.component_descriptor."> 
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-<chapter id="ugr.ref.xml.component_descriptor">
-  <title>Component Descriptor Reference</title>
-  <para>This chapter is the reference guide for the UIMA SDK&apos;s Component Descriptor XML
-    schema. A <emphasis>Component Descriptor</emphasis> (also sometimes called a
-    <emphasis>Resource Specifier</emphasis> in the code) is an XML file that either (a)
-    completely describes a component, including all information needed to construct the
-    component and interact with it, or (b) specifies how to connect to and interact with an
-    existing component that has been published as a remote service.
-    <emphasis>Component</emphasis> (also called <emphasis>Resource</emphasis>) is a
-    general term for modules produced by UIMA developers and used by UIMA applications. The
-    types of Components are: Analysis Engines, Collection Readers, CAS
-    Initializers<footnote><para>This component is deprecated and should not be use in new
-    development.</para></footnote>, CAS Consumers, and Collection Processing Engines.
-    However, Collection Processing Engine Descriptors are significantly different in
-    format and are covered in a separate chapter, <olink targetdoc="&uima_docs_ref;"
-      targetptr="ugr.ref.xml.cpe_descriptor"/>.</para>
-  <para><xref linkend="&tp;notation"/> describes the notation used in this
-    chapter.</para>
-  <para><xref linkend="&tp;imports"/> describes the UIMA SDK&apos;s
-    <emphasis>import</emphasis> syntax, used to allow XML descriptors to import
-    information from other XML files, to allow sharing of information between several XML
-    descriptors.</para>
-  <para><xref linkend="&tp;aes"/> describes the XML format for <emphasis>Analysis Engine
-    Descriptors</emphasis>. These are descriptors that completely describe Analysis
-    Engines, including all information needed to construct and interact with them.</para>
-  <para><xref linkend="&tp;collection_processing_parts"/> describes the XML format for
-    <emphasis>Collection Processing Component Descriptors</emphasis>. This includes
-    Collection Iterator, CAS Initializer, and CAS Consumer Descriptors.</para>
-  <para><xref linkend="&tp;service_client"/> describes the XML format for
-    <emphasis>Service Client Descriptors</emphasis>, which specify how to connect to and
-    interact with resources deployed as remote services.</para>
-   <para><xref linkend="&tp;custom_resource_specifiers"/> describes the XML format for
-    <emphasis>Custom Resource Specifiers</emphasis>, which allow you to plug in your
-    own Java class as a UIMA Resource.</para>
-  <section id="&tp;notation">
-    <title>Notation</title>
-    <para>This chapter uses an informal notation to specify the syntax of Component
-      Descriptors. The formal syntax is defined by an XML schema definition, which is
-      contained in the file <literal>resourceSpecifierSchema.xsd</literal>,  
-      located in the <literal>uima-core.jar</literal> file.</para>
-    <para>The notation used in this chapter is:</para>
-    <itemizedlist><listitem><para>An ellipsis (...) inside an element body indicates
-      that the substructure of that element has been omitted (to be described in another
-      section of this chapter). An example of this would be:
-      <programlisting>&lt;analysisEngineMetaData&gt;
-      An ellipsis immediately after an element indicates that the element type may be may be
-      repeated arbitrarily many times. For example:
-      <programlisting>&lt;parameter&gt;[String]&lt;/parameter&gt;
-      indicates that there may be arbitrarily many parameter elements in this
-      context.</para></listitem>
-      <listitem><para>Bracketed expressions (e.g. <literal>[String]</literal>)
-        indicate the type of value that may be used at that location.</para></listitem>
-      <listitem><para>A vertical bar, as in <literal>true|false</literal>, indicates
-        alternatives. This can be applied to literal values, bracketed type names, and
-        elements.</para></listitem>
-      <listitem><para>Which elements are optional and which are required is specified in
-        prose, not in the syntax definition. </para></listitem></itemizedlist>
-  </section>
-  <section id="&tp;imports">
-    <title>Imports</title>
-    <para>The UIMA SDK defines a particular syntax for XML descriptors to import information
-      from other XML files. When one of the following appears in an XML descriptor:
-      <programlisting>&lt;import location="[URL]" /&gt; or
-&lt;import name="[Name]" /&gt;</programlisting>
-      it indicates that information from a separate XML file is being imported. Note that
-      imports are allowed only in certain places in the descriptor. In the remainder of this
-      chapter, it will be indicated at which points imports are allowed.</para>
-    <para>If an import specifies a <literal>location</literal> attribute, the value of
-      that attribute specifies the URL at which the XML file to import will be found. This can be
-      a relative URL, which will be resolved relative to the descriptor containing the
-      <literal>import</literal> element, or an absolute URL. Relative URLs can be written
-      without a protocol/scheme (e.g., <quote>file:</quote>), and without a host machine
-      name. In this case the relative URL might look something like
-      <literal>org/apache/myproj/MyTypeSystem.xml.</literal></para>
-    <para>An absolute URL is written with one of the following prefixes, followed by a path
-      such as <literal>org/apache/myproj/MyTypeSystem.xml</literal>:
-      <itemizedlist spacing="compact"><listitem><para>file:/ &larr; has no network
-        address</para></listitem>
-        <listitem><para>file:/// &larr; has an empty network address</para></listitem>
-        <listitem><para>file://</para></listitem>
-        </itemizedlist></para>
-    <para>For more information about URLs, please read the javadoc information for the Java
-      class <quote>URL</quote>.</para>
-    <para>If an import specifies a <literal>name</literal> attribute, the value of that
-      attribute should take the form of a Java-style dotted name (e.g.
-      <literal>org.apache.myproj.MyTypeSystem</literal>). An .xml file with this name
-      will be searched for in the classpath or datapath (described below). As in Java, the dots
-      in the name will be converted to file path separators. So an import specifying the
-      example name in this paragraph will result in a search for
-      <literal>org/apache/myproj/MyTypeSystem.xml</literal> in the classpath or
-      datapath.</para>
-    <para id="&tp;datapath">The datapath works similarly to the classpath but can be set programmatically
-      through the resource manager API. Application developers can specify a datapath
-      during initialization, using the following code:
-      <programlisting>
-ResourceManager resMgr = UIMAFramework.newDefaultResourceManager();
-AnalysisEngine ae = UIMAFramework.produceAE(desc, resMgr, null);
-    <para>The default datapath for the entire JVM can be set via the
-      <literal>uima.datapath</literal> Java system property, but this feature should
-      only be used for standalone applications that don&apos;t need to run in the same JVM as
-      other code that may need a different datapath.</para>
-    <para>Previous versions of UIMA also supported XInclude. That support didn't work in
-      many situations, and it is no longer supported. To include other files, please use
-      &lt;import&gt;.</para>
-    <!--
-    <para>The UIMA SDK also supports XInclude, a W3C candidate recommendation,
-    to include XML files within other XML files.  However, it is recommended that the import syntax be used instead, as it
-    is more flexible and better supports tool developers.</para>
-    <note><para>UIMA tools for editing XML
-    descriptors do not support the use of xi:include because they cannot correctly
-    determine what parts of a descriptor are updatable, and what parts are included
-    from other files.  They do support the
-    use of &lt;import&gt;.
-    </para></note>
-    <para>To use XInclude, you first must include the XInclude
-    namespace in your document&apos;s root element, e.g.:</para>
-    <programlisting>&lt;analysisEngineDescription xmlns="" xmlns:xi=""&gt;</programlisting>
-    <para>Then, you can include a file using the syntax <literal>&lt;xi:include
-    href="[URL]"/&gt;</literal></para>
-    <para>where [URL] can be any relative or absolute URL referring
-    to another XML document.  The referred-to
-    document must be a valid XML document, meaning that it must consist of exactly
-    one root element and must define all of the namespace prefixes that it uses.  The default namespace (generally <literal></literal>) will be
-    inherited from the parent document.   When UIMA parses the XML document, it will automatically replace the <literal>&lt;xi:include&gt; </literal>element with the entire XML document
-    referred to by the href.  For more
-    information on XInclude see 
-    <a href=""></a>.</para>
-    -->
-  </section>
-  <section id="&tp;type_system">
-    <title>Type System Descriptors</title>
-    <para>A Type System Descriptor is used to define the types and features that can be
-      represented in the CAS. A Type System Descriptor can be imported into an Analysis Engine
-      or Collection Processing Component Descriptor.</para>
-    <para>The basic structure of a Type System Descriptor is as follows:
-      <programlisting><![CDATA[<typeSystemDescription xmlns="">
-  <name> [String] </name>
-  <description>[String]</description>
-  <version>[String]</version>
-  <vendor>[String]</vendor> 
-  <imports>
-    <import ...>
-    ...
-  </imports> 
-  <types>
-    <typeDescription>
-      ...
-    </typeDescription>
-    ...
-  </types>
-    <para>All of the subelements are optional.</para>
-    <section id="&tp;type_system.imports">
-      <title>Imports</title>
-      <para>The <literal>imports</literal> section allows this descriptor to import
-        types from other type system descriptors. The import syntax is described in <xref
-          linkend="&tp;imports"/>. A type system may import any number of other type
-        systems and then define additional types which refer to imported types. Circular
-        imports are allowed.</para>
-    </section>
-    <section id="&tp;type_system.types">
-      <title>Types</title>
-      <para>The <literal>types</literal> element contains zero or more
-        <literal>typeDescription</literal> elements. Each
-        <literal>typeDescription</literal> has the form:
-        <programlisting><![CDATA[<typeDescription>
-  <name>[TypeName]</name>
-  <description>[String]</description>
-  <supertypeName>[TypeName]</supertypeName>
-  <features>
-    ...
-  </features>
-      <para>The name element contains the name of the type. A
-        <literal>[TypeName]</literal> is a dot-separated list of names, where each name
-        consists of a letter followed by any number of letters, digits, or underscores.
-        <literal>TypeNames</literal> are case sensitive. Letter and digit are as defined
-        by Java; therefore, any Unicode letter or digit may be used (subject to the character
-        encoding defined by the descriptor file&apos;s XML header). The name following the
-        final dot is considered to be the <quote>short name</quote> of the type; the
-        preceding portion is the namespace (analogous to the package.class syntax used in
-        Java). Namespaces beginning with uima are reserved and should not be used. Examples
-        of valid type names are:</para>
-      <itemizedlist spacing="compact"><listitem><para>test.TokenAnnotation</para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem><para>org.myorg.TokenAnnotation</para></listitem>
-        <listitem><para>com.my_company.proj123.TokenAnnotation </para></listitem>
-        </itemizedlist>
-      <para>These would all be considered distinct types since they have different
-        namespaces. Best practice here is to follow the normal Java naming conventions of
-        having namespaces be all lowercase, with the short type names having an initial
-        capital, but this is not mandated, so <literal>ABC.mYtyPE</literal> is an allowed
-        type name. While type names without namespaces (e.g.
-        <literal>TokenAnnotation</literal> alone) are allowed, but discouraged because
-        naming conflicts can then result when combining annotators that use different
-        type systems.</para>
-      <para>The <literal>description</literal> element contains a textual description
-        of the type. The <literal>supertypeName</literal> element contains the name of the
-        type from which it inherits (this can be set to the name of another user-defined type,
-        or it may be set to any built-in type which may be subclassed, such as
-        <literal>uima.tcas.Annotation</literal> for a new annotation
-        type or <literal>uima.cas.TOP</literal> for a new type that is not
-        an annotation). All three of these elements are required.</para>
-    </section>
-    <section id="&tp;type_system.features">
-      <title>Features</title>
-      <para>The <literal>features</literal> element of a
-        <literal>typeDescription</literal> is required only if the type we are specifying
-        introduces new features. If the <literal>features</literal> element is present,
-        it contains zero or more <literal>featureDescription</literal> elements, each of
-        which has the form:</para>
-      <programlisting><![CDATA[<featureDescription>
-  <name>[Name]</name>
-  <description>[String]</description>
-  <rangeTypeName>[Name]</rangeTypeName>
-  <elementType>[Name]</elementType>
-  <multipleReferencesAllowed>true|false</multipleReferencesAllowed>
-      <para>A feature&apos;s name follows the same rules as a type short name &ndash; a letter
-        followed by any number of letters, digits, or underscores. Feature names are case
-        sensitive.</para>
-      <para>The feature&apos;s <literal>rangeTypeName</literal> specifies the type of
-        value that the feature can take. This may be the name of any type defined in your type
-        system, or one of the predefined types. All of the predefined types have names that are
-        prefixed with <literal>uima.cas</literal> or <literal>uima.tcas</literal>,
-        for example:
-        <programlisting>uima.cas.TOP 
-        For a complete list of predefined types, see the CAS API documentation.</para>
-      <para>The <literal>elementType</literal> of a feature is optional, and applies only
-        when the <literal>rangeTypeName</literal> is
-        <literal>uima.cas.FSArray</literal> or <literal>uima.cas.FSList</literal>
-        The <literal>elementType</literal> specifies what type of value can be assigned as
-        an element of the array or list. This must be the name of a non-primitive type. If
-        omitted, it defaults to <literal>uima.cas.TOP</literal>, meaning that any
-        FeatureStructure can be assigned as an element the array or list. Note: depending on
-        the CAS Interface that you use in your code, this constraint may or may not be
-        enforced.</para>
-      <para>The <literal>multipleReferencesAllowed</literal> feature is optional, and
-        applies only when the <literal>rangeTypeName</literal> is an array or list type (it
-        applies to arrays and lists of primitive as well as non-primitive types). Setting
-        this to false (the default) indicates that this feature has exclusive ownership of
-        the array or list, so changes to the array or list are localized. Setting this to true
-        indicates that the array or list may be shared, so changes to it may affect other
-        objects in the CAS. Note: there is currently no guarantee that the framework will
-        enforce this restriction. However, this setting may affect how the CAS is
-        serialized.</para>
-    </section>
-    <section id="&tp;type_system.string_subtypes">
-      <title>String Subtypes</title>
-      <para>There is one other special type that you can declare &ndash; a subset of the String
-        type that specifies a restricted set of allowed values. This is useful for features
-        that can have only certain String values, such as parts of speech. Here is an example of
-        how to declare such a type:</para>
-      <programlisting><![CDATA[<typeDescription>
-  <name>PartOfSpeech</name>
-  <description>A part of speech.</description>
-  <supertypeName>uima.cas.String</supertypeName>
-  <allowedValues>
-    <value>
-      <string>NN</string>
-      <description>Noun, singular or mass.</description>
-    </value>
-    <value>
-      <string>NNS</string>
-      <description>Noun, plural.</description>
-    </value>
-    <value>
-      <string>VB</string>
-      <description>Verb, base form.</description>
-    </value>
-    ...
-  </allowedValues>
-    </section>
-  </section>
-  <section id="&tp;aes">
-    <title>Analysis Engine Descriptors</title>
-    <para>Analysis Engine (AE) descriptors completely describe Analysis Engines. There
-      are two basic types of Analysis Engines &ndash; <emphasis>Primitive</emphasis> and
-      <emphasis>Aggregate</emphasis>. A <emphasis>Primitive</emphasis> Analysis
-      Engine is a container for a single <emphasis>annotator</emphasis>, where as an
-      <emphasis>Aggregate</emphasis> Analysis Engine is composed of a collection of other
-      Analysis Engines. (For more information on this and other terminology, see <olink
-        targetdoc="&uima_docs_overview;" targetptr="ugr.ovv.conceptual"/>).</para>
-    <para>Both Primitive and Aggregate Analysis Engines have descriptors, and the two types
-      of descriptors have some similarities and some differences. <xref linkend="&tp;aes.primitive"/>
-      discusses Primitive Analysis Engine descriptors.  <xref linkend="&tp;aes.aggregate"/> then 
-      describes how Aggregate Analysis Engine descriptors are different.</para>
-    <section id="&tp;aes.primitive">
-      <title>Primitive Analysis Engine Descriptors</title>
-      <section id="&tp;aes.primitive.basic">
-        <title>Basic Structure</title>
-        <programlisting><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
-        xmlns="">
-  <frameworkImplementation></frameworkImplementation> 
-  <primitive>true</primitive>
-  <annotatorImplementationName> [String] </annotatorImplementationName>
-  <analysisEngineMetaData>
-    ...
-  </analysisEngineMetaData>
-  <externalResourceDependencies>
-    ...
-  </externalResourceDependencies>
-  <resourceManagerConfiguration>
-    ...
-  </resourceManagerConfiguration>
-        <para>The document begins with a standard XML header. The recommended root tag is
-          <literal>&lt;analysisEngineDescription&gt;</literal>, although
-          <literal>&lt;taeDescription&gt;</literal> is also allowed for backwards
-          compatibility.</para>
-        <para>Within the root element we declare that we are using the XML namespace
-          <literal></literal> It is
-          required that this namespace be used; otherwise, the descriptor will not be able to
-          be validated for errors.</para>
-        <para> The first subelement,
-          <literal>&lt;frameworkImplementation&gt;,</literal> currently must have
-          the value <literal></literal>, or
-          <literal>org.apache.uima.cpp</literal>. In future versions, there may be
-          other framework implementations, or perhaps implementations produced by other
-          vendors.</para>
-        <para>The second subelement, <literal>&lt;primitive&gt;,</literal> contains
-          the Boolean value <literal>true</literal>, indicating that this XML document
-          describes a <emphasis>Primitive</emphasis> Analysis Engine.</para>
-        <para>The next subelement,<literal>
-          &lt;annotatorImplementationName&gt;</literal> is how the UIMA framework
-          determines which annotator class to use. This should contain a fully-qualified
-          Java class name for Java implementations, or the name of a .dll or .so file for C++
-          implementations.</para>
-        <para>The <literal>&lt;analysisEngineMetaData&gt;</literal> object contains
-          descriptive information about the analysis engine and what it does. It is
-          described in <xref linkend="&tp;aes.metadata"/>.</para>
-        <para>The <literal>&lt;externalResourceDependencies&gt;</literal> and
-          <literal>&lt;resourceManagerConfiguration&gt;</literal> elements declare
-          the external resource files that the analysis engine relies
-          upon. They are optional and are described in <xref
-            linkend="&tp;aes.primitive.external_resource_dependencies"/> and <xref
-            linkend="&tp;aes.primitive.resource_manager_configuration"/>.</para>
-        </section>
-        <section id="&tp;aes.metadata">
-          <title>Analysis Engine MetaData</title>
-          <programlisting><![CDATA[<analysisEngineMetaData>
-  <name> [String] </name>
-  <description>[String]</description>
-  <version>[String]</version>
-  <vendor>[String]</vendor>
-  <configurationParameters> ...  </configurationParameters>
-  <configurationParameterSettings>
-    ...
-  </configurationParameterSettings> 
-  <typeSystemDescription> ... </typeSystemDescription> 
-  <typePriorities> ... </typePriorities> 
-  <fsIndexCollection> ... </fsIndexCollection>
-  <capabilities> ... </capabilities>
-  <operationalProperties> ... </operationalProperties>
-          <para>The <literal>analysisEngineMetaData</literal> element contains four
-            simple string fields &ndash; <literal>name</literal>,
-            <literal>description</literal>, <literal>version</literal>, and
-            <literal>vendor</literal>. Only the <literal>name</literal> field is
-            required, but providing values for the other fields is recommended. The
-            <literal>name</literal> field is just a descriptive name meant to be read by
-            users; it does not need to be unique across all Analysis Engines.</para>
-          <para>The other sub-elements &ndash;
-            <literal>configurationParameters</literal>,
-            <literal>configurationParameterSettings</literal>,
-            <literal>typeSystemDescription</literal>,
-            <literal>typePriorities</literal>, <literal>fsIndexes</literal>,
-            <literal>capabilities</literal> and
-            <literal>operationalProperties</literal> are described in the following
-            sections. The only one of these that is required is
-            <literal>capabilities</literal>; the others are optional.</para>
-        </section>
-        <section id="&tp;aes.configuration_parameter_declaration">
-          <title>Configuration Parameter Declaration</title>
-          <para>Configuration Parameters are made available to annotator
-            implementations and applications by the following interfaces:
-            <literal>AnnotatorContext</literal> <footnote><para>Deprecated; use
-            UimaContext instead.</para></footnote> (passed as an argument to the
-            initialize() method of a version 1 annotator),
-            <literal>ConfigurableResource</literal> (every Analysis Engine
-            implements this interface), and the <literal>UimaContext</literal> (passed
-            as an argument to the initialize() method of a version 2 annotator) (you can get
-            this from any resource, including Analysis Engines, using the method
-            <literal>getUimaContext</literal>()).</para>
-          <para>Use AnnotatorContext within version 1 annotators and UimaContext for
-            version 2 annotators and outside of annotators (for instance, in CasConsumers,
-            or the containing application) to access configuration parameters.</para>
-          <para>Configuration parameters are set from the corresponding elements in the
-            XML descriptor for the application. If you need to programmatically change
-            parameter settings within an application, you can use methods in
-            ConfigurableResource; if you do this, you need to call reconfigure()
-            afterwards to have the UIMA framework notify all the contained analysis
-            components that the parameter configuration has changed (the analysis
-            engine&apos;s reinitialize() methods will be called). Note that in the current
-            implementation, only integrated deployment components have configuration
-            parameters passed to them; remote components obtain their parameters from
-            their remote startup environment. This will likely change in the
-            future.</para>
-          <para>There are two ways to specify the
-            <literal>&lt;configurationParameters&gt;</literal> section &ndash; as a
-            list of configuration parameters or a list of groups. A list of parameters, which
-            are not part of any group, looks like this:
-            <programlisting><![CDATA[<configurationParameters>
-  <configurationParameter>
-    <name>[String]</name> 
-    <description>[String]</description> 
-    <type>String|Integer|Float|Boolean</type> 
-    <multiValued>true|false</multiValued> 
-    <mandatory>true|false</mandatory>
-    <overrides>
-      <parameter>[String]</parameter>
-      <parameter>[String]</parameter>
-        ...
-    </overrides>
-  </configurationParameter>
-  <configurationParameter>
-    ...
-  </configurationParameter>
-    ...
-          <para>For each configuration parameter, the following are specified:</para>
-          <itemizedlist><listitem><para><emphasis role="bold">name</emphasis>
-            &ndash; the name by which the annotator code refers to the parameter. All
-            parameters declared in an analysis engine descriptor must have distinct names.
-            (required). The name is composed of normal Java identifier characters.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem><para><emphasis role="bold">description</emphasis> &ndash; a
-              natural language description of the intent of the parameter
-              (optional)</para></listitem>
-            <listitem><para><emphasis role="bold">type</emphasis> &ndash; the data
-              type of the parameter&apos;s value &ndash; must be one of
-              <literal>String</literal>, <literal>Integer</literal>,
-              <literal>Float</literal>, or <literal>Boolean</literal>
-              (required).</para></listitem>
-            <listitem><para><emphasis role="bold">multiValued</emphasis> &ndash;
-              <literal>true</literal> if the parameter can take multiple-values (an
-              array), <literal>false</literal> if the parameter takes only a single value
-              (optional, defaults to false).</para></listitem>
-            <listitem><para><emphasis role="bold">mandatory</emphasis> &ndash;
-              <literal>true</literal> if a value must be provided for the parameter
-              (optional, defaults to false).</para></listitem>
-            <listitem><para><emphasis role="bold">overrides</emphasis> &ndash; this
-              is used only in aggregate Analysis Engines, but is included here for
-              completeness. See <xref
-                linkend="&tp;aes.aggregate.configuration_parameter_overrides"/>
-              for a discussion of configuration parameter overriding in aggregate
-              Analysis Engines. (optional) </para></listitem></itemizedlist>
-          <para>A list of groups looks like this:
-            <programlisting><![CDATA[<configurationParameters defaultGroup="[String]"
-    searchStrategy="none|default_fallback|language_fallback" >
-  <commonParameters>
-    [zero or more parameters]
-  </commonParameters>
-  <configurationGroup names="name1 name2 name3 ...">
-    [zero or more parameters]
-  </configurationGroup>
-  <configurationGroup names="name4 name5 ...">
-    [zero or more parameters]
-  </configurationGroup>
-  ...
-          <para>Both the<literal> &lt;commonParameters&gt;</literal> and
-            <literal>&lt;configurationGroup&gt;</literal> elements contain zero or
-            more <literal>&lt;configurationParameter&gt;</literal> elements, with
-            the same syntax described above.</para>
-          <para>The <literal>&lt;commonParameters&gt;</literal> element declares
-            parameters that exist in all groups. Each
-            <literal>&lt;configurationGroup&gt;</literal> element has a names
-            attribute, which contains a list of group names separated by whitespace (space
-            or tab characters). Names consist of any number of non-whitespace characters;
-            however the Component Descriptor Editor tool restricts this to be normal Java
-            identifiers, including the period (.) and the dash (-). One configuration group
-            will be created for each name, and all of the groups will contain the same set of
-            parameters.</para>
-          <para>The <literal>defaultGroup</literal> attribute specifies the name of the
-            group to be used in the case where an annotator does a lookup for a configuration
-            parameter without specifying a group name. It may also be used as a fallback if the
-            annotator specifies a group that does not exist &ndash; see below.</para>
-          <para>The <literal>searchStrategy</literal> attribute determines the action
-            to be taken when the context is queried for the value of a parameter belonging to a
-            particular configuration group, if that group does not exist or does not contain
-            a value for the requested parameter. There are currently three possible values:
-            <itemizedlist><listitem><para><emphasis role="bold">none</emphasis>
-              &ndash; there is no fallback; return null if there is no value in the exact group
-              specified by the user.</para></listitem>
-              <listitem><para><emphasis role="bold">default_fallback</emphasis>
-                &ndash; if there is no value found in the specified group, look in the default
-                group (as defined by the <literal>default</literal> attribute)</para>
-                </listitem>
-              <listitem><para><emphasis role="bold">language_fallback</emphasis>
-                &ndash; this setting allows for a specific use of configuration parameter
-                groups where the groups names correspond to ISO language and country codes
-                (for an example, see below). The fallback sequence is:
-                <literal>&lt;lang&gt;_&lt;country&gt;_&lt;region&gt; &rarr;
-                &lt;lang&gt;_&lt;country&gt; &rarr; &lt;lang&gt; &rarr;
-                &lt;default&gt;.</literal> </para></listitem></itemizedlist>
-            </para>
-          <section id="&tp;aes.configuration_parameter_declaration.example">
-            <title>Example</title>
-            <programlisting><![CDATA[<configurationParameters defaultGroup="en"
-        searchStrategy="language_fallback">
-  <commonParameters>
-    <configurationParameter>
-      <name>DictionaryFile</name>
-      <description>Location of dictionary for this
-           language</description>
-      <type>String</type>
-      <multiValued>false</multiValued>
-      <mandatory>false</mandatory>
-    </configurationParameter>
-  </commonParameters>
-  <configurationGroup names="en de en-US"/>
-  <configurationGroup names="zh">
-    <configurationParameter>
-      <name>DBC_Strategy</name>
-      <description>Strategy for dealing with double-byte
-          characters.</description>
-      <type>String</type>
-      <multiValued>false</multiValued>
-      <mandatory>false</mandatory>
-    </configurationParameter>
-  </configurationGroup>
-            <para>In this example, we are declaring a <literal>DictionaryFile</literal>
-              parameter that can have a different value for each of the languages that our AE
-              supports
-              &ndash; English (general), German, U.S. English, and Chinese. For Chinese
-              only, we also declare a <literal>DBC_Strategy</literal>
-              parameter.</para>
-            <para>We are using the <literal>language_fallback</literal> search
-              strategy, so if an annotator requests the dictionary file for the
-              <literal>en-GB</literal> (British English) group, we will fall back to the
-              more general <literal>en</literal> group.</para>
-            <para>Since we have defined <literal>en</literal> as the default group, this
-              value will be returned if the context is queried for the
-              <literal>DictionaryFile</literal> parameter without specifying any
-              group name, or if a nonexistent group name is specified.</para>
-          </section>
-        </section>
-        <section id="&tp;aes.configuration_parameter_settings">
-          <title>Configuration Parameter Settings</title>
-          <para>If no configuration groups were declared, the
-            <literal>&lt;configurationParameterSettings&gt;</literal> element
-            looks like this:
-            <programlisting><![CDATA[<configurationParameterSettings>
-  <nameValuePair>
-    <name>[String]</name> 
-    <value>
-      <string>[String]</string>  | 
-      <integer>[Integer]</integer> |
-      <float>[Float]</float> |
-      <boolean>true|false</boolean>  |
-      <array> ... </array>
-    </value>
-  </nameValuePair>
-  <nameValuePair>
-    ...
-  </nameValuePair>
-  ...
-          <para>There are zero or more <literal>nameValuePair</literal> elements. Each
-            <literal>nameValuePair</literal> contains a name (which refers to one of the
-            configuration parameters) and a value for that parameter.</para>
-          <para>The <literal>value</literal> element contains an element that matches
-            the type of the parameter. For single-valued parameters, this is either
-            <literal>&lt;string&gt;</literal>, <literal>&lt;integer&gt;</literal>
-            , <literal>&lt;float&gt;</literal>, or
-            <literal>&lt;boolean&gt;</literal>. For multi-valued parameters, this is
-            an <literal>&lt;array&gt;</literal> element, which then contains zero or
-            more instances of the appropriate type of primitive value, e.g.:
-            <programlisting>&lt;array&gt;&lt;string&gt;One&lt;/string&gt;&lt;string&gt;Two&lt;/string&gt;&lt;/array&gt;</programlisting></para>
-          <para>If configuration groups were declared, then the
-            <literal>&lt;configurationParameterSettings&gt;</literal> element
-            looks like this:
-            <programlisting><![CDATA[<configurationParameterSettings>
-  <settingsForGroup name="[String]">
-    [one or more <nameValuePair> elements]
-  </settingsForGroup>
-  <settingsForGroup name="[String]">
-    [one or more <nameValuePair> elements]
-  </settingsForGroup>
-            where each <literal>&lt;settingsForGroup&gt;</literal> element has a name
-            that matches one of the configuration groups declared under the
-            <literal>&lt;configurationParameters&gt;</literal> element and contains
-            the parameter settings for that group.</para>
-          <section id="&tp;aes.configuration_parameter_settings.example">
-            <title>Example</title>
-            <para>Here are the settings that correspond to the parameter declarations in
-              the previous example:
-              <programlisting><![CDATA[<configurationParameterSettings>
-  <settingsForGroup name="en">
-    <nameValuePair>
-      <name>DictionaryFile</name>
-      <value><string>resourcesEnglishdictionary.dat></string></value>
-    </nameValuePair>
-  </settingsForGroup>     
-  <settingsForGroup name="en-US">
-    <nameValuePair>
-      <name>DictionaryFile</name>
-      <value><string>resourcesEnglish_USdictionary.dat</string></value>
-    </nameValuePair>
-  </settingsForGroup>
-  <settingsForGroup name="de">
-    <nameValuePair>
-      <name>DictionaryFile</name>
-      <value><string>resourcesDeutschdictionary.dat</string></value>
-    </nameValuePair>
-  </settingsForGroup>
-  <settingsForGroup name="zh">
-    <nameValuePair>
-      <name>DictionaryFile</name>
-      <value><string>resourcesChinesedictionary.dat</string></value>
-    </nameValuePair>
-    <nameValuePair>
-      <name>DBC_Strategy</name>
-      <value><string>default</string></value>
-    </nameValuePair>
-  </settingsForGroup>
-          </section>
-          </section>
-          <section id="&tp;aes.type_system">
-            <title>Type System Definition</title>
-            <programlisting><![CDATA[<typeSystemDescription>
-  <name> [String] </name>
-  <description>[String]</description>
-  <version>[String]</version>
-  <vendor>[String]</vendor> 
-  <imports>
-    <import ...>
-    ...
-  </imports> 
-  <types>
-    <typeDescription>
-      ...
-    </typeDescription>
-    ...
-  </types>
-            <para>A <literal>typeSystemDescription</literal> element defines a type
-              system for an Analysis Engine. The syntax for the element is described in <xref
-                linkend="&tp;type_system"/>.</para>
-            <para>The recommended usage is to <literal>import</literal> an external type
-              system, using the import syntax described in <xref linkend="&tp;imports"/>
-              of this chapter. For example:
-              <programlisting>&lt;typeSystemDescription&gt;
-  &lt;imports&gt;
-    &lt;import location="MySharedTypeSystem.xml"&gt;
-  &lt;/imports&gt;
-            <para>This allows several AEs to share a single type system definition. The file
-              <literal>MySharedTypeSystem.xml</literal> would then contain the full
-              type system information, including the <literal>name</literal>,
-              <literal>description</literal>, <literal>vendor</literal>,
-              <literal>version</literal>, and <literal>types</literal>.</para>
-          </section>
-          <section id="&tp;aes.type_priority">
-            <title>Type Priority Definition</title>
-            <programlisting><![CDATA[<typePriorities>
-  <name> [String] </name>
-  <description>[String]</description>
-  <version>[String]</version>
-  <vendor>[String]</vendor>
-  <imports>
-    <import ...>
-    ...
-  </imports> 
-  <priorityLists>
-    <priorityList>
-      <type>[TypeName]</type>
-      <type>[TypeName]</type>
-        ...
-    </priorityList>
-    ...
-  </priorityLists>
-            <para>The <literal>&lt;typePriorities&gt;</literal> element contains
-              zero or more <literal>&lt;priorityList&gt;</literal> elements; each
-              <literal>&lt;priorityList&gt;</literal> contains zero or more types.
-              Like a type system, a type priorities definition may also declare a name,
-              description, version, and vendor, and may import other type priorities. See
-                <xref linkend="&tp;imports"/> for the import syntax.</para>
-            <para>Type priority is used when iterating over feature structures in the CAS.
-              For example, if the CAS contains a <literal>Sentence</literal> annotation
-              and a <literal>Paragraph</literal> annotation with the same span of text
-              (i.e. a one-sentence paragraph), which annotation should be returned first
-              by an iterator? Probably the Paragraph, since it is conceptually
-              <quote>bigger,</quote> but the framework does not know that and must be
-              explicitly told that the Paragraph annotation has priority over the Sentence
-              annotation, like this:
-              <programlisting>&lt;typePriorities&gt;
-  &lt;priorityList&gt;
-    &lt;type&gt;org.myorg.Paragraph&lt;/type&gt;
-    &lt;type&gt;org.myorg.Sentence&lt;/type&gt;
-  &lt;/priorityList&gt;
-            <para>All of the <literal>&lt;priorityList&gt;</literal> elements defined
-              in the descriptor (and in all component descriptors of an aggregate analysis
-              engine descriptor) are merged to produce a single priority list.</para>
-            <para>Subtypes of types specified here are also ordered, unless overridden by
-              another user-specified type ordering. For example, if you specify type A
-              comes before type B, then subtypes of A will come before subtypes of B, unless
-              there is an overriding specification which declares some subtype of B comes
-              before some subtype of A.</para>
-            <para>If there are inconsistencies between the priority list (type A declared
-              before type B in one priority list, and type B declared before type A in
-              another), the framework will throw an exception.</para>
-            <para>User defined indexes may declare if they wish to use the type priority or
-              not; see the next section.</para>
-          </section>
-          <section id="&tp;aes.index">
-            <title>Index Definition</title>
-            <programlisting><![CDATA[<fsIndexCollection>
-  <name>[String]</name>
-  <description>[String]</description>
-  <version>[String]</version>
-  <vendor>[String]</vendor> 
-  <imports>
-    <import ...>
-    ...
-  </imports>
-  <fsIndexes> 
-    <fsIndexDescription>
-      ...
-    </fsIndexDescription>
-    <fsIndexDescription>
-      ...
-    </fsIndexDescription>
-  </fsIndexes>
-            <para>The <literal>fsIndexCollection</literal> element declares<emphasis> Feature Structure
-              Indexes</emphasis>, each of which defined an index that holds feature structures of a given type.
-              Information in the CAS is always accessed through an index. There is a built-in default annotation
-              index declared which can be used to access instances of type
-              <literal>uima.tcas.Annotation</literal> (or its subtypes), sorted based on their
-              <literal>begin</literal> and <literal>end</literal> features. For all other types, there is a
-              default, unsorted (bag) index. If there is a need for a specialized index it must be declared in this
-              element of the descriptor. See <olink targetdoc="&uima_docs_ref;"
-                targetptr="ugr.ref.cas.indexes_and_iterators"/> for details on FS indexes.</para>
-            <para>Like type systems and type priorities, an
-              <literal>fsIndexCollection</literal> can declare a
-              <literal>name</literal>, <literal>description</literal>,
-              <literal>vendor</literal>, and <literal>version</literal>, and may
-              import other <literal>fsIndexCollection</literal>s. The import syntax is
-              described in <xref linkend="&tp;imports"/>.</para>
-            <para>An <literal>fsIndexCollection</literal> may also define zero or more
-              <literal>fsIndexDescription</literal> elements, each of which defines a
-              single index. Each <literal>fsIndexDescription</literal> has the form:
-              <programlisting><![CDATA[<fsIndexDescription>
-  <label>[String]</label>
-  <typeName>[TypeName]</typeName>
-  <kind>sorted|bag|set</kind>
-  <keys>
-    <fsIndexKey>
-      <featureName>[Name]</featureName>
-      <comparator>standard|reverse</comparator>
-    </fsIndexKey>
-    <fsIndexKey>
-      <typePriority/>
-    </fsIndexKey>
-    ...
-  </keys>
-            <para>The <literal>label</literal> element defines the name by which
-              applications and annotators refer to this index. The
-              <literal>typeName</literal> element contains the name of the type that will
-              be contained in this index. This must match one of the type names defined in the
-              <literal>&lt;typeSystemDescription&gt;</literal>.</para>
-            <para>There are three possible values for the
-              <literal>&lt;kind&gt;</literal> of index. Sorted indexes enforce an
-              ordering of feature structures, and may contain duplicates. Bag indexes do
-              not enforce ordering, and also may contain duplicates. Set indexes do not
-              enforce ordering and may not contain duplicates.  If the <literal>&lt;kind&gt;</literal>element is omitted, it will default to
-              sorted, which is the most common type of index.</para>
-            <note><para>There is usually no need to explicitly declare a Bag index in your descriptor.  
-              As of UIMA v2.1, if you do not declare any index for a type (or any of its 
-              supertypes), a Bag index will be automatically created.</para></note>
-            <para>An index may define one or more <emphasis>keys</emphasis>. These keys
-              determine the sort order of the feature structures within a sorted index, and
-              determine equality for set indexes. Bag indexes do not use keys. Keys are
-              ordered by precedence &ndash; the first key is evaluated first, and
-              subsequent keys are evaluated only if necessary.</para>
-            <para>Each key is represented by an <literal>fsIndexKey</literal> element.
-              Most <literal>fsIndexKeys</literal> contains a
-              <literal>featureName</literal> and a <literal>comparator</literal>.
-              The <literal>featureName</literal> must match the name of one of the
-              features for the type specified in the
-              <literal>&lt;typeName&gt;</literal> element for this index. The
-              comparator defines how the features will be compared &ndash; a value of
-              <literal>standard</literal> means that features will be compared using the
-              standard comparison for their data type (e.g. for numerical types, smaller
-              values precede larger values, and for string types, Unicode string
-              comparison is performed). A value of <literal>reverse</literal> means that
-              features will be compared using the reverse of the standard comparison (e.g.
-              for numerical types, larger values precede smaller values, etc.). For Set
-              indexes, the comparator direction is ignored &ndash; the keys are only used
-              for the equality testing.</para>
-            <para>Each key used in comparisons must refer to a feature whose range type is
-              String, Float, or Integer.</para>
-            <para>There is a second type of a key, one which contains only the
-              <literal>&lt;typePriority/&gt;</literal>. When this key is used, it
-              indicates that Feature Structures will be compared using the type priorities
-              declared in the <literal>&lt;typePriorities&gt;</literal> section of the
-              descriptor.</para>
-          </section>
-          <section id="&tp;aes.capabilities">
-            <title>Capabilities</title>
-            <programlisting><![CDATA[<capabilities>
-  <capability>
-    <inputs>
-      <type allAnnotatorFeatures="true|false"[TypeName]</type>
-      ...
-      <feature>[TypeName]:[Name]</feature>
-      ...
-    </inputs>
-    <outputs>
-      <type allAnnotatorFeatures="true|false"[TypeName]</type>
-      ...
-      <feature>[TypeName]:[Name]</feature>
-      ...
-    </output>
-    <languagesSupported>
-      <language>[ISO Language ID]</language>
-        ...
-    </languagesSupported>
-    <inputSofas>
-      <sofaName>[name]</sofaName>
-      ...
-    </inputSofas>
-    <outputSofas>
-      <sofaName>[name]</sofaName>
-      ...
-    </outputSofas>
-  </capability>
-  <capability>
-    ...
-  </capability>
-  ...
-            <para>The capabilities definition is used by the UIMA Framework in several
-              ways, including setting up the Results Specification for process calls,
-              routing control for aggregates based on language, and as part of the Sofa
-              mapping function.</para>
-            <para>The <literal>capabilities</literal> element contains one or more
-              <literal>capability</literal> elements. In Version 2 and onwards, only one
-              capability set should be used (multiple sets will continue to work for a while,
-              but they're not logically consistently supported).
-              <!-- Because you can therefore
-              declare multiple capability sets, you can use this to model component behavior
-              that for a given set of inputs, produces a particular set of outputs. --></para>
-            <para>Each <literal>capability</literal> contains
-              <literal>inputs</literal>, <literal>outputs</literal>,
-              <literal>languagesSupported, inputSofas, and outputSofas</literal>.
-              Inputs and outputs element are required (though they may be empty);
-              <literal>&lt;languagesSupported&gt;, &lt;inputSofas</literal>&gt;,
-              and <literal>&lt;outputSofas&gt;</literal> are optional.</para>
-            <para>Both inputs and outputs may contain a mixture of type and feature
-              elements.</para>
-            <para><literal>&lt;type...&gt;</literal> elements contain the name of one
-              of the types defined in the type system or one of the built in types. Declaring a
-              type as an input means that this component expects instances of this type to be
-              in the CAS when it receives it to process. Declaring a type as an output means
-              that this component creates new instances of this type in the CAS.</para>
-            <para>There is an optional attribute
-              <literal>allAnnotatorFeatures</literal>, which defaults to false if
-              omitted. The Component Descriptor Editor tool defaults this to true when a new
-              type is added to the list of inputs and/or outputs. When this attribute is true,
-              it specifies that all of the type&apos;s features are also declared as input or
-              output. Otherwise, the features that are required as inputs or populated as
-              outputs must be explicitly specified in feature elements.</para>
-            <para><literal>&lt;feature...&gt;</literal> elements contain the
-              <quote>fully-qualified</quote> feature name, which is the type name
-              followed by a colon, followed by the feature name, e.g.
-              <literal>org.myorg.TokenAnnotation:lemma</literal>.
-              <literal>&lt;feature...&gt;</literal> elements in the
-              <literal>&lt;inputs&gt;</literal> section must also have a corresponding
-              type declared as an input. In output sections, this is not required. If the type
-              is not specified as an output, but a feature for that type is, this means that
-              existing instances of the type have the values of the specified features
-              updated. Any type mentioned in a <literal>&lt;feature&gt;</literal>
-              element must be either specified as an input or an output or both.</para>
-            <para><literal>language </literal>elements contain one of the ISO language
-              identifiers, such as <literal>en</literal> for English, or
-              <literal>en-US</literal> for the United States dialect of English.</para>
-            <para>The list of language codes can be found here: <ulink
-                url=""/>
-              and the country codes here:
-              <ulink
-                url=""/>
-              </para>
-            <para><literal>&lt;inputSofas&gt;</literal> and
-              <literal>&lt;outputSofas&gt;</literal> declare sofa names used by this
-              component. All Sofa names must be unique within a particular capability set. A
-              Sofa name must be an input or an output, and cannot be both. It is an error to have a
-              Sofa name declared as an input in one capability set, and also have it declared
-              as an output in another capability set.</para>
-            <para>A <literal>&lt;sofaName&gt;</literal> is written as a simple
-              Java-style identifier, without any periods in the name, except that it may be
-              written to end in <quote><literal>.*</literal></quote>. If written in this
-              manner, it specifies a set of Sofa names, all of which start with the base name
-              (the part before the .*) followed by a period and then an arbitrary Java
-              identifier (without periods). This form is used to specify in the descriptor
-              that the component could generate an arbitrary number of Sofas, the exact
-              names and numbers of which are unknown before the component is run.</para>
-          </section>
-          <section id="&tp;aes.operational_properties">
-            <title>OperationalProperties</title>
-            <para>Components can specify specific operational properties that can be
-              useful in deployment. The following are available:</para>
-            <programlisting><![CDATA[<operationalProperties>
-  <modifiesCas> true|false </modifiesCas>
-  <multipleDeploymentAllowed> true|false </multipleDeploymentAllowed>
-  <outputsNewCASes> true|false </outputsNewCASes>
-            <para><literal>ModifiesCas</literal>, if false, indicates that this
-              component does not modify the CAS. If it is not specified, the default value is
-              true except for CAS Consumer components.</para>
-            <para><literal>multipleDeploymentAllowed</literal>, if true, allows the
-              component to be deployed multiple times to increase performance throught
-              scale-out techniques. If it is not specified, the default value is true,
-              except for CAS Consumer and Collection Reader components.</para>
-            <note><para>If you wrap one or more CAS Consumers inside an aggregate as the only
-            components, you must explicitly specify in the aggregate the 
-            <literal>multipleDeploymentAllowed</literal> property as false (assuming the CAS Consumer 
-            components take the default here); otherwise the framework will complain about inconsistent 
-            settings for these.</para></note>
-            <para><literal>outputsNewCASes</literal>, if true, allows the component to
-              create new CASes during processing, for example to break a large artifact into
-              smaller pieces. See <olink targetdoc="&uima_docs_tutorial_guides;"
-                targetptr=""/> for details.</para>
-          </section>
-          <section id="&tp;aes.primitive.external_resource_dependencies">
-            <title>External Resource Dependencies</title>
-            <programlisting><![CDATA[<externalResourceDependencies>
-  <externalResourceDependency>
-    <key>[String]</key>
-    <description>[String] </description>
-    <interfaceName>[String]</interfaceName>
-    <optional>true|false</optional>
-  </externalResourceDependency>
-  <externalResourceDependency>
-    ...
-  </externalResourceDependency>
-  ...
-            <para>A primitive annotator may declare zero or more
-              <literal>&lt;externalResourceDependency&gt;</literal> elements. Each
-              dependency has the following elements:
-              <itemizedlist><listitem><para><literal>key</literal> &ndash; the
-                string by which the annotator code will attempt to access the resource. Must
-                be unique within this annotator.</para></listitem>
-                <listitem><para><literal>description</literal> &ndash; a textual
-                  description of the dependency</para></listitem>
-                <listitem><para><literal>interfaceName</literal> &ndash; the
-                  fully-qualified name of the Java interface through which the annotator
-                  will access the data. This is optional. If not specified, the annotator
-                  can only get an InputStream to the data.</para></listitem>
-                <listitem><para><literal>optional</literal> &ndash; whether the
-                  resource is optional. If false, an exception will be thrown if no resource
-                  is assigned to satisfy this dependency. Defaults to false. </para>
-                  </listitem></itemizedlist></para>
-          </section>
-          <section id="&tp;aes.primitive.resource_manager_configuration">
-            <title>Resource Manager Configuration</title>
-            <programlisting><![CDATA[<resourceManagerConfiguration>
-  <name>[String]</name>
-  <description>[String]</description>
-  <version>[String]</version>
-  <vendor>[String]</vendor> 
-  <imports>
-    <import ...>
-    ...
-  </imports>
-  <externalResources>
-    <externalResource>
-      <name>[String]</name>
-      <description>[String]</description>
-      <fileResourceSpecifier>
-        <fileUrl>[URL]</fileUrl>
-      </fileResourceSpecifier>
-      <implementationName>[String]</implementationName>
-    </externalResource>
-    ...
-  </externalResources>
-  <externalResourceBindings>
-    <externalResourceBinding>
-      <key>[String]</key>
-      <resourceName>[String]</resourceName>
-    </externalResourceBinding>
-    ...
-  </externalResourceBindings>
-            <para>This element declares external resources and binds them to
-              annotators&apos; external resource dependencies.</para>
-            <para>The <literal>resourceManagerConfiguration</literal> element may
-              optionally contain an <literal>import</literal>, which allows resource
-              definitions to be stored in a separate (shareable) file. See <xref
-                linkend="&tp;imports"/> for details.</para>
-            <para>The <literal>externalResources</literal> element contains zero or
-              more <literal>externalResource</literal> elements, each of which
-              consists of:
-              <itemizedlist><listitem><para><literal>name</literal> &ndash; the
-                name of the resource. This name is referred to in the bindings (see below).
-                Resource names need to be unique within any Aggregate Analysis Engine or
-                Collection Processing Engine, so the Java-like
-                <literal>org.myorg.mycomponent.MyResource</literal> syntax is
-                recommended.</para></listitem>
-                <listitem><para><literal>description</literal> &ndash; English
-                  description of the resource</para></listitem>
-                <listitem><para>Resource Specifier &ndash;
-                  Declares the location of the resource. There are different
-                  possibilities for how this is done (see below).</para></listitem>
-                <listitem><para><literal>implementationName</literal> &ndash; The
-                  fully-qualified name of the Java class that will be instantiated from the
-                  resource data. This is optional; if not specified, the resource will be
-                  accessible as an input stream to the raw data. If specified, the Java class
-                  must implement the <literal>interfaceName</literal> that is
-                  specified in the External Resource Dependency to which it is bound.
-                  </para></listitem></itemizedlist></para>
-            <para>One possibility for the resource specifier is a
-              <literal>&lt;fileResourceSpecifier&gt;</literal>, as shown above. This
-              simply declares a URL to the resource data. This support is built on the Java
-              class URL and its method URL.openStream(); it supports the protocols
-              <quote>file</quote>, <quote>http</quote> and <quote>jar</quote> (for
-              referring to files in jars) by default, and you can plug in handlers for other
-              protocols. The URL has to start with file: (or some other protocol). It is
-              relative to either the classpath or the <quote>data path</quote>. The data
-              path works like the classpath but can be set programmatically via
-              <literal>ResourceManager.setDataPath()</literal>. Setting the Java
-              System property <literal>uima.datapath</literal> also works.</para>
-            <para><literal>file:com/apache.d.txt</literal> is a relative path;
-              relative paths for resources are resolved using the classpath and/or the
-              datapath. For the file protocol, URLs starting with file:/ or file:/// are
-              absolute. Note that <literal>file://org/apache/d.txt</literal> is NOT an
-              absolute path starting with <quote>org</quote>. The <quote>//</quote>
-              indicates that what follows is a host name. Therefore if you try to use this URL
-              it will complain that it can&apos;t connect to the host <quote>org</quote>
-              </para>
-            <para>Another option is a
-              <literal>&lt;fileLanguageResourceSpecifier&gt;</literal>, which is
-              intended to support resources, such as dictionaries, that depend on the
-              language of the document being processed. Instead of a single URL, a prefix and
-              suffix are specified, like this:
-              <programlisting><![CDATA[<fileLanguageResourceSpecifier>
-  <fileUrlPrefix>file:FileLanguageResource_implTest_data_</fileUrlPrefix>
-  <fileUrlSuffix>.dat</fileUrlSuffix>
-            <para>The URL of the actual resource is then formed by concatenating the prefix,
-              the language of the document (as an ISO language code, e.g.
-              <literal>en</literal> or <literal>en-US</literal>
-              &ndash; see <xref linkend="&tp;aes.capabilities"/> for more
-              information), and the suffix.</para>
-		    <para>A third option is a <literal>customResourceSpecifier</literal>, which allows
-			  you to plug in an arbitrary Java class.  See <xref linkend="&tp;custom_resource_specifiers"/>
-			  for more information.</para>
-            <para>The <literal>externalResourceBindings</literal> element declares
-              which resources are bound to which dependencies. Each
-              <literal>externalResourceBinding</literal> consists of:
-              <itemizedlist><listitem><para><literal>key</literal> &ndash;
-                identifies the dependency. For a binding declared in a primitive analysis
-                engine descriptor, this must match the value of the
-                <literal>key</literal> element of one of the
-                <literal>externalResourceDependency</literal> elements. Bindings
-                may also be specified in aggregate analysis engine descriptors, in which
-                case a compound key is used
-                &ndash; see <xref
-                  linkend="&tp;aes.aggregate.external_resource_bindings"/>
-                .</para></listitem>
-                <listitem><para><literal>resourceName</literal> &ndash; the name of
-                  the resource satisfying the dependency. This must match the value of the
-                  <literal>name</literal> element of one of the
-                  <literal>externalResource</literal> declarations. </para>
-                  </listitem></itemizedlist></para>
-            <para>A given resource dependency may only be bound to one external resource;
-              one external resource may be bound to many dependencies &ndash; to allow
-              resource sharing.</para>
-          </section>
-          <section id="&tp;aes.environment_variable_references">
-            <title>Environment Variable References</title>
-            <para>In several places throughout the descriptor, it is possible to reference
-              environment variables. In Java, these are actually references to Java system
-              properties. To reference system environment variables from a Java analysis
-              engine you must pass the environment variables into the Java virtual machine
-              by using the <literal>-D</literal> option on the <literal>java</literal>
-              command line.</para>
-            <para>The syntax for environment variable references is
-              <literal>&lt;envVarRef&gt;[VariableName]&lt;/envVarRef&gt;</literal>
-              , where [VariableName] is any valid Java system property name. Environment
-              variable references are valid in the following places:
-              <itemizedlist spacing="compact"><listitem><para>The value of a
-                configuration parameter (String-valued parameters only)</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem><para>The
-                  <literal>&lt;annotatorImplementationName&gt;</literal> element
-                  of a primitive AE descriptor</para></listitem>
-                <listitem><para>The <literal>&lt;name&gt;</literal> element within
-                  <literal>&lt;analysisEngineMetaData&gt;</literal></para>
-                  </listitem>
-                <listitem><para>Within a
-                  <literal>&lt;fileResourceSpecifier&gt;</literal> or
-                  <literal>&lt;fileLanguageResourceSpecifier&gt;</literal>
-                  </para></listitem></itemizedlist></para>
-            <para>For example, if the value of a configuration parameter were specified as:
-              <literal>&lt;string&gt;&lt;envVarRef&gt;TEMP_DIR&lt;/envVarRef&gt;/temp.dat&lt;/string&gt;</literal>
-              , and the value of the <literal>TEMP_DIR</literal> Java System property were
-              <literal>c:/temp</literal>, then the configuration parameter&apos;s
-              value would evaluate to <literal>c:/temp/temp.dat</literal>.</para>
-          </section>
-        </section>
-        <section id="&tp;aes.aggregate">
-          <title>Aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptors</title>
-          <para>Aggregate Analysis Engines do not contain an annotator, but instead
-            contain one or more component (also called <emphasis>delegate</emphasis>)
-            analysis engines.</para>
-          <para>Aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptors maintain most of the same structure
-            as Primitive Analysis Engine Descriptors. The differences are:</para>
-          <itemizedlist><listitem><para>An Aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptor
-            contains the element
-            <literal>&lt;primitive&gt;false&lt;/primitive&gt;</literal> rather
-            than <literal>&lt;primitive&gt;true&lt;/primitive&gt;</literal>.
-            </para></listitem>
-            <listitem><para>An Aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptor must not include a
-              <literal>&lt;annotatorImplementationName&gt;</literal>
-              element.</para></listitem>
-            <listitem><para>In place of the
-              <literal>&lt;annotatorImplementationName&gt;</literal>, an Aggregate
-              Analysis Engine Descriptor must have a
-              <literal>&lt;delegateAnalysisEngineSpecifiers&gt;</literal>
-              element. See <xref linkend="&tp;aes.aggregate.delegates"/>.</para>
-              </listitem>
-            <listitem><para>An Aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptor may provide a
-              <literal>&lt;flowController&gt;</literal> element immediately
-              following the
-              <literal>&lt;delegateAnalysisEngineSpecifiers&gt;</literal>. <xref
-                linkend="&tp;aes.aggregate.flow_controller"/>.</para></listitem>
-            <listitem><para>Under the analysisEngineMetaData element, an Aggregate
-              Analysis Engine Descriptor may specify an additional element --
-              <literal>&lt;flowConstraints&gt;</literal>. See <xref
-                linkend="&tp;aes.aggregate.flow_constraints"/>. Typically only one
-              of <literal>&lt;flowController&gt;</literal> and
-              <literal>&lt;flowConstraints&gt;</literal> are specified. If both are
-              specified, the <literal>&lt;flowController&gt;</literal> takes
-              precedence, and the flow controller implementation can use the information
-              in specified in the <literal>&lt;flowConstraints&gt;</literal> as part of
-              its configuration input.</para></listitem>
-            <listitem><para>An aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptors must not contain a
-              <literal>&lt;typeSystemDescription&gt;</literal> element. The Type
-              System of the Aggregate Analysis Engine is derived by merging the Type System
-              of the Analysis Engines that the aggregate contains.</para></listitem>
-            <listitem><para>Within aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptors,
-              <literal>&lt;configurationParameter&gt;</literal> elements may define
-              <literal>&lt;overrides&gt;</literal>. See <xref
-                linkend="&tp;aes.aggregate.configuration_parameter_overrides"/>
-              .</para></listitem>
-            <listitem><para>External Resource Bindings can bind resources to
-              dependencies declared by any delegate AE within the aggregate. See <xref
-                linkend="&tp;aes.aggregate.external_resource_bindings"/>.</para>
-              </listitem>
-            <listitem><para>An additional optional element,
-              <literal>&lt;sofaMappings&gt;</literal>, may be included. </para>
-              </listitem></itemizedlist>
-          <section id="&tp;aes.aggregate.delegates">
-            <title>Delegate Analysis Engine Specifiers</title>
-            <programlisting><![CDATA[<delegateAnalysisEngineSpecifiers>
-  <delegateAnalysisEngine key="[String]">
-    <analysisEngineDescription>...</analysisEngineDescription> |
-    <import .../> 
-  </delegateAnalysisEngine>
-  <delegateAnalysisEngine key="[String]">
-    ...
-  </delegateAnalysisEngine>
-  ...
-            <para>The <literal>delegateAnalysisEngineSpecifiers</literal> element
-              contains one or more <literal>delegateAnalysisEngine</literal>
-              elements. Each of these must have a unique key, and must contain
-              either:</para>
-            <itemizedlist><listitem><para>A complete
-              <literal>analysisEngineDescription</literal> element describing the
-              delegate analysis engine <emphasis role="bold">OR</emphasis></para>
-              </listitem>
-              <listitem><para>An <literal>import</literal> element giving the name or
-                location of the XML descriptor for the delegate analysis engine (see <xref
-                  linkend="&tp;imports"/>).</para></listitem></itemizedlist>
-            <para>The latter is the much more common usage, and is the only form supported by
-              the Component Descriptor Editor tool.</para>
-          </section>
-          <section id="&tp;aes.aggregate.flow_controller">
-            <title>FlowController</title>
-            <programlisting><![CDATA[<flowController key="[String]">
-    <flowControllerDescription>...</flowControllerDescription> |
-    <import .../>
-  </flowController>]]></programlisting>
-            <para>The optional <literal>flowController</literal> element identifies
-              the descriptor of the FlowController component that will be used to determine
-              the order in which delegate Analysis Engine are called.</para>
-            <para>The <literal>key</literal> attribute is optional, but recommended; it
-              assigns the FlowController an identifier that can be used for configuration
-              parameter overrides, Sofa mappings, or external resource bindings. The key
-              must not be the same as any of the delegate analysis engine keys.</para>
-            <para>As with the <literal>delegateAnalysisEngine</literal> element, the
-              <literal>flowController</literal> element may contain either a complete
-              <literal>flowControllerDescription</literal> or an
-              <literal>import</literal>, but the import is recommended. The Component
-              Descriptor Editor tool only supports imports here.</para>
-          </section>
-          <section id="&tp;aes.aggregate.flow_constraints">
-            <title>FlowConstraints</title>
-            <para>If a <literal>&lt;flowController&gt;</literal> is not specified, the
-              order in which delegate Analysis Engines are called within the aggregate
-              Analysis Engine is specified using the
-              <literal>&lt;flowConstraints&gt;</literal> element, which must occur
-              immediately following the
-              <literal>configurationParameterSettings</literal> element. If a
-              <literal>&lt;flowController&gt;</literal> is specified, then the
-              <literal>&lt;flowConstraints&gt;</literal> are optional. They can be
-              used to pass an ordering of delegate keys to the
-              <literal>&lt;flowController&gt;</literal>.</para>
-            <para>There are two options for flow constraints --
-              <literal>&lt;fixedFlow&gt;</literal> or
-              <literal>&lt;capabilityLanguageFlow&gt;</literal>. Each is discussed
-              in a separate section below.</para>
-            <section id="&tp;aes.aggregate.flow_constraints.fixed_flow">
-              <title>Fixed Flow</title>
-              <programlisting><![CDATA[<flowConstraints>
-  <fixedFlow>
-    <node>[String]</node>
-    <node>[String]</node>
-    ...
-  </fixedFlow>
-              <para>The <literal>flowConstraints</literal> element must be included
-                immediately following the
-                <literal>configurationParameterSettings</literal> element.</para>
-              <para>Currently the <literal>flowConstraints</literal> element must
-                contain a <literal>fixedFlow</literal> element. Eventually, other
-                types of flow constraints may be possible.</para>
-              <para>The <literal>fixedFlow</literal> element contains one or more
-                <literal>node</literal> elements, each of which contains an identifier
-                which must match the key of a delegate analysis engine specified in the
-                <literal>delegateAnalysisEngineSpecifiers</literal>
-                element.</para>
-            </section>
-            <section
-              id="&tp;aes.aggregate.flow_constraints.capability_language_flow">
-              <title>Capability Language Flow</title>
-              <programlisting><![CDATA[<flowConstraints>
-  <capabilityLanguageFlow>
-    <node>[String]</node>
-    <node>[String]</node>
-    ...
-  </capabilityLanguageFlow>
-              <para>If you use <literal>&lt;capabilityLanguageFlow&gt;</literal>,
-                the delegate Analysis Engines named by the
-                <literal>&lt;node&gt;</literal> elements are called in the given order,
-                except that a delegate Analysis Engine is skipped if any of the following are
-                true (according to that Analysis Engine&apos;s declared output
-                capabilities):</para>
-              <itemizedlist><listitem><para>It cannot produce any of the aggregate
-                Analysis Engine&apos;s output capabilities for the language of the
-                current document.</para></listitem>
-                <listitem><para>All of the output capabilities have already been
-                  produced by an earlier Analysis Engine in the flow. </para></listitem>
-                </itemizedlist>
-              <para>For example, if two annotators produce
-                <literal>org.myorg.TokenAnnotation</literal> feature structures for
-                the same language, these feature structures will only be produced by the
-                first annotator in the list.</para>
-              <note><para>The flow analysis uses the specific types that are specified in the
-              output capabilities, without any expansion for subtypes.  So, if you expect
-              a type TT and another type SubTT (which is a subtype of TT) in the output, you
-              must include both of them in the output capabilities.</para></note>
-            </section>
-          </section>
-          <section id="&tp;aes.aggregate.configuration_parameter_overrides">
-            <title>Configuration Parameter Overrides</title>
-            <para>In an aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptor, each
-              <literal>&lt;configurationParameter&gt; </literal>element should
-              contain an <literal>&lt;overrides&gt;</literal> element, with the
-              following syntax:</para>
-            <programlisting><![CDATA[<overrides>
-  <parameter>
-    [delegateAnalysisEngineKey]/[parameterName]
-  </parameter>
-  <parameter>
-    [delegateAnalysisEngineKey]/[parameterName]
-  </parameter>
-  ...
-            <para>Since aggregate Analysis Engines have no code associated with them, the
-              only way in which their configuration parameters can affect their processing
-              is by overriding the parameter values of one or more delegate analysis
-              engines. The <literal>&lt;overrides&gt; </literal>element determines
-              which parameters, in which delegate Analysis Engines, are overridden by this
-              configuration parameter.</para>
-            <para>For example, consider an aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptor that
-              contains delegate Analysis Engines with keys
-              <literal>annotator1</literal> and <literal>annotator2</literal> (as
-              declared in the &lt;delegateAnalysisEngine&gt; element &ndash; see <xref
-                linkend="&tp;aes.aggregate.delegates"/>) and also declares a
-              configuration parameter as follows:
-              <programlisting><![CDATA[<configurationParameter>
-  <name>AggregateParam</name>
-  <type>String</type>
-  <overrides>
-    <parameter>annotator1/param1</parameter>
-    <parameter>annotator2/param2</parameter>
-  </overrides>
-            <para>The value of the <literal>AggregateParam</literal> parameter
-              (whether assigned in the aggregate descriptor or at runtime by an
-              application) will override the value of parameter
-              <literal>param1</literal> in <literal>annotator1</literal> and also
-              override the value of parameter <literal>param2</literal> in
-              <literal>annotator2</literal>. No other parameters will be
-              affected.</para>
-            <para>For historical reasons only, if an aggregate Analysis Engine descriptor
-              declares a configuration parameter with no explicit overrides, that
-              parameter will override any parameters having the same name within any
-              delegate analysis engine. This usage is strongly discouraged. The UIMA SDK
-              currently supports this usage but logs a warning message to the log file. This
-              support may be dropped in future versions.</para>
-          </section>
-          <section id="&tp;aes.aggregate.external_resource_bindings">
-            <title>External Resource Bindings</title>
-            <para>Aggregate analysis engine descriptors can declare resource bindings
-              that bind resources to dependencies declared in any of the delegate analysis
-              engines (or their subcomponents, recursively) within that aggregate. This
-              allows resource sharing. Any binding at this level overrides (supersedes)
-              any binding specified by a contained component or their subcomponents,
-              recursively.</para>
-            <para>For example, consider an aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptor that
-              contains delegate Analysis Engines with keys
-              <literal>annotator1</literal> and <literal>annotator2</literal> (as
-              declared in the <literal>&lt;delegateAnalysisEngine&gt;</literal>
-              element &ndash; see <xref linkend="&tp;aes.aggregate.delegates"/>),
-              where <literal>annotator1</literal> declares a resource dependency with
-              key <literal>myResource</literal> and <literal>annotator2</literal>
-              declares a resource dependency with key <literal>someResource</literal>
-              .</para>

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