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Posted to by Thomas E Deweese <> on 2002/12/03 19:14:16 UTC

RE: batik JSVGCanvas won't display

>>>>> "BR" == Baron, Randy {PRG~Basel} <RA...@Roche.COM> writes:

BR> but get an error like this:
BR> java.lang.NullPointerException at
BR> org.apache.batik.bridge.CSSUtilities.getComputedStyle(Unknown
BR> Source) at
    You are not setting the CSSEngine on the BridgeContext.

BR> The source that corresponds to this error comes from this method:
          String elementText =
          log.debug("  the element's text: " + elementText);
          int textLength = elementText.length();
       // Given the Element representing the current line of sequence,
find it's x0,y0 and height & width using GVT methods.
          Element overlayRect = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "rect");
          GVTBuilder builder = new GVTBuilder();
          BridgeContext ctx = new BridgeContext(new UserAgentAdapter());
          GraphicsNode aTextElementNode =,
          double width = aTextElementNode.getBounds().getWidth();
          double height =  aTextElementNode.getBounds().getHeight();
          double x =  aTextElementNode.getBounds().getX();
          double y =  aTextElementNode.getBounds().getMinY();
(...code continues)
BR>   I thought of and tried to test for various things like maybe
BR> there wasn't a big enough Frame or JSVGCanvas or something funny
BR> was happening with the timing of the JSVGCanvas creation, but
BR> haven't had an luck.  I suspect it has something to do with the
BR> BridgeContext or maybe UserAgent, but don't really know.
BR> Any ideas would be appreciated.
 You could provide a CSSEngine but I wonder why you are bothering to
build this second SVG tree?  Why not just query the tree you already

        BridgeContext context = /* get the BridgeContext used to build
                                   gvt tree possibly by subclassing
                                   JSVGCanvas */

        GraphicsNode aTextElementNode = context.getGraphicsNode(aTextElement);

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