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Posted to by Filipe David Manana <> on 2008/01/10 16:51:53 UTC

Maven2 build and package targets' classpath


I want to add a JAR archive to the CLASSPATH for the targets build/package.
I don't want to include that JAR archive in my final WAR file. I read the
documentation, and for that purpose I added in my pom.xml the following to
the <build> element:


This artifact was successfully added by me doing:

mvn install:install-file
-Dfile=/opt/oracle/product/10g/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar  -DgroupId=oracle
-DartifactId=oracle-jdbc  -Dversion=14  -Dpackaging=jar

Although when I run "mvn package" or "mvn compile" I get errors telling that
the packages/classes defined in that JAR archive were not found in the

How can I achieve this?

Thank you.

Filipe David Manana,

Obvious facts are like secrets to those not trained to see them.