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[20/27] Rename PhoneGap to Cordova.
diff --git a/PhoneGapLib/Classes/JSON/JSONKit.m b/PhoneGapLib/Classes/JSON/JSONKit.m
deleted file mode 100644
index b9488b2..0000000
--- a/PhoneGapLib/Classes/JSON/JSONKit.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3059 +0,0 @@
-//  JSONKit.m
-//  Dual licensed under either the terms of the BSD License, or alternatively
-//  under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0, as specified below.
- Copyright (c) 2011, John Engelhart
- All rights reserved.
- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * Neither the name of the Zang Industries nor the names of its
- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- this software without specific prior written permission.
- Copyright 2011 John Engelhart
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-  Acknowledgments:
-  The bulk of the UTF8 / UTF32 conversion and verification comes
-  from ConvertUTF.[hc].  It has been modified from the original sources.
-  The original sources were obtained from
-  However, the web site no longer seems to host the files.  Instead,
-  the Unicode FAQ
-  points to International Components for Unicode (ICU)
- as an example of how to write a UTF
-  converter.
-  The decision to use the ConvertUTF.[ch] code was made to leverage
-  "proven" code.  Hopefully the local modifications are bug free.
-  The code in isValidCodePoint() is derived from the ICU code in
-  utf.h for the macros U_IS_UNICODE_NONCHAR and U_IS_UNICODE_CHAR.
-  From the original ConvertUTF.[ch]:
- * Copyright 2001-2004 Unicode, Inc.
- * 
- * Disclaimer
- * 
- * This source code is provided as is by Unicode, Inc. No claims are
- * made as to fitness for any particular purpose. No warranties of any
- * kind are expressed or implied. The recipient agrees to determine
- * applicability of information provided. If this file has been
- * purchased on magnetic or optical media from Unicode, Inc., the
- * sole remedy for any claim will be exchange of defective media
- * within 90 days of receipt.
- * 
- * Limitations on Rights to Redistribute This Code
- * 
- * Unicode, Inc. hereby grants the right to freely use the information
- * supplied in this file in the creation of products supporting the
- * Unicode Standard, and to make copies of this file in any form
- * for internal or external distribution as long as this notice
- * remains attached.
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <sys/errno.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <objc/runtime.h>
-#import "JSONKit.h"
-//#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
-#include <CoreFoundation/CFString.h>
-#include <CoreFoundation/CFArray.h>
-#include <CoreFoundation/CFDictionary.h>
-#include <CoreFoundation/CFNumber.h>
-//#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
-#import <Foundation/NSAutoreleasePool.h>
-#import <Foundation/NSData.h>
-#import <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
-#import <Foundation/NSException.h>
-#import <Foundation/NSNull.h>
-#import <Foundation/NSObjCRuntime.h>
-#ifndef __has_feature
-#define __has_feature(x) 0
-#warning As of JSONKit v1.4, JK_ENABLE_CF_TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP_CALLBACKS is no longer required.  It is no longer a valid option.
-#ifdef __OBJC_GC__
-#error JSONKit does not support Objective-C Garbage Collection
-#if __has_feature(objc_arc)
-#error JSONKit does not support Objective-C Automatic Reference Counting (ARC)
-// The following checks are really nothing more than sanity checks.
-// JSONKit technically has a few problems from a "strictly C99 conforming" standpoint, though they are of the pedantic nitpicking variety.
-// In practice, though, for the compilers and architectures we can reasonably expect this code to be compiled for, these pedantic nitpicks aren't really a problem.
-// Since we're limited as to what we can do with pre-processor #if checks, these checks are not nearly as through as they should be.
-#if (UINT_MAX != 0xffffffffU) || (INT_MIN != (-0x7fffffff-1)) || (ULLONG_MAX != 0xffffffffffffffffULL) || (LLONG_MIN != (-0x7fffffffffffffffLL-1LL))
-#error JSONKit requires the C 'int' and 'long long' types to be 32 and 64 bits respectively.
-#if !defined(__LP64__) && ((UINT_MAX != ULONG_MAX) || (INT_MAX != LONG_MAX) || (INT_MIN != LONG_MIN) || (WORD_BIT != LONG_BIT))
-#error JSONKit requires the C 'int' and 'long' types to be the same on 32-bit architectures.
-// Cocoa / Foundation uses NS*Integer as the type for a lot of arguments.  We make sure that NS*Integer is something we are expecting and is reasonably compatible with size_t / ssize_t
-#if (NSUIntegerMax != ULONG_MAX) || (NSIntegerMax != LONG_MAX) || (NSIntegerMin != LONG_MIN)
-#error JSONKit requires NSInteger and NSUInteger to be the same size as the C 'long' type.
-#if (NSUIntegerMax != SIZE_MAX) || (NSIntegerMax != SSIZE_MAX)
-#error JSONKit requires NSInteger and NSUInteger to be the same size as the C 'size_t' type.
-// For DJB hash.
-#define JK_HASH_INIT           (1402737925UL)
-// Use __builtin_clz() instead of trailingBytesForUTF8[] table lookup.
-// JK_CACHE_SLOTS must be a power of 2.  Default size is 1024 slots.
-#define JK_CACHE_SLOTS_BITS    (10)
-#define JK_CACHE_SLOTS         (1UL << JK_CACHE_SLOTS_BITS)
-// JK_CACHE_PROBES is the number of probe attempts.
-#define JK_CACHE_PROBES        (4UL)
-// JK_INIT_CACHE_AGE must be (1 << AGE) - 1
-#define JK_INIT_CACHE_AGE      (0)
-// JK_TOKENBUFFER_SIZE is the default stack size for the temporary buffer used to hold "non-simple" strings (i.e., contains \ escapes)
-#define JK_TOKENBUFFER_SIZE    (1024UL * 2UL)
-// JK_STACK_OBJS is the default number of spaces reserved on the stack for temporarily storing pointers to Obj-C objects before they can be transferred to a NSArray / NSDictionary.
-#define JK_STACK_OBJS          (1024UL * 1UL)
-#define JK_JSONBUFFER_SIZE     (1024UL * 4UL)
-#define JK_UTF8BUFFER_SIZE     (1024UL * 16UL)
-#define JK_ENCODE_CACHE_SLOTS  (1024UL)
-#if       defined (__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4)
-#define JK_ATTRIBUTES(attr, ...)        __attribute__((attr, ##__VA_ARGS__))
-#define JK_EXPECTED(cond, expect)       __builtin_expect((long)(cond), (expect))
-#define JK_EXPECT_T(cond)               JK_EXPECTED(cond, 1U)
-#define JK_EXPECT_F(cond)               JK_EXPECTED(cond, 0U)
-#define JK_PREFETCH(ptr)                __builtin_prefetch(ptr)
-#else  // defined (__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4) 
-#define JK_ATTRIBUTES(attr, ...)
-#define JK_EXPECTED(cond, expect)       (cond)
-#define JK_EXPECT_T(cond)               (cond)
-#define JK_EXPECT_F(cond)               (cond)
-#define JK_PREFETCH(ptr)
-#endif // defined (__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4) 
-#define JK_STATIC_INLINE                         static __inline__ JK_ATTRIBUTES(always_inline)
-#define JK_ALIGNED(arg)                                            JK_ATTRIBUTES(aligned(arg))
-#define JK_UNUSED_ARG                                              JK_ATTRIBUTES(unused)
-#define JK_WARN_UNUSED                                             JK_ATTRIBUTES(warn_unused_result)
-#define JK_WARN_UNUSED_CONST                                       JK_ATTRIBUTES(warn_unused_result, const)
-#define JK_WARN_UNUSED_PURE                                        JK_ATTRIBUTES(warn_unused_result, pure)
-#define JK_WARN_UNUSED_SENTINEL                                    JK_ATTRIBUTES(warn_unused_result, sentinel)
-#define JK_NONNULL_ARGS(arg, ...)                                  JK_ATTRIBUTES(nonnull(arg, ##__VA_ARGS__))
-#define JK_WARN_UNUSED_NONNULL_ARGS(arg, ...)                      JK_ATTRIBUTES(warn_unused_result, nonnull(arg, ##__VA_ARGS__))
-#define JK_WARN_UNUSED_CONST_NONNULL_ARGS(arg, ...)                JK_ATTRIBUTES(warn_unused_result, const, nonnull(arg, ##__VA_ARGS__))
-#define JK_WARN_UNUSED_PURE_NONNULL_ARGS(arg, ...)                 JK_ATTRIBUTES(warn_unused_result, pure, nonnull(arg, ##__VA_ARGS__))
-#if       defined (__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)
-#define JK_ALLOC_SIZE_NON_NULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(as, nn, ...) JK_ATTRIBUTES(warn_unused_result, nonnull(nn, ##__VA_ARGS__), alloc_size(as))
-#else  // defined (__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)
-#define JK_ALLOC_SIZE_NON_NULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(as, nn, ...) JK_ATTRIBUTES(warn_unused_result, nonnull(nn, ##__VA_ARGS__))
-#endif // defined (__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)
-@class JKArray, JKDictionaryEnumerator, JKDictionary;
-enum {
-  JSONNumberStateStart                 = 0,
-  JSONNumberStateFinished              = 1,
-  JSONNumberStateError                 = 2,
-  JSONNumberStateWholeNumberStart      = 3,
-  JSONNumberStateWholeNumberMinus      = 4,
-  JSONNumberStateWholeNumberZero       = 5,
-  JSONNumberStateWholeNumber           = 6,
-  JSONNumberStatePeriod                = 7,
-  JSONNumberStateFractionalNumberStart = 8,
-  JSONNumberStateFractionalNumber      = 9,
-  JSONNumberStateExponentStart         = 10,
-  JSONNumberStateExponentPlusMinus     = 11,
-  JSONNumberStateExponent              = 12,
-enum {
-  JSONStringStateStart                           = 0,
-  JSONStringStateParsing                         = 1,
-  JSONStringStateFinished                        = 2,
-  JSONStringStateError                           = 3,
-  JSONStringStateEscape                          = 4,
-  JSONStringStateEscapedUnicode1                 = 5,
-  JSONStringStateEscapedUnicode2                 = 6,
-  JSONStringStateEscapedUnicode3                 = 7,
-  JSONStringStateEscapedUnicode4                 = 8,
-  JSONStringStateEscapedUnicodeSurrogate1        = 9,
-  JSONStringStateEscapedUnicodeSurrogate2        = 10,
-  JSONStringStateEscapedUnicodeSurrogate3        = 11,
-  JSONStringStateEscapedUnicodeSurrogate4        = 12,
-  JSONStringStateEscapedNeedEscapeForSurrogate   = 13,
-  JSONStringStateEscapedNeedEscapedUForSurrogate = 14,
-enum {
-  JKParseAcceptValue      = (1 << 0),
-  JKParseAcceptComma      = (1 << 1),
-  JKParseAcceptEnd        = (1 << 2),
-  JKParseAcceptValueOrEnd = (JKParseAcceptValue | JKParseAcceptEnd),
-  JKParseAcceptCommaOrEnd = (JKParseAcceptComma | JKParseAcceptEnd),
-enum {
-  JKClassUnknown    = 0,
-  JKClassString     = 1,
-  JKClassNumber     = 2,
-  JKClassArray      = 3,
-  JKClassDictionary = 4,
-  JKClassNull       = 5,
-enum {
-  JKManagedBufferOnStack        = 1,
-  JKManagedBufferOnHeap         = 2,
-  JKManagedBufferLocationMask   = (0x3),
-  JKManagedBufferLocationShift  = (0),
-  JKManagedBufferMustFree       = (1 << 2),
-typedef JKFlags JKManagedBufferFlags;
-enum {
-  JKObjectStackOnStack        = 1,
-  JKObjectStackOnHeap         = 2,
-  JKObjectStackLocationMask   = (0x3),
-  JKObjectStackLocationShift  = (0),
-  JKObjectStackMustFree       = (1 << 2),
-typedef JKFlags JKObjectStackFlags;
-enum {
-  JKTokenTypeInvalid     = 0,
-  JKTokenTypeNumber      = 1,
-  JKTokenTypeString      = 2,
-  JKTokenTypeObjectBegin = 3,
-  JKTokenTypeObjectEnd   = 4,
-  JKTokenTypeArrayBegin  = 5,
-  JKTokenTypeArrayEnd    = 6,
-  JKTokenTypeSeparator   = 7,
-  JKTokenTypeComma       = 8,
-  JKTokenTypeTrue        = 9,
-  JKTokenTypeFalse       = 10,
-  JKTokenTypeNull        = 11,
-  JKTokenTypeWhiteSpace  = 12,
-typedef NSUInteger JKTokenType;
-// These are prime numbers to assist with hash slot probing.
-enum {
-  JKValueTypeNone             = 0,
-  JKValueTypeString           = 5,
-  JKValueTypeLongLong         = 7,
-  JKValueTypeUnsignedLongLong = 11,
-  JKValueTypeDouble           = 13,
-typedef NSUInteger JKValueType;
-enum {
-  JKEncodeOptionAsData              = 1,
-  JKEncodeOptionAsString            = 2,
-  JKEncodeOptionAsTypeMask          = 0x7,
-  JKEncodeOptionCollectionObj       = (1 << 3),
-  JKEncodeOptionStringObj           = (1 << 4),
-  JKEncodeOptionStringObjTrimQuotes = (1 << 5),
-typedef NSUInteger JKEncodeOptionType;
-typedef NSUInteger JKHash;
-typedef struct JKTokenCacheItem  JKTokenCacheItem;
-typedef struct JKTokenCache      JKTokenCache;
-typedef struct JKTokenValue      JKTokenValue;
-typedef struct JKParseToken      JKParseToken;
-typedef struct JKPtrRange        JKPtrRange;
-typedef struct JKObjectStack     JKObjectStack;
-typedef struct JKBuffer          JKBuffer;
-typedef struct JKConstBuffer     JKConstBuffer;
-typedef struct JKConstPtrRange   JKConstPtrRange;
-typedef struct JKRange           JKRange;
-typedef struct JKManagedBuffer   JKManagedBuffer;
-typedef struct JKFastClassLookup JKFastClassLookup;
-typedef struct JKEncodeCache     JKEncodeCache;
-typedef struct JKEncodeState     JKEncodeState;
-typedef struct JKObjCImpCache    JKObjCImpCache;
-typedef struct JKHashTableEntry  JKHashTableEntry;
-typedef id (*NSNumberAllocImp)(id receiver, SEL selector);
-typedef id (*NSNumberInitWithUnsignedLongLongImp)(id receiver, SEL selector, unsigned long long value);
-typedef id (*JKClassFormatterIMP)(id receiver, SEL selector, id object);
-#ifdef __BLOCKS__
-typedef id (^JKClassFormatterBlock)(id formatObject);
-struct JKPtrRange {
-  unsigned char *ptr;
-  size_t         length;
-struct JKConstPtrRange {
-  const unsigned char *ptr;
-  size_t               length;
-struct JKRange {
-  size_t location, length;
-struct JKManagedBuffer {
-  JKPtrRange           bytes;
-  JKManagedBufferFlags flags;
-  size_t               roundSizeUpToMultipleOf;
-struct JKObjectStack {
-  void               **objects, **keys;
-  CFHashCode          *cfHashes;
-  size_t               count, index, roundSizeUpToMultipleOf;
-  JKObjectStackFlags   flags;
-struct JKBuffer {
-  JKPtrRange bytes;
-struct JKConstBuffer {
-  JKConstPtrRange bytes;
-struct JKTokenValue {
-  JKConstPtrRange   ptrRange;
-  JKValueType       type;
-  JKHash            hash;
-  union {
-    long long          longLongValue;
-    unsigned long long unsignedLongLongValue;
-    double             doubleValue;
-  } number;
-  JKTokenCacheItem *cacheItem;
-struct JKParseToken {
-  JKConstPtrRange tokenPtrRange;
-  JKTokenType     type;
-  JKTokenValue    value;
-  JKManagedBuffer tokenBuffer;
-struct JKTokenCacheItem {
-  void          *object;
-  JKHash         hash;
-  CFHashCode     cfHash;
-  size_t         size;
-  unsigned char *bytes;
-  JKValueType    type;
-struct JKTokenCache {
-  JKTokenCacheItem *items;
-  size_t            count;
-  unsigned int      prng_lfsr;
-  unsigned char     age[JK_CACHE_SLOTS];
-struct JKObjCImpCache {
-  Class                               NSNumberClass;
-  NSNumberAllocImp                    NSNumberAlloc;
-  NSNumberInitWithUnsignedLongLongImp NSNumberInitWithUnsignedLongLong;
-struct JKParseState {
-  JKParseOptionFlags  parseOptionFlags;
-  JKConstBuffer       stringBuffer;
-  size_t              atIndex, lineNumber, lineStartIndex;
-  size_t              prev_atIndex, prev_lineNumber, prev_lineStartIndex;
-  JKParseToken        token;
-  JKObjectStack       objectStack;
-  JKTokenCache        cache;
-  JKObjCImpCache      objCImpCache;
-  NSError            *error;
-  int                 errorIsPrev;
-  BOOL                mutableCollections;
-struct JKFastClassLookup {
-  void *stringClass;
-  void *numberClass;
-  void *arrayClass;
-  void *dictionaryClass;
-  void *nullClass;
-struct JKEncodeCache {
-  id object;
-  size_t offset;
-  size_t length;
-struct JKEncodeState {
-  JKManagedBuffer         utf8ConversionBuffer;
-  JKManagedBuffer         stringBuffer;
-  size_t                  atIndex;
-  JKFastClassLookup       fastClassLookup;
-  JKEncodeCache           cache[JK_ENCODE_CACHE_SLOTS];
-  JKSerializeOptionFlags  serializeOptionFlags;
-  JKEncodeOptionType      encodeOption;
-  size_t                  depth;
-  NSError                *error;
-  id                      classFormatterDelegate;
-  SEL                     classFormatterSelector;
-  JKClassFormatterIMP     classFormatterIMP;
-#ifdef __BLOCKS__
-  JKClassFormatterBlock   classFormatterBlock;
-// This is a JSONKit private class.
-@interface JKSerializer : NSObject {
-  JKEncodeState *encodeState;
-#ifdef __BLOCKS__
-#define JKSERIALIZER_BLOCKS_PROTO id(^)(id object)
-+ (id)serializeObject:(id)object options:(JKSerializeOptionFlags)optionFlags encodeOption:(JKEncodeOptionType)encodeOption block:(JKSERIALIZER_BLOCKS_PROTO)block delegate:(id)delegate selector:(SEL)selector error:(NSError **)error;
-- (id)serializeObject:(id)object options:(JKSerializeOptionFlags)optionFlags encodeOption:(JKEncodeOptionType)encodeOption block:(JKSERIALIZER_BLOCKS_PROTO)block delegate:(id)delegate selector:(SEL)selector error:(NSError **)error;
-- (void)releaseState;
-struct JKHashTableEntry {
-  NSUInteger keyHash;
-  id key, object;
-typedef uint32_t UTF32; /* at least 32 bits */
-typedef uint16_t UTF16; /* at least 16 bits */
-typedef uint8_t  UTF8;  /* typically 8 bits */
-typedef enum {
-  conversionOK,           /* conversion successful */
-  sourceExhausted,        /* partial character in source, but hit end */
-  targetExhausted,        /* insuff. room in target for conversion */
-  sourceIllegal           /* source sequence is illegal/malformed */
-} ConversionResult;
-#define UNI_MAX_BMP          (UTF32)0x0000FFFF
-#define UNI_MAX_UTF16        (UTF32)0x0010FFFF
-#define UNI_MAX_UTF32        (UTF32)0x7FFFFFFF
-#define UNI_MAX_LEGAL_UTF32  (UTF32)0x0010FFFF
-#define UNI_SUR_HIGH_START   (UTF32)0xD800
-#define UNI_SUR_HIGH_END     (UTF32)0xDBFF
-#define UNI_SUR_LOW_START    (UTF32)0xDC00
-#define UNI_SUR_LOW_END      (UTF32)0xDFFF
-static const char trailingBytesForUTF8[256] = {
-    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
-    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
-    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
-    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
-    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
-    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
-    1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
-    2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5
-static const UTF32 offsetsFromUTF8[6] = { 0x00000000UL, 0x00003080UL, 0x000E2080UL, 0x03C82080UL, 0xFA082080UL, 0x82082080UL };
-static const UTF8  firstByteMark[7]   = { 0x00, 0x00, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0xFC };
-#define JK_AT_STRING_PTR(x)  (&((x)->stringBuffer.bytes.ptr[(x)->atIndex]))
-#define JK_END_STRING_PTR(x) (&((x)->stringBuffer.bytes.ptr[(x)->stringBuffer.bytes.length]))
-static JKArray          *_JKArrayCreate(id *objects, NSUInteger count, BOOL mutableCollection);
-static void              _JKArrayInsertObjectAtIndex(JKArray *array, id newObject, NSUInteger objectIndex);
-static void              _JKArrayReplaceObjectAtIndexWithObject(JKArray *array, NSUInteger objectIndex, id newObject);
-static void              _JKArrayRemoveObjectAtIndex(JKArray *array, NSUInteger objectIndex);
-static NSUInteger        _JKDictionaryCapacityForCount(NSUInteger count);
-static JKDictionary     *_JKDictionaryCreate(id *keys, NSUInteger *keyHashes, id *objects, NSUInteger count, BOOL mutableCollection);
-static JKHashTableEntry *_JKDictionaryHashEntry(JKDictionary *dictionary);
-static NSUInteger        _JKDictionaryCapacity(JKDictionary *dictionary);
-static void              _JKDictionaryResizeIfNeccessary(JKDictionary *dictionary);
-static void              _JKDictionaryRemoveObjectWithEntry(JKDictionary *dictionary, JKHashTableEntry *entry);
-static void              _JKDictionaryAddObject(JKDictionary *dictionary, NSUInteger keyHash, id key, id object);
-static JKHashTableEntry *_JKDictionaryHashTableEntryForKey(JKDictionary *dictionary, id aKey);
-static void _JSONDecoderCleanup(JSONDecoder *decoder);
-static id _NSStringObjectFromJSONString(NSString *jsonString, JKParseOptionFlags parseOptionFlags, NSError **error, BOOL mutableCollection);
-static void jk_managedBuffer_release(JKManagedBuffer *managedBuffer);
-static void jk_managedBuffer_setToStackBuffer(JKManagedBuffer *managedBuffer, unsigned char *ptr, size_t length);
-static unsigned char *jk_managedBuffer_resize(JKManagedBuffer *managedBuffer, size_t newSize);
-static void jk_objectStack_release(JKObjectStack *objectStack);
-static void jk_objectStack_setToStackBuffer(JKObjectStack *objectStack, void **objects, void **keys, CFHashCode *cfHashes, size_t count);
-static int  jk_objectStack_resize(JKObjectStack *objectStack, size_t newCount);
-static void   jk_error(JKParseState *parseState, NSString *format, ...);
-static int    jk_parse_string(JKParseState *parseState);
-static int    jk_parse_number(JKParseState *parseState);
-static size_t jk_parse_is_newline(JKParseState *parseState, const unsigned char *atCharacterPtr);
-JK_STATIC_INLINE int jk_parse_skip_newline(JKParseState *parseState);
-JK_STATIC_INLINE void jk_parse_skip_whitespace(JKParseState *parseState);
-static int    jk_parse_next_token(JKParseState *parseState);
-static void   jk_error_parse_accept_or3(JKParseState *parseState, int state, NSString *or1String, NSString *or2String, NSString *or3String);
-static void  *jk_create_dictionary(JKParseState *parseState, size_t startingObjectIndex);
-static void  *jk_parse_dictionary(JKParseState *parseState);
-static void  *jk_parse_array(JKParseState *parseState);
-static void  *jk_object_for_token(JKParseState *parseState);
-static void  *jk_cachedObjects(JKParseState *parseState);
-JK_STATIC_INLINE void jk_cache_age(JKParseState *parseState);
-JK_STATIC_INLINE void jk_set_parsed_token(JKParseState *parseState, const unsigned char *ptr, size_t length, JKTokenType type, size_t advanceBy);
-static void jk_encode_error(JKEncodeState *encodeState, NSString *format, ...);
-static int jk_encode_printf(JKEncodeState *encodeState, JKEncodeCache *cacheSlot, size_t startingAtIndex, id object, const char *format, ...);
-static int jk_encode_write(JKEncodeState *encodeState, JKEncodeCache *cacheSlot, size_t startingAtIndex, id object, const char *format);
-static int jk_encode_writePrettyPrintWhiteSpace(JKEncodeState *encodeState);
-static int jk_encode_write1slow(JKEncodeState *encodeState, ssize_t depthChange, const char *format);
-static int jk_encode_write1fast(JKEncodeState *encodeState, ssize_t depthChange JK_UNUSED_ARG, const char *format);
-static int jk_encode_writen(JKEncodeState *encodeState, JKEncodeCache *cacheSlot, size_t startingAtIndex, id object, const char *format, size_t length);
-JK_STATIC_INLINE JKHash jk_encode_object_hash(void *objectPtr);
-JK_STATIC_INLINE void jk_encode_updateCache(JKEncodeState *encodeState, JKEncodeCache *cacheSlot, size_t startingAtIndex, id object);
-static int jk_encode_add_atom_to_buffer(JKEncodeState *encodeState, void *objectPtr);
-#define jk_encode_write1(es, dc, f)  (JK_EXPECT_F(_jk_encode_prettyPrint) ? jk_encode_write1slow(es, dc, f) : jk_encode_write1fast(es, dc, f))
-JK_STATIC_INLINE size_t jk_min(size_t a, size_t b);
-JK_STATIC_INLINE size_t jk_max(size_t a, size_t b);
-JK_STATIC_INLINE JKHash calculateHash(JKHash currentHash, unsigned char c);
-// JSONKit v1.4 used both a JKArray : NSArray and JKMutableArray : NSMutableArray, and the same for the dictionary collection type.
-// However, Louis Gerbarg (via cocoa-dev) pointed out that Cocoa / Core Foundation actually implements only a single class that inherits from the 
-// mutable version, and keeps an ivar bit for whether or not that instance is mutable.  This means that the immutable versions of the collection
-// classes receive the mutating methods, but this is handled by having those methods throw an exception when the ivar bit is set to immutable.
-// We adopt the same strategy here.  It's both cleaner and gets rid of the method swizzling hackery used in JSONKit v1.4.
-// This is a workaround for issue #23
-// Basically, there seem to be a problem with using +load in static libraries on iOS.  However, __attribute__ ((constructor)) does work correctly.
-// Since we do not require anything "special" that +load provides, and we can accomplish the same thing using __attribute__ ((constructor)), the +load logic was moved here.
-static Class                               _JKArrayClass                           = NULL;
-static size_t                              _JKArrayInstanceSize                    = 0UL;
-static Class                               _JKDictionaryClass                      = NULL;
-static size_t                              _JKDictionaryInstanceSize               = 0UL;
-// For JSONDecoder...
-static Class                               _jk_NSNumberClass                       = NULL;
-static NSNumberAllocImp                    _jk_NSNumberAllocImp                    = NULL;
-static NSNumberInitWithUnsignedLongLongImp _jk_NSNumberInitWithUnsignedLongLongImp = NULL;
-extern void jk_collectionClassLoadTimeInitialization(void) __attribute__ ((constructor));
-void jk_collectionClassLoadTimeInitialization(void) {
-  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; // Though technically not required, the run time environment at load time initialization may be less than ideal.
-  _JKArrayClass             = objc_getClass("JKArray");
-  _JKArrayInstanceSize      = jk_max(16UL, class_getInstanceSize(_JKArrayClass));
-  _JKDictionaryClass        = objc_getClass("JKDictionary");
-  _JKDictionaryInstanceSize = jk_max(16UL, class_getInstanceSize(_JKDictionaryClass));
-  // For JSONDecoder...
-  _jk_NSNumberClass = [NSNumber class];
-  _jk_NSNumberAllocImp = (NSNumberAllocImp)[NSNumber methodForSelector:@selector(alloc)];
-  // Hacktacular.  Need to do it this way due to the nature of class clusters.
-  id temp_NSNumber = [NSNumber alloc];
-  _jk_NSNumberInitWithUnsignedLongLongImp = (NSNumberInitWithUnsignedLongLongImp)[temp_NSNumber methodForSelector:@selector(initWithUnsignedLongLong:)];
-  [[temp_NSNumber init] release];
-  temp_NSNumber = NULL;
-  [pool release]; pool = NULL;
-#pragma mark -
-@interface JKArray : NSMutableArray <NSCopying, NSMutableCopying, NSFastEnumeration> {
-  id         *objects;
-  NSUInteger  count, capacity, mutations;
-@implementation JKArray
-+ (id)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
-#pragma unused(zone)
-  [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"*** - [%@ %@]: The %@ class is private to JSONKit and should not be used in this fashion.", NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), NSStringFromClass([self class])];
-  return(NULL);
-static JKArray *_JKArrayCreate(id *objects, NSUInteger count, BOOL mutableCollection) {
-  NSCParameterAssert((objects != NULL) && (_JKArrayClass != NULL) && (_JKArrayInstanceSize > 0UL));
-  JKArray *array = NULL;
-  if(JK_EXPECT_T((array = (JKArray *)calloc(1UL, _JKArrayInstanceSize)) != NULL)) { // Directly allocate the JKArray instance via calloc.
-    array->isa      = _JKArrayClass;
-    if((array = [array init]) == NULL) { return(NULL); }
-    array->capacity = count;
-    array->count    = count;
-    if(JK_EXPECT_F((array->objects = (id *)malloc(sizeof(id) * array->capacity)) == NULL)) { [array autorelease]; return(NULL); }
-    memcpy(array->objects, objects, array->capacity * sizeof(id));
-    array->mutations = (mutableCollection == NO) ? 0UL : 1UL;
-  }
-  return(array);
-// Note: The caller is responsible for -retaining the object that is to be added.
-static void _JKArrayInsertObjectAtIndex(JKArray *array, id newObject, NSUInteger objectIndex) {
-  NSCParameterAssert((array != NULL) && (array->objects != NULL) && (array->count <= array->capacity) && (objectIndex <= array->count) && (newObject != NULL));
-  if(!((array != NULL) && (array->objects != NULL) && (objectIndex <= array->count) && (newObject != NULL))) { [newObject autorelease]; return; }
-  if((array->count + 1UL) >= array->capacity) {
-    id *newObjects = NULL;
-    if((newObjects = (id *)realloc(array->objects, sizeof(id) * (array->capacity + 16UL))) == NULL) { [NSException raise:NSMallocException format:@"Unable to resize objects array."]; }
-    array->objects = newObjects;
-    array->capacity += 16UL;
-    memset(&array->objects[array->count], 0, sizeof(id) * (array->capacity - array->count));
-  }
-  array->count++;
-  if((objectIndex + 1UL) < array->count) { memmove(&array->objects[objectIndex + 1UL], &array->objects[objectIndex], sizeof(id) * ((array->count - 1UL) - objectIndex)); array->objects[objectIndex] = NULL; }
-  array->objects[objectIndex] = newObject;
-// Note: The caller is responsible for -retaining the object that is to be added.
-static void _JKArrayReplaceObjectAtIndexWithObject(JKArray *array, NSUInteger objectIndex, id newObject) {
-  NSCParameterAssert((array != NULL) && (array->objects != NULL) && (array->count <= array->capacity) && (objectIndex < array->count) && (array->objects[objectIndex] != NULL) && (newObject != NULL));
-  if(!((array != NULL) && (array->objects != NULL) && (objectIndex < array->count) && (array->objects[objectIndex] != NULL) && (newObject != NULL))) { [newObject autorelease]; return; }
-  CFRelease(array->objects[objectIndex]);
-  array->objects[objectIndex] = NULL;
-  array->objects[objectIndex] = newObject;
-static void _JKArrayRemoveObjectAtIndex(JKArray *array, NSUInteger objectIndex) {
-  NSCParameterAssert((array != NULL) && (array->objects != NULL) && (array->count > 0UL) && (array->count <= array->capacity) && (objectIndex < array->count) && (array->objects[objectIndex] != NULL));
-  if(!((array != NULL) && (array->objects != NULL) && (array->count > 0UL) && (array->count <= array->capacity) && (objectIndex < array->count) && (array->objects[objectIndex] != NULL))) { return; }
-  CFRelease(array->objects[objectIndex]);
-  array->objects[objectIndex] = NULL;
-  if((objectIndex + 1UL) < array->count) { memmove(&array->objects[objectIndex], &array->objects[objectIndex + 1UL], sizeof(id) * ((array->count - 1UL) - objectIndex)); array->objects[array->count - 1UL] = NULL; }
-  array->count--;
-- (void)dealloc
-  if(JK_EXPECT_T(objects != NULL)) {
-    NSUInteger atObject = 0UL;
-    for(atObject = 0UL; atObject < count; atObject++) { if(JK_EXPECT_T(objects[atObject] != NULL)) { CFRelease(objects[atObject]); objects[atObject] = NULL; } }
-    free(objects); objects = NULL;
-  }
-  [super dealloc];
-- (NSUInteger)count
-  NSParameterAssert((objects != NULL) && (count <= capacity));
-  return(count);
-- (void)getObjects:(id *)objectsPtr range:(NSRange)range
-  NSParameterAssert((objects != NULL) && (count <= capacity));
-  if((objectsPtr     == NULL)  && (NSMaxRange(range) > 0UL))   { [NSException raise:NSRangeException format:@"*** -[%@ %@]: pointer to objects array is NULL but range length is %lu", NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), NSMaxRange(range)];        }
-  if((range.location >  count) || (NSMaxRange(range) > count)) { [NSException raise:NSRangeException format:@"*** -[%@ %@]: index (%lu) beyond bounds (%lu)",                          NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), NSMaxRange(range), count]; }
-  memcpy(objectsPtr, objects + range.location, range.length * sizeof(id));
-- (id)objectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)objectIndex
-  if(objectIndex >= count) { [NSException raise:NSRangeException format:@"*** -[%@ %@]: index (%lu) beyond bounds (%lu)", NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), objectIndex, count]; }
-  NSParameterAssert((objects != NULL) && (count <= capacity) && (objects[objectIndex] != NULL));
-  return(objects[objectIndex]);
-- (NSUInteger)countByEnumeratingWithState:(NSFastEnumerationState *)state objects:(id *)stackbuf count:(NSUInteger)len
-  NSParameterAssert((state != NULL) && (stackbuf != NULL) && (len > 0UL) && (objects != NULL) && (count <= capacity));
-  if(JK_EXPECT_F(state->state == 0UL))   { state->mutationsPtr = (unsigned long *)&mutations; state->itemsPtr = stackbuf; }
-  if(JK_EXPECT_F(state->state >= count)) { return(0UL); }
-  NSUInteger enumeratedCount  = 0UL;
-  while(JK_EXPECT_T(enumeratedCount < len) && JK_EXPECT_T(state->state < count)) { NSParameterAssert(objects[state->state] != NULL); stackbuf[enumeratedCount++] = objects[state->state++]; }
-  return(enumeratedCount);
-- (void)insertObject:(id)anObject atIndex:(NSUInteger)objectIndex
-  if(mutations   == 0UL)   { [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"*** -[%@ %@]: mutating method sent to immutable object", NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; }
-  if(anObject    == NULL)  { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException       format:@"*** -[%@ %@]: attempt to insert nil",                    NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; }
-  if(objectIndex >  count) { [NSException raise:NSRangeException                 format:@"*** -[%@ %@]: index (%lu) beyond bounds (%lu)",          NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), objectIndex, count + 1UL]; }
-#ifdef __clang_analyzer__
-  [anObject retain]; // Stupid clang analyzer...  Issue #19.
-  anObject = [anObject retain];
-  _JKArrayInsertObjectAtIndex(self, anObject, objectIndex);
-  mutations = (mutations == NSUIntegerMax) ? 1UL : mutations + 1UL;
-- (void)removeObjectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)objectIndex
-  if(mutations   == 0UL)   { [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"*** -[%@ %@]: mutating method sent to immutable object", NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; }
-  if(objectIndex >= count) { [NSException raise:NSRangeException                 format:@"*** -[%@ %@]: index (%lu) beyond bounds (%lu)",          NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), objectIndex, count]; }
-  _JKArrayRemoveObjectAtIndex(self, objectIndex);
-  mutations = (mutations == NSUIntegerMax) ? 1UL : mutations + 1UL;
-- (void)replaceObjectAtIndex:(NSUInteger)objectIndex withObject:(id)anObject
-  if(mutations   == 0UL)   { [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"*** -[%@ %@]: mutating method sent to immutable object", NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; }
-  if(anObject    == NULL)  { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException       format:@"*** -[%@ %@]: attempt to insert nil",                    NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; }
-  if(objectIndex >= count) { [NSException raise:NSRangeException                 format:@"*** -[%@ %@]: index (%lu) beyond bounds (%lu)",          NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), objectIndex, count]; }
-#ifdef __clang_analyzer__
-  [anObject retain]; // Stupid clang analyzer...  Issue #19.
-  anObject = [anObject retain];
-  _JKArrayReplaceObjectAtIndexWithObject(self, objectIndex, anObject);
-  mutations = (mutations == NSUIntegerMax) ? 1UL : mutations + 1UL;
-- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
-  NSParameterAssert((objects != NULL) && (count <= capacity));
-  return((mutations == 0UL) ? [self retain] : [(NSArray *)[NSArray allocWithZone:zone] initWithObjects:objects count:count]);
-- (id)mutableCopyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
-  NSParameterAssert((objects != NULL) && (count <= capacity));
-  return([(NSMutableArray *)[NSMutableArray allocWithZone:zone] initWithObjects:objects count:count]);
-#pragma mark -
-@interface JKDictionaryEnumerator : NSEnumerator {
-  id         collection;
-  NSUInteger nextObject;
-- (id)initWithJKDictionary:(JKDictionary *)initDictionary;
-- (NSArray *)allObjects;
-- (id)nextObject;
-@implementation JKDictionaryEnumerator
-- (id)initWithJKDictionary:(JKDictionary *)initDictionary
-  NSParameterAssert(initDictionary != NULL);
-  if((self = [super init]) == NULL) { return(NULL); }
-  if((collection = (id)CFRetain(initDictionary)) == NULL) { [self autorelease]; return(NULL); }
-  return(self);
-- (void)dealloc
-  if(collection != NULL) { CFRelease(collection); collection = NULL; }
-  [super dealloc];
-- (NSArray *)allObjects
-  NSParameterAssert(collection != NULL);
-  NSUInteger count = [collection count], atObject = 0UL;
-  id         objects[count];
-  while((objects[atObject] = [self nextObject]) != NULL) { NSParameterAssert(atObject < count); atObject++; }
-  return([NSArray arrayWithObjects:objects count:atObject]);
-- (id)nextObject
-  NSParameterAssert((collection != NULL) && (_JKDictionaryHashEntry(collection) != NULL));
-  JKHashTableEntry *entry        = _JKDictionaryHashEntry(collection);
-  NSUInteger        capacity     = _JKDictionaryCapacity(collection);
-  id                returnObject = NULL;
-  if(entry != NULL) { while((nextObject < capacity) && ((returnObject = entry[nextObject++].key) == NULL)) { /* ... */ } }
-  return(returnObject);
-#pragma mark -
-@interface JKDictionary : NSMutableDictionary <NSCopying, NSMutableCopying, NSFastEnumeration> {
-  NSUInteger count, capacity, mutations;
-  JKHashTableEntry *entry;
-@implementation JKDictionary
-+ (id)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
-#pragma unused(zone)
-  [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"*** - [%@ %@]: The %@ class is private to JSONKit and should not be used in this fashion.", NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), NSStringFromClass([self class])];
-  return(NULL);
-// These values are taken from Core Foundation CF-550 CFBasicHash.m.  As a bonus, they align very well with our JKHashTableEntry struct too.
-static const NSUInteger jk_dictionaryCapacities[] = {
-  0UL, 3UL, 7UL, 13UL, 23UL, 41UL, 71UL, 127UL, 191UL, 251UL, 383UL, 631UL, 1087UL, 1723UL,
-  2803UL, 4523UL, 7351UL, 11959UL, 19447UL, 31231UL, 50683UL, 81919UL, 132607UL,
-  214519UL, 346607UL, 561109UL, 907759UL, 1468927UL, 2376191UL, 3845119UL,
-  6221311UL, 10066421UL, 16287743UL, 26354171UL, 42641881UL, 68996069UL,
-  111638519UL, 180634607UL, 292272623UL, 472907251UL
-static NSUInteger _JKDictionaryCapacityForCount(NSUInteger count) {
-  NSUInteger bottom = 0UL, top = sizeof(jk_dictionaryCapacities) / sizeof(NSUInteger), mid = 0UL, tableSize = lround(floor((count) * 1.33));
-  while(top > bottom) { mid = (top + bottom) / 2UL; if(jk_dictionaryCapacities[mid] < tableSize) { bottom = mid + 1UL; } else { top = mid; } }
-  return(jk_dictionaryCapacities[bottom]);
-static void _JKDictionaryResizeIfNeccessary(JKDictionary *dictionary) {
-  NSCParameterAssert((dictionary != NULL) && (dictionary->entry != NULL) && (dictionary->count <= dictionary->capacity));
-  NSUInteger capacityForCount = 0UL;
-  if(dictionary->capacity < (capacityForCount = _JKDictionaryCapacityForCount(dictionary->count + 1UL))) { // resize
-    NSUInteger        oldCapacity = dictionary->capacity;
-    NSUInteger oldCount = dictionary->count;
-    JKHashTableEntry *oldEntry    = dictionary->entry;
-    if(JK_EXPECT_F((dictionary->entry = (JKHashTableEntry *)calloc(1UL, sizeof(JKHashTableEntry) * capacityForCount)) == NULL)) { [NSException raise:NSMallocException format:@"Unable to allocate memory for hash table."]; }
-    dictionary->capacity = capacityForCount;
-    dictionary->count    = 0UL;
-    NSUInteger idx = 0UL;
-    for(idx = 0UL; idx < oldCapacity; idx++) { if(oldEntry[idx].key != NULL) { _JKDictionaryAddObject(dictionary, oldEntry[idx].keyHash, oldEntry[idx].key, oldEntry[idx].object); oldEntry[idx].keyHash = 0UL; oldEntry[idx].key = NULL; oldEntry[idx].object = NULL; } }
-    NSCParameterAssert((oldCount == dictionary->count));
-    free(oldEntry); oldEntry = NULL;
-  }
-static JKDictionary *_JKDictionaryCreate(id *keys, NSUInteger *keyHashes, id *objects, NSUInteger count, BOOL mutableCollection) {
-  NSCParameterAssert((keys != NULL) && (keyHashes != NULL) && (objects != NULL) && (_JKDictionaryClass != NULL) && (_JKDictionaryInstanceSize > 0UL));
-  JKDictionary *dictionary = NULL;
-  if(JK_EXPECT_T((dictionary = (JKDictionary *)calloc(1UL, _JKDictionaryInstanceSize)) != NULL)) { // Directly allocate the JKDictionary instance via calloc.
-    dictionary->isa      = _JKDictionaryClass;
-    if((dictionary = [dictionary init]) == NULL) { return(NULL); }
-    dictionary->capacity = _JKDictionaryCapacityForCount(count);
-    dictionary->count    = 0UL;
-    if(JK_EXPECT_F((dictionary->entry = (JKHashTableEntry *)calloc(1UL, sizeof(JKHashTableEntry) * dictionary->capacity)) == NULL)) { [dictionary autorelease]; return(NULL); }
-    NSUInteger idx = 0UL;
-    for(idx = 0UL; idx < count; idx++) { _JKDictionaryAddObject(dictionary, keyHashes[idx], keys[idx], objects[idx]); }
-    dictionary->mutations = (mutableCollection == NO) ? 0UL : 1UL;
-  }
-  return(dictionary);
-- (void)dealloc
-  if(JK_EXPECT_T(entry != NULL)) {
-    NSUInteger atEntry = 0UL;
-    for(atEntry = 0UL; atEntry < capacity; atEntry++) {
-      if(JK_EXPECT_T(entry[atEntry].key    != NULL)) { CFRelease(entry[atEntry].key);    entry[atEntry].key    = NULL; }
-      if(JK_EXPECT_T(entry[atEntry].object != NULL)) { CFRelease(entry[atEntry].object); entry[atEntry].object = NULL; }
-    }
-    free(entry); entry = NULL;
-  }
-  [super dealloc];
-static JKHashTableEntry *_JKDictionaryHashEntry(JKDictionary *dictionary) {
-  NSCParameterAssert(dictionary != NULL);
-  return(dictionary->entry);
-static NSUInteger _JKDictionaryCapacity(JKDictionary *dictionary) {
-  NSCParameterAssert(dictionary != NULL);
-  return(dictionary->capacity);
-static void _JKDictionaryRemoveObjectWithEntry(JKDictionary *dictionary, JKHashTableEntry *entry) {
-  NSCParameterAssert((dictionary != NULL) && (entry != NULL) && (entry->key != NULL) && (entry->object != NULL) && (dictionary->count > 0UL) && (dictionary->count <= dictionary->capacity));
-  CFRelease(entry->key);    entry->key    = NULL;
-  CFRelease(entry->object); entry->object = NULL;
-  entry->keyHash = 0UL;
-  dictionary->count--;
-  // In order for certain invariants that are used to speed up the search for a particular key, we need to "re-add" all the entries in the hash table following this entry until we hit a NULL entry.
-  NSUInteger removeIdx = entry - dictionary->entry, idx = 0UL;
-  NSCParameterAssert((removeIdx < dictionary->capacity));
-  for(idx = 0UL; idx < dictionary->capacity; idx++) {
-    NSUInteger entryIdx = (removeIdx + idx + 1UL) % dictionary->capacity;
-    JKHashTableEntry *atEntry = &dictionary->entry[entryIdx];
-    if(atEntry->key == NULL) { break; }
-    NSUInteger keyHash = atEntry->keyHash;
-    id key = atEntry->key, object = atEntry->object;
-    NSCParameterAssert(object != NULL);
-    atEntry->keyHash = 0UL;
-    atEntry->key     = NULL;
-    atEntry->object  = NULL;
-    NSUInteger addKeyEntry = keyHash % dictionary->capacity, addIdx = 0UL;
-    for(addIdx = 0UL; addIdx < dictionary->capacity; addIdx++) {
-      JKHashTableEntry *atAddEntry = &dictionary->entry[((addKeyEntry + addIdx) % dictionary->capacity)];
-      if(JK_EXPECT_T(atAddEntry->key == NULL)) { NSCParameterAssert((atAddEntry->keyHash == 0UL) && (atAddEntry->object == NULL)); atAddEntry->key = key; atAddEntry->object = object; atAddEntry->keyHash = keyHash; break; }
-    }
-  }
-static void _JKDictionaryAddObject(JKDictionary *dictionary, NSUInteger keyHash, id key, id object) {
-  NSCParameterAssert((dictionary != NULL) && (key != NULL) && (object != NULL) && (dictionary->count < dictionary->capacity) && (dictionary->entry != NULL));
-  NSUInteger keyEntry = keyHash % dictionary->capacity, idx = 0UL;
-  for(idx = 0UL; idx < dictionary->capacity; idx++) {
-    NSUInteger entryIdx = (keyEntry + idx) % dictionary->capacity;
-    JKHashTableEntry *atEntry = &dictionary->entry[entryIdx];
-    if(JK_EXPECT_F(atEntry->keyHash == keyHash) && JK_EXPECT_T(atEntry->key != NULL) && (JK_EXPECT_F(key == atEntry->key) || JK_EXPECT_F(CFEqual(atEntry->key, key)))) { _JKDictionaryRemoveObjectWithEntry(dictionary, atEntry); }
-    if(JK_EXPECT_T(atEntry->key == NULL)) { NSCParameterAssert((atEntry->keyHash == 0UL) && (atEntry->object == NULL)); atEntry->key = key; atEntry->object = object; atEntry->keyHash = keyHash; dictionary->count++; return; }
-  }
-  // We should never get here.  If we do, we -release the key / object because it's our responsibility.
-  CFRelease(key);
-  CFRelease(object);
-- (NSUInteger)count
-  return(count);
-static JKHashTableEntry *_JKDictionaryHashTableEntryForKey(JKDictionary *dictionary, id aKey) {
-  NSCParameterAssert((dictionary != NULL) && (dictionary->entry != NULL) && (dictionary->count <= dictionary->capacity));
-  if((aKey == NULL) || (dictionary->capacity == 0UL)) { return(NULL); }
-  NSUInteger        keyHash = CFHash(aKey), keyEntry = (keyHash % dictionary->capacity), idx = 0UL;
-  JKHashTableEntry *atEntry = NULL;
-  for(idx = 0UL; idx < dictionary->capacity; idx++) {
-    atEntry = &dictionary->entry[(keyEntry + idx) % dictionary->capacity];
-    if(JK_EXPECT_T(atEntry->keyHash == keyHash) && JK_EXPECT_T(atEntry->key != NULL) && ((atEntry->key == aKey) || CFEqual(atEntry->key, aKey))) { NSCParameterAssert(atEntry->object != NULL); return(atEntry); break; }
-    if(JK_EXPECT_F(atEntry->key == NULL)) { NSCParameterAssert(atEntry->object == NULL); return(NULL); break; } // If the key was in the table, we would have found it by now.
-  }
-  return(NULL);
-- (id)objectForKey:(id)aKey
-  NSParameterAssert((entry != NULL) && (count <= capacity));
-  JKHashTableEntry *entryForKey = _JKDictionaryHashTableEntryForKey(self, aKey);
-  return((entryForKey != NULL) ? entryForKey->object : NULL);
-- (void)getObjects:(id *)objects andKeys:(id *)keys
-  NSParameterAssert((entry != NULL) && (count <= capacity));
-  NSUInteger atEntry = 0UL; NSUInteger arrayIdx = 0UL;
-  for(atEntry = 0UL; atEntry < capacity; atEntry++) {
-    if(JK_EXPECT_T(entry[atEntry].key != NULL)) {
-      NSCParameterAssert((entry[atEntry].object != NULL) && (arrayIdx < count));
-      if(JK_EXPECT_T(keys    != NULL)) { keys[arrayIdx]    = entry[atEntry].key;    }
-      if(JK_EXPECT_T(objects != NULL)) { objects[arrayIdx] = entry[atEntry].object; }
-      arrayIdx++;
-    }
-  }
-- (NSUInteger)countByEnumeratingWithState:(NSFastEnumerationState *)state objects:(id *)stackbuf count:(NSUInteger)len
-  NSParameterAssert((state != NULL) && (stackbuf != NULL) && (len > 0UL) && (entry != NULL) && (count <= capacity));
-  if(JK_EXPECT_F(state->state == 0UL))      { state->mutationsPtr = (unsigned long *)&mutations; state->itemsPtr = stackbuf; }
-  if(JK_EXPECT_F(state->state >= capacity)) { return(0UL); }
-  NSUInteger enumeratedCount  = 0UL;
-  while(JK_EXPECT_T(enumeratedCount < len) && JK_EXPECT_T(state->state < capacity)) { if(JK_EXPECT_T(entry[state->state].key != NULL)) { stackbuf[enumeratedCount++] = entry[state->state].key; } state->state++; }
-  return(enumeratedCount);
-- (NSEnumerator *)keyEnumerator
-  return([[[JKDictionaryEnumerator alloc] initWithJKDictionary:self] autorelease]);
-- (void)setObject:(id)anObject forKey:(id)aKey
-  if(mutations == 0UL)  { [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"*** -[%@ %@]: mutating method sent to immutable object", NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)];       }
-  if(aKey      == NULL) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException       format:@"*** -[%@ %@]: attempt to insert nil key",                NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)];       }
-  if(anObject  == NULL) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException       format:@"*** -[%@ %@]: attempt to insert nil value (key: %@)",    NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), aKey]; }
-  _JKDictionaryResizeIfNeccessary(self);
-#ifndef __clang_analyzer__
-  aKey     = [aKey     copy];   // Why on earth would clang complain that this -copy "might leak", 
-  anObject = [anObject retain]; // but this -retain doesn't!?
-#endif // __clang_analyzer__
-  _JKDictionaryAddObject(self, CFHash(aKey), aKey, anObject);
-  mutations = (mutations == NSUIntegerMax) ? 1UL : mutations + 1UL;
-- (void)removeObjectForKey:(id)aKey
-  if(mutations == 0UL)  { [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"*** -[%@ %@]: mutating method sent to immutable object", NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; }
-  if(aKey      == NULL) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException       format:@"*** -[%@ %@]: attempt to remove nil key",                NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; }
-  JKHashTableEntry *entryForKey = _JKDictionaryHashTableEntryForKey(self, aKey);
-  if(entryForKey != NULL) {
-    _JKDictionaryRemoveObjectWithEntry(self, entryForKey);
-    mutations = (mutations == NSUIntegerMax) ? 1UL : mutations + 1UL;
-  }
-- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
-  NSParameterAssert((entry != NULL) && (count <= capacity));
-  return((mutations == 0UL) ? [self retain] : [[NSDictionary allocWithZone:zone] initWithDictionary:self]);
-- (id)mutableCopyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
-  NSParameterAssert((entry != NULL) && (count <= capacity));
-  return([[NSMutableDictionary allocWithZone:zone] initWithDictionary:self]);
-#pragma mark -
-JK_STATIC_INLINE size_t jk_min(size_t a, size_t b) { return((a < b) ? a : b); }
-JK_STATIC_INLINE size_t jk_max(size_t a, size_t b) { return((a > b) ? a : b); }
-JK_STATIC_INLINE JKHash calculateHash(JKHash currentHash, unsigned char c) { return(((currentHash << 5) + currentHash) + c); }
-static void jk_error(JKParseState *parseState, NSString *format, ...) {
-  NSCParameterAssert((parseState != NULL) && (format != NULL));
-  va_list varArgsList;
-  va_start(varArgsList, format);
-  NSString *formatString = [[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:format arguments:varArgsList] autorelease];
-  va_end(varArgsList);
-#if 0
-  const unsigned char *lineStart      = parseState->stringBuffer.bytes.ptr + parseState->lineStartIndex;
-  const unsigned char *lineEnd        = lineStart;
-  const unsigned char *atCharacterPtr = NULL;
-  for(atCharacterPtr = lineStart; atCharacterPtr < JK_END_STRING_PTR(parseState); atCharacterPtr++) { lineEnd = atCharacterPtr; if(jk_parse_is_newline(parseState, atCharacterPtr)) { break; } }
-  NSString *lineString = @"", *carretString = @"";
-  if(lineStart < JK_END_STRING_PTR(parseState)) {
-    lineString   = [[[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:lineStart length:(lineEnd - lineStart) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
-    carretString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%*.*s^", (int)(parseState->atIndex - parseState->lineStartIndex), (int)(parseState->atIndex - parseState->lineStartIndex), " "];
-  }
-  if(parseState->error == NULL) {
-    parseState->error = [NSError errorWithDomain:@"JKErrorDomain" code:-1L userInfo:
-                                   [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
-                                                                              formatString,                                             NSLocalizedDescriptionKey,
-                                                                              [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong:parseState->atIndex],    @"JKAtIndexKey",
-                                                                              [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong:parseState->lineNumber], @"JKLineNumberKey",
-                                                 //lineString,   @"JKErrorLine0Key",
-                                                 //carretString, @"JKErrorLine1Key",
-                                                                              NULL]];
-  }
-#pragma mark -
-#pragma mark Buffer and Object Stack management functions
-static void jk_managedBuffer_release(JKManagedBuffer *managedBuffer) {
-  if((managedBuffer->flags & JKManagedBufferMustFree)) {
-    if(managedBuffer->bytes.ptr != NULL) { free(managedBuffer->bytes.ptr); managedBuffer->bytes.ptr = NULL; }
-    managedBuffer->flags &= ~JKManagedBufferMustFree;
-  }
-  managedBuffer->bytes.ptr     = NULL;
-  managedBuffer->bytes.length  = 0UL;
-  managedBuffer->flags        &= ~JKManagedBufferLocationMask;
-static void jk_managedBuffer_setToStackBuffer(JKManagedBuffer *managedBuffer, unsigned char *ptr, size_t length) {
-  jk_managedBuffer_release(managedBuffer);
-  managedBuffer->bytes.ptr     = ptr;
-  managedBuffer->bytes.length  = length;
-  managedBuffer->flags         = (managedBuffer->flags & ~JKManagedBufferLocationMask) | JKManagedBufferOnStack;
-static unsigned char *jk_managedBuffer_resize(JKManagedBuffer *managedBuffer, size_t newSize) {
-  size_t roundedUpNewSize = newSize;
-  if(managedBuffer->roundSizeUpToMultipleOf > 0UL) { roundedUpNewSize = newSize + ((managedBuffer->roundSizeUpToMultipleOf - (newSize % managedBuffer->roundSizeUpToMultipleOf)) % managedBuffer->roundSizeUpToMultipleOf); }
-  if((roundedUpNewSize != managedBuffer->bytes.length) && (roundedUpNewSize > managedBuffer->bytes.length)) {
-    if((managedBuffer->flags & JKManagedBufferLocationMask) == JKManagedBufferOnStack) {
-      NSCParameterAssert((managedBuffer->flags & JKManagedBufferMustFree) == 0);
-      unsigned char *newBuffer = NULL, *oldBuffer = managedBuffer->bytes.ptr;
-      if((newBuffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(roundedUpNewSize)) == NULL) { return(NULL); }
-      memcpy(newBuffer, oldBuffer, jk_min(managedBuffer->bytes.length, roundedUpNewSize));
-      managedBuffer->flags        = (managedBuffer->flags & ~JKManagedBufferLocationMask) | (JKManagedBufferOnHeap | JKManagedBufferMustFree);
-      managedBuffer->bytes.ptr    = newBuffer;
-      managedBuffer->bytes.length = roundedUpNewSize;
-    } else {
-      NSCParameterAssert(((managedBuffer->flags & JKManagedBufferMustFree) != 0) && ((managedBuffer->flags & JKManagedBufferLocationMask) == JKManagedBufferOnHeap));
-      if((managedBuffer->bytes.ptr = (unsigned char *)reallocf(managedBuffer->bytes.ptr, roundedUpNewSize)) == NULL) { return(NULL); }
-      managedBuffer->bytes.length = roundedUpNewSize;
-    }
-  }
-  return(managedBuffer->bytes.ptr);
-static void jk_objectStack_release(JKObjectStack *objectStack) {
-  NSCParameterAssert(objectStack != NULL);
-  NSCParameterAssert(objectStack->index <= objectStack->count);
-  size_t atIndex = 0UL;
-  for(atIndex = 0UL; atIndex < objectStack->index; atIndex++) {
-    if(objectStack->objects[atIndex] != NULL) { CFRelease(objectStack->objects[atIndex]); objectStack->objects[atIndex] = NULL; }
-    if(objectStack->keys[atIndex]    != NULL) { CFRelease(objectStack->keys[atIndex]);    objectStack->keys[atIndex]    = NULL; }
-  }
-  objectStack->index = 0UL;
-  if(objectStack->flags & JKObjectStackMustFree) {
-    NSCParameterAssert((objectStack->flags & JKObjectStackLocationMask) == JKObjectStackOnHeap);
-    if(objectStack->objects  != NULL) { free(objectStack->objects);  objectStack->objects  = NULL; }
-    if(objectStack->keys     != NULL) { free(objectStack->keys);     objectStack->keys     = NULL; }
-    if(objectStack->cfHashes != NULL) { free(objectStack->cfHashes); objectStack->cfHashes = NULL; }
-    objectStack->flags &= ~JKObjectStackMustFree;
-  }
-  objectStack->objects  = NULL;
-  objectStack->keys     = NULL;
-  objectStack->cfHashes = NULL;
-  objectStack->count    = 0UL;
-  objectStack->flags   &= ~JKObjectStackLocationMask;
-static void jk_objectStack_setToStackBuffer(JKObjectStack *objectStack, void **objects, void **keys, CFHashCode *cfHashes, size_t count) {
-  NSCParameterAssert((objectStack != NULL) && (objects != NULL) && (keys != NULL) && (cfHashes != NULL) && (count > 0UL));
-  jk_objectStack_release(objectStack);
-  objectStack->objects  = objects;
-  objectStack->keys     = keys;
-  objectStack->cfHashes = cfHashes;
-  objectStack->count    = count;
-  objectStack->flags    = (objectStack->flags & ~JKObjectStackLocationMask) | JKObjectStackOnStack;
-  size_t idx;
-  for(idx = 0UL; idx < objectStack->count; idx++) { objectStack->objects[idx] = NULL; objectStack->keys[idx] = NULL; objectStack->cfHashes[idx] = 0UL; }
-static int jk_objectStack_resize(JKObjectStack *objectStack, size_t newCount) {
-  size_t roundedUpNewCount = newCount;
-  int    returnCode = 0;
-  void       **newObjects  = NULL, **newKeys = NULL;
-  CFHashCode  *newCFHashes = NULL;
-  if(objectStack->roundSizeUpToMultipleOf > 0UL) { roundedUpNewCount = newCount + ((objectStack->roundSizeUpToMultipleOf - (newCount % objectStack->roundSizeUpToMultipleOf)) % objectStack->roundSizeUpToMultipleOf); }
-  if((roundedUpNewCount != objectStack->count) && (roundedUpNewCount > objectStack->count)) {
-    if((objectStack->flags & JKObjectStackLocationMask) == JKObjectStackOnStack) {
-      NSCParameterAssert((objectStack->flags & JKObjectStackMustFree) == 0);
-      if((newObjects  = (void **     )calloc(1UL, roundedUpNewCount * sizeof(void *    ))) == NULL) { returnCode = 1; goto errorExit; }
-      memcpy(newObjects, objectStack->objects,   jk_min(objectStack->count, roundedUpNewCount) * sizeof(void *));
-      if((newKeys     = (void **     )calloc(1UL, roundedUpNewCount * sizeof(void *    ))) == NULL) { returnCode = 1; goto errorExit; }
-      memcpy(newKeys,     objectStack->keys,     jk_min(objectStack->count, roundedUpNewCount) * sizeof(void *));
-      if((newCFHashes = (CFHashCode *)calloc(1UL, roundedUpNewCount * sizeof(CFHashCode))) == NULL) { returnCode = 1; goto errorExit; }
-      memcpy(newCFHashes, objectStack->cfHashes, jk_min(objectStack->count, roundedUpNewCount) * sizeof(CFHashCode));
-      objectStack->flags    = (objectStack->flags & ~JKObjectStackLocationMask) | (JKObjectStackOnHeap | JKObjectStackMustFree);
-      objectStack->objects  = newObjects;  newObjects  = NULL;
-      objectStack->keys     = newKeys;     newKeys     = NULL;
-      objectStack->cfHashes = newCFHashes; newCFHashes = NULL;
-      objectStack->count    = roundedUpNewCount;
-    } else {
-      NSCParameterAssert(((objectStack->flags & JKObjectStackMustFree) != 0) && ((objectStack->flags & JKObjectStackLocationMask) == JKObjectStackOnHeap));
-      if((newObjects  = (void  **    )realloc(objectStack->objects,  roundedUpNewCount * sizeof(void *    ))) != NULL) { objectStack->objects  = newObjects;  newObjects  = NULL; } else { returnCode = 1; goto errorExit; }
-      if((newKeys     = (void  **    )realloc(objectStack->keys,     roundedUpNewCount * sizeof(void *    ))) != NULL) { objectStack->keys     = newKeys;     newKeys     = NULL; } else { returnCode = 1; goto errorExit; }
-      if((newCFHashes = (CFHashCode *)realloc(objectStack->cfHashes, roundedUpNewCount * sizeof(CFHashCode))) != NULL) { objectStack->cfHashes = newCFHashes; newCFHashes = NULL; } else { returnCode = 1; goto errorExit; }
-      size_t idx;
-      for(idx = objectStack->count; idx < roundedUpNewCount; idx++) { objectStack->objects[idx] = NULL; objectStack->keys[idx] = NULL; objectStack->cfHashes[idx] = 0UL; }
-      objectStack->count = roundedUpNewCount;
-    }
-  }
- errorExit:
-  if(newObjects  != NULL) { free(newObjects);  newObjects  = NULL; }
-  if(newKeys     != NULL) { free(newKeys);     newKeys     = NULL; }
-  if(newCFHashes != NULL) { free(newCFHashes); newCFHashes = NULL; }
-  return(returnCode);
-#pragma mark -
-#pragma mark Unicode related functions
-JK_STATIC_INLINE ConversionResult isValidCodePoint(UTF32 *u32CodePoint) {
-  ConversionResult result = conversionOK;
-  UTF32            ch     = *u32CodePoint;
-  if(JK_EXPECT_F(ch >= UNI_SUR_HIGH_START) && (JK_EXPECT_T(ch <= UNI_SUR_LOW_END)))                                                        { result = sourceIllegal; ch = UNI_REPLACEMENT_CHAR; goto finished; }
-  if(JK_EXPECT_F(ch >= 0xFDD0U) && (JK_EXPECT_F(ch <= 0xFDEFU) || JK_EXPECT_F((ch & 0xFFFEU) == 0xFFFEU)) && JK_EXPECT_T(ch <= 0x10FFFFU)) { result = sourceIllegal; ch = UNI_REPLACEMENT_CHAR; goto finished; }
-  if(JK_EXPECT_F(ch == 0U))                                                                                                                { result = sourceIllegal; ch = UNI_REPLACEMENT_CHAR; goto finished; }
- finished:
-  *u32CodePoint = ch;
-  return(result);
-static int isLegalUTF8(const UTF8 *source, size_t length) {
-  const UTF8 *srcptr = source + length;
-  UTF8 a;
-  switch(length) {
-    default: return(0); // Everything else falls through when "true"...
-    case 4: if(JK_EXPECT_F(((a = (*--srcptr)) < 0x80) || (a > 0xBF))) { return(0); }
-    case 3: if(JK_EXPECT_F(((a = (*--srcptr)) < 0x80) || (a > 0xBF))) { return(0); }
-    case 2: if(JK_EXPECT_F( (a = (*--srcptr)) > 0xBF               )) { return(0); }
-      switch(*source) { // no fall-through in this inner switch
-        case 0xE0: if(JK_EXPECT_F(a < 0xA0)) { return(0); } break;
-        case 0xED: if(JK_EXPECT_F(a > 0x9F)) { return(0); } break;
-        case 0xF0: if(JK_EXPECT_F(a < 0x90)) { return(0); } break;
-        case 0xF4: if(JK_EXPECT_F(a > 0x8F)) { return(0); } break;
-        default:   if(JK_EXPECT_F(a < 0x80)) { return(0); }
-      }
-    case 1: if(JK_EXPECT_F((JK_EXPECT_T(*source < 0xC2)) && JK_EXPECT_F(*source >= 0x80))) { return(0); }
-  }
-  if(JK_EXPECT_F(*source > 0xF4)) { return(0); }
-  return(1);
-static ConversionResult ConvertSingleCodePointInUTF8(const UTF8 *sourceStart, const UTF8 *sourceEnd, UTF8 const **nextUTF8, UTF32 *convertedUTF32) {
-  ConversionResult result = conversionOK;
-  const UTF8 *source = sourceStart;
-  UTF32 ch = 0UL;
-  unsigned short extraBytesToRead = trailingBytesForUTF8[*source];
-  unsigned short extraBytesToRead = __builtin_clz(((*source)^0xff) << 25);
-  if(JK_EXPECT_F((source + extraBytesToRead + 1) > sourceEnd) || JK_EXPECT_F(!isLegalUTF8(source, extraBytesToRead + 1))) {
-    source++;
-    while((source < sourceEnd) && (((*source) & 0xc0) == 0x80) && ((source - sourceStart) < (extraBytesToRead + 1))) { source++; } 
-    NSCParameterAssert(source <= sourceEnd);
-    result = ((source < sourceEnd) && (((*source) & 0xc0) != 0x80)) ? sourceIllegal : ((sourceStart + extraBytesToRead + 1) > sourceEnd) ? sourceExhausted : sourceIllegal;
-    goto finished;
-  }
-  switch(extraBytesToRead) { // The cases all fall through.
-    case 5: ch += *source++; ch <<= 6;
-    case 4: ch += *source++; ch <<= 6;
-    case 3: ch += *source++; ch <<= 6;
-    case 2: ch += *source++; ch <<= 6;
-    case 1: ch += *source++; ch <<= 6;
-    case 0: ch += *source++;
-  }
-  ch -= offsetsFromUTF8[extraBytesToRead];
-  result = isValidCodePoint(&ch);
- finished:
-  *nextUTF8       = source;
-  *convertedUTF32 = ch;
-  return(result);
-static ConversionResult ConvertUTF32toUTF8 (UTF32 u32CodePoint, UTF8 **targetStart, UTF8 *targetEnd) {
-  const UTF32       byteMask     = 0xBF, byteMark = 0x80;
-  ConversionResult  result       = conversionOK;
-  UTF8             *target       = *targetStart;
-  UTF32             ch           = u32CodePoint;
-  unsigned short    bytesToWrite = 0;
-  result = isValidCodePoint(&ch);
-  // Figure out how many bytes the result will require. Turn any illegally large UTF32 things (> Plane 17) into replacement chars.
-       if(ch < (UTF32)0x80)          { bytesToWrite = 1; }
-  else if(ch < (UTF32)0x800)         { bytesToWrite = 2; }
-  else if(ch < (UTF32)0x10000)       { bytesToWrite = 3; }
-  else if(ch <= UNI_MAX_LEGAL_UTF32) { bytesToWrite = 4; }
-  else {                               bytesToWrite = 3; ch = UNI_REPLACEMENT_CHAR; result = sourceIllegal; }
-  target += bytesToWrite;
-  if (target > targetEnd) { target -= bytesToWrite; result = targetExhausted; goto finished; }
-  switch (bytesToWrite) { // note: everything falls through.
-    case 4: *--target = (UTF8)((ch | byteMark) & byteMask); ch >>= 6;
-    case 3: *--target = (UTF8)((ch | byteMark) & byteMask); ch >>= 6;
-    case 2: *--target = (UTF8)((ch | byteMark) & byteMask); ch >>= 6;
-    case 1: *--target = (UTF8) (ch | firstByteMark[bytesToWrite]);
-  }
-  target += bytesToWrite;
- finished:
-  *targetStart = target;
-  return(result);
-JK_STATIC_INLINE int jk_string_add_unicodeCodePoint(JKParseState *parseState, uint32_t unicodeCodePoint, size_t *tokenBufferIdx, JKHash *stringHash) {
-  UTF8             *u8s = &parseState->token.tokenBuffer.bytes.ptr[*tokenBufferIdx];
-  ConversionResult  result;
-  if((result = ConvertUTF32toUTF8(unicodeCodePoint, &u8s, (parseState->token.tokenBuffer.bytes.ptr + parseState->token.tokenBuffer.bytes.length))) != conversionOK) { if(result == targetExhausted) { return(1); } }
-  size_t utf8len = u8s - &parseState->token.tokenBuffer.bytes.ptr[*tokenBufferIdx], nextIdx = (*tokenBufferIdx) + utf8len;
-  while(*tokenBufferIdx < nextIdx) { *stringHash = calculateHash(*stringHash, parseState->token.tokenBuffer.bytes.ptr[(*tokenBufferIdx)++]); }
-  return(0);
-#pragma mark -
-#pragma mark Decoding / parsing / deserializing functions
-static int jk_parse_string(JKParseState *parseState) {
-  NSCParameterAssert((parseState != NULL) && (JK_AT_STRING_PTR(parseState) <= JK_END_STRING_PTR(parseState)));
-  const unsigned char *stringStart       = JK_AT_STRING_PTR(parseState) + 1;
-  const unsigned char *endOfBuffer       = JK_END_STRING_PTR(parseState);
-  const unsigned char *atStringCharacter = stringStart;
-  unsigned char       *tokenBuffer       = parseState->token.tokenBuffer.bytes.ptr;
-  size_t               tokenStartIndex   = parseState->atIndex;
-  size_t               tokenBufferIdx    = 0UL;
-  int      onlySimpleString        = 1,  stringState     = JSONStringStateStart;
-  uint16_t escapedUnicode1         = 0U, escapedUnicode2 = 0U;
-  uint32_t escapedUnicodeCodePoint = 0U;
-  JKHash   stringHash              = JK_HASH_INIT;
-  while(1) {
-    unsigned long currentChar;
-    if(JK_EXPECT_F(atStringCharacter == endOfBuffer)) { /* XXX Add error message */ stringState = JSONStringStateError; goto finishedParsing; }
-    if(JK_EXPECT_F((currentChar = *atStringCharacter++) >= 0x80UL)) {
-      const unsigned char *nextValidCharacter = NULL;
-      UTF32                u32ch              = 0U;
-      ConversionResult     result;
-      if(JK_EXPECT_F((result = ConvertSingleCodePointInUTF8(atStringCharacter - 1, endOfBuffer, (UTF8 const **)&nextValidCharacter, &u32ch)) != conversionOK)) { goto switchToSlowPath; }
-      stringHash = calculateHash(stringHash, currentChar);
-      while(atStringCharacter < nextValidCharacter) { NSCParameterAssert(JK_AT_STRING_PTR(parseState) <= JK_END_STRING_PTR(parseState)); stringHash = calculateHash(stringHash, *atStringCharacter++); }
-      continue;
-    } else {
-      if(JK_EXPECT_F(currentChar == (unsigned long)'"')) { stringState = JSONStringStateFinished; goto finishedParsing; }
-      if(JK_EXPECT_F(currentChar == (unsigned long)'\\')) {
-      switchToSlowPath:
-        onlySimpleString = 0;
-        stringState      = JSONStringStateParsing;
-        tokenBufferIdx   = (atStringCharacter - stringStart) - 1L;
-        if(JK_EXPECT_F((tokenBufferIdx + 16UL) > parseState->token.tokenBuffer.bytes.length)) { if((tokenBuffer = jk_managedBuffer_resize(&parseState->token.tokenBuffer, tokenBufferIdx + 1024UL)) == NULL) { jk_error(parseState, @"Internal error: Unable to resize temporary buffer. %@ line #%ld", [NSString stringWithUTF8String:__FILE__], (long)__LINE__); stringState = JSONStringStateError; goto finishedParsing; } }
-        memcpy(tokenBuffer, stringStart, tokenBufferIdx);
-        goto slowMatch;
-      }
-      if(JK_EXPECT_F(currentChar < 0x20UL)) { jk_error(parseState, @"Invalid character < 0x20 found in string: 0x%2.2x.", currentChar); stringState = JSONStringStateError; goto finishedParsing; }
-      stringHash = calculateHash(stringHash, currentChar);
-    }
-  }
- slowMatch:
-  for(atStringCharacter = (stringStart + ((atStringCharacter - stringStart) - 1L)); (atStringCharacter < endOfBuffer) && (tokenBufferIdx < parseState->token.tokenBuffer.bytes.length); atStringCharacter++) {
-    if((tokenBufferIdx + 16UL) > parseState->token.tokenBuffer.bytes.length) { if((tokenBuffer = jk_managedBuffer_resize(&parseState->token.tokenBuffer, tokenBufferIdx + 1024UL)) == NULL) { jk_error(parseState, @"Internal error: Unable to resize temporary buffer. %@ line #%ld", [NSString stringWithUTF8String:__FILE__], (long)__LINE__); stringState = JSONStringStateError; goto finishedParsing; } }
-    NSCParameterAssert(tokenBufferIdx < parseState->token.tokenBuffer.bytes.length);
-    unsigned long currentChar = (*atStringCharacter), escapedChar;
-    if(JK_EXPECT_T(stringState == JSONStringStateParsing)) {
-      if(JK_EXPECT_T(currentChar >= 0x20UL)) {
-        if(JK_EXPECT_T(currentChar < (unsigned long)0x80)) { // Not a UTF8 sequence
-          if(JK_EXPECT_F(currentChar == (unsigned long)'"'))  { stringState = JSONStringStateFinished; atStringCharacter++; goto finishedParsing; }
-          if(JK_EXPECT_F(currentChar == (unsigned long)'\\')) { stringState = JSONStringStateEscape; continue; }
-          stringHash = calculateHash(stringHash, currentChar);
-          tokenBuffer[tokenBufferIdx++] = currentChar;
-          continue;
-        } else { // UTF8 sequence
-          const unsigned char *nextValidCharacter = NULL;
-          UTF32                u32ch              = 0U;
-          ConversionResult     result;
-          if(JK_EXPECT_F((result = ConvertSingleCodePointInUTF8(atStringCharacter, endOfBuffer, (UTF8 const **)&nextValidCharacter, &u32ch)) != conversionOK)) {
-            if((result == sourceIllegal) && ((parseState->parseOptionFlags & JKParseOptionLooseUnicode) == 0)) { jk_error(parseState, @"Illegal UTF8 sequence found in \"\" string.");              stringState = JSONStringStateError; goto finishedParsing; }
-            if(result == sourceExhausted)                                                                      { jk_error(parseState, @"End of buffer reached while parsing UTF8 in \"\" string."); stringState = JSONStringStateError; goto finishedParsing; }
-            if(jk_string_add_unicodeCodePoint(parseState, u32ch, &tokenBufferIdx, &stringHash))                { jk_error(parseState, @"Internal error: Unable to add UTF8 sequence to internal string buffer. %@ line #%ld", [NSString stringWithUTF8String:__FILE__], (long)__LINE__); stringState = JSONStringStateError; goto finishedParsing; }
-            atStringCharacter = nextValidCharacter - 1;
-            continue;
-          } else {
-            while(atStringCharacter < nextValidCharacter) { tokenBuffer[tokenBufferIdx++] = *atStringCharacter; stringHash = calculateHash(stringHash, *atStringCharacter++); }
-            atStringCharacter--;
-            continue;
-          }
-        }
-      } else { // currentChar < 0x20
-        jk_error(parseState, @"Invalid character < 0x20 found in string: 0x%2.2x.", currentChar); stringState = JSONStringStateError; goto finishedParsing;
-      }
-    } else { // stringState != JSONStringStateParsing
-      int isSurrogate = 1;
-      switch(stringState) {
-        case JSONStringStateEscape:
-          switch(currentChar) {
-            case 'u': escapedUnicode1 = 0U; escapedUnicode2 = 0U; escapedUnicodeCodePoint = 0U; stringState = JSONStringStateEscapedUnicode1; break;
-            case 'b':  escapedChar = '\b'; goto parsedEscapedChar;
-            case 'f':  escapedChar = '\f'; goto parsedEscapedChar;
-            case 'n':  escapedChar = '\n'; goto parsedEscapedChar;
-            case 'r':  escapedChar = '\r'; goto parsedEscapedChar;
-            case 't':  escapedChar = '\t'; goto parsedEscapedChar;
-            case '\\': escapedChar = '\\'; goto parsedEscapedChar;
-            case '/':  escapedChar = '/';  goto parsedEscapedChar;
-            case '"':  escapedChar = '"';  goto parsedEscapedChar;
-            parsedEscapedChar:
-              stringState = JSONStringStateParsing;
-              stringHash  = calculateHash(stringHash, escapedChar);
-              tokenBuffer[tokenBufferIdx++] = escapedChar;
-              break;
-            default: jk_error(parseState, @"Invalid escape sequence found in \"\" string."); stringState = JSONStringStateError; goto finishedParsing; break;
-          }
-          break;
-        case JSONStringStateEscapedUnicode1:
-        case JSONStringStateEscapedUnicode2:
-        case JSONStringStateEscapedUnicode3:
-        case JSONStringStateEscapedUnicode4:           isSurrogate = 0;
-        case JSONStringStateEscapedUnicodeSurrogate1:
-        case JSONStringStateEscapedUnicodeSurrogate2:
-        case JSONStringStateEscapedUnicodeSurrogate3:
-        case JSONStringStateEscapedUnicodeSurrogate4:
-          {
-            uint16_t hexValue = 0U;
-            switch(currentChar) {
-              case '0' ... '9': hexValue =  currentChar - '0';        goto parsedHex;
-              case 'a' ... 'f': hexValue = (currentChar - 'a') + 10U; goto parsedHex;
-              case 'A' ... 'F': hexValue = (currentChar - 'A') + 10U; goto parsedHex;
-              parsedHex:
-              if(!isSurrogate) { escapedUnicode1 = (escapedUnicode1 << 4) | hexValue; } else { escapedUnicode2 = (escapedUnicode2 << 4) | hexValue; }
-              if(stringState == JSONStringStateEscapedUnicode4) {
-                if(((escapedUnicode1 >= 0xD800U) && (escapedUnicode1 < 0xE000U))) {
-                  if((escapedUnicode1 >= 0xD800U) && (escapedUnicode1 < 0xDC00U)) { stringState = JSONStringStateEscapedNeedEscapeForSurrogate; }
-                  else if((escapedUnicode1 >= 0xDC00U) && (escapedUnicode1 < 0xE000U)) { 
-                    if((parseState->parseOptionFlags & JKParseOptionLooseUnicode)) { escapedUnicodeCodePoint = UNI_REPLACEMENT_CHAR; }
-                    else { jk_error(parseState, @"Illegal \\u Unicode escape sequence."); stringState = JSONStringStateError; goto finishedParsing; }
-                  }
-                }
-                else { escapedUnicodeCodePoint = escapedUnicode1; }
-              }
-              if(stringState == JSONStringStateEscapedUnicodeSurrogate4) {
-                if((escapedUnicode2 < 0xdc00) || (escapedUnicode2 > 0xdfff)) {
-                  if((parseState->parseOptionFlags & JKParseOptionLooseUnicode)) { escapedUnicodeCodePoint = UNI_REPLACEMENT_CHAR; }
-                  else { jk_error(parseState, @"Illegal \\u Unicode escape sequence."); stringState = JSONStringStateError; goto finishedParsing; }
-                }
-                else { escapedUnicodeCodePoint = ((escapedUnicode1 - 0xd800) * 0x400) + (escapedUnicode2 - 0xdc00) + 0x10000; }
-              }
-              if((stringState == JSONStringStateEscapedUnicode4) || (stringState == JSONStringStateEscapedUnicodeSurrogate4)) { 
-                if((isValidCodePoint(&escapedUnicodeCodePoint) == sourceIllegal) && ((parseState->parseOptionFlags & JKParseOptionLooseUnicode) == 0)) { jk_error(parseState, @"Illegal \\u Unicode escape sequence."); stringState = JSONStringStateError; goto finishedParsing; }
-                stringState = JSONStringStateParsing;
-                if(jk_string_add_unicodeCodePoint(parseState, escapedUnicodeCodePoint, &tokenBufferIdx, &stringHash)) { jk_error(parseState, @"Internal error: Unable to add UTF8 sequence to internal string buffer. %@ line #%ld", [NSString stringWithUTF8String:__FILE__], (long)__LINE__); stringState = JSONStringStateError; goto finishedParsing; }
-              }
-              else if((stringState >= JSONStringStateEscapedUnicode1) && (stringState <= JSONStringStateEscapedUnicodeSurrogate4)) { stringState++; }
-              break;
-              default: jk_error(parseState, @"Unexpected character found in \\u Unicode escape sequence.  Found '%c', expected [0-9a-fA-F].", currentChar); stringState = JSONStringStateError; goto finishedParsing; break;
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        case JSONStringStateEscapedNeedEscapeForSurrogate:
-          if(currentChar == '\\') { stringState = JSONStringStateEscapedNeedEscapedUForSurrogate; }
-          else { 
-            if((parseState->parseOptionFlags & JKParseOptionLooseUnicode) == 0) { jk_error(parseState, @"Required a second \\u Unicode escape sequence following a surrogate \\u Unicode escape sequence."); stringState = JSONStringStateError; goto finishedParsing; }
-            else { stringState = JSONStringStateParsing; atStringCharacter--;    if(jk_string_add_unicodeCodePoint(parseState, UNI_REPLACEMENT_CHAR, &tokenBufferIdx, &stringHash)) { jk_error(parseState, @"Internal error: Unable to add UTF8 sequence to internal string buffer. %@ line #%ld", [NSString stringWithUTF8String:__FILE__], (long)__LINE__); stringState = JSONStringStateError; goto finishedParsing; } }
-          }
-          break;
-        case JSONStringStateEscapedNeedEscapedUForSurrogate:
-          if(currentChar == 'u') { stringState = JSONStringStateEscapedUnicodeSurrogate1; }
-          else { 
-            if((parseState->parseOptionFlags & JKParseOptionLooseUnicode) == 0) { jk_error(parseState, @"Required a second \\u Unicode escape sequence following a surrogate \\u Unicode escape sequence."); stringState = JSONStringStateError; goto finishedParsing; }
-            else { stringState = JSONStringStateParsing; atStringCharacter -= 2; if(jk_string_add_unicodeCodePoint(parseState, UNI_REPLACEMENT_CHAR, &tokenBufferIdx, &stringHash)) { jk_error(parseState, @"Internal error: Unable to add UTF8 sequence to internal string buffer. %@ line #%ld", [NSString stringWithUTF8String:__FILE__], (long)__LINE__); stringState = JSONStringStateError; goto finishedParsing; } }
-          }
-          break;
-        default: jk_error(parseState, @"Internal error: Unknown stringState. %@ line #%ld", [NSString stringWithUTF8String:__FILE__], (long)__LINE__); stringState = JSONStringStateError; goto finishedParsing; break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if(JK_EXPECT_T(stringState == JSONStringStateFinished)) {
-    NSCParameterAssert((parseState->stringBuffer.bytes.ptr + tokenStartIndex) < atStringCharacter);
-    parseState->token.tokenPtrRange.ptr    = parseState->stringBuffer.bytes.ptr + tokenStartIndex;
-    parseState->token.tokenPtrRange.length = (atStringCharacter - parseState->token.tokenPtrRange.ptr);
-    if(JK_EXPECT_T(onlySimpleString)) {
-      NSCParameterAssert(((parseState->token.tokenPtrRange.ptr + 1) < endOfBuffer) && (parseState->token.tokenPtrRange.length >= 2UL) && (((parseState->token.tokenPtrRange.ptr + 1) + (parseState->token.tokenPtrRange.length - 2)) < endOfBuffer));
-      parseState->token.value.ptrRange.ptr    = parseState->token.tokenPtrRange.ptr    + 1;
-      parseState->token.value.ptrRange.length = parseState->token.tokenPtrRange.length - 2UL;
-    } else {
-      parseState->token.value.ptrRange.ptr    = parseState->token.tokenBuffer.bytes.ptr;
-      parseState->token.value.ptrRange.length = tokenBufferIdx;
-    }
-    parseState->token.value.hash = stringHash;
-    parseState->token.value.type = JKValueTypeString;
-    parseState->atIndex          = (atStringCharacter - parseState->stringBuffer.bytes.ptr);
-  }
-  if(JK_EXPECT_F(stringState != JSONStringStateFinished)) { jk_error(parseState, @"Invalid string."); }
-  return(JK_EXPECT_T(stringState == JSONStringStateFinished) ? 0 : 1);
-static int jk_parse_number(JKParseState *parseState) {
-  NSCParameterAssert((parseState != NULL) && (JK_AT_STRING_PTR(parseState) <= JK_END_STRING_PTR(parseState)));
-  const unsigned char *numberStart       = JK_AT_STRING_PTR(parseState);
-  const unsigned char *endOfBuffer       = JK_END_STRING_PTR(parseState);
-  const unsigned char *atNumberCharacter = NULL;
-  int                  numberState       = JSONNumberStateWholeNumberStart, isFloatingPoint = 0, isNegative = 0, backup = 0;
-  size_t               startingIndex     = parseState->atIndex;
-  for(atNumberCharacter = numberStart; (JK_EXPECT_T(atNumberCharacter < endOfBuffer)) && (JK_EXPECT_T(!(JK_EXPECT_F(numberState == JSONNumberStateFinished) || JK_EXPECT_F(numberState == JSONNumberStateError)))); atNumberCharacter++) {
-    unsigned long currentChar = (unsigned long)(*atNumberCharacter), lowerCaseCC = currentChar | 0x20UL;
-    switch(numberState) {
-      case JSONNumberStateWholeNumberStart: if   (currentChar == '-')                                                                              { numberState = JSONNumberStateWholeNumberMinus;      isNegative      = 1; break; }
-      case JSONNumberStateWholeNumberMinus: if   (currentChar == '0')                                                                              { numberState = JSONNumberStateWholeNumberZero;                            break; }
-                                       else if(  (currentChar >= '1') && (currentChar <= '9'))                                                     { numberState = JSONNumberStateWholeNumber;                                break; }
-                                       else                                                     { /* XXX Add error message */                        numberState = JSONNumberStateError;                                      break; }
-      case JSONNumberStateExponentStart:    if(  (currentChar == '+') || (currentChar == '-'))                                                     { numberState = JSONNumberStateExponentPlusMinus;                          break; }
-      case JSONNumberStateFractionalNumberStart:
-      case JSONNumberStateExponentPlusMinus:if(!((currentChar >= '0') && (currentChar <= '9'))) { /* XXX Add error message */                        numberState = JSONNumberStateError;                                      break; }
-                                       else {                                              if(numberState == JSONNumberStateFractionalNumberStart) { numberState = JSONNumberStateFractionalNumber; }
-                                                                                           else                                                    { numberState = JSONNumberStateExponent;         }                         break; }
-      case JSONNumberStateWholeNumberZero:
-      case JSONNumberStateWholeNumber:      if   (currentChar == '.')                                                                              { numberState = JSONNumberStateFractionalNumberStart; isFloatingPoint = 1; break; }
-      case JSONNumberStateFractionalNumber: if   (lowerCaseCC == 'e')                                                                              { numberState = JSONNumberStateExponentStart;         isFloatingPoint = 1; break; }
-      case JSONNumberStateExponent:         if(!((currentChar >= '0') && (currentChar <= '9')) || (numberState == JSONNumberStateWholeNumberZero)) { numberState = JSONNumberStateFinished;              backup          = 1; break; }
-        break;
-      default:                                                                                    /* XXX Add error message */                        numberState = JSONNumberStateError;                                      break;
-    }
-  }
-  parseState->token.tokenPtrRange.ptr    = parseState->stringBuffer.bytes.ptr + startingIndex;
-  parseState->token.tokenPtrRange.length = (atNumberCharacter - parseState->token.tokenPtrRange.ptr) - backup;
-  parseState->atIndex                    = (parseState->token.tokenPtrRange.ptr + parseState->token.tokenPtrRange.length) - parseState->stringBuffer.bytes.ptr;
-  if(JK_EXPECT_T(numberState == JSONNumberStateFinished)) {
-    unsigned char  numberTempBuf[parseState->token.tokenPtrRange.length + 4UL];
-    unsigned char *endOfNumber = NULL;
-    memcpy(numberTempBuf, parseState->token.tokenPtrRange.ptr, parseState->token.tokenPtrRange.length);
-    numberTempBuf[parseState->token.tokenPtrRange.length] = 0;
-    errno = 0;
-    // Treat "-0" as a floating point number, which is capable of representing negative zeros.
-    if(JK_EXPECT_F(parseState->token.tokenPtrRange.length == 2UL) && JK_EXPECT_F(numberTempBuf[1] == '0') && JK_EXPECT_F(isNegative)) { isFloatingPoint = 1; }
-    if(isFloatingPoint) {
-      parseState->token.value.number.doubleValue = strtod((const char *)numberTempBuf, (char **)&endOfNumber); // strtod is documented to return U+2261 (identical to) 0.0 on an underflow error (along with setting errno to ERANGE).
-      parseState->token.value.type               = JKValueTypeDouble;
-      parseState->token.value.ptrRange.ptr       = (const unsigned char *)&parseState->token.value.number.doubleValue;
-      parseState->token.value.ptrRange.length    = sizeof(double);
-      parseState->token.value.hash               = (JK_HASH_INIT + parseState->token.value.type);
-    } else {
-      if(isNegative) {
-        parseState->token.value.number.longLongValue = strtoll((const char *)numberTempBuf, (char **)&endOfNumber, 10);
-        parseState->token.value.type                 = JKValueTypeLongLong;
-        parseState->token.value.ptrRange.ptr         = (const unsigned char *)&parseState->token.value.number.longLongValue;
-        parseState->token.value.ptrRange.length      = sizeof(long long);
-        parseState->token.value.hash                 = (JK_HASH_INIT + parseState->token.value.type) + (JKHash)parseState->token.value.number.longLongValue;
-      } else {
-        parseState->token.value.number.unsignedLongLongValue = strtoull((const char *)numberTempBuf, (char **)&endOfNumber, 10);
-        parseState->token.value.type                         = JKValueTypeUnsignedLongLong;
-        parseState->token.value.ptrRange.ptr                 = (const unsigned char *)&parseState->token.value.number.unsignedLongLongValue;
-        parseState->token.value.ptrRange.length              = sizeof(unsigned long long);
-        parseState->token.value.hash                         = (JK_HASH_INIT + parseState->token.value.type) + (JKHash)parseState->token.value.number.unsignedLongLongValue;
-      }
-    }
-    if(JK_EXPECT_F(errno != 0)) {
-      numberState = JSONNumberStateError;
-      if(errno == ERANGE) {
-        switch(parseState->token.value.type) {
-          case JKValueTypeDouble:           jk_error(parseState, @"The value '%s' could not be represented as a 'double' due to %s