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Posted to by Sean Kelly <> on 2010/07/18 23:16:26 UTC

Preening the catalog

To get to OODT-15 & OODT-16 up to snuff and publish the OODT website, I've been preening the Java code and ensuring every component compiles, unit tests pass, reports generate, and docs are clean.

With Chris's help I've got every component working out of the top-level pom and things are looking good, except one module: catalog.

I've dug myself an enormous hole and after hours upon hours (including bathroom breaks, lunch, wrapping birthday presents, etc.) of wading through the code and making hundreds of changes there still isn't any light at the end of the tunnel.  If someone else wants to tackle it, by all means please do so.

Some issues you'll encounter:

1. There's what looks like a parser generation source file, but I've no idea what tool processes it—and none's mentioned in the pom.

2. There are imports for, but the package dir is org/apache/oodt/cas/catalog/pagination. Looks like multiple versions of the component got merged together? And that's just in naming—there are method signature differences to boot.

3. Classes are missing from org.apache.oodt.cas.catalog.system such as CatalogServiceFactory and CatalogService—and possibly others, in addition to the aforementioned method signature differences.

4. There are tons of references to Oracle, but I don't think we should require people who download OODT to also apply to be Oracle customers so they can legally download the Oracle JDBC libs. I started trying to untangle the Oracle bits but it there might be some gnarly bits. Maybe we need a persistence abstraction layer?

Would someone who's far more intimate with the code take it on?  For now, it remains commented out of the top-level pom.xml.
