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Posted to by Raul Arabaolaza Barquin <> on 2009/02/17 18:06:50 UTC

Using both custom converters and declarative validation with struts 2


I´m currently evaluating Struts 2 and i have some problems when mixing custom converters and declarative validation.

I´ve a Person class like this:

public class Person {
	private String nombre;

	private Person padre;
	public String getNombre() {
		return nombre;

	public void setNombre(String nombre) {
		this.nombre = nombre;

	public Person getPadre() {
		return padre;

	public void setPadre(Person padre) {
		this.padre = padre;


And a custom converter like this (i think is a very bad example of the use of converters, but i´m following orders)

public class PersonConverter extends StrutsTypeConverter {

	public Object convertFromString(Map arg0, String[] arg1, Class arg2) {
		Person devolver=new Person();
		devolver.setPadre(new Person());
		return devolver;

	public String convertToString(Map arg0, Object arg1) {
		Person p=(Person)arg1;
		return p.getNombre();


Now i have a very easy form like this:

<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%>
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
		<title>Hola Mundo</title>
		<s:form action="procesar" validate="true">
			<s:textfield label="Nombre del hijo" name="persona" />
			<s:textfield label="Nombre del padre" name="persona.padre" />
			<s:submit />

And in my action i have a private Person called persona

When using server side validation all works fine, checking the logs it seems validation happends after conversion, so I check my persona bean fields.

<!DOCTYPE validators PUBLIC "-//OpenSymphony Group//XWork Validator 1.0.2//EN" "">
    <field name="persona.nombre">
        <field-validator type="requiredstring">
            <message>Debe introducir un nombre valido</message>
    <field name="persona.padre.nombre">
        <field-validator type="requiredstring">
            <message>Debe introducir un nombre para el padre valido</message>
    <validator type="expression">
      <param name="expression">persona.nombre.length() gt persona.padre.nombre.length() </param>
      <message>El nombre del hijo debe ser más grande que el del padre: Nombre del hijo ${persona.nombre}, nombre del padre ${persona.padre.nombre}</message>

But if i want to use client side validation i have a problem, in client side conversion has not happend, so it seems i need the following configuration.

<!DOCTYPE validators PUBLIC "-//OpenSymphony Group//XWork Validator 1.0.2//EN" "">
    <field name="persona">
        <field-validator type="requiredstring">
            <message>Debe introducir un nombre valido</message>
    <field name="persona.padre">
        <field-validator type="requiredstring">
            <message>Debe introducir un nombre para el padre valido</message>

I would like to use the same configuration for both validations, client based and server based but i don´t find anything in the docs about mixing converters and validation. I Can create a custom validator for my server side needs and use the last configuration file for my client side validation, but i would like a 100% declarative aproach.

Can anyone help me??

Best Regards, Raúl 
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