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Posted to by fcqfcq via TVM Discuss <> on 2020/04/07 14:59:44 UTC

[TVM Discuss] [Questions] [pytorch/onnx]model nn.conv2, in particular dimension 1 conflicts 4096 does not match 512;

<pre> %105 = add(%104, 1f);
  %106 = reshape(%105, newshape=[8, 1, 512, 1, 1]);
  %107 = multiply(%3, %106);
  %108 = full(1, shape=[], dtype=&quot;float32&quot;);
  %109 = power(%107, 2f);
  %110 = sum(%109);
  %111 = add(%110, 1e-08f);
  %112 = power(%111, 0.5f);
  %113 = divide(%108, %112);
  %114 = multiply(%113, 1f);
  %115 = reshape(%114, newshape=[8, 512, 1, 1, 1]);
  %116 = multiply(%107, %115);
  %117 = reshape(%116, newshape=[4096, 512, 3, 3]);
  %118 = nn.conv2d(%1, %117, padding=[1, 1, 1, 1], channels=4096, kernel_size=[3, 3])<font color="#CC0000"> in particular dimension 1 conflicts 4096 does not match 512; unable to unify: `Tensor[(4096, 4096, 3, 3), float32]` and `Tensor[(4096, 512, 3, 3), float32]`; </font>;
  reshape(%118, newshape=[8, 512, 4, 4])


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[TVM Discuss] [Questions] [pytorch/onnx]model nn.conv2, in particular dimension 1 conflicts 4096 does not match 512;

Posted by Zoufangyu1987 via TVM Discuss <>.

I have the same problem. How did you solve it?

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[TVM Discuss] [Questions] [pytorch/onnx]model nn.conv2, in particular dimension 1 conflicts 4096 does not match 512;

Posted by fcqfcq via TVM Discuss <>.

  [python.onnx ] save model

%122 = take(%121, %v635, axis=0);  
  %123 = expand_dims(%122, axis=0);  
  %124 = shape_of(%blocks.1.0.weight, dtype="int64");  
  %125 = take(%124, %v647, axis=0);  
  %126 = expand_dims(%125, axis=0);  
  %127 = reshape(%120, newshape=[1, 4096, 4, 4]);   
  %128 = reshape(%blocks.1.0.weight, newshape=[1, 512, 512, 3, 3]);   
  %129 = multiply(%128, %v678);    
  %130 = take(%93, %v364, axis=1);    
  %131 = multiply(%blocks.1.0.fc.weight, %v655);   
  %132 = transpose(%131, axes=[1, 0]);   
  %133 = transpose(%132, axes=[1, 0]);   
  %134 = nn.dense(%130, %133, units=None);   
  %135 = reshape(%blocks.1.0.bias.bias, newshape=[1, 512]);   
  %136 = add(%134, %135);  
  %137 = add(%136, %v668);    
  %138 = reshape(%137, newshape=[8, 512, 1, 1, 1]);  
  %139 = multiply(%129, %138);   
  %140 = power(%139, %v691);  
  %141 = sum(%140, axis=[1, 3, 4]);  
  %142 = add(%141, %v694);   
  %143 = power(%142, %v696);   
  %144 = divide(%v698, %143);   
  %145 = reshape(%144, newshape=[8, 1, 512, 1, 1]);  
  %146 = multiply(%139, %145); 
  %147 = reshape(%146, newshape=[4096, 512, 3, 3]);  
  %148 = nn.conv2d_transpose(%127, %147, channels=512, kernel_size=[3, 3],  
  strides=[2, 2], padding=[0, 0, 0, 0], groups=8) in particular dimension 1 conflicts 64       does not match 512; unable to unify: `Tensor[(4096, 64, 3, 3), float32]` and   
  `Tensor[(4096, 512, 3, 3), float32]`; ;      
  %149 = shape_of(%148, dtype="int64");
  %150 = take(%149, %v728, axis=0);  
  %151 = expand_dims(%150, axis=0);
  %152 = shape_of(%148, dtype="int64");   
  %153 = take(%152, %v731, axis=0);     
  %154 = expand_dims(%153, axis=0);   
  %155 = (%123, %126, %151, %154);   

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