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Posted to by Sergey Lubinskiy <> on 2005/06/13 14:14:28 UTC

[SummerOfCode2005] james-fastfail - is there still a chance to get a mentor?

Helo, James developers!

What a shame that it has been so late that I've been told about [SummerOfCode2005] programm.
For it is just the right thing at the right time - I'm a student at Department Of Physics,
Moscow State University and I'm really keen on programming.

Two years I've studied Java and have been browsing apache projects as an example
of good Java programming style on an advice of a more knowlegeable friend. I'm familiar
with jakarta-commons, -logging, -collections, have had a look at Tomcat codebase (wow
that's HUGE). Before that I was devloping C and C++, Perl. I've got a general understanding
of internet protocols (HTML, HTTP) and version control systems - cvs a little of svn.

Well to cut the long story short - I'm interested in IoC style programming and James
for me is a good chance to get my hands on the _real_ IoC containers: Phoenix and ECM.

I've had an extensive tour of current James internals and now an idea of the current design.
Well - I'm impressed.
Also I've gotten myself familiar with the FASTFAIL proposal.

As I understand it the current desing is all very good but at extreme spam loads we need
something quicker reacting.

As I understand this project I'm to somewhat redesign the current James - or rather
grow a new subdesign in parallel - before mailing message ever gets to processors
tree and even before bytes received from the wire get wrapped into a MIME message
we should have a framework similar to Tomcat chain of handlers that would be able
to perform some basic actions - most important to reject the TCP connection way
before the message gets placed into the spool.

To tell the truth I've been tempted to spend more time digging IoC apache code
for some time now but this Google programm with a monetary prize is just the
right incensitive for me in the right time - although we generally don't pay for
primary university education here in Russia I could have really really used a bit
more money this year :)

I know the deal-line is really now.
I think I will be able to submit a former proposal in the course of the next 24 hours,
but the main question as I understand it - will there be a mentor available for me
in such a short time-frame?

Again please execuse me chiming in at the very last moment - do you think I've
got a chance?

Best success to James project,

Sergey Lubinskiy

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