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Posted to by Dobri Kitipov <> on 2008/04/22 13:00:53 UTC

Maven assembly with more than one descriptor

Hi all,
I want to provide in my assmbly plugin configuration two <descriptors> (i.e.
mycomp-eclipse-bin-assembly.xml and mycomp-bin-assembly.xml) and be
guaranteed in the order of execution. I mean the first one listed is
executed prior the second one:






In mycomp-eclipse-bin-assembly.xml I set the format to zip. In
mycomp-bin-assembly.xml I set two formats dir and zip (let's say the
generated artifacts should be mycomp-bin-${mycomp.version}.dir and
What I want to achieve is  to execute first the
mycomp-eclipse-bin-assembly.xml and then to use the generated zip (let's
call it , cited into the mycomp-bin-assembly.xml. Doing so I
will have my assembly containing the
Unfortunately I can not succeed doing so. Finally I have
mycomp-bin-${mycomp.version}.dir containing my distribution (without and but named as mycomp-bin-${mycomp.version}.zip.
I have tried the both maven-assembly-plugin version 2.2-beta-1 and

Can you advice me how to achieve  the scenario  I have described?

Thank you in advance.
Regards, Dobri