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cvs commit: jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/integration howto_classpath.xml howto_config.xml

cmlenz      2003/05/06 09:11:09

  Added:       documentation/docs/xdocs/integration howto_classpath.xml
  Removed:     documentation/docs/xdocs/integration/manual
                        howto_classpath.xml howto_config.xml
  Move files directly into the 'integration' directory
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/integration/howto_classpath.xml
  Index: howto_classpath.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <document id="howto_classpath">
      <title>Setting the Cactus CLASSPATH</title>
        <author name="Vincent Massol" email=""/>
      <section title="Setting up Cactus Classpaths">
          You must understand that your Cactus tests are started by a JUnit
          Test Runner (in the client JVM) and that the Cactus TestCase that you
          have extended will connect to the Cactus Redirector (in the server
          JVM), where your <code>testXXX()</code> methods will be executed. See
          <link href="site:how_it_works">How it works</link> to understand the
          Please also check the <link href="site:howto_runner">TestRunner
          Howto</link> tutorial which explains all the different ways to
          start a JUnit Test Runner.
          <strong>It is very important that you understand what files you need
          to put in the client and server classpaths, as 99% of Cactus
          errors come from an incorrect classpath !</strong>
        <figure src="images/classpath.jpg" alt="Classpaths"/>
        <section title="Client side classpath">
            The Cactus tests are started by running a JUnit Test Runner (For
            explanations on how JUnit works see the
            <link href="">JUnit web site</link>).
            As pictured in figure 1, you need to have the following jars and
            classes in your client side classpath:
              <strong><code>junit.jar</code></strong>: obviously this is needed
              for the JUnit Test Runner and because the Cactus
              <code>XXXTestCase</code> classes extend the JUnit
              <code>org.junit.framework.TestCase</code> class.
              <strong><code>cactus.jar</code></strong>: well, this is the
              Cactus jar containing all Cactus classes,
              <strong>your test classes</strong>: these are
              your test classes that extend the Cactus <code>XXXTestCase</code>
              <strong><code>servlet.jar or j2ee.jar</code></strong>: these are
              the Servlet API / J2EE API interfaces. This
              is needed on the client side classpath because your test cases
              extend one or several of <code>XXXTestCase</code> which use class
              variables that are Servlet / J2EE objects
              (<code>HttpSevletRequest</code>, <code>PageContext</code>, ...).
              You can get this jar either from your servlet engine or from the
              <link href="">Sun Web Site</link> (
              <link href="">
              Servlet download page</link> or
              <link href="">J2EE download
              <strong><code>httpclient.jar</code></strong>: needed for
              Cactus Cookie handling.
              <strong><code>commons-logging.jar</code></strong>: Cactus uses
              the Jakarta Commons Logging facade framework to provide seamless
              Cactus logging using any existing Logging framework (Log4j,
              LogKit, JDK 1.4 Logging, etc). It is also needed for Commons
              <strong><code>logging framework jar</code>(optional)</strong>: The
              logging framework to use (Log4j jar, LogKit jar, etc). It is
              optional as it is only needed for internal Cactus logging and in
              addition, the Commons Logging framework provides a simple logger
              that logs on the console.
              <strong><code>httpunit.jar</code></strong>, <strong>
              <code>Tidy.jar</code></strong> and <strong>
              <code>xerces.jar</code> (optional)</strong>: only needed if you
              wish to use
              <link href="">HttpUnit</link>
              in your <code>endXXX()</code> methods (see the
              <link href="site:howto_httpunit">HttpUnit Howto</link> tutorial).
              The 3 jars mentioned above are part of the HttpUnit distribution.
              <link href="ext:aspectj">AspectJ</link> runtime jar.
            If you have the habit of using class variables for the classes
            to test (as opposed to declaring them within the
            <code>testXXX()</code> method), you'll also need to put your classes
            under test in the client side classpath.
            In addition to the above mentioned jars and classes, you may have
            to put the <strong><code></code></strong>
            configuration file in your classpath (Only if you are using it to
            configure Cactus of course). Details are described in the
            <link href="site:howto_config">Config Howto</link> tutorial).
            If you are using Log4J as the logging framework, you will also
            need to put a <code></code> Log4j configuration
            file in your client side classpath (See the
            <link href="site:howto_config">Config Howto</link> tutorial).
        <section title="Server side classpath">
            The server side part is a webapp. It can be packaged as a .war file
            or as expanded war. It should have the following structure, which
            will ensure that the classpath is correct:
              <strong><code>WEB-INF/lib/cactus.jar</code></strong>: the
              Cactus main jar,
              <strong><code>WEB-INF/lib/junit.jar</code></strong>: this is
              needed because the Cactus <code>XXXTestCase</code> extends
              the JUnit <code>org.junit.framework.TestCase</code> class.
              <strong><code>WEB-INF/classes/&lt;your test classes&gt;</code>
              </strong>: obviously as their <code>testXXX()</code> methods will
              get executed in the container.
              <strong><code>WEB-INF/classes/&lt;your classes under test&gt;</code>
              </strong>: will be called by your test classes.
              <link href="ext:aspectj">AspectJ</link> runtime jar.
              Cactus uses the Jakarta Commons Logging facade framework to provide
              seamless Cactus logging using any existing Logging framework (Log4j,
              LogKit, JDK 1.4 Logging, etc). It is also needed for Commons
              <strong><code>WEB-INF/lib/logging framework jar</code>
              (optional)</strong>: The logging framework to use (Log4j jar,
              LogKit jar, etc). It is optional as it is only needed for internal
              Cactus logging and in addition, the Commons Logging framework
              provides a simple logger that logs on the console.
            If you have several webapps that use cactus you can put all Cactus
            jars in a place loaded by your container System classloader (provided
            your container correctly sets the Context classloader). The location
            is container-dependent; for example for Tomcat 4.x, you can put the
            jars in <code>TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib</code>.
            If you are using Log4J as the logging framework, you will also
            need to put a <code></code> Log4j configuration
            file in your server side classpath (usually in
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/integration/howto_config.xml
  Index: howto_config.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <document id="howto_config">
      <title>Configuration Howto</title>
        <author name="Vincent Massol" email=""/>
      <section title="Cactus Configuration">
          You should read the <link href="site:getting_started">Getting
          Started</link> guide first.
          Here are the configuration files used by Cactus:
        <figure src="images/config.jpg" alt="Configuration files"/>
          There are 3 kinds of configuration:
            <jump anchor="clientside">Client side configuration</jump>
            <jump anchor="serverside">Server side configuration</jump>
            <jump anchor="logging">Cactus logging configuration</jump>
          Cactus configuration works by setting Java System properties. You can
          set the Cactus configuration properties:
              On the command line (using <code>-Dxxx=yyy</code>).
              In a configuration file (recommended). By default Cactus will look
              for a <code></code> file located in your
              classpath. You can override the name and location of the
              configuration file by setting the <code>cactus.config</code> System
              property. For example you can pass the following when starting the
              JVM: <code>-Dcactus.config=c:/cactus.txt</code>.
              In your tests (using <code>System.setProperty()</code>). This
              option is not recommended as it is better to share a single
              configuration across all tests.
          Please note that the different options for configuring Cactus works
          both for Cactus client side (i.e. from where you start the JUnit Test
          Runner) and for the Cactus server side (i.e. from where you start your
          application server).
        <anchor id="clientside"/>
        <section title="Client side configuration">
            The following table lists the properties that can be defined on
            Cactus client side:
              <th>Property Name</th>
                Webapp Context under which the application to test runs.
                <code>cactus.contextURL = http://localhost:8080/test</code>
              <th>Property Name</th>
                No. Defaults to "<code>ServletRedirector</code>".
                Name of the Cactus Servlet Redirector as it is mapped on the
                server side in <code>web.xml</code> (see below). This property
                is needed only if your test classes are extending
                <code>ServletTestCase</code> (see the
                <link href="site:howto_testcase">TestCase Howto</link>
                <code>cactus.servletRedirectorName = ServletRedirector</code>
              <th>Property Name</th>
                No. Defaults to "<code>JspRedirector</code>".
                Name of the Cactus JSP Redirector as it is mapped on the
                server side in <code>web.xml</code> (see below). This property
                is needed only if your test classes are extending
                <code>JspTestCase</code> (see the
                <link href="site:howto_testcase">TestCase Howto</link>
                <code>cactus.jspRedirectorName = JspRedirector</code>
              <th>Property Name</th>
                <code>cactus.filterRedirectorName</code> (For J2EE API 1.3 only)
                No. Defaults to "<code>FilterRedirector</code>".
                Name of the Cactus Filter Redirector as it is mapped on the
                server side in <code>web.xml</code> (see below). This property
                is needed only if your test classes are extending
                <code>FilterTestCase</code> (see the
                <link href="site:howto_testcase">TestCase Howto</link>
                <code>cactus.filterRedirectorName = FilterRedirector</code>
        <anchor id="serverside"/>
        <section title="Server side configuration">
            On Cactus server side, you only need to properly configure your
            application <code>web.xml</code> file to include definitions for
            Cactus Redirectors (see <link href="site:how_it_works">How it
            works</link> if you don't know what a Cactus Redirector is).
            You need to register the Cactus Redirectors that you use, and you
            need to map them to the <code>cactus.servletRedirectorName</code>,
            <code>cactus.jspRedirectorName</code> and
            <code>cactus.filterRedirectorName</code> that you have configured
            on the client side (or simply make sure that you use the default
            names, i.e. <code>ServletRedirector</code>,
            <code>JspRedirector</code> and <code>FilterRedirector</code>
            Here is a sample <code>web.xml</code> that defines the 3 Cactus
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <!DOCTYPE web-app
      PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
            If you are using the JSP Redirector (i.e. you have test classes
            that extend <code>JspTestCase</code>), you <strong>must</strong>
            copy the <code>jspRedirector.jsp</code> file (found in the
            <code>sample/web</code> directory where you unpacked your
            Cactus distribution) in a directory in your webapp and you need to
            put it's relative path in the mapping defined above (here we
            have put it in the webapp root.
            If you want to provide some initialisation parameters that will
            be available to the <code>config</code> implicit object available
            in your test case, simply use the standard <code>
            &lt;init-param&gt;</code> tags.
            For example, for the Servlet Redirector (same principle applies
            to all other redirectors):
            <param-value>value1 used for testing</param-value>
            Within your <code>testXXX()</code> code, you can also call the
            <code>config.setInitParameter()</code> method (<code>config</code>
            being the implicit object of type <code>ServletConfig</code>) to
            simulate initialisation parameters as if they had been defined in
            your <code>web.xml</code>.
            Last, if you need to unit test code that uses the Servlet
            Security API, please check the
            <link href="site:howto_security">Security Howto</link>.
        <anchor id="logging"/>
        <section title="Cactus logging configuration">
            Since Cactus 1.4, we have switched to using the
            <link href="">Jakarta
            Commons Logging</link> framework for Cactus internal logs (and any
            log you may wish to output as part of your test).
            This allow Cactus to use any underlying logging framework such as:
            <link href="">Log4J</link>,
            <link href="">LogKit</link>,
            JDK 1.4 Logging or even a Simple Logger provided as part of Commons
            Logging (it outputs to the console).
            Cactus is completely agnostic with regards to the logging framework
            configuration, so you will have to learn how to configure your
            favorite logging yourself. However, here are some tips on how to
            easily configure Log4j.
          <section title="Log4J configuration">
              Create a <code></code> file and drop it in both
              your client side and server side classpaths. Log4j automatically
              looks for such a file in the classpath so it should find it easily.
              Now you need to add the categories that you want to log to that
              file. If you wish to see Cactus logs, you will need to add the
              "<code>org.apache.cactus.*</code>" category and set the logging
              level to <code>DEBUG</code> as Cactus only outputs logs in that
              Here is a sample <code></code> file for Cactus
              client side. You can use the same one for the Server side but we
              recommend to change the name of the output file in order not to
              mix the logs.
  # Properties for configuring Log4j
  # This is the configuring for logging on the JUnit side (i.e. the client side)
  log4j.appender.cactus = org.apache.log4j.FileAppender
  log4j.appender.cactus.File = cactus_client.log
  log4j.appender.cactus.Append = false
  log4j.appender.cactus.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
  log4j.appender.cactus.layout.ConversionPattern = %d{ABSOLUTE} [%t] %-5p %-30.30c{2} %x - %m %n
  # Any application log which uses Log4J will be logged to the Cactus log file
  log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, cactus
  # By default we don't log at the DEBUG level for Cactus log, in order not to generate too
  # many logs. However, should a problem arise and logs need to be sent to the Cactus dev team,
  # then we will ask you to change this to DEBUG. = WARN, cactus
  # Don't show debug logs for HttpClient = WARN, cactus
  log4j.category.httpclient = WARN, cactus
              JUnit uses a different classloader to load each test of a TestCase
              class. Thus, Log4j will reinitialise for each test, thus
              overwriting the <code>cactus_client.log</code> file each time (this
              is because we have set <code>log4j.appender.cactus.Append</code> to
              <code>false</code>. You can set it to <code>true</code> if you
              wish to keep all the logs but the file size will grow quickly. In
              addition logs are really only useful when there is a failure and
              thus not appending is usually a good choice.

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