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[14/30] Reorganized TLF test applications for using Apache Flex Unit 4.2.0 Changed first 8 tests for Apache Flex Unit Fixed ant build - no test automation yet
diff --git a/automation_apps/src/VellumUnit.mxml b/automation_apps/src/VellumUnit.mxml
index ce40fd8..b23beb8 100644
--- a/automation_apps/src/VellumUnit.mxml
+++ b/automation_apps/src/VellumUnit.mxml
@@ -18,413 +18,316 @@
 <!--Flow from one frame to another  -->
-    xmlns=""
- 	xmlns:mx="library://"
- 	xmlns:s="library://"
-	xmlns:flexunit="flexunit.flexui.*"
-	xmlns:local="UnitTest.*"
-	explicitMinWidth="100" 
-	explicitMinHeight="100"
-	width="1100"
-	height="800"
-	applicationComplete="handleCreationComplete()"
-	fontFamily="Verdana">
-	<Script>
+        xmlns=""
+        xmlns:s="library://"
+        xmlns:local="UnitTest.*"
+        explicitMinWidth="100"
+        explicitMinHeight="100"
+        width="1100"
+        height="800"
+        applicationComplete="handleCreationComplete()"
+        fontFamily="Verdana">
+    <Script>
-		import mx.collections.ListCollectionView;
-		include "UnitTest/";
-		import UnitTest.Fixtures.FileRepository;
-		import flashx.textLayout.TextLayoutVersion;
-		import flashx.textLayout.debug.Debugging;
-		import flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager;
-		import flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager;
-		import flashx.textLayout.elements.Configuration;
-		import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
-		import flashx.textLayout.formats.BlockProgression;
-		import flashx.textLayout.formats.Direction;
-		import flashx.textLayout.tlf_internal;
-		import flexunit.utils.Collection;
-		import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
-		import mx.collections.ListCollectionView;
-		import mx.collections.Sort;
-		import mx.collections.SortField;
-		import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
-		import mx.controls.Alert;
-		import mx.rpc.AsyncResponder;
-		import mx.utils.LoaderUtil;
-		use namespace tlf_internal;
-		import flash.system.System;
-		import flash.system.Security;		
-		import mx.managers.PopUpManager;		
-		import mx.managers.SystemManager;
-		// import AND instantiate MarshallingSupport.  Enables being loaded as a sub-swf and loading a sub-swf with marshall plan features
-		import mx.managers.systemClasses.MarshallingSupport; MarshallingSupport;
-		import UnitTest.ExtendedClasses.TestDescriptor;
-		import UnitTest.ExtendedClasses.TestSuiteExtended;
-		import UnitTest.ExtendedClasses.VellumTestCase;
-		import UnitTest.Fixtures.TestApp;
-		import UnitTest.Fixtures.TestConfig;
-		import UnitTest.TestRunnerWindow;
-		import UnitTest.TestDescriptorRunner;
-		import UnitTest.RunTests;
-		import UnitTest.MenuItemObj;
-		import UnitTest.Tests.*
-		import flash.display.Bitmap;
-		import flash.display.BitmapData;
-		import;
-		import flash.utils.ByteArray;
-		import flashx.textLayout.debug.assert;
-		private var socket:XMLSocket;		
-		private var curDialog:Object;
-		private var treeData:XMLList;
-		private var runTestsDialog:RunTests;
-		private var testCasesList:ArrayCollection;
-		private var useTestSelectDialog:Boolean = false;
-//		private var snapshotSaveDialog:SaveSnapshot;
-		// test control data from testMachine.txt
-		public var testMachineName:String = "unspecified";
-		public var testOwner:String = "tcalias";
-		public var buildType:String = "Private";
-		public var snapshotsOn:String = "false";
-		public var normalizedURL:String = "";	// for reading control files
-		public var generateReport:String = "false";
-		public var antSkipTestFile:String = "";
-		public var testStartIndex:Number = 0;
-		public var testEndIndex:Number = 0;
-		public var rangeOfTests:Boolean = false;
-		public var testRunDate:String = "";
-		public var testPropertiesPath:String = "";
-		private var doSnapshotData:Object;
-		private var curTest:VellumTestCase;
-		private var beforeTestCallback:Function;
-		private var afterTestCallback:Function;
-		private var checkMemoryIntervalID:uint = setInterval(checkMemoryUsage,1000);
-		private var snapshotStack:Array;
-		private var curURL:String;
-		private	var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
-		private var myXMLURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest();		
-		private var urlReqSnapShotStore:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
-		private var curSnapshotTypeToStore:String; 
-		private var tryToStoreCount:Number = 0;
-		private var maxTryToStoreCount:Number = 5;
-		//Set this option to have the test run do the visual compare before and after a test.
-		[Bindable]
-		public var doBeforeAfterCompare:Boolean = false;
-		[Bindable]
-		public var currentlyUsedMemory:uint = 0;
-		public var debugOrRelease:String;
-		public var vellumDebugOrRelease:String;
-		public var testXMLStore:Object = null;
-		public var skipList:Array;
-		//private var snapshotStack:Array;
-		[Bindable]
-		private var canRun:Boolean = true;
-		// The data from these files is read on creationcomplete and
-		// placed into the store.  The raw XML can be accessed using
-		// the filename as a property name
-		// Examples:
-		// 	XFLStore.simple
-		// 	XFLStore.tableExample
-		public var XFLFileNameList: Array = [ 
-                "simple.xml",
-                "tableExample.xml",
-                "asknot.xml",
-                "empty.xml",
-                "sampleArabic.xml",
-                "aliceExcerpt.xml"
-              ];
+        import UnitTest.ExtendedClasses.TestDescriptor;
+        import UnitTest.ExtendedClasses.TestSuiteExtended;
+        import UnitTest.ExtendedClasses.VellumTestCase;
+        import UnitTest.Fixtures.FileRepository;
+        import UnitTest.Fixtures.TestApp;
+        import UnitTest.Fixtures.TestConfig;
+        import UnitTest.MenuItemObj;
+        import UnitTest.TestRunnerWindow;
+        import flashx.textLayout.elements.Configuration;
+        import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
+        import flashx.textLayout.tlf_internal;
+        import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
+        import mx.collections.ListCollectionView;
+        import mx.collections.Sort;
+        import mx.collections.SortField;
+        import mx.controls.Alert;
+        import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
+        import mx.managers.SystemManager;
+        import mx.managers.systemClasses.MarshallingSupport;
+        import mx.utils.LoaderUtil;
+        include "UnitTest/";
+        use namespace tlf_internal;
+        // import AND instantiate MarshallingSupport.  Enables being loaded as a sub-swf and loading a sub-swf with marshall plan features
+        MarshallingSupport;
+        private var socket:XMLSocket;
+        private var curDialog:Object;
+        //TODO: Remove
+      //  private var treeData:XMLList;
+        private var testCasesList:ArrayCollection;
+        private var useTestSelectDialog:Boolean = false;
+        public var testMachineName:String = "unspecified";
+        public var testOwner:String = "tcalias";
+        public var buildType:String = "Private";
+        public var snapshotsOn:String = "false";
+        public var normalizedURL:String = "";	// for reading control files
+        public var generateReport:String = "false";
+        public var antSkipTestFile:String = "";
+        public var testStartIndex:Number = 0;
+        public var testEndIndex:Number = 0;
+        public var rangeOfTests:Boolean = false;
+        public var testRunDate:String = "";
+        public var testPropertiesPath:String = "";
+        private var doSnapshotData:Object;
+        private var curTest:VellumTestCase;
+        private var beforeTestCallback:Function;
+        private var afterTestCallback:Function;
+        private var checkMemoryIntervalID:uint = setInterval(checkMemoryUsage, 1000);
+        private var snapshotStack:Array;
+        private var curURL:String;
+        private var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
+        private var myXMLURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
+        private var urlReqSnapShotStore:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
+        private var curSnapshotTypeToStore:String;
+        private var tryToStoreCount:Number = 0;
+        private var maxTryToStoreCount:Number = 5;
+        //Set this option to have the test run do the visual compare before and after a test.
+        [Bindable]
+        public var doBeforeAfterCompare:Boolean = false;
+        [Bindable]
+        public var currentlyUsedMemory:uint = 0;
+        public var debugOrRelease:String;
+        public var vellumDebugOrRelease:String;
+        public var testXMLStore:Object = null;
+        public var skipList:Array;
+        //private var snapshotStack:Array;
+        [Bindable]
+        private var canRun:Boolean = true;
+        // The data from these files is read on creationcomplete and
+        // placed into the store.  The raw XML can be accessed using
+        // the filename as a property name
+        // Examples:
+        // 	XFLStore.simple
+        // 	XFLStore.tableExample
+        public var XFLFileNameList:Array = [
+            "simple.xml",
+            "tableExample.xml",
+            "asknot.xml",
+            "empty.xml",
+            "sampleArabic.xml",
+            "aliceExcerpt.xml"
+        ];
         public var reportXMLResults:Boolean = false;
         // this testApp object needs to be used to set
         // the static testApp member of VellumTestCase
         // before any VellumTestCase constructors are called.
         public var testApp:TestApp = new TestApp();
-		public function checkMemoryUsage():void
-		{
-			currentlyUsedMemory = Math.round(System.totalMemory/1000000);
-		}
-		/**
-		* Loads Arial font
-		*/ 
-		private function loadEmbeddedFont(baseURL:String):void
-		{
-			var fontLoader:Loader = new Loader();
-			fontLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, handleLoadEmbeddedFont);
-			fontLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, handleLoadEmbeddedFontIOError);
-			fontLoader.load(new URLRequest(LoaderUtil.createAbsoluteURL(baseURL,"../../test/testFiles/assets/ARIAL_FONT.swf")));
-		}
-		private function handleLoadEmbeddedFontIOError(evtObj:IOErrorEvent):void
-		{
-			trace("Unable to load Arial Font.");	
-		}
-		private function handleLoadEmbeddedFont(evtObj:Event):void
-		{
-			var arialFont:Class ="Arial_DF4");
-			Font.registerFont(arialFont);
-			var arialFontBlack:Class ="Arial_Black_DF4");
-			Font.registerFont(arialFontBlack);
-			var arialFontNarrow:Class ="Arial_Narrow_DF4");
-			Font.registerFont(arialFontNarrow);
-			var arialFontRoundedMTBold:Class ="Arial_Rounded_MT_Bold_DF4");
-			Font.registerFont(arialFontRoundedMTBold);
-		}
-		public function onSuiteFileRead(evtObj:Event):void	
-		{
-			testXMLStore = new Object();
-			testXMLStore.suiteList = XML(;
-			testXMLStore.suiteIndex = 0;
-			readTestCaseFiles(); 
-		}
-		/**
-		* If the testcase counter hasn't reached the end, read another
-		* testcase XML file.  Otherwise load up the tests and start testing
-		*/ 
-		public function readTestCaseFiles():void
-		{
-			while (testXMLStore.suiteIndex < testXMLStore.suiteList.children().length())
-			{
-				var fileName:String = testXMLStore.suiteList.*[testXMLStore.suiteIndex].@fileName;
-				if (fileName.length > 0)
-				{
-					FileRepository.readFile(normalizedURL, "../../test/" + fileName, onTestCaseFileRead, null, null, true);
-					break;
-				}
-				++testXMLStore.suiteIndex;
-			}
-			if (testXMLStore.suiteIndex >= testXMLStore.suiteList.children().length())
-			{
-				if (antSkipTestFile != "")
-				{
-					FileRepository.readFile(normalizedURL, "../../test/" + antSkipTestFile, readSkipList, loadAndRunTests, loadAndRunTests, true);
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					loadAndRunTests();
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		public function readSkipList(evtObj:Event):void
-		{
-			var fileContents:String =;
-			var lineSeparator:String;
-			if ("\r") == -1)
-			{
-				lineSeparator = "\n";
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				lineSeparator = "\r\n";
-			}
-			skipList =;
-			loadAndRunTests();
-		}
-		private function loadAndRunTests():void
-		{
-			// Set up all of the application dependencies that the tests
-			// use and store them in a static member of VellumTestCase
-			testApp.getTextFlow = function ():TextFlow {
-				return SystemManager(loadedSWF.content).application["activeFlow"];
-			}
-			testApp.getDisplayObject = function ():DisplayObject {
-				return SystemManager(loadedSWF.content).application["rootPanel"];
-			}
-			testApp.setInteractionManager = SystemManager(loadedSWF.content).application["setInteractionManager"];
-			testApp.contentChange = SystemManager(loadedSWF.content).application["changeContent"];
-			testApp.detachActiveFlow = SystemManager(loadedSWF.content).application["detachActiveFlow"];
-			testApp.changeContainerSetup = SystemManager(loadedSWF.content).application["changeContainerSetup"];
-			VellumTestCase.testApp = testApp;
-			SystemManager(loadedSWF.content).application["visiblePanels"] = [];
- 			SystemManager(loadedSWF.content).application["rulerVisible"] = false;
- 			collectTextLayoutVersion();
- 			testRunDate = MakeMySQLDate(new Date());
-			// ************* This code is for the snapshot application ******************//
-			// It gathers up the test to create a selectable list of tests to run.
-			// Set the type of containers on which the tests should be run.
-			var arContainers:Array = ["sprite"];
-			var arWritingDirections:Array = [ 
-				[BlockProgression.TB,Direction.LTR], 
-				[BlockProgression.TB,Direction.RTL],
-				[BlockProgression.RL,Direction.LTR] ];
-			// Create the test suite based on those containers.
-			var vellumTests:TestSuiteExtended = createSuite(arContainers, arWritingDirections);	
-			if (useTestSelectDialog == true)
-			{
-				useTestSelectDialog = false;
-				var testSuiteTests:Array = vellumTests.getTests();
-				// Initialize the test case object list.
-				if (testCasesList == null)
-					testCasesList = new ArrayCollection();
-				treeData = createXMLTree(testSuiteTests).children();
-				if (rangeOfTests)
-				{
-					runUnitTests();
-					rangeOfTests = false;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					// Booga - This is this code that brings up the run test dialog.
-					runTestsDialog = new RunTests();
-					runTestsDialog.treeData = treeData;
-					runTestsDialog.closeFunction = closeRunTestDialog;
-					runTestsDialog.runTestFunction = runUnitTests;
-					PopUpManager.addPopUp(runTestsDialog,this, true);
-					PopUpManager.centerPopUp(runTestsDialog);
-				}
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				testRunner.reportXML = reportXMLResults;
-				if (reportXMLResults)
-				{
-					// Call the function to make sure the MachineID is in the DB.
-					// This can be aynchronous, because the test does not depend on it.
-					doSnapshotData = new Object();
-					// It needs to put the Machine ID in here from the automation machine.
-					doSnapshotData.machineID = testMachineName + ":" + TextLayoutVersion.BRANCH;				
-					/*
-					//var testRunnerJ:JUnitTestRunner = new JUnitTestRunner(this);
-					testRunner.beforeTest = beforeSnapshotTest;
-					testRunner.afterTest = afterSnapshotTest;
-					var minimalSuite:TestSuiteExtended = createMinimalSuite (vellumTests);
-					testRunner.test = minimalSuite;
-					testRunner.startTest();*/
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					// don't think we should ever get here - astearns 8/15/08
-					testRunner.test = vellumTests;
-					testRunner.startTest();
-				}	
-			}
-		}
-		private var xmlRoot:XML = null;
-		private function createXMLTree(testSuiteTests:Array):XML
-		{
-			if (xmlRoot)
-				return xmlRoot;
-			xmlRoot = <root/>;
-			var curContainer:XML;
-			var curTestCase:XML;				
-			var testCaseIndex:int = 0;
-			var curContainerName:String = null;
-			var containerCount:int = 0;
-			var menuCollection:ListCollectionView = createMenuCollection(testSuiteTests);
-			if (testEndIndex < 0)
-				testEndIndex = menuCollection.length;
-			for (var i:int = 0; i < menuCollection.length; i++)
-			{
-				// Store the list of tests in a structure so they can be called upon later.
-				// Need to be stored so they can be executed.
-				var menuItem:MenuItemObj = MenuItemObj(menuCollection.getItemAt(i));
-				if (curContainerName != menuItem.testGroupName)
-				{
-					curContainer = <Container/>;
-					curContainer.@["label"] = menuItem.testGroupName;
-					xmlRoot.appendChild(curContainer);
-					curContainerName = menuItem.testGroupName;
-					++containerCount;
-				}
-				curTestCase = <TestCase/>;
-				curTestCase.@["label"] = menuItem.testName;
-				curTestCase.@["testID"] = testCaseIndex;
-				testCasesList.addItem(menuItem.testCase);
-				if (rangeOfTests)
-				{
-					curTestCase.@["selected"] = (testCaseIndex >= testStartIndex) && (testCaseIndex <= testEndIndex)
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					curTestCase.@["selected"] = false;
-				}
-				curContainer.appendChild(curTestCase);
-				testCaseIndex++;			
-			}			
-		return xmlRoot;
-		}
-		private function createMenuCollection(testSuiteTests:Array):ArrayCollection
-		{
-			// Create and populate the list
-			var menuCollection:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
-			// so far I've flattened the test descriptor list. Seems as arbitrary as expecting one
-			// level of test suites.
-			var groupName:String = null;		// Force the groupName to be regenerated for the suite
-			for (var caseIndex:int = 0; caseIndex < testSuiteTests.length; caseIndex++)
-			{
-				var testDesc:TestDescriptor = testSuiteTests[caseIndex];
-				groupName = testDesc.className();
-				// Store the list of tests in a structure so they can be called upon later.
-				// Need to be stored so they can be executed.
-				var menuItem:MenuItemObj = new MenuItemObj();
-				var strTmp:String = testDesc.testID; 
-				//menuItem.testName = strTmp;
-				menuItem.testName = strTmp.substr(strTmp.lastIndexOf(":")+1);
-				menuItem.testGroupName = groupName;
-				menuItem.testCase = testDesc;
-				menuItem.writingDirection = testDesc.config.writingDirection;
-				menuCollection.addItem(menuItem);
-			}
-			// Sort the list
-           /* Create the SortField object for the "data" field in the ArrayCollection object, and make sure we do a numeric sort. */
-    	   	var dataSortField1:SortField = new SortField();
+        public function checkMemoryUsage():void
+        {
+            currentlyUsedMemory = Math.round(System.totalMemory / 1000000);
+        }
+        /**
+         * Loads Arial font
+         */
+        private function loadEmbeddedFont(baseURL:String):void
+        {
+            var fontLoader:Loader = new Loader();
+            fontLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, handleLoadEmbeddedFont);
+            fontLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, handleLoadEmbeddedFontIOError);
+            fontLoader.load(new URLRequest(LoaderUtil.createAbsoluteURL(baseURL, "../../test/testFiles/assets/ARIAL_FONT.swf")));
+        }
+        private function handleLoadEmbeddedFontIOError(evtObj:IOErrorEvent):void
+        {
+            trace("Unable to load Arial Font.");
+        }
+        private function handleLoadEmbeddedFont(evtObj:Event):void
+        {
+            /*var arialFont:Class ="Arial_DF4");
+             Font.registerFont(arialFont);
+             var arialFontBlack:Class ="Arial_Black_DF4");
+             Font.registerFont(arialFontBlack);
+             var arialFontNarrow:Class ="Arial_Narrow_DF4");
+             Font.registerFont(arialFontNarrow);
+             var arialFontRoundedMTBold:Class ="Arial_Rounded_MT_Bold_DF4");
+             Font.registerFont(arialFontRoundedMTBold);     */
+        }
+        /**
+         * If the testcase counter hasn't reached the end, read another
+         * testcase XML file.  Otherwise load up the tests and start testing
+         */
+        public function readTestCaseFiles():void
+        {
+            while (testXMLStore.suiteIndex < testXMLStore.suiteList.children().length())
+            {
+                var fileName:String = testXMLStore.suiteList.*[testXMLStore.suiteIndex].@fileName;
+                if (fileName.length > 0)
+                {
+                    FileRepository.readFile(normalizedURL, "../../test/" + fileName, onTestCaseFileRead, null, null, true);
+                    break;
+                }
+                ++testXMLStore.suiteIndex;
+            }
+            if (testXMLStore.suiteIndex >= testXMLStore.suiteList.children().length())
+            {
+                if (antSkipTestFile != "")
+                {
+                    FileRepository.readFile(normalizedURL, "../../test/" + antSkipTestFile, readSkipList, loadAndRunTests, loadAndRunTests, true);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    loadAndRunTests();
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        public function readSkipList(evtObj:Event):void
+        {
+            var fileContents:String =;
+            var lineSeparator:String;
+            if ("\r") == -1)
+            {
+                lineSeparator = "\n";
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                lineSeparator = "\r\n";
+            }
+            skipList =;
+            loadAndRunTests();
+        }
+        private function loadAndRunTests(isMinimialTests:Boolean = false):void
+        {
+            var config:TestConfig = TestConfig.getInstance();
+            config.baseURL = normalizedURL;
+            config.testXMLStore = XML(testXMLStore);
+            // Set up all of the application dependencies that the tests
+            // use and store them in a static member of VellumTestCase
+            testApp.getTextFlow = function ():TextFlow
+            {
+                return SystemManager(loadedSWF.content).application["activeFlow"];
+            }
+            testApp.getDisplayObject = function ():DisplayObject
+            {
+                return SystemManager(loadedSWF.content).application["rootPanel"];
+            }
+            testApp.setInteractionManager = SystemManager(loadedSWF.content).application["setInteractionManager"];
+            testApp.contentChange = SystemManager(loadedSWF.content).application["changeContent"];
+            testApp.detachActiveFlow = SystemManager(loadedSWF.content).application["detachActiveFlow"];
+            testApp.changeContainerSetup = SystemManager(loadedSWF.content).application["changeContainerSetup"];
+            VellumTestCase.testApp = testApp;
+            SystemManager(loadedSWF.content).application["visiblePanels"] = [];
+            SystemManager(loadedSWF.content).application["rulerVisible"] = false;
+            testRunDate = MakeMySQLDate(new Date());
+            testRunner.startTest(isMinimialTests);
+        }
+        private var xmlRoot:XML = null;
+        private function createXMLTree(testSuiteTests:Array):XML
+        {
+            if (xmlRoot)
+                return xmlRoot;
+            xmlRoot = <root/>;
+            var curContainer:XML;
+            var curTestCase:XML;
+            var testCaseIndex:int = 0;
+            var curContainerName:String = null;
+            var containerCount:int = 0;
+            var menuCollection:ListCollectionView = createMenuCollection(testSuiteTests);
+            if (testEndIndex < 0)
+                testEndIndex = menuCollection.length;
+            for (var i:int = 0; i < menuCollection.length; i++)
+            {
+                // Store the list of tests in a structure so they can be called upon later.
+                // Need to be stored so they can be executed.
+                var menuItem:MenuItemObj = MenuItemObj(menuCollection.getItemAt(i));
+                if (curContainerName != menuItem.testGroupName)
+                {
+                    curContainer = <Container/>;
+                    curContainer.@["label"] = menuItem.testGroupName;
+                    xmlRoot.appendChild(curContainer);
+                    curContainerName = menuItem.testGroupName;
+                    ++containerCount;
+                }
+                curTestCase = <TestCase/>;
+                curTestCase.@["label"] = menuItem.testName;
+                curTestCase.@["testID"] = testCaseIndex;
+                testCasesList.addItem(menuItem.testCase);
+                if (rangeOfTests)
+                {
+                    curTestCase.@["selected"] = (testCaseIndex >= testStartIndex) && (testCaseIndex <= testEndIndex)
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    curTestCase.@["selected"] = false;
+                }
+                curContainer.appendChild(curTestCase);
+                testCaseIndex++;
+            }
+            return xmlRoot;
+        }
+        private function createMenuCollection(testSuiteTests:Array):ArrayCollection
+        {
+            // Create and populate the list
+            var menuCollection:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
+            // so far I've flattened the test descriptor list. Seems as arbitrary as expecting one
+            // level of test suites.
+            var groupName:String = null;		// Force the groupName to be regenerated for the suite
+            for (var caseIndex:int = 0; caseIndex < testSuiteTests.length; caseIndex++)
+            {
+                var testDesc:TestDescriptor = testSuiteTests[caseIndex];
+                groupName = testDesc.className();
+                // Store the list of tests in a structure so they can be called upon later.
+                // Need to be stored so they can be executed.
+                var menuItem:MenuItemObj = new MenuItemObj();
+                var strTmp:String = testDesc.testID;
+                //menuItem.testName = strTmp;
+                menuItem.testName = strTmp.substr(strTmp.lastIndexOf(":") + 1);
+                menuItem.testGroupName = groupName;
+                menuItem.testCase = testDesc;
+                menuItem.writingDirection = testDesc.config.writingDirection;
+                menuCollection.addItem(menuItem);
+            }
+            // Sort the list
+            /* Create the SortField object for the "data" field in the ArrayCollection object, and make sure we do a numeric sort. */
+            var dataSortField1:SortField = new SortField();
    = "testGroupName";
-            dataSortField1.numeric = false;  
+            dataSortField1.numeric = false;
             var dataSortField2:SortField = new SortField();
    = "testName";
@@ -438,620 +341,439 @@
             menuCollection.sort = numericDataSort;
-			return menuCollection;	
-		}
-		private function doJUnitRun(runID:int):void
-		{
-			doSnapshotData.runID = runID;
-			var arContainers:Array = ["sprite"];
-			var arWritingDirections:Array = [ 
-				[BlockProgression.TB,Direction.LTR], 
-				[BlockProgression.TB,Direction.RTL],
-				[BlockProgression.RL,Direction.LTR] ];
-			// Create the test suite based on those containers.
-			var vellumTests:TestSuiteExtended = createSuite(arContainers, arWritingDirections);	
-			var minimalSuite:TestSuiteExtended = createMinimalSuite (vellumTests);
-			testRunner.test = minimalSuite;
-			testRunner.startTest();	
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Set properties in testRunner that describe the build
-		 * for use in the XML report.
-		 */
-		public function collectTextLayoutVersion():void
-		{
-			var buildAndChangelist:String = TextLayoutVersion.BUILD_NUMBER;
-			testRunner.suiteMetaData.vellumBranch = TextLayoutVersion.BRANCH;
-			testRunner.suiteMetaData.vellumVersion = TextLayoutVersion.getVersionString(TextLayoutVersion.CURRENT_VERSION);
-			testRunner.suiteMetaData.vellumBuild = Number(buildAndChangelist.split(" ")[0]);
-			testRunner.suiteMetaData.vellumChangelistNumber = Number((buildAndChangelist.split("(")[1]).split(")")[0]);
-			testRunner.suiteMetaData.vellumDescription = vellumDebugOrRelease;
-			testRunner.suiteMetaData.vellumSDKVersion = "";
-			testRunner.suiteMetaData.vellumPlayerGlobals = "";
-			testRunner.suiteMetaData.testMachineName = testMachineName;
-			testRunner.suiteMetaData.testOwner = testOwner;
-			testRunner.suiteMetaData.buildType = buildType;
-		}
-		/**
-		* This is the callback function used to run the tests that are selected.
-		* It is supplied on the initial creation of the dialog.
-		*/		
-		public function runUnitTests (doBeforeAndAfterTest:Boolean = false, iterations:int = 1):void
-		{
-			doBeforeAfterCompare = doBeforeAndAfterTest;
-			// Close the select test dialog.
-			PopUpManager.removePopUp(runTestsDialog);			
-			// Determine which items are checked and which are not.
-			var testsToRun:Array = new Array();
-			if (treeData.children().length() > 0)
-				walkTests(treeData, testsToRun);
-			var ts:TestSuiteExtended = new TestSuiteExtended(this);
-			var lengthOfTests:int = testsToRun.length;
-			for (var i:int = 0; i < lengthOfTests; i++)
-			{
-				for (var j:int = 0; j < iterations; j++)
-					ts.addTestDescriptor( testCasesList[testsToRun[i]] );
-			}
-			if (rangeOfTests)
-			{
-				ts = createMinimalSuite (ts);
-			}
-			if (ts.getTests().length > 0)
-			{
-				// Add the event listener to listen for put the TestComplete event.
-				addEventListener("TestComplete",onSuiteDone, false, 0, true);	
-				testRunner.reportXML = reportXMLResults;
-				testRunner.test = ts;
-				testRunner.beforeTest = beforeRunTest;
-				//testRunner.afterTest = afterSnapshotTest;				
-				testRunner.startTest();
-			}
-		}
-		public function beforeRunTest(testCase:VellumTestCase, callBack:Function):void
-		{
-			beforeTestCallback = callBack;
-			testCase.doBeforeAfterCompare = doBeforeAfterCompare;
-			beforeTestCallback(testCase);
-		}
-		/**
-		* This function walks the test data set from the tree to determine 
-		* what items are selected to be run.
-		*/			
-		private function walkTests(data:Object, testsToRun:Array):void
-		{
-			for each (var f:XML in data) 
-			{
-				if (f.children().length() > 0)
-					walkTests(f.children(), testsToRun);
-				if (f.@selected == true && f.@testID.length() > 0)
-					testsToRun.push(int(f.@testID));			
-			}
-		} 
-		/**
-		 * callback function of HandleRunInfo
-		 * **/
-		private function finishHandleRunInfo(runID:int):void
-		{
-			doSnapshotData.runID = runID;
-		}
-		private function errorWithMachineID(info:Object, token:Object):void
-		{
-			//trace ("could not retrieve machine ID: snapshot tests aborted");
-		}
-		private function handleError(info:Object, token:Object):void 
-		{
-   		}
-		private function ioErrorPutBaseline(evtObj:IOErrorEvent):void
-		{
-			// Remove the event listeners to plug up memory leaks.
-			if (evtObj)
-			{
-"complete", doSnapShotStoreStack);		
-, ioErrorPutBaseline);		
-, httpStatus);
-			}
-			trace ("Error trying to put the baseline.");
-			/*		
-			if (tryToStoreCount < maxTryToStoreCount)
-			{
-				// Put it back on the stack and try again.
-				snapshotStack.push(curSnapshotTypeToStore);
-				// Increment the count of the number of tries.
-				tryToStoreCount ++;
-				trace ("Attempt #" + tryToStoreCount.toString() + " to store it again.");
-			}
-			else if (tryToStoreCount == maxTryToStoreCount)
-			{
-				trace("Max Try Count Exceeded - Snapshot failed to be stored. " + evtObj.text)
-				// Reset the tryToStoreCount for the next run.
-				tryToStoreCount = 0;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				// Reset the tryToStoreCount for the next run.
-				tryToStoreCount = 0;
-			}			
-			*/
-			// Continue doing the snapshots.
-			doSnapShotStoreStack(null);			
-		}
-		private function doSnapShotStoreStack(evtObj:Event):void	
-		{					
-			if (evtObj)
-			{
-"complete", doSnapShotStoreStack);		
-, ioErrorPutBaseline);		
-, httpStatus);
-			}					
-			var snapshotType:String = snapshotStack.shift();
-			if (snapshotType != null)
-			{
-				//store result after test
-			}	
-			else
-				afterTestCallback(curTest);
-		}
-		//*********************************************************************/
-		/**
-		* This is the callback function used to close the run tests dialog.
-		* It is supplied on the initial creation of the dialog.
-		*/ 	
-		private function closeRunTestDialog():void
-		{
-			PopUpManager.removePopUp(runTestsDialog);
-			canRun = true;
-		}
-		/**
-		* Add testcaseXML to testXMLStore with a property name from the
-		* suiteXML file, then go to the next entry
-		*/ 
-		public function onTestCaseFileRead(evtObj:Event):void
-		{
-			testXMLStore[testXMLStore.suiteList.*[testXMLStore.suiteIndex].@suiteName] = XML(;
-			testXMLStore.suiteIndex++;
-			readTestCaseFiles();
-		}
-		/**
-		* Add all the tests to the test suite
-		*/ 
-		public function createSuite(arContainers:Array = null, arWritingDirections:Array = null):TestSuiteExtended 
-		{			
-			// In debug builds set extra check flags
-			CONFIG::debug { 
-				// throw if vellum internal asserts occur 
-				flashx.textLayout.debug.Debugging.tlf_internal::throwOnAssert = true; 
-				// enables TextFlow.debugCheckTextFlow calls - these are scattered through the code
-				flashx.textLayout.debug.Debugging.tlf_internal::debugCheckTextFlow = true;
-			}
-			var ts:TestSuiteExtended = new TestSuiteExtended(this);
-			var config:TestConfig = new TestConfig();
-			config.baseURL = normalizedURL;		
-			//config.useEmbeddedFonts = true;
-			for (var i:int = 0; i < arContainers.length; i++)
-			{
-				config.containerType = arContainers[i];
-				for (var j:int = 0; j < arWritingDirections.length; j++)
-				{
-					config.writingDirection = arWritingDirections[j];
-					// Add tests defined in the classes using suite() or suiteFromXML()
-					AccessibilityMethodsTest.suite(config, ts);
-					AllCharAttributeTest.suite(config, ts);
-					AllContAttributeTest.suite(config, ts);
-					AllEventTest.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.AllEventTest, config, ts);
-					AllParaAttributeTest.suite(config, ts);
-					AttributeTest.suite(config, ts); //KJT
-					BoundsAndAlignmentTest.suite(config, ts);
-					BoxTest.suite(config, ts);
-					CompositionTest.suite(config, ts);
-					ContainerAttributeTest.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.ContainerAttributeTest, config, ts);
-					ContainerTypeTest.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.ContainerTypeTest, config, ts);
-					CrossContainerTest.suite(config, ts);
-					ElementOperationTests.suite(config, ts);
-					EventOverrideTest.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.EventOverrideTest, config, ts);
-					FactoryImportTest.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.FactoryImportTest, config, ts);
-					FETest.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.FETest, config, ts);
-					FloatTest.suite(config, ts);
-					FlowModelTest.suite(config, ts);		
-					GeneralFunctionsTest.suite(config, ts);
-					HorizontalScrollingTest.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.HorizontalScrollingTest, config, ts);
-					ImportAPITest.suite(config, ts);
-					ImportTest.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.ImportTest, config, ts);
-					KeyboardGestureTest.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.KeyboardGestureTest, config, ts);
-					LeadingTest.suite(config, ts);
-					LinkTest.suite(config, ts);
-					ListTest.suite(config, ts);
-					LocaleTests.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.LocaleTests, config, ts);
-					MeasurementGridTest.suite(config, ts);
-					MeasurementTest.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.MeasurementTest, config, ts);
-					//MXMLCompilationTest.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.MXMLCompilationTest,config, ts);
-					OperationTest.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.OperationTest, config, ts);
-					ParagraphTest.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.ParagraphTest, config, ts);
-					ScrollToRangeTest.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.ScrollToRangeTest, config, ts);
-					ScrollingTest.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.ScrollingTest, config, ts);
-					SelectionTest.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.SelectionTest, config, ts);
-					SpacingTest.suite(config, ts);
-					StyleTest.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.StyleTest, config, ts);
-					SWFTest.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.SWFTest, config, ts);
-					ImpliedParagraphTest.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.ImpliedParagraphTest, config, ts);
-					UndoRedoTest.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.UndoRedoTest, config, ts);
-					TableBackgroundTest.suite(config, ts);
-                    TableTests.suite(config, ts);
-					TabTest.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.TabTest, config, ts);
-					TCYTests.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.TCYTests, config, ts);
-					TextContainerManagerTest.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.TextContainerManagerTest, config, ts);
-					TextFlowEditTest.suite(config, ts); //HBS
-					TextFlowTextLineFactoryTest.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.TextFlowTextLineFactoryTest, config, ts);
-					TextLineFilterTest.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.TextLineFilterTest, config, ts);
-					//VerticalScrollingTest.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.VerticalScrollingTest, config, ts);
-					WritingModeTest.suiteFromXML(testXMLStore.WritingModeTest, config, ts);
-				}
-			}
-			// Add the event listener to listen for the TestComplete event.
-			addEventListener("TestComplete",onSuiteDone, false, 0, true);	
-			return ts;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Read through a test suite and return a new suite of tests
-		 * that have the minimal flag set and are not in the skip list.
-		 */
-		public function createMinimalSuite (fullSuite:TestSuiteExtended):TestSuiteExtended
-		{	
-			// the way we iterate through tests here and in readTestCaseFiles
-			// assumes we have only one level of nesting of test suites,
-			// which may not always be true.
-			var minimalSuite:TestSuiteExtended = new TestSuiteExtended(this);
-			var suiteList:Array = fullSuite.getTests();
-			for (var i1:int = 0; i1 < suiteList.length; i1++)
-			{
-				if (suiteList[i1].minimal)
-				{
-					if (skipList)
-					{
-						if (skipList.indexOf(suiteList[i1].testID) == -1)
-						{
-							minimalSuite.addTestDescriptor(suiteList[i1]);
-						}
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						minimalSuite.addTestDescriptor(suiteList[i1]);
-					}							
-				}
-			}
-			return minimalSuite;
-		}
- 		/**
- 		 * The machine name is stored in a file named testMachine.txt
- 		 * This is updated from the init task in the ant build.  Once
- 		 * we've retrieved the machine name we generate a file read
-		 * error to determine where VellumUnit is being run from
- 		 */
- 		public function readMachineName(event:Event):void
- 		{
-  			var fileContents:String = FileRepository.getFile(normalizedURL, "../../test/testMachine.txt");
- 			if (fileContents)
- 			{
-	 			var namePattern:RegExp = /testMachineName=(.*)/;
-	 			if (fileContents.match(namePattern))
-	 			{
-	 				var nameLine:String = fileContents.match(namePattern)[0];
-	 				testMachineName = nameLine.replace (namePattern, "$1");
-	 			}
-	 			var typePattern:RegExp = /buildType=(.*)/;
-	 			if (fileContents.match(typePattern))
-	 			{
-	 				var typeLine:String = fileContents.match(typePattern)[0];
-	 				buildType = typeLine.replace (typePattern, "$1");
-	 			}
-	 			var ownerPattern:RegExp = /testOwner=(.*)/;
-	 			if (fileContents.match(ownerPattern))
-	 			{
-	 				var ownerLine:String = fileContents.match(ownerPattern)[0];
-	 				testOwner = ownerLine.replace (ownerPattern, "$1");
-	 			}
-	 			var snapPattern:RegExp = /snapshots=(.*)/;
-	 			if (fileContents.match(snapPattern))
-	 			{
-	 				var snapLine:String = fileContents.match(snapPattern)[0];
-	 				snapshotsOn = snapLine.replace (snapPattern, "$1");
-	 			}
-	 			var genPattern:RegExp = /generateReport=(.*)/;
-	 			if (fileContents.match(genPattern))
-	 			{
-	 				var genLine:String = fileContents.match(genPattern)[0];
-	 				generateReport = genLine.replace (genPattern, "$1");
-	 			}
-	 			var skipFilePattern:RegExp = /antSkipTestFile=(.*)/;
-	 			if (fileContents.match(skipFilePattern))
-	 			{
-	 				var skipLine:String = fileContents.match(skipFilePattern)[0];
-	 				antSkipTestFile = skipLine.replace (skipFilePattern, "$1");
-	 			}
-	 			var startPattern:RegExp = /startTest=(.*)/;
-	 			if (fileContents.match(startPattern))
-	 			{
-		 			var startLine:String = fileContents.match(startPattern)[0];
-		 			testStartIndex = Number(startLine.replace (startPattern, "$1"));
-	 			}
-	 			var endPattern:RegExp = /endTest=(.*)/;
-	 			if (fileContents.match(endPattern))
-	 			{
-	 				var endLine:String = fileContents.match(endPattern)[0];
-	 				testEndIndex = Number(endLine.replace (endPattern, "$1"));
-	 			}
-	 			rangeOfTests = (testStartIndex != 0) && (testEndIndex !=0);
-	 			/* var filePrefixPattern:RegExp = /testOwner=(.*)/;
-	 			if (fileContents.match(filePrefixPattern))
-	 			{
-	 				var filePrefixLine:String = fileContents.match(filePrefixPattern)[0];
-	 				filePrefix = filePrefixLine.replace (filePrefixPattern, "$1");
-	 			}	*/ 			
-	 		}
-			readTestPropertiesFromProject();			
- 		}
-		public function readTestPropertiesFromProject(event:Event = null):void
-		{
-			testPropertiesPath = "../../build/";
-			FileRepository.readFile(normalizedURL, testPropertiesPath, getTestProperties, readTestPropertiesFromDist);
-		}
-		public function readTestPropertiesFromDist(event:Event = null):void
-		{
-			testPropertiesPath = "../../../../../../build/";
-			FileRepository.readFile(normalizedURL, testPropertiesPath, getTestProperties, turnOffSnapshots);			
-		}
-		public function turnOffSnapshots(event:Event = null):void
-		{
-			snapshotsOn = "false";
-			chooseTestRunner();			
-		}
-		public function getTestProperties(event:Event = null):void
-		{
-			var testPropContents:String = FileRepository.getFile(normalizedURL, testPropertiesPath);
-			if (testPropContents)
-			{
-			}
-			chooseTestRunner();
-		}
- 		/**
- 		 * Use JUnit runner if it has been specified in testMachine.txt
- 		 */
- 		public function chooseTestRunner(evtObj:IOErrorEvent = null):void
- 		{
-			canRun = true;
-			// if it was specified in testMachine.txt, run the tests with Junit
-  			if (generateReport == "true")
- 			{
- 				reportXMLResults = true;
-		 		// If we haven't read in all the tests, do that first. onSuiteFileRead will also call loadAndRunTests().
-		 		// Else tests have already been read in, we just need to run them.
-		 		if (testXMLStore == null)
- 					FileRepository.readFile(normalizedURL, "../../test/testSuites.xml", onSuiteFileRead, onSuiteFileReadError, onSuiteFileSecurityError, true);	
- 				else
- 					loadAndRunTests();	
-			}
-			if (rangeOfTests)
-			{
-				callLater(startRangeTests);
-			}
- 		}
- 		public function securityHandler(evtObj:SecurityErrorEvent):void
- 		{
- 			trace("ERROR",evtObj.toString());
- 		}
-		/**
-		* If we've read in a test index range from testMachine.txt, then go
-		* right to running that range of tests
-		*/ 
- 		private function startRangeTests():void
- 		{
- 			useTestSelectDialog = true;	// we select the range in the XML for this dialog
-	 		if (testXMLStore == null)
- 				FileRepository.readFile(normalizedURL, "../../test/testSuites.xml", onSuiteFileRead, onSuiteFileReadError, onSuiteFileSecurityError, true);	
- 			else
- 				loadAndRunTests();	
- 		}	
-		private function onSuiteDone(evtObj:Event):void
-		{
- 			if (evtObj)
-			{
-"complete", onSuiteDone);
-			}
-			// Remove the Event Listener because it has fired.
-			this.removeEventListener("TestComplete",onSuiteDone);
-			canRun = true;
-			if (rangeOfTests) testRunner.sendResults();
-			if (reportXMLResults)
-			{
-				myLoader.load(new URLRequest("CoverageManagerExit.swf"));
-				myLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoad_Coverage);
-				myLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onLoad_Flow);
-			}
-		} 
-			private	function onLoad_Flow(ev:IOErrorEvent):void
-			{
-				myLoader.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onLoad_Flow);	
-			}
-			private	function onLoad_Coverage(ev:Event):void
-			{		
-				loadedSWF.load("CoverageManagerExit.swf");		
-			}
-		private function onRunTest():void
-		{
-			/*
-			 * In the VellumPerformance tests a timer had to be added after the 
-			 * FileRepository.readFile method in order to provide time necessary for loading.
-			 * This has yet to be a problem in VellumUnit, but may be in the future.
-			 * Refer to the VellumPerformance.mxml.
-			 */
-			canRun = false;
-			useTestSelectDialog = true;			
-			reportXMLResults = false;
-			if (testXMLStore == null)
-				FileRepository.readFile(normalizedURL, "../../test/testSuites.xml", onSuiteFileRead, onSuiteFileReadError, onSuiteFileSecurityError);	
-			else
-				loadAndRunTests();
-		}
-		private function onRunAllTests():void
-		{
-			/*
-			 * In the VellumPerformance tests a timer had to be added after the 
-			 * FileRepository.readFile method in order to provide time necessary for loading.
-			 * This has yet to be a problem in VellumUnit, but may be in the future.
-			 * Refer to the VellumPerformance.mxml.
-			 */
-			useTestSelectDialog = true;			
-			reportXMLResults = false;
-			testStartIndex = 0;
-			testEndIndex = -1;
-			rangeOfTests = true;
-			if (testXMLStore == null)
-				FileRepository.readFile(normalizedURL, "../../test/testSuites.xml", onSuiteFileRead, onSuiteFileReadError, onSuiteFileSecurityError);	
-			else
-				loadAndRunTests();
-		}
-		private function onSuiteFileReadError(o:Object):void
-		{
-			trace(o.toString());
-		}
-		private function onSuiteFileSecurityError(o:Object):void
-		{
-			trace(o.toString());
-		}
-		private function onCloseTestWindow():void
-		{
-        		PopUpManager.removePopUp(TestRunnerWindow(curDialog));
-				curDialog = null;				
-		}
-		private function createXMLElement(xmlDoc:XMLDocument, nodeName:String, nodeValue:String):XMLNode
-		{
-			var tmpNode:XMLNode  = xmlDoc.createElement(nodeName);
-			var tmpNodeText:XMLNode  = xmlDoc.createTextNode(nodeValue);
-			tmpNode.appendChild(tmpNodeText);
-			return (tmpNode);
-		}
-		private function setDebugOrRelease():void
-		{
-			var e:Error = new Error();
-			var s:String = e.getStackTrace();
-			debugOrRelease=s;
-			try
-			{
-				var i:int = s.indexOf("setDebugOrRelease");
-				if (s.charAt(i + 19) == '[')
-				{
-					debugOrRelease = "Debug Player";
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					debugOrRelease = "Release Player";
-				}
-			}
-			catch (err:Error)
-			{
-				debugOrRelease = "Release Player";
-			}
-			if (Configuration.tlf_internal::debugCodeEnabled)
-			{	vellumDebugOrRelease = "Debug";	}
-			else {	vellumDebugOrRelease = "Release";	}
-		}
-		//*********************************************************
-		public function handleCreationComplete(): void
-		{
- 			setDebugOrRelease();
- 			normalizedURL = LoaderUtil.normalizeURL(loaderInfo);
-			// if we're in the AIR runtime, we get app:/VellumUnit.swf instead of
-			// a file:/// URL. This checks for that and changes it to file:///
-			if (normalizedURL.charAt(0) == "a")
-			{
-				var c:Class = Class(ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.getDefinition("flash.filesystem.File"));
-				normalizedURL = new c(new c(normalizedURL)["nativePath"])["url"];
-			}		
- 			//Security.loadPolicyFile("");
-			for (var i:int = 0; i < XFLFileNameList.length; ++i)
-				FileRepository.readFile(normalizedURL, "../../test/testFiles/markup/tlf/" + XFLFileNameList[i]);
- 			// We're going to look for the machine.txt, to fill out default machine name.
- 			// If we don't find it, go ahead and start the test runner.
- 			FileRepository.readFile(normalizedURL, "../../test/testMachine.txt", readMachineName, readTestPropertiesFromProject, securityHandler, true);
- 			// Load Arial Font SWF to Embed it in the application.
- 			loadEmbeddedFont(normalizedURL);
-		}
-       ]]>
+            return menuCollection;
+        }
+        private function doJUnitRun(runID:int):void
+        {
+            doSnapshotData.runID = runID;
+            testRunner.startTest();
+        }
+        /**
+         * This is the callback function used to run the tests that are selected.
+         * It is supplied on the initial creation of the dialog.
+         */
+        public function runUnitTests(doBeforeAndAfterTest:Boolean = false, iterations:int = 1):void
+        {
+            testRunner.startTest();
+        }
+        public function beforeRunTest(testCase:VellumTestCase, callBack:Function):void
+        {
+            beforeTestCallback = callBack;
+            testCase.doBeforeAfterCompare = doBeforeAfterCompare;
+            beforeTestCallback(testCase);
+        }
+        /**
+         * This function walks the test data set from the tree to determine
+         * what items are selected to be run.
+         */
+        private function walkTests(data:Object, testsToRun:Array):void
+        {
+            for each (var f:XML in data)
+            {
+                if (f.children().length() > 0)
+                    walkTests(f.children(), testsToRun);
+                if (f.@selected == true && f.@testID.length() > 0)
+                    testsToRun.push(int(f.@testID));
+            }
+        }
+        /**
+         * callback function of HandleRunInfo
+         * **/
+        private function finishHandleRunInfo(runID:int):void
+        {
+            doSnapshotData.runID = runID;
+        }
+        private function errorWithMachineID(info:Object, token:Object):void
+        {
+            //trace ("could not retrieve machine ID: snapshot tests aborted");
+  ;
+        }
+        private function handleError(info:Object, token:Object):void
+        {
+  ;
+        }
+        private function ioErrorPutBaseline(evtObj:IOErrorEvent):void
+        {
+            // Remove the event listeners to plug up memory leaks.
+            if (evtObj)
+            {
+      "complete", doSnapShotStoreStack);
+      , ioErrorPutBaseline);
+      , httpStatus);
+            }
+            trace("Error trying to put the baseline.");
+            // Continue doing the snapshots.
+            doSnapShotStoreStack(null);
+        }
+        private function doSnapShotStoreStack(evtObj:Event):void
+        {
+            if (evtObj)
+            {
+      "complete", doSnapShotStoreStack);
+      , ioErrorPutBaseline);
+      , httpStatus);
+            }
+            var snapshotType:String = snapshotStack.shift();
+            if (snapshotType != null)
+            {
+                //store result after test
+            }
+            else
+                afterTestCallback(curTest);
+        }
+        //*********************************************************************/
+        /**
+         * Add testcaseXML to testXMLStore with a property name from the
+         * suiteXML file, then go to the next entry
+         */
+        public function onTestCaseFileRead(evtObj:Event):void
+        {
+            testXMLStore[testXMLStore.suiteList.*[testXMLStore.suiteIndex].@suiteName] = XML(;
+            testXMLStore.suiteIndex++;
+            readTestCaseFiles();
+        }
+        /**
+         * Read through a test suite and return a new suite of tests
+         * that have the minimal flag set and are not in the skip list.
+         */
+        public function createMinimalSuite(fullSuite:TestSuiteExtended):TestSuiteExtended
+        {
+            // the way we iterate through tests here and in readTestCaseFiles
+            // assumes we have only one level of nesting of test suites,
+            // which may not always be true.
+            var minimalSuite:TestSuiteExtended = new TestSuiteExtended(this);
+            var suiteList:Array = fullSuite.getTests();
+            for (var i1:int = 0; i1 < suiteList.length; i1++)
+            {
+                if (suiteList[i1].minimal)
+                {
+                    if (skipList)
+                    {
+                        if (skipList.indexOf(suiteList[i1].testID) == -1)
+                        {
+                            minimalSuite.addTestDescriptor(suiteList[i1]);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        minimalSuite.addTestDescriptor(suiteList[i1]);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            return minimalSuite;
+        }
+        /**
+         * The machine name is stored in a file named testMachine.txt
+         * This is updated from the init task in the ant build.  Once
+         * we've retrieved the machine name we generate a file read
+         * error to determine where VellumUnit is being run from
+         */
+        public function readMachineName(event:Event):void
+        {
+            var fileContents:String = FileRepository.getFile(normalizedURL, "../../test/testMachine.txt");
+            if (fileContents)
+            {
+                var namePattern:RegExp = /testMachineName=(.*)/;
+                if (fileContents.match(namePattern))
+                {
+                    var nameLine:String = fileContents.match(namePattern)[0];
+                    testMachineName = nameLine.replace(namePattern, "$1");
+                }
+                var typePattern:RegExp = /buildType=(.*)/;
+                if (fileContents.match(typePattern))
+                {
+                    var typeLine:String = fileContents.match(typePattern)[0];
+                    buildType = typeLine.replace(typePattern, "$1");
+                }
+                var ownerPattern:RegExp = /testOwner=(.*)/;
+                if (fileContents.match(ownerPattern))
+                {
+                    var ownerLine:String = fileContents.match(ownerPattern)[0];
+                    testOwner = ownerLine.replace(ownerPattern, "$1");
+                }
+                var snapPattern:RegExp = /snapshots=(.*)/;
+                if (fileContents.match(snapPattern))
+                {
+                    var snapLine:String = fileContents.match(snapPattern)[0];
+                    snapshotsOn = snapLine.replace(snapPattern, "$1");
+                }
+                var genPattern:RegExp = /generateReport=(.*)/;
+                if (fileContents.match(genPattern))
+                {
+                    var genLine:String = fileContents.match(genPattern)[0];
+                    generateReport = genLine.replace(genPattern, "$1");
+                }
+                var skipFilePattern:RegExp = /antSkipTestFile=(.*)/;
+                if (fileContents.match(skipFilePattern))
+                {
+                    var skipLine:String = fileContents.match(skipFilePattern)[0];
+                    antSkipTestFile = skipLine.replace(skipFilePattern, "$1");
+                }
+                var startPattern:RegExp = /startTest=(.*)/;
+                if (fileContents.match(startPattern))
+                {
+                    var startLine:String = fileContents.match(startPattern)[0];
+                    testStartIndex = Number(startLine.replace(startPattern, "$1"));
+                }
+                var endPattern:RegExp = /endTest=(.*)/;
+                if (fileContents.match(endPattern))
+                {
+                    var endLine:String = fileContents.match(endPattern)[0];
+                    testEndIndex = Number(endLine.replace(endPattern, "$1"));
+                }
+                rangeOfTests = (testStartIndex != 0) && (testEndIndex != 0);
+                /* var filePrefixPattern:RegExp = /testOwner=(.*)/;
+                 if (fileContents.match(filePrefixPattern))
+                 {
+                 var filePrefixLine:String = fileContents.match(filePrefixPattern)[0];
+                 filePrefix = filePrefixLine.replace (filePrefixPattern, "$1");
+                 }	*/
+            }
+            readTestPropertiesFromProject();
+        }
+        public function readTestPropertiesFromProject(event:Event = null):void
+        {
+            testPropertiesPath = "../../build/";
+            FileRepository.readFile(normalizedURL, testPropertiesPath, getTestProperties, readTestPropertiesFromDist);
+        }
+        public function readTestPropertiesFromDist(event:Event = null):void
+        {
+            testPropertiesPath = "../../../../../../build/";
+            FileRepository.readFile(normalizedURL, testPropertiesPath, getTestProperties, turnOffSnapshots);
+        }
+        public function turnOffSnapshots(event:Event = null):void
+        {
+            snapshotsOn = "false";
+            chooseTestRunner();
+        }
+        public function getTestProperties(event:Event = null):void
+        {
+            var testPropContents:String = FileRepository.getFile(normalizedURL, testPropertiesPath);
+            if (testPropContents)
+            {
+            }
+            chooseTestRunner();
+        }
+        /**
+         * Use JUnit runner if it has been specified in testMachine.txt
+         */
+        public function chooseTestRunner(evtObj:IOErrorEvent = null):void
+        {
+            canRun = true;
+            // if it was specified in testMachine.txt, run the tests with Junit
+            if (generateReport == "true")
+            {
+                reportXMLResults = true;
+                // If we haven't read in all the tests, do that first. onSuiteFileRead will also call loadAndRunTests().
+                // Else tests have already been read in, we just need to run them.
+               /* if (testXMLStore == null)
+                    FileRepository.readFile(normalizedURL, "../../test/testSuites.xml", onSuiteFileRead, onSuiteFileReadError, onSuiteFileSecurityError, true);
+                else       */
+                    loadAndRunTests();
+            }
+            if (rangeOfTests)
+            {
+                callLater(startRangeTests);
+            }
+        }
+        public function securityHandler(evtObj:SecurityErrorEvent):void
+        {
+            trace("ERROR", evtObj.toString());
+        }
+        /**
+         * If we've read in a test index range from testMachine.txt, then go
+         * right to running that range of tests
+         */
+        private function startRangeTests():void
+        {
+            useTestSelectDialog = true;	// we select the range in the XML for this dialog
+           /* if (testXMLStore == null)
+                FileRepository.readFile(normalizedURL, "../../test/testSuites.xml", onSuiteFileRead, onSuiteFileReadError, onSuiteFileSecurityError, true);
+            else    */
+                loadAndRunTests();
+        }
+        private function onSuiteDone(evtObj:Event):void
+        {
+            if (evtObj)
+            {
+      "complete", onSuiteDone);
+            }
+            // Remove the Event Listener because it has fired.
+            this.removeEventListener("TestComplete", onSuiteDone);
+            canRun = true;
+            //if (rangeOfTests) testRunner.sendResults();
+            if (reportXMLResults)
+            {
+                myLoader.load(new URLRequest("CoverageManagerExit.swf"));
+                myLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoad_Coverage);
+                myLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onLoad_Flow);
+            }
+        }
+        private function onLoad_Flow(ev:IOErrorEvent):void
+        {
+            myLoader.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onLoad_Flow);
+        }
+        private function onLoad_Coverage(ev:Event):void
+        {
+            loadedSWF.load("CoverageManagerExit.swf");
+        }
+        private function onRunAllTests():void
+        {
+            /*
+             * In the VellumPerformance tests a timer had to be added after the
+             * FileRepository.readFile method in order to provide time necessary for loading.
+             * This has yet to be a problem in VellumUnit, but may be in the future.
+             * Refer to the VellumPerformance.mxml.
+             */
+            canRun = false;
+            useTestSelectDialog = true;
+            reportXMLResults = false;
+           /* if (testXMLStore == null)
+                FileRepository.readFile(normalizedURL, "../../test/testSuites.xml", onSuiteFileRead, onSuiteFileReadError, onSuiteFileSecurityError);
+            else   */
+                loadAndRunTests();
+        }
+        private function onRunMinimalTests():void
+        {
+            /*
+             * In the VellumPerformance tests a timer had to be added after the
+             * FileRepository.readFile method in order to provide time necessary for loading.
+             * This has yet to be a problem in VellumUnit, but may be in the future.
+             * Refer to the VellumPerformance.mxml.
+             */
+            useTestSelectDialog = true;
+            reportXMLResults = false;
+            testStartIndex = 0;
+            testEndIndex = -1;
+            rangeOfTests = true;
+          /*  if (testXMLStore == null)
+                FileRepository.readFile(normalizedURL, "../../test/testSuites.xml", onSuiteFileRead, onSuiteFileReadError, onSuiteFileSecurityError);
+            else       */
+                loadAndRunTests(true);
+        }
+        private function onCloseTestWindow():void
+        {
+            PopUpManager.removePopUp(TestRunnerWindow(curDialog));
+            curDialog = null;
+        }
+        private function createXMLElement(xmlDoc:XMLDocument, nodeName:String, nodeValue:String):XMLNode
+        {
+            var tmpNode:XMLNode = xmlDoc.createElement(nodeName);
+            var tmpNodeText:XMLNode = xmlDoc.createTextNode(nodeValue);
+            tmpNode.appendChild(tmpNodeText);
+            return (tmpNode);
+        }
+        private function setDebugOrRelease():void
+        {
+            var e:Error = new Error();
+            var s:String = e.getStackTrace();
+            debugOrRelease = s;
+            try
+            {
+                var i:int = s.indexOf("setDebugOrRelease");
+                if (s.charAt(i + 19) == '[')
+                {
+                    debugOrRelease = "Debug Player";
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    debugOrRelease = "Release Player";
+                }
+            }
+            catch (err:Error)
+            {
+                debugOrRelease = "Release Player";
+            }
+            if (Configuration.tlf_internal::debugCodeEnabled)
+            {
+                vellumDebugOrRelease = "Debug";
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                vellumDebugOrRelease = "Release";
+            }
+        }
+        //*********************************************************
+        public function handleCreationComplete():void
+        {
+            setDebugOrRelease();
+            normalizedURL = LoaderUtil.normalizeURL(loaderInfo);
+            // if we're in the AIR runtime, we get app:/VellumUnit.swf instead of
+            // a file:/// URL. This checks for that and changes it to file:///
+            if (normalizedURL.charAt(0) == "a")
+            {
+                var c:Class = Class(ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.getDefinition("flash.filesystem.File"));
+                normalizedURL = new c(new c(normalizedURL)["nativePath"])["url"];
+            }
+            //Security.loadPolicyFile("");
+            for (var i:int = 0; i < XFLFileNameList.length; ++i)
+                FileRepository.readFile(normalizedURL, "../../test/testFiles/markup/tlf/" + XFLFileNameList[i]);
+            // We're going to look for the machine.txt, to fill out default machine name.
+            // If we don't find it, go ahead and start the test runner.
+            FileRepository.readFile(normalizedURL, "../../test/testMachine.txt", readMachineName, readTestPropertiesFromProject, securityHandler, true);
+            // Load Arial Font SWF to Embed it in the application.
+            loadEmbeddedFont(normalizedURL);
+        }
+        ]]>
-	<mx:VBox height="100%" width="100%">
-	<mx:HBox>
-	<mx:Button label="Run Tests" id="cmdRunTests" click="onRunTest()" enabled="{canRun}"/>
-	<mx:Button label="Run Minimal Tests" id="cmdRunAllTests" click="onRunAllTests()" enabled="{canRun}"/>
-	<!-- <mx:Button label="Run Selected Tests" id="cmdRunSelectedTests" click="onRunTest()" enabled="{canRun}"/> -->
-	<mx:Label text="memory usage:"/>
-	<mx:Text text="{currentlyUsedMemory}" width="71" height="20"/>
-	</mx:HBox>	
-	<local:TestDescriptorRunner id="testRunner" height = "30%" width="100%"/>
-	<mx:SWFLoader id = "loadedSWF" source="../../testApps/bin/Flow.swf" height="536" width="1100"/>
-	</mx:VBox>
+    <s:VGroup height="100%" width="100%">
+        <s:HGroup>
+            <s:Button label="Run Tests" id="cmdRunTests" click="onRunAllTests()" enabled="{canRun}"/>
+            <s:Button label="Run Minimal Tests" id="cmdRunAllTests" click="onRunMinimalTests()" enabled="{canRun}"/>
+            <!-- <mx:Button label="Run Selected Tests" id="cmdRunSelectedTests" click="onRunTest()" enabled="{canRun}"/> -->
+            <s:Label text="memory usage:"/>
+            <s:TextInput text="{currentlyUsedMemory}" width="71" height="20"/>
+        </s:HGroup>
+        <local:TestDescriptorRunner id="testRunner" height="30%" width="100%"/>
+        <s:SWFLoader id="loadedSWF" source="Flow.swf" height="536" width="1100" />
+    </s:VGroup>
diff --git a/automation_core/libs/flexunit.swc b/automation_core/libs/flexunit.swc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0722885
Binary files /dev/null and b/automation_core/libs/flexunit.swc differ
diff --git a/automation_core/src/ b/automation_core/src/
index 5c5affd..f2da5aa 100644
--- a/automation_core/src/
+++ b/automation_core/src/
@@ -20,27 +20,31 @@ package
  	internal class AutomationCoreClasses
-		import UnitTest.ExtendedClasses.TestDescriptor; TestDescriptor;
+        import UnitTest.ExtendedClasses.VellumTestCase; VellumTestCase;
+        import UnitTest.Validation.BoundsChecker; BoundsChecker;
+        import UnitTest.Validation.CompositionResults; CompositionResults;
+        import UnitTest.Validation.SelectionEventValidator; SelectionEventValidator;
+        import UnitTest.Validation.DamageEventValidator; DamageEventValidator;
+        import UnitTest.Validation.StatusChangeEventValidator; StatusChangeEventValidator;
+        import UnitTest.Validation.FlowOperationEventValidator; FlowOperationEventValidator;
+        import UnitTest.Validation.CompositionCompleteEventValidator; CompositionCompleteEventValidator;
+        import UnitTest.Validation.FlowElementMouseEventValidator; FlowElementMouseEventValidator;
+        import UnitTest.Validation.EventValidator; EventValidator;
+        import UnitTest.Validation.UpdateCompleteEventValidator; UpdateCompleteEventValidator;
+		/*import UnitTest.ExtendedClasses.TestDescriptor; TestDescriptor;
 		import UnitTest.ExtendedClasses.TestSuiteExtended; TestSuiteExtended;
 		import UnitTest.ExtendedClasses.VellumPerformanceCase; VellumPerformanceCase;
-		import UnitTest.ExtendedClasses.VellumTestCase; VellumTestCase;
 		import UnitTest.Fixtures.FileRepository; FileRepository;
 		import UnitTest.Fixtures.TestApp; TestApp;
 		import UnitTest.Fixtures.TestConfig; TestConfig;
 		import UnitTest.Fixtures.TestEditManager; TestEditManager;
-		import UnitTest.Validation.BoundsChecker; BoundsChecker;
-		import UnitTest.Validation.CompositionCompleteEventValidator; CompositionCompleteEventValidator;
-		import UnitTest.Validation.CompositionResults; CompositionResults;
-		import UnitTest.Validation.DamageEventValidator; DamageEventValidator;
-		import UnitTest.Validation.EventValidator; EventValidator;
-		import UnitTest.Validation.FlowElementMouseEventValidator; FlowElementMouseEventValidator;
-		import UnitTest.Validation.FlowOperationEventValidator; FlowOperationEventValidator;
 		import UnitTest.Validation.LineSnapshot; LineSnapshot;
-		import UnitTest.Validation.SelectionEventValidator; SelectionEventValidator;
-		import UnitTest.Validation.StatusChangeEventValidator; StatusChangeEventValidator;
-		import UnitTest.Validation.UpdateCompleteEventValidator; UpdateCompleteEventValidator;
-		import UnitTest.Validation.XMLSnapshot; XMLSnapshot;
+		import UnitTest.Validation.XMLSnapshot; XMLSnapshot;     */
 		// Alphabetical list of classes to be included as part of vellum.swc.
 		// This should mirror what's in the .flexLibProperties
diff --git a/automation_core/src/UnitTest/ExtendedClasses/ b/automation_core/src/UnitTest/ExtendedClasses/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff6ff8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation_core/src/UnitTest/ExtendedClasses/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
+ * User: piotr.zarzycki
+ * Date: 24.03.14
+ * Time: 20:49
+ * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
+ */
+package UnitTest.ExtendedClasses
+    public class TestCaseBase
+    {
+        public var setUpDuration:Number;
+        public var setUpMemInitial:Object;
+        public var setUpMemFinal:Object;
+        public var middleDuration:Number;
+        public var middleMemInitial:Object;
+        public var middleMemFinal:Object;
+        public var tearDownDuration:Number;
+        public var tearDownMemInitial:Object;
+        public var tearDownMemFinal:Object;
+        public var metaData:Object;
+        public var methodName:String;
+        public function TestCaseBase(methodName:String = null)
+        {
+            this.methodName = methodName;
+        }
+        public function toString():String
+        {
+            return methodName;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/automation_core/src/UnitTest/ExtendedClasses/ b/automation_core/src/UnitTest/ExtendedClasses/
index bc6e763..81137a3 100644
--- a/automation_core/src/UnitTest/ExtendedClasses/
+++ b/automation_core/src/UnitTest/ExtendedClasses/
@@ -16,131 +16,128 @@
 //  limitations under the License.
-package UnitTest.ExtendedClasses
-	import;
-	import flash.system.System;
-	import flash.utils.*;
-	import flexunit.flexui.*;
-	import flexunit.framework.*;
-	import flexunit.runner.*;
-	import flexunit.textui.*;
-	import flexunit.utils.*;
-	public class TestSuiteExtended extends TestSuite
-	{
-		public var _parent:Object;
-		public var currentTest:Test;
-		public var testDescArrayList : Collection;
-		private var runDescIter:Iterator;
-		private var listener : TestSuiteTestListener;
-		public function TestSuiteExtended(parent:Object=null)
-		{
-	        super(null);
-			testDescArrayList = Collection( new ArrayList());
-			_parent = parent;
-		}
-    override public function runWithResult( result:TestResult ):void
-    {
-        runDescIter = testDescArrayList.iterator();
-        listener = new TestSuiteTestListener(this, result);
-        runNext(result);
-    }
+package UnitTest.ExtendedClasses {
+    import UnitTest.ExtendedClasses.*;
+    import;
+    import flexunit.framework.*;
+    import flexunit.utils.*;
-	private static const _a:uint = 1664525;
-	private static const _c:uint = 1013904223;
-	private static var _rand:uint = 47;
-	// random from 0 to 1 inclusive I think
-	private static function getRandom():Number
-	{
-		_rand = _a*_rand+_c;
-		return Number(_rand)/uint.MAX_VALUE;
-	}
-	private function chooseRandomTest():Object
-	{
-		_rand = _a*_rand+_c;
-		var index:int = getRandom() * (testDescArrayList.length()+1)
-		if (index >= testDescArrayList.length())
-			index = testDescArrayList.length()-1;
-		return testDescArrayList.getItemAt(index);
-	}
-	private var __testCount:int = 0;
-	private var _maxDeltaMemory:int = -1;
-	private var _maxDeltaTest:int = -1;
-	private var repeatForever:Boolean = false;
-	private var useRandomTest:Boolean = false;
-    override public function runNext( result : TestResult) : void
+    public dynamic class TestSuiteExtended extends TestSuite
-		currentTest = null;
-		if (!runDescIter.hasNext() && repeatForever)
-			runDescIter = testDescArrayList.iterator();
-        if ( runDescIter.hasNext() )
+        public var _parent:Object;
+        public var currentTest:Test;
+        public var testDescArrayList:Collection;
+        private var runDescIter:Iterator;
+        private var listener:TestSuiteTestListener;
+        public function TestSuiteExtended(parent:Object = null)
+        {
+            super(null);
+            testDescArrayList = Collection(new ArrayList());
+            _parent = parent;
+        }
+        override public function runWithResult(result:TestResult):void
+        {
+            runDescIter = testDescArrayList.iterator();
+            listener = new TestSuiteTestListener(this, result);
+            runNext(result);
+        }
+        private static const _a:uint = 1664525;
+        private static const _c:uint = 1013904223;
+        private static var _rand:uint = 47;
+        // random from 0 to 1 inclusive I think
+        private static function getRandom():Number
+        {
+            _rand = _a * _rand + _c;
+            return Number(_rand) / uint.MAX_VALUE;
+        }
+        private function chooseRandomTest():Object
+        {
+            _rand = _a * _rand + _c;
+            var index:int = getRandom() * (testDescArrayList.length() + 1)
+            if (index >= testDescArrayList.length())
+                index = testDescArrayList.length() - 1;
+            return testDescArrayList.getItemAt(index);
+        }
+        private var __testCount:int = 0;
+        private var _maxDeltaMemory:int = -1;
+        private var _maxDeltaTest:int = -1;
+        private var repeatForever:Boolean = false;
+        private var useRandomTest:Boolean = false;
+        override public function runNext(result:TestResult):void
-            if ( result.shouldStop() )
+            currentTest = null;
+            if (!runDescIter.hasNext() && repeatForever)
+                runDescIter = testDescArrayList.iterator();
+            if (runDescIter.hasNext())
+                if (result.shouldStop())
+                {
+                    listener.pop();
+                    return;
+                }
+                currentTest = useRandomTest ? chooseRandomTest().makeTest() :;
+                /*var curMemory:int = System.totalMemory;
+                 __testCount++;
+                 trace(__testCount,_maxDeltaTest,_maxDeltaMemory,currentTest.toString());*/
+                runTest(currentTest, result);
+                /*System.gc();System.gc();
+                 var aftMemory:int = System.totalMemory;
+                 var deltaMemory:int = aftMemory-curMemory;
+                 if (deltaMemory > _maxDeltaMemory)
+                 {
+                 _maxDeltaMemory = deltaMemory;
+                 _maxDeltaTest = __testCount;
+                 }*/
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if (_parent != null)
+                    _parent.dispatchEvent(new Event("TestComplete"));
-                return;
+        }
-			currentTest = useRandomTest ? chooseRandomTest().makeTest() :;
+        private function runTest(test:Test, result:TestResult):void
+        {
+            test.runWithResult(result);
+        }
-			/*var curMemory:int = System.totalMemory;
-			__testCount++;
-			trace(__testCount,_maxDeltaTest,_maxDeltaMemory,currentTest.toString());*/
+        override public function testCount():Number
+        {
+            return testDescArrayList.length();
+        }
-            runTest( currentTest, result );
+        override public function getTests():Array
+        {
+            var tempArray:Array = testDescArrayList.toArray();
+            return testDescArrayList.toArray();
+        }
-			/*System.gc();System.gc();
-			var aftMemory:int = System.totalMemory;
-			var deltaMemory:int = aftMemory-curMemory;
-			if (deltaMemory > _maxDeltaMemory)
-			{
-				_maxDeltaMemory = deltaMemory;
-				_maxDeltaTest = __testCount;
-			}*/
+        public function addTestDescriptor(descriptor:TestDescriptor):void
+        {
+            testDescArrayList.addItem(descriptor);
-        else
+        override public function countTestCases():Number
-			if (_parent != null)
-				_parent.dispatchEvent(new Event("TestComplete"));
-            listener.pop();
+            return testCount(); // currently it's a flat list.
-    }
-	private function runTest( test:Test, result:TestResult ):void
-	{
-		test.runWithResult( result );
-	}
-	override public function testCount() : Number
-	{
-		return testDescArrayList.length();
-	}
-	override public function getTests() : Array
-	{
-		var tempArray:Array = testDescArrayList.toArray();
-		return testDescArrayList.toArray();
-	}
-	public function addTestDescriptor ( descriptor:TestDescriptor ) : void
-	{
-		testDescArrayList.addItem (descriptor);
-	}
-	override public function countTestCases() : Number
-	{
-		return testCount(); // currently it's a flat list.
-	}
-	}
+    }
diff --git a/automation_core/src/UnitTest/ExtendedClasses/ b/automation_core/src/UnitTest/ExtendedClasses/
index 2f032c8..a914729 100644
--- a/automation_core/src/UnitTest/ExtendedClasses/
+++ b/automation_core/src/UnitTest/ExtendedClasses/
@@ -19,15 +19,16 @@
 package UnitTest.ExtendedClasses
+    import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName;
-	import flexunit.framework.TestCase;
+    import flexunit.framework.TestCase;
 	import flexunit.framework.TestSuite;
 	import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
 	import mx.controls.ComboBox;
 	import mx.containers.Canvas;
-	public class VellumPerformanceCase extends TestCase
+	public class VellumPerformanceCase extends TestCaseBase
 		private static const standardTimeout:int = 1000000;
 		public static var testApp:Canvas;
@@ -48,7 +49,8 @@ package UnitTest.ExtendedClasses
 			// always add className to the TestID
-			TestID = className.substr(className.lastIndexOf(':')+1) + '.';
+            var className:String = getQualifiedClassName(this);
+            TestID = className.substr(className.lastIndexOf(':')+1) + '.';
 			TestID = TestID + (( ? : methodName);
@@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ package UnitTest.ExtendedClasses
 		override public function toString():String
-			return TestID + " (" + className + ")";
+			return TestID + " (" + getQualifiedClassName(this) + ")";
 		public static function suiteFromXML(testCaseClass:Class, testListXML:XML):TestSuite
@@ -69,14 +71,15 @@ package UnitTest.ExtendedClasses
    			return ts;
-		override public function tearDown() : void
+		public function tearDown() : void
 			TestData = null;
 		public function addAsyncForTestComplete (timeout:int = standardTimeout):void
-			testApp.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, addAsync(testComplete, timeout, null));
+            //TODO: Add Support for addSync PZ
+			//testApp.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, addAsync(testComplete, timeout, null));
 		/** empty testComplete to call once the performance app sends