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Posted to by Techy Teck <> on 2012/08/04 01:55:55 UTC

Sequence File with Block Compression

I need to enable Sequence File with Block Compression data. Below is the
table which will be stored as SequenceFile.

*    create table lip_data_quality*
*    ( buyer_id bigint,*
*      total_chkout bigint,*
*      total_errpds bigint*
*     )*
*     partitioned by (dt string)*
*    row format delimited fields terminated by '\t'*
*    stored as sequencefile*
*    location '/apps/hdmi-technology/b_apdpds/lip-data-quality'*

And in the above table, I am getting data in Compressed Form like this by
enabling these commands-

*    set mapred.output.compress=true;*
*    set mapred.output.compression.type=BLOCK;*
*    set;*

So my question is that's all I need to enable BLOCK Compression with
Sequence File? Or is there anything else I need to do? I was following this

Any suggestion will be appreciated.