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Posted to by on 2024/02/15 08:53:20 UTC

(superset) 02/02: YUP

This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

maximebeauchemin pushed a commit to branch supersetbot-docker
in repository

commit 29cf485e7bdfd157931047cc1e0b37be48cdd26f
Author: Maxime Beauchemin <>
AuthorDate: Wed Feb 14 16:35:59 2024 -0800

 .github/supersetbot/src/cli.js                     |  18 ++
 .github/supersetbot/src/docker.js                  | 141 ++++++++++++
 .github/supersetbot/src/docker.test.js             | 244 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .github/supersetbot/src/index.js                   |  16 +-
 .../src/{utils.test.js => utils.index.js}          |   0
 .github/supersetbot/src/utils.js                   |  42 +++-
 6 files changed, 449 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.github/supersetbot/src/cli.js b/.github/supersetbot/src/cli.js
index a784a98f60..3d7c6b8f66 100755
--- a/.github/supersetbot/src/cli.js
+++ b/.github/supersetbot/src/cli.js
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
 import { Command } from 'commander';
 import * as commands from './commands.js';
+import * as docker from './docker.js';
+import * as utils from './utils.js';
 export default function getCLI(envContext) {
   const program = new Command();
@@ -58,6 +60,22 @@ export default function getCLI(envContext) {
       await wrapped(opts.repo, opts.issue, envContext);
+  program.command('docker')
+    .option('-p, --preset <preset>', 'Build preset', /^(lean|dev|dockerize|websocket|py310|ci)$/i, 'lean')
+    .option('-c, --context <context>', 'Build context', /^(push|pull_request|release)$/i, 'local')
+    .option('-b, --context-ref <ref>', 'Reference to the PR, release, or branch')
+    .option('-l, --platform <platform...>', 'Platforms (multiple values allowed)', /^(linux\/arm64|linux\/amd64)$/i, ['linux/amd64'])
+    .option('-d, --dry-run', 'Run the command in dry-run mode')
+    .option('-f, --force-latest', 'Force the "latest" tag on the release')
+    .option('-v, --verbose', 'Print more info')
+    .action(function () {
+      const opts = envContext.processOptions(this, ['repo']);
+      const cmd = docker.getDockerCommand(opts);
+      console.log(cmd);
+      if (!opts.dryRun) {
+        utils.runShellCommand(cmd);
+      }
+    });
   return program;
diff --git a/.github/supersetbot/src/docker.js b/.github/supersetbot/src/docker.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..028698e0d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/supersetbot/src/docker.js
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+import { spawnSync } from 'child_process';
+const REPO = 'apache/superset';
+const CACHE_REPO = `${REPO}-cache`;
+const BASE_PY_IMAGE = '3.9-slim-bookworm';
+export function runCmd(command, raiseOnFailure = true) {
+  const { stdout, stderr } = spawnSync(command, { shell: true, encoding: 'utf-8', env: process.env });
+  if (stderr && raiseOnFailure) {
+    throw new Error(stderr);
+  }
+  return stdout;
+function getGitSha() {
+  return runCmd('git rev-parse HEAD').trim();
+function getBuildContextRef(buildContext) {
+  const event = buildContext || process.env.GITHUB_EVENT_NAME;
+  const githubRef = process.env.GITHUB_REF || '';
+  if (event === 'pull_request') {
+    const githubHeadRef = process.env.GITHUB_HEAD_REF || '';
+    return githubHeadRef.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '-').slice(0, 40);
+  } if (event === 'release') {
+    return githubRef.replace('refs/tags/', '').slice(0, 40);
+  } if (event === 'push') {
+    return githubRef.replace('refs/heads/', '').replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '-').slice(0, 40);
+  }
+  return '';
+export function isLatestRelease(release) {
+  const output = runCmd(`../../scripts/ ${release} --dry-run`, false) || '';
+  return output.includes('SKIP_TAG::false');
+function makeDockerTag(parts) {
+  return `${REPO}:${parts.filter((part) => part).join('-')}`;
+export function getDockerTags({
+  preset, platforms, sha, buildContext, buildContextRef, forceLatest = false,
+}) {
+  const tags = new Set();
+  const tagChunks = [];
+  const isLatest = isLatestRelease(buildContextRef);
+  if (preset !== 'lean') {
+    tagChunks.push(preset);
+  }
+  if (platforms.length === 1) {
+    const platform = platforms[0];
+    const shortBuildPlatform = platform.replace('linux/', '').replace('64', '');
+    if (shortBuildPlatform !== 'amd') {
+      tagChunks.push(shortBuildPlatform);
+    }
+  }
+  tags.add(makeDockerTag([sha, ...tagChunks]));
+  tags.add(makeDockerTag([sha.slice(0, 7), ...tagChunks]));
+  if (buildContext === 'release') {
+    tags.add(makeDockerTag([buildContextRef, ...tagChunks]));
+    if (isLatest || forceLatest) {
+      tags.add(makeDockerTag(['latest', ...tagChunks]));
+    }
+  } else if (buildContext === 'push' && buildContextRef === 'master') {
+    tags.add(makeDockerTag(['master', ...tagChunks]));
+  } else if (buildContext === 'pull_request') {
+    tags.add(makeDockerTag([`pr-${buildContextRef}`, ...tagChunks]));
+  }
+  return [...tags];
+export function getDockerCommand({
+  preset, platform, isAuthenticated, buildContext, buildContextRef, forceLatest = false,
+}) {
+  const platforms = platform;
+  let buildTarget = '';
+  let pyVer = BASE_PY_IMAGE;
+  let dockerContext = '.';
+  if (preset === 'dev') {
+    buildTarget = 'dev';
+  } else if (preset === 'lean') {
+    buildTarget = 'lean';
+  } else if (preset === 'py310') {
+    buildTarget = 'lean';
+    pyVer = '3.10-slim-bookworm';
+  } else if (preset === 'websocket') {
+    dockerContext = 'superset-websocket';
+  } else if (preset === 'ci') {
+    buildTarget = 'ci';
+  } else if (preset === 'dockerize') {
+    dockerContext = '-f dockerize.Dockerfile .';
+  } else {
+    console.error(`Invalid build preset: ${preset}`);
+    process.exit(1);
+  }
+  let ref = buildContextRef;
+  if (!ref) {
+    ref = getBuildContextRef(buildContext);
+  }
+  const sha = getGitSha();
+  const tags = getDockerTags({
+    preset, platforms, sha, buildContext, buildContextRef: ref, forceLatest,
+  }).map((tag) => `-t ${tag}`).join(' \\\n        ');
+  const dockerArgs = isAuthenticated ? '--push' : '--load';
+  const targetArgument = buildTarget ? `--target ${buildTarget}` : '';
+  const cacheRef = `${CACHE_REPO}:${pyVer}${platforms.length === 1 ? `-${platforms[0].replace('linux/', '').replace('64', '')}` : ''}`;
+  const platformArg = `--platform ${platforms.join(',')}`;
+  const cacheFromArg = `--cache-from=type=registry,ref=${cacheRef}`;
+  const cacheToArg = isAuthenticated ? `--cache-to=type=registry,mode=max,ref=${cacheRef}` : '';
+  const buildArg = pyVer ? `--build-arg PY_VER=${pyVer}` : '';
+  const actor = process.env.GITHUB_ACTOR;
+  return `
+    docker buildx build \\
+      ${dockerArgs} \\
+      ${tags} \\
+      ${cacheFromArg} \\
+      ${cacheToArg} \\
+      ${targetArgument} \\
+      ${buildArg} \\
+      ${platformArg} \\
+      --label sha=${sha} \\
+      --label target=${buildTarget} \\
+      --label build_trigger=${ref} \\
+      --label base=${pyVer} \\
+      --label build_actor=${actor} \\
+      ${dockerContext}
+  `;
diff --git a/.github/supersetbot/src/docker.test.js b/.github/supersetbot/src/docker.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b3c8ee3e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/supersetbot/src/docker.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+import * as dockerUtils from './docker.js';
+const SHA = '22e7c602b9aa321ec7e0df4bb0033048664dcdf0';
+const PR_ID = '666';
+const OLD_REL = '2.1.0';
+const NEW_REL = '2.1.1';
+const REPO = 'apache/superset';
+beforeEach(() => {
+  process.env.TEST_ENV = 'true';
+afterEach(() => {
+  delete process.env.TEST_ENV;
+describe('isLatestRelease', () => {
+  test.each([
+    ['2.1.0', false],
+    ['2.1.1', true],
+    ['1.0.0', false],
+    ['3.0.0', true],
+  ])('returns %s for release %s', (release, expectedBool) => {
+    expect(dockerUtils.isLatestRelease(release)).toBe(expectedBool);
+  });
+describe('getDockerTags', () => {
+  test.each([
+    // PRs
+    [
+      'lean',
+      ['linux/arm64'],
+      SHA,
+      'pull_request',
+      PR_ID,
+      [`${REPO}:22e7c60-arm`, `${REPO}:${SHA}-arm`, `${REPO}:pr-${PR_ID}-arm`],
+    ],
+    [
+      'ci',
+      ['linux/amd64'],
+      SHA,
+      'pull_request',
+      PR_ID,
+      [`${REPO}:22e7c60-ci`, `${REPO}:${SHA}-ci`, `${REPO}:pr-${PR_ID}-ci`],
+    ],
+    [
+      'lean',
+      ['linux/amd64'],
+      SHA,
+      'pull_request',
+      PR_ID,
+      [`${REPO}:22e7c60`, `${REPO}:${SHA}`, `${REPO}:pr-${PR_ID}`],
+    ],
+    [
+      'dev',
+      ['linux/arm64'],
+      SHA,
+      'pull_request',
+      PR_ID,
+      [
+        `${REPO}:22e7c60-dev-arm`,
+        `${REPO}:${SHA}-dev-arm`,
+        `${REPO}:pr-${PR_ID}-dev-arm`,
+      ],
+    ],
+    [
+      'dev',
+      ['linux/amd64'],
+      SHA,
+      'pull_request',
+      PR_ID,
+      [`${REPO}:22e7c60-dev`, `${REPO}:${SHA}-dev`, `${REPO}:pr-${PR_ID}-dev`],
+    ],
+    // old releases
+    [
+      'lean',
+      ['linux/arm64'],
+      SHA,
+      'release',
+      OLD_REL,
+      [`${REPO}:22e7c60-arm`, `${REPO}:${SHA}-arm`, `${REPO}:${OLD_REL}-arm`],
+    ],
+    [
+      'lean',
+      ['linux/amd64'],
+      SHA,
+      'release',
+      OLD_REL,
+      [`${REPO}:22e7c60`, `${REPO}:${SHA}`, `${REPO}:${OLD_REL}`],
+    ],
+    [
+      'dev',
+      ['linux/arm64'],
+      SHA,
+      'release',
+      OLD_REL,
+      [
+        `${REPO}:22e7c60-dev-arm`,
+        `${REPO}:${SHA}-dev-arm`,
+        `${REPO}:${OLD_REL}-dev-arm`,
+      ],
+    ],
+    [
+      'dev',
+      ['linux/amd64'],
+      SHA,
+      'release',
+      OLD_REL,
+      [`${REPO}:22e7c60-dev`, `${REPO}:${SHA}-dev`, `${REPO}:${OLD_REL}-dev`],
+    ],
+    // new releases
+    [
+      'lean',
+      ['linux/arm64'],
+      SHA,
+      'release',
+      NEW_REL,
+      [
+        `${REPO}:22e7c60-arm`,
+        `${REPO}:${SHA}-arm`,
+        `${REPO}:${NEW_REL}-arm`,
+        `${REPO}:latest-arm`,
+      ],
+    ],
+    [
+      'lean',
+      ['linux/amd64'],
+      SHA,
+      'release',
+      NEW_REL,
+      [`${REPO}:22e7c60`, `${REPO}:${SHA}`, `${REPO}:${NEW_REL}`, `${REPO}:latest`],
+    ],
+    [
+      'dev',
+      ['linux/arm64'],
+      SHA,
+      'release',
+      NEW_REL,
+      [
+        `${REPO}:22e7c60-dev-arm`,
+        `${REPO}:${SHA}-dev-arm`,
+        `${REPO}:${NEW_REL}-dev-arm`,
+        `${REPO}:latest-dev-arm`,
+      ],
+    ],
+    [
+      'dev',
+      ['linux/amd64'],
+      SHA,
+      'release',
+      NEW_REL,
+      [
+        `${REPO}:22e7c60-dev`,
+        `${REPO}:${SHA}-dev`,
+        `${REPO}:${NEW_REL}-dev`,
+        `${REPO}:latest-dev`,
+      ],
+    ],
+    // merge on master
+    [
+      'lean',
+      ['linux/arm64'],
+      SHA,
+      'push',
+      'master',
+      [`${REPO}:22e7c60-arm`, `${REPO}:${SHA}-arm`, `${REPO}:master-arm`],
+    ],
+    [
+      'lean',
+      ['linux/amd64'],
+      SHA,
+      'push',
+      'master',
+      [`${REPO}:22e7c60`, `${REPO}:${SHA}`, `${REPO}:master`],
+    ],
+    [
+      'dev',
+      ['linux/arm64'],
+      SHA,
+      'push',
+      'master',
+      [
+        `${REPO}:22e7c60-dev-arm`,
+        `${REPO}:${SHA}-dev-arm`,
+        `${REPO}:master-dev-arm`,
+      ],
+    ],
+    [
+      'dev',
+      ['linux/amd64'],
+      SHA,
+      'push',
+      'master',
+      [`${REPO}:22e7c60-dev`, `${REPO}:${SHA}-dev`, `${REPO}:master-dev`],
+    ],
+  ])('returns expected tags', (preset, platforms, sha, buildContext, buildContextRef, expectedTags) => {
+    const tags = dockerUtils.getDockerTags({
+      preset, platforms, sha, buildContext, buildContextRef,
+    });
+    expect(tags).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining(expectedTags));
+  });
+describe('getDockerCommand', () => {
+  test.each([
+    [
+      'lean',
+      ['linux/amd64'],
+      true,
+      SHA,
+      'push',
+      'master',
+      ['--push', `-t ${REPO}:master `],
+    ],
+    [
+      'dev',
+      ['linux/amd64'],
+      false,
+      SHA,
+      'push',
+      'master',
+      ['--load', `-t ${REPO}:master-dev `],
+    ],
+    // multi-platform
+    [
+      'lean',
+      ['linux/arm64', 'linux/amd64'],
+      true,
+      SHA,
+      'push',
+      'master',
+      ['--platform linux/arm64,linux/amd64'],
+    ],
+  ])('returns expected docker command', (preset, platform, isAuthenticated, sha, buildContext, buildContextRef, contains) => {
+    const cmd = dockerUtils.getDockerCommand({
+      preset, platform, isAuthenticated, sha, buildContext, buildContextRef,
+    });
+    contains.forEach((expectedSubstring) => {
+      expect(cmd).toContain(expectedSubstring);
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/.github/supersetbot/src/index.js b/.github/supersetbot/src/index.js
index b518c35ae1..2246e4d5bc 100644
--- a/.github/supersetbot/src/index.js
+++ b/.github/supersetbot/src/index.js
@@ -16,6 +16,20 @@
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
-import { runCommandFromGithubAction } from './utils.js';
+import { parseArgsStringToArgv } from 'string-argv';
+import getCLI from './cli.js';
+import Context from './context.js';
+async function runCommandFromGithubAction(rawCommand) {
+  const envContext = new Context('GHA');
+  const cli = getCLI(envContext);
+  // Make rawCommand look like argv
+  const cmd = rawCommand.trim().replace('@supersetbot', 'supersetbot');
+  const args = parseArgsStringToArgv(cmd);
+  await cli.parseAsync(['node', ...args]);
+  await envContext.onDone();
 export { runCommandFromGithubAction };
diff --git a/.github/supersetbot/src/utils.test.js b/.github/supersetbot/src/utils.index.js
similarity index 100%
rename from .github/supersetbot/src/utils.test.js
rename to .github/supersetbot/src/utils.index.js
diff --git a/.github/supersetbot/src/utils.js b/.github/supersetbot/src/utils.js
index e0cc6a2d62..f0d44fca52 100644
--- a/.github/supersetbot/src/utils.js
+++ b/.github/supersetbot/src/utils.js
@@ -17,17 +17,37 @@
  * under the License.
-import { parseArgsStringToArgv } from 'string-argv';
-import Context from './context.js';
-import getCLI from './cli.js';
+import { spawn } from 'child_process';
-export async function runCommandFromGithubAction(rawCommand) {
-  const envContext = new Context('GHA');
-  const cli = getCLI(envContext);
+export function runShellCommand(command) {
+  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+    // Split the command string into an array of arguments
+    const args = command.split(/\s+/);
+    const childProcess = spawn(args.shift(), args);
-  // Make rawCommand look like argv
-  const cmd = rawCommand.trim().replace('@supersetbot', 'supersetbot');
-  const args = parseArgsStringToArgv(cmd);
-  await cli.parseAsync(['node', ...args]);
-  await envContext.onDone();
+    let stdoutData = '';
+    let stderrData = '';
+    // Capture stdout data
+    childProcess.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
+      stdoutData += data;
+      console.log(`stdout: ${data}`);
+    });
+    // Capture stderr data
+    childProcess.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
+      stderrData += data;
+      console.error(`stderr: ${data}`);
+    });
+    // Handle process exit
+    childProcess.on('close', (code) => {
+      console.log(`child process exited with code ${code}`);
+      if (code === 0) {
+        resolve(stdoutData);
+      } else {
+        reject(new Error(`Command failed with code ${code}: ${stderrData}`));
+      }
+    });
+  });