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Posted to by prog prog <> on 2007/02/16 00:58:10 UTC

Could not open the requested SVN filesystem


I have a similar problem to the following thread,

but I am unable to access svn though https

I have imported 1 test file to the repository and shows up using SVN list:
svn import test file:///home/prog101/svn/test -m "testing"
svn list file:///home/prog101/svn

but the following error shows up on executing
svn list

svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn'
svn: Could not open the requested SVN filesystem

here's my /etc/apache2/mods-available/dav_svn.conf

# dav_svn.conf - Example Subversion/Apache configuration
# For details and further options see the Apache user manual.

# <Location URL> ... </Location>
# URL controls how the repository appears to the outside world.
# In this example clients access the repository as http://hostname/svn/repos
<Location /svn>

  # uncomment this to enable the repository
   DAV svn

  # set this to the path to your repository
  # SVNPath /var/lib/svn
  SVNPath /home/prog101/svn

  # The following allows for basic http authentication.  Basic
  # should not be considered secure for any particularly rigorous definition
  # secure.

  # to create a passwd file
  # # rm -f /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd
  # # htpasswd2 -c /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd dwhedon
  # New password:
  # Re-type new password:
  # Adding password for user dwhedon
  # #

  # Uncomment the following 3 lines to enable Basic Authentication
  AuthType Basic
  AuthName "Subversion Repository"
  AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd

  # Uncomment the following line to enable Authz Authentication
  # AuthzSVNAccessFile /etc/apache2/dav_svn.authz

  # Uncomment the following three lines allow anonymous read, but make
  # committers authenticate themselves

  Require valid-user


I am running ubuntu dapper and have set up apache + subversion + ssl using
the following URL:

Any help will be appreciated!

Thank you.

Re: Could not open the requested SVN filesystem

Posted by Ryan Schmidt <>.
On Feb 15, 2007, at 18:58, prog prog wrote:

> but the following error shows up on executing
> svn list
> svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn'
> svn: Could not open the requested SVN filesystem

Does your Apache error log show any more information, such as the  
path to the repository it can't find? Is that path actually the path  
of your repository?


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