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Posted to by Mark Roder <> on 2001/10/24 21:12:02 UTC

Issue: Namespace problems and deserialization

I am working on a soap client application that is talking to an existing
soap service.

I am having some namespace problems with responses containing objects with
no namespaces associated with them not being deserialized properly with the

If you take the files from the attached jar and use them in the bidbuy
sample, you can see this error with the following steps:

To show it is broke with namespaces:
   -replace the files
   -run the functional tests

To show it works with namespaces
   -use the replaced files
   -modify the deploy.xml so the beanmapping has the namespace 
      from:<Receipt classname="samples.bidbuy.Receipt" /> 
      to:<bid:Receipt classname="samples.bidbuy.Receipt" /> 
   -modify the  so the rcptqn has the namespace.

