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Posted to by Tom Cassimon <> on 2009/09/02 21:13:39 UTC

Problem with primary key in Persisted object list

Hi all,

I have a problem with CXF. I'm using the newest version 2.2.3.


I'm using Hibernate & Spring on a Tomcat Application Server and i
communicate with a Java Swing client with Apache CXF. Now everything works
like a charm. But there is one issue. I have a persisted object on the
server with a @ManyToOne relationship. 


            Definition in entity class Patient:


    @JoinTable(name = "patient_document", joinColumns = {@JoinColumn(name =
"patientId")}, inverseJoinColumns = {@JoinColumn(name = "documentId")})


    private List<Document> documentList;


            Document entity:



@Table(name = "document")

public class Document implements Serializable {


    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;


    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)

    @Basic(optional = false)

    @Column(name = "id")

    private Long id;





I recieve the document list correct on the client side. But the id field is
null. This causes problems when I send the Patient class back to the Tomcat
server for an update. Let's say I add a new document to the documentList in
the patient object and I want to insert it in the database. I execute the
following code:


            //Process documents

            if (p.getDocumentList() != null) {

                for (Document d : p.getDocumentList()) {

                    if (d.getId() == null)






//Finally process patient

            if (p.getId() == null)





Now the problem is that the id field is null, so the code here "thinks" it
are all new documents. He removes the links in the database and re-inserts
all the documents. But due to another bug not cleaning up Orphans everything
ends up more times in the database, and that is off course not wanted. Do I
do something wrong here or is it an actual bug? The strange thing is. I also
have @OneToOne relationships end there the id is submitted to the client. I
don't see any reason for not submitting the id in @ManyToOne relationships.
Maybe I am doing something wrong.


If you need more info please ask.



