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Posted to by Richard Dice <> on 2000/02/24 20:57:57 UTC

handler mayhem

Hello everyone... 

I was hoping that someone could take a look at some handler configurations
I'm setting and tell me what's wrong with them.

The issue is that the file "htsearch" which is identified with the
URI /cgi-bin/htsearch is being handled by SW::Menu::Wrapper (I've
confirmed this with some good old fashioned "print STDERR ..." in 
the error logs) and _not_ by cgi-handler, as ScriptAlias would
have you believe.

What the browser is returning is the binary-in-the-browser-window
of 'htsearch', a compiled C cgi program of the "htdig" collection.

Ideas? (note:  I have tried dozens of variations on the themes
below, and they all yield exactly the same results, so I'm just 
providing the most stripped down conf info here)


use Apache::Filter;
unshift @INC, "$ENV{'PROJECT_DIR'}/libs";

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/home/Projects/sw-web/devel/rdice/cgi-bin/"

<FilesMatch "\.html$">
	SetHandler perl-script
	PerlHandler SW::Menu::Wrapper SW::Filter::Gzip

ErrorDocument 404 /DocumentNotFound.html

 Richard Dice * Personal 514 816 9568 * Fax 514 816 9569
 Open Source Evangelist, HBE Software *
 ShadNet Creator * *
 Occasional Writer, HotWired *
     "squeeze the world 'til it's small enough to join us heel to toe"
         - jesus jones