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Posted to by Michael Decker <> on 2007/08/02 11:15:11 UTC

[ApacheDS] 1.5 / Dynamic Scheme Loading / Subclassing


I'm starting to use ApacheDS 1.5 as developer ldap server, so every developer 
can use his own server.

So we've our own ldap schema. It seems, that if I load a new scheme into 
ApacheDS 1.5 it can't resolve super class relations until I've restart my 

My objectclass A is a subclass of inetOrgPerson, that of organizationalPerson 
and that of person. So after loading the schema (via ldif-Directory on 
startup) I try to add an new entry via ldif and get this:
	--- SNIP ---
#!ERROR [LDAP: error code 65 - failed to add entry 
myuid=myuser,ou=Users,dc=mydomain,dc=de: Attribute sn not declared in 
objectClasses of entry myuid=myuser,ou=Users,dc=mydomain,dc=de]
	--- SNAP ---
But sn is declared in object class person.

If I stop my server and restart it, I can import my ldif and this enty will be 

Must I really restart ApacheDS 1.5 everytime after creating or modificating a 
schema? Or is there another way?

Thanks a lot.

With regards,
	Michael Decker
Michael Decker                    
TESIS SYSware GmbH              
Baierbrunner Str. 15 * 81379 Muenchen * Tel. +49 89 747377-52

Geschäftsführung: Dipl.-Math. Gerhard Zipf,
                  Dipl.-Math. Alfons Weber
Sitz und Registergericht: München HRB 89277

Re: [ApacheDS] 1.5 / Dynamic Scheme Loading / Subclassing

Posted by Michael Decker <>.
	Hallo Pierre-Arnaud,

I'm not allowed to post the whole file, but I can give you a lot of pieces:

	--- SNIP ---
# mySchema
# Generated by LDAP Studio on July 30, 2007 2:43:50 PM

dn: cn=mySchema, ou=schema
objectclass: metaSchema
objectclass: top
cn: mySchema
m-dependencies: system
m-dependencies: inetorgperson
m-dependencies: core


dn: ou=objectClasses, cn=mySchema, ou=schema
objectclass: organizationalUnit
objectclass: top
ou: objectClasses


dn: m-oid=, ou=objectClasses, cn=mySchema, ou=
objectclass: metaObjectclass
objectclass: metaTop
objectclass: top
m-name: mySchemaUser
m-description: User
m-supObjectClass: inetOrgPerson
m-supObjectClass: mySchemaBase
m-must: mySchemaUID
	--- SNIP ---

Im using the ApacheDS provided with "apacheds-1.5.0-linux-i386-setup.jar".
Eclipse 3.3 with Apache LDAP Studio Schemas Editor Plug-In 0.8.0.

I've converted my old schema into an ApacheDS Studio readable schema. (That 
was an hard work, because Studio crashes, if the schema attributes are not in 
an exact order :-/ But that is not the topic here).

After this, I've exported it with "Export for ApacheDS..."

It does not matter if I use automatically loading by saving the 
Schema-LDIF-File into my ldif-directory or I use Apache LDAB Browser... 

I get this error:
        --- SNIP ---
#!ERROR [LDAP: error code 65 - failed to add entry
myuid=myuser,ou=Users,dc=mydomain,dc=de: Attribute sn not declared in
objectClasses of entry myuid=myuser,ou=Users,dc=mydomain,dc=de]
        --- SNAP ---

If I restart the server after loading schema and try to load my data, there is 
no problem.

Any idea?

Thanks a lot,
	Michael Decker
Michael Decker                    
TESIS SYSware GmbH              
Baierbrunner Str. 15 * 81379 Muenchen * Tel. +49 89 747377-52

Geschäftsführung: Dipl.-Math. Gerhard Zipf,
                  Dipl.-Math. Alfons Weber
Sitz und Registergericht: München HRB 89277

Re: [ApacheDS] 1.5 / Dynamic Scheme Loading / Subclassing

Posted by Michael Decker <>.
	Hi Pierre-Arnaud,

I'm confused. I've wrote an little sample to test my reported schema problem.

And this test works.

I don't understand this... Perhaps I can figure out, what the difference is.

Here the sample data...

	--- SNIP ---
# mytest
# Generated by LDAP Studio on August 3, 2007 10:59:46 AM

dn: cn=mytest, ou=schema
objectclass: metaSchema
objectclass: top
cn: mytest
m-dependencies: system
m-dependencies: inetorgperson

dn: ou=attributeTypes, cn=mytest, ou=schema
objectclass: organizationalUnit
objectclass: top
ou: attributetypes

dn: m-oid=, ou=attributeTypes, cn=mytest, ou=schema
objectclass: metaAttributeType
objectclass: metaTop
objectclass: top
m-name: testAttribute
m-description: My Test Attribute
m-supAttributeType: distinguishedName
m-singleValue: TRUE

dn: m-oid=, ou=attributeTypes, cn=mytest, ou=schema
objectclass: metaAttributeType
objectclass: metaTop
objectclass: top
m-name: testAttributesecond
m-equality: caseIgnoreMatch
m-ordering: caseIgnoreOrderingMatch
m-substr: caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch

dn: ou=comparators, cn=mytest, ou=schema
objectclass: organizationalUnit
objectclass: top
ou: comparators

dn: ou=ditContentRules, cn=mytest, ou=schema
objectclass: organizationalUnit
objectclass: top
ou: ditcontentrules

dn: ou=ditStructureRules, cn=mytest, ou=schema
objectclass: organizationalUnit
objectclass: top
ou: ditstructurerules

dn: ou=matchingRules, cn=mytest, ou=schema
objectclass: organizationalUnit
objectclass: top
ou: matchingrules

dn: ou=matchingRuleUse, cn=mytest, ou=schema
objectclass: organizationalUnit
objectclass: top
ou: matchingruleuse

dn: ou=nameForms, cn=mytest, ou=schema
objectclass: organizationalUnit
objectclass: top
ou: nameforms

dn: ou=normalizers, cn=mytest, ou=schema
objectclass: organizationalUnit
objectclass: top
ou: normalizers

dn: ou=objectClasses, cn=mytest, ou=schema
objectclass: organizationalUnit
objectclass: top
ou: objectClasses

dn: m-oid=, ou=objectClasses, cn=mytest, ou=schema
objectclass: metaObjectclass
objectclass: metaTop
objectclass: top
m-name: testObjectSecond
m-supObjectClass: inetOrgPerson
m-must: testAttributesecond

dn: m-oid=, ou=objectClasses, cn=mytest, ou=schema
objectclass: metaObjectclass
objectclass: metaTop
objectclass: top
m-name: testSupObject
m-description: Test Super Class;type=base
m-typeObjectClass: ABSTRACT
m-must: cn

dn: m-oid=, ou=objectClasses, cn=mytest, ou=schema
objectclass: metaObjectclass
objectclass: metaTop
objectclass: top
m-name: testObject
m-description: Test Class 1
m-supObjectClass: testSupObject
m-must: testAttribute

dn: ou=syntaxCheckers, cn=mytest, ou=schema
objectclass: organizationalUnit
objectclass: top
ou: syntaxcheckers

dn: ou=syntaxes, cn=mytest, ou=schema
objectclass: organizationalUnit
objectclass: top
ou: syntaxes
	--- SNAP ---

	--- SNIP ---
dn: ou=mytestdata+description=Folder saving same test data,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: organizationalUnit
objectClass: top
description: Folder saving same test data
ou: mytestdata

dn: cn=entry01+testAttribute=some data....,ou=mytestdata+description=Folder
  saving same test data,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: testObject
objectClass: testSupObject
objectClass: top
cn: entry01
testattribute: some data....

dn: cn=entry02+sn=SN+testattributesecond=Some information,ou=mytestdata+des
 cription=Folder saving same test data,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: testObjectSecond
objectClass: top
cn: entry02
sn: SN
testattributesecond: Some information
	--- SNAP ---

	Michael Decker
Michael Decker                    
TESIS SYSware GmbH              
Baierbrunner Str. 15 * 81379 Muenchen * Tel. +49 89 747377-52

Geschäftsführung: Dipl.-Math. Gerhard Zipf,
                  Dipl.-Math. Alfons Weber
Sitz und Registergericht: München HRB 89277

Re: [ApacheDS] 1.5 / Dynamic Scheme Loading / Subclassing

Posted by Pierre-Arnaud Marcelot <>.
Hi Michael,

How did you generate the LDIF from your own schema ? Is it with Apache LDAP
Studio ( Apache Directory Studio) ?

If not, there might be a lack of dependency information in the LDIF (
something like "m-dependencies: inetorgperson" as far as I remember ).

Could you please post the LDIF corresponding to your schema ?


Pierre-Arnaud Marcelot

On 8/2/07, Michael Decker <> wrote:
>         Hello,
> I'm starting to use ApacheDS 1.5 as developer ldap server, so every
> developer
> can use his own server.
> So we've our own ldap schema. It seems, that if I load a new scheme into
> ApacheDS 1.5 it can't resolve super class relations until I've restart my
> ApacheDS
> My objectclass A is a subclass of inetOrgPerson, that of
> organizationalPerson
> and that of person. So after loading the schema (via ldif-Directory on
> startup) I try to add an new entry via ldif and get this:
>         --- SNIP ---
> #!ERROR [LDAP: error code 65 - failed to add entry
> myuid=myuser,ou=Users,dc=mydomain,dc=de: Attribute sn not declared in
> objectClasses of entry myuid=myuser,ou=Users,dc=mydomain,dc=de]
>         --- SNAP ---
> But sn is declared in object class person.
> If I stop my server and restart it, I can import my ldif and this enty
> will be
> created.
> Must I really restart ApacheDS 1.5 everytime after creating or
> modificating a
> schema? Or is there another way?
> Thanks a lot.
> With regards,
>         Michael Decker
> --
> Michael Decker                    
> TESIS SYSware GmbH              
> Baierbrunner Str. 15 * 81379 Muenchen * Tel. +49 89 747377-52
> Geschäftsführung: Dipl.-Math. Gerhard Zipf,
>                   Dipl.-Math. Alfons Weber
> Sitz und Registergericht: München HRB 89277