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Posted to by on 2014/05/01 20:31:47 UTC

[02/53] [abbrv] Split out cordova-lib: move cordova-plugman files
diff --git a/src/platforms/tizen.js b/src/platforms/tizen.js
deleted file mode 100644
index efbeba9..0000000
--- a/src/platforms/tizen.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-var path = require('path')
-    , fs = require('fs')
-    , common = require('./common')
-    , events = require('../events')
-    , xml_helpers = require(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'util', 'xml-helpers'));
-module.exports = {
-    www_dir: function(project_dir) {
-        return path.join(project_dir, 'www');
-    },
-    package_name:function(project_dir) {
-        // preferred location if cordova >= 3.4
-        var preferred_path = path.join(project_dir, 'config.xml');
-        if (!fs.existsSync(preferred_path)) {
-            // older location
-            old_config_path = path.join(module.exports.www_dir(project_dir), 'config.xml');
-            if (!fs.existsSync(old_config_path)) {
-                // output newer location and fail reading
-                config_path = preferred_path;
-                events.emit('verbose', 'unable to find '+config_path);
-            } else {
-                config_path = old_config_path;
-            }
-        } else {
-            config_path = preferred_path;
-        }
-        var widget_doc = xml_helpers.parseElementtreeSync(config_path);
-        return widget_doc._root.attrib['id'];
-    },
-    "source-file":{
-        install:function(source_el, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            var dest = path.join(source_el.attrib['target-dir'], path.basename(source_el.attrib['src']));
-            common.copyFile(plugin_dir, source_el.attrib['src'], project_dir, dest);
-        },
-        uninstall:function(source_el, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            var dest = path.join(source_el.attrib['target-dir'], path.basename(source_el.attrib['src']));
-            common.removeFile(project_dir, dest);
-        }
-    },
-    "header-file": {
-        install:function(source_el, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'header-fileinstall is not supported for firefoxos');
-        },
-        uninstall:function(source_el, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'header-file.uninstall is not supported for firefoxos');
-        }
-    },
-    "resource-file":{
-        install:function(el, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'resource-file.install is not supported for firefoxos');
-        },
-        uninstall:function(el, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'resource-file.uninstall is not supported for firefoxos');
-        }
-    },
-    "framework": {
-        install:function(source_el, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'framework.install is not supported for firefoxos');
-        },
-        uninstall:function(source_el, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'framework.uninstall is not supported for firefoxos');
-        }
-    },
-    "lib-file": {
-        install:function(source_el, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'lib-file.install is not supported for firefoxos');
-        },
-        uninstall:function(source_el, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'lib-file.uninstall is not supported for firefoxos');
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/src/platforms/ubuntu.js b/src/platforms/ubuntu.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d04b774..0000000
--- a/src/platforms/ubuntu.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright 2013 Canonical Ltd.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
-function replaceAt(str, index, char) {
-    return str.substr(0, index) + char + str.substr(index + char.length);
-function toCamelCase(str) {
-    return str.split('-').map(function(str) {
-        return replaceAt(str, 0, str[0].toUpperCase());
-    }).join('');
-var fs = require('fs')
-   , path = require('path')
-   , events = require('../events')
-   , xml_helpers = require(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'util', 'xml-helpers'));
-module.exports = {
-    www_dir:function(project_dir) {
-        return path.join(project_dir, 'www');
-    },
-    package_name:function (project_dir) {
-        var config_path = path.join(project_dir, 'config.xml');
-        var widget_doc = xml_helpers.parseElementtreeSync(config_path);
-        return widget_doc._root.attrib['id'];
-    },
-    "source-file":{
-        install:function(source_el, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            var shell = require('shelljs');
-            var dest = path.join(project_dir, "build", "src", "plugins", plugin_id);
-            shell.mkdir(dest);
-            shell.cp(path.join(plugin_dir, source_el.attrib.src), dest);
-            shell.exec('touch ' + path.join(project_dir, "CMakeLists.txt"))
-        },
-        uninstall:function(source_el, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            var shell = require('shelljs');
-            var dest = path.join(project_dir, "build", "src", "plugins", plugin_id);
-            shell.rm(path.join(dest, path.basename(source_el.attrib.src)));
-        }
-    },
-    "header-file":{
-        install:function(source_el, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            var shell = require('shelljs');
-            var dest = path.join(project_dir, "build", "src", "plugins", plugin_id);
-            shell.mkdir(dest);
-            shell.cp(path.join(plugin_dir, source_el.attrib.src), dest);
-            var plugins = path.join(project_dir, "build", "src", "coreplugins.cpp");
-            src = String(fs.readFileSync(plugins));
-            src = src.replace('INSERT_HEADER_HERE', '#include "plugins/' + plugin_id + "/" + path.basename(source_el.attrib.src) +'"\nINSERT_HEADER_HERE');
-            var class_name = plugin_id.match(/\.[^.]+$/)[0].substr(1);
-            class_name = toCamelCase(class_name);
-            src = src.replace('INSERT_PLUGIN_HERE', 'INIT_PLUGIN(' + class_name + ');INSERT_PLUGIN_HERE');
-            fs.writeFileSync(plugins, src);
-        },
-        uninstall:function(source_el, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            var shell = require('shelljs');
-            var dest = path.join(project_dir, "build", "src", "plugins", plugin_id);
-            shell.rm(path.join(dest, path.basename(source_el.attrib.src)));
-            var plugins = path.join(project_dir, "build", "src", "coreplugins.cpp");
-            src = String(fs.readFileSync(plugins));
-            src = src.replace('#include "plugins/' + plugin_id + "/" + path.basename(source_el.attrib.src) +'"', '');
-            var class_name = plugin_id.match(/\.[^.]+$/)[0].substr(1);
-            class_name = toCamelCase(class_name);
-            src = src.replace('INIT_PLUGIN(' + class_name + ');', '');
-            fs.writeFileSync(plugins, src);
-        }
-    },
-    "resource-file":{
-        install:function(source_el, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            var shell = require('shelljs');
-            var dest = path.join(project_dir, "qml");
-            shell.mkdir(dest);
-            shell.cp(path.join(plugin_dir, source_el.attrib.src), dest);
-        },
-        uninstall:function(source_el, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            var shell = require('shelljs');
-            var dest = path.join(project_dir, "qml");
-            shell.rm(path.join(dest, path.basename(source_el.attrib.src)));
-        }
-    },
-    "framework": {
-        install:function(source_el, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'framework.install is not supported for ubuntu');
-        },
-        uninstall:function(source_el, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'framework.uninstall is not supported for ubuntu');
-        }
-    },
-    "lib-file": {
-        install:function(source_el, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'lib-file.install is not supported for ubuntu');
-        },
-        uninstall:function(source_el, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'lib-file.uninstall is not supported for ubuntu');
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/src/platforms/windows8.js b/src/platforms/windows8.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 523dc6e..0000000
--- a/src/platforms/windows8.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright 2013 Jesse MacFadyen
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
-var common = require('./common'),
-    path = require('path'),
-    glob = require('glob'),
-    shell = require('shelljs'),
-    fs = require('fs'),
-    w8jsproj = require('../util/w8jsproj'),
-    events = require('../events'),
-    xml_helpers = require('../util/xml-helpers');
-module.exports = {
-    platformName:"windows8",
-    InvalidProjectPathError:'does not appear to be a Windows Store JS project (no .jsproj file)',
-    www_dir:function(project_dir) {
-        return path.join(project_dir, 'www');
-    },
-    package_name:function(project_dir) {
-        var manifest = xml_helpers.parseElementtreeSync(path.join(project_dir, 'package.appxmanifest'));
-        return manifest.find("Properties/DisplayName").text;
-    },
-    parseProjectFile:function(project_dir) {
-        var project_files = glob.sync('*.jsproj', { cwd:project_dir });
-        if (project_files.length == 0) {
-            throw new Error(this.InvalidProjectPathError);
-        }
-        return new w8jsproj(path.join(project_dir, project_files[0]));
-    },
-    "source-file":{
-        install:function(source_el, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id, project_file) {
-            var targetDir = source_el.attrib['target-dir'] || '';
-            var dest = path.join('www', 'plugins', plugin_id, targetDir, path.basename(source_el.attrib['src']));
-            common.copyNewFile(plugin_dir, source_el.attrib['src'], project_dir, dest);
-            // add reference to this file to jsproj.
-            project_file.addSourceFile(dest);
-        },
-        uninstall:function(source_el, project_dir, plugin_id, project_file) {
-            var dest = path.join('www', 'plugins', plugin_id,
-                                 source_el.attrib['target-dir'] ? source_el.attrib['target-dir'] : '',
-                                 path.basename(source_el.attrib['src']));
-            common.removeFile(project_dir, dest);
-            // remove reference to this file from csproj.
-            project_file.removeSourceFile(dest);
-        }
-    },
-    "header-file": {
-        install:function(source_el, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'header-fileinstall is not supported for Windows 8');
-        },
-        uninstall:function(source_el, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'header-file.uninstall is not supported for Windows 8');
-        }
-    },
-    "resource-file":{
-        install:function(el, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id, project_file) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'resource-file is not supported for Windows 8');
-        },
-        uninstall:function(el, project_dir, plugin_id, project_file) {
-        }
-    },
-    "lib-file": {
-        install:function(el, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id, project_file) {
-            var inc  = el.attrib['Include'];
-            project_file.addSDKRef(inc);
-        },
-        uninstall:function(el, project_dir, plugin_id, project_file) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'windows8 lib-file uninstall :: ' + plugin_id);
-            var inc = el.attrib['Include'];
-            project_file.removeSDKRef(inc);
-        }
-    },
-    "framework": {
-        install:function(el, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id, project_file) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'windows8 framework install :: ' + plugin_id);
-            var src = el.attrib['src'];
-            var dest = src; // if !isCustom, we will just add a reference to the file in place
-            // technically it is not possible to get here without isCustom == true -jm
-            // var isCustom = el.attrib.custom == "true";
-            var type = el.attrib["type"];
-            if(type == "projectReference") {
-                project_file.addProjectReference(path.join(plugin_dir,src));
-            }
-            else {
-                // if(isCustom) {}
-                dest = path.join('plugins', plugin_id, path.basename(src));
-                common.copyFile(plugin_dir, src, project_dir, dest);
-                project_file.addReference(dest,src);
-            }
-        },
-        uninstall:function(el, project_dir, plugin_id, project_file) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'windows8 framework uninstall :: ' + plugin_id  );
-            var src = el.attrib['src'];
-            // technically it is not possible to get here without isCustom == true -jm
-            // var isCustom = el.attrib.custom == "true";
-            var type = el.attrib["type"];
-            // unfortunately we have to generate the plugin_dir path because it is not passed to uninstall
-            var plugin_dir = path.join(project_dir,"cordova/plugins",plugin_id,src);
-            if(type == "projectReference") {
-                project_file.removeProjectReference(plugin_dir);
-            }
-            else {
-                // if(isCustom) {  }
-                var targetPath = path.join('plugins', plugin_id);
-                common.removeFile(project_dir, targetPath);
-                project_file.removeReference(src);
-            }
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/src/platforms/wp7.js b/src/platforms/wp7.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e6a76d0..0000000
--- a/src/platforms/wp7.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright 2013 Jesse MacFadyen
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
-var common = require('./common'),
-    path = require('path'),
-    glob = require('glob'),
-    fs = require('fs'),
-    csproj = require('../util/csproj'),
-    events = require('../events'),
-    xml_helpers = require('../util/xml-helpers');
-module.exports = {
-    www_dir:function(project_dir) {
-        return path.join(project_dir, 'www');
-    },
-    package_name:function(project_dir) {
-        return xml_helpers.parseElementtreeSync(path.join(project_dir, 'Properties', 'WMAppManifest.xml')).find('App').attrib.ProductID;
-    },
-    parseProjectFile:function(project_dir) {
-        var project_files = glob.sync('*.csproj', {
-            cwd:project_dir
-        });
-        if (project_files.length === 0) {
-            throw new Error('does not appear to be a Windows Phone project (no .csproj file)');
-        }
-        return new csproj(path.join(project_dir, project_files[0]));
-    },
-    "source-file":{
-        install:function(source_el, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id, project_file) {
-            var dest = path.join('Plugins', plugin_id, source_el.attrib['target-dir'] ? source_el.attrib['target-dir'] : '', path.basename(source_el.attrib['src']));
-            common.copyNewFile(plugin_dir, source_el.attrib['src'], project_dir, dest);
-            // add reference to this file to csproj.
-            project_file.addSourceFile(dest);
-        },
-        uninstall:function(source_el, project_dir, plugin_id, project_file) {
-            var dest = path.join('Plugins', plugin_id, source_el.attrib['target-dir'] ? source_el.attrib['target-dir'] : '', path.basename(source_el.attrib['src']));
-            common.removeFile(project_dir, dest);
-            // remove reference to this file from csproj.
-            project_file.removeSourceFile(dest);
-        }
-    },
-    "header-file": {
-        install:function(source_el, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'header-fileinstall is not supported for wp7');
-        },
-        uninstall:function(source_el, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'header-file.uninstall is not supported for wp7');
-        }
-    },
-    "resource-file":{
-        install:function(el, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'resource-file.install is not supported for wp7');
-        },
-        uninstall:function(el, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'resource-file.uninstall is not supported for wp7');
-        }
-    },
-    "framework": {
-        install:function(source_el, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'framework.install is not supported for wp7');
-        },
-        uninstall:function(source_el, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'framework.uninstall is not supported for wp7');
-        }
-    },
-    "lib-file": {
-        install:function(source_el, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'lib-file.install is not supported for wp7');
-        },
-        uninstall:function(source_el, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'lib-file.uninstall is not supported for wp7');
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/src/platforms/wp8.js b/src/platforms/wp8.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1163b44..0000000
--- a/src/platforms/wp8.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright 2013 Jesse MacFadyen
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
-var common = require('./common'),
-    path = require('path'),
-    glob = require('glob'),
-    fs = require('fs'),
-    csproj = require('../util/csproj'),
-    events = require('../events'),
-    xml_helpers = require('../util/xml-helpers');
-module.exports = {
-    www_dir:function(project_dir) {
-        return path.join(project_dir, 'www');
-    },
-    package_name:function(project_dir) {
-        return xml_helpers.parseElementtreeSync(path.join(project_dir, 'Properties', 'WMAppManifest.xml')).find('App').attrib.ProductID;
-    },
-    parseProjectFile:function(project_dir) {
-        var project_files = glob.sync('*.csproj', {
-            cwd:project_dir
-        });
-        if (project_files.length === 0) {
-            throw new Error('does not appear to be a Windows Phone project (no .csproj file)');
-        }
-        return new csproj(path.join(project_dir, project_files[0]));
-    },
-    "source-file":{
-        install:function(source_el, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id, project_file) {
-            var dest = path.join('Plugins', plugin_id, source_el.attrib['target-dir'] ? source_el.attrib['target-dir'] : '', path.basename(source_el.attrib['src']));
-            common.copyNewFile(plugin_dir, source_el.attrib['src'], project_dir, dest);
-            // add reference to this file to csproj.
-            project_file.addSourceFile(dest);
-        },
-        uninstall:function(source_el, project_dir, plugin_id, project_file) {
-            var dest = path.join('Plugins', plugin_id, source_el.attrib['target-dir'] ? source_el.attrib['target-dir'] : '', path.basename(source_el.attrib['src']));
-            common.removeFile(project_dir, dest);
-            // remove reference to this file from csproj.
-            project_file.removeSourceFile(dest);
-        }
-    },
-    "header-file": {
-        install:function(source_el, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'header-file.install is not supported for wp8');
-        },
-        uninstall:function(source_el, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'header-file.uninstall is not supported for wp8');
-        }
-    },
-    "resource-file":{
-        install:function(el, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id, project_file) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'resource-file.install is not supported for wp8');
-        },
-        uninstall:function(el, project_dir, plugin_id, project_file) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'resource-file.uninstall is not supported for wp8');
-        }
-    },
-    "framework":{
-        install:function(el, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id, project_file) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'wp8 framework install :: ' + plugin_id  );
-            var src = el.attrib['src'];
-            var dest = src; // if !isCustom, we will just add a reference to the file in place
-            var isCustom = el.attrib.custom == "true";
-            if(isCustom) {
-                dest = path.join('plugins', plugin_id, path.basename(src));
-                common.copyFile(plugin_dir, src, project_dir, dest);
-            }
-            project_file.addReference(dest);
-        },
-        uninstall:function(el, project_dir, plugin_id, project_file) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'wp8 framework uninstall :: ' + plugin_id  );
-            var src = el.attrib['src'];
-            var isCustom = el.attrib.custom == "true";
-            if(isCustom) {
-                var dest = path.join('plugins', plugin_id);
-                common.removeFile(project_dir, dest);
-            }
-            project_file.removeReference(src);
-        }
-    },
-    "lib-file": {
-        install:function(source_el, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'lib-file.install is not supported for wp8');
-        },
-        uninstall:function(source_el, project_dir, plugin_id) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'lib-file.uninstall is not supported for wp8');
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/src/prepare.js b/src/prepare.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c650306..0000000
--- a/src/prepare.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-    distributed with this work for additional information
-    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-    with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-    software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-    KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-    specific language governing permissions and limitations
-    under the License.
-/* jshint node:true */
-var platform_modules = require('./platforms'),
-    path            = require('path'),
-    config_changes  = require('./util/config-changes'),
-    xml_helpers     = require('./util/xml-helpers'),
-    wp7             = require('./platforms/wp7'),
-    wp8             = require('./platforms/wp8'),
-    windows8        = require('./platforms/windows8'),
-    common          = require('./platforms/common');
-    fs              = require('fs'),
-    shell           = require('shelljs'),
-    util            = require('util'),
-    events          = require('./events'),
-    plugman         = require('../plugman'),
-    et              = require('elementtree');
-// Called on --prepare.
-// Sets up each plugin's Javascript code to be loaded properly.
-// Expects a path to the project (platforms/android in CLI, . in plugman-only),
-// a path to where the plugins are downloaded, the www dir, and the platform ('android', 'ios', etc.).
-module.exports = function handlePrepare(project_dir, platform, plugins_dir, www_dir) {
-    // Process:
-    // - Do config munging by calling into config-changes module
-    // - List all plugins in plugins_dir
-    // - Load and parse their plugin.xml files.
-    // - Skip those without support for this platform. (No <platform> tags means JS-only!)
-    // - Build a list of all their js-modules, including platform-specific js-modules.
-    // - For each js-module (general first, then platform) build up an object storing the path and any clobbers, merges and runs for it.
-    // - Write this object into www/cordova_plugins.json.
-    // - Cordova.js contains code to load them at runtime from that file.
-    events.emit('verbose', 'Preparing ' + platform + ' project');
-    var platform_json = config_changes.get_platform_json(plugins_dir, platform);
-    var wwwDir = www_dir || platform_modules[platform].www_dir(project_dir);
-    // Check if there are any plugins queued for uninstallation, and if so, remove any of their plugin web assets loaded in
-    // via <js-module> elements
-    var plugins_to_uninstall = platform_json.prepare_queue.uninstalled;
-    if (plugins_to_uninstall && plugins_to_uninstall.length) {
-        var plugins_www = path.join(wwwDir, 'plugins');
-        if (fs.existsSync(plugins_www)) {
-            plugins_to_uninstall.forEach(function(plug) {
-                var id =;
-                var plugin_modules = path.join(plugins_www, id);
-                if (fs.existsSync(plugin_modules)) {
-                    events.emit('verbose', 'Removing plugins directory from www "'+plugin_modules+'"');
-                    shell.rm('-rf', plugin_modules);
-                }
-            });
-        }
-    }
-    events.emit('verbose', 'Processing configuration changes for plugins.');
-    config_changes.process(plugins_dir, project_dir, platform);
-    // for windows phone platform we need to add all www resources to the .csproj file
-    // first we need to remove them all to prevent duplicates
-    var wp_csproj;
-    if(platform == 'wp7' || platform == 'wp8') {
-        wp_csproj = (platform == wp7? wp7.parseProjectFile(project_dir) : wp8.parseProjectFile(project_dir));
-        var item_groups = wp_csproj.xml.findall('ItemGroup');
-        for (var i = 0, l = item_groups.length; i < l; i++) {
-            var group = item_groups[i];
-            var files = group.findall('Content');
-            for (var j = 0, k = files.length; j < k; j++) {
-                var file = files[j];
-                if (file.attrib.Include.substr(0,11) == "www\\plugins" || file.attrib.Include == "www\\cordova_plugins.js") {
-                    // remove file reference
-                    group.remove(0, file);
-                    // remove ItemGroup if empty
-                    var new_group = group.findall('Content');
-                    if(new_group.length < 1) {
-                        wp_csproj.xml.getroot().remove(0, group);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    else if(platform == "windows8") {
-        wp_csproj = windows8.parseProjectFile(project_dir);
-        var item_groups = wp_csproj.xml.findall('ItemGroup');
-        for (var i = 0, l = item_groups.length; i < l; i++) {
-            var group = item_groups[i];
-            var files = group.findall('Content');
-            for (var j = 0, k = files.length; j < k; j++) {
-                var file = files[j];
-                if (file.attrib.Include.substr(0,11) == "www\\plugins" || file.attrib.Include == "www\\cordova_plugins.js") {
-                    // remove file reference
-                    group.remove(0, file);
-                    // remove ItemGroup if empty
-                    var new_group = group.findall('Content');
-                    if(new_group.length < 1) {
-                        wp_csproj.xml.getroot().remove(0, group);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    platform_json = config_changes.get_platform_json(plugins_dir, platform);
-    // This array holds all the metadata for each module and ends up in cordova_plugins.json
-    var plugins = Object.keys(platform_json.installed_plugins).concat(Object.keys(platform_json.dependent_plugins));
-    var moduleObjects = [];
-    var pluginMetadata = {};
-    events.emit('verbose', 'Iterating over installed plugins:', plugins);
-    plugins && plugins.forEach(function(plugin) {
-        var pluginDir = path.join(plugins_dir, plugin),
-            pluginXML = path.join(pluginDir, 'plugin.xml');
-        if (!fs.existsSync(pluginXML)) {
-            plugman.emit('warn', 'Missing file: ' + pluginXML);
-            return;
-        }
-        var xml = xml_helpers.parseElementtreeSync(pluginXML);
-        var plugin_id = xml.getroot();
-        // pluginMetadata is a mapping from plugin IDs to versions.
-        pluginMetadata[plugin_id] = xml.getroot().attrib.version;
-        // add the plugins dir to the platform's www.
-        var platformPluginsDir = path.join(wwwDir, 'plugins');
-        // XXX this should not be here if there are no js-module. It leaves an empty plugins/ directory
-        shell.mkdir('-p', platformPluginsDir);
-        var jsModules = xml.findall('./js-module');
-        var assets = xml.findall('asset');
-        var platformTag = xml.find(util.format('./platform[@name="%s"]', platform));
-        if (platformTag) {
-            assets = assets.concat(platformTag.findall('./asset'));
-            jsModules = jsModules.concat(platformTag.findall('./js-module'));
-        }
-        // Copy www assets described in <asset> tags.
-        assets = assets || [];
-        assets.forEach(function(asset) {
-            common.asset.install(asset, pluginDir, wwwDir);
-        });
-        jsModules.forEach(function(module) {
-            // Copy the plugin's files into the www directory.
-            // NB: We can't always use path.* functions here, because they will use platform slashes.
-            // But the path in the plugin.xml and in the cordova_plugins.js should be always forward slashes.
-            var pathParts = module.attrib.src.split('/');
-            var fsDirname = path.join.apply(path, pathParts.slice(0, -1));
-            var fsDir = path.join(platformPluginsDir, plugin_id, fsDirname);
-            shell.mkdir('-p', fsDir);
-            // Read in the file, prepend the cordova.define, and write it back out.
-            var moduleName = plugin_id + '.';
-            if ( {
-                moduleName +=;
-            } else {
-                var result = module.attrib.src.match(/([^\/]+)\.js/);
-                moduleName += result[1];
-            }
-            var fsPath = path.join.apply(path, pathParts);
-            var scriptContent = fs.readFileSync(path.join(pluginDir, fsPath), 'utf-8');
-            scriptContent = 'cordova.define("' + moduleName + '", function(require, exports, module) { ' + scriptContent + '\n});\n';
-            fs.writeFileSync(path.join(platformPluginsDir, plugin_id, fsPath), scriptContent, 'utf-8');
-            if(platform == 'wp7' || platform == 'wp8' || platform == "windows8") {
-                wp_csproj.addSourceFile(path.join('www', 'plugins', plugin_id, fsPath));
-            }
-            // Prepare the object for cordova_plugins.json.
-            var obj = {
-                file: ['plugins', plugin_id, module.attrib.src].join('/'),
-                id: moduleName
-            };
-            // Loop over the children of the js-module tag, collecting clobbers, merges and runs.
-            module.getchildren().forEach(function(child) {
-                if (child.tag.toLowerCase() == 'clobbers') {
-                    if (!obj.clobbers) {
-                        obj.clobbers = [];
-                    }
-                    obj.clobbers.push(;
-                } else if (child.tag.toLowerCase() == 'merges') {
-                    if (!obj.merges) {
-                        obj.merges = [];
-                    }
-                    obj.merges.push(;
-                } else if (child.tag.toLowerCase() == 'runs') {
-                    obj.runs = true;
-                }
-            });
-            // Add it to the list of module objects bound for cordova_plugins.json
-            moduleObjects.push(obj);
-        });
-    });
-    // Write out moduleObjects as JSON wrapped in a cordova module to cordova_plugins.js
-    var final_contents = "cordova.define('cordova/plugin_list', function(require, exports, module) {\n";
-    final_contents += 'module.exports = ' + JSON.stringify(moduleObjects,null,'    ') + ';\n';
-    final_contents += 'module.exports.metadata = \n';
-    final_contents += '// TOP OF METADATA\n';
-    final_contents += JSON.stringify(pluginMetadata, null, '    ') + '\n';
-    final_contents += '// BOTTOM OF METADATA\n';
-    final_contents += '});'; // Close cordova.define.
-    events.emit('verbose', 'Writing out cordova_plugins.js...');
-    fs.writeFileSync(path.join(wwwDir, 'cordova_plugins.js'), final_contents, 'utf-8');
-    if(platform == 'wp7' || platform == 'wp8' || platform == "windows8") {
-        wp_csproj.addSourceFile(path.join('www', 'cordova_plugins.js'));
-        wp_csproj.write();
-    }
diff --git a/src/publish.js b/src/publish.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 05b5284..0000000
--- a/src/publish.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-var registry = require('./registry/registry')
-module.exports = function(plugin_path) {
-    // plugin_path is an array of paths
-    return registry.publish(plugin_path);
diff --git a/src/registry/manifest.js b/src/registry/manifest.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 54f74b6..0000000
--- a/src/registry/manifest.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-var xml_helpers = require('../util/xml-helpers'),
-    path = require('path'),
-    Q = require('q'),
-    fs = require('fs'),
-    whitelist = require('./whitelist');
-function validateName(name) {
-    if (!name.match(/^(\w+\.){2,}.*$/)) {
-        throw new Error('Invalid plugin ID. It has to follow the reverse domain `com.domain.plugin` format');
-    }
-    if (name.match(/org.apache.cordova\..*/) && whitelist.indexOf(name) === -1) {
-        throw new Error('Invalid Plugin ID. The "org.apache.cordova" prefix is reserved for plugins provided directly by the Cordova project.');
-    }
-    return true;
-// Java world big-up!
-// Returns a promise.
-function generatePackageJsonFromPluginXml(plugin_path) {
-    return Q().then(function() {
-        var package_json = {};
-        var pluginXml = xml_helpers.parseElementtreeSync(path.join(plugin_path, 'plugin.xml'));
-        if(!pluginXml) throw new Error('invalid plugin.xml document');
-        var pluginElm = pluginXml.getroot();
-        if(!pluginElm) throw new Error('invalid plugin.xml document');
-        // REQUIRED: name, version
-        // OPTIONAL: description, license, keywords, engine
-        var name =,
-            version = pluginElm.attrib.version,
-            cordova_name = pluginElm.findtext('name'),
-            description = pluginElm.findtext('description'),
-            license = pluginElm.findtext('license'),
-            keywords = pluginElm.findtext('keywords'),
-            repo = pluginElm.findtext('repo'),
-            issue = pluginElm.findtext('issue'),
-            engines = pluginElm.findall('engines/engine'),
-            platformsElm = pluginElm.findall('platform'),
-            englishdoc = "",
-            platforms = [];
-        platformsElm.forEach(function(plat){
-            platforms.push(;
-        })
-        if(!version) throw new Error('`version` required');
-        package_json.version = version;
-        if(!name) throw new Error('`id` is required');
-        validateName(name);
- = name.toLowerCase();
-        if(cordova_name) package_json.cordova_name = cordova_name;
-        if(description)  package_json.description  = description;
-        if(license)      package_json.license      = license;
-        if(repo)         package_json.repo         = repo;
-        if(issue)        package_json.issue        = issue;
-        if(keywords)     package_json.keywords     = keywords.split(',');
-        if(platforms)    package_json.platforms    = platforms;
-        // adding engines
-        if(engines) {
-            package_json.engines = [];
-            for(var i = 0, j = engines.length ; i < j ; i++) {
-                package_json.engines.push({name: engines[i], version: engines[i].attrib.version});
-            }
-        }
-        //set docs_path to doc/ exists
-        var docs_path = path.resolve(plugin_path, 'doc/');
-        if(!(fs.existsSync(docs_path))){
-            //set docs_path to doc/en/
-            docs_path = path.resolve(plugin_path, 'doc/en/');
-        }
-        if(fs.existsSync(docs_path)){
-            englishdoc = fs.readFileSync(docs_path, 'utf-8');
-            package_json.englishdoc = englishdoc;
-        }
-        // write package.json
-        var package_json_path = path.resolve(plugin_path, 'package.json');
-        //console.log('about to write package.json');
-        fs.writeFileSync(package_json_path, JSON.stringify(package_json, null, 4), 'utf8');
-        return package_json;
-    });
-module.exports.generatePackageJsonFromPluginXml = generatePackageJsonFromPluginXml;
diff --git a/src/registry/registry.js b/src/registry/registry.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e0d733d..0000000
--- a/src/registry/registry.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-var npm = require('npm'),
-    path = require('path'),
-    http = require('http'),
-    url = require('url'),
-    fs = require('fs'),
-    manifest = require('./manifest'),
-    os = require('os'),
-    rc = require('rc'),
-    Q = require('q'),
-    request = require('request'),
-    zlib = require('zlib'),
-    tar = require('tar'),
-    shell = require('shelljs'),
-    home = process.env.HOME || process.env.HOMEPATH || process.env.USERPROFILE,
-    plugmanConfigDir = path.resolve(home, '.plugman'),
-    plugmanCacheDir = path.resolve(plugmanConfigDir, 'cache');
- * @method getPackageInfo
- * @param {String} args Package names
- * @return {Promise.<Object>} Promised package info.
- */
-function getPackageInfo(args) {
-    var thing = args.length ? args.shift().split("@") : [],
-        name = thing.shift(),
-        version = thing.join("@") || 'latest';
-    var settings = module.exports.settings;
-    var d = Q.defer();
-    var req = makeRequest('GET', settings.registry + '/' + name + '/' + version, function(err, res, body){
-        if(err || res.statusCode != 200) {
-          d.reject(new Error('Failed to fetch package information for '+name));
-        } else {
-          d.resolve(JSON.parse(body));
-        }
-    });
-    req.on('error', function(err) {
-        d.reject(err);
-    });
-    return d.promise;
- * @method fetchPackage
- * @param {String} info Package info
- * @return {Promise.<string>} Promised path to the package.
- */
-function fetchPackage(info, cl) {
-    var settings = module.exports.settings;
-    var d = Q.defer();
-    var cached = path.resolve(settings.cache,, info.version, 'package');
-    if(fs.existsSync(cached)) {
-        d.resolve(cached);
-    } else {
-        var download_dir = path.resolve(cached, '..');
-        shell.mkdir('-p', download_dir);
-        var req = makeRequest('GET', info.dist.tarball, function (err, res, body) {
-            if(err || res.statusCode != 200) {
-                d.reject(new Error('failed to fetch the plugin archive'));
-            } else {
-                // Update the download count for this plugin.
-                // Fingers crossed that the timestamps are unique, and that no plugin is downloaded
-                // twice in a single millisecond.
-                //
-                // This is acceptable, because the failure mode is Couch gracefully rejecting the second one
-                // (for lacking a _rev), and dropped a download count is not important.
-                var now = new Date();
-                var pkgId = info._id.substring(0, info._id.indexOf('@'));
-                var message = {
-                    day: now.getUTCFullYear() + '-' + (now.getUTCMonth()+1) + '-' + now.getUTCDate(),
-                    pkg: pkgId,
-                    client: cl
-                };
-                var remote = settings.registry + '/downloads'
-                makeRequest('POST', remote, message, function (err, res, body) {
-                    // ignore errors
-                });
-            }
-        });
-        req.pipe(zlib.createUnzip())
-        .pipe(tar.Extract({path:download_dir}))
-        .on('error', function(err) {
-            shell.rm('-rf', download_dir);
-            d.reject(err);
-        })
-        .on('end', function() {
-            d.resolve(path.resolve(download_dir, 'package'));
-        });
-    }
-    return d.promise;
-module.exports = {
-    settings: null,
-    /**
-     * @method config
-     * @param {Array} args Command argument
-     * @return {Promise.<Object>} Promised configuration object.
-     */
-    config: function(args) {
-        return initSettings().then(function(settings) {
-            return Q.ninvoke(npm, 'load', settings)
-        })
-        .then(function() {
-            return Q.ninvoke(npm.commands, 'config', args);
-        });
-    },
-    /**
-     * @method owner
-     * @param {Array} args Command argument
-     * @return {Promise.<void>} Promise for completion.
-     */
-    owner: function(args) {
-        return initSettings().then(function(settings) {
-            return Q.ninvoke(npm, 'load', settings);
-        }).then(function() {
-            return Q.ninvoke(npm.commands, 'owner', args);
-        });
-    },
-    /**
-     * @method adduser
-     * @param {Array} args Command argument
-     * @return {Promise.<void>} Promise for completion.
-     */
-    adduser: function(args) {
-        return initSettings().then(function(settings) {
-            return Q.ninvoke(npm, 'load', settings)
-        })
-        .then(function() {
-            return Q.ninvoke(npm.commands, 'adduser', args);
-        });
-    },
-    /**
-     * @method publish
-     * @param {Array} args Command argument
-     * @return {Promise.<Object>} Promised published data.
-     */
-    publish: function(args) {
-        return initSettings()
-        .then(function(settings) {
-            return manifest.generatePackageJsonFromPluginXml(args[0])
-            .then(function() {
-                return Q.ninvoke(npm, 'load', settings);
-            }).then(function() {
-                return Q.ninvoke(npm.commands, 'publish', args)
-            }).fin(function() {
-                fs.unlink(path.resolve(args[0], 'package.json'));
-            });
-        });
-    },
-    /**
-     * @method search
-     * @param {Array} args Array of keywords
-     * @return {Promise.<Object>} Promised search results.
-     */
-    search: function(args) {
-        return initSettings()
-        .then(function(settings) {
-            return Q.ninvoke(npm, 'load', settings);
-        }).then(function() {
-            return Q.ninvoke(npm.commands, 'search', args, true);
-        });
-    },
-    /**
-     * @method unpublish
-     * @param {Array} args Command argument
-     * @return {Promise.<Object>} Promised results.
-     */
-    unpublish: function(args) {
-        return initSettings()
-        .then(function(settings) {
-            return Q.ninvoke(npm, 'load', settings);
-        }).then(function() {
-            return Q.ninvoke(npm.commands, 'unpublish', args);
-        }).then(function() {
-            return Q.ninvoke(npm.commands, 'cache', ["clean"]);
-        });
-    },
-    /**
-     * @method fetch
-     * @param {String} name Plugin name
-     * @return {Promise.<string>} Promised path to fetched package.
-     */
-    fetch: function(args, client) {
-        var cl = (client === 'plugman' ? 'plugman' : 'cordova-cli');
-        return initSettings()
-        .then(function(settings) {
-            return getPackageInfo(args);
-        }).then(function(info) {
-            return fetchPackage(info, cl);
-        });
-    },
-    /**
-     * @method info
-     * @param {String} name Plugin name
-     * @return {Promise.<Object>} Promised package info.
-     */
-    info: function(args) {
-        return initSettings()
-        .then(function() {
-            return getPackageInfo(args);
-        });
-    }
- * @method initSettings
- * @return {Promise.<Object>} Promised settings.
- */
-function initSettings() {
-    var settings = module.exports.settings;
-    // check if settings already set
-    if(settings != null) return Q(settings);
-    // setting up settings
-    // obviously if settings dir does not exist settings is going to be empty
-    if(!fs.existsSync(plugmanConfigDir)) {
-        fs.mkdirSync(plugmanConfigDir);
-        fs.mkdirSync(plugmanCacheDir);
-    }
-    settings =
-    module.exports.settings =
-    rc('plugman', {
-         cache: plugmanCacheDir,
-         force: true,
-         registry: '',
-         logstream: fs.createWriteStream(path.resolve(plugmanConfigDir, 'plugman.log')),
-         userconfig: path.resolve(plugmanConfigDir, 'config')
-    });
-    return Q(settings);
-function makeRequest (method, where, what, cb_) {
-  var settings = module.exports.settings
-  var remote = url.parse(where)
-  if (typeof cb_ !== "function") cb_ = what, what = null
-  var cbCalled = false
-  function cb () {
-    if (cbCalled) return
-    cbCalled = true
-    cb_.apply(null, arguments)
-  }
-  var strict = settings['strict-ssl']
-  if (strict === undefined) strict = true
-  var opts = { url: remote
-             , method: method
-             , ca:
-             , strictSSL: strict }
-    , headers = opts.headers = {}
-  headers.accept = "application/json"
-  headers["user-agent"] = settings['user-agent'] ||
-                          'node/' + process.version
-  var p = settings.proxy
-  var sp = settings['https-proxy'] || p
-  opts.proxy = remote.protocol === "https:" ? sp : p
-  // figure out wth 'what' is
-  if (what) {
-    if (Buffer.isBuffer(what) || typeof what === "string") {
-      opts.body = what
-      headers["content-type"] = "application/json"
-      headers["content-length"] = Buffer.byteLength(what)
-    } else {
-      opts.json = what
-    }
-  }
-  var req = request(opts, cb)
-  req.on("error", cb)
-  req.on("socket", function (s) {
-    s.on("error", cb)
-  })
-  return req
diff --git a/src/registry/whitelist.js b/src/registry/whitelist.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e7cfa6..0000000
--- a/src/registry/whitelist.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = [
-    'org.apache.cordova.splashscreen',
-    '',
-    'org.apache.cordova.file',
-    'org.apache.cordova.file-transfer',
-    '',
-    'org.apache.cordova.vibration',
-    '',
-    'org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser',
-    'org.apache.cordova.globalization',
-    'org.apache.cordova.geolocation',
-    'org.apache.cordova.dialogs',
-    'org.apache.cordova.device-orientation',
-    'org.apache.cordova.device',
-    'org.apache.cordova.contacts',
-    'org.apache.cordova.console',
-    '',
-    'org.apache.cordova.device-motion',
-    'org.apache.cordova.battery-status',
-    'org.apache.cordova.statusbar'
diff --git a/src/search.js b/src/search.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 000f58e..0000000
--- a/src/search.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-var registry = require('./registry/registry')
-module.exports = function(search_opts) {
-    return;
diff --git a/src/uninstall.js b/src/uninstall.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 04ecb1a..0000000
--- a/src/uninstall.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
-var path = require('path'),
-    fs   = require('fs'),
-    et   = require('elementtree'),
-    shell= require('shelljs'),
-    config_changes = require('./util/config-changes'),
-    xml_helpers = require('./util/xml-helpers'),
-    action_stack = require('./util/action-stack'),
-    dependencies = require('./util/dependencies'),
-    underscore = require('underscore'),
-    Q = require('q'),
-    plugins = require('./util/plugins'),
-    underscore = require('underscore'),
-    events = require('./events'),
-    platform_modules = require('./platforms'),
-    plugman = require('../plugman');
-// possible options: cli_variables, www_dir
-// Returns a promise.
-module.exports = function(platform, project_dir, id, plugins_dir, options) {
-    options = options || {};
-    options.is_top_level = true;
-    plugins_dir = plugins_dir || path.join(project_dir, 'cordova', 'plugins');
-    // Allow path to file to grab an ID
-    var xml_path = path.join(id, 'plugin.xml');
-    if ( fs.existsSync(xml_path) ) {
-        var plugin_et  = xml_helpers.parseElementtreeSync(xml_path),
-        id = plugin_et._root.attrib['id'];
-    }
-    return module.exports.uninstallPlatform(platform, project_dir, id, plugins_dir, options)
-    .then(function() {
-        return module.exports.uninstallPlugin(id, plugins_dir, options);
-    });
-// Returns a promise.
-module.exports.uninstallPlatform = function(platform, project_dir, id, plugins_dir, options) {
-    options = options || {};
-    options.is_top_level = true;
-    plugins_dir = plugins_dir || path.join(project_dir, 'cordova', 'plugins');
-    if (!platform_modules[platform]) {
-        return Q.reject(new Error(platform + " not supported."));
-    }
-    var plugin_dir = path.join(plugins_dir, id);
-    if (!fs.existsSync(plugin_dir)) {
-        return Q.reject(new Error('Plugin "' + id + '" not found. Already uninstalled?'));
-    }
-    var current_stack = new action_stack();
-    return runUninstallPlatform(current_stack, platform, project_dir, plugin_dir, plugins_dir, options);
-// Returns a promise.
-module.exports.uninstallPlugin = function(id, plugins_dir, options) {
-    options = options || {};
-    var plugin_dir = path.join(plugins_dir, id);
-    // @tests - important this event is checked spec/uninstall.spec.js
-    events.emit('log', 'Removing "'+ id +'"');
-    // If already removed, skip.
-    if ( !fs.existsSync(plugin_dir) ) {
-        events.emit('verbose', 'Plugin "'+ id +'" already removed ('+ plugin_dir +')');
-        return Q();
-    }
-    var xml_path  = path.join(plugin_dir, 'plugin.xml')
-      , plugin_et = xml_helpers.parseElementtreeSync(xml_path);
-    var doDelete = function(id) {
-        var plugin_dir = path.join(plugins_dir, id);
-        if ( !fs.existsSync(plugin_dir) ) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'Plugin "'+ id +'" already removed ('+ plugin_dir +')');
-            return Q();
-        }
-        shell.rm('-rf', plugin_dir);
-        events.emit('verbose', 'Deleted "'+ id +'"');
-    };
-    // We've now lost the metadata for the plugins that have been uninstalled, so we can't use that info.
-    // Instead, we list all dependencies of the target plugin, and check the remaining metadata to see if
-    // anything depends on them, or if they're listed as top-level.
-    // If neither, they can be deleted.
-    var top_plugin_id = id;
-    // Recursively remove plugins which were installed as dependents (that are not top-level)
-    // optional?
-    var recursive = true;
-    var toDelete = recursive ? plugin_et.findall('dependency') : [];
-    toDelete = toDelete && toDelete.length ? { return; }) : [];
-    toDelete.push(top_plugin_id);
-    // Okay, now we check if any of these are depended on, or top-level.
-    // Find the installed platforms by whether they have a metadata file.
-    var platforms = Object.keys(platform_modules).filter(function(platform) {
-        return fs.existsSync(path.join(plugins_dir, platform + '.json'));
-    });
-    // Can have missing plugins on some platforms when not supported..
-    var dependList = {};
-    platforms.forEach(function(platform) {
-        var depsInfo = dependencies.generate_dependency_info(plugins_dir, platform);
-        var tlps = depsInfo.top_level_plugins,
-            deps, i;
-        // Top-level deps must always be explicitely asked to remove by user
-        tlps.forEach(function(plugin_id){
-            if(top_plugin_id == plugin_id)
-                return;
-            var i = toDelete.indexOf(plugin_id);
-            if(i >= 0)
-                toDelete.splice(i, 1);
-        });
-        toDelete.forEach(function(plugin) {
-            deps = dependencies.dependents(plugin, depsInfo);
-            var i = deps.indexOf(top_plugin_id);
-            if(i >= 0)
-                 deps.splice(i, 1); // remove current/top-level plugin as blocking uninstall
-            if(deps.length) {
-                dependList[plugin] = deps.join(', ');
-            }
-        });
-    });
-    var i, plugin_id, msg;
-    for(i in toDelete) {
-        plugin_id = toDelete[i];
-        if( dependList[plugin_id] ) {
-            msg = '"' + plugin_id + '" is required by ('+ dependList[plugin_id] + ')';
-            if(options.force) {
-                events.emit('log', msg +' but forcing removal.');
-            } else {
-                // @tests - error and event message is checked spec/uninstall.spec.js
-                msg += ' and cannot be removed (hint: use -f or --force)';
-                if(plugin_id == top_plugin_id) {
-                    return Q.reject( new Error(msg) );
-                } else {
-                    events.emit('warn', msg +' and cannot be removed (hint: use -f or --force)');
-                    continue;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        doDelete(plugin_id);
-    }
-    return Q();
-// possible options: cli_variables, www_dir, is_top_level
-// Returns a promise
-function runUninstallPlatform(actions, platform, project_dir, plugin_dir, plugins_dir, options) {
-    options = options || {};
-    var xml_path     = path.join(plugin_dir, 'plugin.xml');
-    var plugin_et    = xml_helpers.parseElementtreeSync(xml_path);
-    var plugin_id    = plugin_et._root.attrib['id'];
-    // Deps info can be passed recusively
-    var depsInfo = options.depsInfo || dependencies.generate_dependency_info(plugins_dir, platform, 'remove');
-    // Check that this plugin has no dependents.
-    var dependents = dependencies.dependents(plugin_id, depsInfo, platform);
-    if(options.is_top_level && dependents && dependents.length > 0) {
-        var msg = "The plugin '"+ plugin_id +"' is required by (" + dependents.join(', ') + ")";
-        if(options.force) {
-            events.emit("info", msg + " but forcing removal");
-        } else {
-            return Q.reject( new Error(msg + ", skipping uninstallation.") );
-        }
-    }
-    // Check how many dangling dependencies this plugin has.
-    var deps = depsInfo.graph.getChain(plugin_id);
-    var danglers = dependencies.danglers(plugin_id, depsInfo, platform);
-    var promise;
-    if (deps && deps.length && danglers && danglers.length) {
-        // @tests - important this event is checked spec/uninstall.spec.js
-        events.emit('log', 'Uninstalling ' + danglers.length + ' dependent plugins.');
-        promise = Q.all(
-   {
-                var dependent_path = dependencies.resolvePath(dangler, plugins_dir);
-                var opts = underscore.extend({}, options, {
-                    is_top_level: depsInfo.top_level_plugins.indexOf(dangler) > -1,
-                    depsInfo: depsInfo
-                });
-                return runUninstallPlatform(actions, platform, project_dir, dependent_path, plugins_dir, opts);
-            })
-        );
-    } else {
-        promise = Q();
-    }
-    return promise.then(function() {
-        return handleUninstall(actions, platform, plugin_id, plugin_et, project_dir, options.www_dir, plugins_dir, plugin_dir, options.is_top_level);
-    });
-// Returns a promise.
-function handleUninstall(actions, platform, plugin_id, plugin_et, project_dir, www_dir, plugins_dir, plugin_dir, is_top_level) {
-    var platform_modules = require('./platforms');
-    var handler = platform_modules[platform];
-    var platformTag = plugin_et.find('./platform[@name="'+platform+'"]');
-    www_dir = www_dir || handler.www_dir(project_dir);
-    events.emit('log', 'Uninstalling ' + plugin_id + ' from ' + platform);
-    var assets = plugin_et.findall('./asset');
-    if (platformTag) {
-        var sourceFiles = platformTag.findall('./source-file'),
-            headerFiles = platformTag.findall('./header-file'),
-            libFiles = platformTag.findall('./lib-file'),
-            resourceFiles = platformTag.findall('./resource-file');
-            frameworkFiles = platformTag.findall('./framework[@custom="true"]');
-        assets = assets.concat(platformTag.findall('./asset'));
-        // queue up native stuff
-        sourceFiles && sourceFiles.forEach(function(source) {
-            actions.push(actions.createAction(handler["source-file"].uninstall,
-                                             [source, project_dir, plugin_id],
-                                             handler["source-file"].install,
-                                             [source, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id]));
-        });
-        headerFiles && headerFiles.forEach(function(header) {
-            actions.push(actions.createAction(handler["header-file"].uninstall,
-                                             [header, project_dir, plugin_id],
-                                             handler["header-file"].install,
-                                             [header, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id]));
-        });
-        resourceFiles && resourceFiles.forEach(function(resource) {
-            actions.push(actions.createAction(handler["resource-file"].uninstall,
-                                              [resource, project_dir, plugin_id],
-                                              handler["resource-file"].install,
-                                              [resource, plugin_dir, project_dir]));
-        });
-        // CB-5238 custom frameworks only
-        frameworkFiles && frameworkFiles.forEach(function(framework) {
-            actions.push(actions.createAction(handler["framework"].uninstall,
-                                              [framework, project_dir, plugin_id],
-                                              handler["framework"].install,
-                                              [framework, plugin_dir, project_dir]));
-        });
-        libFiles && libFiles.forEach(function(source) {
-            actions.push(actions.createAction(handler["lib-file"].uninstall,
-                                              [source, project_dir, plugin_id],
-                                              handler["lib-file"].install,
-                                              [source, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id]));
-        });
-    }
-    // queue up asset installation
-    var common = require('./platforms/common');
-    assets && assets.forEach(function(asset) {
-        actions.push(actions.createAction(common.asset.uninstall, [asset, www_dir, plugin_id], common.asset.install, [asset, plugin_dir, www_dir]));
-    });
-    // run through the action stack
-    return actions.process(platform, project_dir)
-    .then(function() {
-        // WIN!
-        events.emit('verbose', plugin_id + ' uninstalled from ' + platform + '.');
-        // queue up the plugin so prepare can remove the config changes
-        config_changes.add_uninstalled_plugin_to_prepare_queue(plugins_dir, plugin_id, platform, is_top_level);
-        // call prepare after a successful uninstall
-        plugman.prepare(project_dir, platform, plugins_dir, www_dir);
-    });
diff --git a/src/unpublish.js b/src/unpublish.js
deleted file mode 100644
index be1b4b4..0000000
--- a/src/unpublish.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-var registry = require('./registry/registry')
-module.exports = function(plugin) {
-    return registry.unpublish(plugin);
diff --git a/src/util/action-stack.js b/src/util/action-stack.js
deleted file mode 100644
index dd9dafb..0000000
--- a/src/util/action-stack.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-var platforms = require("../platforms"),
-    events = require('../events'),
-    Q = require('q'),
-    fs = require('fs');
-function ActionStack() {
-    this.stack = [];
-    this.completed = [];
-ActionStack.prototype = {
-    createAction:function(handler, action_params, reverter, revert_params) {
-        return {
-            handler:{
-                run:handler,
-                params:action_params
-            },
-            reverter:{
-                run:reverter,
-                params:revert_params
-            }
-        };
-    },
-    push:function(tx) {
-        this.stack.push(tx);
-    },
-    // Returns a promise.
-    process:function(platform, project_dir) {
-        events.emit('verbose', 'Beginning processing of action stack for ' + platform + ' project...');
-        var project_files;
-        // parse platform-specific project files once
-        if (platforms[platform].parseProjectFile) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'Parsing ' + platform + ' project files...');
-            project_files = platforms[platform].parseProjectFile(project_dir);
-        }
-        while(this.stack.length) {
-            var action = this.stack.shift();
-            var handler =;
-            var action_params = action.handler.params;
-            if (project_files) {
-                action_params.push(project_files);
-            }
-            try {
-                handler.apply(null, action_params);
-            } catch(e) {
-                events.emit('warn', 'Error during processing of action! Attempting to revert...');
-                var incomplete = this.stack.unshift(action);
-                var issue = 'Uh oh!\n';
-                // revert completed tasks
-                while(this.completed.length) {
-                    var undo = this.completed.shift();
-                    var revert =;
-                    var revert_params = undo.reverter.params;
-                    if (project_files) {
-                        revert_params.push(project_files);
-                    }
-                    try {
-                        revert.apply(null, revert_params);
-                    } catch(err) {
-                        events.emit('warn', 'Error during reversion of action! We probably really messed up your project now, sorry! D:');
-                        issue += 'A reversion action failed: ' + err.message + '\n';
-                    }
-                }
-                e.message = issue + e.message;
-                return Q.reject(e);
-            }
-            this.completed.push(action);
-        }
-        events.emit('verbose', 'Action stack processing complete.');
-        if (project_files) {
-            events.emit('verbose', 'Writing out ' + platform + ' project files...');
-            project_files.write();
-        }
-        return Q();
-    }
-module.exports = ActionStack;