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Posted to by on 2016/11/22 03:25:59 UTC

[44/51] [abbrv] [partial] incubator-mynewt-core git commit: Remove non-Apache-compatible Nordic SDK files.
diff --git a/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/drivers_nrf/hal/nrf_spi.h b/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/drivers_nrf/hal/nrf_spi.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 98dd662..0000000
--- a/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/drivers_nrf/hal/nrf_spi.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2015 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
- * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC
- *
- * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO
- * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from
- * the file.
- *
- */
- * @defgroup nrf_spi_hal SPI HAL
- * @{
- * @ingroup nrf_spi_master
- *
- * @brief Hardware access layer for accessing the SPI peripheral.
- */
-#ifndef NRF_SPI_H__
-#define NRF_SPI_H__
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "nrf.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * @brief This value can be used as a parameter for the @ref nrf_spi_pins_set
- *        function to specify that a given SPI signal (SCK, MOSI, or MISO)
- *        shall not be connected to a physical pin.
- */
- * @brief SPI events.
- */
-typedef enum
-    /*lint -save -e30*/
-    NRF_SPI_EVENT_READY = offsetof(NRF_SPI_Type, EVENTS_READY) ///< TXD byte sent and RXD byte received.
-    /*lint -restore*/
-} nrf_spi_event_t;
- * @brief SPI interrupts.
- */
-typedef enum
-    NRF_SPI_INT_READY_MASK = SPI_INTENSET_READY_Msk ///< Interrupt on READY event.
-} nrf_spi_int_mask_t;
- * @brief SPI data rates.
- */
-typedef enum
-    NRF_SPI_FREQ_125K = SPI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_K125,   ///< 125 kbps.
-    NRF_SPI_FREQ_250K = SPI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_K250,   ///< 250 kbps.
-    NRF_SPI_FREQ_500K = SPI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_K500,   ///< 500 kbps.
-    NRF_SPI_FREQ_1M   = SPI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_M1,     ///< 1 Mbps.
-    NRF_SPI_FREQ_2M   = SPI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_M2,     ///< 2 Mbps.
-    NRF_SPI_FREQ_4M   = SPI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_M4,     ///< 4 Mbps.
-    // [conversion to 'int' needed to prevent compilers from complaining
-    //  that the provided value (0x80000000UL) is out of range of "int"]
-    NRF_SPI_FREQ_8M   = (int)SPI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_M8 ///< 8 Mbps.
-} nrf_spi_frequency_t;
- * @brief SPI modes.
- */
-typedef enum
-    NRF_SPI_MODE_0, ///< SCK active high, sample on leading edge of clock.
-    NRF_SPI_MODE_1, ///< SCK active high, sample on trailing edge of clock.
-    NRF_SPI_MODE_2, ///< SCK active low, sample on leading edge of clock.
-    NRF_SPI_MODE_3  ///< SCK active low, sample on trailing edge of clock.
-} nrf_spi_mode_t;
- * @brief SPI bit orders.
- */
-typedef enum
-    NRF_SPI_BIT_ORDER_MSB_FIRST = SPI_CONFIG_ORDER_MsbFirst, ///< Most significant bit shifted out first.
-    NRF_SPI_BIT_ORDER_LSB_FIRST = SPI_CONFIG_ORDER_LsbFirst  ///< Least significant bit shifted out first.
-} nrf_spi_bit_order_t;
- * @brief Function for clearing a specific SPI event.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spi     SPI instance.
- * @param[in] spi_event Event to clear.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spi_event_clear(NRF_SPI_Type * p_spi,
-                                         nrf_spi_event_t spi_event);
- * @brief Function for checking the state of a specific SPI event.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spi     SPI instance.
- * @param[in] spi_event Event to check.
- *
- * @retval true  If the event is set.
- * @retval false If the event is not set.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE bool nrf_spi_event_check(NRF_SPI_Type * p_spi,
-                                         nrf_spi_event_t spi_event);
- * @brief Function for getting the address of a specific SPI event register.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spi     SPI instance.
- * @param[in] spi_event Requested event.
- *
- * @return Address of the specified event register.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t * nrf_spi_event_address_get(NRF_SPI_Type  * p_spi,
-                                                     nrf_spi_event_t spi_event);
- * @brief Function for enabling specified interrupts.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spi         SPI instance.
- * @param[in] spi_int_mask  Interrupts to enable.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spi_int_enable(NRF_SPI_Type * p_spi,
-                                        uint32_t spi_int_mask);
- * @brief Function for disabling specified interrupts.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spi         SPI instance.
- * @param[in] spi_int_mask  Interrupts to disable.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spi_int_disable(NRF_SPI_Type * p_spi,
-                                         uint32_t spi_int_mask);
- * @brief Function for retrieving the state of a given interrupt.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spi   SPI instance.
- * @param[in] spi_int Interrupt to check.
- *
- * @retval true  If the interrupt is enabled.
- * @retval false If the interrupt is not enabled.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE bool nrf_spi_int_enable_check(NRF_SPI_Type * p_spi,
-                                              nrf_spi_int_mask_t spi_int);
- * @brief Function for enabling the SPI peripheral.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spi SPI instance.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spi_enable(NRF_SPI_Type * p_spi);
- * @brief Function for disabling the SPI peripheral.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spi SPI instance.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spi_disable(NRF_SPI_Type * p_spi);
- * @brief Function for configuring SPI pins.
- *
- * If a given signal is not needed, pass the @ref NRF_SPI_PIN_NOT_CONNECTED
- * value instead of its pin number.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spi     SPI instance.
- * @param[in] sck_pin   SCK pin number.
- * @param[in] mosi_pin  MOSI pin number.
- * @param[in] miso_pin  MISO pin number.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spi_pins_set(NRF_SPI_Type * p_spi,
-                                      uint32_t sck_pin,
-                                      uint32_t mosi_pin,
-                                      uint32_t miso_pin);
- * @brief Function for writing data to the SPI transmitter register.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spi SPI instance.
- * @param[in] data  TX data to send.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spi_txd_set(NRF_SPI_Type * p_spi, uint8_t data);
- * @brief Function for reading data from the SPI receiver register.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spi SPI instance.
- *
- * @return RX data received.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t nrf_spi_rxd_get(NRF_SPI_Type * p_spi);
- * @brief Function for setting the SPI master data rate.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spi     SPI instance.
- * @param[in] frequency SPI frequency.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spi_frequency_set(NRF_SPI_Type * p_spi,
-                                           nrf_spi_frequency_t frequency);
- * @brief Function for setting the SPI configuration.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spi         SPI instance.
- * @param[in] spi_mode      SPI mode.
- * @param[in] spi_bit_order SPI bit order.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spi_configure(NRF_SPI_Type * p_spi,
-                                       nrf_spi_mode_t spi_mode,
-                                       nrf_spi_bit_order_t spi_bit_order);
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spi_event_clear(NRF_SPI_Type * p_spi,
-                                         nrf_spi_event_t spi_event)
-    *((volatile uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)p_spi + (uint32_t)spi_event)) = 0x0UL;
-__STATIC_INLINE bool nrf_spi_event_check(NRF_SPI_Type * p_spi,
-                                         nrf_spi_event_t spi_event)
-    return (bool)*(volatile uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)p_spi + (uint32_t)spi_event);
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t * nrf_spi_event_address_get(NRF_SPI_Type * p_spi,
-                                                     nrf_spi_event_t spi_event)
-    return (uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)p_spi + (uint32_t)spi_event);
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spi_int_enable(NRF_SPI_Type * p_spi,
-                                        uint32_t spi_int_mask)
-    p_spi->INTENSET = spi_int_mask;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spi_int_disable(NRF_SPI_Type * p_spi,
-                                         uint32_t spi_int_mask)
-    p_spi->INTENCLR = spi_int_mask;
-__STATIC_INLINE bool nrf_spi_int_enable_check(NRF_SPI_Type * p_spi,
-                                              nrf_spi_int_mask_t spi_int)
-    return (bool)(p_spi->INTENSET & spi_int);
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spi_enable(NRF_SPI_Type * p_spi)
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spi_disable(NRF_SPI_Type * p_spi)
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spi_pins_set(NRF_SPI_Type * p_spi,
-                                      uint32_t sck_pin,
-                                      uint32_t mosi_pin,
-                                      uint32_t miso_pin)
-    p_spi->PSELSCK  = sck_pin;
-    p_spi->PSELMOSI = mosi_pin;
-    p_spi->PSELMISO = miso_pin;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spi_txd_set(NRF_SPI_Type * p_spi, uint8_t data)
-    p_spi->TXD = data;
-__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t nrf_spi_rxd_get(NRF_SPI_Type * p_spi)
-    return p_spi->RXD;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spi_frequency_set(NRF_SPI_Type * p_spi,
-                                           nrf_spi_frequency_t frequency)
-    p_spi->FREQUENCY = frequency;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spi_configure(NRF_SPI_Type * p_spi,
-                                       nrf_spi_mode_t spi_mode,
-                                       nrf_spi_bit_order_t spi_bit_order)
-    uint32_t config = (spi_bit_order == NRF_SPI_BIT_ORDER_MSB_FIRST ?
-        SPI_CONFIG_ORDER_MsbFirst : SPI_CONFIG_ORDER_LsbFirst);
-    switch (spi_mode)
-    {
-    default:
-    case NRF_SPI_MODE_0:
-        config |= (SPI_CONFIG_CPOL_ActiveHigh << SPI_CONFIG_CPOL_Pos) |
-                  (SPI_CONFIG_CPHA_Leading    << SPI_CONFIG_CPHA_Pos);
-        break;
-    case NRF_SPI_MODE_1:
-        config |= (SPI_CONFIG_CPOL_ActiveHigh << SPI_CONFIG_CPOL_Pos) |
-                  (SPI_CONFIG_CPHA_Trailing   << SPI_CONFIG_CPHA_Pos);
-        break;
-    case NRF_SPI_MODE_2:
-        config |= (SPI_CONFIG_CPOL_ActiveLow  << SPI_CONFIG_CPOL_Pos) |
-                  (SPI_CONFIG_CPHA_Leading    << SPI_CONFIG_CPHA_Pos);
-        break;
-    case NRF_SPI_MODE_3:
-        config |= (SPI_CONFIG_CPOL_ActiveLow  << SPI_CONFIG_CPOL_Pos) |
-                  (SPI_CONFIG_CPHA_Trailing   << SPI_CONFIG_CPHA_Pos);
-        break;
-    }
-    p_spi->CONFIG = config;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif // NRF_SPI_H__
-/** @} */
diff --git a/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/drivers_nrf/hal/nrf_spim.h b/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/drivers_nrf/hal/nrf_spim.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c05956..0000000
--- a/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/drivers_nrf/hal/nrf_spim.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,528 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2015 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
- * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC
- *
- * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO
- * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from
- * the file.
- *
- */
- * @defgroup nrf_spim_hal SPIM HAL
- * @{
- * @ingroup nrf_spi_master
- *
- * @brief Hardware access layer for accessing the SPIM peripheral.
- */
-#ifndef NRF_SPIM_H__
-#define NRF_SPIM_H__
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "nrf.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * @brief This value can be used as a parameter for the @ref nrf_spim_pins_set
- *        function to specify that a given SPI signal (SCK, MOSI, or MISO)
- *        shall not be connected to a physical pin.
- */
- * @brief SPIM tasks.
- */
-typedef enum
-    /*lint -save -e30*/
-    NRF_SPIM_TASK_START   = offsetof(NRF_SPIM_Type, TASKS_START),   ///< Start SPI transaction.
-    NRF_SPIM_TASK_STOP    = offsetof(NRF_SPIM_Type, TASKS_STOP),    ///< Stop SPI transaction.
-    NRF_SPIM_TASK_SUSPEND = offsetof(NRF_SPIM_Type, TASKS_SUSPEND), ///< Suspend SPI transaction.
-    NRF_SPIM_TASK_RESUME  = offsetof(NRF_SPIM_Type, TASKS_RESUME)   ///< Resume SPI transaction.
-    /*lint -restore*/
-} nrf_spim_task_t;
- * @brief SPIM events.
- */
-typedef enum
-    /*lint -save -e30*/
-    NRF_SPIM_EVENT_STOPPED = offsetof(NRF_SPIM_Type, EVENTS_STOPPED), ///< SPI transaction has stopped.
-    NRF_SPIM_EVENT_ENDRX   = offsetof(NRF_SPIM_Type, EVENTS_ENDRX),   ///< End of RXD buffer reached.
-#ifdef NRF52
-    NRF_SPIM_EVENT_END     = offsetof(NRF_SPIM_Type, EVENTS_END),     ///< End of RXD buffer and TXD buffer reached.
-    NRF_SPIM_EVENT_ENDTX   = offsetof(NRF_SPIM_Type, EVENTS_ENDTX),   ///< End of TXD buffer reached.
-    NRF_SPIM_EVENT_STARTED = offsetof(NRF_SPIM_Type, EVENTS_STARTED)  ///< Transaction started.
-    /*lint -restore*/
-} nrf_spim_event_t;
-#ifdef NRF52
- * @brief SPIM shortcuts.
- */
-typedef enum
-    NRF_SPIM_SHORT_END_START_MASK = SPIM_SHORTS_END_START_Msk ///< Shortcut between END event and START task.
-} nrf_spim_short_mask_t;
- * @brief SPIM interrupts.
- */
-typedef enum
-    NRF_SPIM_INT_ENDRX_MASK   = SPIM_INTENSET_ENDRX_Msk,   ///< Interrupt on ENDRX event.
-#ifdef NRF52
-    NRF_SPIM_INT_END_MASK     = SPIM_INTENSET_END_Msk,     ///< Interrupt on END event.
-    NRF_SPIM_INT_ENDTX_MASK   = SPIM_INTENSET_ENDTX_Msk,   ///< Interrupt on ENDTX event.
-} nrf_spim_int_mask_t;
- * @brief SPI master data rates.
- */
-typedef enum
-    NRF_SPIM_FREQ_125K = SPIM_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_K125,   ///< 125 kbps.
-    NRF_SPIM_FREQ_250K = SPIM_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_K250,   ///< 250 kbps.
-    NRF_SPIM_FREQ_500K = SPIM_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_K500,   ///< 500 kbps.
-    // [conversion to 'int' needed to prevent compilers from complaining
-    //  that the provided value (0x80000000UL) is out of range of "int"]
-} nrf_spim_frequency_t;
- * @brief SPI modes.
- */
-typedef enum
-    NRF_SPIM_MODE_0, ///< SCK active high, sample on leading edge of clock.
-    NRF_SPIM_MODE_1, ///< SCK active high, sample on trailing edge of clock.
-    NRF_SPIM_MODE_2, ///< SCK active low, sample on leading edge of clock.
-    NRF_SPIM_MODE_3  ///< SCK active low, sample on trailing edge of clock.
-} nrf_spim_mode_t;
- * @brief SPI bit orders.
- */
-typedef enum
-    NRF_SPIM_BIT_ORDER_MSB_FIRST = SPIM_CONFIG_ORDER_MsbFirst, ///< Most significant bit shifted out first.
-    NRF_SPIM_BIT_ORDER_LSB_FIRST = SPIM_CONFIG_ORDER_LsbFirst  ///< Least significant bit shifted out first.
-} nrf_spim_bit_order_t;
- * @brief Function for activating a specific SPIM task.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spim    SPIM instance.
- * @param[in] spim_task Task to activate.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_task_trigger(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                           nrf_spim_task_t spim_task);
- * @brief Function for getting the address of a specific SPIM task register.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spim    SPIM instance.
- * @param[in] spim_task Requested task.
- *
- * @return Address of the specified task register.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_spim_task_address_get(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                                   nrf_spim_task_t spim_task);
- * @brief Function for clearing a specific SPIM event.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spim     SPIM instance.
- * @param[in] spim_event Event to clear.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_event_clear(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                          nrf_spim_event_t spim_event);
- * @brief Function for checking the state of a specific SPIM event.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spim     SPIM instance.
- * @param[in] spim_event Event to check.
- *
- * @retval true  If the event is set.
- * @retval false If the event is not set.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE bool nrf_spim_event_check(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                          nrf_spim_event_t spim_event);
- * @brief Function for getting the address of a specific SPIM event register.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spim     SPIM instance.
- * @param[in] spim_event Requested event.
- *
- * @return Address of the specified event register.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_spim_event_address_get(NRF_SPIM_Type  * p_spim,
-                                                    nrf_spim_event_t spim_event);
-#ifdef NRF52
- * @brief Function for enabling specified shortcuts.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spim           SPIM instance.
- * @param[in] spim_shorts_mask Shortcuts to enable.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_shorts_enable(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                            uint32_t spim_shorts_mask);
- * @brief Function for disabling specified shortcuts.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spim           SPIM instance.
- * @param[in] spim_shorts_mask Shortcuts to disable.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_shorts_disable(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                             uint32_t spim_shorts_mask);
- * @brief Function for getting shorts setting.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spim           SPIM instance.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_spim_shorts_get(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim);
- * @brief Function for enabling specified interrupts.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spim        SPIM instance.
- * @param[in] spim_int_mask Interrupts to enable.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_int_enable(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                         uint32_t spim_int_mask);
- * @brief Function for disabling specified interrupts.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spim        SPIM instance.
- * @param[in] spim_int_mask Interrupts to disable.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_int_disable(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                          uint32_t spim_int_mask);
- * @brief Function for retrieving the state of a given interrupt.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spim   SPIM instance.
- * @param[in] spim_int Interrupt to check.
- *
- * @retval true  If the interrupt is enabled.
- * @retval false If the interrupt is not enabled.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE bool nrf_spim_int_enable_check(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                               nrf_spim_int_mask_t spim_int);
- * @brief Function for enabling the SPIM peripheral.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spim SPIM instance.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_enable(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim);
- * @brief Function for disabling the SPIM peripheral.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spim SPIM instance.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_disable(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim);
- * @brief Function for configuring SPIM pins.
- *
- * If a given signal is not needed, pass the @ref NRF_SPIM_PIN_NOT_CONNECTED
- * value instead of its pin number.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spim    SPIM instance.
- * @param[in] sck_pin   SCK pin number.
- * @param[in] mosi_pin  MOSI pin number.
- * @param[in] miso_pin  MISO pin number.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_pins_set(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                       uint32_t sck_pin,
-                                       uint32_t mosi_pin,
-                                       uint32_t miso_pin);
- * @brief Function for setting the SPI master data rate.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spim    SPIM instance.
- * @param[in] frequency SPI frequency.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_frequency_set(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                            nrf_spim_frequency_t frequency);
- * @brief Function for setting the transmit buffer.
- *
- * @param[in]  p_spim   SPIM instance.
- * @param[in]  p_buffer Pointer to the buffer with data to send.
- * @param[in]  length   Maximum number of data bytes to transmit.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_tx_buffer_set(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                            uint8_t const * p_buffer,
-                                            uint8_t         length);
- * @brief Function for setting the receive buffer.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spim   SPIM instance.
- * @param[in] p_buffer Pointer to the buffer for received data.
- * @param[in] length   Maximum number of data bytes to receive.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_rx_buffer_set(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                            uint8_t * p_buffer,
-                                            uint8_t   length);
- * @brief Function for setting the SPI configuration.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spim        SPIM instance.
- * @param[in] spi_mode      SPI mode.
- * @param[in] spi_bit_order SPI bit order.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_configure(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                        nrf_spim_mode_t spi_mode,
-                                        nrf_spim_bit_order_t spi_bit_order);
- * @brief Function for setting the over-read character.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spim SPIM instance.
- * @param[in] orc    Over-read character that is clocked out in case of
- *                   an over-read of the TXD buffer.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_orc_set(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                      uint8_t orc);
-#ifdef NRF52
- * @brief Function for enabling the TX list feature.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spim SPIM instance.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_tx_list_enable(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim);
- * @brief Function for disabling the TX list feature.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spim SPIM instance.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_tx_list_disable(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim);
- * @brief Function for enabling the RX list feature.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spim SPIM instance.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_rx_list_enable(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim);
- * @brief Function for disabling the RX list feature.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spim SPIM instance.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_rx_list_disable(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim);
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_task_trigger(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                           nrf_spim_task_t spim_task)
-    *((volatile uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)p_spim + (uint32_t)spim_task)) = 0x1UL;
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_spim_task_address_get(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                                   nrf_spim_task_t spim_task)
-    return (uint32_t)((uint8_t *)p_spim + (uint32_t)spim_task);
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_event_clear(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                          nrf_spim_event_t spim_event)
-    *((volatile uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)p_spim + (uint32_t)spim_event)) = 0x0UL;
-__STATIC_INLINE bool nrf_spim_event_check(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                          nrf_spim_event_t spim_event)
-    return (bool)*(volatile uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)p_spim + (uint32_t)spim_event);
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_spim_event_address_get(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                                    nrf_spim_event_t spim_event)
-    return (uint32_t)((uint8_t *)p_spim + (uint32_t)spim_event);
-#ifdef NRF52
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_shorts_enable(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                            uint32_t spim_shorts_mask)
-    p_spim->SHORTS |= spim_shorts_mask;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_shorts_disable(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                             uint32_t spim_shorts_mask)
-    p_spim->SHORTS &= ~(spim_shorts_mask);
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_spim_shorts_get(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim)
-    return p_spim->SHORTS;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_int_enable(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                         uint32_t spim_int_mask)
-    p_spim->INTENSET = spim_int_mask;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_int_disable(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                          uint32_t spim_int_mask)
-    p_spim->INTENCLR = spim_int_mask;
-__STATIC_INLINE bool nrf_spim_int_enable_check(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                               nrf_spim_int_mask_t spim_int)
-    return (bool)(p_spim->INTENSET & spim_int);
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_enable(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim)
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_disable(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim)
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_pins_set(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                       uint32_t sck_pin,
-                                       uint32_t mosi_pin,
-                                       uint32_t miso_pin)
-    p_spim->PSEL.SCK  = sck_pin;
-    p_spim->PSEL.MOSI = mosi_pin;
-    p_spim->PSEL.MISO = miso_pin;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_frequency_set(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                            nrf_spim_frequency_t frequency)
-    p_spim->FREQUENCY = frequency;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_tx_buffer_set(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                            uint8_t const * p_buffer,
-                                            uint8_t         length)
-    p_spim->TXD.PTR    = (uint32_t)p_buffer;
-    p_spim->TXD.MAXCNT = length;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_rx_buffer_set(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                            uint8_t * p_buffer,
-                                            uint8_t   length)
-    p_spim->RXD.PTR    = (uint32_t)p_buffer;
-    p_spim->RXD.MAXCNT = length;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_configure(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                        nrf_spim_mode_t spi_mode,
-                                        nrf_spim_bit_order_t spi_bit_order)
-    uint32_t config = (spi_bit_order == NRF_SPIM_BIT_ORDER_MSB_FIRST ?
-    switch (spi_mode)
-    {
-    default:
-    case NRF_SPIM_MODE_0:
-        config |= (SPIM_CONFIG_CPOL_ActiveHigh << SPIM_CONFIG_CPOL_Pos) |
-                  (SPIM_CONFIG_CPHA_Leading    << SPIM_CONFIG_CPHA_Pos);
-        break;
-    case NRF_SPIM_MODE_1:
-        config |= (SPIM_CONFIG_CPOL_ActiveHigh << SPIM_CONFIG_CPOL_Pos) |
-                  (SPIM_CONFIG_CPHA_Trailing   << SPIM_CONFIG_CPHA_Pos);
-        break;
-    case NRF_SPIM_MODE_2:
-        config |= (SPIM_CONFIG_CPOL_ActiveLow  << SPIM_CONFIG_CPOL_Pos) |
-                  (SPIM_CONFIG_CPHA_Leading    << SPIM_CONFIG_CPHA_Pos);
-        break;
-    case NRF_SPIM_MODE_3:
-        config |= (SPIM_CONFIG_CPOL_ActiveLow  << SPIM_CONFIG_CPOL_Pos) |
-                  (SPIM_CONFIG_CPHA_Trailing   << SPIM_CONFIG_CPHA_Pos);
-        break;
-    }
-    p_spim->CONFIG = config;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_orc_set(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim,
-                                      uint8_t orc)
-    p_spim->ORC = orc;
-#ifdef NRF52
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_tx_list_enable(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim)
-    p_spim->TXD.LIST = 1;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_tx_list_disable(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim)
-    p_spim->TXD.LIST = 0;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_rx_list_enable(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim)
-    p_spim->RXD.LIST = 1;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spim_rx_list_disable(NRF_SPIM_Type * p_spim)
-    p_spim->RXD.LIST = 0;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif // NRF_SPIM_H__
-/** @} */
diff --git a/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/drivers_nrf/hal/nrf_spis.h b/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/drivers_nrf/hal/nrf_spis.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 273e048..0000000
--- a/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/drivers_nrf/hal/nrf_spis.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,520 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2015 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
- * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC
- *
- * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO
- * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from
- * the file.
- *
- */
- * @defgroup nrf_spis_hal SPIS HAL
- * @{
- * @ingroup nrf_spis
- *
- * @brief Hardware access layer for accessing the SPIS peripheral.
- */
-#ifndef NRF_SPIS_H__
-#define NRF_SPIS_H__
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "nrf.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * @brief This value can be used as a parameter for the @ref nrf_spis_pins_set
- *        function to specify that a given SPI signal (SCK, MOSI, or MISO)
- *        shall not be connected to a physical pin.
- */
- * @brief SPIS tasks.
- */
-typedef enum
-    /*lint -save -e30*/
-    NRF_SPIS_TASK_ACQUIRE = offsetof(NRF_SPIS_Type, TASKS_ACQUIRE), ///< Acquire SPI semaphore.
-    NRF_SPIS_TASK_RELEASE = offsetof(NRF_SPIS_Type, TASKS_RELEASE), ///< Release SPI semaphore, enabling the SPI slave to acquire it.
-    /*lint -restore*/
-} nrf_spis_task_t;
- * @brief SPIS events.
- */
-typedef enum
-    /*lint -save -e30*/
-    NRF_SPIS_EVENT_END      = offsetof(NRF_SPIS_Type, EVENTS_END),     ///< Granted transaction completed.
-    NRF_SPIS_EVENT_ACQUIRED = offsetof(NRF_SPIS_Type, EVENTS_ACQUIRED) ///< Semaphore acquired.
-    /*lint -restore*/
-} nrf_spis_event_t;
- * @brief SPIS shortcuts.
- */
-typedef enum
-    NRF_SPIS_SHORT_END_ACQUIRE = SPIS_SHORTS_END_ACQUIRE_Msk ///< Shortcut between END event and ACQUIRE task.
-} nrf_spis_short_mask_t;
- * @brief SPIS interrupts.
- */
-typedef enum
-    NRF_SPIS_INT_END_MASK      = SPIS_INTENSET_END_Msk,     ///< Interrupt on END event.
-} nrf_spis_int_mask_t;
- * @brief SPI modes.
- */
-typedef enum
-    NRF_SPIS_MODE_0, ///< SCK active high, sample on leading edge of clock.
-    NRF_SPIS_MODE_1, ///< SCK active high, sample on trailing edge of clock.
-    NRF_SPIS_MODE_2, ///< SCK active low, sample on leading edge of clock.
-    NRF_SPIS_MODE_3  ///< SCK active low, sample on trailing edge of clock.
-} nrf_spis_mode_t;
- * @brief SPI bit orders.
- */
-typedef enum
-    NRF_SPIS_BIT_ORDER_MSB_FIRST = SPIS_CONFIG_ORDER_MsbFirst, ///< Most significant bit shifted out first.
-    NRF_SPIS_BIT_ORDER_LSB_FIRST = SPIS_CONFIG_ORDER_LsbFirst  ///< Least significant bit shifted out first.
-} nrf_spis_bit_order_t;
- * @brief SPI semaphore status.
- */
-typedef enum
-    NRF_SPIS_SEMSTAT_FREE       = 0, ///< Semaphore is free.
-    NRF_SPIS_SEMSTAT_CPU        = 1, ///< Semaphore is assigned to the CPU.
-    NRF_SPIS_SEMSTAT_SPIS       = 2, ///< Semaphore is assigned to the SPI slave.
-    NRF_SPIS_SEMSTAT_CPUPENDING = 3  ///< Semaphore is assigned to the SPI, but a handover to the CPU is pending.
-} nrf_spis_semstat_t;
- * @brief SPIS status.
- */
-typedef enum
-    NRF_SPIS_STATUS_OVERREAD = SPIS_STATUS_OVERREAD_Msk, ///< TX buffer over-read detected and prevented.
-    NRF_SPIS_STATUS_OVERFLOW = SPIS_STATUS_OVERFLOW_Msk  ///< RX buffer overflow detected and prevented.
-} nrf_spis_status_mask_t;
- * @brief Function for activating a specific SPIS task.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spis    SPIS instance.
- * @param[in] spis_task Task to activate.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_task_trigger(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis,
-                                           nrf_spis_task_t spis_task);
- * @brief Function for getting the address of a specific SPIS task register.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spis    SPIS instance.
- * @param[in] spis_task Requested task.
- *
- * @return Address of the specified task register.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_spis_task_address_get(NRF_SPIS_Type const * p_spis,
-                                                   nrf_spis_task_t spis_task);
- * @brief Function for clearing a specific SPIS event.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spis     SPIS instance.
- * @param[in] spis_event Event to clear.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_event_clear(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis,
-                                          nrf_spis_event_t spis_event);
- * @brief Function for checking the state of a specific SPIS event.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spis     SPIS instance.
- * @param[in] spis_event Event to check.
- *
- * @retval true  If the event is set.
- * @retval false If the event is not set.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE bool nrf_spis_event_check(NRF_SPIS_Type const * p_spis,
-                                          nrf_spis_event_t spis_event);
- * @brief Function for getting the address of a specific SPIS event register.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spis     SPIS instance.
- * @param[in] spis_event Requested event.
- *
- * @return Address of the specified event register.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_spis_event_address_get(NRF_SPIS_Type const * p_spis,
-                                                    nrf_spis_event_t spis_event);
- * @brief Function for enabling specified shortcuts.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spis           SPIS instance.
- * @param[in] spis_shorts_mask Shortcuts to enable.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_shorts_enable(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis,
-                                            uint32_t spis_shorts_mask);
- * @brief Function for disabling specified shortcuts.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spis           SPIS instance.
- * @param[in] spis_shorts_mask Shortcuts to disable.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_shorts_disable(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis,
-                                             uint32_t spis_shorts_mask);
- * @brief Function for enabling specified interrupts.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spis        SPIS instance.
- * @param[in] spis_int_mask Interrupts to enable.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_int_enable(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis,
-                                         uint32_t spis_int_mask);
- * @brief Function for disabling specified interrupts.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spis        SPIS instance.
- * @param[in] spis_int_mask Interrupts to disable.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_int_disable(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis,
-                                          uint32_t spis_int_mask);
- * @brief Function for retrieving the state of a given interrupt.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spis   SPIS instance.
- * @param[in] spis_int Interrupt to check.
- *
- * @retval true  If the interrupt is enabled.
- * @retval false If the interrupt is not enabled.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE bool nrf_spis_int_enable_check(NRF_SPIS_Type const * p_spis,
-                                               nrf_spis_int_mask_t spis_int);
- * @brief Function for enabling the SPIS peripheral.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spis SPIS instance.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_enable(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis);
- * @brief Function for disabling the SPIS peripheral.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spis SPIS instance.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_disable(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis);
- * @brief Function for retrieving the SPIS semaphore status.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spis SPIS instance.
- *
- * @returns Current semaphore status.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE nrf_spis_semstat_t nrf_spis_semaphore_status_get(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis);
- * @brief Function for retrieving the SPIS status.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spis SPIS instance.
- *
- * @returns Current SPIS status.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE nrf_spis_status_mask_t nrf_spis_status_get(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis);
- * @brief Function for configuring SPIS pins.
- *
- * If a given signal is not needed, pass the @ref NRF_SPIS_PIN_NOT_CONNECTED
- * value instead of its pin number.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spis    SPIS instance.
- * @param[in] sck_pin   SCK pin number.
- * @param[in] mosi_pin  MOSI pin number.
- * @param[in] miso_pin  MISO pin number.
- * @param[in] csn_pin   CSN pin number.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_pins_set(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis,
-                                       uint32_t sck_pin,
-                                       uint32_t mosi_pin,
-                                       uint32_t miso_pin,
-                                       uint32_t csn_pin);
- * @brief Function for setting the transmit buffer.
- *
- * @param[in]  p_spis   SPIS instance.
- * @param[in]  p_buffer Pointer to the buffer that contains the data to send.
- * @param[in]  length   Maximum number of data bytes to transmit.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_tx_buffer_set(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis,
-                                            uint8_t const * p_buffer,
-                                            uint8_t         length);
- * @brief Function for setting the receive buffer.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spis   SPIS instance.
- * @param[in] p_buffer Pointer to the buffer for received data.
- * @param[in] length   Maximum number of data bytes to receive.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_rx_buffer_set(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis,
-                                            uint8_t * p_buffer,
-                                            uint8_t   length);
- * @brief Function for getting the number of bytes transmitted
- *        in the last granted transaction.
- *
- * @param[in]  p_spis   SPIS instance.
- *
- * @returns Number of bytes transmitted.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t nrf_spis_tx_amount_get(NRF_SPIS_Type const * p_spis);
- * @brief Function for getting the number of bytes received
- *        in the last granted transaction.
- *
- * @param[in]  p_spis   SPIS instance.
- *
- * @returns Number of bytes received.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t nrf_spis_rx_amount_get(NRF_SPIS_Type const * p_spis);
- * @brief Function for setting the SPI configuration.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spis        SPIS instance.
- * @param[in] spi_mode      SPI mode.
- * @param[in] spi_bit_order SPI bit order.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_configure(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis,
-                                        nrf_spis_mode_t spi_mode,
-                                        nrf_spis_bit_order_t spi_bit_order);
- * @brief Function for setting the default character.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spis SPIS instance.
- * @param[in] def    Default character that is clocked out in case of
- *                   an overflow of the RXD buffer.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_def_set(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis,
-                                      uint8_t def);
- * @brief Function for setting the over-read character.
- *
- * @param[in] p_spis SPIS instance.
- * @param[in] orc    Over-read character that is clocked out in case of
- *                   an over-read of the TXD buffer.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_orc_set(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis,
-                                      uint8_t orc);
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_task_trigger(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis,
-                                           nrf_spis_task_t spis_task)
-    *((volatile uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)p_spis + (uint32_t)spis_task)) = 0x1UL;
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_spis_task_address_get(NRF_SPIS_Type const * p_spis,
-                                                   nrf_spis_task_t spis_task)
-    return (uint32_t)p_spis + (uint32_t)spis_task;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_event_clear(NRF_SPIS_Type *  p_spis,
-                                          nrf_spis_event_t spis_event)
-    *((volatile uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)p_spis + (uint32_t)spis_event)) = 0x0UL;
-__STATIC_INLINE bool nrf_spis_event_check(NRF_SPIS_Type const * p_spis,
-                                          nrf_spis_event_t spis_event)
-    return (bool)*(volatile uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)p_spis + (uint32_t)spis_event);
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_spis_event_address_get(NRF_SPIS_Type const * p_spis,
-                                                    nrf_spis_event_t spis_event)
-    return (uint32_t)p_spis + (uint32_t)spis_event;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_shorts_enable(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis,
-                                            uint32_t spis_shorts_mask)
-    p_spis->SHORTS |= spis_shorts_mask;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_shorts_disable(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis,
-                                             uint32_t spis_shorts_mask)
-    p_spis->SHORTS &= ~(spis_shorts_mask);
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_int_enable(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis,
-                                         uint32_t spis_int_mask)
-    p_spis->INTENSET = spis_int_mask;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_int_disable(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis,
-                                          uint32_t spis_int_mask)
-    p_spis->INTENCLR = spis_int_mask;
-__STATIC_INLINE bool nrf_spis_int_enable_check(NRF_SPIS_Type const * p_spis,
-                                               nrf_spis_int_mask_t spis_int)
-    return (bool)(p_spis->INTENSET & spis_int);
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_enable(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis)
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_disable(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis)
-__STATIC_INLINE nrf_spis_semstat_t nrf_spis_semaphore_status_get(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis)
-    return (nrf_spis_semstat_t) ((p_spis->SEMSTAT & SPIS_SEMSTAT_SEMSTAT_Msk) 
-                                 >> SPIS_SEMSTAT_SEMSTAT_Pos);
-__STATIC_INLINE nrf_spis_status_mask_t nrf_spis_status_get(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis)
-    return (nrf_spis_status_mask_t) p_spis->STATUS;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_pins_set(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis,
-                                       uint32_t sck_pin,
-                                       uint32_t mosi_pin,
-                                       uint32_t miso_pin,
-                                       uint32_t csn_pin)
-    p_spis->PSELSCK  = sck_pin;
-    p_spis->PSELMOSI = mosi_pin;
-    p_spis->PSELMISO = miso_pin;
-    p_spis->PSELCSN  = csn_pin;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_tx_buffer_set(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis,
-                                            uint8_t const * p_buffer,
-                                            uint8_t         length)
-    p_spis->TXDPTR = (uint32_t)p_buffer;
-    p_spis->MAXTX  = length;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_rx_buffer_set(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis,
-                                            uint8_t * p_buffer,
-                                            uint8_t   length)
-    p_spis->RXDPTR = (uint32_t)p_buffer;
-    p_spis->MAXRX  = length;
-__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t nrf_spis_tx_amount_get(NRF_SPIS_Type const * p_spis)
-    return (uint8_t) p_spis->AMOUNTRX;
-__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t nrf_spis_rx_amount_get(NRF_SPIS_Type const * p_spis)
-    return (uint8_t) p_spis->AMOUNTTX;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_configure(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis,
-                                        nrf_spis_mode_t spi_mode,
-                                        nrf_spis_bit_order_t spi_bit_order)
-    uint32_t config = (spi_bit_order == NRF_SPIS_BIT_ORDER_MSB_FIRST ?
-    switch (spi_mode)
-    {
-    default:
-    case NRF_SPIS_MODE_0:
-        config |= (SPIS_CONFIG_CPOL_ActiveHigh << SPIS_CONFIG_CPOL_Pos) |
-                  (SPIS_CONFIG_CPHA_Leading    << SPIS_CONFIG_CPHA_Pos);
-        break;
-    case NRF_SPIS_MODE_1:
-        config |= (SPIS_CONFIG_CPOL_ActiveHigh << SPIS_CONFIG_CPOL_Pos) |
-                  (SPIS_CONFIG_CPHA_Trailing   << SPIS_CONFIG_CPHA_Pos);
-        break;
-    case NRF_SPIS_MODE_2:
-        config |= (SPIS_CONFIG_CPOL_ActiveLow  << SPIS_CONFIG_CPOL_Pos) |
-                  (SPIS_CONFIG_CPHA_Leading    << SPIS_CONFIG_CPHA_Pos);
-        break;
-    case NRF_SPIS_MODE_3:
-        config |= (SPIS_CONFIG_CPOL_ActiveLow  << SPIS_CONFIG_CPOL_Pos) |
-                  (SPIS_CONFIG_CPHA_Trailing   << SPIS_CONFIG_CPHA_Pos);
-        break;
-    }
-    p_spis->CONFIG = config;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_orc_set(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis,
-                                      uint8_t orc)
-    p_spis->ORC = orc;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_spis_def_set(NRF_SPIS_Type * p_spis,
-                                      uint8_t def)
-    p_spis->DEF = def;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif // NRF_SPIS_H__
-/** @} */
diff --git a/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/drivers_nrf/hal/nrf_temp.h b/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/drivers_nrf/hal/nrf_temp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2075bd6..0000000
--- a/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/drivers_nrf/hal/nrf_temp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2012 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
- * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC
- *
- * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO
- * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from
- * the file.
- *
- */
-#ifndef NRF_TEMP_H__
-#define NRF_TEMP_H__
-#include "nrf.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-* @defgroup nrf_temperature TEMP (temperature) abstraction
-* @{
-* @ingroup nrf_drivers temperature_example
-* @brief Temperature module init and read functions.
-/**@cond NO_DOXYGEN */
-#define MASK_SIGN           (0x00000200UL)
- * @brief Function for preparing the temp module for temperature measurement.
- *
- * This function initializes the TEMP module and writes to the hidden configuration register.
- */
-static __INLINE void nrf_temp_init(void)
-    /**@note Workaround for PAN_028 rev2.0A anomaly 31 - TEMP: Temperature offset value has to be manually loaded to the TEMP module */
-    *(uint32_t *) 0x4000C504 = 0;
- * @brief Function for reading temperature measurement.
- *
- * The function reads the 10 bit 2's complement value and transforms it to a 32 bit 2's complement value.
- */
-static __INLINE int32_t nrf_temp_read(void)
-    /**@note Workaround for PAN_028 rev2.0A anomaly 28 - TEMP: Negative measured values are not represented correctly */
-/**@endcond */
-/** @} */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/drivers_nrf/hal/nrf_timer.h b/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/drivers_nrf/hal/nrf_timer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c252506..0000000
--- a/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/drivers_nrf/hal/nrf_timer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,584 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2014 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
- * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC
- *
- * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO
- * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from
- * the file.
- *
- */
- * @defgroup nrf_timer_hal Timer HAL
- * @{
- * @ingroup nrf_timer
- *
- * @brief Hardware access layer for accessing the timer peripheral.
- */
-#ifndef NRF_TIMER_H__
-#define NRF_TIMER_H__
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "nrf.h"
-#include "nrf_assert.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * @brief Macro for validating the correctness of the BIT_WIDTH setting.
- */
-#ifdef NRF51
-    /**
-     * In the nRF51 Series, timer instance 0 supports all available bit widths.
-     * The other two instances support only 8 and 16 bits.
-     */
-    #define NRF_TIMER_IS_BIT_WIDTH_VALID(p_timer, bit_width) \
-        ((p_timer == NRF_TIMER0) || (bit_width <= NRF_TIMER_BIT_WIDTH_16))
-    /**
-     * In the nRF52 Series, all timer instances support all available bit widths.
-     */
-    #define NRF_TIMER_IS_BIT_WIDTH_VALID(p_timer, bit_width) true
- * @brief Macro for getting the number of capture/compare channels available
- *        in a given timer instance.
- */
-#ifdef NRF51
-    #define NRF_TIMER_CC_CHANNEL_COUNT(id)  4
-    #define NRF_TIMER_CC_CHANNEL_COUNT(id)  ((id) <= 2 ? 4 : 6)
- * @brief Timer tasks.
- */
-typedef enum
-    /*lint -save -e30 -esym(628,__INTADDR__)*/
-    NRF_TIMER_TASK_START    = offsetof(NRF_TIMER_Type, TASKS_START),      ///< Task for starting the timer.
-    NRF_TIMER_TASK_STOP     = offsetof(NRF_TIMER_Type, TASKS_STOP),       ///< Task for stopping the timer.
-    NRF_TIMER_TASK_COUNT    = offsetof(NRF_TIMER_Type, TASKS_COUNT),      ///< Task for incrementing the timer (in counter mode).
-    NRF_TIMER_TASK_CLEAR    = offsetof(NRF_TIMER_Type, TASKS_CLEAR),      ///< Task for resetting the timer value.
-    NRF_TIMER_TASK_SHUTDOWN = offsetof(NRF_TIMER_Type, TASKS_SHUTDOWN),   ///< Task for powering off the timer.
-    NRF_TIMER_TASK_CAPTURE0 = offsetof(NRF_TIMER_Type, TASKS_CAPTURE[0]), ///< Task for capturing the timer value on channel 0.
-    NRF_TIMER_TASK_CAPTURE1 = offsetof(NRF_TIMER_Type, TASKS_CAPTURE[1]), ///< Task for capturing the timer value on channel 1.
-    NRF_TIMER_TASK_CAPTURE2 = offsetof(NRF_TIMER_Type, TASKS_CAPTURE[2]), ///< Task for capturing the timer value on channel 2.
-    NRF_TIMER_TASK_CAPTURE3 = offsetof(NRF_TIMER_Type, TASKS_CAPTURE[3]), ///< Task for capturing the timer value on channel 3.
-#ifdef NRF52
-    NRF_TIMER_TASK_CAPTURE4 = offsetof(NRF_TIMER_Type, TASKS_CAPTURE[4]), ///< Task for capturing the timer value on channel 4.
-    NRF_TIMER_TASK_CAPTURE5 = offsetof(NRF_TIMER_Type, TASKS_CAPTURE[5]), ///< Task for capturing the timer value on channel 5.
-    /*lint -restore*/
-} nrf_timer_task_t;
- * @brief Timer events.
- */
-typedef enum
-    /*lint -save -e30*/
-    NRF_TIMER_EVENT_COMPARE0 = offsetof(NRF_TIMER_Type, EVENTS_COMPARE[0]), ///< Event from compare channel 0.
-    NRF_TIMER_EVENT_COMPARE1 = offsetof(NRF_TIMER_Type, EVENTS_COMPARE[1]), ///< Event from compare channel 1.
-    NRF_TIMER_EVENT_COMPARE2 = offsetof(NRF_TIMER_Type, EVENTS_COMPARE[2]), ///< Event from compare channel 2.
-    NRF_TIMER_EVENT_COMPARE3 = offsetof(NRF_TIMER_Type, EVENTS_COMPARE[3]), ///< Event from compare channel 3.
-#ifdef NRF52
-    NRF_TIMER_EVENT_COMPARE4 = offsetof(NRF_TIMER_Type, EVENTS_COMPARE[4]), ///< Event from compare channel 4.
-    NRF_TIMER_EVENT_COMPARE5 = offsetof(NRF_TIMER_Type, EVENTS_COMPARE[5]), ///< Event from compare channel 5.
-    /*lint -restore*/
-} nrf_timer_event_t;
- * @brief Types of timer shortcuts.
- */
-typedef enum
-    NRF_TIMER_SHORT_COMPARE0_STOP_MASK = TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE0_STOP_Msk,   ///< Shortcut for stopping the timer based on compare 0.
-    NRF_TIMER_SHORT_COMPARE1_STOP_MASK = TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE1_STOP_Msk,   ///< Shortcut for stopping the timer based on compare 1.
-    NRF_TIMER_SHORT_COMPARE2_STOP_MASK = TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE2_STOP_Msk,   ///< Shortcut for stopping the timer based on compare 2.
-    NRF_TIMER_SHORT_COMPARE3_STOP_MASK = TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE3_STOP_Msk,   ///< Shortcut for stopping the timer based on compare 3.
-#ifdef NRF52
-    NRF_TIMER_SHORT_COMPARE4_STOP_MASK = TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE4_STOP_Msk,   ///< Shortcut for stopping the timer based on compare 4.
-    NRF_TIMER_SHORT_COMPARE5_STOP_MASK = TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE5_STOP_Msk,   ///< Shortcut for stopping the timer based on compare 5.
-    NRF_TIMER_SHORT_COMPARE0_CLEAR_MASK = TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE0_CLEAR_Msk, ///< Shortcut for clearing the timer based on compare 0.
-    NRF_TIMER_SHORT_COMPARE1_CLEAR_MASK = TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE1_CLEAR_Msk, ///< Shortcut for clearing the timer based on compare 1.
-    NRF_TIMER_SHORT_COMPARE2_CLEAR_MASK = TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE2_CLEAR_Msk, ///< Shortcut for clearing the timer based on compare 2.
-    NRF_TIMER_SHORT_COMPARE3_CLEAR_MASK = TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE3_CLEAR_Msk, ///< Shortcut for clearing the timer based on compare 3.
-#ifdef NRF52
-    NRF_TIMER_SHORT_COMPARE4_CLEAR_MASK = TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE4_CLEAR_Msk, ///< Shortcut for clearing the timer based on compare 4.
-    NRF_TIMER_SHORT_COMPARE5_CLEAR_MASK = TIMER_SHORTS_COMPARE5_CLEAR_Msk, ///< Shortcut for clearing the timer based on compare 5.
-} nrf_timer_short_mask_t;
- * @brief Timer modes.
- */
-typedef enum
-    NRF_TIMER_MODE_TIMER             = TIMER_MODE_MODE_Timer,           ///< Timer mode: timer.
-    NRF_TIMER_MODE_COUNTER           = TIMER_MODE_MODE_Counter,         ///< Timer mode: counter.
-#ifdef NRF52
-    NRF_TIMER_MODE_LOW_POWER_COUNTER = TIMER_MODE_MODE_LowPowerCounter, ///< Timer mode: low-power counter.
-} nrf_timer_mode_t;
- * @brief Timer bit width.
- */
-typedef enum
-    NRF_TIMER_BIT_WIDTH_8  = TIMER_BITMODE_BITMODE_08Bit, ///< Timer bit width 8 bit.
-    NRF_TIMER_BIT_WIDTH_16 = TIMER_BITMODE_BITMODE_16Bit, ///< Timer bit width 16 bit.
-    NRF_TIMER_BIT_WIDTH_24 = TIMER_BITMODE_BITMODE_24Bit, ///< Timer bit width 24 bit.
-    NRF_TIMER_BIT_WIDTH_32 = TIMER_BITMODE_BITMODE_32Bit  ///< Timer bit width 32 bit.
-} nrf_timer_bit_width_t;
- * @brief Timer prescalers.
- */
-typedef enum
-    NRF_TIMER_FREQ_16MHz = 0, ///< Timer frequency 16 MHz.
-    NRF_TIMER_FREQ_8MHz,      ///< Timer frequency 8 MHz.
-    NRF_TIMER_FREQ_4MHz,      ///< Timer frequency 4 MHz.
-    NRF_TIMER_FREQ_2MHz,      ///< Timer frequency 2 MHz.
-    NRF_TIMER_FREQ_1MHz,      ///< Timer frequency 1 MHz.
-    NRF_TIMER_FREQ_500kHz,    ///< Timer frequency 500 kHz.
-    NRF_TIMER_FREQ_250kHz,    ///< Timer frequency 250 kHz.
-    NRF_TIMER_FREQ_125kHz,    ///< Timer frequency 125 kHz.
-    NRF_TIMER_FREQ_62500Hz,   ///< Timer frequency 62500 Hz.
-    NRF_TIMER_FREQ_31250Hz    ///< Timer frequency 31250 Hz.
-} nrf_timer_frequency_t;
- * @brief Timer capture/compare channels.
- */
-typedef enum
-    NRF_TIMER_CC_CHANNEL0 = 0, ///< Timer capture/compare channel 0.
-    NRF_TIMER_CC_CHANNEL1,     ///< Timer capture/compare channel 1.
-    NRF_TIMER_CC_CHANNEL2,     ///< Timer capture/compare channel 2.
-    NRF_TIMER_CC_CHANNEL3,     ///< Timer capture/compare channel 3.
-#ifdef NRF52
-    NRF_TIMER_CC_CHANNEL4,     ///< Timer capture/compare channel 4.
-    NRF_TIMER_CC_CHANNEL5,     ///< Timer capture/compare channel 5.
-} nrf_timer_cc_channel_t;
- * @brief Timer interrupts.
- */
-typedef enum
-    NRF_TIMER_INT_COMPARE0_MASK = TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE0_Msk, ///< Timer interrupt from compare event on channel 0.
-    NRF_TIMER_INT_COMPARE1_MASK = TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE1_Msk, ///< Timer interrupt from compare event on channel 1.
-    NRF_TIMER_INT_COMPARE2_MASK = TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE2_Msk, ///< Timer interrupt from compare event on channel 2.
-    NRF_TIMER_INT_COMPARE3_MASK = TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE3_Msk, ///< Timer interrupt from compare event on channel 3.
-#ifdef NRF52
-    NRF_TIMER_INT_COMPARE4_MASK = TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE4_Msk, ///< Timer interrupt from compare event on channel 4.
-    NRF_TIMER_INT_COMPARE5_MASK = TIMER_INTENSET_COMPARE5_Msk, ///< Timer interrupt from compare event on channel 5.
-} nrf_timer_int_mask_t;
- * @brief Function for activating a specific timer task.
- *
- * @param[in] p_timer Timer instance.
- * @param[in] task    Task to activate.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_timer_task_trigger(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                            nrf_timer_task_t task);
- * @brief Function for getting the address of a specific timer task register.
- *
- * @param[in] p_timer Timer instance.
- * @param[in] task    Requested task.
- *
- * @return Address of the specified task register.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t * nrf_timer_task_address_get(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                                      nrf_timer_task_t task);
- * @brief Function for clearing a specific timer event.
- *
- * @param[in] p_timer Timer instance.
- * @param[in] event   Event to clear.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_timer_event_clear(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                           nrf_timer_event_t event);
- * @brief Function for checking the state of a specific timer event.
- *
- * @param[in] p_timer Timer instance.
- * @param[in] event   Event to check.
- *
- * @retval true  If the event is set.
- * @retval false If the event is not set.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE bool nrf_timer_event_check(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                           nrf_timer_event_t event);
- * @brief Function for getting the address of a specific timer event register.
- *
- * @param[in] p_timer Timer instance.
- * @param[in] event   Requested event.
- *
- * @return Address of the specified event register.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t * nrf_timer_event_address_get(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                                       nrf_timer_event_t event);
- * @brief Function for enabling specified shortcuts.
- *
- * @param[in] p_timer           Timer instance.
- * @param[in] timer_shorts_mask Shortcuts to enable.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_timer_shorts_enable(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                             uint32_t timer_shorts_mask);
- * @brief Function for disabling specified shortcuts.
- *
- * @param[in] p_timer           Timer instance.
- * @param[in] timer_shorts_mask Shortcuts to disable.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_timer_shorts_disable(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                              uint32_t timer_shorts_mask);
- * @brief Function for enabling specified interrupts.
- *
- * @param[in] p_timer        Timer instance.
- * @param[in] timer_int_mask Interrupts to enable.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_timer_int_enable(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                          uint32_t timer_int_mask);
- * @brief Function for disabling specified interrupts.
- *
- * @param[in] p_timer        Timer instance.
- * @param[in] timer_int_mask Interrupts to disable.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_timer_int_disable(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                           uint32_t timer_int_mask);
- * @brief Function for retrieving the state of a given interrupt.
- *
- * @param[in] p_timer   Timer instance.
- * @param[in] timer_int Interrupt to check.
- *
- * @retval true  If the interrupt is enabled.
- * @retval false If the interrupt is not enabled.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE bool nrf_timer_int_enable_check(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                                uint32_t timer_int);
- * @brief Function for setting the timer mode.
- *
- * @param[in] p_timer Timer instance.
- * @param[in] mode    Timer mode.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_timer_mode_set(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                        nrf_timer_mode_t mode);
- * @brief Function for retrieving the timer mode.
- *
- * @param[in] p_timer Timer instance.
- *
- * @return Timer mode.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE nrf_timer_mode_t nrf_timer_mode_get(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer);
- * @brief Function for setting the timer bit width.
- *
- * @param[in] p_timer   Timer instance.
- * @param[in] bit_width Timer bit width.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_timer_bit_width_set(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                             nrf_timer_bit_width_t bit_width);
- * @brief Function for retrieving the timer bit width.
- *
- * @param[in] p_timer Timer instance.
- *
- * @return Timer bit width.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE nrf_timer_bit_width_t nrf_timer_bit_width_get(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer);
- * @brief Function for setting the timer frequency.
- *
- * @param[in] p_timer   Timer instance.
- * @param[in] frequency Timer frequency.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_timer_frequency_set(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                             nrf_timer_frequency_t frequency);
- * @brief Function for retrieving the timer frequency.
- *
- * @param[in] p_timer Timer instance.
- *
- * @return Timer frequency.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE nrf_timer_frequency_t nrf_timer_frequency_get(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer);
- * @brief Function for writing the capture/compare register for a specified channel.
- *
- * @param[in] p_timer    Timer instance.
- * @param[in] cc_channel Requested capture/compare channel.
- * @param[in] cc_value   Value to write to the capture/compare register.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_timer_cc_write(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                        nrf_timer_cc_channel_t cc_channel,
-                                        uint32_t               cc_value);
- * @brief Function for retrieving the capture/compare value for a specified channel.
- *
- * @param[in] p_timer    Timer instance.
- * @param[in] cc_channel Requested capture/compare channel.
- *
- * @return Value from the requested capture/compare register.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_timer_cc_read(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                           nrf_timer_cc_channel_t cc_channel);
- * @brief Function for getting a specific timer capture task.
- *
- * @param[in] channel Capture channel.
- *
- * @return Capture task.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE nrf_timer_task_t nrf_timer_capture_task_get(uint32_t channel);
- * @brief Function for getting a specific timer compare event.
- *
- * @param[in] channel Compare channel.
- *
- * @return Compare event.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE nrf_timer_event_t nrf_timer_compare_event_get(uint32_t channel);
- * @brief Function for getting a specific timer compare interrupt.
- *
- * @param[in] channel Compare channel.
- *
- * @return Compare interrupt.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE nrf_timer_int_mask_t nrf_timer_compare_int_get(uint32_t channel);
- * @brief Function for calculating the number of timer ticks for a given time
- *        (in microseconds) and timer frequency.
- *
- * @param[in] time_us   Time in microseconds.
- * @param[in] frequency Timer frequency.
- *
- * @return Number of timer ticks.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_timer_us_to_ticks(uint32_t time_us,
-                                               nrf_timer_frequency_t frequency);
- * @brief Function for calculating the number of timer ticks for a given time
- *        (in milliseconds) and timer frequency.
- *
- * @param[in] time_ms   Time in milliseconds.
- * @param[in] frequency Timer frequency.
- *
- * @return Number of timer ticks.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_timer_ms_to_ticks(uint32_t time_ms,
-                                               nrf_timer_frequency_t frequency);
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_timer_task_trigger(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                            nrf_timer_task_t task)
-    *((volatile uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)p_timer + (uint32_t)task)) = 0x1UL;
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t * nrf_timer_task_address_get(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                                      nrf_timer_task_t task)
-    return (uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)p_timer + (uint32_t)task);
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_timer_event_clear(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                           nrf_timer_event_t event)
-    *((volatile uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)p_timer + (uint32_t)event)) = 0x0UL;
-__STATIC_INLINE bool nrf_timer_event_check(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                           nrf_timer_event_t event)
-    return (bool)*(volatile uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)p_timer + (uint32_t)event);
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t * nrf_timer_event_address_get(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                                       nrf_timer_event_t event)
-    return (uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)p_timer + (uint32_t)event);
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_timer_shorts_enable(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                             uint32_t timer_shorts_mask)
-    p_timer->SHORTS |= timer_shorts_mask;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_timer_shorts_disable(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                              uint32_t timer_shorts_mask)
-    p_timer->SHORTS &= ~(timer_shorts_mask);
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_timer_int_enable(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                          uint32_t timer_int_mask)
-    p_timer->INTENSET = timer_int_mask;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_timer_int_disable(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                           uint32_t timer_int_mask)
-    p_timer->INTENCLR = timer_int_mask;
-__STATIC_INLINE bool nrf_timer_int_enable_check(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                                uint32_t timer_int)
-    return (bool)(p_timer->INTENSET & timer_int);
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_timer_mode_set(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                        nrf_timer_mode_t mode)
-    p_timer->MODE = (p_timer->MODE & ~TIMER_MODE_MODE_Msk) |
-                    ((mode << TIMER_MODE_MODE_Pos) & TIMER_MODE_MODE_Msk);
-__STATIC_INLINE nrf_timer_mode_t nrf_timer_mode_get(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer)
-    return (nrf_timer_mode_t)(p_timer->MODE);
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_timer_bit_width_set(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                             nrf_timer_bit_width_t bit_width)
-    p_timer->BITMODE = (p_timer->BITMODE & ~TIMER_BITMODE_BITMODE_Msk) |
-                       ((bit_width << TIMER_BITMODE_BITMODE_Pos) &
-                            TIMER_BITMODE_BITMODE_Msk);
-__STATIC_INLINE nrf_timer_bit_width_t nrf_timer_bit_width_get(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer)
-    return (nrf_timer_bit_width_t)(p_timer->BITMODE);
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_timer_frequency_set(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                             nrf_timer_frequency_t frequency)
-                         ((frequency << TIMER_PRESCALER_PRESCALER_Pos) &
-                              TIMER_PRESCALER_PRESCALER_Msk);
-__STATIC_INLINE nrf_timer_frequency_t nrf_timer_frequency_get(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer)
-    return (nrf_timer_frequency_t)(p_timer->PRESCALER);
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_timer_cc_write(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                        nrf_timer_cc_channel_t cc_channel,
-                                        uint32_t               cc_value)
-    p_timer->CC[cc_channel] = cc_value;
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_timer_cc_read(NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer,
-                                           nrf_timer_cc_channel_t cc_channel)
-    return (uint32_t)p_timer->CC[cc_channel];
-__STATIC_INLINE nrf_timer_task_t nrf_timer_capture_task_get(uint32_t channel)
-    return (nrf_timer_task_t)
-        ((uint32_t)NRF_TIMER_TASK_CAPTURE0 + (channel * sizeof(uint32_t)));
-__STATIC_INLINE nrf_timer_event_t nrf_timer_compare_event_get(uint32_t channel)
-    return (nrf_timer_event_t)
-        ((uint32_t)NRF_TIMER_EVENT_COMPARE0 + (channel * sizeof(uint32_t)));
-__STATIC_INLINE nrf_timer_int_mask_t nrf_timer_compare_int_get(uint32_t channel)
-    return (nrf_timer_int_mask_t)
-        ((uint32_t)NRF_TIMER_INT_COMPARE0_MASK << channel);
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_timer_us_to_ticks(uint32_t time_us,
-                                               nrf_timer_frequency_t frequency)
-    // The "frequency" parameter here is actually the prescaler value, and the
-    // timer runs at the following frequency: f = 16 MHz / 2^prescaler.
-    uint32_t prescaler = (uint32_t)frequency;
-    ASSERT(time_us <= (UINT32_MAX / 16UL));
-    return ((time_us * 16UL) >> prescaler);
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_timer_ms_to_ticks(uint32_t time_ms,
-                                               nrf_timer_frequency_t frequency)
-    // The "frequency" parameter here is actually the prescaler value, and the
-    // timer runs at the following frequency: f = 16000 kHz / 2^prescaler.
-    uint32_t prescaler = (uint32_t)frequency;
-    ASSERT(time_ms <= (UINT32_MAX / 16000UL));
-    return ((time_ms * 16000UL) >> prescaler);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif // NRF_TIMER_H__
-/** @} */
diff --git a/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/drivers_nrf/hal/nrf_twi.h b/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/drivers_nrf/hal/nrf_twi.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b5ddaeb..0000000
--- a/hw/mcu/nordic/src/ext/nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197/components/drivers_nrf/hal/nrf_twi.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,410 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2015 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
- * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC
- *
- * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO
- * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from
- * the file.
- *
- */
-#ifndef NRF_TWI_H__
-#define NRF_TWI_H__
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * @defgroup nrf_twi_hal TWI HAL
- * @{
- * @ingroup nrf_twi_master
- *
- * @brief Hardware access layer for managing the TWI peripheral.
- */
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include "nrf.h"
- * @brief TWI tasks.
- */
-typedef enum
-    /*lint -save -e30*/
-    NRF_TWI_TASK_STARTRX = offsetof(NRF_TWI_Type, TASKS_STARTRX), ///< Start TWI receive sequence.
-    NRF_TWI_TASK_STARTTX = offsetof(NRF_TWI_Type, TASKS_STARTTX), ///< Start TWI transmit sequence.
-    NRF_TWI_TASK_STOP    = offsetof(NRF_TWI_Type, TASKS_STOP),    ///< Stop TWI transaction.
-    NRF_TWI_TASK_SUSPEND = offsetof(NRF_TWI_Type, TASKS_SUSPEND), ///< Suspend TWI transaction.
-    NRF_TWI_TASK_RESUME  = offsetof(NRF_TWI_Type, TASKS_RESUME)   ///< Resume TWI transaction.
-    /*lint -restore*/
-} nrf_twi_task_t;
- * @brief TWI events.
- */
-typedef enum
-    /*lint -save -e30*/
-    NRF_TWI_EVENT_STOPPED   = offsetof(NRF_TWI_Type, EVENTS_STOPPED),  ///< TWI stopped.
-    NRF_TWI_EVENT_RXDREADY  = offsetof(NRF_TWI_Type, EVENTS_RXDREADY), ///< TWI RXD byte received.
-    NRF_TWI_EVENT_TXDSENT   = offsetof(NRF_TWI_Type, EVENTS_TXDSENT),  ///< TWI TXD byte sent.
-    NRF_TWI_EVENT_ERROR     = offsetof(NRF_TWI_Type, EVENTS_ERROR),    ///< TWI error.
-    NRF_TWI_EVENT_BB        = offsetof(NRF_TWI_Type, EVENTS_BB),       ///< TWI byte boundary, generated before each byte that is sent or received.
-    NRF_TWI_EVENT_SUSPENDED = offsetof(NRF_TWI_Type, EVENTS_SUSPENDED) ///< TWI entered the suspended state.
-    /*lint -restore*/
-} nrf_twi_event_t;
- * @brief TWI shortcuts.
- */
-typedef enum
-    NRF_TWI_SHORT_BB_SUSPEND_MASK = TWI_SHORTS_BB_SUSPEND_Msk, ///< Shortcut between BB event and SUSPEND task.
-    NRF_TWI_SHORT_BB_STOP_MASK    = TWI_SHORTS_BB_STOP_Msk,    ///< Shortcut between BB event and STOP task.
-} nrf_twi_short_mask_t;
- * @brief TWI interrupts.
- */
-typedef enum
-    NRF_TWI_INT_STOPPED_MASK    = TWI_INTENSET_STOPPED_Msk,  ///< Interrupt on STOPPED event.
-    NRF_TWI_INT_TXDSENT_MASK    = TWI_INTENSET_TXDSENT_Msk,  ///< Interrupt on TXDSENT event.
-    NRF_TWI_INT_ERROR_MASK      = TWI_INTENSET_ERROR_Msk,    ///< Interrupt on ERROR event.
-    NRF_TWI_INT_BB_MASK         = TWI_INTENSET_BB_Msk,       ///< Interrupt on BB event.
-} nrf_twi_int_mask_t;
- * @brief TWI error source.
- */
-typedef enum
-    NRF_TWI_ERROR_ADDRESS_NACK = TWI_ERRORSRC_ANACK_Msk,  ///< NACK received after sending the address.
-    NRF_TWI_ERROR_DATA_NACK    = TWI_ERRORSRC_DNACK_Msk,  ///< NACK received after sending a data byte.
-    NRF_TWI_ERROR_OVERRUN      = TWI_ERRORSRC_OVERRUN_Msk ///< Overrun error.
-                                                          /**< A new byte was received before the previous byte was read
-                                                           *   from the RXD register (previous data is lost). */
-} nrf_twi_error_t;
- * @brief TWI master clock frequency.
- */
-typedef enum
-    NRF_TWI_FREQ_100K = TWI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_K100, ///< 100 kbps.
-    NRF_TWI_FREQ_250K = TWI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_K250, ///< 250 kbps.
-    NRF_TWI_FREQ_400K = TWI_FREQUENCY_FREQUENCY_K400  ///< 400 kbps.
-} nrf_twi_frequency_t;
- * @brief Function for activating a specific TWI task.
- *
- * @param[in] p_twi TWI instance.
- * @param[in] task  Task to activate.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_twi_task_trigger(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi,
-                                          nrf_twi_task_t task);
- * @brief Function for getting the address of a specific TWI task register.
- *
- * @param[in] p_twi TWI instance.
- * @param[in] task  Requested task.
- *
- * @return Address of the specified task register.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t * nrf_twi_task_address_get(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi,
-                                                    nrf_twi_task_t task);
- * @brief Function for clearing a specific TWI event.
- *
- * @param[in] p_twi TWI instance.
- * @param[in] event Event to clear.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_twi_event_clear(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi,
-                                         nrf_twi_event_t event);
- * @brief Function for checking the state of a specific event.
- *
- * @param[in] p_twi TWI instance.
- * @param[in] event Event to check.
- *
- * @retval true If the event is set.
- * @retval false If the event is not set.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE bool nrf_twi_event_check(NRF_TWI_Type  * p_twi,
-                                         nrf_twi_event_t event);
- * @brief Function for getting the address of a specific TWI event register.
- *
- * @param[in] p_twi TWI instance.
- * @param[in] event Requested event.
- *
- * @return Address of the specified event register.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t * nrf_twi_event_address_get(NRF_TWI_Type  * p_twi,
-                                                     nrf_twi_event_t event);
- * @brief Function for enabling specified shortcuts.
- *
- * @param[in] p_twi       TWI instance.
- * @param[in] shorts_mask Shortcuts to enable.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_twi_shorts_enable(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi,
-                                           uint32_t shorts_mask);
- * @brief Function for disabling specified shortcuts.
- *
- * @param[in] p_twi       TWI instance.
- * @param[in] shorts_mask Shortcuts to disable.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_twi_shorts_disable(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi,
-                                            uint32_t shorts_mask);
- * @brief Function for enabling specified interrupts.
- *
- * @param[in] p_twi    TWI instance.
- * @param[in] int_mask Interrupts to enable.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_twi_int_enable(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi,
-                                        uint32_t int_mask);
- * @brief Function for disabling specified interrupts.
- *
- * @param[in] p_twi   TWI instance.
- * @param[in] int_mask Interrupts to disable.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_twi_int_disable(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi,
-                                         uint32_t int_mask);
- * @brief Function for retrieving the state of a given interrupt.
- *
- * @param[in] p_twi    TWI instance.
- * @param[in] int_mask Interrupt to check.
- *
- * @retval true  If the interrupt is enabled.
- * @retval false If the interrupt is not enabled.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE bool nrf_twi_int_enable_check(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi,
-                                              nrf_twi_int_mask_t int_mask);
- * @brief Function for enabling the TWI peripheral.
- *
- * @param[in] p_twi TWI instance.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_twi_enable(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi);
- * @brief Function for disabling the TWI peripheral.
- *
- * @param[in] p_twi TWI instance.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_twi_disable(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi);
- * @brief Function for configuring TWI pins.
- *
- *
- * @param[in] p_twi   TWI instance.
- * @param[in] scl_pin SCL pin number.
- * @param[in] sda_pin SDA pin number.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_twi_pins_set(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi,
-                                      uint32_t scl_pin,
-                                      uint32_t sda_pin);
- * @brief Function for setting the TWI master clock frequency.
- *
- * @param[in] p_twi     TWI instance.
- * @param[in] frequency TWI frequency.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_twi_frequency_set(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi,
-                                           nrf_twi_frequency_t frequency);
- * @brief Function for checking the TWI error source.
- *
- * The error flags are cleared after reading.
- *
- * @param[in] p_twi TWI instance.
- *
- * @return Mask with error source flags.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_twi_errorsrc_get_and_clear(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi);
- * @brief Function for setting the address to be used in TWI transfers.
- *
- * @param[in] p_twi   TWI instance.
- * @param[in] address Address to be used in transfers.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_twi_address_set(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi, uint8_t address);
- * @brief Function for reading data received by TWI.
- *
- * @param[in] p_twi TWI instance.
- *
- * @return Received data.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t nrf_twi_rxd_get(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi);
- * @brief Function for writing data to be transmitted by TWI.
- *
- * @param[in] p_twi TWI instance.
- * @param[in] data  Data to be transmitted.
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_twi_txd_set(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi, uint8_t data);
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_twi_shorts_set(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi,
-                                        uint32_t shorts_mask);
- * @}
- */
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_twi_task_trigger(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi,
-                                          nrf_twi_task_t task)
-    *((volatile uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)p_twi + (uint32_t)task)) = 0x1UL;
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t * nrf_twi_task_address_get(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi,
-                                                    nrf_twi_task_t task)
-    return (uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)p_twi + (uint32_t)task);
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_twi_event_clear(NRF_TWI_Type  * p_twi,
-                                         nrf_twi_event_t event)
-    *((volatile uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)p_twi + (uint32_t)event)) = 0x0UL;
-__STATIC_INLINE bool nrf_twi_event_check(NRF_TWI_Type  * p_twi,
-                                         nrf_twi_event_t event)
-    return (bool)*(volatile uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)p_twi + (uint32_t)event);
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t * nrf_twi_event_address_get(NRF_TWI_Type  * p_twi,
-                                                     nrf_twi_event_t event)
-    return (uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)p_twi + (uint32_t)event);
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_twi_shorts_enable(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi,
-                                           uint32_t shorts_mask)
-    p_twi->SHORTS |= shorts_mask;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_twi_shorts_disable(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi,
-                                            uint32_t shorts_mask)
-    p_twi->SHORTS &= ~(shorts_mask);
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_twi_int_enable(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi,
-                                        uint32_t int_mask)
-    p_twi->INTENSET = int_mask;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_twi_int_disable(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi,
-                                         uint32_t int_mask)
-    p_twi->INTENCLR = int_mask;
-__STATIC_INLINE bool nrf_twi_int_enable_check(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi,
-                                              nrf_twi_int_mask_t int_mask)
-    return (bool)(p_twi->INTENSET & int_mask);
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_twi_enable(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi)
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_twi_disable(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi)
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_twi_pins_set(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi,
-                                      uint32_t scl_pin,
-                                      uint32_t sda_pin)
-    p_twi->PSELSCL = scl_pin;
-    p_twi->PSELSDA = sda_pin;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_twi_frequency_set(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi,
-                                           nrf_twi_frequency_t frequency)
-    p_twi->FREQUENCY = frequency;
-__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t nrf_twi_errorsrc_get_and_clear(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi)
-    uint32_t error_source = p_twi->ERRORSRC;
-    // [error flags are cleared by writing '1' on their position]
-    p_twi->ERRORSRC = error_source;
-    return error_source;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_twi_address_set(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi, uint8_t address)
-    p_twi->ADDRESS = address;
-__STATIC_INLINE uint8_t nrf_twi_rxd_get(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi)
-    return (uint8_t)p_twi->RXD;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_twi_txd_set(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi, uint8_t data)
-    p_twi->TXD = data;
-__STATIC_INLINE void nrf_twi_shorts_set(NRF_TWI_Type * p_twi,
-                                        uint32_t shorts_mask)
-    p_twi->SHORTS = shorts_mask;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif // NRF_TWI_H__