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Posted to by Martin Studer <> on 2011/07/06 09:05:25 UTC

Question about HSSFSheet drawing patriarch

Dear POI Users/Developers,

I've got a question on the HSSFSheet drawing patriarch. In the documentation
of HSSFSheet.createDrawingPatriarch it says: "Creates the top-level drawing
patriarch. This will have the effect of removing any existing drawings on
this sheet. This may then be used to add graphics or charts."

So given that I have a workbook that already contains images, I would expect
any existing images to be removed. However, the effect that I get when
calling HSSFSheet.createDrawingPatriarch (and later Drawing.createPicture)
is that the previous images will just be replaced with the new image - they
are not removed. Also, the image does not appear at the new location
(anchor) that I've set.

Here is an excerpt of the code:

InputStream is = new FileInputStream(imageFile);

        byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(is);

        int imageIndex = workbook.addPicture(bytes, imageType);


Drawing drawing = sheet.createDrawingPatriarch();

        CreationHelper helper = workbook.getCreationHelper();

        ClientAnchor anchor = helper.createClientAnchor();



        anchor.setRow2(bottomRight.getRow() + 1);

        anchor.setCol2(bottomRight.getCol() + 1);


        Picture picture = drawing.createPicture(anchor, imageIndex);


I guess I must be doing something wrong? I'm using POI 3.8-beta3.


Any help is very much appreciated.



Thank you and best regards,
