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Posted to by on 2014/12/25 16:46:19 UTC

[15/19] ambari git commit: AMBARI-8918 Remove support for HDP 1.3 Stack in Ambari 2.0.0. (ababiichuk)
diff --git a/ambari-web/app/assets/data/wizard/stack/hdp/version01/HDFS.json b/ambari-web/app/assets/data/wizard/stack/hdp/version01/HDFS.json
deleted file mode 100644
index ef101e0..0000000
--- a/ambari-web/app/assets/data/wizard/stack/hdp/version01/HDFS.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-  "name" : "HDFS",
-  "version" : "",
-  "user" : "root",
-  "comment" : "This is comment for HDFS service",
-  "properties" : [ {
-    "name" : "dfs.replication.max",
-    "value" : "50",
-    "description" : "Maximal block replication.\n  ",
-    "filename" : "hdfs-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "dfs.heartbeat.interval",
-    "value" : "3",
-    "description" : "Determines datanode heartbeat interval in seconds.",
-    "filename" : "hdfs-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "dfs.safemode.threshold.pct",
-    "value" : "1.0f",
-    "description" : "\n        Specifies the percentage of blocks that should satisfy\n        the minimal replication requirement defined by dfs.replication.min.\n        Values less than or equal to 0 mean not to start in safe mode.\n        Values greater than 1 will make safe mode permanent.\n        ",
-    "filename" : "hdfs-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "dfs.balance.bandwidthPerSec",
-    "value" : "6250000",
-    "description" : "\n        Specifies the maximum amount of bandwidth that each datanode\n        can utilize for the balancing purpose in term of\n        the number of bytes per second.\n  ",
-    "filename" : "hdfs-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "dfs.block.size",
-    "value" : "134217728",
-    "description" : "The default block size for new files.",
-    "filename" : "hdfs-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "dfs.datanode.ipc.address",
-    "value" : "",
-    "description" : "\nThe datanode ipc server address and port.\nIf the port is 0 then the server will start on a free port.\n",
-    "filename" : "hdfs-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "dfs.blockreport.initialDelay",
-    "value" : "120",
-    "description" : "Delay for first block report in seconds.",
-    "filename" : "hdfs-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "dfs.datanode.du.pct",
-    "value" : "0.85f",
-    "description" : "When calculating remaining space, only use this percentage of the real available space\n",
-    "filename" : "hdfs-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "dfs.namenode.handler.count",
-    "value" : "40",
-    "description" : "The number of server threads for the namenode.",
-    "filename" : "hdfs-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "dfs.datanode.max.xcievers",
-    "value" : "1024",
-    "description" : "PRIVATE CONFIG VARIABLE",
-    "filename" : "hdfs-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "dfs.umaskmode",
-    "value" : "077",
-    "description" : "\nThe octal umask used when creating files and directories.\n",
-    "filename" : "hdfs-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "dfs.web.ugi",
-    "value" : "gopher,gopher",
-    "description" : "The user account used by the web interface.\nSyntax: USERNAME,GROUP1,GROUP2, ...\n",
-    "filename" : "hdfs-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "dfs.permissions",
-    "value" : "true",
-    "description" : "\nIf \"true\", enable permission checking in HDFS.\nIf \"false\", permission checking is turned off,\nbut all other behavior is unchanged.\nSwitching from one parameter value to the other does not change the mode,\nowner or group of files or directories.\n",
-    "filename" : "hdfs-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "dfs.permissions.supergroup",
-    "value" : "hdfs",
-    "description" : "The name of the group of super-users.",
-    "filename" : "hdfs-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "dfs.namenode.handler.count",
-    "value" : "100",
-    "description" : "Added to grow Queue size so that more client connections are allowed",
-    "filename" : "hdfs-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "ipc.server.max.response.size",
-    "value" : "5242880",
-    "description" : null,
-    "filename" : "hdfs-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "dfs.block.access.token.enable",
-    "value" : "true",
-    "description" : "\nIf \"true\", access tokens are used as capabilities for accessing datanodes.\nIf \"false\", no access tokens are checked on accessing datanodes.\n",
-    "filename" : "hdfs-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "dfs.secondary.https.port",
-    "value" : "50490",
-    "description" : "The https port where secondary-namenode binds",
-    "filename" : "hdfs-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "dfs.https.port",
-    "value" : "50470",
-    "description" : "The https port where namenode binds",
-    "filename" : "hdfs-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "dfs.access.time.precision",
-    "value" : "0",
-    "description" : "The access time for HDFS file is precise upto this value.\n               The default value is 1 hour. Setting a value of 0 disables\n               access times for HDFS.\n  ",
-    "filename" : "hdfs-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "dfs.cluster.administrators",
-    "value" : " hdfs",
-    "description" : "ACL for who all can view the default servlets in the HDFS",
-    "filename" : "hdfs-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "",
-    "value" : "5",
-    "description" : null,
-    "filename" : "hdfs-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "io.file.buffer.size",
-    "value" : "131072",
-    "description" : "The size of buffer for use in sequence files.\n  The size of this buffer should probably be a multiple of hardware\n  page size (4096 on Intel x86), and it determines how much data is\n  buffered during read and write operations.",
-    "filename" : "core-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "io.serializations",
-    "value" : "",
-    "description" : null,
-    "filename" : "core-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "io.compression.codec.lzo.class",
-    "value" : "com.hadoop.compression.lzo.LzoCodec",
-    "description" : "The implementation for lzo codec.",
-    "filename" : "core-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "fs.trash.interval",
-    "value" : "360",
-    "description" : "Number of minutes between trash checkpoints.\n  If zero, the trash feature is disabled.\n  ",
-    "filename" : "core-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "fs.checkpoint.edits.dir",
-    "value" : "${fs.checkpoint.dir}",
-    "description" : "Determines where on the local filesystem the DFS secondary\n        name node should store the temporary edits to merge.\n        If this is a comma-delimited list of directoires then teh edits is\n        replicated in all of the directoires for redundancy.\n        Default value is same as fs.checkpoint.dir\n    ",
-    "filename" : "core-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "fs.checkpoint.period",
-    "value" : "21600",
-    "description" : "The number of seconds between two periodic checkpoints.\n  ",
-    "filename" : "core-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "fs.checkpoint.size",
-    "value" : "536870912",
-    "description" : "The size of the current edit log (in bytes) that triggers\n       a periodic checkpoint even if the fs.checkpoint.period hasn't expired.\n  ",
-    "filename" : "core-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "ipc.client.idlethreshold",
-    "value" : "8000",
-    "description" : "Defines the threshold number of connections after which\n               connections will be inspected for idleness.\n  ",
-    "filename" : "core-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "ipc.client.connection.maxidletime",
-    "value" : "30000",
-    "description" : "The maximum time after which a client will bring down the\n               connection to the server.\n  ",
-    "filename" : "core-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "ipc.client.connect.max.retries",
-    "value" : "50",
-    "description" : "Defines the maximum number of retries for IPC connections.",
-    "filename" : "core-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "webinterface.private.actions",
-    "value" : "false",
-    "description" : " If set to true, the web interfaces of JT and NN may contain\n                actions, such as kill job, delete file, etc., that should\n                not be exposed to public. Enable this option if the interfaces\n                are only reachable by those who have the right authorization.\n  ",
-    "filename" : "core-site.xml"
-  } ],
-  "components" : [ {
-    "name" : "NAMENODE",
-    "category" : "MASTER",
-    "client" : false,
-    "master" : true
-  }, {
-    "name" : "DATANODE",
-    "category" : "SLAVE",
-    "client" : false,
-    "master" : false
-  }, {
-    "name" : "SECONDARY_NAMENODE",
-    "category" : "MASTER",
-    "client" : false,
-    "master" : true
-  }, {
-    "name" : "HDFS_CLIENT",
-    "category" : "CLIENT",
-    "client" : true,
-    "master" : false
-  } ],
-  "clientOnlyService" : false,
-  "clientComponent" : {
-    "name" : "HDFS_CLIENT",
-    "category" : "CLIENT",
-    "client" : true,
-    "master" : false
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ambari-web/app/assets/data/wizard/stack/hdp/version01/HIVE.json b/ambari-web/app/assets/data/wizard/stack/hdp/version01/HIVE.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 7adb57d..0000000
--- a/ambari-web/app/assets/data/wizard/stack/hdp/version01/HIVE.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-  "name" : "HIVE",
-  "version" : "",
-  "user" : "root",
-  "comment" : "This is comment for HIVE service",
-  "properties" : [ {
-    "name" : "hive.metastore.local",
-    "value" : "false",
-    "description" : "controls whether to connect to remove metastore server or\n    open a new metastore server in Hive Client JVM",
-    "filename" : "hive-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "javax.jdo.option.ConnectionDriverName",
-    "value" : "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
-    "description" : "Driver class name for a JDBC metastore",
-    "filename" : "hive-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "hive.metastore.warehouse.dir",
-    "value" : "/apps/hive/warehouse",
-    "description" : "location of default database for the warehouse",
-    "filename" : "hive-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "hive.metastore.cache.pinobjtypes",
-    "value" : "Table,Database,Type,FieldSchema,Order",
-    "description" : "List of comma separated metastore object types that should be pinned in the cache",
-    "filename" : "hive-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "hadoop.clientside.fs.operations",
-    "value" : "true",
-    "description" : "FS operations are owned by client",
-    "filename" : "hive-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "hive.metastore.client.socket.timeout",
-    "value" : "60",
-    "description" : "MetaStore Client socket timeout in seconds",
-    "filename" : "hive-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "hive.metastore.execute.setugi",
-    "value" : "true",
-    "description" : "In unsecure mode, setting this property to true will cause the metastore to execute DFS operations using the client's reported user and group permissions. Note that this property must be set on both the client and     server sides. Further note that its best effort. If client sets its to true and server sets it to false, client setting will be ignored.",
-    "filename" : "hive-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "",
-    "value" : "true",
-    "description" : "enable or disable the hive client authorization",
-    "filename" : "hive-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "",
-    "value" : "",
-    "description" : "the hive client authorization manager class name.\n    The user defined authorization class should implement interface  ",
-    "filename" : "hive-site.xml"
-  } ],
-  "components" : [ {
-    "name" : "HIVE_SERVER",
-    "category" : "MASTER",
-    "client" : false,
-    "master" : true
-  }, {
-    "name" : "MYSQL_SERVER",
-    "category" : "MASTER",
-    "client" : false,
-    "master" : true
-  }, {
-    "name" : "HIVE_CLIENT",
-    "category" : "CLIENT",
-    "client" : true,
-    "master" : false
-  } ],
-  "clientOnlyService" : false,
-  "clientComponent" : {
-    "name" : "HIVE_CLIENT",
-    "category" : "CLIENT",
-    "client" : true,
-    "master" : false
-  }
diff --git a/ambari-web/app/assets/data/wizard/stack/hdp/version01/MAPREDUCE.json b/ambari-web/app/assets/data/wizard/stack/hdp/version01/MAPREDUCE.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 93daacb..0000000
--- a/ambari-web/app/assets/data/wizard/stack/hdp/version01/MAPREDUCE.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-  "name" : "MAPREDUCE",
-  "version" : "",
-  "user" : "mapred",
-  "comment" : "This is comment for MAPREDUCE service",
-  "properties" : [ {
-    "name" : "io.sort.record.percent",
-    "value" : ".2",
-    "description" : "No description",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "io.sort.factor",
-    "value" : "100",
-    "description" : "No description",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapred.tasktracker.tasks.sleeptime-before-sigkill",
-    "value" : "250",
-    "description" : "Normally, this is the amount of time before killing\n  processes, and the recommended-default is 5.000 seconds - a value of\n  5000 here.  In this case, we are using it solely to blast tasks before\n  killing them, and killing them very quickly (1/4 second) to guarantee\n  that we do not leave VMs around for later jobs.\n  ",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapred.job.tracker.handler.count",
-    "value" : "50",
-    "description" : "\n    The number of server threads for the JobTracker. This should be roughly\n    4% of the number of tasktracker nodes.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapreduce.cluster.administrators",
-    "value" : " hadoop",
-    "description" : null,
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapred.reduce.parallel.copies",
-    "value" : "30",
-    "description" : "No description",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "tasktracker.http.threads",
-    "value" : "50",
-    "description" : null,
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "",
-    "value" : "false",
-    "description" : "If true, then multiple instances of some map tasks\n               may be executed in parallel.",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapred.reduce.tasks.speculative.execution",
-    "value" : "false",
-    "description" : "If true, then multiple instances of some reduce tasks\n               may be executed in parallel.",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapred.reduce.slowstart.completed.maps",
-    "value" : "0.05",
-    "description" : null,
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapred.inmem.merge.threshold",
-    "value" : "1000",
-    "description" : "The threshold, in terms of the number of files\n  for the in-memory merge process. When we accumulate threshold number of files\n  we initiate the in-memory merge and spill to disk. A value of 0 or less than\n  0 indicates we want to DON'T have any threshold and instead depend only on\n  the ramfs's memory consumption to trigger the merge.\n  ",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapred.job.shuffle.merge.percent",
-    "value" : "0.66",
-    "description" : "The usage threshold at which an in-memory merge will be\n  initiated, expressed as a percentage of the total memory allocated to\n  storing in-memory map outputs, as defined by\n  mapred.job.shuffle.input.buffer.percent.\n  ",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapred.job.shuffle.input.buffer.percent",
-    "value" : "0.7",
-    "description" : "The percentage of memory to be allocated from the maximum heap\n  size to storing map outputs during the shuffle.\n  ",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapred.output.compression.type",
-    "value" : "BLOCK",
-    "description" : "If the job outputs are to compressed as SequenceFiles, how should\n               they be compressed? Should be one of NONE, RECORD or BLOCK.\n  ",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapred.jobtracker.completeuserjobs.maximum",
-    "value" : "0",
-    "description" : null,
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapred.jobtracker.restart.recover",
-    "value" : "false",
-    "description" : "\"true\" to enable (job) recovery upon restart,\n               \"false\" to start afresh\n    ",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapred.job.reduce.input.buffer.percent",
-    "value" : "0.0",
-    "description" : "The percentage of memory- relative to the maximum heap size- to\n  retain map outputs during the reduce. When the shuffle is concluded, any\n  remaining map outputs in memory must consume less than this threshold before\n  the reduce can begin.\n  ",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapreduce.reduce.input.limit",
-    "value" : "10737418240",
-    "description" : "The limit on the input size of the reduce. (This value\n  is 10 Gb.)  If the estimated input size of the reduce is greater than\n  this value, job is failed. A value of -1 means that there is no limit\n  set. ",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapred.task.timeout",
-    "value" : "600000",
-    "description" : "The number of milliseconds before a task will be\n  terminated if it neither reads an input, writes an output, nor\n  updates its status string.\n  ",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "jetty.connector",
-    "value" : "org.mortbay.jetty.nio.SelectChannelConnector",
-    "description" : "No description",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapred.child.root.logger",
-    "value" : "INFO,TLA",
-    "description" : null,
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapred.max.tracker.blacklists",
-    "value" : "16",
-    "description" : "\n    if node is reported blacklisted by 16 successful jobs within timeout-window, it will be graylisted\n  ",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapred.healthChecker.interval",
-    "value" : "135000",
-    "description" : null,
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapred.healthChecker.script.timeout",
-    "value" : "60000",
-    "description" : null,
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "",
-    "value" : "false",
-    "description" : "Indicates if persistency of job status information is\n  active or not.\n  ",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapred.job.tracker.persist.jobstatus.hours",
-    "value" : "1",
-    "description" : "The number of hours job status information is persisted in DFS.\n    The job status information will be available after it drops of the memory\n    queue and between jobtracker restarts. With a zero value the job status\n    information is not persisted at all in DFS.\n  ",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapred.jobtracker.retirejob.check",
-    "value" : "10000",
-    "description" : null,
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapred.jobtracker.retirejob.interval",
-    "value" : "0",
-    "description" : null,
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapred.job.tracker.history.completed.location",
-    "value" : "/mapred/history/done",
-    "description" : "No description",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.marksuccessfuljobs",
-    "value" : "false",
-    "description" : null,
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapred.job.reuse.jvm.num.tasks",
-    "value" : "1",
-    "description" : "\n    How many tasks to run per jvm. If set to -1, there is no limit\n  ",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "hadoop.job.history.user.location",
-    "value" : "none",
-    "description" : null,
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapreduce.jobtracker.staging.root.dir",
-    "value" : "/user",
-    "description" : "The Path prefix for where the staging directories should be placed. The next level is always the user's\n   name. It is a path in the default file system.",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "",
-    "value" : "hadoop",
-    "description" : "The group that the task controller uses for accessing the task controller. The mapred user must be a member and users should *not* be members.",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapreduce.jobtracker.split.metainfo.maxsize",
-    "value" : "50000000",
-    "description" : "If the size of the split metainfo file is larger than this, the JobTracker will fail the job during\n    initialize.\n   ",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapreduce.history.server.embedded",
-    "value" : "false",
-    "description" : "Should job history server be embedded within Job tracker\nprocess",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapred.jobtracker.blacklist.fault-timeout-window",
-    "value" : "180",
-    "description" : "\n    3-hour sliding window (value is in minutes)\n  ",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapred.jobtracker.blacklist.fault-bucket-width",
-    "value" : "15",
-    "description" : "\n    15-minute bucket size (value is in minutes)\n  ",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "mapred.queue.names",
-    "value" : "default",
-    "description" : " Comma separated list of queues configured for this jobtracker.",
-    "filename" : "mapred-site.xml"
-  } ],
-  "components" : [ {
-    "name" : "JOBTRACKER",
-    "category" : "MASTER",
-    "client" : false,
-    "master" : true
-  }, {
-    "name" : "TASKTRACKER",
-    "category" : "SLAVE",
-    "client" : false,
-    "master" : false
-  }, {
-    "name" : "MAPREDUCE_CLIENT",
-    "category" : "CLIENT",
-    "client" : true,
-    "master" : false
-  } ],
-  "clientOnlyService" : false,
-  "clientComponent" : {
-    "name" : "MAPREDUCE_CLIENT",
-    "category" : "CLIENT",
-    "client" : true,
-    "master" : false
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ambari-web/app/assets/data/wizard/stack/hdp/version01/OOZIE.json b/ambari-web/app/assets/data/wizard/stack/hdp/version01/OOZIE.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bf57dd..0000000
--- a/ambari-web/app/assets/data/wizard/stack/hdp/version01/OOZIE.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,640 +0,0 @@
-  "name" : "OOZIE",
-  "version" : "",
-  "user" : "root",
-  "comment" : "This is comment for OOZIE service",
-  "properties" : [ {
-    "name" : "oozie.base.url",
-    "value" : "http://localhost:8080/oozie",
-    "description" : "\n      Base Oozie URL.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "",
-    "value" : "oozie-${}",
-    "description" : "\n      The Oozie system ID.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.systemmode",
-    "value" : "NORMAL",
-    "description" : "\n      System mode for Oozie at startup.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.delete.runtime.dir.on.shutdown",
-    "value" : "true",
-    "description" : "\n      If the runtime directory should be kept after Oozie shutdowns down.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "",
-    "value" : "\n      org.apache.oozie.service.SchedulerService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.InstrumentationService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.CallableQueueService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.UUIDService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.ELService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.AuthorizationService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.HadoopAccessorService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.MemoryLocksService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.DagXLogInfoService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.SchemaService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.LiteWorkflowAppService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.JPAService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.StoreService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.CoordinatorStoreService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.SLAStoreService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.DBLiteWorkflowStoreService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.CallbackService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.ActionService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.ActionCheckerService,\n      org.
 apache.oozie.service.RecoveryService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.PurgeService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.CoordinatorEngineService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.BundleEngineService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.DagEngineService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.CoordMaterializeTriggerService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.StatusTransitService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.PauseTransitService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.GroupsService,\n      org.apache.oozie.service.ProxyUserService\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      All services to be created and managed by Oozie Services singleton.\n      Class names must be separated by commas.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "",
-    "value" : "\n\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      Specifies \"oozie.*\" properties to cannot be overridden via Java system properties.\n      Property names must be separted by commas.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.SchedulerService.threads",
-    "value" : "5",
-    "description" : "\n      The number of threads to be used by the SchedulerService to run deamon tasks.\n      If maxed out, scheduled daemon tasks will be queued up and delayed until threads become available.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.AuthorizationService.authorization.enabled",
-    "value" : "false",
-    "description" : "\n      Specifies whether security (user name/admin role) is enabled or not.\n      If disabled any user can manage Oozie system and manage any job.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "",
-    "value" : "false",
-    "description" : "\n      Enables old behavior where the User's default group is the job's ACL.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.InstrumentationService.logging.interval",
-    "value" : "60",
-    "description" : "\n      Interval, in seconds, at which instrumentation should be logged by the InstrumentationService.\n      If set to 0 it will not log instrumentation data.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.PurgeService.older.than",
-    "value" : "30",
-    "description" : "\n      Completed workflow jobs older than this value, in days, will be purged by the PurgeService.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.PurgeService.coord.older.than",
-    "value" : "7",
-    "description" : "\n      Completed coordinator jobs older than this value, in days, will be purged by the PurgeService.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.PurgeService.bundle.older.than",
-    "value" : "7",
-    "description" : "\n      Completed bundle jobs older than this value, in days, will be purged by the PurgeService.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.PurgeService.purge.limit",
-    "value" : "100",
-    "description" : "\n      Completed Actions purge - limit each purge to this value\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.PurgeService.purge.interval",
-    "value" : "3600",
-    "description" : "\n      Interval at which the purge service will run, in seconds.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "",
-    "value" : "120",
-    "description" : "\n      Age of the actions which are eligible to be queued for recovery, in seconds.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.RecoveryService.callable.batch.size",
-    "value" : "10",
-    "description" : "\n      This value determines the number of callable which will be batched together\n      to be executed by a single thread.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.RecoveryService.interval",
-    "value" : "60",
-    "description" : "\n      Interval at which the RecoverService will run, in seconds.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.RecoveryService.coord.older.than",
-    "value" : "600",
-    "description" : "\n      Age of the Coordinator jobs or actions which are eligible to be queued for recovery, in seconds.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.RecoveryService.bundle.older.than",
-    "value" : "600",
-    "description" : "\n      Age of the Bundle jobs which are eligible to be queued for recovery, in seconds.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.CallableQueueService.queue.size",
-    "value" : "10000",
-    "description" : "Max callable queue size",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.CallableQueueService.threads",
-    "value" : "10",
-    "description" : "Number of threads used for executing callables",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.CallableQueueService.callable.concurrency",
-    "value" : "3",
-    "description" : "\n      Maximum concurrency for a given callable type.\n      Each command is a callable type (submit, start, run, signal, job, jobs, suspend,resume, etc).\n      Each action type is a callable type (Map-Reduce, Pig, SSH, FS, sub-workflow, etc).\n      All commands that use action executors (action-start, action-end, action-kill and action-check) use\n      the action type as the callable type.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "",
-    "value" : "true",
-    "description" : "\n      If true, when a callable in the queue has already reached max concurrency,\n      Oozie continuously find next one which has not yet reach max concurrency.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.CallableQueueService.InterruptMapMaxSize",
-    "value" : "500",
-    "description" : "\n      Maximum Size of the Interrupt Map, the interrupt element will not be inserted in the map if exceeded the size.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.CallableQueueService.InterruptTypes",
-    "value" : "\n      kill,resume,suspend,bundle_kill,bundle_resume,bundle_suspend,coord_kill,coord_change,coord_resume,coord_suspend\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      Getting the types of XCommands that are considered to be of Interrupt type\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.CoordMaterializeTriggerService.lookup.interval\n    ",
-    "value" : "300",
-    "description" : "Coordinator Job Lookup trigger command is scheduled at\n      this \"interval\" (in seconds).\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.CoordMaterializeTriggerService.materialization.window\n    ",
-    "value" : "3600",
-    "description" : "Coordinator Job Lookup command materialized each job for\n      this next \"window\" duration\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.CoordMaterializeTriggerService.callable.batch.size",
-    "value" : "10",
-    "description" : "\n      This value determines the number of callable which will be batched together\n      to be executed by a single thread.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.CoordMaterializeTriggerService.materialization.system.limit",
-    "value" : "50",
-    "description" : "\n      This value determines the number of coordinator jobs to be materialized at a given time.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.coord.normal.default.timeout\n    ",
-    "value" : "10080",
-    "description" : "Default timeout for a coordinator action input check (in minutes) for normal job.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.coord.default.max.timeout\n    ",
-    "value" : "86400",
-    "description" : "Default maximum timeout for a coordinator action input check (in minutes). 86400= 60days\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.coord.input.check.requeue.interval\n    ",
-    "value" : "60000",
-    "description" : "Command re-queue interval for coordinator data input check (in millisecond).\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.coord.default.concurrency\n    ",
-    "value" : "1",
-    "description" : "Default concurrency for a coordinator job to determine how many maximum action should\n      be executed at the same time. -1 means infinite concurrency.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.coord.default.throttle\n    ",
-    "value" : "12",
-    "description" : "Default throttle for a coordinator job to determine how many maximum action should\n      be in WAITING state at the same time.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.coord.materialization.throttling.factor\n    ",
-    "value" : "0.05",
-    "description" : "Determine how many maximum actions should be in WAITING state for a single job at any time. The value\n      is calculated by\n      this factor X the total queue size.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.groups",
-    "value" : "\n      workflow,wf-sla-submit,coord-job-submit-freq,coord-job-submit-nofuncs,coord-job-submit-data,coord-job-submit-instances,coord-sla-submit,coord-action-create,coord-action-create-inst,coord-sla-create,coord-action-start\n    ",
-    "description" : "List of groups for different ELServices",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.constants.workflow",
-    "value" : "\n      KB=org.apache.oozie.util.ELConstantsFunctions#KB,\n      MB=org.apache.oozie.util.ELConstantsFunctions#MB,\n      GB=org.apache.oozie.util.ELConstantsFunctions#GB,\n      TB=org.apache.oozie.util.ELConstantsFunctions#TB,\n      PB=org.apache.oozie.util.ELConstantsFunctions#PB,\n      RECORDS=org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.HadoopELFunctions#RECORDS,\n      MAP_IN=org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.HadoopELFunctions#MAP_IN,\n      MAP_OUT=org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.HadoopELFunctions#MAP_OUT,\n      REDUCE_IN=org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.HadoopELFunctions#REDUCE_IN,\n      REDUCE_OUT=org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.HadoopELFunctions#REDUCE_OUT,\n      GROUPS=org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.HadoopELFunctions#GROUPS\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL constant declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#CONSTANT.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.functions.workflow",
-    "value" : "\n      firstNotNull=org.apache.oozie.util.ELConstantsFunctions#firstNotNull,\n      concat=org.apache.oozie.util.ELConstantsFunctions#concat,\n      trim=org.apache.oozie.util.ELConstantsFunctions#trim,\n      timestamp=org.apache.oozie.util.ELConstantsFunctions#timestamp,\n      urlEncode=org.apache.oozie.util.ELConstantsFunctions#urlEncode,\n      toJsonStr=org.apache.oozie.util.ELConstantsFunctions#toJsonStr,\n      toPropertiesStr=org.apache.oozie.util.ELConstantsFunctions#toPropertiesStr,\n      toConfigurationStr=org.apache.oozie.util.ELConstantsFunctions#toConfigurationStr,\n      wf:id=org.apache.oozie.DagELFunctions#wf_id,\n      wf:name=org.apache.oozie.DagELFunctions#wf_name,\n      wf:appPath=org.apache.oozie.DagELFunctions#wf_appPath,\n      wf:conf=org.apache.oozie.DagELFunctions#wf_conf,\n      wf:user=org.apache.oozie.DagELFunctions#wf_user,\n      wf:group=org.apache.oozie.DagELFunctions#wf_group,\n      wf:callback=org.apache.oozie.DagELFunctions#wf
 _callback,\n      wf:transition=org.apache.oozie.DagELFunctions#wf_transition,\n      wf:lastErrorNode=org.apache.oozie.DagELFunctions#wf_lastErrorNode,\n      wf:errorCode=org.apache.oozie.DagELFunctions#wf_errorCode,\n      wf:errorMessage=org.apache.oozie.DagELFunctions#wf_errorMessage,\n      wf:run=org.apache.oozie.DagELFunctions#wf_run,\n      wf:actionData=org.apache.oozie.DagELFunctions#wf_actionData,\n      wf:actionExternalId=org.apache.oozie.DagELFunctions#wf_actionExternalId,\n      wf:actionTrackerUri=org.apache.oozie.DagELFunctions#wf_actionTrackerUri,\n      wf:actionExternalStatus=org.apache.oozie.DagELFunctions#wf_actionExternalStatus,\n      hadoop:counters=org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.HadoopELFunctions#hadoop_counters,\n      fs:exists=org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.FsELFunctions#fs_exists,\n      fs:isDir=org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.FsELFunctions#fs_isDir,\n      fs:dirSize=org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.FsELFunctions#fs_dirSize,\n      fs:fileSize=org.apach
 e.oozie.action.hadoop.FsELFunctions#fs_fileSize,\n      fs:blockSize=org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.FsELFunctions#fs_blockSize\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL functions declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#METHOD.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.WorkflowAppService.WorkflowDefinitionMaxLength",
-    "value" : "100000",
-    "description" : "\n      The maximum length of the workflow definition in bytes\n      An error will be reported if the length exceeds the given maximum\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.ext.functions.workflow",
-    "value" : "\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL functions declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#METHOD.\n      This property is a convenience property to add extensions to the built in executors without having to\n      include all the built in ones.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "",
-    "value" : "\n      MINUTES=org.apache.oozie.util.ELConstantsFunctions#SUBMIT_MINUTES,\n      HOURS=org.apache.oozie.util.ELConstantsFunctions#SUBMIT_HOURS,\n      DAYS=org.apache.oozie.util.ELConstantsFunctions#SUBMIT_DAYS\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL constant declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#CONSTANT.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "",
-    "value" : "\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL functions declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#METHOD.\n      This property is a convenience property to add extensions to the built in executors without having to\n      include all the built in ones.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.functions.coord-job-submit-freq",
-    "value" : "\n      coord:days=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph1_coord_days,\n      coord:months=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph1_coord_months,\n      coord:hours=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph1_coord_hours,\n      coord:minutes=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph1_coord_minutes,\n      coord:endOfDays=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph1_coord_endOfDays,\n      coord:endOfMonths=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph1_coord_endOfMonths,\n      coord:conf=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#coord_conf,\n      coord:user=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#coord_user\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL functions declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#METHOD.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.ext.functions.coord-job-submit-freq",
-    "value" : "\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL functions declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#METHOD.\n      This property is a convenience property to add extensions to the built in executors without having to\n      include all the built in ones.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.constants.coord-job-submit-nofuncs",
-    "value" : "\n      MINUTE=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELConstants#SUBMIT_MINUTE,\n      HOUR=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELConstants#SUBMIT_HOUR,\n      DAY=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELConstants#SUBMIT_DAY,\n      MONTH=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELConstants#SUBMIT_MONTH,\n      YEAR=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELConstants#SUBMIT_YEAR\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL constant declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#CONSTANT.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.functions.coord-job-submit-nofuncs",
-    "value" : "\n      coord:conf=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#coord_conf,\n      coord:user=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#coord_user\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL functions declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#METHOD.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.functions.coord-job-submit-instances",
-    "value" : "\n      coord:hoursInDay=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph1_coord_hoursInDay_echo,\n      coord:daysInMonth=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph1_coord_daysInMonth_echo,\n      coord:tzOffset=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph1_coord_tzOffset_echo,\n      coord:current=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph1_coord_current_echo,\n      coord:latest=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph1_coord_latest_echo,\n      coord:future=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph1_coord_future_echo,\n      coord:formatTime=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph1_coord_formatTime_echo,\n      coord:conf=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#coord_conf,\n      coord:user=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#coord_user\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL functions declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#METHOD.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.ext.functions.coord-job-submit-instances",
-    "value" : "\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL functions declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#METHOD.\n      This property is a convenience property to add extensions to the built in executors without having to\n      include all the built in ones.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.functions.coord-job-submit-data",
-    "value" : "\n      coord:dataIn=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph1_coord_dataIn_echo,\n      coord:dataOut=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph1_coord_dataOut_echo,\n      coord:nominalTime=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph1_coord_nominalTime_echo_wrap,\n      coord:actualTime=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph1_coord_actualTime_echo_wrap,\n      coord:dateOffset=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph1_coord_dateOffset_echo,\n      coord:formatTime=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph1_coord_formatTime_echo,\n      coord:actionId=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph1_coord_actionId_echo,\n      coord:name=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph1_coord_name_echo,\n      coord:conf=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#coord_conf,\n      coord:user=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#coord_user\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL functions declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#METHOD.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.ext.functions.coord-job-submit-data",
-    "value" : "\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL functions declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#METHOD.\n      This property is a convenience property to add extensions to the built in executors without having to\n      include all the built in ones.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.constants.coord-sla-submit",
-    "value" : "\n      MINUTES=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELConstants#SUBMIT_MINUTES,\n      HOURS=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELConstants#SUBMIT_HOURS,\n      DAYS=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELConstants#SUBMIT_DAYS\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL constant declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#CONSTANT.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.functions.coord-sla-submit",
-    "value" : "\n      coord:nominalTime=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph1_coord_nominalTime_echo_fixed,\n      coord:conf=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#coord_conf,\n      coord:user=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#coord_user\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL functions declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#METHOD.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.ext.functions.coord-sla-submit",
-    "value" : "\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL functions declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#METHOD.\n      This property is a convenience property to add extensions to the built in executors without having to\n      include all the built in ones.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.constants.coord-action-create",
-    "value" : "\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL constant declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#CONSTANT.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.functions.coord-action-create",
-    "value" : "\n      coord:hoursInDay=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph2_coord_hoursInDay,\n      coord:daysInMonth=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph2_coord_daysInMonth,\n      coord:tzOffset=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph2_coord_tzOffset,\n      coord:current=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph2_coord_current,\n      coord:latest=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph2_coord_latest_echo,\n      coord:future=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph2_coord_future_echo,\n      coord:actionId=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph2_coord_actionId,\n      coord:name=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph2_coord_name,\n      coord:formatTime=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph2_coord_formatTime,\n      coord:conf=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#coord_conf,\n      coord:user=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#coord_user\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL functions declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#METHOD.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.ext.functions.coord-action-create",
-    "value" : "\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL functions declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#METHOD.\n      This property is a convenience property to add extensions to the built in executors without having to\n      include all the built in ones.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.constants.coord-action-create-inst",
-    "value" : "\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL constant declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#CONSTANT.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.functions.coord-action-create-inst",
-    "value" : "\n      coord:hoursInDay=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph2_coord_hoursInDay,\n      coord:daysInMonth=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph2_coord_daysInMonth,\n      coord:tzOffset=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph2_coord_tzOffset,\n      coord:current=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph2_coord_current_echo,\n      coord:latest=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph2_coord_latest_echo,\n      coord:future=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph2_coord_future_echo,\n      coord:formatTime=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph2_coord_formatTime,\n      coord:conf=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#coord_conf,\n      coord:user=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#coord_user\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL functions declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#METHOD.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.ext.functions.coord-action-create-inst",
-    "value" : "\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL functions declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#METHOD.\n      This property is a convenience property to add extensions to the built in executors without having to\n      include all the built in ones.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.ext.constants.coord-sla-create",
-    "value" : "\n      MINUTES=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELConstants#SUBMIT_MINUTES,\n      HOURS=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELConstants#SUBMIT_HOURS,\n      DAYS=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELConstants#SUBMIT_DAYS\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL constant declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#CONSTANT.\n      This property is a convenience property to add extensions to the built in executors without having to\n      include all the built in ones.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.functions.coord-sla-create",
-    "value" : "\n      coord:nominalTime=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph2_coord_nominalTime,\n      coord:conf=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#coord_conf,\n      coord:user=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#coord_user\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL functions declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#METHOD.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.ext.functions.coord-sla-create",
-    "value" : "\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL functions declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#METHOD.\n      This property is a convenience property to add extensions to the built in executors without having to\n      include all the built in ones.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.constants.coord-action-start",
-    "value" : "\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL constant declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#CONSTANT.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.functions.coord-action-start",
-    "value" : "\n      coord:hoursInDay=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph3_coord_hoursInDay,\n      coord:daysInMonth=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph3_coord_daysInMonth,\n      coord:tzOffset=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph3_coord_tzOffset,\n      coord:latest=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph3_coord_latest,\n      coord:future=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph3_coord_future,\n      coord:dataIn=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph3_coord_dataIn,\n      coord:dataOut=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph3_coord_dataOut,\n      coord:nominalTime=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph3_coord_nominalTime,\n      coord:actualTime=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph3_coord_actualTime,\n      coord:dateOffset=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph3_coord_dateOffset,\n      coord:formatTime=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph3_coord_formatTime,\n      coord:actionId=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph3
 _coord_actionId,\n      coord:name=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#ph3_coord_name,\n      coord:conf=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#coord_conf,\n      coord:user=org.apache.oozie.coord.CoordELFunctions#coord_user\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL functions declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#METHOD.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ELService.ext.functions.coord-action-start",
-    "value" : "\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      EL functions declarations, separated by commas, format is [PREFIX:]NAME=CLASS#METHOD.\n      This property is a convenience property to add extensions to the built in executors without having to\n      include all the built in ones.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.UUIDService.generator",
-    "value" : "counter",
-    "description" : "\n      random : generated UUIDs will be random strings.\n      counter: generated UUIDs generated will be a counter postfixed with the system startup time.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.DBLiteWorkflowStoreService.status.metrics.collection.interval",
-    "value" : "5",
-    "description" : "Workflow Status metrics collection interval in minutes.",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.DBLiteWorkflowStoreService.status.metrics.window",
-    "value" : "3600",
-    "description" : "\n      Workflow Status metrics collection window in seconds. Workflow status will be instrumented for the window.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "",
-    "value" : "oozie",
-    "description" : "\n      Oozie DataBase Name\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.JPAService.create.db.schema",
-    "value" : "true",
-    "description" : "\n      Creates Oozie DB.\n\n      If set to true, it creates the DB schema if it does not exist. If the DB schema exists is a NOP.\n      If set to false, it does not create the DB schema. If the DB schema does not exist it fails start up.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.JPAService.validate.db.connection",
-    "value" : "false",
-    "description" : "\n      Validates DB connections from the DB connection pool.\n      If the 'oozie.service.JPAService.create.db.schema' property is set to true, this property is ignored.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.JPAService.validate.db.connection.eviction.interval",
-    "value" : "300000",
-    "description" : "\n      Validates DB connections from the DB connection pool.\n      When validate db connection 'TestWhileIdle' is true, the number of milliseconds to sleep\n      between runs of the idle object evictor thread.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.JPAService.validate.db.connection.eviction.num",
-    "value" : "10",
-    "description" : "\n      Validates DB connections from the DB connection pool.\n      When validate db connection 'TestWhileIdle' is true, the number of objects to examine during\n      each run of the idle object evictor thread.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "",
-    "value" : "org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource",
-    "description" : "\n      DataSource to be used for connection pooling.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.JPAService.jdbc.driver",
-    "value" : "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver",
-    "description" : "\n      JDBC driver class.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.JPAService.jdbc.url",
-    "value" : "jdbc:derby:${}/${}-db;create=true",
-    "description" : "\n      JDBC URL.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.JPAService.jdbc.username",
-    "value" : "sa",
-    "description" : "\n      DB user name.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "",
-    "value" : "10",
-    "description" : "\n      Max number of connections.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "",
-    "value" : "oozie-sla-0.1.xsd",
-    "description" : "\n      Schemas for additional actions types.\n\n      IMPORTANT: if there are no schemas leave a 1 space string, the service trims the value,\n      if empty Configuration assumes it is NULL.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.SchemaService.coord.ext.schemas",
-    "value" : "oozie-sla-0.1.xsd",
-    "description" : "\n      Schemas for additional actions types.\n\n      IMPORTANT: if there are no schemas leave a 1 space string, the service trims the value,\n      if empty Configuration assumes it is NULL.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.CallbackService.base.url",
-    "value" : "${oozie.base.url}/callback",
-    "description" : "\n      Base callback URL used by ActionExecutors.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "",
-    "value" : "2048",
-    "description" : "\n      Max size in characters for the action completion data output.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.external.stats.max.size",
-    "value" : "-1",
-    "description" : "\n      Max size in bytes for action stats. -1 means infinite value.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.JobCommand.job.console.url",
-    "value" : "${oozie.base.url}?job=",
-    "description" : "\n      Base console URL for a workflow job.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ActionService.executor.classes",
-    "value" : "\n      org.apache.oozie.action.decision.DecisionActionExecutor,\n      org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.JavaActionExecutor,\n      org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.FsActionExecutor,\n      org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.MapReduceActionExecutor,\n      org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.PigActionExecutor,\n      org.apache.oozie.action.ssh.SshActionExecutor,\n      org.apache.oozie.action.oozie.SubWorkflowActionExecutor\n    ",
-    "description" : "\n      List of ActionExecutors classes (separated by commas).\n      Only action types with associated executors can be used in workflows.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ActionCheckerService.action.check.interval",
-    "value" : "60",
-    "description" : "\n      The frequency at which the ActionCheckService will run.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ActionCheckerService.action.check.delay",
-    "value" : "600",
-    "description" : "\n      The time, in seconds, between an ActionCheck for the same action.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.ActionCheckerService.callable.batch.size",
-    "value" : "10",
-    "description" : "\n      This value determines the number of actions which will be batched together\n      to be executed by a single thread.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.StatusTransitService.statusTransit.interval",
-    "value" : "60",
-    "description" : "\n      The frequency in seconds at which the StatusTransitService will run.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "",
-    "value" : "false",
-    "description" : "\n      true, if coordinator job submits using 'uri:oozie:coordinator:0.1' namespace and wants to keep Oozie 2.x status\n      transit.\n      if set true,\n      1. SUCCEEDED state in coordinator job means materialization done.\n      2. No DONEWITHERROR state in coordinator job\n      3. No PAUSED or PREPPAUSED state in coordinator job\n      4. PREPSUSPENDED becomes SUSPENDED in coordinator job\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.PauseTransitService.PauseTransit.interval",
-    "value" : "60",
-    "description" : "\n      The frequency in seconds at which the PauseTransitService will run.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.action.retries.max",
-    "value" : "3",
-    "description" : "\n      The number of retries for executing an action in case of failure\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.action.hadoop.delete.hdfs.tmp.dir",
-    "value" : "false",
-    "description" : "\n      If set to true, it will delete temporary directory at the end of execution of map reduce action.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.action.pig.delete.hdfs.tmp.dir",
-    "value" : "false",
-    "description" : "\n      If set to true, it will delete temporary directory at the end of execution of pig action.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.action.ssh.delete.remote.tmp.dir",
-    "value" : "false",
-    "description" : "\n      If set to true, it will delete temporary directory at the end of execution of ssh action.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.action.ssh.http.command",
-    "value" : "curl",
-    "description" : "\n      Command to use for callback to oozie, normally is 'curl' or 'wget'.\n      The command must available in PATH environment variable of the USER@HOST box shell.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "",
-    "value" : "--data-binary @#stdout --request POST --header \"content-type:text/plain\"",
-    "description" : "\n      The callback command POST options.\n      Used when the ouptut of the ssh action is captured.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "",
-    "value" : "true",
-    "description" : "\n      Specifies whether the user specified by the ssh action is allowed or is to be replaced\n      by the Job user\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.HadoopAccessorService.kerberos.enabled",
-    "value" : "false",
-    "description" : "\n      Indicates if Oozie is configured to use Kerberos.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "local.realm",
-    "value" : "LOCALHOST",
-    "description" : "\n      Kerberos Realm used by Oozie and Hadoop. Using 'local.realm' to be aligned with Hadoop configuration\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.HadoopAccessorService.keytab.file",
-    "value" : "${user.home}/oozie.keytab",
-    "description" : "\n      Location of the Oozie user keytab file.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.HadoopAccessorService.kerberos.principal",
-    "value" : "${}/localhost@${local.realm}",
-    "description" : "\n      Kerberos principal for Oozie service.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.HadoopAccessorService.hadoop.configurations",
-    "value" : "*=/etc/hadoop/conf",
-    "description" : "\n      Comma separated AUTHORITY=HADOOP_CONF_DIR, where AUTHORITY is the HOST:PORT of\n      the Hadoop service (JobTracker, YARN, HDFS). The wildcard '*' configuration is\n      used when there is no exact match for an authority. The HADOOP_CONF_DIR contains\n      the relevant Hadoop *-site.xml files. If the path is relative is looked within\n      the Oozie configuration directory; though the path can be absolute (i.e. to point\n      to Hadoop client conf/ directories in the local filesystem.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.HadoopAccessorService.action.configurations",
-    "value" : "*=action-conf",
-    "description" : "\n      Comma separated AUTHORITY=ACTION_CONF_DIR, where AUTHORITY is the HOST:PORT of\n      the Hadoop MapReduce service (JobTracker, YARN). The wildcard '*' configuration is\n      used when there is no exact match for an authority. The ACTION_CONF_DIR may contain\n      ACTION.xml files where ACTION is the action type ('java', 'map-reduce', 'pig',\n      'hive', 'sqoop', etc.). If the ACTION.xml file exists, its properties will be used\n      as defaults properties for the action. If the path is relative is looked within\n      the Oozie configuration directory; though the path can be absolute (i.e. to point\n      to Hadoop client conf/ directories in the local filesystem.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.actions.main.classnames",
-    "value" : "",
-    "description" : "\n      A list of class name mapping for Action classes\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.WorkflowAppService.system.libpath",
-    "value" : "/user/${}/share/lib",
-    "description" : "\n      System library path to use for workflow applications.\n      This path is added to workflow application if their job properties sets\n      the property 'oozie.use.system.libpath' to true.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "",
-    "value" : "false",
-    "description" : "\n      If set to true, submissions of MapReduce and Pig jobs will include\n      automatically the system library path, thus not requiring users to\n      specify where the Pig JAR files are. Instead, the ones from the system\n      library path are used.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.command.default.lock.timeout",
-    "value" : "5000",
-    "description" : "\n      Default timeout (in milliseconds) for commands for acquiring an exclusive lock on an entity.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.LiteWorkflowStoreService.user.retry.max",
-    "value" : "3",
-    "description" : "\n      Automatic retry max count for workflow action is 3 in default.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.LiteWorkflowStoreService.user.retry.inteval",
-    "value" : "10",
-    "description" : "\n      Automatic retry interval for workflow action is in minutes and the default value is 10 minutes.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.LiteWorkflowStoreService.user.retry.error.code",
-    "value" : "JA008,JA009,JA017,JA018,JA019,FS009,FS008",
-    "description" : "\n      Automatic retry interval for workflow action is handled for these specified error code:\n      FS009, FS008 is file exists error when using chmod in fs action.\n      JA018 is output directory exists error in workflow map-reduce action.\n      JA019 is error while executing distcp action.\n      JA017 is job not exists error in action executor.\n      JA008 is FileNotFoundException in action executor.\n      JA009 is IOException in action executor.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.service.LiteWorkflowStoreService.node.def.version",
-    "value" : "_oozie_inst_v_1",
-    "description" : "\n      NodeDef default version, _oozie_inst_v_0 or _oozie_inst_v_1\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.authentication.type",
-    "value" : "simple",
-    "description" : "\n      Defines authentication used for Oozie HTTP endpoint.\n      Supported values are: simple | kerberos | #AUTHENTICATION_HANDLER_CLASSNAME#\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.authentication.token.validity",
-    "value" : "36000",
-    "description" : "\n      Indicates how long (in seconds) an authentication token is valid before it has\n      to be renewed.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.authentication.signature.secret",
-    "value" : "oozie",
-    "description" : "\n      The signature secret for signing the authentication tokens.\n      If not set a random secret is generated at startup time.\n      In order to authentiation to work correctly across multiple hosts\n      the secret must be the same across al the hosts.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.authentication.simple.anonymous.allowed",
-    "value" : "true",
-    "description" : "\n      Indicates if anonymous requests are allowed when using 'simple' authentication.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.authentication.kerberos.principal",
-    "value" : "HTTP/localhost@${local.realm}",
-    "description" : "\n      Indicates the Kerberos principal to be used for HTTP endpoint.\n      The principal MUST start with 'HTTP/' as per Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO specification.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.authentication.kerberos.keytab",
-    "value" : "${oozie.service.HadoopAccessorService.keytab.file}",
-    "description" : "\n      Location of the keytab file with the credentials for the principal.\n      Referring to the same keytab file Oozie uses for its Kerberos credentials for Hadoop.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "",
-    "value" : "DEFAULT",
-    "description" : "\n      The kerberos names rules is to resolve kerberos principal names, refer to Hadoop's\n      KerberosName for more details.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.coord.actions.default.length",
-    "value" : "1000",
-    "description" : "\n      Default number of coordinator actions to be retrieved by the info command\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.validate.ForkJoin",
-    "value" : "true",
-    "description" : "\n      If true, fork and join should be validated at wf submission time.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "oozie.coord.action.get.all.attributes",
-    "value" : "false",
-    "description" : "\n      Setting to true is not recommended as coord job/action info will bring all columns of the action in memory.\n      Set it true only if backward compatibility for action/job info is required.\n    ",
-    "filename" : "oozie-site.xml"
-  } ],
-  "components" : [ {
-    "name" : "OOZIE_SERVER",
-    "category" : "MASTER",
-    "client" : false,
-    "master" : true
-  }, {
-    "name" : "OOZIE_CLIENT",
-    "category" : "CLIENT",
-    "client" : true,
-    "master" : false
-  } ],
-  "clientOnlyService" : false,
-  "clientComponent" : {
-    "name" : "OOZIE_CLIENT",
-    "category" : "CLIENT",
-    "client" : true,
-    "master" : false
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ambari-web/app/assets/data/wizard/stack/hdp/version01/WEBHCAT.json b/ambari-web/app/assets/data/wizard/stack/hdp/version01/WEBHCAT.json
deleted file mode 100644
index a292728..0000000
--- a/ambari-web/app/assets/data/wizard/stack/hdp/version01/WEBHCAT.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-  "name" : "WEBHCAT",
-  "version" : "",
-  "user" : "root",
-  "comment" : "This is comment for WEBHCAT service",
-  "properties" : [ {
-    "name" : "templeton.port",
-    "value" : "50111",
-    "description" : "The HTTP port for the main server.",
-    "filename" : "webhcat-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "",
-    "value" : "org.apache.hcatalog.templeton.tool.ZooKeeperStorage",
-    "description" : "The class to use as storage",
-    "filename" : "webhcat-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "templeton.override.enabled",
-    "value" : "false",
-    "description" : "\n     Enable the override path in templeton.override.jars\n   ",
-    "filename" : "webhcat-site.xml"
-  }, {
-    "name" : "templeton.streaming.jar",
-    "value" : "hdfs:///apps/templeton/hadoop-streaming.jar",
-    "description" : "The hdfs path to the Hadoop streaming jar file.",
-    "filename" : "webhcat-site.xml"
-  } ],
-  "components" : [ {
-    "name" : "WEBHCAT_SERVER",
-    "category" : "MASTER",
-    "client" : false,
-    "master" : true
-  } ],
-  "clientOnlyService" : false,
-  "clientComponent" : {
-    "name" : "WEBHCAT_SERVER",
-    "category" : "MASTER",
-    "client" : false,
-    "master" : true
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ambari-web/app/assets/data/wizard/stack/hdp/version01/ZOOKEEPER.json b/ambari-web/app/assets/data/wizard/stack/hdp/version01/ZOOKEEPER.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 6815994..0000000
--- a/ambari-web/app/assets/data/wizard/stack/hdp/version01/ZOOKEEPER.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-  "name" : "ZOOKEEPER",
-  "version" : "",
-  "user" : "root",
-  "comment" : "This is comment for ZOOKEEPER service",
-  "properties" : [ ],
-  "components" : [ {
-    "name" : "ZOOKEEPER_SERVER",
-    "category" : "MASTER",
-    "client" : false,
-    "master" : true
-  }, {
-    "name" : "ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT",
-    "category" : "CLIENT",
-    "client" : true,
-    "master" : false
-  } ],
-  "clientOnlyService" : false,
-  "clientComponent" : {
-    "name" : "ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT",
-    "category" : "CLIENT",
-    "client" : true,
-    "master" : false
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ambari-web/app/assets/data/wizard/stack/hdp/version1.2.1/HBASE.json b/ambari-web/app/assets/data/wizard/stack/hdp/version1.2.1/HBASE.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 90fbdda..0000000
--- a/ambari-web/app/assets/data/wizard/stack/hdp/version1.2.1/HBASE.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-  "href" : "*",
-  "items" : [
-    {
-      "href" : "",
-      "StackConfigurations" : {
-        "property_description" : "The interval between checks for expired region server leases.\n    This value has been reduced due to the other reduced values above so that\n    the master will notice a dead region server sooner. The default is 15 seconds.\n    ",
-        "property_value" : "3000",
-        "stack_version" : "1.2.1",
-        "property_name" : "",
-        "service_name" : "HBASE",
-        "stack_name" : "HDP",
-        "type" : "hbase-site.xml"
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "href" : "",
-      "StackConfigurations" : {
-        "property_description" : "List of users or groups (comma-separated), who are allowed\n    full privileges, regardless of stored ACLs, across the cluster.\n    Only used when HBase security is enabled.\n    ",
-        "property_value" : "hbase",
-        "stack_version" : "1.2.1",
-        "property_name" : "hbase.superuser",
-        "service_name" : "HBASE",
-        "stack_name" : "HDP",
-        "type" : "hbase-site.xml"
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "href" : "",
-      "StackConfigurations" : {
-        "property_description" : "ACL for HRegionInterface protocol implementations (ie. \n    clients talking to HRegionServers)\n    The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and \n    group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. \"alice,bob users,wheel\". \n    A special value of \"*\" means all users are allowed.",
-        "property_value" : "*",
-        "stack_version" : "1.2.1",
-        "property_name" : "security.client.protocol.acl",
-        "service_name" : "HBASE",
-        "stack_name" : "HDP",
-        "type" : "hbase-policy.xml"
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "href" : "",
-      "StackConfigurations" : {
-        "property_description" : "ACL for HMasterInterface protocol implementation (ie. \n    clients talking to HMaster for admin operations).\n    The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and \n    group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. \"alice,bob users,wheel\". \n    A special value of \"*\" means all users are allowed.",
-        "property_value" : "*",
-        "stack_version" : "1.2.1",
-        "property_name" : "security.admin.protocol.acl",
-        "service_name" : "HBASE",
-        "stack_name" : "HDP",
-        "type" : "hbase-policy.xml"
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "href" : "",
-      "StackConfigurations" : {
-        "property_description" : "ACL for HMasterRegionInterface protocol implementations\n    (for HRegionServers communicating with HMaster)\n    The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and \n    group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. \"alice,bob users,wheel\". \n    A special value of \"*\" means all users are allowed.",
-        "property_value" : "*",
-        "stack_version" : "1.2.1",
-        "property_name" : "security.masterregion.protocol.acl",
-        "service_name" : "HBASE",
-        "stack_name" : "HDP",
-        "type" : "hbase-policy.xml"
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "href" : "",
-      "StackConfigurations" : {
-        "property_description" : "Instructs HBase to make use of ZooKeeper's multi-update functionality.\n    This allows certain ZooKeeper operations to complete more quickly and prevents some issues\n    with rare Replication failure scenarios (see the release note of HBASE-2611 for an example).·\n    IMPORTANT: only set this to true if all ZooKeeper servers in the cluster are on version 3.4+\n    and will not be downgraded.  ZooKeeper versions before 3.4 do not support multi-update and will\n    not fail gracefully if multi-update is invoked (see ZOOKEEPER-1495).\n    ",
-        "property_value" : "true",
-        "stack_version" : "1.2.1",
-        "property_name" : "hbase.zookeeper.useMulti",
-        "service_name" : "HBASE",
-        "stack_name" : "HDP",
-        "type" : "hbase-site.xml"
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "href" : "",
-      "StackConfigurations" : {
-        "property_description" : "Property from ZooKeeper's config zoo.cfg.\n    The port at which the clients will connect.\n    ",
-        "property_value" : "2181",
-        "stack_version" : "1.2.1",
-        "property_name" : "",
-        "service_name" : "HBASE",
-        "stack_name" : "HDP",
-        "type" : "hbase-site.xml"
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "href" : "",
-      "StackConfigurations" : {
-        "property_description" : "The mode the cluster will be in. Possible values are\n      false for standalone mode and true for distributed mode.  If\n      false, startup will run all HBase and ZooKeeper daemons together\n      in the one JVM.\n    ",
-        "property_value" : "true",
-        "stack_version" : "1.2.1",
-        "property_name" : "hbase.cluster.distributed",
-        "service_name" : "HBASE",
-        "stack_name" : "HDP",
-        "type" : "hbase-site.xml"
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "href" : "",
-      "StackConfigurations" : {
-        "property_description" : "\n      Amount of time to wait since the last time a region was flushed before\n      invoking an optional cache flush. Default 60,000.\n    ",
-        "property_value" : "10000",
-        "stack_version" : "1.2.1",
-        "property_name" : "hbase.regionserver.optionalcacheflushinterval",
-        "service_name" : "HBASE",
-        "stack_name" : "HDP",
-        "type" : "hbase-site.xml"
-      }
-    }
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file