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Posted to by "Hracek, Petr" <> on 2009/05/19 15:28:07 UTC

Replacement of ap_spawn_child in Apache 2.2

Hello *,
in my module which is used in apache 1.3 is used procedure
           if (!ap_spawn_child(r->pool, unity_program_child,
                (void *) &cld, kill_after_timeout, NULL, NULL, NULL)) {
                ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, r->server,
                    "could not spawn %s", WSM_PROGRAM);
                return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
How can I replace this code to the apache 2.2?
Do you have any experiences?

regards / S pozdravem
Ing. Petr Hráček
IT Services and Enterprise Communications
Bidláky 20, budova Mediahall
639 00 Brno
Tel.:  +420 533 337 267
Fax.: +420 533 337 252
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Společnost: iSEC - IT Services and Enterprise Communications s.r.o.
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