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svn commit: r745399 - /ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/googlebase/src/org/ofbiz/googlebase/

Author: hansbak
Date: Wed Feb 18 07:42:59 2009
New Revision: 745399

improvement with exception handling, double -> bigdecimal, error message improvement. Component now communicates with google again. Todo:google is complaining some data is missng...


Modified: ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/googlebase/src/org/ofbiz/googlebase/
--- ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/googlebase/src/org/ofbiz/googlebase/ (original)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/specialpurpose/googlebase/src/org/ofbiz/googlebase/ Wed Feb 18 07:42:59 2009
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
 import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityCondition;
 import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityOperator;
 import org.ofbiz.service.DispatchContext;
+import org.ofbiz.service.GenericServiceException;
 import org.ofbiz.service.LocalDispatcher;
 import org.ofbiz.service.ModelService;
 import org.ofbiz.service.ServiceUtil;
@@ -97,9 +98,8 @@
             } else {
                 return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(result));
-        } catch (Exception e) {        
-            Debug.logError("Exception in exportToGoogle", module);
-            return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "productsExportToGoogle.exceptionInExportToGoogle", locale));
+        } catch (IOException e) {
+            return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(result) + "IO Error loading resource :" + e.getMessage());
         return result;
@@ -307,210 +307,211 @@
     private static Map buildDataItemsXml(DispatchContext dctx, Map context, StringBuffer dataItemsXml) {
-        Locale locale = (Locale)context.get("locale");
-        List newProductsInGoogle = FastList.newInstance();
-        List productsRemovedFromGoogle = FastList.newInstance();
-        try {
-             GenericDelegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator();
-             LocalDispatcher dispatcher = dctx.getDispatcher();
-             List selectResult = (List)context.get("selectResult");
-             String webSiteUrl = (String)context.get("webSiteUrl");
-             String imageUrl = (String)context.get("imageUrl");
-             String actionType = (String)context.get("actionType");
-             String statusId = (String)context.get("statusId");
-             String trackingCodeId = (String)context.get("trackingCodeId");
-             String countryCode = (String)context.get("countryCode");
-             String webSiteMountPoint = (String)context.get("webSiteMountPoint");
-             if (!webSiteUrl.startsWith("http://") && !webSiteUrl.startsWith("https://")) {
-                 webSiteUrl = "http://" + webSiteUrl;
-             }
-             if (webSiteUrl.endsWith("/")) {
-                 webSiteUrl = webSiteUrl.substring(0, webSiteUrl.length() - 1);
-             }
-             if (webSiteMountPoint.endsWith("/")) {
-                 webSiteMountPoint = webSiteMountPoint.substring(0, webSiteMountPoint.length() - 1);
-             }
-             if (webSiteMountPoint.startsWith("/")) {
-                 webSiteMountPoint = webSiteMountPoint.substring(1, webSiteMountPoint.length());
-             }
-             String productCurrency = null;
-             if ("US".equals(countryCode)) {
-                 productCurrency = "USD";
-             } else if ("GB".equals(countryCode)) {
-                 productCurrency = "GBP";
-             } else if ("DE".equals(countryCode)) {
-                 productCurrency = "EUR";
-             } else {
-                 Debug.logError("Exception during building data items to Google, Country Code must be either US, UK or DE: "+countryCode, module);
-                 return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "productsExportToGoogle.invalidCountryCode", locale));
-             }
-             // Get the list of products to be exported to Google Base
-             List productsList  = delegator.findList("Product", EntityCondition.makeCondition("productId", EntityOperator.IN, selectResult), null, null, null, false);
-             // Get the tracking code
-             if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(trackingCodeId) || "_NA_".equals(trackingCodeId)) {
-                 trackingCodeId = "";
-             } else {
-                 trackingCodeId = "?atc=" + trackingCodeId;
-             }
-             try {
-                 Document feedDocument = UtilXml.makeEmptyXmlDocument("feed");
-                 Element feedElem = feedDocument.getDocumentElement();
-                 feedElem.setAttribute("xmlns", "");
-                 feedElem.setAttribute("xmlns:openSearch", "");
-                 feedElem.setAttribute("xmlns:g", "");
-                 feedElem.setAttribute("xmlns:batch", "");
-                 feedElem.setAttribute("xmlns:app", "");
-                 // Iterate the product list getting all the relevant data
-                 Iterator productsListItr = productsList.iterator();
-                 int index = 0;
-                 String itemActionType = null;
-                 GenericValue googleProduct;
-                 while(productsListItr.hasNext()) {
-                     itemActionType = actionType;
-                     GenericValue prod = (GenericValue);
-                     String price = getProductPrice(dispatcher, prod);
-                     if (price == null) {
-                         Debug.logInfo("Price not found for product [" + prod.getString("productId")+ "]; product will not be exported.", module);
-                         continue;
-                     }
-                     // TODO: improve this (i.e. get the relative path from the properies file)
-                     String link = webSiteUrl + "/"+webSiteMountPoint+"/control/product/~product_id=" + prod.getString("productId") + trackingCodeId;
-                     String title = UtilFormatOut.encodeXmlValue(prod.getString("productName"));
-                     String description = UtilFormatOut.encodeXmlValue(prod.getString("description"));
-                     String imageLink = "";
-                     if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(prod.getString("largeImageUrl"))) {
-                         imageLink = webSiteUrl + prod.getString("largeImageUrl");
-                     } else if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(prod.getString("mediumImageUrl"))) {
-                         imageLink = webSiteUrl + prod.getString("mediumImageUrl");
-                     } else if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(prod.getString("smallImageUrl"))) {
-                         imageLink = webSiteUrl + prod.getString("smallImageUrl");
-                     }
-                     String googleProductId = null;
-                     if (!"insert".equals(actionType)) {
-                         try {
-                             googleProduct = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("GoodIdentification", UtilMisc.toMap("productId", prod.getString("productId"), "goodIdentificationTypeId", "GOOGLE_ID"));
-                             if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(googleProduct)) {
-                                googleProductId = googleProduct.getString("idValue");
-                             }
-                         } catch(GenericEntityException gee) {
-                             Debug.logError("Unable to get the Google id for product [" + prod.getString("productId") + "]: " + gee.getMessage(), module);
-                         }
-                     }
-                     if ("update".equals(actionType) && UtilValidate.isEmpty(googleProductId)) {
-                         itemActionType = "insert";
-                     }
-                     Element entryElem = UtilXml.addChildElement(feedElem, "entry", feedDocument);
-                     Element batchElem = UtilXml.addChildElement(entryElem, "batch:operation", feedDocument);
-                     batchElem.setAttribute("type", itemActionType);
-                     // status is draft or deactivate
-                     if (statusId != null && ("draft".equals(statusId) || "deactivate".equals(statusId))) {
-                         Element appControlElem = UtilXml.addChildElement(entryElem, "app:control", feedDocument);
-                         UtilXml.addChildElementValue(appControlElem, "app:draft", "yes", feedDocument);
-                         // status is deactivate
-                         if ("deactivate".equals(statusId)) {
-                             UtilXml.addChildElement(appControlElem, "gm:disapproved", feedDocument);
-                         }
-                     }
-                     UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "title", title, feedDocument);
-                     Element contentElem = UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "content", description, feedDocument);
-                     contentElem.setAttribute("type", "xhtml");
-                     if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(googleProductId)) {
-                         UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "id", googleProductId, feedDocument);
-                     } else {
-                         UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "id", link, feedDocument);
-                     }
-                     Element linkElem = UtilXml.addChildElement(entryElem, "link", feedDocument);
-                     linkElem.setAttribute("rel", "alternate");
-                     linkElem.setAttribute("type", "text/html");
-                     linkElem.setAttribute("href", link);
-                     UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "g:item_type", "products", feedDocument);
-                     UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "g:price", price, feedDocument);
-                     // Might be nicer to load this from the product but for now we'll set it based on the country destination
-                     UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "g:currency", productCurrency, feedDocument);
-                     // Ensure the load goes to the correct country location either US dollar, GB sterling or DE euro
-                     UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "g:target_country", countryCode, feedDocument);
-                     UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "g:brand", prod.getString("brandName"), feedDocument);
-                     try {
-                         googleProduct = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("GoodIdentification", UtilMisc.toMap("productId", prod.getString("productId"), "goodIdentificationTypeId", "SKU"));
-                         if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(googleProduct)) {
-                            UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "g:ean", googleProduct.getString("idValue"), feedDocument);
-                         }
-                     } catch(GenericEntityException gee) {
-                         Debug.logInfo("Unable to get the SKU for product [" + prod.getString("productId") + "]: " + gee.getMessage(), module);
-                     }
-                     UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "g:condition", "new", feedDocument);
-                     // This is a US specific requirement for product feeds
-//                     UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "g:mpn", "", feedDocument);
-                     // if the product has an image it will be published on Google Product Search
-                     if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(imageLink)) {
-                         UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "g:image_link", imageLink, feedDocument);
-                     }
-                     // if the product is exported to google for the first time, we add it to the list
-                     if ("insert".equals(itemActionType)) {
-                         newProductsInGoogle.add(prod.getString("productId"));
-                         productsRemovedFromGoogle.add(null);
-                     } else if ("delete".equals(itemActionType)) {
-                         newProductsInGoogle.add(null);
-                         productsRemovedFromGoogle.add(prod.getString("productId"));
-                     } else {
-                         newProductsInGoogle.add(null);
-                         productsRemovedFromGoogle.add(null);
-                     }
-                     index++;
-                 }
-                 dataItemsXml.append(UtilXml.writeXmlDocument(feedDocument));
-             } catch (Exception e) {
-                 Debug.logError("Exception during building data items to Google", module);
-                 return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "productsExportToGoogle.exceptionDuringBuildingDataItemsToGoogle", locale));
-             }
-         } catch (Exception e) {
-            Debug.logError("Exception during building data items to Google", module);
-            return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "productsExportToGoogle.exceptionDuringBuildingDataItemsToGoogle", locale));
-         }
-         Map result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
-         result.put("newProductsInGoogle", newProductsInGoogle);
-         result.put("productsRemovedFromGoogle", productsRemovedFromGoogle);
-         return result;
+    	Locale locale = (Locale)context.get("locale");
+    	List newProductsInGoogle = FastList.newInstance();
+    	List productsRemovedFromGoogle = FastList.newInstance();
+    	try {
+    		GenericDelegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator();
+    		LocalDispatcher dispatcher = dctx.getDispatcher();
+    		List selectResult = (List)context.get("selectResult");
+    		String webSiteUrl = (String)context.get("webSiteUrl");
+    		String imageUrl = (String)context.get("imageUrl");
+    		String actionType = (String)context.get("actionType");
+    		String statusId = (String)context.get("statusId");
+    		String trackingCodeId = (String)context.get("trackingCodeId");
+    		String countryCode = (String)context.get("countryCode");
+    		String webSiteMountPoint = (String)context.get("webSiteMountPoint");
+    		if (!webSiteUrl.startsWith("http://") && !webSiteUrl.startsWith("https://")) {
+    			webSiteUrl = "http://" + webSiteUrl;
+    		}
+    		if (webSiteUrl.endsWith("/")) {
+    			webSiteUrl = webSiteUrl.substring(0, webSiteUrl.length() - 1);
+    		}
+    		if (webSiteMountPoint.endsWith("/")) {
+    			webSiteMountPoint = webSiteMountPoint.substring(0, webSiteMountPoint.length() - 1);
+    		}
+    		if (webSiteMountPoint.startsWith("/")) {
+    			webSiteMountPoint = webSiteMountPoint.substring(1, webSiteMountPoint.length());
+    		}
+    		String productCurrency = null;
+    		if ("US".equals(countryCode)) {
+    			productCurrency = "USD";
+    		} else if ("GB".equals(countryCode)) {
+    			productCurrency = "GBP";
+    		} else if ("DE".equals(countryCode)) {
+    			productCurrency = "EUR";
+    		} else {
+    			Debug.logError("Exception during building data items to Google, Country Code must be either US, UK or DE: "+countryCode, module);
+    			return ServiceUtil.returnFailure(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "productsExportToGoogle.invalidCountryCode", locale));
+    		}
+    		// Get the list of products to be exported to Google Base
+    		List productsList  = delegator.findList("Product", EntityCondition.makeCondition("productId", EntityOperator.IN, selectResult), null, null, null, false);
+    		// Get the tracking code
+    		if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(trackingCodeId) || "_NA_".equals(trackingCodeId)) {
+    			trackingCodeId = "";
+    		} else {
+    			trackingCodeId = "?atc=" + trackingCodeId;
+    		}
+    		Document feedDocument = UtilXml.makeEmptyXmlDocument("feed");
+    		Element feedElem = feedDocument.getDocumentElement();
+    		feedElem.setAttribute("xmlns", "");
+    		feedElem.setAttribute("xmlns:openSearch", "");
+    		feedElem.setAttribute("xmlns:g", "");
+    		feedElem.setAttribute("xmlns:batch", "");
+    		feedElem.setAttribute("xmlns:app", "");
+    		// Iterate the product list getting all the relevant data
+    		Iterator productsListItr = productsList.iterator();
+    		int index = 0;
+    		String itemActionType = null;
+    		GenericValue googleProduct;
+    		while(productsListItr.hasNext()) {
+    			itemActionType = actionType;
+    			GenericValue prod = (GenericValue);
+    			String price = getProductPrice(dispatcher, prod);
+    			if (price == null) {
+    				Debug.logInfo("Price not found for product [" + prod.getString("productId")+ "]; product will not be exported.", module);
+    				continue;
+    			}
+    			// TODO: improve this (i.e. get the relative path from the properies file)
+    			String link = webSiteUrl + "/"+webSiteMountPoint+"/control/product/~product_id=" + prod.getString("productId") + trackingCodeId;
+    			String title = UtilFormatOut.encodeXmlValue(prod.getString("productName"));
+    			String description = UtilFormatOut.encodeXmlValue(prod.getString("description"));
+    			String imageLink = "";
+    			if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(prod.getString("largeImageUrl"))) {
+    				imageLink = webSiteUrl + prod.getString("largeImageUrl");
+    			} else if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(prod.getString("mediumImageUrl"))) {
+    				imageLink = webSiteUrl + prod.getString("mediumImageUrl");
+    			} else if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(prod.getString("smallImageUrl"))) {
+    				imageLink = webSiteUrl + prod.getString("smallImageUrl");
+    			}
+    			String googleProductId = null;
+    			if (!"insert".equals(actionType)) {
+    				try {
+    					googleProduct = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("GoodIdentification", UtilMisc.toMap("productId", prod.getString("productId"), "goodIdentificationTypeId", "GOOGLE_ID"));
+    					if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(googleProduct)) {
+    						googleProductId = googleProduct.getString("idValue");
+    					}
+    				} catch(GenericEntityException gee) {
+    					Debug.logError("Unable to obtain GoodIdentification entity value of the Google id for product [" + prod.getString("productId") + "]: " + gee.getMessage(), module);
+    				}
+    			}
+    			if ("update".equals(actionType) && UtilValidate.isEmpty(googleProductId)) {
+    				itemActionType = "insert";
+    			}
+    			Element entryElem = UtilXml.addChildElement(feedElem, "entry", feedDocument);
+    			Element batchElem = UtilXml.addChildElement(entryElem, "batch:operation", feedDocument);
+    			batchElem.setAttribute("type", itemActionType);
+    			// status is draft or deactivate
+    			if (statusId != null && ("draft".equals(statusId) || "deactivate".equals(statusId))) {
+    				Element appControlElem = UtilXml.addChildElement(entryElem, "app:control", feedDocument);
+    				UtilXml.addChildElementValue(appControlElem, "app:draft", "yes", feedDocument);
+    				// status is deactivate
+    				if ("deactivate".equals(statusId)) {
+    					UtilXml.addChildElement(appControlElem, "gm:disapproved", feedDocument);
+    				}
+    			}
+    			UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "title", title, feedDocument);
+    			Element contentElem = UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "content", description, feedDocument);
+    			contentElem.setAttribute("type", "xhtml");
+    			if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(googleProductId)) {
+    				UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "id", googleProductId, feedDocument);
+    			} else {
+    				UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "id", link, feedDocument);
+    			}
+    			Element linkElem = UtilXml.addChildElement(entryElem, "link", feedDocument);
+    			linkElem.setAttribute("rel", "alternate");
+    			linkElem.setAttribute("type", "text/html");
+    			linkElem.setAttribute("href", link);
+    			UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "g:item_type", "products", feedDocument);
+    			UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "g:price", price, feedDocument);
+    			// Might be nicer to load this from the product but for now we'll set it based on the country destination
+    			UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "g:currency", productCurrency, feedDocument);
+    			// Ensure the load goes to the correct country location either US dollar, GB sterling or DE euro
+    			UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "g:target_country", countryCode, feedDocument);
+    			UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "g:brand", prod.getString("brandName"), feedDocument);
+    			try {
+    				googleProduct = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("GoodIdentification", UtilMisc.toMap("productId", prod.getString("productId"), "goodIdentificationTypeId", "SKU"));
+    				if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(googleProduct)) {
+    					UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "g:ean", googleProduct.getString("idValue"), feedDocument);
+    				}
+    			} catch(GenericEntityException gee) {
+    				Debug.logInfo("Unable to get the SKU for product [" + prod.getString("productId") + "]: " + gee.getMessage(), module);
+    			}
+    			UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "g:condition", "new", feedDocument);
+    			// This is a US specific requirement for product feeds
+    			//                     UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "g:mpn", "", feedDocument);
+    			// if the product has an image it will be published on Google Product Search
+    			if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(imageLink)) {
+    				UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "g:image_link", imageLink, feedDocument);
+    			}
+    			// if the product is exported to google for the first time, we add it to the list
+    			if ("insert".equals(itemActionType)) {
+    				newProductsInGoogle.add(prod.getString("productId"));
+    				productsRemovedFromGoogle.add(null);
+    			} else if ("delete".equals(itemActionType)) {
+    				newProductsInGoogle.add(null);
+    				productsRemovedFromGoogle.add(prod.getString("productId"));
+    			} else {
+    				newProductsInGoogle.add(null);
+    				productsRemovedFromGoogle.add(null);
+    			}
+    			index++;
+    		}
+    		dataItemsXml.append(UtilXml.writeXmlDocument(feedDocument));
+    	} catch (IOException e) {
+    		return ServiceUtil.returnError("IO Error creating XML document for Google :" + e.getMessage());
+    	} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
+    		return ServiceUtil.returnError("Unable to read from product entity: "  + e.toString());
+    	}
+    	Map result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
+    	result.put("newProductsInGoogle", newProductsInGoogle);
+    	result.put("productsRemovedFromGoogle", productsRemovedFromGoogle);
+    	Debug.log("======returning with result: " + result);
+    	return result;
     private static String getProductPrice(LocalDispatcher dispatcher, GenericValue product) {
         String priceString = null;
+        Map<String, Object> map = FastMap.newInstance();
         try {
-            Map map = dispatcher.runSync("calculateProductPrice", UtilMisc.toMap("product", product));
+            map = dispatcher.runSync("calculateProductPrice", UtilMisc.toMap("product", product));
             boolean validPriceFound = ((Boolean)map.get("validPriceFound")).booleanValue();
             boolean isSale = ((Boolean)map.get("isSale")).booleanValue();
             if (validPriceFound) {
-                priceString = UtilFormatOut.formatPrice((Double)map.get("price"));
+                priceString = map.get("price").toString();
-        } catch(Exception e){
-            Debug.logError("Exception calculating price for product [" + product.getString("productId") + "]", module);
+        } catch (GenericServiceException e1) {
+            Debug.logError("calculateProductPrice Service exception getting the product price:" + e1.toString(), module);
         return priceString;
     private static Map readResponseFromGoogle(String msg, List newProductsInGoogle, List productsRemovedFromGoogle, LocalDispatcher dispatcher, GenericDelegator delegator, Locale locale) {
         List message = FastList.newInstance();
+        // Debug.log("====get xml response from google: " + msg);
         try {
             Document docResponse = UtilXml.readXmlDocument(msg, true);
             Element elemResponse = docResponse.getDocumentElement();
@@ -540,7 +541,7 @@
                         Debug.logError("Unable to remove Google id for product [" + productId + "]: " + gee.getMessage(), module);
-                String title = UtilXml.childElementValue(atomEntryElement, "atom:title", "");
+                String title = "Google response: " + UtilXml.childElementValue(atomEntryElement, "atom:title", "");
                 List batchStatusList = UtilXml.childElementList(atomEntryElement, "batch:status");
                 Iterator batchStatusEntryElemIter = batchStatusList.iterator();
                 while (batchStatusEntryElemIter.hasNext()) {