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[21/52] [abbrv] [partial] re-org Test/Notification Test/lib/Jscex/src/jscex-jit.js
diff --git a/samples/Notification Test/Notification Test/lib/Jscex/src/jscex-jit.js b/samples/Notification Test/Notification Test/lib/Jscex/src/jscex-jit.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 43e09fd..0000000
--- a/samples/Notification Test/Notification Test/lib/Jscex/src/jscex-jit.js	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1692 +0,0 @@
-(function () {
-    "use strict";
-    var Jscex;
-    var codeGenerator = (typeof eval("(function () {})") == "function") ?
-        function (code) { return code; } :
-        function (code) { return "false || " + code; };
-    // support string type only.
-    var stringify = (typeof JSON !== "undefined" && JSON.stringify) ?
-        function (s) { return JSON.stringify(s); } :
-        (function () {
-            // Implementation comes from JSON2 (
-            var escapable = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g;
-            var meta = {    // table of character substitutions
-                '\b': '\\b',
-                '\t': '\\t',
-                '\n': '\\n',
-                '\f': '\\f',
-                '\r': '\\r',
-                '"' : '\\"',
-                '\\': '\\\\'
-            }
-            return function (s) {
-                // If the string contains no control characters, no quote characters, and no
-                // backslash characters, then we can safely slap some quotes around it.
-                // Otherwise we must also replace the offending characters with safe escape
-                // sequences.
-                escapable.lastIndex = 0;
-                return escapable.test(s) ? '"' + s.replace(escapable, function (a) {
-                    var c = meta[a];
-                    return typeof c === 's' ? c :
-                        '\\u' + ('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);
-                }) + '"' : '"' + s + '"';
-            };
-        })();
-    function sprintf(format) {
-        var args = arguments;
-        return format.toString().replace(new RegExp("{\\d+}", "g"), function (p) {
-            var n = parseInt(p.substring(1, p.length - 1), 10);
-            return args[n + 1];
-        });
-    }
-    function trim(s) {
-        return s.replace(/ +/g, "");
-    }
-    function getPrecedence(ast) {
-        var type = ast[0];
-        switch (type) {
-            case "dot": // .
-            case "sub": // []
-            case "call": // ()
-                return 1;
-            case "unary-postfix": // ++ -- - ~ ! delete new typeof void
-            case "unary-prefix":
-                return 2;
-            case "var":
-            case "binary":
-                switch (ast[1]) {
-                    case "*":
-                    case "/":
-                    case "%":
-                        return 3;
-                    case "+":
-                    case "-":
-                        return 4;
-                    case "<<":
-                    case ">>":
-                    case ">>>":
-                        return 5;
-                    case "<":
-                    case "<=":
-                    case ">":
-                    case ">=":
-                    case "instanceof":
-                        return 6;
-                    case "==":
-                    case "!=":
-                    case "===":
-                    case "!==":
-                        return 7;
-                    case "&":
-                        return 8;
-                    case "^":
-                        return 9;
-                    case "|":
-                        return 10;
-                    case "&&":
-                        return 11;
-                    case "||":
-                        return 12;
-                }
-            case "conditional":
-                return 13;
-            case "assign":
-                return 14;
-            case "new":
-                return 15;
-            case "seq":
-            case "stat":
-            case "name":
-            case "object":
-            case "array":
-            case "num":
-            case "regexp":
-            case "string":
-            case "function":
-            case "defun":
-            case "for":
-            case "for-in":
-            case "block":
-            case "while":
-            case "do":
-            case "if":
-            case "break":
-            case "continue":
-            case "return":
-            case "throw":
-            case "try":
-            case "switch": 
-                return 0;
-            default:
-                return 100; // the lowest
-        }
-    }
-    var CodeWriter = function (indent) {
-        this._indent = indent || "    ";
-        this._indentLevel = 0;
-        this.lines = [];
-    }
-    CodeWriter.prototype = {
-        write: function (str) {
-            if (str === undefined) return;
-            if (this.lines.length == 0) {
-                this.lines.push("");
-            }
-            this.lines[this.lines.length - 1] += str;
-            return this;
-        },
-        writeLine: function () {
-            this.write.apply(this, arguments);
-            this.lines.push("");
-            return this;
-        },
-        writeIndents: function () {
-            var indents = new Array(this._indentLevel);
-            for (var i = 0; i < this._indentLevel; i++) {
-                indents[i] = this._indent;
-            }
-            this.write(indents.join(""));
-            return this;
-        }, 
-        addIndentLevel: function (diff) {
-            this._indentLevel += diff;
-            return this;
-        }
-    };
-    var SeedProvider = function () {
-        this._seeds = {};
-    }
- = function (key) {
-        var value = this._seeds[key];
-        if (value == undefined) {
-            this._seeds[key] = 0;
-            return 0;
-        } else {
-            this._seeds[key] = ++value;
-            return value;
-        }
-    }
-    function isJscexPattern(ast) {
-        if (ast[0] != "call") return false;
-        var evalName = ast[1];
-        if (evalName[0] != "name" || evalName[1] != "eval") return false;
-        var compileCall = ast[2][0];
-        if (!compileCall || compileCall[0] != "call") return false;
-        var compileMethod = compileCall[1];
-        if (!compileMethod || compileMethod[0] != "dot" || compileMethod[2] != "compile") return false;
-        var jscexName = compileMethod[1];
-        if (!jscexName || jscexName[0] != "name" || jscexName[1] != compile.rootName) return false;
-        var builder = compileCall[2][0];
-        if (!builder || builder[0] != "string") return false;
-        var func = compileCall[2][1];
-        if (!func || func[0] != "function") return false;
-        return true;
-    }
-    function compileJscexPattern(ast, seedProvider, codeWriter, commentWriter) {
-        var builderName = ast[2][0][2][0][1];
-        var funcAst = ast[2][0][2][1];
-        var jscexTreeGenerator = new JscexTreeGenerator(builderName, seedProvider);
-        var jscexAst = jscexTreeGenerator.generate(funcAst);
-        commentWriter.write(builderName + " << ");
-        var codeGenerator = new CodeGenerator(builderName, seedProvider, codeWriter, commentWriter);
-        codeGenerator.generate(funcAst[2], jscexAst);
-    }
-    var JscexTreeGenerator = function (builderName, seedProvider) {
-        this._binder = Jscex.binders[builderName];
-        this._seedProvider = seedProvider;
-    }
-    JscexTreeGenerator.prototype = {
-        generate: function (ast) {
-            var params = ast[2], statements = ast[3];
-            var rootAst = { type: "delay", stmts: [] };
-            this._visitStatements(statements, rootAst.stmts);
-            return rootAst;
-        },
-        _getBindInfo: function (stmt) {
-            var type = stmt[0];
-            if (type == "stat") {
-                var expr = stmt[1];
-                if (expr[0] == "call") {
-                    var callee = expr[1];
-                    if (callee[0] == "name" && callee[1] == this._binder && expr[2].length == 1) {
-                        return {
-                            expression: expr[2][0],
-                            argName: "",
-                            assignee: null
-                        };
-                    }
-                } else if (expr[0] == "assign") {
-                    var assignee = expr[2];
-                    expr = expr[3];
-                    if (expr[0] == "call") {
-                        var callee = expr[1];
-                        if (callee[0] == "name" && callee[1] == this._binder && expr[2].length == 1) {
-                            return {
-                                expression: expr[2][0],
-                                argName: "_result_$",
-                                assignee: assignee
-                            };
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            } else if (type == "var") {
-                var defs = stmt[1];
-                if (defs.length == 1) {
-                    var item = defs[0];
-                    var name = item[0];
-                    var expr = item[1];
-                    if (expr && expr[0] == "call") {
-                        var callee = expr[1];
-                        if (callee[0] == "name" && callee[1] == this._binder && expr[2].length == 1) {
-                            return {
-                                expression: expr[2][0],
-                                argName: name,
-                                assignee: null
-                            };                            
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            } else if (type == "return") {
-                var expr = stmt[1];
-                if (expr && expr[0] == "call") {
-                    var callee = expr[1];
-                    if (callee[0] == "name" && callee[1] == this._binder && expr[2].length == 1) {
-                        return {
-                            expression: expr[2][0],
-                            argName: "_result_$",
-                            assignee: "return"
-                        };
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            return null;
-        },
-        _visitStatements: function (statements, stmts, index) {
-            if (arguments.length <= 2) index = 0;
-            if (index >= statements.length) {
-                stmts.push({ type: "normal" });
-                return this;
-            }
-            var currStmt = statements[index];
-            var bindInfo = this._getBindInfo(currStmt);
-            if (bindInfo) {
-                var bindStmt = { type: "bind", info: bindInfo };
-                stmts.push(bindStmt);
-                if (bindInfo.assignee != "return") {
-                    bindStmt.stmts = [];
-                    this._visitStatements(statements, bindStmt.stmts, index + 1);
-                }
-            } else {
-                var type = currStmt[0];
-                if (type == "return" || type == "break" || type == "continue" || type == "throw") {
-                    stmts.push({ type: type, stmt: currStmt });
-                } else if (type == "if" || type == "try" || type == "for" || type == "do"
-                           || type == "while" || type == "switch" || type == "for-in") {
-                    var newStmt = this._visit(currStmt);
-                    if (newStmt.type == "raw") {
-                        stmts.push(newStmt);
-                        this._visitStatements(statements, stmts, index + 1);
-                    } else {
-                        var isLast = (index == statements.length - 1);
-                        if (isLast) {
-                            stmts.push(newStmt);
-                        } else {
-                            var combineStmt = {
-                                type: "combine",
-                                first: { type: "delay", stmts: [newStmt] },
-                                second: { type: "delay", stmts: [] }
-                            };
-                            stmts.push(combineStmt);
-                            this._visitStatements(statements, combineStmt.second.stmts, index + 1);
-                        }
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    stmts.push({ type: "raw", stmt: currStmt });
-                    this._visitStatements(statements, stmts, index + 1);
-                }
-            }
-            return this;
-        },
-        _visit: function (ast) {
-            var type = ast[0];
-            function throwUnsupportedError() {
-                throw new Error('"' + type + '" is not currently supported.');
-            }
-            var visitor = this._visitors[type];
-            if (visitor) {
-                return, ast);
-            } else {
-                throwUnsupportedError();
-            }
-        },
-        _visitBody: function (ast, stmts) {
-            if (ast[0] == "block") {
-                this._visitStatements(ast[1], stmts);
-            } else {
-                this._visitStatements([ast], stmts);
-            }
-        },
-        _noBinding: function (stmts) {
-            switch (stmts[stmts.length - 1].type) {
-                case "normal":
-                case "return":
-                case "break":
-                case "throw":
-                case "continue":
-                    return true;
-            }
-            return false;
-        },
-        _collectCaseStatements: function (cases, index) {
-            var res = [];
-            for (var i = index; i < cases.length; i++) {
-                var rawStmts = cases[i][1];
-                for (var j = 0; j < rawStmts.length; j++) {
-                    if (rawStmts[j][0] == "break") {
-                        return res
-                    }
-                    res.push(rawStmts[j]);
-                }
-            }
-            return res;
-        },
-        _visitors: {
-            "for": function (ast) {
-                var bodyStmts = [];
-                var body = ast[4];
-                this._visitBody(body, bodyStmts);
-                if (this._noBinding(bodyStmts)) {
-                    return { type: "raw", stmt: ast };
-                }
-                var delayStmt = { type: "delay", stmts: [] };
-                var setup = ast[1];
-                if (setup) {
-                    delayStmt.stmts.push({ type: "raw", stmt: setup });
-                }
-                var forStmt = { type: "for", bodyStmt: { type: "delay", stmts: bodyStmts } };
-                delayStmt.stmts.push(forStmt);
-                var condition = ast[2];
-                if (condition) {
-                    forStmt.condition = condition;
-                }
-                var update = ast[3];
-                if (update) {
-                    forStmt.update = update;
-                }
-                return delayStmt;
-            },
-            "for-in": function (ast) {
-                var body = ast[4];
-                var bodyStmts = [];
-                this._visitBody(body, bodyStmts);
-                if (this._noBinding(bodyStmts)) {
-                    return { type: "raw", stmt: ast };
-                }
-                var forInStmt = { type: "for-in", bodyStmts: bodyStmts, obj: ast[3] };
-                var argName = ast[2][1]; // ast[2] == ["name", m]
-                if (ast[1][0] == "var") {
-                    forInStmt.argName = argName;
-                } else {
-                    var keyVar = "_forInKey_$" +"forInKey");
-                    forInStmt.argName = keyVar;
-                    forInStmt.bodyStmts.unshift({
-                        type: "raw",
-                        stmt: Jscex.parse(argName + " = " + keyVar + ";")[1][0]
-                    });
-                }
-                return forInStmt;
-            },
-            "while": function (ast) {
-                var bodyStmts = [];
-                var body = ast[2];
-                this._visitBody(body, bodyStmts);
-                if (this._noBinding(bodyStmts)) {
-                    return { type: "raw", stmt: ast }
-                }
-                var loopStmt = { type: "while", bodyStmt: { type: "delay", stmts: bodyStmts } };
-                var condition = ast[1];
-                loopStmt.condition = condition;
-                return loopStmt;
-            },
-            "do": function (ast) {
-                var bodyStmts = [];
-                var body = ast[2];
-                this._visitBody(body, bodyStmts);
-                if (this._noBinding(bodyStmts)) {
-                    return { type: "raw", stmt: ast };
-                }
-                var doStmt = {
-                    type: "do",
-                    bodyStmt: { type: "delay", stmts: bodyStmts },
-                    condition: ast[1]
-                };
-                return doStmt;
-            },
-            "switch": function (ast) {
-                var noBinding = true;
-                var switchStmt = { type: "switch", item: ast[1], caseStmts: [] };
-                var cases = ast[2];
-                for (var i = 0; i < cases.length; i++) {                    
-                    var caseStmt = { item: cases[i][0], stmts: [] };
-                    switchStmt.caseStmts.push(caseStmt);
-                    var statements = this._collectCaseStatements(cases, i);
-                    this._visitStatements(statements, caseStmt.stmts);
-                    noBinding = noBinding && this._noBinding(caseStmt.stmts);
-                }
-                if (noBinding) {
-                    return { type: "raw", stmt: ast };
-                } else {
-                    return switchStmt;
-                }
-            },
-            "if": function (ast) {
-                var noBinding = true;
-                var ifStmt = { type: "if", conditionStmts: [] };
-                var currAst = ast;
-                while (true) {
-                    var condition = currAst[1];
-                    var condStmt = { cond: condition, stmts: [] };
-                    ifStmt.conditionStmts.push(condStmt);
-                    var thenPart = currAst[2];
-                    this._visitBody(thenPart, condStmt.stmts);
-                    noBinding = noBinding && this._noBinding(condStmt.stmts);
-                    var elsePart = currAst[3];
-                    if (elsePart && elsePart[0] == "if") {
-                        currAst = elsePart;
-                    } else {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-                var elsePart = currAst[3];
-                if (elsePart) {
-                    ifStmt.elseStmts = [];
-                    this._visitBody(elsePart, ifStmt.elseStmts);
-                    noBinding = noBinding && this._noBinding(ifStmt.elseStmts);
-                }
-                if (noBinding) {
-                    return { type: "raw", stmt: ast };
-                } else {
-                    return ifStmt;
-                }
-            },
-            "try": function (ast, stmts) {
-                var bodyStmts = [];
-                var bodyStatements = ast[1];
-                this._visitStatements(bodyStatements, bodyStmts);
-                var noBinding = this._noBinding(bodyStmts)
-                var tryStmt = { type: "try", bodyStmt: { type: "delay", stmts: bodyStmts } };
-                var catchClause = ast[2];
-                if (catchClause) {
-                    var exVar = catchClause[0];
-                    tryStmt.exVar = exVar;
-                    tryStmt.catchStmts = [];
-                    this._visitStatements(catchClause[1], tryStmt.catchStmts);
-                    noBinding = noBinding && this._noBinding(tryStmt.catchStmts);
-                }
-                var finallyStatements = ast[3];
-                if (finallyStatements) {
-                    tryStmt.finallyStmt = { type: "delay", stmts: [] };
-                    this._visitStatements(finallyStatements, tryStmt.finallyStmt.stmts);
-                    noBinding = noBinding && this._noBinding(tryStmt.finallyStmt.stmts);
-                }
-                if (noBinding) {
-                    return { type: "raw", stmt: ast };
-                } else {
-                    return tryStmt;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    var CodeGenerator = function (builderName, seedProvider, codeWriter, commentWriter) {
-        this._builderName = builderName;
-        this._binder = Jscex.binders[builderName];
-        this._seedProvider = seedProvider;
-        this._codeWriter = codeWriter;
-        this._commentWriter = commentWriter;
-    }
-    CodeGenerator.prototype = {
-        _code: function () {
-            this._codeWriter.write.apply(this._codeWriter, arguments);
-            return this;
-        },
-        _codeLine: function () {
-            this._codeWriter.writeLine.apply(this._codeWriter, arguments);
-            return this;
-        },
-        _codeIndents: function () {
-            this._codeWriter.writeIndents();
-            return this;
-        },
-        _codeIndentLevel: function (diff) {
-            this._codeWriter.addIndentLevel(diff);
-            return this;
-        },
-        _comment: function () {
-            this._commentWriter.write.apply(this._commentWriter, arguments);
-            return this;
-        },
-        _commentLine: function () {
-            this._commentWriter.writeLine.apply(this._commentWriter, arguments);
-            return this;
-        },
-        _commentIndents: function () {
-            this._commentWriter.writeIndents();
-            return this;
-        },
-        _commentIndentLevel: function (diff) {
-            this._commentWriter.addIndentLevel(diff);
-            return this;
-        },
-        _both: function () {
-            this._codeWriter.write.apply(this._codeWriter, arguments);
-            this._commentWriter.write.apply(this._commentWriter, arguments);
-            return this;
-        },
-        _bothLine: function () {
-            this._codeWriter.writeLine.apply(this._codeWriter, arguments);
-            this._commentWriter.writeLine.apply(this._commentWriter, arguments);
-            return this;
-        },
-        _bothIndents: function () {
-            this._codeWriter.writeIndents();
-            this._commentWriter.writeIndents();
-            return this;
-        },
-        _bothIndentLevel: function (diff) {
-            this._codeWriter.addIndentLevel(diff);
-            this._commentWriter.addIndentLevel(diff);
-            return this;
-        },
-        _newLine: function () {
-            this._codeWriter.writeLine.apply(this._codeWriter, arguments);
-            this._commentWriter.writeLine(); // To Remove
-            return this;
-        },
-        generate: function (params, jscexAst) {
-            this._normalMode = false;
-            this._builderVar = "_builder_$" +"builderId");
-            this._codeLine("(function (" + params.join(", ") + ") {")._commentLine("function (" + params.join(", ") + ") {");
-            this._bothIndentLevel(1);
-            this._codeIndents()._newLine("var " + this._builderVar + " = " + compile.rootName + ".builders[" + stringify(this._builderName) + "];");
-            this._codeIndents()._newLine("return " + this._builderVar + ".Start(this,");
-            this._codeIndentLevel(1);
-            this._pos = { };
-            this._bothIndents()._visitJscex(jscexAst)._newLine();
-            this._codeIndentLevel(-1);
-            this._codeIndents()._newLine(");");
-            this._bothIndentLevel(-1);
-            this._bothIndents()._code("})")._comment("}");
-        },
-        _visitJscex: function (ast) {
-            this._jscexVisitors[ast.type].call(this, ast);
-            return this;
-        },
-        _visitRaw: function (ast) {
-            var type = ast[0];
-            var visitor = this._rawVisitors[type];
-            if (visitor) {
-      , ast);
-            } else {
-                throw new Error('"' + type + '" is not currently supported.');
-            }
-            return this;
-        },
-        _visitJscexStatements: function (statements) {
-            for (var i = 0; i < statements.length; i++) {
-                var stmt = statements[i];
-                if (stmt.type == "raw" || stmt.type == "if" || stmt.type == "switch") {
-                    this._bothIndents()._visitJscex(stmt)._newLine();
-                } else if (stmt.type == "delay") {
-                    this._visitJscexStatements(stmt.stmts);
-                } else {
-                    this._bothIndents()._code("return ")._visitJscex(stmt)._newLine(";");
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        _visitRawStatements: function (statements) {
-            for (var i = 0; i < statements.length; i++) {
-                var s = statements[i];
-                this._bothIndents()._visitRaw(s)._bothLine();
-                switch (s[0]) {
-                    case "break":
-                    case "return":
-                    case "continue":
-                    case "throw":
-                        return;
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        _visitRawBody: function (body) {
-            if (body[0] == "block") {
-                this._visitRaw(body);
-            } else {
-                this._bothLine();
-                this._bothIndentLevel(1);
-                this._bothIndents()._visitRaw(body);
-                this._bothIndentLevel(-1);
-            }
-            return this;
-        },
-        _visitRawFunction: function (ast) {
-            var funcName = ast[1] || "";
-            var args = ast[2];
-            var statements = ast[3];
-            this._bothLine("function " + funcName + "(" + args.join(", ") + ") {")
-            this._bothIndentLevel(1);
-            var currInFunction = this._pos.inFunction;
-            this._pos.inFunction = true;
-            this._visitRawStatements(statements);
-            this._bothIndentLevel(-1);
-            this._pos.inFunction = currInFunction;
-            this._bothIndents()._both("}");
-        },
-        _jscexVisitors: {
-            "delay": function (ast) {
-                if (ast.stmts.length == 1) {
-                    var subStmt = ast.stmts[0];
-                    switch (subStmt.type) {
-                        case "delay":
-                        case "combine":
-                        case "normal":
-                        case "break":
-                        case "continue":
-                        case "for":
-                        case "for-in":
-                        case "while":
-                        case "do":
-                        case "try":
-                            this._visitJscex(subStmt);
-                            return;
-                        case "return":
-                            if (!subStmt.stmt[1]) {
-                                this._visitJscex(subStmt);
-                                return;
-                            }
-                    }
-                }
-                this._newLine(this._builderVar + ".Delay(function () {");
-                this._codeIndentLevel(1);
-                this._visitJscexStatements(ast.stmts);
-                this._codeIndentLevel(-1);
-                this._codeIndents()._code("})");
-            },
-            "combine": function (ast) {
-                this._newLine(this._builderVar + ".Combine(");
-                this._codeIndentLevel(1);
-                this._bothIndents()._visitJscex(ast.first)._newLine(",");
-                this._bothIndents()._visitJscex(ast.second)._newLine();
-                this._codeIndentLevel(-1);
-                this._codeIndents()._code(")");
-            },
-            "for": function (ast) {                
-                if (ast.condition) {
-                    this._codeLine(this._builderVar + ".For(function () {")
-                        ._commentLine("for (");
-                    this._codeIndentLevel(1);
-                    this._bothIndents()
-                        ._code("return ")
-                        ._comment("; ")
-                            ._visitRaw(ast.condition)
-                                ._newLine(";");
-                    this._codeIndentLevel(-1);
-                    this._bothIndents()._code("}, ");
-                } else {
-                    this._code(this._builderVar + ".For(null, ")
-                        ._comment("for (; ");
-                }
-                if (ast.update) {
-                    this._newLine("function () {");
-                    this._codeIndentLevel(1);
-                    this._bothIndents()
-                        ._comment("; ")
-                            ._visitRaw(ast.update)
-                                ._codeLine(";")
-                                ._commentLine(") {");
-                    this._codeIndentLevel(-1);
-                    this._codeIndents()._newLine("},");
-                } else {
-                    this._codeLine("null,")._commentLine("; ) {");
-                }
-                this._bothIndentLevel(1);
-                this._bothIndents()._visitJscex(ast.bodyStmt)._newLine();
-                this._bothIndentLevel(-1);
-                this._bothIndents()._code(")")._comment("}");
-            },
-            "for-in": function (ast) {
-                this._code(this._builderVar + ".ForIn(")
-                    ._comment("for (var " + ast.argName + " in ")
-                        ._visitRaw(ast.obj)
-                            ._codeLine(", function (" + ast.argName + ") {")
-                            ._commentLine(") {");
-                this._bothIndentLevel(1);
-                this._visitJscexStatements(ast.bodyStmts);
-                this._bothIndentLevel(-1);
-                this._bothIndents()._code("})")._comment("}");
-            },
-            "while": function (ast) {
-                this._newLine(this._builderVar + ".While(function () {");
-                this._codeIndentLevel(1);
-                this._bothIndents()
-                    ._code("return ")
-                    ._comment("while (")
-                        ._visitRaw(ast.condition)
-                            ._codeLine(";")
-                            ._commentLine(") {");
-                this._codeIndentLevel(-1);
-                this._codeIndents()._newLine("},");
-                this._bothIndentLevel(1);
-                this._bothIndents()._visitJscex(ast.bodyStmt)._newLine();
-                this._bothIndentLevel(-1);
-                this._bothIndents()._code(")")._comment("}");
-            },
-            "do": function (ast) {
-                this._codeLine(this._builderVar + ".Do(")._commentLine("do {");
-                this._bothIndentLevel(1);
-                this._bothIndents()._visitJscex(ast.bodyStmt)._newLine(",");
-                this._commentIndentLevel(-1);
-                this._codeIndents()._newLine("function () {");
-                this._codeIndentLevel(1);
-                this._bothIndents()
-                    ._code("return ")
-                    ._comment("} while (")
-                        ._visitRaw(ast.condition)
-                            ._codeLine(";")
-                            ._commentLine(");");
-                this._codeIndentLevel(-1);
-                this._codeIndents()._newLine("}");
-                this._codeIndentLevel(-1);
-                this._codeIndents()._code(")");
-            },
-            "raw": function (ast) {
-                this._visitRaw(ast.stmt, true);
-            },
-            "bind": function (ast) {
-                var info =;
-                var commentPrefix = "";
-                if (info.assignee == "return") {
-                    commentPrefix = "return ";
-                } else if (info.argName != "") {
-                    commentPrefix = "var " + info.argName + " = ";
-                }
-                this._code(this._builderVar + ".Bind(")._comment(commentPrefix + this._binder + "(")._visitRaw(info.expression)._comment(");")._newLine(", function (" + info.argName + ") {");
-                this._codeIndentLevel(1);
-                if (info.assignee == "return") {
-                    this._codeIndents()
-                        ._newLine("return " + this._builderVar + ".Return(" + info.argName + ");");
-                } else {
-                    if (info.assignee) {
-                        this._bothIndents()
-                            ._visitRaw(info.assignee)._bothLine(" = " + info.argName + ";");
-                    }
-                    this._visitJscexStatements(ast.stmts);
-                }
-                this._codeIndentLevel(-1);
-                this._codeIndents()
-                    ._code("})");
-            },
-            "if": function (ast) {
-                for (var i = 0; i < ast.conditionStmts.length; i++) {
-                    var stmt = ast.conditionStmts[i];
-                    this._both("if (")._visitRaw(stmt.cond)._bothLine(") {");
-                    this._bothIndentLevel(1);
-                    this._visitJscexStatements(stmt.stmts);
-                    this._bothIndentLevel(-1);
-                    if (i < ast.conditionStmts.length - 1 || ast.elseStmts) {
-                        this._bothIndents()._both("} else ");
-                    } else {
-                        this._bothIndents()._code("} else ")._comment("}");
-                    }
-                }
-                if (ast.elseStmts) {
-                    this._bothLine("{");
-                    this._bothIndentLevel(1);
-                } else {
-                    this._newLine("{");
-                    this._codeIndentLevel(1);
-                }
-                if (ast.elseStmts) {
-                    this._visitJscexStatements(ast.elseStmts);
-                } else {
-                    this._codeIndents()
-                        ._newLine("return " + this._builderVar + ".Normal();");
-                }
-                if (ast.elseStmts) {
-                    this._bothIndentLevel(-1);
-                } else {
-                    this._codeIndentLevel(-1);
-                }
-                if (ast.elseStmts) {
-                    this._bothIndents()
-                        ._both("}");
-                } else {
-                    this._codeIndents()
-                        ._code("}");
-                }
-            },
-            "switch": function (ast) {
-                this._both("switch (")._visitRaw(ast.item)._bothLine(") {");
-                this._bothIndentLevel(1);
-                for (var i = 0; i < ast.caseStmts.length; i++) {
-                    var caseStmt = ast.caseStmts[i];
-                    if (caseStmt.item) {
-                        this._bothIndents()
-                            ._both("case ")._visitRaw(caseStmt.item)._bothLine(":");
-                    } else {
-                        this._bothIndents()._bothLine("default:");
-                    }
-                    this._bothIndentLevel(1);
-                    this._visitJscexStatements(caseStmt.stmts);                    
-                    this._bothIndentLevel(-1);
-                }
-                this._bothIndents()._code("}");
-            },
-            "try": function (ast) {
-                this._codeLine(this._builderVar + ".Try(")._commentLine("try {");
-                this._bothIndentLevel(1);
-                this._bothIndents()._visitJscex(ast.bodyStmt)._newLine(",");
-                this._commentIndentLevel(-1);
-                if (ast.catchStmts) {
-                    this._bothIndents()
-                        ._codeLine("function (" + ast.exVar + ") {")
-                        ._commentLine("} catch (" + ast.exVar + ") {");
-                    this._bothIndentLevel(1);
-                    this._visitJscexStatements(ast.catchStmts);
-                    this._bothIndentLevel(-1);
-                    this._bothIndents()._codeLine("},");
-                    if (ast.finallyStmt) {
-                        this._commentLine("} finally {");
-                    } else {
-                        this._commentLine("}");
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    this._bothIndents()._codeLine("null,")._commentLine("} finally {");
-                }
-                if (ast.finallyStmt) {
-                    this._commentIndentLevel(1);
-                    this._bothIndents()._visitJscex(ast.finallyStmt)._newLine();
-                    this._commentIndentLevel(-1);
-                } else {
-                    this._codeIndents()._newLine("null");
-                }
-                this._codeIndentLevel(-1);
-                this._codeIndents()._code(")");
-                if (ast.finallyStmt) {
-                    this._commentIndents()._comment("}");
-                }
-            },
-            "normal": function (ast) {
-                this._code(this._builderVar + ".Normal()");
-            },
-            "throw": function (ast) {
-                this
-                    ._code(this._builderVar + ".Throw(")
-                    ._comment("throw ")
-                        ._visitRaw(ast.stmt[1])
-                            ._code(")")._comment(";");
-            },
-            "break": function (ast) {
-                this._code(this._builderVar + ".Break()")._comment("break;");
-            },
-            "continue": function (ast) {
-                this._code(this._builderVar + ".Continue()")._comment("continue;");
-            },
-            "return": function (ast) {
-                this._code(this._builderVar + ".Return(")._comment("return");
-                if (ast.stmt[1]) {
-                    this._comment(" ")._visitRaw(ast.stmt[1]);
-                }
-                this._code(")")._comment(";");
-            }
-        },
-        _rawVisitors: {
-            "var": function (ast) {
-                this._both("var ");
-                var items = ast[1];
-                for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
-                    this._both(items[i][0]);
-                    if (items[i].length > 1) {
-                        this._both(" = ")._visitRaw(items[i][1]);
-                    }
-                    if (i < items.length - 1) this._both(", ");
-                }
-                this._both(";");
-            },
-            "seq": function (ast, noBracket) {
-                var left = ast[1];
-                var right = ast[2];
-                if (!noBracket) this._both("(");
-                this._visitRaw(left);
-                this._both(", ");
-                if (right[0] == "seq") {
-          , right, true);
-                } else {
-                    this._visitRaw(right);
-                }
-                if (!noBracket) this._both(")");
-            },
-            "binary": function (ast) {
-                var op = ast[1], left = ast[2], right = ast[3];
-                if (getPrecedence(ast) < getPrecedence(left)) {
-                    this._both("(")._visitRaw(left)._both(") ");
-                } else {
-                    this._visitRaw(left)._both(" ");
-                }
-                this._both(op);
-                if (getPrecedence(ast) <= getPrecedence(right)) {
-                    this._both(" (")._visitRaw(right)._both(")");
-                } else {
-                    this._both(" ")._visitRaw(right);
-                }
-            },
-            "sub": function (ast) {
-                var prop = ast[1], index = ast[2];
-                if (getPrecedence(ast) < getPrecedence(prop)) {
-                    this._both("(")._visitRaw(prop)._both(")[")._visitRaw(index)._both("]");
-                } else {
-                    this._visitRaw(prop)._both("[")._visitRaw(index)._both("]");
-                }
-            },
-            "unary-postfix": function (ast) {
-                var op = ast[1];
-                var item = ast[2];
-                if (getPrecedence(ast) <= getPrecedence(item)) {
-                    this._both("(")._visitRaw(item)._both(")");
-                } else {
-                    this._visitRaw(item);
-                }
-                this._both(" " + op);
-            },
-            "unary-prefix": function (ast) {
-                var op = ast[1];
-                var item = ast[2];
-                this._both(op + " ");
-                if (getPrecedence(ast) < getPrecedence(item)) {
-                    this._both("(")._visitRaw(item)._both(")");
-                } else {
-                    this._visitRaw(item);
-                }
-            },
-            "assign": function (ast) {
-                var op = ast[1];
-                var name = ast[2];
-                var value = ast[3];
-                if (name[0] == "assign") {
-                    this._both("(")._visitRaw(name)._both(")");
-                } else {
-                    this._visitRaw(name);
-                }
-                if ((typeof op) == "string") {
-                    this._both(" " + op + "= ");
-                } else {
-                    this._both(" = ");
-                }
-                this._visitRaw(value);
-            },
-            "stat": function (ast) {
-                this._visitRaw(ast[1])._both(";");
-            },
-            "dot": function (ast) {
-                var left = ast[1];
-                var right = ast[2];
-                if (getPrecedence(ast) < getPrecedence(left)) {
-                    this._both("(")._visitRaw(left)._both(").")._both(right);
-                } else {
-                    this._visitRaw(left)._both(".")._both(right);
-                }
-            },
-            "new": function (ast) {
-                var ctor = ast[1];
-                this._both("new ")._visitRaw(ctor)._both("(");
-                var args = ast[2];
-                for (var i = 0, len = args.length; i < len; i++) {
-                    this._visitRaw(args[i]);
-                    if (i < len - 1) this._both(", ");
-                }
-                this._both(")");
-            },
-            "call": function (ast) {
-                if (isJscexPattern(ast)) {
-                    compileJscexPattern(ast, this._seedProvider, this._codeWriter, this._commentWriter);
-                } else {
-                    var caller = ast[1];
-                    var invalidBind = (caller[0] == "name") && (caller[1] == this._binder);
-                    // throw?
-                    if (getPrecedence(ast) < getPrecedence(caller)) {
-                        this._both("(")._visitRaw(caller)._both(")");
-                    } else {
-                        this._visitRaw(caller);
-                    }
-                    this._both("(");
-                    var args = ast[2];
-                    for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
-                        this._visitRaw(args[i]);
-                        if (i < args.length - 1) this._both(", ");
-                    }
-                    this._both(")");
-                }
-            },
-            "name": function (ast) {
-                this._both(ast[1]);
-            },
-            "object": function (ast) {
-                var items = ast[1];
-                if (items.length <= 0) {
-                    this._both("{ }");
-                } else {
-                    this._bothLine("{");
-                    this._bothIndentLevel(1);
-                    for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
-                        this._bothIndents()
-                            ._both(stringify(items[i][0]) + ": ")
-                            ._visitRaw(items[i][1]);
-                        if (i < items.length - 1) {
-                            this._bothLine(",");
-                        } else {
-                            this._bothLine("");
-                        }
-                    }
-                    this._bothIndentLevel(-1);
-                    this._bothIndents()._both("}");
-                }
-            },
-            "array": function (ast) {
-                this._both("[");
-                var items = ast[1];
-                for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
-                    this._visitRaw(items[i]);
-                    if (i < items.length - 1) this._both(", ");
-                }
-                this._both("]");
-            },
-            "num": function (ast) {
-                this._both(ast[1]);
-            },
-            "regexp": function (ast) {
-                this._both("/" + ast[1] + "/" + ast[2]);
-            },
-            "string": function (ast) {
-                this._both(stringify(ast[1]));
-            },
-            "function": function (ast) {
-                this._visitRawFunction(ast);
-            },
-            "defun": function (ast) {
-                this._visitRawFunction(ast);
-            },
-            "for": function (ast) {
-                this._both("for (");
-                var setup = ast[1];
-                if (setup) {
-                    this._visitRaw(setup);
-                    if (setup[0] != "var") {
-                        this._both("; ");
-                    } else {
-                        this._both(" ");
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    this._both("; ");
-                }
-                var condition = ast[2];
-                if (condition) this._visitRaw(condition);
-                this._both("; ");
-                var update = ast[3];
-                if (update) this._visitRaw(update);
-                this._both(") ");
-                var currInLoop = this._pos.inLoop;
-                this._pos.inLoop = true;
-                var body = ast[4];
-                this._visitRawBody(body);
-                this._pos.inLoop = currInLoop;
-            },
-            "for-in": function (ast) {
-                this._both("for (");
-                var declare = ast[1];
-                if (declare[0] == "var") { // declare == ["var", [["m"]]]
-                    this._both("var " + declare[1][0][0]);
-                } else {
-                    this._visitRaw(declare);
-                }
-                this._both(" in ")._visitRaw(ast[3])._both(") ");
-                var body = ast[4];
-                this._visitRawBody(body);
-            },
-            "block": function (ast) {
-                this._bothLine("{")
-                this._bothIndentLevel(1);
-                this._visitRawStatements(ast[1]);
-                this._bothIndentLevel(-1);
-                this._bothIndents()
-                    ._both("}");
-            },
-            "while": function (ast) {
-                var condition = ast[1];
-                var body = ast[2];
-                var currInLoop = this._pos.inLoop;
-                this._pos.inLoop = true;
-                this._both("while (")._visitRaw(condition)._both(") ")._visitRawBody(body);
-                this._pos.inLoop = currInLoop;
-            },
-            "do": function (ast) {
-                var condition = ast[1];
-                var body = ast[2];
-                var currInLoop = this._pos.inLoop;
-                this._pos.inLoop = true;
-                this._both("do ")._visitRawBody(body);
-                this._pos.inLoop = currInLoop;
-                if (body[0] == "block") {
-                    this._both(" ");
-                } else {
-                    this._bothLine()
-                        ._bothIndents();
-                }
-                this._both("while (")._visitRaw(condition)._both(");");
-            },
-            "if": function (ast) {
-                var condition = ast[1];
-                var thenPart = ast[2];
-                this._both("if (")._visitRaw(condition)._both(") ")._visitRawBody(thenPart);
-                var elsePart = ast[3];
-                if (elsePart) {
-                    if (thenPart[0] == "block") {
-                        this._both(" ");
-                    } else {
-                        this._bothLine("")
-                            ._bothIndents();
-                    }
-                    if (elsePart[0] == "if") {
-                        this._both("else ")._visitRaw(elsePart);
-                    } else {
-                        this._both("else ")._visitRawBody(elsePart);
-                    }
-                }
-            },
-            "break": function (ast) {
-                if (this._pos.inLoop || this._pos.inSwitch) {
-                    this._both("break;");
-                } else {
-                    this._code("return ")._visitJscex({ type: "break", stmt: ast })._code(";");
-                }
-            },
-            "continue": function (ast) {
-                if (this._pos.inLoop) {
-                    this._both("continue;");
-                } else {
-                    this._code("return ")._visitJscex({ type: "continue", stmt: ast })._code(";");
-                }
-            },
-            "return": function (ast) {
-                if (this._pos.inFunction) {
-                    this._both("return");
-                    var value = ast[1];
-                    if (value) this._both(" ")._visitRaw(value);
-                    this._both(";");
-                } else {
-                    this._code("return ")._visitJscex({ type: "return", stmt: ast })._code(";");
-                }
-            },
-            "throw": function (ast) {
-                var pos = this._pos;
-                if (pos.inTry || pos.inFunction) {
-                    this._both("throw ")._visitRaw(ast[1])._both(";");
-                } else {
-                    this._code("return ")._visitJscex({ type: "throw", stmt: ast })._code(";");
-                }
-            },
-            "conditional": function (ast) {
-                this._both("(")._visitRaw(ast[1])._both(") ? (")._visitRaw(ast[2])._both(") : (")._visitRaw(ast[3])._both(")");
-            },
-            "try": function (ast) {
-                this._bothLine("try {");
-                this._bothIndentLevel(1);
-                var currInTry = this._pos.inTry;
-                this._pos.inTry = true;
-                this._visitRawStatements(ast[1]);
-                this._bothIndentLevel(-1);
-                this._pos.inTry = currInTry;
-                var catchClause = ast[2];
-                var finallyStatements = ast[3];
-                if (catchClause) {
-                    this._bothIndents()
-                        ._bothLine("} catch (" + catchClause[0] + ") {")
-                    this._bothIndentLevel(1);
-                    this._visitRawStatements(catchClause[1]);
-                    this._bothIndentLevel(-1);
-                }
-                if (finallyStatements) {
-                    this._bothIndents()
-                        ._bothLine("} finally {");
-                    this._bothIndentLevel(1);
-                    this._visitRawStatements(finallyStatements);
-                    this._bothIndentLevel(-1);
-                }                
-                this._bothIndents()
-                    ._both("}");
-            },
-            "switch": function (ast) {
-                this._both("switch (")._visitRaw(ast[1])._bothLine(") {");
-                this._bothIndentLevel(1);
-                var currInSwitch = this._pos.inSwitch;
-                this._pos.inSwitch = true;
-                var cases = ast[2];
-                for (var i = 0; i < cases.length; i++) {
-                    var c = cases[i];
-                    this._bothIndents();
-                    if (c[0]) {
-                        this._both("case ")._visitRaw(c[0])._bothLine(":");
-                    } else {
-                        this._bothLine("default:");
-                    }
-                    this._bothIndentLevel(1);
-                    this._visitRawStatements(c[1]);
-                    this._bothIndentLevel(-1);
-                }
-                this._bothIndentLevel(-1);
-                this._pos.inSwitch = currInSwitch;
-                this._bothIndents()
-                    ._both("}");
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    var merge = function (commentLines, codeLines) {
-        var length = commentLines.length;
-        var maxShift = 0;
-        for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-            var matches = codeLines[i].match(" +");
-            var spaceLength = matches ? matches[0].length : 0;
-            var shift = commentLines[i].length - spaceLength + 10;
-            if (shift > maxShift) {
-                maxShift = shift;
-            }
-        }
-        var shiftBuffer = new Array(maxShift);
-        for (var i = 0; i < maxShift; i++) {
-            shiftBuffer[i] = " ";
-        }
-        var shiftSpaces = shiftBuffer.join("");
-        var buffer = [];
-        for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-            var comment = commentLines[i]; 
-            if (comment.replace(/ +/g, "").length > 0) {
-                comment = "/* " + comment + " */   ";
-            }
-            var code = shiftSpaces + codeLines[i];
-            buffer.push(comment);
-            buffer.push(code.substring(comment.length));
-            buffer.push("\n");
-        }
-        return buffer.join("");
-    }
-    var compile = function (builderName, func, separateCodeAndComment) {
-        var funcCode = func.toString();
-        var evalCode = "eval(" + compile.rootName + ".compile(" + stringify(builderName) + ", " + funcCode + "))"
-        var evalCodeAst = Jscex.parse(evalCode);
-        var codeWriter = new CodeWriter();
-        var commentWriter = new CodeWriter();
-        // [ "toplevel", [ [ "stat", [ "call", ... ] ] ] ]
-        var evalAst = evalCodeAst[1][0][1];
-        compileJscexPattern(evalAst, new SeedProvider(), codeWriter, commentWriter);
-        if (separateCodeAndComment) {
-            return {
-                code: codeWriter.lines.join("\n"),
-                codeLines: codeWriter.lines,
-                comment: commentWriter.lines.join("\n"),
-                commentLines: commentWriter.lines
-            };
-        } else {
-            var newCode = merge(commentWriter.lines, codeWriter.lines);
-            Jscex.logger.debug("// Original: \r\n" + funcCode + "\r\n\r\n// Jscexified: \r\n" + newCode + "\r\n");
-            return codeGenerator(newCode);
-        }
-    }
-    compile.rootName = "Jscex";
-    // CommonJS
-    var isCommonJS = !!(typeof require === "function" && typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports);
-    // CommonJS AMD
-    var isAmd = !!(typeof require === "function" && typeof define === "function" && define.amd);
-    var defineModule = function () {
-        Jscex.define({
-            name: "jit",
-            version: "0.6.6",
-            exports: isCommonJS && module.exports,
-            require: isCommonJS && require,
-            autoloads: [ "parser" ],
-            dependencies: { parser: "~0.6.5" },
-            init: function () {
-                Jscex.compile = compile;
-            }
-        });
-    }
-    if (isCommonJS) {
-        try {
-            Jscex = require("./jscex");
-        } catch (ex) {
-            Jscex = require("jscex");
-        }
-        defineModule();
-    } else if (isAmd) {
-        require(["jscex"], function (jscex) {
-            Jscex = jscex;
-            defineModule();
-        });
-    } else {
-        var Fn = Function, global = Fn('return this')();
-        if (!global.Jscex) {
-            throw new Error('Missing the root object, please load "jscex" component first.');
-        }
-        Jscex = global.Jscex;
-        defineModule();
-    }