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Posted to by justinleet <> on 2018/03/27 18:37:42 UTC

[GitHub] metron pull request #974: METRON-1502: Upgrade Doxia plugin to 1.8

GitHub user justinleet opened a pull request:

    METRON-1502: Upgrade Doxia plugin to 1.8

    ## Contributor Comments
    There's a few changes that had to happen
    * General version upgrades (e.g. maven-site-plugin and maven-fluido-skin had to upgrade as well).
    * Couple migration changes (e.g. the CDATA portion of the site.xml.template) was necessary.
    * Good amount of markdown cleanup which broke code blocks.  The newer parsing version really doesn't like when you aren't indented correctly and fails in a more visually displeasing way, unfortunately.
    * Some markdown cleanup to fix some visual indenting that didn't break code blocks.
    At this point, the site should be created and the pages all formatted without issues.  The issue you'd see from spacing is a just an empty code block, possibly trailed by a portion of the part in backticks, so watch out for that.  Please doublecheck that everything renders properly (both the site as a whole and Github for changed files).
    I didn't change the underlying metron-rest that would hang forever, but you can test that it completes (and quickly) by just replacing the Configuration block with and running mvn site on the site-book again:
    | Environment Variable                  | Description                                                       | Required | Default                |
    | ------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ---------------------- |
    | METRON_USER                           | Run the application as this user                                  | Optional | metron                 |
    | METRON_LOG_DIR                        | Directory where the log file is written                           | Optional | /var/log/metron/       |
    | METRON_PID_DIR                        | Directory where the pid file is written                           | Optional | /var/run/metron/       |
    | METRON_REST_PORT                      | REST application port                                             | Optional | 8082                   |
    | METRON_JVMFLAGS                       | JVM flags added to the start command                              | Optional |                        |
    | METRON_SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE         | Active Spring profiles (see [below](#spring-profiles))            | Optional |                        |
    | METRON_JDBC_DRIVER                    | JDBC driver class                                                 | Required |                        |
    | METRON_JDBC_URL                       | JDBC url                                                          | Required |                        |
    | METRON_JDBC_USERNAME                  | JDBC username                                                     | Required |                        |
    | METRON_JDBC_PLATFORM                  | JDBC platform (one of h2, mysql, postgres, oracle                 | Required |                        |
    | METRON_JDBC_CLIENT_PATH               | Path to JDBC client jar                                           | Optional | H2 is bundled          |
    | METRON_TEMP_GROK_PATH                 | Temporary directory used to test grok statements                  | Optional | ./patterns/temp        |
    | METRON_DEFAULT_GROK_PATH              | Defaults HDFS directory used to store grok statements             | Optional | /apps/metron/patterns  |
    | METRON_SPRING_OPTIONS                 | Additional Spring input parameters                                | Optional |                        |
    | ZOOKEEPER                             | Zookeeper quorum (ex. node1:2181,node2:2181)                      | Required |                        |
    | BROKERLIST                            | Kafka Broker list (ex. node1:6667,node2:6667)                     | Required |                        |
    | HDFS_URL                              | HDFS url or `fs.defaultFS` Hadoop setting (ex. hdfs://node1:8020) | Required |                        |
    | SECURITY_ENABLED                      | Enables Kerberos support                                          | Optional | false                  |
    | METRON_PRINCIPAL_NAME                 | Kerberos principal for the metron user                            | Optional |                        |
    | METRON_SERVICE_KEYTAB                 | Path to the Kerberos keytab for the metron user                   | Optional |                        |
    ## Pull Request Checklist
    Thank you for submitting a contribution to Apache Metron.  
    Please refer to our [Development Guidelines]( for the complete guide to follow for contributions.  
    Please refer also to our [Build Verification Guidelines]( for complete smoke testing guides.  
    In order to streamline the review of the contribution we ask you follow these guidelines and ask you to double check the following:
    ### For all changes:
    - [x] Is there a JIRA ticket associated with this PR? If not one needs to be created at [Metron Jira](
    - [x] Does your PR title start with METRON-XXXX where XXXX is the JIRA number you are trying to resolve? Pay particular attention to the hyphen "-" character.
    - [x] Has your PR been rebased against the latest commit within the target branch (typically master)?
    ### For code changes:
    - [x] Have you included steps to reproduce the behavior or problem that is being changed or addressed?
    - [x] Have you included steps or a guide to how the change may be verified and tested manually?
    - [ ] Have you ensured that the full suite of tests and checks have been executed in the root metron folder via:
      mvn -q clean integration-test install && dev-utilities/build-utils/ 
    - [x] If adding new dependencies to the code, are these dependencies licensed in a way that is compatible for inclusion under [ASF 2.0](
    - [x] Have you verified the basic functionality of the build by building and running locally with Vagrant full-dev environment or the equivalent?
    ### For documentation related changes:
    - [x] Have you ensured that format looks appropriate for the output in which it is rendered by building and verifying the site-book? If not then run the following commands and the verify changes via `site-book/target/site/index.html`:
      cd site-book
      mvn site
    #### Note:
    Please ensure that once the PR is submitted, you check travis-ci for build issues and submit an update to your PR as soon as possible.
    It is also recommended that [travis-ci]( is set up for your personal repository such that your branches are built there before submitting a pull request.

You can merge this pull request into a Git repository by running:

    $ git pull doxia

Alternatively you can review and apply these changes as the patch at:

To close this pull request, make a commit to your master/trunk branch
with (at least) the following in the commit message:

    This closes #974
commit 3fdf97ba508a61311e56c4cc700ee22b24fdfd07
Author: justinjleet <ju...@...>
Date:   2018-03-27T17:01:44Z

    Upgrading Doxia and the Maven site plugin

commit 4094193befdce2745f6a76e4fdf5452ded8b389a
Author: justinjleet <ju...@...>
Date:   2018-03-27T18:09:44Z

    Bunch of nested code fixes

commit 05b25f933c099ef7bc9ec7eb1016e726b452cef3
Author: justinjleet <ju...@...>
Date:   2018-03-27T18:12:30Z

    Another formatting issue

commit 68a19649f810dddf836abd64cdb741b5f8fab2c3
Author: justinjleet <ju...@...>
Date:   2018-03-27T18:17:09Z

    minor fix



[GitHub] metron pull request #974: METRON-1502: Upgrade Doxia plugin to 1.8

Posted by justinleet <>.
Github user justinleet closed the pull request at:


[GitHub] metron issue #974: METRON-1502: Upgrade Doxia plugin to 1.8

Posted by justinleet <>.
Github user justinleet commented on the issue:
    Bounce Travis


[GitHub] metron pull request #974: METRON-1502: Upgrade Doxia plugin to 1.8

Posted by asfgit <>.
Github user asfgit closed the pull request at:


[GitHub] metron issue #974: METRON-1502: Upgrade Doxia plugin to 1.8

Posted by nickwallen <>.
Github user nickwallen commented on the issue:
    Just curious, is there some improved functionality we get out of the newer Doxia version?
    Either way, this gets a +1 from me.  I rendered the site book and everything looks kosher.  Thanks for taking care of this.


[GitHub] metron issue #974: METRON-1502: Upgrade Doxia plugin to 1.8

Posted by justinleet <>.
Github user justinleet commented on the issue:
    @nickwallen Not particularly. There's a lot more to Doxia that we use, iirc.  So some of that is potentially useful.  This is primarily perf and avoiding some pathological cases.


[GitHub] metron pull request #974: METRON-1502: Upgrade Doxia plugin to 1.8

Posted by justinleet <>.
GitHub user justinleet reopened a pull request:

    METRON-1502: Upgrade Doxia plugin to 1.8

    ## Contributor Comments
    There's a few changes that had to happen
    * General version upgrades (e.g. maven-site-plugin and maven-fluido-skin had to upgrade as well).
    * Couple migration changes (e.g. the CDATA portion of the site.xml.template) was necessary.
    * Good amount of markdown cleanup which broke code blocks.  The newer parsing version really doesn't like when you aren't indented correctly and fails in a more visually displeasing way, unfortunately.
    * Some markdown cleanup to fix some visual indenting that didn't break code blocks.
    At this point, the site should be created and the pages all formatted without issues.  The issue you'd see from spacing is a just an empty code block, possibly trailed by a portion of the part in backticks, so watch out for that.  Please doublecheck that everything renders properly (both the site as a whole and Github for changed files).
    I didn't change the underlying metron-rest that would hang forever, but you can test that it completes (and quickly) by just replacing the Configuration block with and running mvn site on the site-book again:
    | Environment Variable                  | Description                                                       | Required | Default                |
    | ------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ---------------------- |
    | METRON_USER                           | Run the application as this user                                  | Optional | metron                 |
    | METRON_LOG_DIR                        | Directory where the log file is written                           | Optional | /var/log/metron/       |
    | METRON_PID_DIR                        | Directory where the pid file is written                           | Optional | /var/run/metron/       |
    | METRON_REST_PORT                      | REST application port                                             | Optional | 8082                   |
    | METRON_JVMFLAGS                       | JVM flags added to the start command                              | Optional |                        |
    | METRON_SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE         | Active Spring profiles (see [below](#spring-profiles))            | Optional |                        |
    | METRON_JDBC_DRIVER                    | JDBC driver class                                                 | Required |                        |
    | METRON_JDBC_URL                       | JDBC url                                                          | Required |                        |
    | METRON_JDBC_USERNAME                  | JDBC username                                                     | Required |                        |
    | METRON_JDBC_PLATFORM                  | JDBC platform (one of h2, mysql, postgres, oracle                 | Required |                        |
    | METRON_JDBC_CLIENT_PATH               | Path to JDBC client jar                                           | Optional | H2 is bundled          |
    | METRON_TEMP_GROK_PATH                 | Temporary directory used to test grok statements                  | Optional | ./patterns/temp        |
    | METRON_DEFAULT_GROK_PATH              | Defaults HDFS directory used to store grok statements             | Optional | /apps/metron/patterns  |
    | METRON_SPRING_OPTIONS                 | Additional Spring input parameters                                | Optional |                        |
    | ZOOKEEPER                             | Zookeeper quorum (ex. node1:2181,node2:2181)                      | Required |                        |
    | BROKERLIST                            | Kafka Broker list (ex. node1:6667,node2:6667)                     | Required |                        |
    | HDFS_URL                              | HDFS url or `fs.defaultFS` Hadoop setting (ex. hdfs://node1:8020) | Required |                        |
    | SECURITY_ENABLED                      | Enables Kerberos support                                          | Optional | false                  |
    | METRON_PRINCIPAL_NAME                 | Kerberos principal for the metron user                            | Optional |                        |
    | METRON_SERVICE_KEYTAB                 | Path to the Kerberos keytab for the metron user                   | Optional |                        |
    ## Pull Request Checklist
    Thank you for submitting a contribution to Apache Metron.  
    Please refer to our [Development Guidelines]( for the complete guide to follow for contributions.  
    Please refer also to our [Build Verification Guidelines]( for complete smoke testing guides.  
    In order to streamline the review of the contribution we ask you follow these guidelines and ask you to double check the following:
    ### For all changes:
    - [x] Is there a JIRA ticket associated with this PR? If not one needs to be created at [Metron Jira](
    - [x] Does your PR title start with METRON-XXXX where XXXX is the JIRA number you are trying to resolve? Pay particular attention to the hyphen "-" character.
    - [x] Has your PR been rebased against the latest commit within the target branch (typically master)?
    ### For code changes:
    - [x] Have you included steps to reproduce the behavior or problem that is being changed or addressed?
    - [x] Have you included steps or a guide to how the change may be verified and tested manually?
    - [x] Have you ensured that the full suite of tests and checks have been executed in the root metron folder via:
      mvn -q clean integration-test install && dev-utilities/build-utils/ 
    - [x] If adding new dependencies to the code, are these dependencies licensed in a way that is compatible for inclusion under [ASF 2.0](
    - [x] Have you verified the basic functionality of the build by building and running locally with Vagrant full-dev environment or the equivalent?
    ### For documentation related changes:
    - [x] Have you ensured that format looks appropriate for the output in which it is rendered by building and verifying the site-book? If not then run the following commands and the verify changes via `site-book/target/site/index.html`:
      cd site-book
      mvn site
    #### Note:
    Please ensure that once the PR is submitted, you check travis-ci for build issues and submit an update to your PR as soon as possible.
    It is also recommended that [travis-ci]( is set up for your personal repository such that your branches are built there before submitting a pull request.

You can merge this pull request into a Git repository by running:

    $ git pull doxia

Alternatively you can review and apply these changes as the patch at:

To close this pull request, make a commit to your master/trunk branch
with (at least) the following in the commit message:

    This closes #974
commit 3fdf97ba508a61311e56c4cc700ee22b24fdfd07
Author: justinjleet <ju...@...>
Date:   2018-03-27T17:01:44Z

    Upgrading Doxia and the Maven site plugin

commit 4094193befdce2745f6a76e4fdf5452ded8b389a
Author: justinjleet <ju...@...>
Date:   2018-03-27T18:09:44Z

    Bunch of nested code fixes

commit 05b25f933c099ef7bc9ec7eb1016e726b452cef3
Author: justinjleet <ju...@...>
Date:   2018-03-27T18:12:30Z

    Another formatting issue

commit 68a19649f810dddf836abd64cdb741b5f8fab2c3
Author: justinjleet <ju...@...>
Date:   2018-03-27T18:17:09Z

    minor fix

