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[1/6] [OLINGO-231] Several refactorings

Repository: olingo-odata2
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/OLINGO-231_PocForAndroid 696288d17 -> cb1ba4685
diff --git a/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/commons/ b/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/commons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8097c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/commons/
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.commons;
+ * Abstract superclass for Base-N encoders and decoders.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * This class is not thread-safe.
+ * Each thread should use its own instance.
+ * </p>
+ */
+public abstract class BaseNCodec {
+    /**
+     *  MIME chunk size per RFC 2045 section 6.8.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * The {@value} character limit does not count the trailing CRLF, but counts all other characters, including any
+     * equal signs.
+     * </p>
+     *
+     * @see <a href="">RFC 2045 section 6.8</a>
+     */
+    public static final int MIME_CHUNK_SIZE = 76;
+    private static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_RESIZE_FACTOR = 2;
+    /**
+     * Defines the default buffer size - currently {@value}
+     * - must be large enough for at least one encoded block+separator
+     */
+    private static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 8192;
+    /** Mask used to extract 8 bits, used in decoding bytes */
+    protected static final int MASK_8BITS = 0xff;
+    /**
+     * Byte used to pad output.
+     */
+    protected static final byte PAD_DEFAULT = '='; // Allow static access to default
+    protected final byte PAD = PAD_DEFAULT; // instance variable just in case it needs to vary later
+    /** Number of bytes in each full block of unencoded data, e.g. 4 for Base64 and 5 for Base32 */
+    private final int unencodedBlockSize;
+    /** Number of bytes in each full block of encoded data, e.g. 3 for Base64 and 8 for Base32 */
+    private final int encodedBlockSize;
+    /**
+     * Chunksize for encoding. Not used when decoding. 
+     * A value of zero or less implies no chunking of the encoded data.
+     * Rounded down to nearest multiple of encodedBlockSize.
+     */
+    protected final int lineLength;
+    /**
+     * Size of chunk separator. Not used unless {@link #lineLength} > 0. 
+     */
+    private final int chunkSeparatorLength;
+    /**
+     * Buffer for streaming.
+     */
+    protected byte[] buffer;
+    /**
+     * Position where next character should be written in the buffer.
+     */
+    protected int pos;
+    /**
+     * Position where next character should be read from the buffer.
+     */
+    private int readPos;
+    /**
+     * Boolean flag to indicate the EOF has been reached. Once EOF has been reached, this object becomes useless,
+     * and must be thrown away.
+     */
+    protected boolean eof;
+    /**
+     * Variable tracks how many characters have been written to the current line. Only used when encoding. We use it to
+     * make sure each encoded line never goes beyond lineLength (if lineLength > 0).
+     */
+    protected int currentLinePos;
+    /**
+     * Writes to the buffer only occur after every 3/5 reads when encoding, and every 4/8 reads when decoding.
+     * This variable helps track that.
+     */
+    protected int modulus;
+    /**
+     * Note <code>lineLength</code> is rounded down to the nearest multiple of {@link #encodedBlockSize}
+     * If <code>chunkSeparatorLength</code> is zero, then chunking is disabled.
+     * @param unencodedBlockSize the size of an unencoded block (e.g. Base64 = 3)
+     * @param encodedBlockSize the size of an encoded block (e.g. Base64 = 4)
+     * @param lineLength if &gt; 0, use chunking with a length <code>lineLength</code>
+     * @param chunkSeparatorLength the chunk separator length, if relevant
+     */
+    protected BaseNCodec(int unencodedBlockSize, int encodedBlockSize, int lineLength, int chunkSeparatorLength){
+        this.unencodedBlockSize = unencodedBlockSize;
+        this.encodedBlockSize = encodedBlockSize;
+        this.lineLength = (lineLength > 0  && chunkSeparatorLength > 0) ?
+                (lineLength / encodedBlockSize) * encodedBlockSize
+                : 0;
+        this.chunkSeparatorLength = chunkSeparatorLength;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the amount of buffered data available for reading.
+     *
+     * @return The amount of buffered data available for reading.
+     */
+    int available() {  // package protected for access from I/O streams
+        return buffer != null ? pos - readPos : 0;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the default buffer size. Can be overridden.
+     *
+     * @return {@link #DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE}
+     */
+    protected int getDefaultBufferSize() {
+        return DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
+    }
+    /** Increases our buffer by the {@link #DEFAULT_BUFFER_RESIZE_FACTOR}. */
+    private void resizeBuffer() {
+        if (buffer == null) {
+            buffer = new byte[getDefaultBufferSize()];
+            pos = 0;
+            readPos = 0;
+        } else {
+            byte[] b = new byte[buffer.length * DEFAULT_BUFFER_RESIZE_FACTOR];
+            System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, b, 0, buffer.length);
+            buffer = b;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Ensure that the buffer has room for <code>size</code> bytes
+     *
+     * @param size minimum spare space required
+     */
+    protected void ensureBufferSize(int size){
+        if ((buffer == null) || (buffer.length < pos + size)){
+            resizeBuffer();
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Extracts buffered data into the provided byte[] array, starting at position bPos, 
+     * up to a maximum of bAvail bytes. Returns how many bytes were actually extracted.
+     *
+     * @param b
+     *            byte[] array to extract the buffered data into.
+     * @param bPos
+     *            position in byte[] array to start extraction at.
+     * @param bAvail
+     *            amount of bytes we're allowed to extract. We may extract fewer (if fewer are available).
+     * @return The number of bytes successfully extracted into the provided byte[] array.
+     */
+    int readResults(byte[] b, int bPos, int bAvail) {  // package protected for access from I/O streams
+        if (buffer != null) {
+            int len = Math.min(available(), bAvail);
+            System.arraycopy(buffer, readPos, b, bPos, len);
+            readPos += len;
+            if (readPos >= pos) {
+                buffer = null; // so hasData() will return false, and this method can return -1
+            }
+            return len;
+        }
+        return eof ? -1 : 0;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks if a byte value is whitespace or not.
+     * Whitespace is taken to mean: space, tab, CR, LF
+     * @param byteToCheck
+     *            the byte to check
+     * @return true if byte is whitespace, false otherwise
+     */
+    protected static boolean isWhiteSpace(byte byteToCheck) {
+        switch (byteToCheck) {
+            case ' ' :
+            case '\n' :
+            case '\r' :
+            case '\t' :
+                return true;
+            default :
+                return false;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Resets this object to its initial newly constructed state.
+     */
+    private void reset() {
+        buffer = null;
+        pos = 0;
+        readPos = 0;
+        currentLinePos = 0;
+        modulus = 0;
+        eof = false;
+    }
+    public static String newStringUtf8(byte[] content) {
+      try {
+        return new String(content, "UTF-8");
+      } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
+        throw new RuntimeException("UTF-8 is always supported.");
+      }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Decodes a String containing characters in the Base-N alphabet.
+     *
+     * @param pArray
+     *            A String containing Base-N character data
+     * @return a byte array containing binary data
+     */
+    public byte[] decode(String pArray) {
+        return decode(getBytesUtf8(pArray));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Decodes a byte[] containing characters in the Base-N alphabet.
+     * 
+     * @param pArray
+     *            A byte array containing Base-N character data
+     * @return a byte array containing binary data
+     */
+    public byte[] decode(byte[] pArray) {
+        reset();
+        if (pArray == null || pArray.length == 0) {
+            return pArray;
+        }
+        decode(pArray, 0, pArray.length);
+        decode(pArray, 0, -1); // Notify decoder of EOF.
+        byte[] result = new byte[pos];
+        readResults(result, 0, result.length);
+        return result;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Encodes a byte[] containing binary data, into a byte[] containing characters in the alphabet.
+     *
+     * @param pArray
+     *            a byte array containing binary data
+     * @return A byte array containing only the basen alphabetic character data
+     */
+    public byte[] encode(byte[] pArray) {
+        reset();        
+        if (pArray == null || pArray.length == 0) {
+            return pArray;
+        }
+        encode(pArray, 0, pArray.length);
+        encode(pArray, 0, -1); // Notify encoder of EOF.
+        byte[] buf = new byte[pos - readPos];
+        readResults(buf, 0, buf.length);
+        return buf;
+    }
+    abstract void encode(byte[] pArray, int i, int length);  // package protected for access from I/O streams
+    abstract void decode(byte[] pArray, int i, int length); // package protected for access from I/O streams
+    /**
+     * Returns whether or not the <code>octet</code> is in the current alphabet.
+     * Does not allow whitespace or pad.
+     *
+     * @param value The value to test
+     *
+     * @return <code>true</code> if the value is defined in the current alphabet, <code>false</code> otherwise.
+     */
+    protected abstract boolean isInAlphabet(byte value);
+    public static byte[] getBytesUtf8(String content) {
+      if(content == null) {
+        return new byte[0];
+      }
+      try {
+        return content.getBytes("UTF-8");
+      } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
+        throw new RuntimeException("UTF-8 is always supported.");
+      }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests a given byte array to see if it contains any characters within the alphabet or PAD.
+     *
+     * Intended for use in checking line-ending arrays
+     *
+     * @param arrayOctet
+     *            byte array to test
+     * @return <code>true</code> if any byte is a valid character in the alphabet or PAD; <code>false</code> otherwise
+     */
+    protected boolean containsAlphabetOrPad(byte[] arrayOctet) {
+        if (arrayOctet == null) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        for (byte element : arrayOctet) {
+            if (PAD == element || isInAlphabet(element)) {
+                return true;
+            }
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Calculates the amount of space needed to encode the supplied array.
+     *
+     * @param pArray byte[] array which will later be encoded
+     *
+     * @return amount of space needed to encoded the supplied array.  
+     * Returns a long since a max-len array will require > Integer.MAX_VALUE
+     */
+    public long getEncodedLength(byte[] pArray) {
+        // Calculate non-chunked size - rounded up to allow for padding
+        // cast to long is needed to avoid possibility of overflow
+        long len = ((pArray.length + unencodedBlockSize-1)  / unencodedBlockSize) * (long) encodedBlockSize;
+        if (lineLength > 0) { // We're using chunking
+            // Round up to nearest multiple
+            len += ((len + lineLength-1) / lineLength) * chunkSeparatorLength;
+        }
+        return len;
+    }
diff --git a/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/commons/ b/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/commons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef640b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/commons/
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.commons;
+ * Converts hexadecimal Strings.
+ *
+ * @author Apache Software Foundation
+ * @version $Id: 1157192 2011-08-12 17:27:38Z ggregory $
+ * @since 1.1
+ */
+public class Hex {
+  /**
+   * Used to build output as Hex
+   */
+  private static final char[] DIGITS_LOWER = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd',
+          'e', 'f'};
+  /**
+   * Used to build output as Hex
+   */
+  private static final char[] DIGITS_UPPER = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D',
+          'E', 'F'};
+  /**
+   * Converts an array of characters representing hexadecimal values into an array of bytes of those same values. The
+   * returned array will be half the length of the passed array, as it takes two characters to represent any given
+   * byte. An exception is thrown if the passed char array has an odd number of elements.
+   *
+   * @param data An array of characters containing hexadecimal digits
+   * @return A byte array containing binary data decoded from the supplied char array.
+   * @throws IOException Thrown if an odd number or illegal of characters is supplied
+   */
+  public static byte[] decodeHex(char[] data) throws IOException {
+    int len = data.length;
+    if ((len & 0x01) != 0) {
+      throw new IOException("Odd number of characters.");
+    }
+    byte[] out = new byte[len >> 1];
+    // two characters form the hex value.
+    for (int i = 0, j = 0; j < len; i++) {
+      int f = toDigit(data[j], j) << 4;
+      j++;
+      f = f | toDigit(data[j], j);
+      j++;
+      out[i] = (byte) (f & 0xFF);
+    }
+    return out;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Converts an array of bytes into an array of characters representing the hexadecimal values of each byte in order.
+   * The returned array will be double the length of the passed array, as it takes two characters to represent any
+   * given byte.
+   *
+   * @param data        a byte[] to convert to Hex characters
+   * @param toLowerCase <code>true</code> converts to lowercase, <code>false</code> to uppercase
+   * @return A char[] containing hexadecimal characters
+   * @since 1.4
+   */
+  public static char[] encodeHex(byte[] data, boolean toLowerCase) {
+    return encodeHex(data, toLowerCase ? DIGITS_LOWER : DIGITS_UPPER);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Converts an array of bytes into an array of characters representing the hexadecimal values of each byte in order.
+   * The returned array will be double the length of the passed array, as it takes two characters to represent any
+   * given byte.
+   *
+   * @param data     a byte[] to convert to Hex characters
+   * @param toDigits the output alphabet
+   * @return A char[] containing hexadecimal characters
+   * @since 1.4
+   */
+  protected static char[] encodeHex(byte[] data, char[] toDigits) {
+    int l = data.length;
+    char[] out = new char[l << 1];
+    // two characters form the hex value.
+    for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < l; i++) {
+      out[j++] = toDigits[(0xF0 & data[i]) >>> 4];
+      out[j++] = toDigits[0x0F & data[i]];
+    }
+    return out;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Converts a hexadecimal character to an integer.
+   *
+   * @param ch    A character to convert to an integer digit
+   * @param index The index of the character in the source
+   * @return An integer
+   * @throws IOException Thrown if ch is an illegal hex character
+   */
+  protected static int toDigit(char ch, int index) throws IOException {
+    int digit = Character.digit(ch, 16);
+    if (digit == -1) {
+      throw new IOException("Illegal hexadecimal character " + ch + " at index " + index);
+    }
+    return digit;
+  }
diff --git a/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/debug/ b/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/debug/
index 4954c75..696234f 100644
--- a/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/debug/
+++ b/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/debug/
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
-import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.commons.HttpContentType;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.EntityProviderException;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.processor.ODataResponse;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.ep.BasicEntityProvider;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.commons.Base64;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.ep.util.JsonStreamWriter;
diff --git a/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/edm/ b/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/edm/
index 9922cb0..81f86d5 100644
--- a/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/edm/
+++ b/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/edm/
@@ -18,12 +18,13 @@
 package org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.edm;
-import org.apache.commons.codec.DecoderException;
-import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
-import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.EdmFacets;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.EdmLiteralKind;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.EdmSimpleTypeException;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.commons.Base64;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.commons.Hex;
  * Implementation of the EDM simple type Binary.
@@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ public class EdmBinary extends AbstractSimpleType {
     if (literalKind == EdmLiteralKind.URI) {
       try {
         result = Hex.decodeHex(value.substring(value.startsWith("X") ? 2 : 7, value.length() - 1).toCharArray());
-      } catch (final DecoderException e) {
+      } catch (final IOException e) {
         throw new EdmSimpleTypeException(EdmSimpleTypeException.LITERAL_ILLEGAL_CONTENT.addContent(value), e);
     } else {
diff --git a/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/edm/provider/ b/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/edm/provider/
index 0221dcb..0188741 100644
--- a/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/edm/provider/
+++ b/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/edm/provider/
@@ -18,31 +18,24 @@
 package org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.edm.provider;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ODataServiceVersion;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.EdmEntitySetInfo;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.EdmServiceMetadata;
-import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.provider.DataServices;
-import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.provider.EdmProvider;
-import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.provider.EntityContainer;
-import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.provider.EntitySet;
-import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.provider.EntityType;
-import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.provider.Property;
-import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.provider.Schema;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.provider.*;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.EntityProviderException;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.exception.ODataException;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.xml.XMLStreamWriter;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.ep.producer.XmlMetadataProducer;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.ep.util.CircleStreamBuffer;
-import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.xml.XMLStreamException;
-import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.xml.XMLStreamWriter;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.xml.XmlStreamFactory;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
diff --git a/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/ep/ b/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/ep/
index 8d830f0..85fe7dd 100644
--- a/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/ep/
+++ b/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/ep/
@@ -18,29 +18,11 @@
 package org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.ep;
-import java.nio.charset.Charset;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ODataServiceVersion;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.commons.HttpContentType;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.commons.HttpStatusCodes;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.commons.ODataHttpHeaders;
-import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.EdmException;
-import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.EdmLiteralKind;
-import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.EdmProperty;
-import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.EdmSimpleType;
-import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.EdmSimpleTypeKind;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.*;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.provider.DataServices;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.provider.EntityType;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.provider.Property;
@@ -48,12 +30,17 @@ import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.provider.Schema;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.EntityProviderException;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.processor.ODataResponse;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.processor.ODataResponse.ODataResponseBuilder;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.xml.XMLStreamWriter;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.ep.producer.XmlMetadataProducer;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.ep.util.CircleStreamBuffer;
-import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.xml.XMLStreamException;
-import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.xml.XMLStreamWriter;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.xml.XmlStreamFactory;
+import java.nio.charset.Charset;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
  * Provider for all basic (content type independent) entity provider methods.
diff --git a/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/debug/ b/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/debug/
index 0d99059..453a220 100644
--- a/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/debug/
+++ b/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/debug/
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ import;
-import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.commons.HttpContentType;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.processor.ODataResponse;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.commons.Base64;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.ep.util.JsonStreamWriter;
 import org.junit.Test;
diff --git a/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/uri/expression/ b/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/uri/expression/
index 5be6fc3..560420b 100644
--- a/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/uri/expression/
+++ b/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/uri/expression/
@@ -20,11 +20,12 @@ package org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.uri.expression;
 import static;
-import org.apache.commons.codec.DecoderException;
-import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
-import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.commons.Base64;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.commons.Hex;
 import org.junit.Test;
 public class TestTokenizer {
@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ public class TestTokenizer {
     try {
       bArr = Hex.decodeHex(hex.toCharArray());
       base64 = Base64.encodeBase64String(bArr);
-    } catch (DecoderException e) {
+    } catch (IOException e) {
       fail("Error in Unittest preparation ( HEX->base64");
     return base64;
diff --git a/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/xml/ b/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/xml/
index ba93731..c12ef69 100644
--- a/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/xml/
+++ b/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/xml/
@@ -20,29 +20,22 @@ package org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.xml;
 import junit.framework.Assert;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.Edm;
-import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.EdmEntitySet;
-import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.EntityProvider;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.EntityProviderException;
-import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.EntityProviderReadProperties;
-import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.entry.ODataEntry;
-import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.xml.XMLStreamConstants;
-import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.xml.XMLStreamException;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.xml.XMLStreamReader;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.xml.XMLStreamWriter;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.ep.AbstractXmlProducerTestHelper;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.testutil.helper.StringHelper;
-import org.apache.olingo.odata2.testutil.mock.MockFacade;
 import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.SimpleNamespaceContext;
 import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLUnit;
 import org.junit.Before;
 import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.Calendar;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Map;
-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;
 import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;
 import static org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.xml.XMLStreamReaderFactory.XML_STREAM_READER_FACTORY_CLASS;
 import static org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.xml.XMLStreamWriterFactory.XML_STREAM_WRITER_FACTORY_CLASS;
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 910d2de..3460f2b 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@
-        <commonscodec.version>1.6</commonscodec.version>

[3/6] [OLINGO-231] Several refactorings

Posted by
diff --git a/odata2-android/src/test/resources/LargeEmployeeFeed.xml b/odata2-android/src/test/resources/LargeEmployeeFeed.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9b58d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odata2-android/src/test/resources/LargeEmployeeFeed.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12556 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ distributed with this work for additional information
+ regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+ -->
+<feed xmlns="" xmlns:m="" xmlns:d="" xml:base="">
+	<id></id>
+	<title type="text">Employees</title>
+	<updated>2013-12-02T12:20:28.605Z</updated>
+	<author>
+		<name/>
+	</author>
+	<link href="Employees" rel="self" title="Employees"/>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'1')</id>
+		<title type="text">Walter Winter</title>
+		<updated>1999-01-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('1')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>1</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Walter Winter</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>1</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69124</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Heidelberg</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>52</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>1999-01-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('1')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'2')</id>
+		<title type="text">Frederic Fall</title>
+		<updated>2003-07-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('2')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>2</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Frederic Fall</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>32</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2003-07-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('2')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'3')</id>
+		<title type="text">Jonathan Smith</title>
+		<updated>2013-12-02T12:20:28.622Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('3')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>3</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Jonathan Smith</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>56</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate m:null="true"/>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('3')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'4')</id>
+		<title type="text">Peter Burke</title>
+		<updated>2004-09-12T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('4')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>4</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Peter Burke</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>3</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>2</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>39</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2004-09-12T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('4')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'5')</id>
+		<title type="text">John Field</title>
+		<updated>2001-02-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('5')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>5</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>John Field</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>3</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>3</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>2</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>42</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2001-02-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('5')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'6')</id>
+		<title type="text">Susan Bay</title>
+		<updated>2010-12-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('6')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>6</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Susan Bay</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>3</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>29</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2010-12-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('6')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'1')</id>
+		<title type="text">Walter Winter</title>
+		<updated>1999-01-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('1')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>1</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Walter Winter</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>1</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69124</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Heidelberg</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>52</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>1999-01-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('1')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'2')</id>
+		<title type="text">Frederic Fall</title>
+		<updated>2003-07-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('2')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>2</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Frederic Fall</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>32</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2003-07-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('2')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'3')</id>
+		<title type="text">Jonathan Smith</title>
+		<updated>2013-12-02T12:20:28.622Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('3')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>3</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Jonathan Smith</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>56</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate m:null="true"/>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('3')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'4')</id>
+		<title type="text">Peter Burke</title>
+		<updated>2004-09-12T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('4')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>4</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Peter Burke</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>3</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>2</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>39</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2004-09-12T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('4')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'5')</id>
+		<title type="text">John Field</title>
+		<updated>2001-02-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('5')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>5</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>John Field</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>3</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>3</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>2</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>42</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2001-02-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('5')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'6')</id>
+		<title type="text">Susan Bay</title>
+		<updated>2010-12-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('6')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>6</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Susan Bay</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>3</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>29</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2010-12-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('6')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'1')</id>
+		<title type="text">Walter Winter</title>
+		<updated>1999-01-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('1')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>1</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Walter Winter</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>1</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69124</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Heidelberg</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>52</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>1999-01-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('1')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'2')</id>
+		<title type="text">Frederic Fall</title>
+		<updated>2003-07-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('2')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>2</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Frederic Fall</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>32</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2003-07-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('2')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'3')</id>
+		<title type="text">Jonathan Smith</title>
+		<updated>2013-12-02T12:20:28.622Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('3')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>3</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Jonathan Smith</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>56</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate m:null="true"/>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('3')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'4')</id>
+		<title type="text">Peter Burke</title>
+		<updated>2004-09-12T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('4')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>4</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Peter Burke</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>3</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>2</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>39</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2004-09-12T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('4')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'5')</id>
+		<title type="text">John Field</title>
+		<updated>2001-02-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('5')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>5</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>John Field</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>3</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>3</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>2</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>42</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2001-02-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('5')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'6')</id>
+		<title type="text">Susan Bay</title>
+		<updated>2010-12-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('6')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>6</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Susan Bay</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>3</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>29</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2010-12-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('6')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'1')</id>
+		<title type="text">Walter Winter</title>
+		<updated>1999-01-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('1')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>1</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Walter Winter</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>1</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69124</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Heidelberg</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>52</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>1999-01-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('1')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'2')</id>
+		<title type="text">Frederic Fall</title>
+		<updated>2003-07-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('2')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>2</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Frederic Fall</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>32</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2003-07-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('2')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'3')</id>
+		<title type="text">Jonathan Smith</title>
+		<updated>2013-12-02T12:20:28.622Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('3')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>3</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Jonathan Smith</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>56</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate m:null="true"/>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('3')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'4')</id>
+		<title type="text">Peter Burke</title>
+		<updated>2004-09-12T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('4')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>4</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Peter Burke</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>3</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>2</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>39</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2004-09-12T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('4')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'5')</id>
+		<title type="text">John Field</title>
+		<updated>2001-02-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('5')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>5</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>John Field</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>3</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>3</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>2</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>42</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2001-02-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('5')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'6')</id>
+		<title type="text">Susan Bay</title>
+		<updated>2010-12-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('6')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>6</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Susan Bay</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>3</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>29</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2010-12-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('6')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'1')</id>
+		<title type="text">Walter Winter</title>
+		<updated>1999-01-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('1')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>1</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Walter Winter</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>1</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69124</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Heidelberg</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>52</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>1999-01-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('1')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'2')</id>
+		<title type="text">Frederic Fall</title>
+		<updated>2003-07-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('2')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>2</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Frederic Fall</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>32</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2003-07-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('2')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'3')</id>
+		<title type="text">Jonathan Smith</title>
+		<updated>2013-12-02T12:20:28.622Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('3')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>3</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Jonathan Smith</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>56</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate m:null="true"/>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('3')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'4')</id>
+		<title type="text">Peter Burke</title>
+		<updated>2004-09-12T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('4')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>4</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Peter Burke</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>3</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>2</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>39</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2004-09-12T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('4')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'5')</id>
+		<title type="text">John Field</title>
+		<updated>2001-02-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('5')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>5</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>John Field</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>3</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>3</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>2</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>42</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2001-02-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('5')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'6')</id>
+		<title type="text">Susan Bay</title>
+		<updated>2010-12-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('6')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>6</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Susan Bay</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>3</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>29</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2010-12-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('6')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'1')</id>
+		<title type="text">Walter Winter</title>
+		<updated>1999-01-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('1')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>1</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Walter Winter</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>1</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69124</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Heidelberg</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>52</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>1999-01-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('1')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'2')</id>
+		<title type="text">Frederic Fall</title>
+		<updated>2003-07-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('2')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>2</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Frederic Fall</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>32</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2003-07-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('2')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'3')</id>
+		<title type="text">Jonathan Smith</title>
+		<updated>2013-12-02T12:20:28.622Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('3')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>3</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Jonathan Smith</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>56</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate m:null="true"/>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('3')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'4')</id>
+		<title type="text">Peter Burke</title>
+		<updated>2004-09-12T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('4')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>4</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Peter Burke</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>3</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>2</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>39</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2004-09-12T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('4')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'5')</id>
+		<title type="text">John Field</title>
+		<updated>2001-02-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('5')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>5</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>John Field</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>3</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>3</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>2</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>42</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2001-02-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('5')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'6')</id>
+		<title type="text">Susan Bay</title>
+		<updated>2010-12-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('6')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>6</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Susan Bay</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>3</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>29</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2010-12-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('6')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'1')</id>
+		<title type="text">Walter Winter</title>
+		<updated>1999-01-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('1')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>1</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Walter Winter</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>1</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69124</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Heidelberg</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>52</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>1999-01-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('1')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'2')</id>
+		<title type="text">Frederic Fall</title>
+		<updated>2003-07-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('2')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>2</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Frederic Fall</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>32</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2003-07-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('2')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'3')</id>
+		<title type="text">Jonathan Smith</title>
+		<updated>2013-12-02T12:20:28.622Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('3')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>3</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Jonathan Smith</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>56</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate m:null="true"/>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('3')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'4')</id>
+		<title type="text">Peter Burke</title>
+		<updated>2004-09-12T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('4')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>4</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Peter Burke</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>3</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>2</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>39</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2004-09-12T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('4')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'5')</id>
+		<title type="text">John Field</title>
+		<updated>2001-02-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('5')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>5</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>John Field</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>3</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>3</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>2</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>42</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2001-02-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('5')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'6')</id>
+		<title type="text">Susan Bay</title>
+		<updated>2010-12-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('6')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>6</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Susan Bay</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>3</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>29</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2010-12-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('6')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'1')</id>
+		<title type="text">Walter Winter</title>
+		<updated>1999-01-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('1')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>1</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Walter Winter</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>1</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69124</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Heidelberg</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>52</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>1999-01-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('1')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'2')</id>
+		<title type="text">Frederic Fall</title>
+		<updated>2003-07-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('2')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>2</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Frederic Fall</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>32</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2003-07-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('2')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'3')</id>
+		<title type="text">Jonathan Smith</title>
+		<updated>2013-12-02T12:20:28.622Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('3')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>3</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Jonathan Smith</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>56</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate m:null="true"/>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('3')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'4')</id>
+		<title type="text">Peter Burke</title>
+		<updated>2004-09-12T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('4')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>4</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Peter Burke</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>3</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>2</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>39</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2004-09-12T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('4')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'5')</id>
+		<title type="text">John Field</title>
+		<updated>2001-02-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('5')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>5</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>John Field</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>3</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>3</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>2</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>42</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2001-02-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('5')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'6')</id>
+		<title type="text">Susan Bay</title>
+		<updated>2010-12-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('6')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>6</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Susan Bay</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>3</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>29</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2010-12-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('6')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'1')</id>
+		<title type="text">Walter Winter</title>
+		<updated>1999-01-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('1')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>1</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Walter Winter</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>1</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69124</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Heidelberg</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>52</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>1999-01-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('1')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'2')</id>
+		<title type="text">Frederic Fall</title>
+		<updated>2003-07-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('2')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>2</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Frederic Fall</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>32</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2003-07-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('2')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'3')</id>
+		<title type="text">Jonathan Smith</title>
+		<updated>2013-12-02T12:20:28.622Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('3')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>3</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Jonathan Smith</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>56</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate m:null="true"/>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('3')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'4')</id>
+		<title type="text">Peter Burke</title>
+		<updated>2004-09-12T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('4')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>4</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Peter Burke</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>3</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>2</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>39</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2004-09-12T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('4')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'5')</id>
+		<title type="text">John Field</title>
+		<updated>2001-02-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('5')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>5</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>John Field</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>3</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>3</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>2</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>42</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2001-02-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('5')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'6')</id>
+		<title type="text">Susan Bay</title>
+		<updated>2010-12-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Manager" rel="" title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Team" rel="" title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Room" rel="" title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry"/>
+		<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('6')/$value"/>
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>6</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Susan Bay</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>3</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>29</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2010-12-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('6')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>


[4/6] [OLINGO-231] Several refactorings

Posted by
diff --git a/odata2-android/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/ b/odata2-android/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..151b8b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odata2-android/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+import junit.framework.Assert;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.EdmEntitySet;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.EntityProvider;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.EntityProviderException;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.EntityProviderReadProperties;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.feed.FeedMetadata;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.feed.ODataDeltaFeed;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.feed.ODataFeed;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.ep.consumer.XmlEntityConsumer;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.testutil.mock.MockFacade;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.robolectric.annotation.Config;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
+public class XmlFeedConsumerTest extends AndroidTestBase {
+  @Test
+  public void readLargeEmployeesFeed() throws Exception {
+    InputStream file = getFileAsStream("LargeEmployeeFeed.xml");
+    assertNotNull(file);
+    EntityProviderReadProperties properties = EntityProviderReadProperties.init().build();
+    ODataFeed feed =
+        EntityProvider.readFeed("application/atom+xml", MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer()
+            .getEntitySet(
+                    "Employees"), file, properties);
+    assertNotNull(feed);
+    FeedMetadata feedMetadata = feed.getFeedMetadata();
+    assertNotNull(feedMetadata);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void readEmployeesFeedWithInlineCountValid() throws Exception {
+    // prepare
+    String content = readFile("feed_employees_full.xml");
+    assertNotNull(content);
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(content);
+    // execute
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    EntityProviderReadProperties consumerProperties = EntityProviderReadProperties.init()
+        .mergeSemantic(false).build();
+    ODataFeed feed = xec.readFeed(entitySet, reqContent, consumerProperties);
+    assertNotNull(feed);
+    FeedMetadata feedMetadata = feed.getFeedMetadata();
+    assertNotNull(feedMetadata);
+    int inlineCount = feedMetadata.getInlineCount();
+    // Null means no inlineCount found
+    assertNotNull(inlineCount);
+    assertEquals(6, inlineCount);
+  }
+  @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
+  public void readEmployeesFeedWithInlineCountNegative() throws Exception {
+    // prepare
+    String content = readFile("feed_employees_full.xml").replace("<m:count>6</m:count>", "<m:count>-1</m:count>");
+    assertNotNull(content);
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(content);
+    // execute
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    EntityProviderReadProperties consumerProperties = EntityProviderReadProperties.init()
+        .mergeSemantic(false).build();
+    try {
+      xec.readFeed(entitySet, reqContent, consumerProperties);
+    } catch (EntityProviderException e) {
+      assertEquals(EntityProviderException.INLINECOUNT_INVALID, e.getMessageReference());
+      throw e;
+    }
+"Exception expected");
+  }
+  @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
+  public void readEmployeesFeedWithInlineCountLetters() throws Exception {
+    // prepare
+    String content = readFile("feed_employees_full.xml").replace("<m:count>6</m:count>", "<m:count>AAA</m:count>");
+    assertNotNull(content);
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(content);
+    // execute
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    EntityProviderReadProperties consumerProperties = EntityProviderReadProperties.init()
+        .mergeSemantic(false).build();
+    try {
+      xec.readFeed(entitySet, reqContent, consumerProperties);
+    } catch (EntityProviderException e) {
+      assertEquals(EntityProviderException.INLINECOUNT_INVALID, e.getMessageReference());
+      throw e;
+    }
+"Exception expected");
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void readDeltaFeed() throws Exception {
+    // prepare
+    String content = readFile("feed_with_deleted_entries.xml");
+    assertNotNull(content);
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(content);
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    EntityProviderReadProperties consumerProperties = EntityProviderReadProperties.init().build();
+    ODataDeltaFeed deltaFeed = xec.readFeed(entitySet, reqContent, consumerProperties);
+    assertNotNull(deltaFeed);
+    assertNotNull(deltaFeed.getDeletedEntries());
+    assertNotNull(deltaFeed.getEntries());
+    assertEquals(1, deltaFeed.getEntries().size());
+    assertEquals(1, deltaFeed.getDeletedEntries().size());
+  }

[5/6] [OLINGO-231] Several refactorings

Posted by
diff --git a/odata2-android/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/ b/odata2-android/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbaa71b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odata2-android/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/
@@ -0,0 +1,2420 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.commons.HttpContentType;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.*;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.EntityProviderException;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.EntityProviderReadProperties;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.callback.OnReadInlineContent;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.callback.ReadEntryResult;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.callback.ReadFeedResult;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.callback.ReadResult;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.entry.EntryMetadata;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.entry.MediaMetadata;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.entry.ODataEntry;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.feed.FeedMetadata;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.feed.ODataFeed;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.exception.MessageReference;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.exception.ODataMessageException;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.uri.ExpandSelectTreeNode;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.ep.consumer.XmlEntityConsumer;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.testutil.helper.StringHelper;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.testutil.mock.MockFacade;
+import org.junit.Assert;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.mockito.Mockito;
+import org.robolectric.annotation.Config;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+ *  
+ */
+public class XmlEntityConsumerTest extends AndroidTestBase {
+  private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(XmlEntityConsumerTest.class.getName());
+  static {
+    LOG.setLevel(Level.OFF);
+  }
+  public static final String EMPLOYEE_1_XML =
+      "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
+          +
+          "<entry xmlns=\"\" " +
+          "xmlns:m=\"\" " +
+          "xmlns:d=\"\" xml:base=\"http://localhost:19000/\"  " +
+          "m:etag=\"W/&quot;1&quot;\">"
+          +
+          "  <id>http://localhost:19000/Employees('1')</id>"
+          +
+          "  <title type=\"text\">Walter Winter</title>"
+          +
+          "  <updated>1999-01-01T00:00:00Z</updated>"
+          +
+          "  <category term=\"RefScenario.Employee\" " +
+          "scheme=\"\"/>"
+          +
+          "  <link href=\"Employees('1')\" rel=\"edit\" title=\"Employee\"/>"
+          +
+          "  <link href=\"Employees('1')/$value\" rel=\"edit-media\" " +
+          "type=\"application/octet-stream\" m:etag=\"mmEtag\"/>"
+          +
+          "  <link href=\"Employees('1')/ne_Room\" " +
+          "rel=\"\" " +
+          "type=\"application/atom+xml; type=entry\" title=\"ne_Room\"/>"
+          +
+          "  <link href=\"Employees('1')/ne_Manager\" " +
+          "rel=\"\" " +
+          "type=\"application/atom+xml; type=entry\" title=\"ne_Manager\"/>"
+          +
+          "  <link href=\"Employees('1')/ne_Team\" " +
+          "rel=\"\" " +
+          "type=\"application/atom+xml; type=entry\" title=\"ne_Team\"/>"
+          +
+          "  <content type=\"application/octet-stream\" src=\"Employees('1')/$value\"/>" +
+          "  <m:properties>" +
+          "    <d:EmployeeId>1</d:EmployeeId>" +
+          "    <d:EmployeeName>Walter Winter</d:EmployeeName>" +
+          "    <d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>" +
+          "    <d:RoomId>1</d:RoomId>" +
+          "    <d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>" +
+          "    <d:Location m:type=\"RefScenario.c_Location\">" +
+          "      <d:Country>Germany</d:Country>" +
+          "      <d:City m:type=\"RefScenario.c_City\">" +
+          "        <d:PostalCode>69124</d:PostalCode>" +
+          "        <d:CityName>Heidelberg</d:CityName>" +
+          "      </d:City>" +
+          "    </d:Location>" +
+          "    <d:Age>52</d:Age>" +
+          "    <d:EntryDate>1999-01-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>" +
+          "    <d:ImageUrl>/SAP/PUBLIC/BC/NWDEMO_MODEL/IMAGES/Employee_1.png</d:ImageUrl>" +
+          "  </m:properties>" +
+          "</entry>";
+  public static final String EMPLOYEE_1_ROOM_XML =
+      "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
+          +
+          "<entry xmlns=\"\" " +
+          "xmlns:m=\"\" " +
+          "xmlns:d=\"\" xml:base=\"http://localhost:19000/\"  " +
+          "m:etag=\"W/&quot;1&quot;\">"
+          +
+          "  <id>http://localhost:19000/Employees('1')</id>"
+          +
+          "  <title type=\"text\">Walter Winter</title>"
+          +
+          "  <updated>1999-01-01T00:00:00Z</updated>"
+          +
+          "  <category term=\"RefScenario.Employee\" " +
+          "scheme=\"\"/>"
+          +
+          "  <link href=\"Employees('1')\" rel=\"edit\" title=\"Employee\"/>"
+          +
+          "  <link href=\"Employees('1')/$value\" rel=\"edit-media\" type=\"application/octet-stream\" " +
+          "m:etag=\"mmEtag\"/>"
+          +
+          "  <link href=\"Employees('1')/ne_Room\" "
+          +
+          "       rel=\"\" "
+          +
+          "       type=\"application/atom+xml; type=entry\" title=\"ne_Room\">"
+          +
+          "  <m:inline>"
+          +
+          "  <entry m:etag=\"W/1\" xml:base=\"\">"
+          +
+          "  <id>'1')</id><title " +
+          "type=\"text\">Room 1</title><updated>2013-04-10T10:19:12Z</updated>"
+          +
+          "  <content type=\"application/xml\">" +
+          "    <m:properties>" +
+          "    <d:Id>1</d:Id>" +
+          "    <d:Name>Room 1</d:Name>" +
+          "    <d:Seats>1</d:Seats>" +
+          "    <d:Version>1</d:Version>" +
+          "    </m:properties>" +
+          "    </content>" +
+          "    </entry>" +
+          "  </m:inline>" +
+          " </link>" +
+          "  <content type=\"application/octet-stream\" src=\"Employees('1')/$value\"/>" +
+          "  <m:properties>" +
+          "    <d:EmployeeId>1</d:EmployeeId>" +
+          "    <d:EmployeeName>Walter Winter</d:EmployeeName>" +
+          "  </m:properties>" +
+          "</entry>";
+  public static final String EMPLOYEE_1_NULL_ROOM_XML =
+      "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
+          +
+          "<entry xmlns=\"\" " +
+          "xmlns:m=\"\" " +
+          "xmlns:d=\"\" xml:base=\"http://localhost:19000/\"  " +
+          "m:etag=\"W/&quot;1&quot;\">"
+          +
+          "  <id>http://localhost:19000/Employees('1')</id>"
+          +
+          "  <title type=\"text\">Walter Winter</title>"
+          +
+          "  <updated>1999-01-01T00:00:00Z</updated>"
+          +
+          "  <category term=\"RefScenario.Employee\" " +
+          "scheme=\"\"/>"
+          +
+          "  <link href=\"Employees('1')\" rel=\"edit\" title=\"Employee\"/>"
+          +
+          "  <link href=\"Employees('1')/$value\" rel=\"edit-media\" type=\"application/octet-stream\" " +
+          "m:etag=\"mmEtag\"/>"
+          +
+          "  <link href=\"Employees('1')/ne_Room\" " +
+          "       rel=\"\" " +
+          "       type=\"application/atom+xml; type=entry\" title=\"ne_Room\">" +
+          "  <m:inline/>" +
+          " </link>" +
+          "  <content type=\"application/octet-stream\" src=\"Employees('1')/$value\"/>" +
+          "  <m:properties>" +
+          "    <d:EmployeeId>1</d:EmployeeId>" +
+          "    <d:EmployeeName>Walter Winter</d:EmployeeName>" +
+          "  </m:properties>" +
+          "</entry>";
+  private static final String ROOM_1_XML =
+      "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
+          +
+          "<entry xmlns=\"\" " +
+          "xmlns:m=\"\" " +
+          "xmlns:d=\"\" " +
+          "xml:base=\"http://localhost:19000/test/\" m:etag=\"W/&quot;1&quot;\">"
+          +
+          "  <id>http://localhost:19000/test/Rooms('1')</id>"
+          +
+          "  <title type=\"text\">Room 1</title>"
+          +
+          "  <updated>2013-01-11T13:50:50.541+01:00</updated>"
+          +
+          "  <category term=\"RefScenario.Room\" " +
+          "scheme=\"\"/>"
+          +
+          "  <link href=\"Rooms('1')\" rel=\"edit\" title=\"Room\"/>"
+          +
+          "  <link href=\"Rooms('1')/nr_Employees\" " +
+          "rel=\"\" " +
+          "type=\"application/atom+xml; type=feed\" title=\"nr_Employees\"/>"
+          +
+          "  <link href=\"Rooms('1')/nr_Building\" " +
+          "rel=\"\" " +
+          "type=\"application/atom+xml; type=entry\" title=\"nr_Building\"/>"
+          +
+          "  <content type=\"application/xml\">" +
+          "    <m:properties>" +
+          "      <d:Id>1</d:Id>" +
+          "    </m:properties>" +
+          "  </content>" +
+          "</entry>";
+  private static final String ROOM_1_NULL_EMPLOYEE_XML =
+      "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
+          +
+          "<entry xmlns=\"\" " +
+          "xmlns:m=\"\" " +
+          "xmlns:d=\"\" " +
+          "xml:base=\"http://localhost:19000/test/\" m:etag=\"W/&quot;1&quot;\">"
+          +
+          "  <id>http://localhost:19000/test/Rooms('1')</id>"
+          +
+          "  <title type=\"text\">Room 1</title>"
+          +
+          "  <updated>2013-01-11T13:50:50.541+01:00</updated>"
+          +
+          "  <category term=\"RefScenario.Room\" " +
+          "scheme=\"\"/>"
+          +
+          "  <link href=\"Rooms('1')\" rel=\"edit\" title=\"Room\"/>"
+          +
+          "  <link href=\"Rooms('1')/nr_Employees\" " +
+          "rel=\"\" "
+          +
+          "        type=\"application/atom+xml; type=feed\" title=\"nr_Employees\">"
+          +
+          " <m:inline/> </link> "
+          +
+          "  <link href=\"Rooms('1')/nr_Building\" " +
+          "rel=\"\" " +
+          "type=\"application/atom+xml; type=entry\" title=\"nr_Building\"/>"
+          +
+          "  <content type=\"application/xml\">" +
+          "    <m:properties>" +
+          "      <d:Id>1</d:Id>" +
+          "    </m:properties>" +
+          "  </content>" +
+          "</entry>";
+  private static final String PHOTO_XML =
+      "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"
+          +
+          "<entry m:etag=\"W/&quot;1&quot;\" xml:base=\"http://localhost:19000/test\" "
+          +
+          "xmlns=\"\" "
+          +
+          "xmlns:m=\"\" "
+          +
+          "xmlns:d=\"\">"
+          +
+          "  <id>http://localhost:19000/test/Container2.Photos(Id=1,Type='image%2Fpng')</id>"
+          +
+          "  <title type=\"text\">Photo1</title><updated>2013-01-16T12:57:43Z</updated>"
+          +
+          "  <category term=\"RefScenario2.Photo\" " +
+          "scheme=\"\"/>"
+          +
+          "  <link href=\"Container2.Photos(Id=1,Type='image%2Fpng')\" rel=\"edit\" title=\"Photo\"/>" +
+          "  <link href=\"Container2.Photos(Id=1,Type='image%2Fpng')/$value\" rel=\"edit-media\" type=\"image/png\"/>" +
+          "  <ру:Содержание xmlns:ру=\"http://localhost\">Образ</ру:Содержание>" +
+          "  <content type=\"image/png\" src=\"Container2.Photos(Id=1,Type='image%2Fpng')/$value\"/>" +
+          "  <m:properties>" +
+          "    <d:Id>1</d:Id>" +
+          "    <d:Name>Photo1</d:Name>" +
+          "    <d:Type>image/png</d:Type>" +
+          "  </m:properties>" +
+          "</entry>";
+  private static final String PHOTO_XML_INVALID_MAPPING =
+      "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"
+          +
+          "<entry m:etag=\"W/&quot;1&quot;\" xml:base=\"http://localhost:19000/test\" "
+          +
+          "xmlns=\"\" "
+          +
+          "xmlns:m=\"\" "
+          +
+          "xmlns:d=\"\">"
+          +
+          "  <id>http://localhost:19000/test/Container2.Photos(Id=1,Type='image%2Fpng')</id>"
+          +
+          "  <title type=\"text\">Photo1</title><updated>2013-01-16T12:57:43Z</updated>"
+          +
+          "  <category term=\"RefScenario2.Photo\" " +
+          "scheme=\"\"/>"
+          +
+          "  <link href=\"Container2.Photos(Id=1,Type='image%2Fpng')\" rel=\"edit\" title=\"Photo\"/>" +
+          "  <link href=\"Container2.Photos(Id=1,Type='image%2Fpng')/$value\" rel=\"edit-media\" type=\"image/png\"/>" +
+          "  <ру:Содержание xmlns:ру=\"http://localhost\">Образ</ру:Содержание>" +
+          "  <ig:ignore xmlns:ig=\"http://localhost\">ignore</ig:ignore>" + // 406 Bad Request
+          "  <content type=\"image/png\" src=\"Container2.Photos(Id=1,Type='image%2Fpng')/$value\"/>" +
+          "  <m:properties>" +
+          "    <d:Id>1</d:Id>" +
+          "    <d:Name>Photo1</d:Name>" +
+          "    <d:Type>image/png</d:Type>" +
+          "  </m:properties>" +
+          "</entry>";
+  private static class EmployeeCallback implements OnReadInlineContent {
+    List<ODataEntry> employees;
+    @Override
+    public void handleReadEntry(final ReadEntryResult context) {
+      handleEntry(context);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void handleReadFeed(final ReadFeedResult context) {
+      handleEntry(context);
+    }
+    private void handleEntry(final ReadResult context) {
+      try {
+        String navigationPropertyName = context.getNavigationProperty().getName();
+        if (navigationPropertyName.contains("Employees")) {
+          employees = ((ReadFeedResult) context).getResult().getEntries();
+        } else {
+          throw new RuntimeException("Invalid title");
+        }
+      } catch (EdmException e) {
+        throw new RuntimeException("Invalid title");
+      }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public EntityProviderReadProperties receiveReadProperties(final EntityProviderReadProperties readProperties,
+        final EdmNavigationProperty navString) {
+      Map<String, Object> typeMappings = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+      typeMappings.put("EmployeeName", String.class);
+      return EntityProviderReadProperties.initFrom(readProperties).addTypeMappings(typeMappings).build();
+    }
+  }
+  private static class DefaultCallback implements OnReadInlineContent {
+    private final Map<String, ReadResult> propName2Context = new HashMap<String, ReadResult>();
+    @Override
+    public void handleReadEntry(final ReadEntryResult context) {
+      handle(context);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void handleReadFeed(final ReadFeedResult context) {
+      handle(context);
+    }
+    private void handle(final ReadResult context) {
+      try {
+        String navigationPropertyName = context.getNavigationProperty().getName();
+        if (navigationPropertyName != null) {
+          propName2Context.put(navigationPropertyName, context);
+        } else {
+          throw new RuntimeException("Invalid title");
+        }
+      } catch (EdmException e) {
+        throw new RuntimeException("Invalid title");
+      }
+    }
+    public Object getObject(final String name) {
+      ReadResult context = propName2Context.get(name);
+      if (context == null) {
+        return null;
+      } else {
+        return context.getResult();
+      }
+    }
+    public ODataEntry asEntry(final String name) {
+      return (ODataEntry) getObject(name);
+    }
+    public ODataFeed asFeed(final String name) {
+      return (ODataFeed) getObject(name);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public EntityProviderReadProperties receiveReadProperties(final EntityProviderReadProperties readProperties,
+        final EdmNavigationProperty navigationProperty) {
+      return readProperties;
+    }
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void readDeltaLink() throws Exception {
+    // prepare
+    String content = readFile("feed_with_delta_link.xml");
+    assertNotNull(content);
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(content);
+    // execute
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    EntityProviderReadProperties consumerProperties = EntityProviderReadProperties.init()
+        .mergeSemantic(false).build();
+    ODataFeed feed = xec.readFeed(entitySet, reqContent, consumerProperties);
+    assertNotNull(feed);
+    FeedMetadata feedMetadata = feed.getFeedMetadata();
+    assertNotNull(feedMetadata);
+    String deltaLink = feedMetadata.getDeltaLink();
+    // Null means no deltaLink found
+    assertNotNull(deltaLink);
+    assertEquals("http://thisisadeltalink", deltaLink);
+  }
+  /** Teams('1')?$expand=nt_Employees */
+  @Test
+  public void readWithInlineContentAndCallback() throws Exception {
+    // prepare
+    String content = readFile("expanded_team.xml");
+    assertNotNull(content);
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Teams");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(content);
+    // execute
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    EmployeeCallback defaultCallback = new EmployeeCallback();
+    EntityProviderReadProperties consumerProperties = EntityProviderReadProperties.init()
+        .mergeSemantic(false)
+        .callback(defaultCallback)
+        .build();
+    ODataEntry entry = xec.readEntry(entitySet, reqContent, consumerProperties);
+    // validate
+    assertNotNull(entry);
+    Map<String, Object> properties = entry.getProperties();
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("Id"));
+    assertEquals("Team 1", properties.get("Name"));
+    assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, properties.get("isScrumTeam"));
+    assertNull(properties.get("nt_Employees"));
+    //
+    final List<ODataEntry> employees = defaultCallback.employees;
+    assertEquals(3, employees.size());
+    //
+    ODataEntry employeeNo2 = employees.get(1);
+    Map<String, Object> employessNo2Props = employeeNo2.getProperties();
+    assertEquals("Frederic Fall", employessNo2Props.get("EmployeeName"));
+    assertEquals("2", employessNo2Props.get("RoomId"));
+    assertEquals(32, employessNo2Props.get("Age"));
+    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+    Map<String, Object> emp2Location = (Map<String, Object>) employessNo2Props.get("Location");
+    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+    Map<String, Object> emp2City = (Map<String, Object>) emp2Location.get("City");
+    assertEquals("69190", emp2City.get("PostalCode"));
+    assertEquals("Walldorf", emp2City.get("CityName"));
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void readWithInlineContentAndCallback_DEFAULT() throws Exception {
+    // prepare
+    String content = readFile("expanded_team.xml");
+    assertNotNull(content);
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Teams");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(content);
+    // execute
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    DefaultCallback defaultCallback = new DefaultCallback();
+    EntityProviderReadProperties consumerProperties = EntityProviderReadProperties.init()
+        .mergeSemantic(false)
+        .callback(defaultCallback)
+        .build();
+    ODataEntry entry = xec.readEntry(entitySet, reqContent, consumerProperties);
+    // validate
+    assertNotNull(entry);
+    Map<String, Object> properties = entry.getProperties();
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("Id"));
+    assertEquals("Team 1", properties.get("Name"));
+    assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, properties.get("isScrumTeam"));
+    assertNull(properties.get("nt_Employees"));
+    //
+    ODataFeed employeesFeed = defaultCallback.asFeed("nt_Employees");
+    List<ODataEntry> employees = employeesFeed.getEntries();
+    assertEquals(3, employees.size());
+    //
+    ODataEntry employeeNo2 = employees.get(1);
+    Map<String, Object> employessNo2Props = employeeNo2.getProperties();
+    assertEquals("Frederic Fall", employessNo2Props.get("EmployeeName"));
+    assertEquals("2", employessNo2Props.get("RoomId"));
+    assertEquals(32, employessNo2Props.get("Age"));
+    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+    Map<String, Object> emp2Location = (Map<String, Object>) employessNo2Props.get("Location");
+    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+    Map<String, Object> emp2City = (Map<String, Object>) emp2Location.get("City");
+    assertEquals("69190", emp2City.get("PostalCode"));
+    assertEquals("Walldorf", emp2City.get("CityName"));
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void readInlineBuildingEntry() throws Exception {
+    // prepare
+    String content = readFile("expandedBuilding.xml");
+    assertNotNull(content);
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(content);
+    // execute
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    EntityProviderReadProperties consumerProperties = EntityProviderReadProperties.init()
+        .mergeSemantic(false).build();
+    ODataEntry entry = xec.readEntry(entitySet, reqContent, consumerProperties);
+    // validate
+    assertNotNull(entry);
+    Map<String, Object> properties = entry.getProperties();
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("Id"));
+    assertEquals("Room 1", properties.get("Name"));
+    assertEquals((short) 1, properties.get("Seats"));
+    assertEquals((short) 1, properties.get("Version"));
+    //
+    ExpandSelectTreeNode expandTree = entry.getExpandSelectTree();
+    assertNotNull(expandTree);
+    ODataEntry inlineBuilding = (ODataEntry) properties.get("nr_Building");
+    Map<String, Object> inlineBuildingProps = inlineBuilding.getProperties();
+    assertEquals("1", inlineBuildingProps.get("Id"));
+    assertEquals("Building 1", inlineBuildingProps.get("Name"));
+    assertNull(inlineBuildingProps.get("Image"));
+    assertNull(inlineBuildingProps.get("nb_Rooms"));
+    assertEquals("Rooms('1')/nr_Employees", entry.getMetadata().getAssociationUris("nr_Employees").get(0));
+    assertEquals("Rooms('1')/nr_Building", entry.getMetadata().getAssociationUris("nr_Building").get(0));
+  }
+  /** Teams('1')?$expand=nt_Employees */
+  @Test
+  public void readWithInlineContent() throws Exception {
+    // prepare
+    String content = readFile("expanded_team.xml");
+    assertNotNull(content);
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Teams");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(content);
+    // execute
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    EntityProviderReadProperties consumerProperties = EntityProviderReadProperties.init()
+        .mergeSemantic(false).build();
+    ODataEntry entry = xec.readEntry(entitySet, reqContent, consumerProperties);
+    // validate
+    assertNotNull(entry);
+    Map<String, Object> properties = entry.getProperties();
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("Id"));
+    assertEquals("Team 1", properties.get("Name"));
+    assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, properties.get("isScrumTeam"));
+    //
+    ExpandSelectTreeNode expandTree = entry.getExpandSelectTree();
+    assertNotNull(expandTree);
+    // TODO: do more testing here
+    //
+    ODataFeed employeesFeed = (ODataFeed) properties.get("nt_Employees");
+    List<ODataEntry> employees = employeesFeed.getEntries();
+    assertEquals(3, employees.size());
+    //
+    ODataEntry employeeNo2 = employees.get(1);
+    Map<String, Object> employessNo2Props = employeeNo2.getProperties();
+    assertEquals("Frederic Fall", employessNo2Props.get("EmployeeName"));
+    assertEquals("2", employessNo2Props.get("RoomId"));
+    assertEquals(32, employessNo2Props.get("Age"));
+    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+    Map<String, Object> emp2Location = (Map<String, Object>) employessNo2Props.get("Location");
+    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+    Map<String, Object> emp2City = (Map<String, Object>) emp2Location.get("City");
+    assertEquals("69190", emp2City.get("PostalCode"));
+    assertEquals("Walldorf", emp2City.get("CityName"));
+  }
+  /** Teams('1')?$expand=nt_Employees,nt_Employees/ne_Team */
+  @Test
+  public void readWithDoubleInlineContent() throws Exception {
+    // prepare
+    String content = readFile("double_expanded_team.xml");
+    assertNotNull(content);
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Teams");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(content);
+    // execute
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    EntityProviderReadProperties consumerProperties = EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(false).build();
+    ODataEntry entry = xec.readEntry(entitySet, reqContent, consumerProperties);
+    // validate
+    assertNotNull(entry);
+    Map<String, Object> properties = entry.getProperties();
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("Id"));
+    assertEquals("Team 1", properties.get("Name"));
+    assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, properties.get("isScrumTeam"));
+    //
+    ODataFeed employeesFeed = (ODataFeed) properties.get("nt_Employees");
+    List<ODataEntry> employees = employeesFeed.getEntries();
+    assertEquals(3, employees.size());
+    //
+    ODataEntry employeeNo2 = employees.get(1);
+    Map<String, Object> employessNo2Props = employeeNo2.getProperties();
+    assertEquals("Frederic Fall", employessNo2Props.get("EmployeeName"));
+    assertEquals("2", employessNo2Props.get("RoomId"));
+    assertEquals(32, employessNo2Props.get("Age"));
+    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+    Map<String, Object> emp2Location = (Map<String, Object>) employessNo2Props.get("Location");
+    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+    Map<String, Object> emp2City = (Map<String, Object>) emp2Location.get("City");
+    assertEquals("69190", emp2City.get("PostalCode"));
+    assertEquals("Walldorf", emp2City.get("CityName"));
+    ODataEntry inlinedTeam = (ODataEntry) employessNo2Props.get("ne_Team");
+    assertEquals("1", inlinedTeam.getProperties().get("Id"));
+    assertEquals("Team 1", inlinedTeam.getProperties().get("Name"));
+  }
+  /** Teams('1')?$expand=nt_Employees,nt_Employees/ne_Team */
+  @Test
+  @Ignore("Implementation doesn't support callback AND deep map")
+  public void readWithDoubleInlineContentAndResendCallback() throws Exception {
+    // prepare
+    String content = readFile("double_expanded_team.xml");
+    assertNotNull(content);
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Teams");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(content);
+    // execute
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    DefaultCallback callbackHandler = new DefaultCallback();
+    EntityProviderReadProperties consumerProperties = EntityProviderReadProperties.init()
+        .mergeSemantic(false)
+        .callback(callbackHandler).build();
+    ODataEntry entry = xec.readEntry(entitySet, reqContent, consumerProperties);
+    // validate
+    assertNotNull(entry);
+    Map<String, Object> properties = entry.getProperties();
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("Id"));
+    assertEquals("Team 1", properties.get("Name"));
+    assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, properties.get("isScrumTeam"));
+    //
+    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+    List<ODataEntry> employees = (List<ODataEntry>) properties.get("nt_Employees");
+    assertEquals(3, employees.size());
+    //
+    ODataEntry employeeNo2 = employees.get(1);
+    Map<String, Object> employessNo2Props = employeeNo2.getProperties();
+    assertEquals("Frederic Fall", employessNo2Props.get("EmployeeName"));
+    assertEquals("2", employessNo2Props.get("RoomId"));
+    assertEquals(32, employessNo2Props.get("Age"));
+    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+    Map<String, Object> emp2Location = (Map<String, Object>) employessNo2Props.get("Location");
+    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+    Map<String, Object> emp2City = (Map<String, Object>) emp2Location.get("City");
+    assertEquals("69190", emp2City.get("PostalCode"));
+    assertEquals("Walldorf", emp2City.get("CityName"));
+    ODataEntry inlinedTeam = (ODataEntry) employessNo2Props.get("ne_Team");
+    assertEquals("1", inlinedTeam.getProperties().get("Id"));
+    assertEquals("Team 1", inlinedTeam.getProperties().get("Name"));
+  }
+  /** Teams('1')?$expand=nt_Employees,nt_Employees/ne_Team */
+  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+  @Test
+  public void readWithDoubleInlineContentAndCallback() throws Exception {
+    // prepare
+    String content = readFile("double_expanded_team.xml");
+    assertNotNull(content);
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Teams");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(content);
+    // execute
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    DefaultCallback callbackHandler = new DefaultCallback();
+    EntityProviderReadProperties consumerProperties = EntityProviderReadProperties.init()
+        .mergeSemantic(false)
+        .callback(callbackHandler)
+        .build();
+    ODataEntry entry = xec.readEntry(entitySet, reqContent, consumerProperties);
+    // validate
+    assertNotNull(entry);
+    Map<String, Object> properties = entry.getProperties();
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("Id"));
+    assertEquals("Team 1", properties.get("Name"));
+    assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, properties.get("isScrumTeam"));
+    // teams has no inlined content set
+    ODataFeed employeesFeed = (ODataFeed) properties.get("nt_Employees");
+    assertNull(employeesFeed);
+    // get inlined employees feed from callback
+    employeesFeed = callbackHandler.asFeed("nt_Employees");
+    List<ODataEntry> employees = employeesFeed.getEntries();
+    assertEquals(3, employees.size());
+    ODataEntry employeeNo2 = employees.get(1);
+    Map<String, Object> employessNo2Props = employeeNo2.getProperties();
+    assertEquals("Frederic Fall", employessNo2Props.get("EmployeeName"));
+    assertEquals("2", employessNo2Props.get("RoomId"));
+    assertEquals(32, employessNo2Props.get("Age"));
+    Map<String, Object> emp2Location = (Map<String, Object>) employessNo2Props.get("Location");
+    Map<String, Object> emp2City = (Map<String, Object>) emp2Location.get("City");
+    assertEquals("69190", emp2City.get("PostalCode"));
+    assertEquals("Walldorf", emp2City.get("CityName"));
+    // employees has no inlined content set
+    ODataEntry inlinedTeam = (ODataEntry) employessNo2Props.get("ne_Team");
+    assertNull(inlinedTeam);
+    // get inlined team from callback
+    inlinedTeam = callbackHandler.asEntry("ne_Team");
+    assertEquals("1", inlinedTeam.getProperties().get("Id"));
+    assertEquals("Team 1", inlinedTeam.getProperties().get("Name"));
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void readWithInlineContentIgnored() throws Exception {
+    // prepare
+    String content = readFile("expanded_team.xml");
+    assertNotNull(content);
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Teams");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(content);
+    // execute
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    ODataEntry entry =
+        xec.readEntry(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(false).build());
+    // validate
+    assertNotNull(entry);
+    Map<String, Object> properties = entry.getProperties();
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("Id"));
+    assertEquals("Team 1", properties.get("Name"));
+    assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, properties.get("isScrumTeam"));
+  }
+  /**
+   * Read an inline Room at an Employee
+   * 
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void readWithInlineContentEmployeeRoomEntry() throws Exception {
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(EMPLOYEE_1_ROOM_XML);
+    // execute
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    ODataEntry entry =
+        xec.readEntry(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(true).build());
+    // validate
+    assertNotNull(entry);
+    Map<String, Object> properties = entry.getProperties();
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("EmployeeId"));
+    assertEquals("Walter Winter", properties.get("EmployeeName"));
+    ODataEntry room = (ODataEntry) properties.get("ne_Room");
+    Map<String, Object> roomProperties = room.getProperties();
+    assertEquals(4, roomProperties.size());
+    assertEquals("1", roomProperties.get("Id"));
+    assertEquals("Room 1", roomProperties.get("Name"));
+    assertEquals(Short.valueOf("1"), roomProperties.get("Seats"));
+    assertEquals(Short.valueOf("1"), roomProperties.get("Version"));
+  }
+  /**
+   * Reads an inline Room at an Employee with specially formatted XML (see issue ODATAFORSAP-92).
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void readWithInlineContentEmployeeRoomEntrySpecialXml() throws Exception {
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(EMPLOYEE_1_ROOM_XML, true);
+    // execute
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    ODataEntry entry =
+        xec.readEntry(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(true).build());
+    // validate
+    assertNotNull(entry);
+    Map<String, Object> properties = entry.getProperties();
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("EmployeeId"));
+    assertEquals("Walter Winter", properties.get("EmployeeName"));
+    ODataEntry room = (ODataEntry) properties.get("ne_Room");
+    Map<String, Object> roomProperties = room.getProperties();
+    assertEquals(4, roomProperties.size());
+    assertEquals("1", roomProperties.get("Id"));
+    assertEquals("Room 1", roomProperties.get("Name"));
+    assertEquals(Short.valueOf("1"), roomProperties.get("Seats"));
+    assertEquals(Short.valueOf("1"), roomProperties.get("Version"));
+  }
+  /**
+   * Reads an employee with inlined but <code>NULL</code> room navigation property
+   * (which has EdmMultiplicity#ONE).
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void readWithInlineContentEmployeeNullRoomEntry() throws Exception {
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(EMPLOYEE_1_NULL_ROOM_XML);
+    // execute
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    ODataEntry entry =
+        xec.readEntry(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(true).build());
+    // validate
+    assertNotNull(entry);
+    Map<String, Object> properties = entry.getProperties();
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("EmployeeId"));
+    assertEquals("Walter Winter", properties.get("EmployeeName"));
+    ODataEntry room = (ODataEntry) properties.get("ne_Room");
+    assertNull(room);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Reads an employee with inlined but <code>NULL</code> room navigation property
+   * (which has EdmMultiplicity#ONE).
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void readWithInlineContentEmployeeNullRoomEntrySpecialXmlFormat() throws Exception {
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(EMPLOYEE_1_NULL_ROOM_XML, true);
+    // execute
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    ODataEntry entry =
+        xec.readEntry(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(true).build());
+    // validate
+    assertNotNull(entry);
+    Map<String, Object> properties = entry.getProperties();
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("EmployeeId"));
+    assertEquals("Walter Winter", properties.get("EmployeeName"));
+    ODataEntry room = (ODataEntry) properties.get("ne_Room");
+    assertNull(room);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Reads a room with inlined but <code>NULL</code> employees navigation property
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void readWithInlineContentRoomNullEmployeesEntry() throws Exception {
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(ROOM_1_NULL_EMPLOYEE_XML);
+    // execute
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    ODataEntry entry =
+        xec.readEntry(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(true).build());
+    // validate
+    assertNotNull(entry);
+    Map<String, Object> properties = entry.getProperties();
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("Id"));
+    ODataEntry room = (ODataEntry) properties.get("ne_Employees");
+    assertNull(room);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Teams('1')?$expand=nt_Employees
+   * -> Remove 'feed' start and end tags around expanded/inlined employees
+   * 
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
+  public void validateFeedForInlineContent() throws Exception {
+    // prepare
+    String content = readFile("expanded_team.xml")
+        .replace("<feed xml:base=\"\">", "")
+        .replace("</feed>", "");
+    assertNotNull(content);
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Teams");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(content);
+    // execute
+    readAndExpectException(entitySet, reqContent,
+        EntityProviderException.INVALID_INLINE_CONTENT.addContent("xml data"));
+  }
+  /**
+   * Teams('1')?$expand=nt_Employees
+   * -> Remove 'type' attribute at expanded/inlined employees link tag
+   * 
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
+  public void validateMissingTypeAttributeForInlineContent() throws Exception {
+    // prepare
+    String content = readFile("expanded_team.xml")
+        .replace("type=\"application/atom+xml;type=feed\"", "");
+    assertNotNull(content);
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Teams");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(content);
+    // execute
+    readAndExpectException(entitySet, reqContent,
+        EntityProviderException.INVALID_INLINE_CONTENT.addContent("xml data"));
+  }
+  /**
+   * Teams('1')?$expand=nt_Employees
+   * -> Replaced parameter 'type=feed' with 'type=entry' attribute at expanded/inlined employees link tag
+   * 
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
+  public void validateWrongTypeAttributeForInlineContent() throws Exception {
+    // prepare
+    String content = readFile("expanded_team.xml")
+        .replace("type=\"application/atom+xml;type=feed\"", "type=\"application/atom+xml;type=entry\"");
+    assertNotNull(content);
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Teams");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(content);
+    // execute
+    readAndExpectException(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderException.INVALID_INLINE_CONTENT.addContent("feed"));
+  }
+  /**
+   * Teams('1')?$expand=nt_Employees
+   * -> Replaced parameter 'type=feed' with 'type=entry' attribute at expanded/inlined employees link tag
+   * 
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
+  public void validateWrongTypeAttributeForInlineContentMany() throws Exception {
+    // prepare
+    String content = readFile("double_expanded_team.xml")
+        .replace("type=\"application/atom+xml;type=entry\"", "type=\"application/atom+xml;type=feed\"");
+    assertNotNull(content);
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Teams");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(content);
+    // execute
+    readAndExpectException(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderException.INVALID_INLINE_CONTENT.addContent("entry"));
+  }
+  /**
+   * We only support <code>UTF-8</code> as character encoding.
+   * 
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
+  public void validationOfWrongXmlEncodingUtf32() throws Exception {
+    String roomWithValidNamespaces =
+        "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-32'?>"
+            +
+            "<entry xmlns=\"\" " +
+            "xmlns:m=\"\" " +
+            "xmlns:d=\"\" " +
+            "xml:base=\"http://localhost:19000/test/\" m:etag=\"W/&quot;1&quot;\">"
+            +
+            "</entry>";
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(roomWithValidNamespaces);
+    readAndExpectException(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderException.UNSUPPORTED_CHARACTER_ENCODING
+        .addContent("UTF-32"));
+  }
+  /**
+   * We only support <code>UTF-8</code> as character encoding.
+   * 
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
+  public void validationOfWrongXmlEncodingIso8859_1() throws Exception {
+    String roomWithValidNamespaces =
+        "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'?>"
+            +
+            "<entry xmlns=\"\" " +
+            "xmlns:m=\"\" " +
+            "xmlns:d=\"\" " +
+            "xml:base=\"http://localhost:19000/test/\" m:etag=\"W/&quot;1&quot;\">"
+            +
+            "</entry>";
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(roomWithValidNamespaces);
+    readAndExpectException(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderException.UNSUPPORTED_CHARACTER_ENCODING
+        .addContent("iso-8859-1"));
+  }
+  /**
+   * Character encodings are case insensitive.
+   * Hence <code>uTf-8</code> should work as well as <code>UTF-8</code>.
+   * 
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void validationCaseInsensitiveXmlEncodingUtf8() throws Exception {
+    String room =
+        "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='uTf-8'?>"
+            +
+            "<entry xmlns=\"\" " +
+            "xmlns:m=\"\" " +
+            "xmlns:d=\"\" " +
+            "xml:base=\"http://localhost:19000/test/\" m:etag=\"W/&quot;1&quot;\">"
+            +
+            "  <id>http://localhost:19000/test/Rooms('1')</id>" +
+            "  <title type=\"text\">Room 1</title>" +
+            "  <updated>2013-01-11T13:50:50.541+01:00</updated>" +
+            "  <content type=\"application/xml\">" +
+            "    <m:properties>" +
+            "      <d:Id>1</d:Id>" +
+            "    </m:properties>" +
+            "  </content>" +
+            "</entry>";
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(room);
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    ODataEntry result =
+        xec.readEntry(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(true).build());
+    assertNotNull(result);
+    assertEquals("1", result.getProperties().get("Id"));
+  }
+  /**
+   * For none media resource if <code>properties</code> tag is not within <code>content</code> tag it results in an
+   * exception.
+   * 
+   * OData specification v2: Entity Type (as an Atom Entry Element)
+   * 
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
+  public void validationOfWrongPropertiesTagPositionForNoneMediaLinkEntry() throws Exception {
+    String roomWithValidNamespaces =
+        "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
+            +
+            "<entry xmlns=\"\" " +
+            "xmlns:m=\"\" " +
+            "xmlns:d=\"\"" +
+            " xml:base=\"http://localhost:19000/test/\" m:etag=\"W/&quot;1&quot;\">"
+            +
+            "  <id>http://localhost:19000/test/Rooms('1')</id>" +
+            "  <title type=\"text\">Room 1</title>" +
+            "  <updated>2013-01-11T13:50:50.541+01:00</updated>" +
+            "  <content type=\"application/xml\" />" +
+            "  <m:properties>" +
+            "    <d:Id>1</d:Id>" +
+            "  </m:properties>" +
+            "</entry>";
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(roomWithValidNamespaces);
+    readAndExpectException(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderException.INVALID_PARENT_TAG.addContent("content")
+        .addContent("properties"));
+  }
+  /**
+   * For media resource if <code>properties</code> tag is within <code>content</code> tag it results in an exception.
+   * 
+   * OData specification v2: Entity Type (as an Atom Entry Element)
+   * And RFC5023 [section 4.2]
+   * 
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
+  public void validationOfWrongPropertiesTagPositionForMediaLinkEntry() throws Exception {
+    String roomWithValidNamespaces =
+        "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
+            +
+            "<entry xmlns=\"\" " +
+            "xmlns:m=\"\" " +
+            "xmlns:d=\"\" " +
+            "xml:base=\"http://localhost:19000/test/\" m:etag=\"W/&quot;1&quot;\">"
+            +
+            "  <id>http://localhost:19000/test/Employees('1')</id>" +
+            "  <title type=\"text\">Walter Winter</title>" +
+            "  <updated>2013-01-11T13:50:50.541+01:00</updated>" +
+            "  <content type=\"application/xml\">" +
+            "    <m:properties>" +
+            "      <d:EmployeeId>1</d:EmployeeId>" +
+            "    </m:properties>" +
+            "  </content>" +
+            "</entry>";
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(roomWithValidNamespaces);
+    readAndExpectException(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderException.INVALID_PARENT_TAG.addContent("properties")
+        .addContent("content"));
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void validationOfNamespacesSuccess() throws Exception {
+    String roomWithValidNamespaces =
+        "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
+            +
+            "<entry xmlns=\"\" " +
+            "xmlns:m=\"\" " +
+            "xmlns:d=\"\" " +
+            "xml:base=\"http://localhost:19000/test/\" m:etag=\"W/&quot;1&quot;\">"
+            +
+            "  <id>http://localhost:19000/test/Rooms('1')</id>" +
+            "  <title type=\"text\">Room 1</title>" +
+            "  <updated>2013-01-11T13:50:50.541+01:00</updated>" +
+            "  <content type=\"application/xml\">" +
+            "    <m:properties>" +
+            "      <d:Id>1</d:Id>" +
+            "    </m:properties>" +
+            "  </content>" +
+            "</entry>";
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(roomWithValidNamespaces);
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    ODataEntry result =
+        xec.readEntry(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(true).build());
+    assertNotNull(result);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void validationOfNamespaceAtPropertiesSuccess() throws Exception {
+    String roomWithValidNamespaces =
+        "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" +
+            "<entry xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"http://localhost:19000/test/\">" +
+            "  <id>http://localhost:19000/test/Rooms('1')</id>" +
+            "  <title type=\"text\">Room 1</title>" +
+            "  <updated>2013-01-11T13:50:50.541+01:00</updated>" +
+            "  <content type=\"application/xml\">" +
+            "    <m:properties xmlns:m=\"\">" +
+            "      <d:Id xmlns:d=\"\">1</d:Id>" +
+            "    </m:properties>" +
+            "  </content>" +
+            "</entry>";
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(roomWithValidNamespaces);
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    ODataEntry result =
+        xec.readEntry(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(true).build());
+    assertNotNull(result);
+  }
+  @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
+  public void validationOfNamespaceAtTagsMissing() throws Exception {
+    String roomWithValidNamespaces =
+        "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" +
+            "<entry xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"http://localhost:19000/test/\">" +
+            "  <id>http://localhost:19000/test/Rooms('1')</id>" +
+            "  <title type=\"text\">Room 1</title>" +
+            "  <updated>2013-01-11T13:50:50.541+01:00</updated>" +
+            "  <content type=\"application/xml\">" +
+            "    <m:properties>" +
+            "      <d:Id>1</d:Id>" +
+            "    </m:properties>" +
+            "  </content>" +
+            "</entry>";
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(roomWithValidNamespaces);
+    readAndExpectException(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderException.EXCEPTION_OCCURRED
+        .addContent("WstxParsingException"));
+  }
+  /**
+   * Use different namespace prefixes for <code>metadata (m)</code> and <code>data (d)</code>.
+   * 
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void validationOfDifferentNamespacesPrefixSuccess() throws Exception {
+    String roomWithValidNamespaces =
+        "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" +
+            "<entry xmlns=\"\" " +
+            "    xmlns:meta=\"\" " +
+            "    xmlns:data=\"\" " +
+            "    xml:base=\"http://localhost:19000/test/\" " +
+            "    meta:etag=\"W/&quot;1&quot;\">" +
+            "" +
+            "  <id>http://localhost:19000/test/Rooms('1')</id>" +
+            "  <title type=\"text\">Room 1</title>" +
+            "  <updated>2013-01-11T13:50:50.541+01:00</updated>" +
+            "  <content type=\"application/xml\">" +
+            "    <meta:properties>" +
+            "      <data:Id>1</data:Id>" +
+            "      <data:Seats>11</data:Seats>" +
+            "      <data:Name>Room 42</data:Name>" +
+            "      <data:Version>4711</data:Version>" +
+            "    </meta:properties>" +
+            "  </content>" +
+            "</entry>";
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(roomWithValidNamespaces);
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    ODataEntry result =
+        xec.readEntry(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(false).build());
+    assertNotNull(result);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Add <code>unknown property</code> in own namespace which is defined in entry tag.
+   * 
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void validationOfUnknownPropertyOwnNamespaceSuccess() throws Exception {
+    String roomWithValidNamespaces =
+        "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" +
+            "<entry xmlns=\"\" " +
+            "    xmlns:m=\"\" " +
+            "    xmlns:d=\"\" " +
+            "    xmlns:more=\"\" " +
+            "    xml:base=\"http://localhost:19000/test/\" " +
+            "    m:etag=\"W/&quot;1&quot;\">" +
+            "" +
+            "  <id>http://localhost:19000/test/Rooms('1')</id>" +
+            "  <title type=\"text\">Room 1</title>" +
+            "  <updated>2013-01-11T13:50:50.541+01:00</updated>" +
+            "  <content type=\"application/xml\">" +
+            "    <m:properties>" +
+            "      <d:Id>1</d:Id>" +
+            "      <more:somePropertyToBeIgnored>ignore me</more:somePropertyToBeIgnored>" +
+            "      <d:Seats>11</d:Seats>" +
+            "      <d:Name>Room 42</d:Name>" +
+            "      <d:Version>4711</d:Version>" +
+            "    </m:properties>" +
+            "  </content>" +
+            "</entry>";
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(roomWithValidNamespaces);
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    ODataEntry result =
+        xec.readEntry(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(false).build());
+    assertNotNull(result);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Is allowed because <code>Id</code> is in default namespace (<code>xmlns=\"\"</code>)
+   * 
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void validationOfUnknownPropertyDefaultNamespaceSuccess() throws Exception {
+    String roomWithValidNamespaces =
+        "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
+            +
+            "<entry xmlns=\"\" " +
+            "xmlns:m=\"\" " +
+            "xmlns:d=\"\" " +
+            "xml:base=\"http://localhost:19000/test/\" m:etag=\"W/&quot;1&quot;\">"
+            +
+            "  <id>http://localhost:19000/test/Rooms('1')</id>" +
+            "  <title type=\"text\">Room 1</title>" +
+            "  <updated>2013-01-11T13:50:50.541+01:00</updated>" +
+            "  <content type=\"application/xml\">" +
+            "    <m:properties>" +
+            "      <Id>1</Id>" +
+            "    </m:properties>" +
+            "  </content>" +
+            "</entry>";
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(roomWithValidNamespaces);
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    ODataEntry result =
+        xec.readEntry(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(true).build());
+    assertNotNull(result);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Add <code>unknown property</code> in own namespace which is defined directly in unknown tag.
+   * 
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void validationOfUnknownPropertyInlineNamespaceSuccess() throws Exception {
+    String roomWithValidNamespaces =
+        "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
+            +
+            "<entry xmlns=\"\" "
+            +
+            "    xmlns:m=\"\" "
+            +
+            "    xmlns:d=\"\" "
+            +
+            "    xml:base=\"http://localhost:19000/test/\" "
+            +
+            "    m:etag=\"W/&quot;1&quot;\">"
+            +
+            ""
+            +
+            "  <id>http://localhost:19000/test/Rooms('1')</id>"
+            +
+            "  <title type=\"text\">Room 1</title>"
+            +
+            "  <updated>2013-01-11T13:50:50.541+01:00</updated>"
+            +
+            "  <content type=\"application/xml\">"
+            +
+            "    <m:properties>"
+            +
+            "      <d:Id>1</d:Id>"
+            +
+            "      <more:somePropertyToBeIgnored " +
+            "xmlns:more=\"\">ignore me</more:somePropertyToBeIgnored>"
+            +
+            "      <d:Seats>11</d:Seats>" +
+            "      <d:Name>Room 42</d:Name>" +
+            "      <d:Version>4711</d:Version>" +
+            "    </m:properties>" +
+            "  </content>" +
+            "</entry>";
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(roomWithValidNamespaces);
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    ODataEntry result =
+        xec.readEntry(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(false).build());
+    assertNotNull(result);
+  }
+  @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
+  public void validationOfNamespacesMissingXmlns() throws Exception {
+    String roomWithValidNamespaces =
+        "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" +
+            "<entry etag=\"W/&quot;1&quot;\">" +
+            "  <id>http://localhost:19000/test/Rooms('1')</id>" +
+            "  <content type=\"application/xml\">" +
+            "    <m:properties>" +
+            "      <d:Id>1</d:Id>" +
+            "    </m:properties>" +
+            "  </content>" +
+            "</entry>";
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(roomWithValidNamespaces);
+    readAndExpectException(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderException.EXCEPTION_OCCURRED
+        .addContent("WstxParsingException"));
+  }
+  /**
+   * Double occurrence of <code>d:Name</code> tag must result in an exception.
+   * 
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
+  public void validationOfDuplicatedPropertyException() throws Exception {
+    String room =
+        "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" +
+            "<entry xmlns=\"\" " +
+            "    xmlns:m=\"\" " +
+            "    xmlns:d=\"\" " +
+            "    xml:base=\"http://localhost:19000/test/\" " +
+            "    m:etag=\"W/&quot;1&quot;\">" +
+            "" +
+            "  <id>http://localhost:19000/test/Rooms('1')</id>" +
+            "  <title type=\"text\">Room 1</title>" +
+            "  <updated>2013-01-11T13:50:50.541+01:00</updated>" +
+            "  <content type=\"application/xml\">" +
+            "    <m:properties>" +
+            "      <d:Id>1</d:Id>" +
+            "      <d:Seats>11</d:Seats>" +
+            "      <d:Name>Room 42</d:Name>" +
+            "      <d:Name>Room 42</d:Name>" +
+            "      <d:Version>4711</d:Version>" +
+            "    </m:properties>" +
+            "  </content>" +
+            "</entry>";
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(room);
+    readAndExpectException(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderException.DOUBLE_PROPERTY.addContent("Name"));
+  }
+  /**
+   * Double occurrence of <code>Name</code> tag within different namespace is allowed.
+   * 
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void validationOfDoublePropertyDifferentNamespace() throws Exception {
+    String room =
+        "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" +
+            "<entry xmlns=\"\" " +
+            "    xmlns:m=\"\" " +
+            "    xmlns:d=\"\" " +
+            "    xml:base=\"http://localhost:19000/test/\" " +
+            "    m:etag=\"W/&quot;1&quot;\">" +
+            "" +
+            "  <id>http://localhost:19000/test/Rooms('1')</id>" +
+            "  <title type=\"text\">Room 1</title>" +
+            "  <updated>2013-01-11T13:50:50.541+01:00</updated>" +
+            "  <content type=\"application/xml\">" +
+            "    <m:properties>" +
+            "      <d:Id>1</d:Id>" +
+            "      <d:Seats>11</d:Seats>" +
+            "      <o:Name xmlns:o=\"\">Room 42</o:Name>" +
+            "      <d:Name>Room 42</d:Name>" +
+            "      <d:Version>4711</d:Version>" +
+            "    </m:properties>" +
+            "  </content>" +
+            "</entry>";
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(room);
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    ODataEntry result =
+        xec.readEntry(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(false).build());
+    assertNotNull(result);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Double occurrence of <code>Name</code> tag within ignored/unknown property AND different namespace is allowed.
+   * 
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void validationOfDoublePropertyDifferentTagHierachy() throws Exception {
+    String room =
+        "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" +
+            "<entry xmlns=\"\" " +
+            "    xmlns:m=\"\" " +
+            "    xmlns:d=\"\" " +
+            "    xml:base=\"http://localhost:19000/test/\" " +
+            "    m:etag=\"W/&quot;1&quot;\">" +
+            "" +
+            "  <id>http://localhost:19000/test/Rooms('1')</id>" +
+            "  <title type=\"text\">Room 1</title>" +
+            "  <updated>2013-01-11T13:50:50.541+01:00</updated>" +
+            "  <content type=\"application/xml\">" +
+            "    <m:properties>" +
+            "      <d:Id>1</d:Id>" +
+            "      <d:Seats>11</d:Seats>" +
+            "      <SomeProp>" +
+            "        <Name>Room 42</Name>" +
+            "      </SomeProp>" +
+            "      <d:Name>Room 42</d:Name>" +
+            "      <d:Version>4711</d:Version>" +
+            "    </m:properties>" +
+            "  </content>" +
+            "</entry>";
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(room);
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    ODataEntry result =
+        xec.readEntry(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(false).build());
+    assertNotNull(result);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Double occurrence of <code>d:Name</code> tag within an unknown (and hence ignored) property is allowed.
+   * 
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void validationOfDoublePropertyDifferentTagHierachyD_Namespace() throws Exception {
+    String room =
+        "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" +
+            "<entry xmlns=\"\" " +
+            "    xmlns:m=\"\" " +
+            "    xmlns:d=\"\" " +
+            "    xml:base=\"http://localhost:19000/test/\" " +
+            "    m:etag=\"W/&quot;1&quot;\">" +
+            "" +
+            "  <id>http://localhost:19000/test/Rooms('1')</id>" +
+            "  <title type=\"text\">Room 1</title>" +
+            "  <updated>2013-01-11T13:50:50.541+01:00</updated>" +
+            "  <content type=\"application/xml\">" +
+            "    <m:properties>" +
+            "      <d:Id>1</d:Id>" +
+            "      <d:Seats>11</d:Seats>" +
+            "      <SomeProp>" +
+            "        <d:Name>Room 42</d:Name>" +
+            "      </SomeProp>" +
+            "      <d:Name>Room 42</d:Name>" +
+            "      <d:Version>4711</d:Version>" +
+            "    </m:properties>" +
+            "  </content>" +
+            "</entry>";
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(room);
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    ODataEntry result =
+        xec.readEntry(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(false).build());
+    assertNotNull(result);
+  }
+  @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
+  public void validationOfNamespacesMissingM_NamespaceAtProperties() throws Exception {
+    String roomWithValidNamespaces =
+        "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
+            +
+            "<entry xmlns=\"\" " +
+            "xmlns:m=\"\" " +
+            "xmlns:d=\"\" " +
+            "xml:base=\"http://localhost:19000/test/\" m:etag=\"W/&quot;1&quot;\">"
+            +
+            "  <id>http://localhost:19000/test/Rooms('1')</id>" +
+            "  <title type=\"text\">Room 1</title>" +
+            "  <updated>2013-01-11T13:50:50.541+01:00</updated>" +
+            "  <content type=\"application/xml\">" +
+            "    <properties>" +
+            "      <d:Id>1</d:Id>" +
+            "    </properties>" +
+            "  </content>" +
+            "</entry>";
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(roomWithValidNamespaces);
+    readAndExpectException(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderException.EXCEPTION_OCCURRED
+        .addContent("WstxParsingException"));
+  }
+  /**
+   * Missing _d_ namespace at key property/tag (_id_) is allowed.
+   * 
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void validationOfNamespacesMissingD_NamespaceAtKeyPropertyTag() throws Exception {
+    String roomWithValidNamespaces =
+        "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
+            +
+            "<entry xmlns=\"\" " +
+            "xmlns:m=\"\" " +
+            "xmlns:d=\"\" " +
+            "xml:base=\"http://localhost:19000/test/\" m:etag=\"W/&quot;1&quot;\">"
+            +
+            "  <id>http://localhost:19000/test/Rooms('1')</id>" +
+            "  <title type=\"text\">Room 1</title>" +
+            "  <updated>2013-01-11T13:50:50.541+01:00</updated>" +
+            "  <content type=\"application/xml\">" +
+            "    <m:properties>" +
+            "      <Id>1</Id>" +
+            "      <d:Seats>11</d:Seats>" +
+            "      <d:Name>Room 42</d:Name>" +
+            "      <d:Version>4711</d:Version>" +
+            "    </m:properties>" +
+            "  </content>" +
+            "</entry>";
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms");
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(roomWithValidNamespaces);
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    ODataEntry result =
+        xec.readEntry(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(false).build());
+    assertNotNull(result);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Missing _d_ namespace at non-nullable property/tag (_Version_) is allowed.
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  public void validationOfNamespacesMissingD_NamespaceAtNonNullableTag() throws Exception {
+    String roomWithValidNamespaces =
+        "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
+            +
+            "<entry xmlns=\"\" " +
+            "xmlns:m=\"\" " +
+            "xmlns:d=\"\" " +
+            "xml:base=\"http://localhost:19000/test/\" m:etag=\"W/&quot;1&quot;\">"
+            +
+            "  <id>http://localhost:19000/test/Rooms('1')</id>" +
+            "  <title type=\"text\">Room 1</title>" +
+            "  <updated>2013-01-11T13:50:50.541+01:00</updated>" +
+            "  <content type=\"application/xml\">" +
+            "    <m:properties>" +
+            "      <d:Seats>11</d:Seats>" +
+            "      <d:Name>Room 42</d:Name>" +
+            "      <Version>4711</Version>" +
+            "    </m:properties>" +
+            "  </content>" +
+            "</entry>";
+    final EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms");
+    final EdmProperty property = (EdmProperty) entitySet.getEntityType().getProperty("Version");
+    EdmFacets facets = property.getFacets();
+    Mockito.when(facets.isNullable()).thenReturn(false);
+    InputStream reqContent = createContentAsStream(roomWithValidNamespaces);
+    final ODataEntry result =
+        new XmlEntityConsumer().readEntry(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(
+            false).build());
+    assertNotNull(result);
+  }
+  private void readAndExpectException(final EdmEntitySet entitySet, final InputStream reqContent,
+      final MessageReference messageReference) throws ODataMessageException {
+    readAndExpectException(entitySet, reqContent, true, messageReference);
+  }
+  private void readAndExpectException(final EdmEntitySet entitySet, final InputStream reqContent, final boolean merge,
+      final MessageReference messageReference) throws ODataMessageException {
+    try {
+      XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+      ODataEntry result =
+          xec.readEntry(entitySet, reqContent, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(merge).build());
+      assertNotNull(result);
+"Expected exception with MessageReference '" + messageReference.getKey() + "' was not thrown.");
+    } catch (ODataMessageException e) {
+      assertEquals(messageReference.getKey(), e.getMessageReference().getKey());
+      // assertEquals(messageReference.getContent(), e.getMessageReference().getContent());
+      throw e;
+    }
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void readEntryAtomProperties() throws Exception {
+    // prepare
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    InputStream contentBody = createContentAsStream(EMPLOYEE_1_XML);
+    // execute
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    ODataEntry result =
+        xec.readEntry(entitySet, contentBody, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(true).build());
+    // verify
+    EntryMetadata metadata = result.getMetadata();
+    assertEquals("http://localhost:19000/Employees('1')", metadata.getId());
+    assertEquals("W/\"1\"", metadata.getEtag());
+    List<String> associationUris = metadata.getAssociationUris("ne_Room");
+    assertEquals(1, associationUris.size());
+    assertEquals("Employees('1')/ne_Room", associationUris.get(0));
+    associationUris = metadata.getAssociationUris("ne_Manager");
+    assertEquals(1, associationUris.size());
+    assertEquals("Employees('1')/ne_Manager", associationUris.get(0));
+    associationUris = metadata.getAssociationUris("ne_Team");
+    assertEquals(1, associationUris.size());
+    assertEquals("Employees('1')/ne_Team", associationUris.get(0));
+    assertEquals(null, metadata.getUri());
+    MediaMetadata mm = result.getMediaMetadata();
+    assertEquals("Employees('1')/$value", mm.getSourceLink());
+    assertEquals("mmEtag", mm.getEtag());
+    assertEquals("application/octet-stream", mm.getContentType());
+    assertEquals("Employees('1')/$value", mm.getEditLink());
+    Map<String, Object> data = result.getProperties();
+    assertEquals(9, data.size());
+    assertEquals("1", data.get("EmployeeId"));
+    assertEquals("Walter Winter", data.get("EmployeeName"));
+    assertEquals("1", data.get("ManagerId"));
+    assertEquals("1", data.get("RoomId"));
+    assertEquals("1", data.get("TeamId"));
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void readEntryLinks() throws Exception {
+    // prepare
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    InputStream contentBody = createContentAsStream(EMPLOYEE_1_XML);
+    // execute
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    ODataEntry result =
+        xec.readEntry(entitySet, contentBody, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(true).build());
+    // verify
+    List<String> associationUris = result.getMetadata().getAssociationUris("ne_Room");
+    assertEquals(1, associationUris.size());
+    assertEquals("Employees('1')/ne_Room", associationUris.get(0));
+    associationUris = result.getMetadata().getAssociationUris("ne_Manager");
+    assertEquals(1, associationUris.size());
+    assertEquals("Employees('1')/ne_Manager", associationUris.get(0));
+    associationUris = result.getMetadata().getAssociationUris("ne_Team");
+    assertEquals(1, associationUris.size());
+    assertEquals("Employees('1')/ne_Team", associationUris.get(0));
+  }
+  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+  @Test
+  public void testReadFeed() throws Exception {
+    // prepare
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    String content = readFile("feed_employees.xml");
+    InputStream contentAsStream = createContentAsStream(content);
+    // execute
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    ODataFeed feedResult =
+        xec.readFeed(entitySet, contentAsStream, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(false).build());
+    // verify feed result
+    // metadata
+    FeedMetadata metadata = feedResult.getFeedMetadata();
+    assertNull(metadata.getInlineCount());
+    assertNull(metadata.getNextLink());
+    assertNull(metadata.getDeltaLink());
+    // entries
+    List<ODataEntry> entries = feedResult.getEntries();
+    assertEquals(6, entries.size());
+    // verify first employee
+    ODataEntry firstEmployee = entries.get(0);
+    Map<String, Object> properties = firstEmployee.getProperties();
+    assertEquals(9, properties.size());
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("EmployeeId"));
+    assertEquals("Walter Winter", properties.get("EmployeeName"));
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("ManagerId"));
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("RoomId"));
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("TeamId"));
+    Map<String, Object> location = (Map<String, Object>) properties.get("Location");
+    assertEquals(2, location.size());
+    assertEquals("Germany", location.get("Country"));
+    Map<String, Object> city = (Map<String, Object>) location.get("City");
+    assertEquals(2, city.size());
+    assertEquals("69124", city.get("PostalCode"));
+    assertEquals("Heidelberg", city.get("CityName"));
+    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(52), properties.get("Age"));
+    Calendar entryDate = (Calendar) properties.get("EntryDate");
+    assertEquals(915148800000L, entryDate.getTimeInMillis());
+    assertEquals(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"), entryDate.getTimeZone());
+    assertEquals("Employees('1')/$value", properties.get("ImageUrl"));
+  }
+  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+  @Test
+  public void testReadFeedWithInlineCountAndNextLink() throws Exception {
+    // prepare
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    String content = readFile("feed_employees_full.xml");
+    InputStream contentAsStream = createContentAsStream(content);
+    // execute
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    ODataFeed feedResult =
+        xec.readFeed(entitySet, contentAsStream, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(false).build());
+    // verify feed result
+    // metadata
+    FeedMetadata metadata = feedResult.getFeedMetadata();
+    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(6), metadata.getInlineCount());
+    assertEquals("http://thisisanextlink", metadata.getNextLink());
+    assertNull(metadata.getDeltaLink());
+    // entries
+    List<ODataEntry> entries = feedResult.getEntries();
+    assertEquals(6, entries.size());
+    // verify first employee
+    ODataEntry firstEmployee = entries.get(0);
+    Map<String, Object> properties = firstEmployee.getProperties();
+    assertEquals(9, properties.size());
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("EmployeeId"));
+    assertEquals("Walter Winter", properties.get("EmployeeName"));
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("ManagerId"));
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("RoomId"));
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("TeamId"));
+    Map<String, Object> location = (Map<String, Object>) properties.get("Location");
+    assertEquals(2, location.size());
+    assertEquals("Germany", location.get("Country"));
+    Map<String, Object> city = (Map<String, Object>) location.get("City");
+    assertEquals(2, city.size());
+    assertEquals("69124", city.get("PostalCode"));
+    assertEquals("Heidelberg", city.get("CityName"));
+    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(52), properties.get("Age"));
+    Calendar entryDate = (Calendar) properties.get("EntryDate");
+    assertEquals(915148800000L, entryDate.getTimeInMillis());
+    assertEquals(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"), entryDate.getTimeZone());
+    assertEquals("Employees('1')/$value", properties.get("ImageUrl"));
+  }
+  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+  @Test
+  public void testReadEntry() throws Exception {
+    // prepare
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    InputStream contentBody = createContentAsStream(EMPLOYEE_1_XML);
+    // execute
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    ODataEntry result =
+        xec.readEntry(entitySet, contentBody, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(false).build());
+    // verify
+    Map<String, Object> properties = result.getProperties();
+    assertEquals(9, properties.size());
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("EmployeeId"));
+    assertEquals("Walter Winter", properties.get("EmployeeName"));
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("ManagerId"));
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("RoomId"));
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("TeamId"));
+    Map<String, Object> location = (Map<String, Object>) properties.get("Location");
+    assertEquals(2, location.size());
+    assertEquals("Germany", location.get("Country"));
+    Map<String, Object> city = (Map<String, Object>) location.get("City");
+    assertEquals(2, city.size());
+    assertEquals("69124", city.get("PostalCode"));
+    assertEquals("Heidelberg", city.get("CityName"));
+    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(52), properties.get("Age"));
+    Calendar entryDate = (Calendar) properties.get("EntryDate");
+    assertEquals(915148800000L, entryDate.getTimeInMillis());
+    assertEquals(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"), entryDate.getTimeZone());
+    assertEquals("/SAP/PUBLIC/BC/NWDEMO_MODEL/IMAGES/Employee_1.png", properties.get("ImageUrl"));
+  }
+  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+  @Test
+  public void testReadEntryWithLargeProperty() throws Exception {
+    // prepare
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    String newName = StringHelper.generateData(81920);
+    InputStream contentBody = createContentAsStream(EMPLOYEE_1_XML.replaceAll("Walter Winter", newName));
+    // execute
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    ODataEntry result =
+        xec.readEntry(entitySet, contentBody, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(false).build());
+    // verify
+    Map<String, Object> properties = result.getProperties();
+    assertEquals(9, properties.size());
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("EmployeeId"));
+    assertEquals(newName, properties.get("EmployeeName"));
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("ManagerId"));
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("RoomId"));
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("TeamId"));
+    Map<String, Object> location = (Map<String, Object>) properties.get("Location");
+    assertEquals(2, location.size());
+    assertEquals("Germany", location.get("Country"));
+    Map<String, Object> city = (Map<String, Object>) location.get("City");
+    assertEquals(2, city.size());
+    assertEquals("69124", city.get("PostalCode"));
+    assertEquals("Heidelberg", city.get("CityName"));
+    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(52), properties.get("Age"));
+    Calendar entryDate = (Calendar) properties.get("EntryDate");
+    assertEquals(915148800000L, entryDate.getTimeInMillis());
+    assertEquals(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"), entryDate.getTimeZone());
+    assertEquals("/SAP/PUBLIC/BC/NWDEMO_MODEL/IMAGES/Employee_1.png", properties.get("ImageUrl"));
+  }
+  /**
+   * Missing 'key' properties are allowed for validation against Edm model.
+   * @throws Exception
+   */
+  @Test
+  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+  public void testReadEntryMissingKeyProperty() throws Exception {
+    // prepare
+    final EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    InputStream contentBody = createContentAsStream(EMPLOYEE_1_XML.replace("<d:EmployeeId>1</d:EmployeeId>", ""));
+    // execute
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    ODataEntry result =
+        xec.readEntry(entitySet, contentBody, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(false).build());
+    // verify
+    Map<String, Object> properties = result.getProperties();
+    assertEquals(8, properties.size());
+    assertNull(properties.get("EmployeeId"));
+    assertEquals("Walter Winter", properties.get("EmployeeName"));
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("ManagerId"));
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("RoomId"));
+    assertEquals("1", properties.get("TeamId"));
+    Map<String, Object> location = (Map<String, Object>) properties.get("Location");
+    assertEquals(2, location.size());
+    assertEquals("Germany", location.get("Country"));
+    Map<String, Object> city = (Map<String, Object>) location.get("City");
+    assertEquals(2, city.size());
+    assertEquals("69124", city.get("PostalCode"));
+    assertEquals("Heidelberg", city.get("CityName"));
+    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(52), properties.get("Age"));
+    Calendar entryDate = (Calendar) properties.get("EntryDate");
+    assertEquals(915148800000L, entryDate.getTimeInMillis());
+    assertEquals(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"), entryDate.getTimeZone());
+    assertEquals("/SAP/PUBLIC/BC/NWDEMO_MODEL/IMAGES/Employee_1.png", properties.get("ImageUrl"));
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void readEntryNullProperty() throws Exception {
+    final EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    final String content = EMPLOYEE_1_XML.replace("<d:EntryDate>1999-01-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>",
+        "<d:EntryDate m:null='true' />");
+    InputStream contentBody = createContentAsStream(content);
+    final ODataEntry result =
+        new XmlEntityConsumer().readEntry(entitySet, contentBody, EntityProviderReadProperties.init().mergeSemantic(
+            true).build());
+    final Map<String, Object> properties = result.getProperties();
+    assertEquals(9, properties.size());
+    assertTrue(properties.containsKey("EntryDate"));
+    assertNull(properties.get("EntryDate"));
+  }
+  @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
+  public void readEntryTooManyValues() throws Exception {
+    // prepare
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    String content =
+        EMPLOYEE_1_XML.replace("<d:Age>52</d:Age>",
+            "<d:Age>52</d:Age><d:SomeUnknownTag>SomeUnknownValue</d:SomeUnknownTag>");
+    InputStream contentBody = createContentAsStream(content);
+    // execute
+    try {
+      new XmlEntityConsumer().readEntry(entitySet, contentBody, EntityProviderReadProperties.init()
+          .mergeSemantic(false).build());
+    } catch (EntityProviderException e) {
+      // do some assertions...
+      assertEquals(EntityProviderException.INVALID_PROPERTY.getKey(), e.getMessageReference().getKey());
+      assertEquals("SomeUnknownTag", e.getMessageReference().getContent().get(0));
+      // ...and then re-throw
+      throw e;
+    }
+  }
+  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+  @Test
+  public void testReadEntryWithMerge() throws Exception {
+    // prepare
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    String content = EMPLOYEE_1_XML.replace("<d:Age>52</d:Age>", "");
+    InputStream contentBody = createContentAsStream(content);
+    // execute
+    XmlEntityConsumer xec = new XmlEntityConsumer();
+    ODataEntry result =
+        xec.readEntry(entitySet, contentBody, EntityProvide


[6/6] git commit: [OLINGO-231] Several refactorings

Posted by
[OLINGO-231] Several refactorings


Branch: refs/heads/OLINGO-231_PocForAndroid
Commit: cb1ba46855a469d7fc81d5a7e2f9b1b15187fcfa
Parents: 696288d
Author: Michael Bolz <>
Authored: Thu May 8 08:35:19 2014 +0200
Committer: Michael Bolz <>
Committed: Fri May 9 14:38:52 2014 +0200

 odata2-android/pom.xml                          |     9 +-
 .../odata2/android/xml/   |    17 +-
 .../odata2/android/xml/    |    26 +-
 .../odata2/android/xml/     |   257 +
 .../android/xml/      |     3 +-
 .../android/xml/       |     8 +-
 .../android/xml/      |   849 ++
 .../android/xml/       |   215 +
 .../android/xml/      |  2420 ++++
 .../odata2/android/xml/ |   155 +
 .../src/test/resources/LargeEmployeeFeed.xml    | 12556 +++++++++++++++++
 .../src/test/resources/double_expanded_team.xml |   264 +
 .../src/test/resources/expandedBuilding.xml     |    61 +
 .../src/test/resources/expanded_team.xml        |   146 +
 .../src/test/resources/feed_employees.xml       |   247 +
 .../src/test/resources/feed_employees_full.xml  |   249 +
 .../resources/feed_with_deleted_entries.xml     |    40 +
 .../src/test/resources/feed_with_delta_link.xml |    69 +
 odata2-lib/odata-core/pom.xml                   |     5 -
 .../olingo/odata2/core/commons/      |   589 +
 .../olingo/odata2/core/commons/  |   350 +
 .../apache/olingo/odata2/core/commons/  |   124 +
 .../olingo/odata2/core/debug/ |     2 +-
 .../olingo/odata2/core/edm/       |     9 +-
 .../provider/    |    25 +-
 .../odata2/core/ep/     |    29 +-
 .../odata2/core/debug/    |     2 +-
 .../core/uri/expression/      |     9 +-
 .../core/xml/    |    13 +-
 pom.xml                                         |     1 -
 30 files changed, 18668 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)
diff --git a/odata2-android/pom.xml b/odata2-android/pom.xml
index 8a8e1c3..614f558 100644
--- a/odata2-android/pom.xml
+++ b/odata2-android/pom.xml
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
-  <version.robolectric>2.2</version.robolectric>
+  <version.robolectric>2.3-SNAPSHOT</version.robolectric>
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@
+    <!-- Test dependencies -->
@@ -112,6 +113,12 @@
+      <exclusions>
+        <exclusion>
+          <groupId></groupId>
+          <artifactId>support-v4</artifactId>
+        </exclusion>
+      </exclusions>
diff --git a/odata2-android/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/ b/odata2-android/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/
index f2888a9..85eb024 100644
--- a/odata2-android/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/
+++ b/odata2-android/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/
@@ -18,13 +18,26 @@
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.EntityProviderException;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.xml.*;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.xml.AbstractXmlStreamFactory;
 public class AndroidXmlFactory extends AbstractXmlStreamFactory {
+  private static final String DEFAULT_CHARSET = "UTF-8";
-  public XMLStreamReader createXMLStreamReader(Object content) throws XMLStreamException {
-    return new AndroidXmlReader(content).setProperties(readProperties);
+  public XMLStreamReader createXMLStreamReader(Object content) throws XMLStreamException, EntityProviderException {
+    AndroidXmlReader reader = new AndroidXmlReader(content).setProperties(readProperties);
+    // verify charset encoding set in content is supported (if not set UTF-8 is used as defined in
+    // '')
+    String characterEncodingInContent = reader.getCharacterEncodingScheme();
+    if (characterEncodingInContent != null && !DEFAULT_CHARSET.equalsIgnoreCase(characterEncodingInContent)) {
+      throw new EntityProviderException(EntityProviderException
+              .UNSUPPORTED_CHARACTER_ENCODING.addContent(characterEncodingInContent));
+    }
+    return reader;
diff --git a/odata2-android/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/ b/odata2-android/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/
index d793fe6..0bc1881 100644
--- a/odata2-android/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/
+++ b/odata2-android/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ package;
+import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Map;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.xml.NamespaceContext;
@@ -69,6 +70,10 @@ public class AndroidXmlReader implements XMLStreamReader {
     return this;
+  public String getCharacterEncodingScheme() {
+    return parser.getInputEncoding();
+  }
   public void close() throws XMLStreamException {
@@ -114,7 +119,6 @@ public class AndroidXmlReader implements XMLStreamReader {
       text = parser.getText();;
     } catch (Exception e) {
-      e.printStackTrace();
       throw new XMLStreamException("Failure during step forward after 'getText'.", e);
     return text;
@@ -137,18 +141,24 @@ public class AndroidXmlReader implements XMLStreamReader {
-  public NamespaceContext getNamespaceContext() {
-    String tmp = null;
+  public NamespaceContext getNamespaceContext() throws XMLStreamException {
+    final Map<String, String> prefix2Namespace;
     try {
       int depth = parser.getDepth();
-      tmp = parser.getNamespacePrefix(depth);
+      int nsStart = parser.getNamespaceCount(depth-1);
+      int nsEnd = parser.getNamespaceCount(depth);
+      prefix2Namespace = new HashMap<String, String>(nsEnd-nsStart+1);
+      for (int i = nsStart; i < nsEnd; i++) {
+        String prefix = parser.getNamespacePrefix(i);
+        String namespace = parser.getNamespaceUri(i);
+        prefix2Namespace.put(namespace, prefix);
+      }
     } catch (XmlPullParserException e) {
-      e.printStackTrace();
+      throw new XMLStreamException("Got XmlPullParserException with message: " + e.getMessage(), e);
-    final String prefix = tmp;
     return new NamespaceContext() {
-      public String getPrefix(String index) {
-        return prefix;
+      public String getPrefix(String namespaceUri) {
+        return prefix2Namespace.get(namespaceUri);
diff --git a/odata2-android/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/ b/odata2-android/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fad1c12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odata2-android/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.Edm;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.EntityProviderException;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.EntityProviderWriteProperties;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.callback.TombstoneCallback;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.ep.AtomEntityProvider;
+import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.SimpleNamespaceContext;
+import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLUnit;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+import org.robolectric.RobolectricTestRunner;
+import org.robolectric.annotation.Config;
+import java.util.*;
+import static org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.xml.XMLStreamReaderFactory.XML_STREAM_READER_FACTORY_CLASS;
+import static org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.xml.XMLStreamWriterFactory.XML_STREAM_WRITER_FACTORY_CLASS;
+ *  
+public abstract class AndroidTestBase {
+  protected static final URI BASE_URI;
+  static {
+    try {
+      BASE_URI = new URI("http://host:80/service/");
+    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
+      throw new RuntimeException(e);
+    }
+  }
+  protected static final EntityProviderWriteProperties DEFAULT_PROPERTIES = EntityProviderWriteProperties.serviceRoot(
+      BASE_URI).build();
+  protected Map<String, Object> employeeData;
+  protected ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> employeesData;
+  protected Map<String, Object> photoData;
+  protected Map<String, Object> roomData;
+  protected Map<String, Object> buildingData;
+  protected ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> roomsData;
+  {
+    employeeData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+    Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
+    date.clear();
+    date.set(1999, 0, 1);
+    employeeData.put("EmployeeId", "1");
+    employeeData.put("ImmageUrl", null);
+    employeeData.put("ManagerId", "1");
+    employeeData.put("Age", new Integer(52));
+    employeeData.put("RoomId", "1");
+    employeeData.put("EntryDate", date);
+    employeeData.put("TeamId", "42");
+    employeeData.put("EmployeeName", "Walter Winter");
+    Map<String, Object> locationData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+    Map<String, Object> cityData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+    cityData.put("PostalCode", "33470");
+    cityData.put("CityName", "Duckburg");
+    locationData.put("City", cityData);
+    locationData.put("Country", "Calisota");
+    employeeData.put("Location", locationData);
+    Map<String, Object> employeeData2 = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+    employeeData2.put("EmployeeId", "1");
+    employeeData2.put("ImmageUrl", null);
+    employeeData2.put("ManagerId", "1");
+    employeeData2.put("Age", new Integer(52));
+    employeeData2.put("RoomId", "1");
+    employeeData2.put("EntryDate", date);
+    employeeData2.put("TeamId", "42");
+    employeeData2.put("EmployeeName", "Walter Winter");
+    Map<String, Object> locationData2 = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+    Map<String, Object> cityData2 = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+    cityData2.put("PostalCode", "33470");
+    cityData2.put("CityName", "Duckburg");
+    locationData2.put("City", cityData2);
+    locationData2.put("Country", "Calisota");
+    employeeData2.put("Location", locationData2);
+    employeesData = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
+    employeesData.add(employeeData);
+    employeesData.add(employeeData2);
+    photoData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+    photoData.put("Id", Integer.valueOf(1));
+    photoData.put("Name", "Mona Lisa");
+    photoData.put("Type", "image/png");
+    photoData.put(
+                "ImageUrl",
+                ",13385561,medRes,maxh,234,maxw,234," +
+                        "Parodia_Mona_Lisa_Lego_Hamburger_Morgenpost.jpg");
+    Map<String, Object> imageData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+    imageData.put("Image", new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 });
+    imageData.put("getImageType", "image/png");
+    photoData.put("Image", imageData);
+    photoData.put("BinaryData", new byte[] { -1, -2, -3, -4 });
+    photoData.put("Содержание", "В лесу шумит водопад. Если он не торопится просп воды");
+    roomData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+    roomData.put("Id", "1");
+    roomData.put("Name", "Neu Schwanstein");
+    roomData.put("Seats", new Integer(20));
+    roomData.put("Version", new Integer(3));
+    buildingData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+    buildingData.put("Id", "1");
+    buildingData.put("Name", "WDF03");
+    buildingData.put("Image", "image");
+  }
+  protected void initializeRoomData(final int count) {
+    roomsData = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
+    for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
+      HashMap<String, Object> tmp = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+      tmp.put("Id", "" + i);
+      tmp.put("Name", "Neu Schwanstein" + i);
+      tmp.put("Seats", new Integer(20));
+      tmp.put("Version", new Integer(3));
+      roomsData.add(tmp);
+    }
+  }
+  @Before
+  public void setXmlFactory() throws Exception {
+    //
+    System.setProperty(XML_STREAM_WRITER_FACTORY_CLASS, AndroidXmlFactory.class.getName()); // NOSONAR
+    System.setProperty(XML_STREAM_READER_FACTORY_CLASS, AndroidXmlFactory.class.getName()); // NOSONAR
+  }
+  @Before
+  public void setXmlNamespacePrefixes() throws Exception {
+    //
+    Map<String, String> prefixMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
+    prefixMap.put("a", Edm.NAMESPACE_ATOM_2005);
+    prefixMap.put("d", Edm.NAMESPACE_D_2007_08);
+    prefixMap.put("m", Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08);
+    prefixMap.put("xml", Edm.NAMESPACE_XML_1998);
+    prefixMap.put("ру", "http://localhost");
+    prefixMap.put("custom", "http://localhost");
+    prefixMap.put("at", TombstoneCallback.NAMESPACE_TOMBSTONE);
+    XMLUnit.setXpathNamespaceContext(new SimpleNamespaceContext(prefixMap));
+  }
+  protected AtomEntityProvider createAtomEntityProvider() throws EntityProviderException {
+    return new AtomEntityProvider();
+  }
+  protected String readFile(final String filename) throws IOException {
+    InputStream in = getFileAsStream(filename);
+    byte[] tmp = new byte[8192];
+    int count =;
+    StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
+    while (count >= 0) {
+      b.append(new String(tmp, 0, count));
+      count =;
+    }
+    return b.toString();
+  }
+  protected InputStream getFileAsStream(final String filename) throws IOException {
+    InputStream in = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(filename);
+    if (in == null) {
+      throw new IOException("Requested file '" + filename + "' was not found.");
+    }
+    return in;
+  }
+  protected InputStream createContentAsStream(final String content) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
+    return new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes("UTF-8"));
+  }
+  /**
+   *
+   * @param content
+   * @param replaceWhitespaces if <code>true</code> all XML not necessary whitespaces between tags are
+   * @return
+   * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
+   */
+  protected InputStream createContentAsStream(final String content, final boolean replaceWhitespaces)
+          throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
+    String contentForStream = content;
+    if (replaceWhitespaces) {
+      contentForStream = content.replaceAll(">\\s.<", "><");
+    }
+    return new ByteArrayInputStream(contentForStream.getBytes("UTF-8"));
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a map with a 'String' to 'Class<?>' mapping based on given parameters.
+   * Therefore parameters MUST be a set of such pairs.
+   * As example an correct method call would be:
+   * <p>
+   * <code>
+   * createTypeMappings("someKey", Integer.class, "anotherKey", Long.class);
+   * </code>
+   * </p>
+   *
+   * @param firstKeyThenMappingClass
+   * @return
+   */
+  protected Map<String, Object> createTypeMappings(final Object... firstKeyThenMappingClass) {
+    Map<String, Object> typeMappings = new HashMap<String, Object>();
+    if (firstKeyThenMappingClass.length % 2 != 0) {
+      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Got odd number of parameters. Please read javadoc.");
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < firstKeyThenMappingClass.length; i += 2) {
+      String key = (String) firstKeyThenMappingClass[i];
+      Class<?> mappingClass = (Class<?>) firstKeyThenMappingClass[i + 1];
+      typeMappings.put(key, mappingClass);
+    }
+    return typeMappings;
+  }
diff --git a/odata2-android/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/ b/odata2-android/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/
index e51c345..17364cd 100644
--- a/odata2-android/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/
+++ b/odata2-android/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.xml.XMLStreamReader;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.xml.XMLStreamWriter;
 import org.apache.olingo.odata2.testutil.helper.StringHelper;
 import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Ignore;
 import org.junit.Test;
 import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
 import org.robolectric.RobolectricTestRunner;
@@ -62,7 +61,7 @@ public class AndroidXmlFactoryTest {
-  @Ignore("Will work with robolectric version 2.3")
+//  @Ignore("Will work with robolectric version 2.3")
   public void createReader() throws Exception {
     InputStream stream = StringHelper.encapsulate(BASIC_CONTENT);
     XMLStreamReader xmlReader = streamFactory.createXMLStreamReader(stream);
diff --git a/odata2-android/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/ b/odata2-android/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/
index 51cebbb..af0d6a0 100644
--- a/odata2-android/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/
+++ b/odata2-android/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ import org.apache.olingo.odata2.testutil.mock.MockFacade;
 import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.SimpleNamespaceContext;
 import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLUnit;
 import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Ignore;
 import org.junit.Test;
 import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
 import org.robolectric.RobolectricTestRunner;
@@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ import static org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.xml.XMLStreamReaderFactory.XML_STREAM
-@Ignore("Will work with robolectric version 2.3")
+//  @Ignore("Will work with robolectric version 2.3")
 public class AndroidXmlReaderTest {
   private static final String BASIC_RESULT =
@@ -117,7 +116,6 @@ public class AndroidXmlReaderTest {
     AndroidXmlReader xmlReader = new AndroidXmlReader(stream.asStream());
     int[] expected = new int[]{
-            XMLStreamConstants.START_DOCUMENT,
@@ -126,8 +124,8 @@ public class AndroidXmlReaderTest {
     int pos = 0;
     while(xmlReader.hasNext()) {
       int elementId =;
-//      System.out.println("E: " + elementId);
-      assertEquals(expected[pos++], elementId);
+      assertEquals("Unexpected type at position: " + pos,
+              expected[pos++], elementId);
diff --git a/odata2-android/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/ b/odata2-android/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f1ee53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odata2-android/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/
@@ -0,0 +1,849 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.*;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.EntityProviderException;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.EntityProviderWriteProperties;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.exception.ODataException;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.exception.ODataMessageException;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.processor.ODataResponse;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.xml.XMLStreamException;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.commons.ContentType;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.ep.AtomEntityProvider;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.testutil.helper.StringHelper;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.testutil.helper.XMLUnitHelper;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.testutil.mock.MockFacade;
+import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.SimpleNamespaceContext;
+import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLUnit;
+import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.exceptions.XpathException;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.robolectric.annotation.Config;
+import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import static org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLAssert.*;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
+import static;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
+ *  
+ */
+public class AtomEntryProducerTest extends AndroidTestBase {
+  @Test
+  public void noneSyndicationKeepInContentFalseMustNotShowInProperties() throws Exception {
+    // prepare Mock
+    EdmEntitySet employeesSet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    EdmCustomizableFeedMappings employeeCustomPropertyMapping = mock(EdmCustomizableFeedMappings.class);
+    when(employeeCustomPropertyMapping.isFcKeepInContent()).thenReturn(Boolean.FALSE);
+    when(employeeCustomPropertyMapping.getFcNsPrefix()).thenReturn("customPre");
+    when(employeeCustomPropertyMapping.getFcNsUri()).thenReturn("");
+    EdmTyped employeeEntryDateProperty = employeesSet.getEntityType().getProperty("EmployeeName");
+    when(((EdmProperty) employeeEntryDateProperty).getCustomizableFeedMappings()).thenReturn(
+        employeeCustomPropertyMapping);
+    Map<String, String> prefixMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
+    prefixMap.put("a", Edm.NAMESPACE_ATOM_2005);
+    prefixMap.put("d", Edm.NAMESPACE_D_2007_08);
+    prefixMap.put("m", Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08);
+    prefixMap.put("xml", Edm.NAMESPACE_XML_1998);
+    prefixMap.put("customPre", "");
+    XMLUnit.setXpathNamespaceContext(new SimpleNamespaceContext(prefixMap));
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    ODataResponse response = ser.writeEntry(employeesSet, employeeData, DEFAULT_PROPERTIES);
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/customPre:EmployeeName", xmlString);
+    assertXpathNotExists("/a:entry/m:properties/d:EmployeeName", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void noneSyndicationKeepInContentTrueMustShowInProperties() throws Exception {
+    // prepare Mock
+    EdmEntitySet employeesSet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    EdmCustomizableFeedMappings employeeCustomPropertyMapping = mock(EdmCustomizableFeedMappings.class);
+    when(employeeCustomPropertyMapping.isFcKeepInContent()).thenReturn(Boolean.TRUE);
+    when(employeeCustomPropertyMapping.getFcNsPrefix()).thenReturn("customPre");
+    when(employeeCustomPropertyMapping.getFcNsUri()).thenReturn("");
+    EdmTyped employeeEntryDateProperty = employeesSet.getEntityType().getProperty("EmployeeName");
+    when(((EdmProperty) employeeEntryDateProperty).getCustomizableFeedMappings()).thenReturn(
+        employeeCustomPropertyMapping);
+    Map<String, String> prefixMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
+    prefixMap.put("a", Edm.NAMESPACE_ATOM_2005);
+    prefixMap.put("d", Edm.NAMESPACE_D_2007_08);
+    prefixMap.put("m", Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08);
+    prefixMap.put("xml", Edm.NAMESPACE_XML_1998);
+    prefixMap.put("customPre", "");
+    XMLUnit.setXpathNamespaceContext(new SimpleNamespaceContext(prefixMap));
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    ODataResponse response = ser.writeEntry(employeesSet, employeeData, DEFAULT_PROPERTIES);
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/customPre:EmployeeName", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/m:properties/d:EmployeeName", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void noneSyndicationWithNullPrefix() throws Exception {
+    // prepare Mock
+    EdmEntitySet employeesSet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    EdmCustomizableFeedMappings employeeCustomPropertyMapping = mock(EdmCustomizableFeedMappings.class);
+    when(employeeCustomPropertyMapping.isFcKeepInContent()).thenReturn(Boolean.TRUE);
+    when(employeeCustomPropertyMapping.getFcNsUri()).thenReturn("");
+    EdmTyped employeeEntryDateProperty = employeesSet.getEntityType().getProperty("EmployeeName");
+    when(((EdmProperty) employeeEntryDateProperty).getCustomizableFeedMappings()).thenReturn(
+        employeeCustomPropertyMapping);
+    Map<String, String> prefixMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
+    prefixMap.put("a", Edm.NAMESPACE_ATOM_2005);
+    prefixMap.put("d", Edm.NAMESPACE_D_2007_08);
+    prefixMap.put("m", Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08);
+    prefixMap.put("xml", Edm.NAMESPACE_XML_1998);
+    prefixMap.put("customPre", "");
+    XMLUnit.setXpathNamespaceContext(new SimpleNamespaceContext(prefixMap));
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    boolean thrown = false;
+    try {
+      ser.writeEntry(employeesSet, employeeData, DEFAULT_PROPERTIES);
+    } catch (EntityProviderException e) {
+      verifyRootCause(EntityProviderException.class, EntityProviderException.INVALID_NAMESPACE.getKey(), e);
+      thrown = true;
+    }
+    if (!thrown) {
+      fail("Exception should have been thrown");
+    }
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void noneSyndicationWithNullUri() throws Exception {
+    // prepare Mock
+    EdmEntitySet employeesSet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    EdmCustomizableFeedMappings employeeCustomPropertyMapping = mock(EdmCustomizableFeedMappings.class);
+    when(employeeCustomPropertyMapping.isFcKeepInContent()).thenReturn(Boolean.TRUE);
+    when(employeeCustomPropertyMapping.getFcNsPrefix()).thenReturn("customPre");
+    EdmTyped employeeEntryDateProperty = employeesSet.getEntityType().getProperty("EmployeeName");
+    when(((EdmProperty) employeeEntryDateProperty).getCustomizableFeedMappings()).thenReturn(
+        employeeCustomPropertyMapping);
+    Map<String, String> prefixMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
+    prefixMap.put("a", Edm.NAMESPACE_ATOM_2005);
+    prefixMap.put("d", Edm.NAMESPACE_D_2007_08);
+    prefixMap.put("m", Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08);
+    prefixMap.put("xml", Edm.NAMESPACE_XML_1998);
+    prefixMap.put("customPre", "");
+    XMLUnit.setXpathNamespaceContext(new SimpleNamespaceContext(prefixMap));
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    boolean thrown = false;
+    try {
+      ser.writeEntry(employeesSet, employeeData, DEFAULT_PROPERTIES);
+    } catch (EntityProviderException e) {
+      verifyRootCause(EntityProviderException.class, EntityProviderException.INVALID_NAMESPACE.getKey(), e);
+      thrown = true;
+    }
+    if (!thrown) {
+      fail("Exception should have been thrown");
+    }
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void noneSyndicationWithNullUriAndNullPrefix() throws Exception {
+    // prepare Mock
+    EdmEntitySet employeesSet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    EdmCustomizableFeedMappings employeeCustomPropertyMapping = mock(EdmCustomizableFeedMappings.class);
+    when(employeeCustomPropertyMapping.isFcKeepInContent()).thenReturn(Boolean.TRUE);
+    EdmTyped employeeEntryDateProperty = employeesSet.getEntityType().getProperty("EmployeeName");
+    when(((EdmProperty) employeeEntryDateProperty).getCustomizableFeedMappings()).thenReturn(
+        employeeCustomPropertyMapping);
+    Map<String, String> prefixMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
+    prefixMap.put("a", Edm.NAMESPACE_ATOM_2005);
+    prefixMap.put("d", Edm.NAMESPACE_D_2007_08);
+    prefixMap.put("m", Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08);
+    prefixMap.put("xml", Edm.NAMESPACE_XML_1998);
+    prefixMap.put("f", "");
+    XMLUnit.setXpathNamespaceContext(new SimpleNamespaceContext(prefixMap));
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    boolean thrown = false;
+    try {
+      ser.writeEntry(employeesSet, employeeData, DEFAULT_PROPERTIES);
+    } catch (EntityProviderException e) {
+      verifyRootCause(EntityProviderException.class, EntityProviderException.INVALID_NAMESPACE.getKey(), e);
+      thrown = true;
+    }
+    if (!thrown) {
+      fail("Exception should have been thrown");
+    }
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void syndicationWithComplexProperty() throws Exception {
+    // prepare Mock
+    EdmEntitySet employeesSet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    EdmCustomizableFeedMappings employeeCustomPropertyMapping = mock(EdmCustomizableFeedMappings.class);
+    when(employeeCustomPropertyMapping.isFcKeepInContent()).thenReturn(Boolean.TRUE);
+    when(employeeCustomPropertyMapping.getFcNsPrefix()).thenReturn("customPre");
+    when(employeeCustomPropertyMapping.getFcNsUri()).thenReturn("");
+    EdmTyped employeeLocationProperty = employeesSet.getEntityType().getProperty("Location");
+    when(((EdmProperty) employeeLocationProperty).getCustomizableFeedMappings()).thenReturn(
+        employeeCustomPropertyMapping);
+    Map<String, String> prefixMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
+    prefixMap.put("a", Edm.NAMESPACE_ATOM_2005);
+    prefixMap.put("d", Edm.NAMESPACE_D_2007_08);
+    prefixMap.put("m", Edm.NAMESPACE_M_2007_08);
+    prefixMap.put("xml", Edm.NAMESPACE_XML_1998);
+    prefixMap.put("customPre", "");
+    XMLUnit.setXpathNamespaceContext(new SimpleNamespaceContext(prefixMap));
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    ODataResponse response = ser.writeEntry(employeesSet, employeeData, DEFAULT_PROPERTIES);
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathNotExists("/a:entry/customPre:Location", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/m:properties/d:Location", xmlString);
+  }
+  private void verifyRootCause(final Class<?> class1, final String key, final ODataMessageException e) {
+    Throwable thrownException = e;
+    Throwable lastFoundException = null;
+    if (e.getClass().equals(class1)) {
+      lastFoundException = e;
+    }
+    while (thrownException.getCause() != null) {
+      thrownException = thrownException.getCause();
+      if (thrownException.getClass().equals(class1)) {
+        lastFoundException = thrownException;
+      }
+    }
+    if (lastFoundException != null) {
+      ODataMessageException msgException = (ODataMessageException) lastFoundException;
+      assertEquals(key, msgException.getMessageReference().getKey());
+    } else {
+      fail("Exception of class: " + class1.getCanonicalName() + " in stacktrace not found.");
+    }
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void serializeAtomMediaResource() throws IOException, XpathException, SAXException, XMLStreamException,
+      ODataException {
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    ODataResponse response =
+        ser.writeEntry(MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees"), employeeData,
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo(BASE_URI.toASCIIString(), "/a:entry/@xml:base", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:content", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo(ContentType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM.toString(), "/a:entry/a:content/@type", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo("Employees('1')/$value", "/a:entry/a:content/@src", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/m:properties", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:link[@href=\"Employees('1')/$value\"]", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:link[@rel='edit-media']", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:link[@type='application/octet-stream']", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:link[@href=\"Employees('1')\"]", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:link[@rel='edit']", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:link[@title='Employee']", xmlString);
+    // assert navigation link order
+    verifyTagOrdering(xmlString,
+        "link((?:(?!link).)*?)edit",
+        "link((?:(?!link).)*?)edit-media",
+        "link((?:(?!link).)*?)ne_Manager",
+        "link((?:(?!link).)*?)ne_Team",
+        "link((?:(?!link).)*?)ne_Room");
+  }
+  private String verifyResponse(final ODataResponse response) throws IOException {
+    assertNotNull(response);
+    assertNotNull(response.getEntity());
+    assertNull("EntityProvider should not set content header", response.getContentHeader());
+    String xmlString = StringHelper.inputStreamToString((InputStream) response.getEntity());
+    return xmlString;
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void serializeAtomMediaResourceWithMimeType() throws IOException, XpathException, SAXException,
+      XMLStreamException, ODataException {
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    EntityProviderWriteProperties properties =
+        EntityProviderWriteProperties.serviceRoot(BASE_URI).mediaResourceMimeType("abc").build();
+    ODataResponse response =
+        ser.writeEntry(MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees"), employeeData,
+            properties);
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo(BASE_URI.toASCIIString(), "/a:entry/@xml:base", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:content", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo("abc", "/a:entry/a:content/@type", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo("Employees('1')/$value", "/a:entry/a:content/@src", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/m:properties", xmlString);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Test serialization of empty syndication title property. EmployeeName is set to NULL after the update (which is
+   * allowed because EmployeeName has default Nullable behavior which is true).
+   * Write of an empty atom title tag is allowed within RFC4287 (
+   */
+  @Test
+  public void serializeEmployeeWithNullSyndicationTitleProperty() throws IOException, XpathException, SAXException,
+      XMLStreamException, ODataException {
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    EntityProviderWriteProperties properties = EntityProviderWriteProperties.serviceRoot(BASE_URI).build();
+    employeeData.put("EmployeeName", null);
+    ODataResponse response =
+        ser.writeEntry(MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees"), employeeData,
+            properties);
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:title", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo("", "/a:entry/a:title", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo(BASE_URI.toASCIIString(), "/a:entry/@xml:base", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:content", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo("Employees('1')/$value", "/a:entry/a:content/@src", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/m:properties", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void serializeEmployeeAndCheckOrderOfTags() throws IOException, XpathException, SAXException,
+      XMLStreamException, ODataException {
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    EntityProviderWriteProperties properties =
+        EntityProviderWriteProperties.serviceRoot(BASE_URI).mediaResourceMimeType("abc").build();
+    ODataResponse response =
+        ser.writeEntry(MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees"), employeeData,
+            properties);
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:content", xmlString);
+    // verify self link
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:link[@href=\"Employees('1')\"]", xmlString);
+    // verify content media link
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:link[@href=\"Employees('1')/$value\"]", xmlString);
+    // verify one navigation link
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:link[@title='ne_Manager']", xmlString);
+    // verify content
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:content[@type='abc']", xmlString);
+    // verify properties
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/m:properties", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo("9", "count(/a:entry/m:properties/*)", xmlString);
+    // verify order of tags
+    verifyTagOrdering(xmlString, "id", "title", "updated", "category",
+        "link((?:(?!link).)*?)edit",
+        "link((?:(?!link).)*?)edit-media",
+        "link((?:(?!link).)*?)ne_Manager",
+        "content", "properties");
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void serializeEmployeeAndCheckOrderOfPropertyTags() throws IOException, XpathException, SAXException,
+      XMLStreamException, ODataException {
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    EntityProviderWriteProperties properties =
+        EntityProviderWriteProperties.serviceRoot(BASE_URI).mediaResourceMimeType("abc").build();
+    EdmEntitySet employeeEntitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    ODataResponse response = ser.writeEntry(employeeEntitySet, employeeData, properties);
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    // log.debug(xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:content", xmlString);
+    // verify properties
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/m:properties", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo("9", "count(/a:entry/m:properties/*)", xmlString);
+    // verify order of tags
+    List<String> expectedPropertyNamesFromEdm = employeeEntitySet.getEntityType().getPropertyNames();
+    verifyTagOrdering(xmlString, expectedPropertyNamesFromEdm.toArray(new String[0]));
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void serializeEmployeeAndCheckKeepInContentFalse() throws IOException, XpathException, SAXException,
+      XMLStreamException, ODataException {
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    EntityProviderWriteProperties properties =
+        EntityProviderWriteProperties.serviceRoot(BASE_URI).mediaResourceMimeType("abc").build();
+    EdmEntitySet employeeEntitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    // set "keepInContent" to false for EntryDate
+    EdmCustomizableFeedMappings employeeUpdatedMappings = mock(EdmCustomizableFeedMappings.class);
+    when(employeeUpdatedMappings.getFcTargetPath()).thenReturn(EdmTargetPath.SYNDICATION_UPDATED);
+    when(employeeUpdatedMappings.isFcKeepInContent()).thenReturn(Boolean.FALSE);
+    EdmTyped employeeEntryDateProperty = employeeEntitySet.getEntityType().getProperty("EntryDate");
+    when(((EdmProperty) employeeEntryDateProperty).getCustomizableFeedMappings()).thenReturn(employeeUpdatedMappings);
+    ODataResponse response = ser.writeEntry(employeeEntitySet, employeeData, properties);
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:content", xmlString);
+    // verify properties
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/m:properties", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo("8", "count(/a:entry/m:properties/*)", xmlString);
+    //
+    assertXpathNotExists("/a:entry/m:properties/d:EntryDate", xmlString);
+    // verify order of tags
+    List<String> expectedPropertyNamesFromEdm =
+        new ArrayList<String>(employeeEntitySet.getEntityType().getPropertyNames());
+    expectedPropertyNamesFromEdm.remove(String.valueOf("EntryDate"));
+    verifyTagOrdering(xmlString, expectedPropertyNamesFromEdm.toArray(new String[0]));
+  }
+  @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
+  public void serializeAtomEntryWithNullData() throws IOException, XpathException, SAXException, XMLStreamException,
+      ODataException {
+    final EntityProviderWriteProperties properties = EntityProviderWriteProperties.serviceRoot(BASE_URI).build();
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    ser.writeEntry(MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms"), null, properties);
+  }
+  @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
+  public void serializeAtomEntryWithEmptyHashMap() throws IOException, XpathException, SAXException,
+      XMLStreamException, ODataException {
+    final EntityProviderWriteProperties properties = EntityProviderWriteProperties.serviceRoot(BASE_URI).build();
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    ser.writeEntry(MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms"),
+        new HashMap<String, Object>(), properties);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void serializeAtomEntry() throws IOException, XpathException, SAXException, XMLStreamException,
+      ODataException {
+    final EntityProviderWriteProperties properties = EntityProviderWriteProperties.serviceRoot(BASE_URI).build();
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    ODataResponse response =
+        ser.writeEntry(MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms"), roomData, properties);
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo(BASE_URI.toASCIIString(), "/a:entry/@xml:base", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:content", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo(ContentType.APPLICATION_XML.toString(), "/a:entry/a:content/@type", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:content/m:properties", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void serializeAtomEntryWithSimplePropertyTypeInformation() throws Exception {
+    final EntityProviderWriteProperties properties =
+        EntityProviderWriteProperties.serviceRoot(BASE_URI).includeSimplePropertyType(true).build();
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    ODataResponse response =
+        ser.writeEntry(MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms"), roomData, properties);
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:content/m:properties", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:content/m:properties/d:Id[@m:type=\"Edm.String\"]", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:content/m:properties/d:Name[@m:type=\"Edm.String\"]", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:content/m:properties/d:Seats[@m:type=\"Edm.Int16\"]", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:content/m:properties/d:Version[@m:type=\"Edm.Int16\"]", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void serializeEntryId() throws IOException, XpathException, SAXException, XMLStreamException,
+      ODataException {
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    ODataResponse response =
+        ser.writeEntry(MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees"), employeeData,
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo(BASE_URI.toASCIIString(), "/a:entry/@xml:base", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:id", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo(BASE_URI.toASCIIString() + "Employees('1')", "/a:entry/a:id/text()", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void serializeEntryTitle() throws Exception {
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    ODataResponse response =
+        ser.writeEntry(MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees"), employeeData,
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:title", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo("text", "/a:entry/a:title/@type", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo((String) employeeData.get("EmployeeName"), "/a:entry/a:title/text()", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void serializeEntryUpdated() throws Exception {
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    ODataResponse response =
+        ser.writeEntry(MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees"), employeeData,
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:updated", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo("1999-01-01T00:00:00Z", "/a:entry/a:updated/text()", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void serializeIds() throws IOException, XpathException, SAXException, XMLStreamException,
+      ODataException {
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    ODataResponse response =
+        ser.writeEntry(MockFacade.getMockEdm().getEntityContainer("Container2").getEntitySet("Photos"), photoData,
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo(BASE_URI.toASCIIString(), "/a:entry/@xml:base", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:id", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo(BASE_URI.toASCIIString() + "Container2.Photos(Id=1,Type='image%2Fpng')",
+        "/a:entry/a:id/text()", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void serializeProperties() throws IOException, XpathException, SAXException, XMLStreamException,
+      ODataException {
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    ODataResponse response =
+        ser.writeEntry(MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees"), employeeData,
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/m:properties", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo((String) employeeData.get("RoomId"), "/a:entry/m:properties/d:RoomId/text()", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo((String) employeeData.get("TeamId"), "/a:entry/m:properties/d:TeamId/text()", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void serializeWithValueEncoding() throws IOException, XpathException, SAXException, XMLStreamException,
+      ODataException {
+    photoData.put("Type", "< Ö >");
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    ODataResponse response =
+        ser.writeEntry(MockFacade.getMockEdm().getEntityContainer("Container2").getEntitySet("Photos"), photoData,
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo(BASE_URI.toASCIIString(), "/a:entry/@xml:base", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:id", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo(BASE_URI.toASCIIString() + "Container2.Photos(Id=1,Type='%3C%20%C3%96%20%3E')",
+        "/a:entry/a:id/text()", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo("Container2.Photos(Id=1,Type='%3C%20%C3%96%20%3E')", "/a:entry/a:link/@href", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void serializeCategory() throws IOException, XpathException, SAXException, XMLStreamException,
+      ODataException {
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    ODataResponse response =
+        ser.writeEntry(MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees"), employeeData,
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:category", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:category/@term", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:category/@scheme", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo("RefScenario.Employee", "/a:entry/a:category/@term", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo(Edm.NAMESPACE_SCHEME_2007_08, "/a:entry/a:category/@scheme", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void serializeETag() throws IOException, XpathException, SAXException, XMLStreamException,
+      ODataException {
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    ODataResponse response =
+        ser.writeEntry(MockFacade.getMockEdm().getEntityContainer("Container2").getEntitySet("Photos"), photoData,
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/@m:etag", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo("W/\"1\"", "/a:entry/@m:etag", xmlString);
+    assertEquals("W/\"1\"", response.getETag());
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void serializeETagEncoding() throws IOException, XpathException, SAXException, XMLStreamException,
+      ODataException {
+    Edm edm = MockFacade.getMockEdm();
+    EdmTyped roomIdProperty = edm.getEntityType("RefScenario", "Room").getProperty("Id");
+    EdmFacets facets = mock(EdmFacets.class);
+    when(facets.getConcurrencyMode()).thenReturn(EdmConcurrencyMode.Fixed);
+    when(facets.getMaxLength()).thenReturn(3);
+    when(((EdmProperty) roomIdProperty).getFacets()).thenReturn(facets);
+    roomData.put("Id", "<\">");
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    ODataResponse response =
+        ser.writeEntry(edm.getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms"), roomData, DEFAULT_PROPERTIES);
+    assertNotNull(response);
+    assertNotNull(response.getEntity());
+    assertNull("EntityProvider should not set content header", response.getContentHeader());
+    assertEquals("W/\"<\">.3\"", response.getETag());
+    String xmlString = StringHelper.inputStreamToString((InputStream) response.getEntity());
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/@m:etag", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo("W/\"<\">.3\"", "/a:entry/@m:etag", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void serializeCustomMapping() throws IOException, XpathException, SAXException, XMLStreamException,
+      ODataException {
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    ODataResponse response =
+        ser.writeEntry(MockFacade.getMockEdm().getEntityContainer("Container2").getEntitySet("Photos"), photoData,
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/ру:Содержание", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo((String) photoData.get("Содержание"), "/a:entry/ру:Содержание/text()", xmlString);
+    verifyTagOrdering(xmlString, "category", "Содержание", "content", "properties");
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testCustomProperties() throws Exception {
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getEntityContainer("Container2").getEntitySet("Photos");
+    ODataResponse response = ser.writeEntry(entitySet, photoData, DEFAULT_PROPERTIES);
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/custom:CustomProperty", xmlString);
+    assertXpathNotExists("/a:entry/custom:CustomProperty/text()", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo("true", "/a:entry/custom:CustomProperty/@m:null", xmlString);
+    verifyTagOrdering(xmlString, "category", "Содержание", "CustomProperty", "content", "properties");
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testKeepInContentNull() throws Exception {
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    EdmEntitySet entitySet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getEntityContainer("Container2").getEntitySet("Photos");
+    EdmProperty customProperty = (EdmProperty) entitySet.getEntityType().getProperty("CustomProperty");
+    when(customProperty.getCustomizableFeedMappings().isFcKeepInContent()).thenReturn(null);
+    ODataResponse response = ser.writeEntry(entitySet, photoData, DEFAULT_PROPERTIES);
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/custom:CustomProperty", xmlString);
+    assertXpathNotExists("/a:entry/custom:CustomProperty/text()", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo("true", "/a:entry/custom:CustomProperty/@m:null", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/m:properties/d:CustomProperty", xmlString);
+    verifyTagOrdering(xmlString, "category", "Содержание", "CustomProperty", "content", "properties");
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void serializeAtomMediaResourceLinks() throws IOException, XpathException, SAXException, XMLStreamException,
+      ODataException {
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    ODataResponse response =
+        ser.writeEntry(MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees"), employeeData,
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    String rel = Edm.NAMESPACE_REL_2007_08 + "ne_Manager";
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:link[@href=\"Employees('1')/ne_Manager\"]", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:link[@rel='" + rel + "']", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:link[@type='application/atom+xml;type=entry']", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:link[@title='ne_Manager']", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void additionalLink() throws Exception {
+    Map<String, Map<String, Object>> links = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();
+    links.put("nr_Building", buildingData);
+    final ODataResponse response = createAtomEntityProvider().writeEntry(
+        MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms"), roomData,
+        EntityProviderWriteProperties.serviceRoot(BASE_URI).additionalLinks(links).build());
+    final String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:link[@title='nr_Building']", xmlString);
+    assertXpathNotExists("/a:entry/a:link[@href=\"Rooms('1')/nr_Building\"]", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:link[@href=\"Buildings('1')\"]", xmlString);
+    assertXpathNotExists("/a:entry/a:link[@type='application/atom+xml;type=entry']", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void additionalLinkToOneOfMany() throws Exception {
+    Map<String, Map<String, Object>> links = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();
+    links.put("nr_Employees", employeeData);
+    final ODataResponse response = createAtomEntityProvider().writeEntry(
+        MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms"), roomData,
+        EntityProviderWriteProperties.serviceRoot(BASE_URI).additionalLinks(links).build());
+    final String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:link[@title='nr_Employees']", xmlString);
+    assertXpathNotExists("/a:entry/a:link[@href=\"Rooms('1')/nr_Employees\"]", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:link[@href=\"Employees('1')\"]", xmlString);
+    assertXpathNotExists("/a:entry/a:link[@type='application/atom+xml;type=feed']", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void serializeWithCustomSrcAttributeOnEmployee() throws Exception {
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    Map<String, Object> localEmployeeData = new HashMap<String, Object>(employeeData);
+    String mediaResourceSourceKey = "~src";
+    localEmployeeData.put(mediaResourceSourceKey, "http://localhost:8080/images/image1");
+    EdmEntitySet employeesSet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    EdmMapping mapping = employeesSet.getEntityType().getMapping();
+    when(mapping.getMediaResourceSourceKey()).thenReturn(mediaResourceSourceKey);
+    ODataResponse response = ser.writeEntry(employeesSet, localEmployeeData, DEFAULT_PROPERTIES);
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists(
+        "/a:entry/a:link[@href=\"Employees('1')/$value\" and" +
+            " @rel=\"edit-media\" and @type=\"application/octet-stream\"]", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:content[@type=\"application/octet-stream\"]", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:content[@src=\"http://localhost:8080/images/image1\"]", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void serializeWithCustomSrcAndTypeAttributeOnEmployee() throws Exception {
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    Map<String, Object> localEmployeeData = new HashMap<String, Object>(employeeData);
+    String mediaResourceSourceKey = "~src";
+    localEmployeeData.put(mediaResourceSourceKey, "http://localhost:8080/images/image1");
+    String mediaResourceMimeTypeKey = "~type";
+    localEmployeeData.put(mediaResourceMimeTypeKey, "image/jpeg");
+    EdmEntitySet employeesSet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    EdmMapping mapping = employeesSet.getEntityType().getMapping();
+    when(mapping.getMediaResourceSourceKey()).thenReturn(mediaResourceSourceKey);
+    when(mapping.getMediaResourceMimeTypeKey()).thenReturn(mediaResourceMimeTypeKey);
+    when(mapping.getMimeType()).thenReturn(null);
+    ODataResponse response = ser.writeEntry(employeesSet, localEmployeeData, DEFAULT_PROPERTIES);
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists(
+        "/a:entry/a:link[@href=\"Employees('1')/$value\" and" +
+            " @rel=\"edit-media\" and @type=\"image/jpeg\"]", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:content[@type=\"image/jpeg\"]", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:content[@src=\"http://localhost:8080/images/image1\"]", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void serializeWithCustomSrcAttributeOnRoom() throws Exception {
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    Map<String, Object> localRoomData = new HashMap<String, Object>(roomData);
+    String mediaResourceSourceKey = "~src";
+    localRoomData.put(mediaResourceSourceKey, "http://localhost:8080/images/image1");
+    EdmEntitySet roomsSet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms");
+    EdmEntityType roomType = roomsSet.getEntityType();
+    EdmMapping mapping = mock(EdmMapping.class);
+    when(roomType.getMapping()).thenReturn(mapping);
+    when(mapping.getMediaResourceSourceKey()).thenReturn(mediaResourceSourceKey);
+    ODataResponse response = ser.writeEntry(roomsSet, localRoomData, DEFAULT_PROPERTIES);
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathNotExists(
+        "/a:entry/a:link[@href=\"Rooms('1')/$value\" and" +
+            " @rel=\"edit-media\" and @type=\"application/octet-stream\"]", xmlString);
+    assertXpathNotExists("/a:entry/a:content[@type=\"application/octet-stream\"]", xmlString);
+    assertXpathNotExists("/a:entry/a:content[@src=\"http://localhost:8080/images/image1\"]", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void serializeWithCustomSrcAndTypeAttributeOnRoom() throws Exception {
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    Map<String, Object> localRoomData = new HashMap<String, Object>(roomData);
+    String mediaResourceSourceKey = "~src";
+    localRoomData.put(mediaResourceSourceKey, "http://localhost:8080/images/image1");
+    String mediaResourceMimeTypeKey = "~type";
+    localRoomData.put(mediaResourceMimeTypeKey, "image/jpeg");
+    EdmEntitySet roomsSet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms");
+    EdmEntityType roomType = roomsSet.getEntityType();
+    EdmMapping mapping = mock(EdmMapping.class);
+    when(roomType.getMapping()).thenReturn(mapping);
+    when(mapping.getMediaResourceSourceKey()).thenReturn(mediaResourceSourceKey);
+    when(mapping.getMediaResourceMimeTypeKey()).thenReturn(mediaResourceMimeTypeKey);
+    ODataResponse response = ser.writeEntry(roomsSet, localRoomData, DEFAULT_PROPERTIES);
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathNotExists(
+        "/a:entry/a:link[@href=\"Rooms('1')/$value\" and" +
+            " @rel=\"edit-media\" and @type=\"image/jpeg\"]", xmlString);
+    assertXpathNotExists("/a:entry/a:content[@type=\"image/jpeg\"]", xmlString);
+    assertXpathNotExists("/a:entry/a:content[@src=\"http://localhost:8080/images/image1\"]", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void assureGetMimeTypeWinsOverGetMediaResourceMimeTypeKey() throws Exception {
+    // Keep this test till version 1.2
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    Map<String, Object> localEmployeeData = new HashMap<String, Object>(employeeData);
+    String mediaResourceMimeTypeKey = "~type";
+    localEmployeeData.put(mediaResourceMimeTypeKey, "wrong");
+    String originalMimeTypeKey = "~originalType";
+    localEmployeeData.put(originalMimeTypeKey, "right");
+    EdmEntitySet employeesSet = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Employees");
+    EdmMapping mapping = employeesSet.getEntityType().getMapping();
+    when(mapping.getMediaResourceMimeTypeKey()).thenReturn(mediaResourceMimeTypeKey);
+    when(mapping.getMimeType()).thenReturn(originalMimeTypeKey);
+    ODataResponse response = ser.writeEntry(employeesSet, localEmployeeData, DEFAULT_PROPERTIES);
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:entry/a:content[@type=\"right\"]", xmlString);
+    assertXpathNotExists("/a:entry/a:content[@type=\"wrong\"]", xmlString);
+  }
+  private void verifyTagOrdering(final String xmlString, final String... toCheckTags) {
+    XMLUnitHelper.verifyTagOrdering(xmlString, toCheckTags);
+  }
diff --git a/odata2-android/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/ b/odata2-android/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaef473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odata2-android/src/test/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/android/xml/
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.commons.InlineCount;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.EdmEntitySet;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.EntityProviderException;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.ep.EntityProviderWriteProperties;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.processor.ODataResponse;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.ep.AtomEntityProvider;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.testutil.helper.StringHelper;
+import org.apache.olingo.odata2.testutil.mock.MockFacade;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.robolectric.annotation.Config;
+import static org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLAssert.*;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
+ *  
+ */
+public class AtomFeedProducerTest extends AndroidTestBase {
+  private GetEntitySetUriInfo view;
+  @Before
+  public void before() throws Exception {
+    initializeRoomData(1);
+    view = mock(GetEntitySetUriInfo.class);
+    EdmEntitySet set = MockFacade.getMockEdm().getDefaultEntityContainer().getEntitySet("Rooms");
+    when(view.getTargetEntitySet()).thenReturn(set);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testWithIncludeSimplePropertyTypes() throws Exception {
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    EntityProviderWriteProperties properties =
+        EntityProviderWriteProperties.serviceRoot(BASE_URI).includeSimplePropertyType(true).build();
+    ODataResponse response = ser.writeFeed(view.getTargetEntitySet(), roomsData, properties);
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:feed", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:feed/a:entry/a:content/m:properties", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:feed/a:entry/a:content/m:properties/d:Id[@m:type=\"Edm.String\"]", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:feed/a:entry/a:content/m:properties/d:Name[@m:type=\"Edm.String\"]", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:feed/a:entry/a:content/m:properties/d:Seats[@m:type=\"Edm.Int16\"]", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:feed/a:entry/a:content/m:properties/d:Version[@m:type=\"Edm.Int16\"]", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testFeedNamespaces() throws Exception {
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    EntityProviderWriteProperties properties =
+        EntityProviderWriteProperties.serviceRoot(BASE_URI).mediaResourceMimeType("mediatype").build();
+    ODataResponse response = ser.writeFeed(view.getTargetEntitySet(), roomsData, properties);
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:feed", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo(BASE_URI.toASCIIString(), "/a:feed/@xml:base", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testSelfLink() throws Exception {
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    EntityProviderWriteProperties properties =
+        EntityProviderWriteProperties.serviceRoot(BASE_URI).mediaResourceMimeType("mediatype").build();
+    ODataResponse response = ser.writeFeed(view.getTargetEntitySet(), roomsData, properties);
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:feed/a:link[@rel='self']", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo("Rooms", "/a:feed/a:link[@rel='self']/@href", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo("Rooms", "/a:feed/a:link[@rel='self']/@title", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testCustomSelfLink() throws Exception {
+    String customLink = "Test";
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    EntityProviderWriteProperties properties =
+        EntityProviderWriteProperties.serviceRoot(BASE_URI).mediaResourceMimeType("mediatype").selfLink(
+            new URI(customLink)).build();
+    ODataResponse response = ser.writeFeed(view.getTargetEntitySet(), roomsData, properties);
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:feed/a:link[@rel='self']", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo(customLink, "/a:feed/a:link[@rel='self']/@href", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo("Rooms", "/a:feed/a:link[@rel='self']/@title", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testFeedMandatoryParts() throws Exception {
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    EntityProviderWriteProperties properties =
+        EntityProviderWriteProperties.serviceRoot(BASE_URI).mediaResourceMimeType("mediatype").build();
+    ODataResponse response = ser.writeFeed(view.getTargetEntitySet(), roomsData, properties);
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:feed/a:id", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo(BASE_URI.toASCIIString() + "Rooms", "/a:feed/a:id/text()", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:feed/a:title", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo("Rooms", "/a:feed/a:title/text()", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:feed/a:updated", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:feed/a:author", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:feed/a:author/a:name", xmlString);
+  }
+  private String verifyResponse(final ODataResponse response) throws IOException {
+    assertNotNull(response);
+    assertNotNull(response.getEntity());
+    assertNull("EntityProvider should not set content header", response.getContentHeader());
+    String xmlString = StringHelper.inputStreamToString((InputStream) response.getEntity());
+    return xmlString;
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testInlineCountAllpages() throws Exception {
+    initializeRoomData(20);
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    EntityProviderWriteProperties properties = EntityProviderWriteProperties.serviceRoot(BASE_URI)
+        .mediaResourceMimeType("mediatype")
+        .inlineCount(Integer.valueOf(103))
+        .inlineCountType(InlineCount.ALLPAGES)
+        .build();
+    ODataResponse response = ser.writeFeed(view.getTargetEntitySet(), roomsData, properties);
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:feed/m:count", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo("103", "/a:feed/m:count/text()", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testInlineCountNone() throws Exception {
+    when(view.getInlineCount()).thenReturn(InlineCount.NONE);
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    EntityProviderWriteProperties properties =
+        EntityProviderWriteProperties.serviceRoot(BASE_URI).mediaResourceMimeType("mediatype").build();
+    ODataResponse response = ser.writeFeed(view.getTargetEntitySet(), roomsData, properties);
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathNotExists("/a:feed/m:count", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testNextLink() throws Exception {
+    when(view.getInlineCount()).thenReturn(InlineCount.NONE);
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    EntityProviderWriteProperties properties = EntityProviderWriteProperties.serviceRoot(BASE_URI)
+        .mediaResourceMimeType("mediatype")
+        .nextLink("http://thisisanextlink")
+        .build();
+    ODataResponse response = ser.writeFeed(view.getTargetEntitySet(), roomsData, properties);
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:feed/a:link[@rel='next']", xmlString);
+    assertXpathEvaluatesTo("http://thisisanextlink", "/a:feed/a:link[@rel='next']/@href", xmlString);
+  }
+  @Test(expected = EntityProviderException.class)
+  public void testInlineCountInvalid() throws Exception {
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    EntityProviderWriteProperties properties =
+        EntityProviderWriteProperties.serviceRoot(BASE_URI).mediaResourceMimeType("mediatype").inlineCountType(
+            InlineCount.ALLPAGES).build();
+    ser.writeFeed(view.getTargetEntitySet(), roomsData, properties);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testEntries() throws Exception {
+    initializeRoomData(103);
+    AtomEntityProvider ser = createAtomEntityProvider();
+    EntityProviderWriteProperties properties =
+        EntityProviderWriteProperties.serviceRoot(BASE_URI).mediaResourceMimeType("mediatype").build();
+    ODataResponse response = ser.writeFeed(view.getTargetEntitySet(), roomsData, properties);
+    String xmlString = verifyResponse(response);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:feed/a:entry[1]", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:feed/a:entry[2]", xmlString);
+    assertXpathExists("/a:feed/a:entry[103]", xmlString);
+  }

[2/6] [OLINGO-231] Several refactorings

Posted by
diff --git a/odata2-android/src/test/resources/double_expanded_team.xml b/odata2-android/src/test/resources/double_expanded_team.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a82144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odata2-android/src/test/resources/double_expanded_team.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+         distributed with this work for additional information
+         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+         specific language governing permissions and limitations
+         under the License.
+<entry xml:base=""
+	xmlns=""
+	xmlns:m=""
+	xmlns:d="">
+	<id>'1')</id>
+	<title type="text">Team 1</title>
+	<updated>2013-03-21T12:44:28Z</updated>
+	<category term="RefScenario.Team"
+		scheme="" />
+	<link href="Teams('1')" rel="edit" title="Team" />
+	<link href="Teams('1')/nt_Employees"
+		rel=""
+		type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" title="nt_Employees">
+		<m:inline>
+			<feed xml:base="">
+				<id></id>
+				<title type="text">Employees</title>
+				<updated>2013-03-21T12:44:28Z</updated>
+				<author>
+					<name />
+				</author>
+				<link href="Employees" rel="self" title="Employees" />
+				<entry>
+					<id>'1')
+					</id>
+					<title type="text">Walter Winter</title>
+					<updated>1999-01-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+					<category term="RefScenario.Employee"
+						scheme="" />
+					<link href="Employees('1')" rel="edit" title="Employee" />
+					<link href="Employees('1')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg" />
+					<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Manager"
+						rel=""
+						type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="ne_Manager" />
+					<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Team"
+						rel=""
+						type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="ne_Team">
+						<m:inline>
+							<entry xml:base="">
+								<id>'1')
+								</id>
+								<title type="text">Team 1</title>
+								<updated>2013-03-21T12:44:28Z</updated>
+								<category term="RefScenario.Team"
+									scheme="" />
+								<link href="Teams('1')" rel="edit" title="Team" />
+								<link href="Teams('1')/nt_Employees"
+									rel=""
+									type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" title="nt_Employees" />
+								<link href="Teams('1')/$links/nt_Employees"
+									rel=""
+									type="application/xml" title="nt_Employees" />
+								<content type="application/xml">
+									<m:properties>
+										<d:Id>1</d:Id>
+										<d:Name>Team 1</d:Name>
+										<d:isScrumTeam>false</d:isScrumTeam>
+									</m:properties>
+								</content>
+							</entry>
+						</m:inline>
+					</link>
+					<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Room"
+						rel=""
+						type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="ne_Room" />
+					<link href="Employees('1')/$links/ne_Manager"
+						rel=""
+						type="application/xml" title="ne_Manager" />
+					<link href="Employees('1')/$links/ne_Team"
+						rel=""
+						type="application/xml" title="ne_Team" />
+					<link href="Employees('1')/$links/ne_Room"
+						rel=""
+						type="application/xml" title="ne_Room" />
+					<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('1')/$value" />
+					<m:properties>
+						<d:EmployeeId>1</d:EmployeeId>
+						<d:EmployeeName>Walter Winter</d:EmployeeName>
+						<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+						<d:RoomId>1</d:RoomId>
+						<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+						<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+							<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+								<d:PostalCode>69124</d:PostalCode>
+								<d:CityName>Heidelberg</d:CityName>
+							</d:City>
+							<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+						</d:Location>
+						<d:Age>52</d:Age>
+						<d:EntryDate>1999-01-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+						<d:ImageUrl>Employees('1')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+					</m:properties>
+				</entry>
+				<entry>
+					<id>'2')</id>
+					<title type="text">Frederic Fall</title>
+					<updated>2003-07-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+					<category term="RefScenario.Employee"
+						scheme="" />
+					<link href="Employees('2')" rel="edit" title="Employee" />
+					<link href="Employees('2')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg" />
+					<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Manager"
+						rel=""
+						type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="ne_Manager" />
+					<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Team"
+						rel=""
+						type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="ne_Team">
+						<m:inline>
+							<entry xml:base="">
+								<id>'1')</id>
+								<title type="text">Team 1</title>
+								<updated>2013-03-21T12:44:28Z</updated>
+								<category term="RefScenario.Team"
+									scheme="" />
+								<link href="Teams('1')" rel="edit" title="Team" />
+								<link href="Teams('1')/nt_Employees"
+									rel=""
+									type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" title="nt_Employees" />
+								<link href="Teams('1')/$links/nt_Employees"
+									rel=""
+									type="application/xml" title="nt_Employees" />
+								<content type="application/xml">
+									<m:properties>
+										<d:Id>1</d:Id>
+										<d:Name>Team 1</d:Name>
+										<d:isScrumTeam>false</d:isScrumTeam>
+									</m:properties>
+								</content>
+							</entry>
+						</m:inline>
+					</link>
+					<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Room"
+						rel=""
+						type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="ne_Room" />
+					<link href="Employees('2')/$links/ne_Manager"
+						rel=""
+						type="application/xml" title="ne_Manager" />
+					<link href="Employees('2')/$links/ne_Team"
+						rel=""
+						type="application/xml" title="ne_Team" />
+					<link href="Employees('2')/$links/ne_Room"
+						rel=""
+						type="application/xml" title="ne_Room" />
+					<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('2')/$value" />
+					<m:properties>
+						<d:EmployeeId>2</d:EmployeeId>
+						<d:EmployeeName>Frederic Fall</d:EmployeeName>
+						<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+						<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+						<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+						<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+							<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+								<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+								<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+							</d:City>
+							<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+						</d:Location>
+						<d:Age>32</d:Age>
+						<d:EntryDate>2003-07-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+						<d:ImageUrl>Employees('2')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+					</m:properties>
+				</entry>
+				<entry>
+					<id>'3')</id>
+					<title type="text">Jonathan Smith</title>
+					<updated>2013-03-21T12:44:28Z</updated>
+					<category term="RefScenario.Employee"
+						scheme="" />
+					<link href="Employees('3')" rel="edit" title="Employee" />
+					<link href="Employees('3')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg" />
+					<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Manager"
+						rel=""
+						type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="ne_Manager" />
+					<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Team"
+						rel=""
+						type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="ne_Team">
+						<m:inline>
+							<entry xml:base="">
+								<id>'1')</id>
+								<title type="text">Team 1</title>
+								<updated>2013-03-21T12:44:28Z</updated>
+								<category term="RefScenario.Team"
+									scheme="" />
+								<link href="Teams('1')" rel="edit" title="Team" />
+								<link href="Teams('1')/nt_Employees"
+									rel=""
+									type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" title="nt_Employees" />
+								<link href="Teams('1')/$links/nt_Employees"
+									rel=""
+									type="application/xml" title="nt_Employees" />
+								<content type="application/xml">
+									<m:properties>
+										<d:Id>1</d:Id>
+										<d:Name>Team 1</d:Name>
+										<d:isScrumTeam>false</d:isScrumTeam>
+									</m:properties>
+								</content>
+							</entry>
+						</m:inline>
+					</link>
+					<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Room"
+						rel=""
+						type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="ne_Room" />
+					<link href="Employees('3')/$links/ne_Manager"
+						rel=""
+						type="application/xml" title="ne_Manager" />
+					<link href="Employees('3')/$links/ne_Team"
+						rel=""
+						type="application/xml" title="ne_Team" />
+					<link href="Employees('3')/$links/ne_Room"
+						rel=""
+						type="application/xml" title="ne_Room" />
+					<content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('3')/$value" />
+					<m:properties>
+						<d:EmployeeId>3</d:EmployeeId>
+						<d:EmployeeName>Jonathan Smith</d:EmployeeName>
+						<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+						<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+						<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+						<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+							<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+								<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+								<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+							</d:City>
+							<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+						</d:Location>
+						<d:Age>56</d:Age>
+						<d:EntryDate m:null="true" />
+						<d:ImageUrl>Employees('3')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+					</m:properties>
+				</entry>
+			</feed>
+		</m:inline>
+	</link>
+	<link href="Teams('1')/$links/nt_Employees"
+		rel=""
+		type="application/xml" title="nt_Employees" />
+	<content type="application/xml">
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:Id>1</d:Id>
+			<d:Name>Team 1</d:Name>
+			<d:isScrumTeam>false</d:isScrumTeam>
+		</m:properties>
+	</content>
diff --git a/odata2-android/src/test/resources/expandedBuilding.xml b/odata2-android/src/test/resources/expandedBuilding.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e637969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odata2-android/src/test/resources/expandedBuilding.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+    or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+    distributed with this work for additional information
+    regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+    with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+    software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+    KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+    specific language governing permissions and limitations
+    under the License.
+<entry xmlns="" xmlns:m=""
+    xmlns:d="" xml:base="">
+    <id>'1')</id>
+    <title type="text">Room 1</title>
+    <updated>2013-04-19T10:58:03.646Z</updated>
+    <category term="RefScenario.Room" scheme="" />
+    <link href="Rooms('1')" rel="edit" title="Room" />
+    <link href="Rooms('1')/nr_Employees" rel=""
+        title="nr_Employees" type="application/atom+xml; type=feed" />
+    <link href="Rooms('1')/nr_Building" rel=""
+        title="nr_Building" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry">
+        <m:inline>
+            <entry>
+                <id>'1')</id>
+                <title type="text">Buildings</title>
+                <updated>2013-04-19T10:58:03.646Z</updated>
+                <author>
+                    <name>Building 1</name>
+                </author>
+                <category term="RefScenario.Building" scheme="" />
+                <link href="Buildings('1')" rel="edit" title="Building" />
+                <link href="Buildings('1')/nb_Rooms" rel=""
+                    title="nb_Rooms" type="application/atom+xml; type=feed" />
+                <content type="application/xml">
+                    <m:properties>
+                        <d:Id>1</d:Id>
+                        <d:Name>Building 1</d:Name>
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+                    </m:properties>
+                </content>
+            </entry>
+        </m:inline>
+    </link>
+    <content type="application/xml">
+        <m:properties>
+            <d:Id>1</d:Id>
+            <d:Name>Room 1</d:Name>
+            <d:Seats>1</d:Seats>
+            <d:Version>1</d:Version>
+        </m:properties>
+    </content>
diff --git a/odata2-android/src/test/resources/expanded_team.xml b/odata2-android/src/test/resources/expanded_team.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c18a78b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odata2-android/src/test/resources/expanded_team.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+         distributed with this work for additional information
+         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+         specific language governing permissions and limitations
+         under the License.
+<entry xml:base=""
+       xmlns=""
+       xmlns:m=""
+       xmlns:d="">
+    <id>'1')</id>
+    <title type="text">Team 1</title>
+    <updated>2013-03-14T11:16:48Z</updated>
+    <category term="RefScenario.Team" scheme=""/>
+    <link href="Teams('1')" rel="edit" title="Team"/>
+    <link href="Teams('1')/nt_Employees" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" title="nt_Employees">
+        <m:inline>
+            <feed xml:base="">
+                <id></id>
+                <title type="text">Employees</title>
+                <updated>2013-03-14T11:16:48Z</updated>
+                <author>
+                    <name/>
+                </author>
+                <link href="Employees" rel="self" title="Employees"/>
+                <entry>
+                    <id>'1')</id>
+                    <title type="text">Walter Winter</title>
+                    <updated>1999-01-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+                    <category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+                    <link href="Employees('1')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+                    <link href="Employees('1')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+                    <link href="Employees('1')/ne_Manager" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="ne_Manager"/>
+                    <link href="Employees('1')/ne_Team" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="ne_Team"/>
+                    <link href="Employees('1')/ne_Room" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="ne_Room"/>
+                    <link href="Employees('1')/$links/ne_Manager" rel="" type="application/xml" title="ne_Manager"/>
+                    <link href="Employees('1')/$links/ne_Team" rel="" type="application/xml" title="ne_Team"/>
+                    <link href="Employees('1')/$links/ne_Room" rel="" type="application/xml" title="ne_Room"/>
+                    <content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('1')/$value"/>
+                    <m:properties>
+                        <d:EmployeeId>1</d:EmployeeId>
+                        <d:EmployeeName>Walter Winter</d:EmployeeName>
+                        <d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+                        <d:RoomId>1</d:RoomId>
+                        <d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+                        <d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+                            <d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+                                <d:PostalCode>69124</d:PostalCode>
+                                <d:CityName>Heidelberg</d:CityName>
+                            </d:City>
+                            <d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+                        </d:Location>
+                        <d:Age>52</d:Age>
+                        <d:EntryDate>1999-01-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+                        <d:ImageUrl>Employees('1')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+                    </m:properties>
+                </entry>
+                <entry>
+                    <id>'2')</id>
+                    <title type="text">Frederic Fall</title>
+                    <updated>2003-07-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+                    <category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+                    <link href="Employees('2')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+                    <link href="Employees('2')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+                    <link href="Employees('2')/ne_Manager" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="ne_Manager"/>
+                    <link href="Employees('2')/ne_Team" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="ne_Team"/>
+                    <link href="Employees('2')/ne_Room" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="ne_Room"/>
+                    <link href="Employees('2')/$links/ne_Manager" rel="" type="application/xml" title="ne_Manager"/>
+                    <link href="Employees('2')/$links/ne_Team" rel="" type="application/xml" title="ne_Team"/>
+                    <link href="Employees('2')/$links/ne_Room" rel="" type="application/xml" title="ne_Room"/>
+                    <content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('2')/$value"/>
+                    <m:properties>
+                        <d:EmployeeId>2</d:EmployeeId>
+                        <d:EmployeeName>Frederic Fall</d:EmployeeName>
+                        <d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+                        <d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+                        <d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+                        <d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+                            <d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+                                <d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+                                <d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+                            </d:City>
+                            <d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+                        </d:Location>
+                        <d:Age>32</d:Age>
+                        <d:EntryDate>2003-07-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+                        <d:ImageUrl>Employees('2')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+                    </m:properties>
+                </entry>
+                <entry>
+                    <id>'3')</id>
+                    <title type="text">Jonathan Smith</title>
+                    <updated>2013-03-14T11:16:48Z</updated>
+                    <category term="RefScenario.Employee" scheme=""/>
+                    <link href="Employees('3')" rel="edit" title="Employee"/>
+                    <link href="Employees('3')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg"/>
+                    <link href="Employees('3')/ne_Manager" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="ne_Manager"/>
+                    <link href="Employees('3')/ne_Team" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="ne_Team"/>
+                    <link href="Employees('3')/ne_Room" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" title="ne_Room"/>
+                    <link href="Employees('3')/$links/ne_Manager" rel="" type="application/xml" title="ne_Manager"/>
+                    <link href="Employees('3')/$links/ne_Team" rel="" type="application/xml" title="ne_Team"/>
+                    <link href="Employees('3')/$links/ne_Room" rel="" type="application/xml" title="ne_Room"/>
+                    <content type="image/jpeg" src="Employees('3')/$value"/>
+                    <m:properties>
+                        <d:EmployeeId>3</d:EmployeeId>
+                        <d:EmployeeName>Jonathan Smith</d:EmployeeName>
+                        <d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+                        <d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+                        <d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+                        <d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+                            <d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+                                <d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+                                <d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+                            </d:City>
+                            <d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+                        </d:Location>
+                        <d:Age>56</d:Age>
+                        <d:EntryDate m:null="true"/>
+                        <d:ImageUrl>Employees('3')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+                    </m:properties>
+                </entry>
+            </feed>
+        </m:inline>
+    </link>
+    <link href="Teams('1')/$links/nt_Employees" rel="" type="application/xml" title="nt_Employees"/>
+    <content type="application/xml">
+        <m:properties>
+            <d:Id>1</d:Id>
+            <d:Name>Team 1</d:Name>
+            <d:isScrumTeam>false</d:isScrumTeam>
+        </m:properties>
+    </content>
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/odata2-android/src/test/resources/feed_employees.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+         distributed with this work for additional information
+         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+         specific language governing permissions and limitations
+         under the License.
+<feed xmlns=""
+	xmlns:m=""
+	xmlns:d=""
+	xml:base="">
+	<id></id>
+	<title type="text">Employees</title>
+	<updated>2013-04-23T11:46:14.926Z</updated>
+	<author>
+		<name />
+	</author>
+	<link href="Employees" rel="self" title="Employees" />
+	<entry>
+		<id>'1')</id>
+		<title type="text">Walter Winter</title>
+		<updated>1999-01-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee"
+			scheme="" />
+		<link href="Employees('1')" rel="edit" title="Employee" />
+		<link href="Employees('1')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="application/octet-stream" />
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Manager"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Team"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Room"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<content type="application/octet-stream" src="Employees('1')/$value" />
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>1</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Walter Winter</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>1</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69124</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Heidelberg</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>52</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>1999-01-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('1')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'2')</id>
+		<title type="text">Frederic Fall</title>
+		<updated>2003-07-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee"
+			scheme="" />
+		<link href="Employees('2')" rel="edit" title="Employee" />
+		<link href="Employees('2')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="application/octet-stream" />
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Manager"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Team"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Room"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<content type="application/octet-stream" src="Employees('2')/$value" />
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>2</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Frederic Fall</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>32</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2003-07-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('2')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'3')</id>
+		<title type="text">Jonathan Smith</title>
+		<updated>2013-04-23T11:46:14.928Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee"
+			scheme="" />
+		<link href="Employees('3')" rel="edit" title="Employee" />
+		<link href="Employees('3')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="application/octet-stream" />
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Manager"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Team"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Room"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<content type="application/octet-stream" src="Employees('3')/$value" />
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>3</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Jonathan Smith</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>56</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate m:null="true" />
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('3')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'4')</id>
+		<title type="text">Peter Burke</title>
+		<updated>2004-09-12T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee"
+			scheme="" />
+		<link href="Employees('4')" rel="edit" title="Employee" />
+		<link href="Employees('4')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="application/octet-stream" />
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Manager"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Team"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Room"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<content type="application/octet-stream" src="Employees('4')/$value" />
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>4</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Peter Burke</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>3</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>2</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>39</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2004-09-12T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('4')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'5')</id>
+		<title type="text">John Field</title>
+		<updated>2001-02-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee"
+			scheme="" />
+		<link href="Employees('5')" rel="edit" title="Employee" />
+		<link href="Employees('5')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="application/octet-stream" />
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Manager"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Team"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Room"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<content type="application/octet-stream" src="Employees('5')/$value" />
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>5</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>John Field</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>3</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>3</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>2</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>42</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2001-02-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('5')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'6')</id>
+		<title type="text">Susan Bay</title>
+		<updated>2010-12-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee"
+			scheme="" />
+		<link href="Employees('6')" rel="edit" title="Employee" />
+		<link href="Employees('6')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="application/octet-stream" />
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Manager"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Team"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Room"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<content type="application/octet-stream" src="Employees('6')/$value" />
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>6</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Susan Bay</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>3</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>29</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2010-12-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('6')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc78f99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odata2-android/src/test/resources/feed_employees_full.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+         distributed with this work for additional information
+         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+         specific language governing permissions and limitations
+         under the License.
+<feed xmlns=""
+	xmlns:m=""
+	xmlns:d=""
+	xml:base="">
+	<id></id>
+	<title type="text">Employees</title>
+	<updated>2013-04-23T11:46:14.926Z</updated>
+	<author>
+		<name />
+	</author>
+    <m:count>6</m:count>
+	<link href="Employees" rel="self" title="Employees" />
+    <link href="http://thisisanextlink" rel="next"/>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'1')</id>
+		<title type="text">Walter Winter</title>
+		<updated>1999-01-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee"
+			scheme="" />
+		<link href="Employees('1')" rel="edit" title="Employee" />
+		<link href="Employees('1')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="application/octet-stream" />
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Manager"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Team"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Room"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<content type="application/octet-stream" src="Employees('1')/$value" />
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>1</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Walter Winter</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>1</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69124</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Heidelberg</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>52</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>1999-01-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('1')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'2')</id>
+		<title type="text">Frederic Fall</title>
+		<updated>2003-07-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee"
+			scheme="" />
+		<link href="Employees('2')" rel="edit" title="Employee" />
+		<link href="Employees('2')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="application/octet-stream" />
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Manager"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Team"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<link href="Employees('2')/ne_Room"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<content type="application/octet-stream" src="Employees('2')/$value" />
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>2</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Frederic Fall</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>32</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2003-07-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('2')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'3')</id>
+		<title type="text">Jonathan Smith</title>
+		<updated>2013-04-23T11:46:14.928Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee"
+			scheme="" />
+		<link href="Employees('3')" rel="edit" title="Employee" />
+		<link href="Employees('3')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="application/octet-stream" />
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Manager"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Team"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<link href="Employees('3')/ne_Room"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<content type="application/octet-stream" src="Employees('3')/$value" />
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>3</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Jonathan Smith</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>56</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate m:null="true" />
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('3')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'4')</id>
+		<title type="text">Peter Burke</title>
+		<updated>2004-09-12T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee"
+			scheme="" />
+		<link href="Employees('4')" rel="edit" title="Employee" />
+		<link href="Employees('4')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="application/octet-stream" />
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Manager"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Team"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<link href="Employees('4')/ne_Room"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<content type="application/octet-stream" src="Employees('4')/$value" />
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>4</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Peter Burke</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>3</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>2</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>39</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2004-09-12T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('4')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'5')</id>
+		<title type="text">John Field</title>
+		<updated>2001-02-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee"
+			scheme="" />
+		<link href="Employees('5')" rel="edit" title="Employee" />
+		<link href="Employees('5')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="application/octet-stream" />
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Manager"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Team"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<link href="Employees('5')/ne_Room"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<content type="application/octet-stream" src="Employees('5')/$value" />
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>5</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>John Field</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>3</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>3</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>2</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>42</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2001-02-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('5')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<entry>
+		<id>'6')</id>
+		<title type="text">Susan Bay</title>
+		<updated>2010-12-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee"
+			scheme="" />
+		<link href="Employees('6')" rel="edit" title="Employee" />
+		<link href="Employees('6')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="application/octet-stream" />
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Manager"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Team"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<link href="Employees('6')/ne_Room"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<content type="application/octet-stream" src="Employees('6')/$value" />
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>6</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Susan Bay</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>2</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>3</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69190</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Walldorf</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>29</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>2010-12-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('6')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
diff --git a/odata2-android/src/test/resources/feed_with_deleted_entries.xml b/odata2-android/src/test/resources/feed_with_deleted_entries.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78c187e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odata2-android/src/test/resources/feed_with_deleted_entries.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+<!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file 
+    distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under 
+    the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may 
+    obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to 
+    in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF 
+    ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under 
+    the License. -->
+<feed xmlns="" xmlns:m=""
+    xmlns:at="" xmlns:d=""
+    xml:base="">
+    <id></id>
+    <title type="text">Rooms</title>
+    <updated>2014-01-21T09:15:52.473Z</updated>
+    <author>
+        <name />
+    </author>
+    <link href="Rooms" rel="self" title="Rooms" />
+    <entry m:etag="W/&quot;1&quot;">
+        <id>http://host:123/odata/Rooms('1')</id>
+        <title type="text">Room 1</title>
+        <updated>2014-01-21T09:15:52.474Z</updated>
+        <category term="RefScenario.Room" scheme="" />
+        <link href="Rooms('1')" rel="edit" title="Room" />
+        <link href="Rooms('1')/nr_Employees" rel=""
+            title="nr_Employees" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" />
+        <link href="Rooms('1')/nr_Building" rel=""
+            title="nr_Building" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" />
+        <content type="application/xml">
+            <m:properties>
+                <d:Id>1</d:Id>
+                <d:Name>Room 1</d:Name>
+                <d:Seats>1</d:Seats>
+                <d:Version>1</d:Version>
+            </m:properties>
+        </content>
+    </entry>
+    <at:deleted-entry ref="http://host:123/odata/Rooms('2')" when="2014-01-14T18:11:06.682+01:00" />
+    <link href="http://host:123/odata/Rooms?$skiptoken=97" rel="delta" />
diff --git a/odata2-android/src/test/resources/feed_with_delta_link.xml b/odata2-android/src/test/resources/feed_with_delta_link.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb73341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odata2-android/src/test/resources/feed_with_delta_link.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+         distributed with this work for additional information
+         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+         specific language governing permissions and limitations
+         under the License.
+<feed xmlns=""
+	xmlns:m=""
+	xmlns:d=""
+	xmlns:at=""
+	xml:base="">
+	<id></id>
+	<title type="text">Employees</title>
+	<updated>2013-04-23T11:46:14.926Z</updated>
+	<author>
+		<name />
+	</author>
+	<link href="Employees" rel="self" title="Employees" />
+	<entry>
+		<id>'1')</id>
+		<title type="text">Walter Winter</title>
+		<updated>1999-01-01T00:00:00Z</updated>
+		<category term="RefScenario.Employee"
+			scheme="" />
+		<link href="Employees('1')" rel="edit" title="Employee" />
+		<link href="Employees('1')/$value" rel="edit-media" type="application/octet-stream" />
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Manager"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Manager" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Team"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Team" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<link href="Employees('1')/ne_Room"
+			rel=""
+			title="ne_Room" type="application/atom+xml; type=entry" />
+		<content type="application/octet-stream" src="Employees('1')/$value" />
+		<m:properties>
+			<d:EmployeeId>1</d:EmployeeId>
+			<d:EmployeeName>Walter Winter</d:EmployeeName>
+			<d:ManagerId>1</d:ManagerId>
+			<d:RoomId>1</d:RoomId>
+			<d:TeamId>1</d:TeamId>
+			<d:Location m:type="RefScenario.c_Location">
+				<d:City m:type="RefScenario.c_City">
+					<d:PostalCode>69124</d:PostalCode>
+					<d:CityName>Heidelberg</d:CityName>
+				</d:City>
+				<d:Country>Germany</d:Country>
+			</d:Location>
+			<d:Age>52</d:Age>
+			<d:EntryDate>1999-01-01T00:00:00</d:EntryDate>
+			<d:ImageUrl>Employees('1')/$value</d:ImageUrl>
+		</m:properties>
+	</entry>
+	<link href="http://thisisadeltalink" rel="delta"/>
diff --git a/odata2-lib/odata-core/pom.xml b/odata2-lib/odata-core/pom.xml
index 44c9232..b4f612a 100644
--- a/odata2-lib/odata-core/pom.xml
+++ b/odata2-lib/odata-core/pom.xml
@@ -176,11 +176,6 @@
-			<groupId>commons-codec</groupId>
-			<artifactId>commons-codec</artifactId>
-			<version>${commonscodec.version}</version>
-		</dependency>
-		<dependency>
diff --git a/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/commons/ b/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/commons/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..629312b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/odata2-lib/odata-core/src/main/java/org/apache/olingo/odata2/core/commons/
@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.olingo.odata2.core.commons;
+ * Provides Base64 encoding and decoding as defined by <a href="">RFC 2045</a>.
+ * <p/>
+ * <p>
+ * This class implements section <cite>6.8. Base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding</cite> from RFC 2045 <cite>Multipurpose
+ * Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies</cite> by Freed and Borenstein.
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * The class can be parameterized in the following manner with various constructors:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>URL-safe mode: Default off.</li>
+ * <li>Line length: Default 76. Line length that aren't multiples of 4 will still essentially end up being multiples of
+ * 4 in the encoded data.
+ * <li>Line separator: Default is CRLF ("\r\n")</li>
+ * </ul>
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * Since this class operates directly on byte streams, and not character streams, it is hard-coded to only encode/decode
+ * character encodings which are compatible with the lower 127 ASCII chart (ISO-8859-1, Windows-1252, UTF-8, etc).
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * This class is not thread-safe. Each thread should use its own instance.
+ * </p>
+ *
+ * @author Apache Software Foundation
+ * @version $Revision: 1201529 $
+ * @see <a href="">RFC 2045</a>
+ * @since 1.0
+ */
+public class Base64 extends BaseNCodec {
+  /**
+   * BASE32 characters are 6 bits in length.
+   * They are formed by taking a block of 3 octets to form a 24-bit string,
+   * which is converted into 4 BASE64 characters.
+   */
+  private static final int BITS_PER_ENCODED_BYTE = 6;
+  private static final int BYTES_PER_UNENCODED_BLOCK = 3;
+  private static final int BYTES_PER_ENCODED_BLOCK = 4;
+  /**
+   * Chunk separator per RFC 2045 section 2.1.
+   * <p/>
+   * <p>
+   * N.B. The next major release may break compatibility and make this field private.
+   * </p>
+   *
+   * @see <a href="">RFC 2045 section 2.1</a>
+   */
+  static final byte[] CHUNK_SEPARATOR = {'\r', '\n'};
+  /**
+   * This array is a lookup table that translates 6-bit positive integer index values into their "Base64 Alphabet"
+   * equivalents as specified in Table 1 of RFC 2045.
+   * <p/>
+   * Thanks to "commons" project in for this code.
+   *
+   */
+  private static final byte[] STANDARD_ENCODE_TABLE = {
+          'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M',
+          'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z',
+          'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm',
+          'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z',
+          '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '+', '/'
+  };
+  /**
+   * This is a copy of the STANDARD_ENCODE_TABLE above, but with + and /
+   * changed to - and _ to make the encoded Base64 results more URL-SAFE.
+   * This table is only used when the Base64's mode is set to URL-SAFE.
+   */
+  private static final byte[] URL_SAFE_ENCODE_TABLE = {
+          'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M',
+          'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z',
+          'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm',
+          'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z',
+          '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '-', '_'
+  };
+  /**
+   * This array is a lookup table that translates Unicode characters drawn from the "Base64 Alphabet" (as specified in
+   * Table 1 of RFC 2045) into their 6-bit positive integer equivalents. Characters that are not in the Base64
+   * alphabet but fall within the bounds of the array are translated to -1.
+   * <p/>
+   * Note: '+' and '-' both decode to 62. '/' and '_' both decode to 63. This means decoder seamlessly handles both
+   * URL_SAFE and STANDARD base64. (The encoder, on the other hand, needs to know ahead of time what to emit).
+   * <p/>
+   * Thanks to "commons" project in for this code.
+   *
+   */
+  private static final byte[] DECODE_TABLE = {
+          -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+          -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+          -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 62, -1, 62, -1, 63, 52, 53, 54,
+          55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
+          5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
+          24, 25, -1, -1, -1, -1, 63, -1, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,
+          35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51
+  };
+  /**
+   * Base64 uses 6-bit fields.
+   */
+  /**
+   * Mask used to extract 6 bits, used when encoding
+   */
+  private static final int MASK_6BITS = 0x3f;
+  // The static final fields above are used for the original static byte[] methods on Base64.
+  // The private member fields below are used with the new streaming approach, which requires
+  // some state be preserved between calls of encode() and decode().
+  /**
+   * Encode table to use: either STANDARD or URL_SAFE. Note: the DECODE_TABLE above remains static because it is able
+   * to decode both STANDARD and URL_SAFE streams, but the encodeTable must be a member variable so we can switch
+   * between the two modes.
+   */
+  private final byte[] encodeTable;
+  // Only one decode table currently; keep for consistency with Base32 code
+  private final byte[] decodeTable = DECODE_TABLE;
+  /**
+   * Line separator for encoding. Not used when decoding. Only used if lineLength > 0.
+   */
+  private final byte[] lineSeparator;
+  /**
+   * Convenience variable to help us determine when our buffer is going to run out of room and needs resizing.
+   * <code>decodeSize = 3 + lineSeparator.length;</code>
+   */
+  private final int decodeSize;
+  /**
+   * Convenience variable to help us determine when our buffer is going to run out of room and needs resizing.
+   * <code>encodeSize = 4 + lineSeparator.length;</code>
+   */
+  private final int encodeSize;
+  /**
+   * Place holder for the bytes we're dealing with for our based logic.
+   * Bitwise operations store and extract the encoding or decoding from this variable.
+   */
+  private int bitWorkArea;
+  /**
+   * Creates a Base64 codec used for decoding (all modes) and encoding in URL-unsafe mode.
+   * <p>
+   * When encoding the line length is 0 (no chunking), and the encoding table is STANDARD_ENCODE_TABLE.
+   * </p>
+   * <p/>
+   * <p>
+   * When decoding all variants are supported.
+   * </p>
+   */
+  public Base64() {
+    this(0);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Creates a Base64 codec used for decoding (all modes) and encoding in the given URL-safe mode.
+   * <p>
+   * When encoding the line length is 76, the line separator is CRLF, and the encoding table is STANDARD_ENCODE_TABLE.
+   * </p>
+   * <p/>
+   * <p>
+   * When decoding all variants are supported.
+   * </p>
+   *
+   * @param urlSafe if <code>true</code>, URL-safe encoding is used. In most cases this should be set to
+   *                <code>false</code>.
+   * @since 1.4
+   */
+  public Base64(boolean urlSafe) {
+  }
+  /**
+   * Creates a Base64 codec used for decoding (all modes) and encoding in URL-unsafe mode.
+   * <p>
+   * When encoding the line length is given in the constructor, the line separator is CRLF, and the encoding table is
+   * </p>
+   * <p>
+   * Line lengths that aren't multiples of 4 will still essentially end up being multiples of 4 in the encoded data.
+   * </p>
+   * <p>
+   * When decoding all variants are supported.
+   * </p>
+   *
+   * @param lineLength Each line of encoded data will be at most of the given length (rounded down to nearest
+   *                   multiple of 4).
+   *                   If lineLength <= 0, then the output will not be divided into lines (chunks). Ignored when
+   *                   decoding.
+   * @since 1.4
+   */
+  public Base64(int lineLength) {
+    this(lineLength, CHUNK_SEPARATOR);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Creates a Base64 codec used for decoding (all modes) and encoding in URL-unsafe mode.
+   * <p>
+   * When encoding the line length and line separator are given in the constructor, and the encoding table is
+   * </p>
+   * <p>
+   * Line lengths that aren't multiples of 4 will still essentially end up being multiples of 4 in the encoded data.
+   * </p>
+   * <p>
+   * When decoding all variants are supported.
+   * </p>
+   *
+   * @param lineLength    Each line of encoded data will be at most of the given length (rounded down to nearest
+   *                      multiple of 4).
+   *                      If lineLength <= 0, then the output will not be divided into lines (chunks). Ignored when
+   *                      decoding.
+   * @param lineSeparator Each line of encoded data will end with this sequence of bytes.
+   * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown when the provided lineSeparator included some base64 characters.
+   * @since 1.4
+   */
+  public Base64(int lineLength, byte[] lineSeparator) {
+    this(lineLength, lineSeparator, false);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Creates a Base64 codec used for decoding (all modes) and encoding in URL-unsafe mode.
+   * <p>
+   * When encoding the line length and line separator are given in the constructor, and the encoding table is
+   * </p>
+   * <p>
+   * Line lengths that aren't multiples of 4 will still essentially end up being multiples of 4 in the encoded data.
+   * </p>
+   * <p>
+   * When decoding all variants are supported.
+   * </p>
+   *
+   * @param lineLength    Each line of encoded data will be at most of the given length (rounded down to nearest
+   *                      multiple of 4).
+   *                      If lineLength <= 0, then the output will not be divided into lines (chunks). Ignored when
+   *                      decoding.
+   * @param lineSeparator Each line of encoded data will end with this sequence of bytes.
+   * @param urlSafe       Instead of emitting '+' and '/' we emit '-' and '_' respectively. urlSafe is only applied
+   *                      to encode
+   *                      operations. Decoding seamlessly handles both modes.
+   * @throws IllegalArgumentException The provided lineSeparator included some base64 characters. That's not going to
+   *                                  work!
+   * @since 1.4
+   */
+  public Base64(int lineLength, byte[] lineSeparator, boolean urlSafe) {
+            lineLength,
+            lineSeparator == null ? 0 : lineSeparator.length);
+    // TODO could be simplified if there is no requirement to reject invalid line sep when length <=0
+    // @see test case Base64Test.testConstructors()
+    if (lineSeparator != null) {
+      if (containsAlphabetOrPad(lineSeparator)) {
+        String sep = newStringUtf8(lineSeparator);
+        throw new IllegalArgumentException("lineSeparator must not contain base64 characters: [" + sep + "]");
+      }
+      if (lineLength > 0) { // null line-sep forces no chunking rather than throwing IAE
+        this.encodeSize = BYTES_PER_ENCODED_BLOCK + lineSeparator.length;
+        this.lineSeparator = new byte[lineSeparator.length];
+        System.arraycopy(lineSeparator, 0, this.lineSeparator, 0, lineSeparator.length);
+      } else {
+        this.encodeSize = BYTES_PER_ENCODED_BLOCK;
+        this.lineSeparator = null;
+      }
+    } else {
+      this.encodeSize = BYTES_PER_ENCODED_BLOCK;
+      this.lineSeparator = null;
+    }
+    this.decodeSize = this.encodeSize - 1;
+    this.encodeTable = urlSafe ? URL_SAFE_ENCODE_TABLE : STANDARD_ENCODE_TABLE;
+  }
+  /**
+   * <p>
+   * Encodes all of the provided data, starting at inPos, for inAvail bytes. Must be called at least twice: once with
+   * the data to encode, and once with inAvail set to "-1" to alert encoder that EOF has been reached, so flush last
+   * remaining bytes (if not multiple of 3).
+   * </p>
+   * <p>
+   * Thanks to "commons" project in for the bitwise operations, and general approach.
+   *
+   * </p>
+   *
+   * @param in      byte[] array of binary data to base64 encode.
+   * @param inPos   Position to start reading data from.
+   * @param inAvail Amount of bytes available from input for encoding.
+   */
+  @Override
+  void encode(byte[] in, int inPos, int inAvail) {
+    if (eof) {
+      return;
+    }
+    // inAvail < 0 is how we're informed of EOF in the underlying data we're
+    // encoding.
+    if (inAvail < 0) {
+      eof = true;
+      if (0 == modulus && lineLength == 0) {
+        return; // no leftovers to process and not using chunking
+      }
+      ensureBufferSize(encodeSize);
+      int savedPos = pos;
+      switch (modulus) { // 0-2
+        case 1: // 8 bits = 6 + 2
+          buffer[pos++] = encodeTable[(bitWorkArea >> 2) & MASK_6BITS]; // top 6 bits
+          buffer[pos++] = encodeTable[(bitWorkArea << 4) & MASK_6BITS]; // remaining 2
+          // URL-SAFE skips the padding to further reduce size.
+          if (encodeTable == STANDARD_ENCODE_TABLE) {
+            buffer[pos++] = PAD;
+            buffer[pos++] = PAD;
+          }
+          break;
+        case 2: // 16 bits = 6 + 6 + 4
+          buffer[pos++] = encodeTable[(bitWorkArea >> 10) & MASK_6BITS];
+          buffer[pos++] = encodeTable[(bitWorkArea >> 4) & MASK_6BITS];
+          buffer[pos++] = encodeTable[(bitWorkArea << 2) & MASK_6BITS];
+          // URL-SAFE skips the padding to further reduce size.
+          if (encodeTable == STANDARD_ENCODE_TABLE) {
+            buffer[pos++] = PAD;
+          }
+          break;
+      }
+      currentLinePos += pos - savedPos; // keep track of current line position
+      // if currentPos == 0 we are at the start of a line, so don't add CRLF
+      if (lineLength > 0 && currentLinePos > 0) {
+        System.arraycopy(lineSeparator, 0, buffer, pos, lineSeparator.length);
+        pos += lineSeparator.length;
+      }
+    } else {
+      for (int i = 0; i < inAvail; i++) {
+        ensureBufferSize(encodeSize);
+        modulus = (modulus + 1) % BYTES_PER_UNENCODED_BLOCK;
+        int b = in[inPos++];
+        if (b < 0) {
+          b += 256;
+        }
+        bitWorkArea = (bitWorkArea << 8) + b; //  BITS_PER_BYTE
+        if (0 == modulus) { // 3 bytes = 24 bits = 4 * 6 bits to extract
+          buffer[pos++] = encodeTable[(bitWorkArea >> 18) & MASK_6BITS];
+          buffer[pos++] = encodeTable[(bitWorkArea >> 12) & MASK_6BITS];
+          buffer[pos++] = encodeTable[(bitWorkArea >> 6) & MASK_6BITS];
+          buffer[pos++] = encodeTable[bitWorkArea & MASK_6BITS];
+          currentLinePos += BYTES_PER_ENCODED_BLOCK;
+          if (lineLength > 0 && lineLength <= currentLinePos) {
+            System.arraycopy(lineSeparator, 0, buffer, pos, lineSeparator.length);
+            pos += lineSeparator.length;
+            currentLinePos = 0;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * <p>
+   * Decodes all of the provided data, starting at inPos, for inAvail bytes. Should be called at least twice: once
+   * with the data to decode, and once with inAvail set to "-1" to alert decoder that EOF has been reached. The "-1"
+   * call is not necessary when decoding, but it doesn't hurt, either.
+   * </p>
+   * <p>
+   * Ignores all non-base64 characters. This is how chunked (e.g. 76 character) data is handled, since CR and LF are
+   * silently ignored, but has implications for other bytes, too. This method subscribes to the garbage-in,
+   * garbage-out philosophy: it will not check the provided data for validity.
+   * </p>
+   * <p>
+   * Thanks to "commons" project in for the bitwise operations, and general approach.
+   *
+   * </p>
+   *
+   * @param in      byte[] array of ascii data to base64 decode.
+   * @param inPos   Position to start reading data from.
+   * @param inAvail Amount of bytes available from input for encoding.
+   */
+  @Override
+  void decode(byte[] in, int inPos, int inAvail) {
+    if (eof) {
+      return;
+    }
+    if (inAvail < 0) {
+      eof = true;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < inAvail; i++) {
+      ensureBufferSize(decodeSize);
+      byte b = in[inPos++];
+      if (b == PAD) {
+        // We're done.
+        eof = true;
+        break;
+      } else {
+        if (b >= 0 && b < DECODE_TABLE.length) {
+          int result = DECODE_TABLE[b];
+          if (result >= 0) {
+            modulus = (modulus + 1) % BYTES_PER_ENCODED_BLOCK;
+            bitWorkArea = (bitWorkArea << BITS_PER_ENCODED_BYTE) + result;
+            if (modulus == 0) {
+              buffer[pos++] = (byte) ((bitWorkArea >> 16) & MASK_8BITS);
+              buffer[pos++] = (byte) ((bitWorkArea >> 8) & MASK_8BITS);
+              buffer[pos++] = (byte) (bitWorkArea & MASK_8BITS);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // Two forms of EOF as far as base64 decoder is concerned: actual
+    // EOF (-1) and first time '=' character is encountered in stream.
+    // This approach makes the '=' padding characters completely optional.
+    if (eof && modulus != 0) {
+      ensureBufferSize(decodeSize);
+      // We have some spare bits remaining
+      // Output all whole multiples of 8 bits and ignore the rest
+      switch (modulus) {
+        //   case 1: // 6 bits - ignore entirely
+        //       break;
+        case 2: // 12 bits = 8 + 4
+          bitWorkArea = bitWorkArea >> 4; // dump the extra 4 bits
+          buffer[pos++] = (byte) ((bitWorkArea) & MASK_8BITS);
+          break;
+        case 3: // 18 bits = 8 + 8 + 2
+          bitWorkArea = bitWorkArea >> 2; // dump 2 bits
+          buffer[pos++] = (byte) ((bitWorkArea >> 8) & MASK_8BITS);
+          buffer[pos++] = (byte) ((bitWorkArea) & MASK_8BITS);
+          break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns whether or not the <code>octet</code> is in the base 64 alphabet.
+   *
+   * @param octet The value to test
+   * @return <code>true</code> if the value is defined in the the base 64 alphabet, <code>false</code> otherwise.
+   * @since 1.4
+   */
+  public static boolean isBase64(byte octet) {
+    return octet == PAD_DEFAULT || (octet >= 0 && octet < DECODE_TABLE.length && DECODE_TABLE[octet] != -1);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Tests a given String to see if it contains only valid characters within the Base64 alphabet. Currently the
+   * method treats whitespace as valid.
+   *
+   * @param base64 String to test
+   * @return <code>true</code> if all characters in the String are valid characters in the Base64 alphabet or if
+   * the String is empty; <code>false</code>, otherwise
+   * @since 1.5
+   */
+  public static boolean isBase64(String base64) {
+    return isBase64(getBytesUtf8(base64));
+  }
+  /**
+   * Tests a given byte array to see if it contains only valid characters within the Base64 alphabet. Currently the
+   * method treats whitespace as valid.
+   *
+   * @param arrayOctet byte array to test
+   * @return <code>true</code> if all bytes are valid characters in the Base64 alphabet or if the byte array is empty;
+   * <code>false</code>, otherwise
+   * @since 1.5
+   */
+  public static boolean isBase64(byte[] arrayOctet) {
+    for (int i = 0; i < arrayOctet.length; i++) {
+      if (!isBase64(arrayOctet[i]) && !isWhiteSpace(arrayOctet[i])) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Encodes binary data using the base64 algorithm but does not chunk the output.
+   * <p/>
+   * NOTE:  We changed the behaviour of this method from multi-line chunking (commons-codec-1.4) to
+   * single-line non-chunking (commons-codec-1.5).
+   *
+   * @param binaryData binary data to encode
+   * @return String containing Base64 characters.
+   * @since 1.4 (NOTE:  1.4 chunked the output, whereas 1.5 does not).
+   */
+  public static String encodeBase64String(byte[] binaryData) {
+    return newStringUtf8(encodeBase64(binaryData, false));
+  }
+  /**
+   * Encodes binary data using the base64 algorithm, optionally chunking the output into 76 character blocks.
+   *
+   * @param binaryData Array containing binary data to encode.
+   * @param isChunked  if <code>true</code> this encoder will chunk the base64 output into 76 character blocks
+   * @return Base64-encoded data.
+   * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown when the input array needs an output array bigger than {@link
+   *                                  Integer#MAX_VALUE}
+   */
+  public static byte[] encodeBase64(byte[] binaryData, boolean isChunked) {
+    return encodeBase64(binaryData, isChunked, false);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Encodes binary data using the base64 algorithm, optionally chunking the output into 76 character blocks.
+   *
+   * @param binaryData Array containing binary data to encode.
+   * @param isChunked  if <code>true</code> this encoder will chunk the base64 output into 76 character blocks
+   * @param urlSafe    if <code>true</code> this encoder will emit - and _ instead of the usual + and / characters.
+   * @return Base64-encoded data.
+   * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown when the input array needs an output array bigger than {@link
+   *                                  Integer#MAX_VALUE}
+   * @since 1.4
+   */
+  public static byte[] encodeBase64(byte[] binaryData, boolean isChunked, boolean urlSafe) {
+    return encodeBase64(binaryData, isChunked, urlSafe, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Encodes binary data using the base64 algorithm, optionally chunking the output into 76 character blocks.
+   *
+   * @param binaryData    Array containing binary data to encode.
+   * @param isChunked     if <code>true</code> this encoder will chunk the base64 output into 76 character blocks
+   * @param urlSafe       if <code>true</code> this encoder will emit - and _ instead of the usual + and / characters.
+   * @param maxResultSize The maximum result size to accept.
+   * @return Base64-encoded data.
+   * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown when the input array needs an output array bigger than maxResultSize
+   * @since 1.4
+   */
+  public static byte[] encodeBase64(byte[] binaryData, boolean isChunked, boolean urlSafe, int maxResultSize) {
+    if (binaryData == null || binaryData.length == 0) {
+      return binaryData;
+    }
+    // Create this so can use the super-class method
+    // Also ensures that the same roundings are performed by the ctor and the code
+    Base64 b64 = isChunked ? new Base64(urlSafe) : new Base64(0, CHUNK_SEPARATOR, urlSafe);
+    long len = b64.getEncodedLength(binaryData);
+    if (len > maxResultSize) {
+      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input array too big, the output array would be bigger (" +
+              len +
+              ") than the specified maximum size of " +
+              maxResultSize);
+    }
+    return b64.encode(binaryData);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Decodes a Base64 String into octets
+   *
+   * @param base64String String containing Base64 data
+   * @return Array containing decoded data.
+   * @since 1.4
+   */
+  public static byte[] decodeBase64(String base64String) {
+    return new Base64().decode(base64String);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns whether or not the <code>octet</code> is in the Base32 alphabet.
+   *
+   * @param octet The value to test
+   * @return <code>true</code> if the value is defined in the the Base32 alphabet <code>false</code> otherwise.
+   */
+  @Override
+  protected boolean isInAlphabet(byte octet) {
+    return octet >= 0 && octet < decodeTable.length && decodeTable[octet] != -1;
+  }