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Posted to by, on 2018/07/10 05:00:42 UTC

Scheduler not honouring non_pooled_task_slot_count config

We are using airflow version 1.9 with celery executor. And we are observing that Airflow Scheduler is not honouring the "non_pooled_task_slot_count" config.  We are using default setting which is set to 128. But we could schedule and run >128 tasks concurrently.
From code it seems that scheduler is re-initialising the open_slots with 128 instead of setting the remaining left over slots.
        for pool, task_instances in pool_to_task_instances.items():
            if not pool:
                # Arbitrary:
                # If queued outside of a pool, trigger no more than
                # non_pooled_task_slot_count per run
                open_slots = conf.getint('core', 'non_pooled_task_slot_count')
Raman Gupta