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[05/10] isis-site git commit: ISIS-1465: updates docs, hint-n-tip for DN 4.x and structure of simpleapp
diff --git a/content/guides/ugfun/ugfun.html b/content/guides/ugfun/ugfun.html
index 2927e18..642c397 100644
--- a/content/guides/ugfun/ugfun.html
+++ b/content/guides/ugfun/ugfun.html
@@ -2532,22 +2532,53 @@ mvn clean install</code></pre>
           <p>The quickest way to get started building an application "for real" is to run the <code>simpleapp</code> archetype. Like the <a href="#_ugfun_getting-started_helloworld-archetype">helloworld archetype</a>, this too will generate a very simple one-class domain model (an entity called <code>SimpleObject</code> with a couple of properties).</p> 
          <div class="paragraph"> 
-          <p>However, the generated application also provides more structure to assist you as your application grows. For example:</p> 
+          <p>However, the generated application also provides more structure to assist you as your application grows:</p> 
+         </div> 
+         <div class="imageblock"> 
+          <div class="content"> 
+           <a class="image" href="images/getting-started/using-simple-app/structure/structure.png"><img src="images/getting-started/using-simple-app/structure/structure.png" alt="structure" width="800px"></a> 
+          </div> 
+         </div> 
+         <div class="paragraph"> 
+          <p>where <code>xxx</code> is the name of the <code>artifactId</code> that you supply when you run the archetype.</p> 
+         </div> 
+         <div class="paragraph"> 
+          <p>Specifically:</p> 
          <div class="ulist"> 
-           <li> <p>the application is multi-module, separating out the business logic (<code>module-simple</code> Maven module) from the bootstrapping modules (<code>application</code> Maven module and the <code>webapp</code> module)</p> </li> 
-           <li> <p>the <code>SimpleObjectRepository</code> service (to create/retrieve instances) is separate from the <code>SimpleObjectMenu</code> menu service (for the UI); the former is delegated to by the latter.</p> </li> 
-           <li> <p>a <code>HomePageViewModel</code> service acts as a home page for the app.</p> </li> 
-           <li> <p>there are example integration tests, BDD tests as well as unit tests</p> </li> 
-           <li> <p>there are example fixture scripts for use both when prototyping and used by the integration and BDD tests</p> </li> 
-           <li> <p>the <a href="../rgmvn.html">Apache Isis Maven plugin</a> to <a href="../rgmvn.html#_rgmvn_validate">validate</a> your domain model is pre-configured</p> </li> 
-           <li> <p>Maven plugins to package your app as a Docker image is pre-configured</p> </li> 
+           <li> <p>the application is multi-module, separating out the business logic (<code>xxx-module-simple</code> Maven module) from the bootstrapping modules (<code>xxx-application</code> Maven module and the <code>xxx-webapp</code> module)</p> </li> 
+           <li> <p>in the <code>xxx-module-simple</code> module, the <code>SimpleObjectRepository</code> service (to create/retrieve instances) is separate from the <code>SimpleObjectMenu</code> menu service (for the UI); the former is delegated to by the latter.</p> </li> 
+           <li> <p>in the <code>xxx-application</code> module, a <code>HomePageViewModel</code> service acts as a home page for the app.</p> </li> 
+           <li> <p>there are example integration tests and BDD tests as well as unit tests</p> 
+            <div class="paragraph"> 
+             <p>There are "cross-module" integration tests in the <code>xxx-application</code> module. These bootstrap the application as a single entity so that these tests can exercise functionality in any and all modules. The BDD tests are also defined here are also "cross-module".</p> 
+            </div> 
+            <div class="paragraph"> 
+             <p>There are also "per-module" integration tests in the <code>xxx-module-simple</code> module.</p> 
+            </div> </li> 
+           <li> <p>there are example fixture scripts for use both when prototyping and used by the integration and BDD tests. These tend to be defined in each individual module, ie <code>xxx-module-simple</code>.</p> </li> 
+           <li> <p>the <a href="../rgmvn.html">Apache Isis Maven plugin</a> is configured to <a href="../rgmvn/rgmvn.html#_rgmvn_validate">validate</a> your domain model in the <code>module-simple</code> module</p> </li> 
+           <li> <p>the <a href="../rgmvn.html">Apache Isis Maven plugin</a> is also configured to generate a <a href="../rgmvn/rgmvn.html#_rgmvn_swagger">swagger</a> spec file for the entire application, in the <code>xxx-application</code> module</p> </li> 
+           <li> <p>Maven plugins to package your app as a Docker image is pre-configured, in the <code>xxx-webapp</code> module.</p> </li> 
          <div class="paragraph"> 
           <p>From this you can easily rename these initial classes, and extend to build up your own Apache Isis domain application.</p> 
+         <div class="admonitionblock tip"> 
+          <table> 
+           <tbody>
+            <tr> 
+             <td class="icon"> <i class="fa icon-tip" title="Tip"></i> </td> 
+             <td class="content"> 
+              <div class="paragraph"> 
+               <p>The (non-ASF) Incode Platform’s <a href="">quickstart archetype</a> builds upon the simpleapp archetype, but adds in support for various Incode Platform modules such as security, auditing, commands and publishing.</p> 
+              </div> </td> 
+            </tr> 
+           </tbody>
+          </table> 
+         </div> 
          <div class="sect3"> 
           <h4 id="__ugfun_getting-started_simpleapp-archetype_generating-the-app">4.3.1. Generating the App</h4> 
           <div class="paragraph">