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Posted to by Apache Jenkins Server <> on 2021/01/17 10:41:46 UTC

Build failed in Jenkins: Tez-qbt-0.10-Build #21

See <>


[Jonathan Turner Eagles] TEZ-3706. add option to skip Tez UI build

[Jonathan Turner Eagles] TEZ-4261. Fix Javadoc warnings

[...truncated 371.50 KB...]

(Depending upon input size and number of plug-ins, this may take a while)

        Checking for duplicated filenames that differ only in case

executable for 'yamllint' was not specified.
executable for 'markdownlint' was not specified.
WARNING: shellcheck needs UTF-8 locale support. Forcing C.UTF-8.
executable '/testptch/hadoop/dev-support/bin/shelldocs' for 'shelldocs' does not exist.
executable for 'prototool' was not specified.

Determining Maven Dependency Order (downloading dependencies in the process)

cd /home/jenkins/jenkins-home/workspace/Tez-qbt-0.10-Build/sourcedir
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=/home/jenkins/jenkins-home/workspace/Tez-qbt-0.10-Build/yetus-m2/tez-master-full-1 -fae -q exec:exec -Dexec.executable=pwd -Dexec.args='' > /home/jenkins/jenkins-home/workspace/Tez-qbt-0.10-Build/out/maven-patch-dirlist-.txt 2>&1
Elapsed:   0m 36s

                            maven install: full

cd /home/jenkins/jenkins-home/workspace/Tez-qbt-0.10-Build/sourcedir
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=/home/jenkins/jenkins-home/workspace/Tez-qbt-0.10-Build/yetus-m2/tez-master-full-1 -fae clean install -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dcheckstyle.skip=true -Dfindbugs.skip=true -Dspotbugs.skip=true > /home/jenkins/jenkins-home/workspace/Tez-qbt-0.10-Build/out/patch-mvninstall-root.txt 2>&1
Elapsed:   4m 45s

                            jshint plugin: full

ERROR: Can't parse config file: /home/jenkins/jenkins-home/workspace/Tez-qbt-0.10-Build/sourcedir/tez-ui/src/main/webapp/node_modules/markdown-it-terminal/.jshintrc
Error:SyntaxError: Unexpected token ] in JSON at position 165

                         master compilation: full

cd /home/jenkins/jenkins-home/workspace/Tez-qbt-0.10-Build/sourcedir
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=/home/jenkins/jenkins-home/workspace/Tez-qbt-0.10-Build/yetus-m2/tez-master-full-1 clean test-compile -DskipTests=true > /home/jenkins/jenkins-home/workspace/Tez-qbt-0.10-Build/out/patch-compile-root.txt 2>&1
Elapsed:   1m 26s

root has 38 issues.

                      Checking for @author tags: full

There appear to be 6 @author tags in the source tree.

                             checkstyle: full

cd /home/jenkins/jenkins-home/workspace/Tez-qbt-0.10-Build/sourcedir
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=/home/jenkins/jenkins-home/workspace/Tez-qbt-0.10-Build/yetus-m2/tez-master-full-1 checkstyle:checkstyle -Dcheckstyle.consoleOutput=true -Ptest-patch > /home/jenkins/jenkins-home/workspace/Tez-qbt-0.10-Build/out/buildtool-patch-checkstyle-root.txt 2>&1

root: The source tree has 10128 issues.

                           hadolint plugin: full

                       maven site verification: full

cd /home/jenkins/jenkins-home/workspace/Tez-qbt-0.10-Build/sourcedir
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=/home/jenkins/jenkins-home/workspace/Tez-qbt-0.10-Build/yetus-m2/tez-master-full-1 clean site site:stage > /home/jenkins/jenkins-home/workspace/Tez-qbt-0.10-Build/out/patch-mvnsite-root.txt 2>&1
Elapsed:   8m 21s

                       Checking for long paths: full

0 files in the source tree with paths longer that 240.

                            pylint plugin: full

Running pylint against identified python scripts.

                          shellcheck plugin: full

Running shellcheck against all suspected shell scripts

                      Checking for whitespace issues.

                          XML verification: full

                        javadoc verification: full

cd /home/jenkins/jenkins-home/workspace/Tez-qbt-0.10-Build/sourcedir
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=/home/jenkins/jenkins-home/workspace/Tez-qbt-0.10-Build/yetus-m2/tez-master-full-1 clean javadoc:javadoc -DskipTests=true > /home/jenkins/jenkins-home/workspace/Tez-qbt-0.10-Build/out/patch-javadoc-root.txt 2>&1
Elapsed:   2m 34s

                        findbugs detection: master

cd /home/jenkins/jenkins-home/workspace/Tez-qbt-0.10-Build/sourcedir
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=/home/jenkins/jenkins-home/workspace/Tez-qbt-0.10-Build/yetus-m2/tez-master-full-1 test-compile findbugs:findbugs -DskipTests=true > /home/jenkins/jenkins-home/workspace/Tez-qbt-0.10-Build/out/branch-findbugs-root.txt 2>&1
Elapsed:   7m 28s

Building findbugs database(s) using /usr for executables.

root in master has 2 extant findbugs warnings.

                            Running unit tests

cd /home/jenkins/jenkins-home/workspace/Tez-qbt-0.10-Build/sourcedir
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=/home/jenkins/jenkins-home/workspace/Tez-qbt-0.10-Build/yetus-m2/tez-master-full-1 clean test -fae > /home/jenkins/jenkins-home/workspace/Tez-qbt-0.10-Build/out/patch-unit-root.txt 2>&1
FATAL: command execution failed
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Caused: Unexpected reader termination
	at hudson.remoting.SynchronousCommandTransport$ReaderThread.lambda$new$0(
	at java.lang.Thread.dispatchUncaughtException(
Caused: Backing channel 'H4' is disconnected.
	at hudson.remoting.RemoteInvocationHandler.channelOrFail(
	at hudson.remoting.RemoteInvocationHandler.invoke(
	at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy169.isAlive(Unknown Source)
	at hudson.Launcher$RemoteLauncher$ProcImpl.isAlive(
	at hudson.Launcher$RemoteLauncher$ProcImpl.join(
	at hudson.tasks.CommandInterpreter.join(
	at hudson.tasks.CommandInterpreter.perform(
	at hudson.tasks.CommandInterpreter.perform(
	at hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor$1.perform(
	at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.perform(
	at hudson.model.Build$
	at hudson.model.Build$BuildExecution.doRun(
	at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$
	at hudson.model.Run.execute(
	at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(
FATAL: Unable to delete script file /tmp/
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Caused: Unexpected reader termination
	at hudson.remoting.SynchronousCommandTransport$ReaderThread.lambda$new$0(
	at java.lang.Thread.dispatchUncaughtException(
Caused: hudson.remoting.ChannelClosedException: Channel "hudson.remoting.Channel@5e90818a:H4": Remote call on H4 failed. The channel is closing down or has closed down
	at hudson.FilePath.act(
	at hudson.FilePath.act(
	at hudson.FilePath.delete(
	at hudson.tasks.CommandInterpreter.perform(
	at hudson.tasks.CommandInterpreter.perform(
	at hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor$1.perform(
	at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.perform(
	at hudson.model.Build$
	at hudson.model.Build$BuildExecution.doRun(
	at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$
	at hudson.model.Run.execute(
	at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
ERROR: Step ?Archive the artifacts? failed: no workspace for Tez-qbt-0.10-Build #21
ERROR: Step ?Publish JUnit test result report? failed: no workspace for Tez-qbt-0.10-Build #21
ERROR: H4 is offline; cannot locate jdk_1.8_latest

Build failed in Jenkins: Tez-qbt-0.10-Build #35

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[noreply] TEZ-4291: Fancy precommit report on PR (#112)

[...truncated 30.77 KB...]

                           yamllint plugin: full

                        javadoc verification: full

cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean javadoc:javadoc -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   1m 45s
cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean javadoc:javadoc -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   2m 14s

root-jdkUbuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04 with JDK Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04 has 81 issues.

                        findbugs detection: master

cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> test-compile findbugs:findbugs -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   7m 43s

Building findbugs database(s) using /usr for executables.

[warning] /usr/bin/unionBugs: Unable to locate ant in /usr/share/java
[warning] /usr/bin/setBugDatabaseInfo: Unable to locate ant in /usr/share/java
[warning] /usr/bin/convertXmlToText: Unable to locate ant in /usr/share/java
[warning] /usr/bin/filterBugs: Unable to locate ant in /usr/share/java

root in master has 4 extant findbugs warnings.

                            Running unit tests

cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean test -fae > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:  78m 42s
cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean test -fae > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:  31m 46s

root in the source failed with JDK Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04.

                 Determining number of ASF License errors

cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> -fn apache-rat:check > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   0m 24s

There appear to be 0 ASF License warnings after applying the patch.

Total Elapsed time: 146m  1s

             Writing Brief Text Report to /precommit/brief.txt

                         Adding comment to Gitlab

Gitlab Plugin: no credentials provided to write a comment.

                   Writing HTML to /precommit/report.htm

-1 overall

| Vote |        Subsystem |  Runtime   | Comment
|   0  |          reexec  |   1m 49s   | Docker mode activated. 
|      |                  |            | Prechecks 
|  +1  |         dupname  |   0m 10s   | No case conflicting files found. 
|   0  |       shelldocs  |   0m 10s   | Shelldocs was not available. 
|   0  |       prototool  |   0m  1s   | prototool was not available. 
|      |                  |            | Compile Tests 
|   0  |          mvndep  |   0m 36s   | Maven dependency ordering 
|  +1  |      mvninstall  |   5m 14s   | the source passed 
|  +1  |          jshint  |   5m 16s   | There were no new jshint issues. 
|  +1  |         compile  |   2m  2s   | the source passed with JDK Private 
|      |                  |            | Build-1.8.0_282-8u282-b08-0ubuntu1~20.04
|      |                  |            | -b08
|  +1  |              cc  |   2m  2s   | the source passed 
|  -1  |           javac  |   2m  2s   | 
|      |                  |            | root-jdkPrivateBuild-1.8.0_282-8u282-b08
|      |                  |            | -0ubuntu1~20.04-b08 with JDK Private
|      |                  |            | Build-1.8.0_282-8u282-b08-0ubuntu1~20.04
|      |                  |            | -b08 has 4 issues.
|  +1  |         compile  |   2m 16s   | the source passed with JDK 
|      |                  |            | Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04
|  +1  |              cc  |   2m 16s   | the source passed 
|  -1  |           javac  |   2m 16s   | 
|      |                  |            | root-jdkUbuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1
|      |                  |            | .20.04 with JDK
|      |                  |            | Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04
|      |                  |            | has 4 issues.
|  -1  |         @author  |   0m  1s   | The source tree appears to contain 6 
|      |                  |            | @author tags which the community has
|      |                  |            | agreed to not allow in code
|      |                  |            | contributions.
|  -0  |      checkstyle  |   0m 52s   | root: The source tree has 10130 
|      |                  |            | issues.
|  +1  |        hadolint  |   0m  1s   | There were no new hadolint issues. 
|  -1  |    markdownlint  |   0m 16s   | The source tree has 934 issues. 
|  -1  |         mvnsite  |   1m 38s   | root in the source failed. 
|  -0  |          pylint  |   0m  9s   | The source tree has 653 issues. 
|  -1  |      shellcheck  |   0m  3s   | The source tree has 145 issues. 
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  1s   | The source tree has 3972 line(s) that 
|      |                  |            | end in whitespace.
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  1s   | The source tree 548 line(s) with tabs. 
|  +1  |             xml  |   2m  4s   | The source tree has no ill-formed XML 
|      |                  |            | file.
|  -1  |        yamllint  |   0m  1s   | The source tree has 8 issues. 
|  +1  |         javadoc  |   1m 45s   | the source passed with JDK Private 
|      |                  |            | Build-1.8.0_282-8u282-b08-0ubuntu1~20.04
|      |                  |            | -b08
|  -1  |         javadoc  |   2m 14s   | 
|      |                  |            | root-jdkUbuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1
|      |                  |            | .20.04 with JDK
|      |                  |            | Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04
|      |                  |            | has 81 issues.
|   0  |        spotbugs  |   7m 54s   | Used deprecated FindBugs config; 
|      |                  |            | considering switching to SpotBugs.
|  -1  |        findbugs  |   7m 46s   | root in master has 4 extant findbugs 
|      |                  |            | warnings.
|      |                  |            | Other Tests 
|  -1  |            unit  |  31m 46s   | root in the source failed with JDK 
|      |                  |            | Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04.
|  +1  |      asflicense  |   0m 25s   | The source tree does not generate ASF 
|      |                  |            | License warnings.
|      |                  | 146m  1s   | 

                                                         Reason | Tests
 JDK Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04 Failed junit tests  |  tez.mapreduce.TestMRRJobsDAGApi 
                                                                |  tez.test.TestAMRecovery 
                                                                |  tez.test.TestTezJobs 
                                                                |  tez.test.TestDAGRecovery 
                                                                |  tez.test.TestPipelinedShuffle 
                                                                |  tez.test.TestSecureShuffle 
                                                                |  tez.test.TestFaultTolerance 
                                                                |  tez.test.TestRecovery 

|| Subsystem || Report/Notes ||
| Docker | ClientAPI=1.41 ServerAPI=1.41 base: |
| Optional Tests | dupname asflicense yamllint markdownlint shellcheck shelldocs hadolint javac javadoc unit xml compile mvnsite spotbugs findbugs checkstyle cc prototool pylint jshint |
| uname | Linux c6dd0ce6a2ca 4.15.0-101-generic #102-Ubuntu SMP Mon May 11 10:07:26 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
| Build tool | maven |
| Personality | personality/ |
| git revision | master / 2fefe4a6b |
| Default Java | Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04 |
| Multi-JDK versions | /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64:Private Build-1.8.0_282-8u282-b08-0ubuntu1~20.04-b08 /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64:Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04 |
| javac | |
| javac | |
| @author | |
| checkstyle | |
| markdownlint | |
| mvnsite | |
| pylint | |
| shellcheck | |
| whitespace | |
| whitespace | |
| yamllint | |
| javadoc | |
| findbugs | |
| unit | |
| JDK Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04  Test Results | |
| Max. process+thread count | 1533 (vs. ulimit of 5500) |
| modules | C: hadoop-shim tez-api tez-build-tools tez-common tez-runtime-internals tez-runtime-library tez-mapreduce tez-examples tez-dag tez-tests tez-ext-service-tests tez-ui tez-plugins tez-plugins/tez-protobuf-history-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-acls tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-cache-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-fs tez-plugins/tez-history-parser tez-plugins/tez-aux-services tez-tools tez-tools/analyzers tez-tools/analyzers/job-analyzer tez-tools/tez-javadoc-tools hadoop-shim-impls hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.8 tez-dist docs . hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.7 tez-tools/tez-tfile-parser U: . |
| Console output | |
| versions | git=2.25.1 maven=3.6.3 jshint=2.12.0 hadolint=1.18.0-0-g76eee5c markdownlint=0.23.2 pylint=2.5.3 yamllint=1.24.2 findbugs=3.0.1 |
| Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 |

Cleaning up docker image used for testing.

                              Finished build.

Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Archiving artifacts
[Fast Archiver] No prior successful build to compare, so performing full copy of artifacts
Recording test results

Build failed in Jenkins: Tez-qbt-0.10-Build #34

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[noreply] TEZ-4289: Remove Dependency on commons-math (#110)

[...truncated 31.28 KB...]

                           yamllint plugin: full

                        javadoc verification: full

cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean javadoc:javadoc -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   1m 37s
cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean javadoc:javadoc -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   1m 56s

root-jdkUbuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04 with JDK Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04 has 81 issues.

                        findbugs detection: master

cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> test-compile findbugs:findbugs -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   6m 11s

Building findbugs database(s) using /usr for executables.

[warning] /usr/bin/unionBugs: Unable to locate ant in /usr/share/java
[warning] /usr/bin/setBugDatabaseInfo: Unable to locate ant in /usr/share/java
[warning] /usr/bin/convertXmlToText: Unable to locate ant in /usr/share/java
[warning] /usr/bin/filterBugs: Unable to locate ant in /usr/share/java

root in master has 4 extant findbugs warnings.

                            Running unit tests

cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean test -fae > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:  72m 30s
cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean test -fae > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:  30m 50s

root in the source failed with JDK Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04.

                 Determining number of ASF License errors

cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> -fn apache-rat:check > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   0m 23s

There appear to be 0 ASF License warnings after applying the patch.

Total Elapsed time: 136m  2s

             Writing Brief Text Report to /precommit/brief.txt

                         Adding comment to Gitlab

Gitlab Plugin: no credentials provided to write a comment.

                   Writing HTML to /precommit/report.htm

-1 overall

| Vote |        Subsystem |  Runtime   | Comment
|   0  |          reexec  |   1m 35s   | Docker mode activated. 
|      |                  |            | Prechecks 
|  +1  |         dupname  |   0m 10s   | No case conflicting files found. 
|   0  |       shelldocs  |   0m 10s   | Shelldocs was not available. 
|   0  |       prototool  |   0m  0s   | prototool was not available. 
|      |                  |            | Compile Tests 
|   0  |          mvndep  |   0m 32s   | Maven dependency ordering 
|  +1  |      mvninstall  |   5m 11s   | the source passed 
|  +1  |          jshint  |   5m 11s   | There were no new jshint issues. 
|  +1  |         compile  |   1m 59s   | the source passed with JDK Private 
|      |                  |            | Build-1.8.0_282-8u282-b08-0ubuntu1~20.04
|      |                  |            | -b08
|  +1  |              cc  |   1m 59s   | the source passed 
|  -1  |           javac  |   1m 59s   | 
|      |                  |            | root-jdkPrivateBuild-1.8.0_282-8u282-b08
|      |                  |            | -0ubuntu1~20.04-b08 with JDK Private
|      |                  |            | Build-1.8.0_282-8u282-b08-0ubuntu1~20.04
|      |                  |            | -b08 has 4 issues.
|  +1  |         compile  |   2m 10s   | the source passed with JDK 
|      |                  |            | Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04
|  +1  |              cc  |   2m 10s   | the source passed 
|  -1  |           javac  |   2m 10s   | 
|      |                  |            | root-jdkUbuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1
|      |                  |            | .20.04 with JDK
|      |                  |            | Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04
|      |                  |            | has 4 issues.
|  -1  |         @author  |   0m  1s   | The source tree appears to contain 6 
|      |                  |            | @author tags which the community has
|      |                  |            | agreed to not allow in code
|      |                  |            | contributions.
|  -0  |      checkstyle  |   0m 50s   | root: The source tree has 10130 
|      |                  |            | issues.
|  +1  |        hadolint  |   0m  1s   | There were no new hadolint issues. 
|  -1  |    markdownlint  |   0m 17s   | The source tree has 934 issues. 
|  -1  |         mvnsite  |   1m 36s   | root in the source failed. 
|  -0  |          pylint  |   0m  9s   | The source tree has 653 issues. 
|  -1  |      shellcheck  |   0m  3s   | The source tree has 145 issues. 
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  1s   | The source tree has 3972 line(s) that 
|      |                  |            | end in whitespace.
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  1s   | The source tree 548 line(s) with tabs. 
|  +1  |             xml  |   1m 56s   | The source tree has no ill-formed XML 
|      |                  |            | file.
|  -1  |        yamllint  |   0m  1s   | The source tree has 8 issues. 
|  +1  |         javadoc  |   1m 37s   | the source passed with JDK Private 
|      |                  |            | Build-1.8.0_282-8u282-b08-0ubuntu1~20.04
|      |                  |            | -b08
|  -1  |         javadoc  |   1m 56s   | 
|      |                  |            | root-jdkUbuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1
|      |                  |            | .20.04 with JDK
|      |                  |            | Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04
|      |                  |            | has 81 issues.
|   0  |        spotbugs  |   6m 19s   | Used deprecated FindBugs config; 
|      |                  |            | considering switching to SpotBugs.
|  -1  |        findbugs  |   6m 14s   | root in master has 4 extant findbugs 
|      |                  |            | warnings.
|      |                  |            | Other Tests 
|  -1  |            unit  |  30m 50s   | root in the source failed with JDK 
|      |                  |            | Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04.
|  +1  |      asflicense  |   0m 24s   | The source tree does not generate ASF 
|      |                  |            | License warnings.
|      |                  | 136m  2s   | 

                                                         Reason | Tests
 JDK Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04 Failed junit tests  |  tez.mapreduce.TestMRRJobsDAGApi 
                                                                |  tez.test.TestAMRecovery 
                                                                |  tez.test.TestTezJobs 
                                                                |  tez.test.TestDAGRecovery 
                                                                |  tez.test.TestPipelinedShuffle 
                                                                |  tez.test.TestSecureShuffle 
                                                                |  tez.test.TestFaultTolerance 
                                                                |  tez.test.TestRecovery 

|| Subsystem || Report/Notes ||
| Docker | ClientAPI=1.41 ServerAPI=1.41 base: |
| Optional Tests | dupname asflicense yamllint markdownlint shellcheck shelldocs hadolint javac javadoc unit xml compile mvnsite spotbugs findbugs checkstyle cc prototool pylint jshint |
| uname | Linux 322994124b49 4.15.0-101-generic #102-Ubuntu SMP Mon May 11 10:07:26 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
| Build tool | maven |
| Personality | personality/ |
| git revision | master / 70623f0d8 |
| Default Java | Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04 |
| Multi-JDK versions | /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64:Private Build-1.8.0_282-8u282-b08-0ubuntu1~20.04-b08 /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64:Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04 |
| javac | |
| javac | |
| @author | |
| checkstyle | |
| markdownlint | |
| mvnsite | |
| pylint | |
| shellcheck | |
| whitespace | |
| whitespace | |
| yamllint | |
| javadoc | |
| findbugs | |
| unit | |
| JDK Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04  Test Results | |
| Max. process+thread count | 1537 (vs. ulimit of 5500) |
| modules | C: hadoop-shim tez-api tez-build-tools tez-common tez-runtime-internals tez-runtime-library tez-mapreduce tez-examples tez-dag tez-tests tez-ext-service-tests tez-ui tez-plugins tez-plugins/tez-protobuf-history-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-acls tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-cache-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-fs tez-plugins/tez-history-parser tez-plugins/tez-aux-services tez-tools tez-tools/analyzers tez-tools/analyzers/job-analyzer tez-tools/tez-javadoc-tools hadoop-shim-impls hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.8 tez-dist docs . hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.7 tez-tools/tez-tfile-parser U: . |
| Console output | |
| versions | git=2.25.1 maven=3.6.3 jshint=2.12.0 hadolint=1.18.0-0-g76eee5c markdownlint=0.23.2 pylint=2.5.3 yamllint=1.24.2 findbugs=3.0.1 |
| Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 |

Cleaning up docker image used for testing.

                              Finished build.

Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Archiving artifacts
[Fast Archiver] No prior successful build to compare, so performing full copy of artifacts
Recording test results

Build failed in Jenkins: Tez-qbt-0.10-Build #33

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[noreply] TEZ-4286: Consider sending fewer emails from github to (#107) (Laszlo Bodor reviewed by Jonathan Turner Eagles)

[...truncated 36.31 KB...]

                           yamllint plugin: full

                        javadoc verification: full

cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean javadoc:javadoc -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   1m 36s
cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean javadoc:javadoc -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   1m 56s

root-jdkUbuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04 with JDK Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04 has 81 issues.

                        findbugs detection: master

cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> test-compile findbugs:findbugs -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   6m 12s

Building findbugs database(s) using /usr for executables.

[warning] /usr/bin/unionBugs: Unable to locate ant in /usr/share/java
[warning] /usr/bin/setBugDatabaseInfo: Unable to locate ant in /usr/share/java
[warning] /usr/bin/convertXmlToText: Unable to locate ant in /usr/share/java
[warning] /usr/bin/filterBugs: Unable to locate ant in /usr/share/java

root in master has 4 extant findbugs warnings.

                            Running unit tests

cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean test -fae > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:  13m 57s
cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean test -fae > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:  30m 52s

root in the source failed with JDK Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04.

                 Determining number of ASF License errors

cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> -fn apache-rat:check > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   0m 24s

There appear to be 0 ASF License warnings after applying the patch.

Total Elapsed time:  76m 37s

             Writing Brief Text Report to /precommit/brief.txt

                         Adding comment to Gitlab

Gitlab Plugin: no credentials provided to write a comment.

                   Writing HTML to /precommit/report.htm

-1 overall

| Vote |        Subsystem |  Runtime   | Comment
|   0  |          reexec  |   1m 23s   | Docker mode activated. 
|      |                  |            | Prechecks 
|  +1  |         dupname  |   0m 10s   | No case conflicting files found. 
|   0  |       shelldocs  |   0m 10s   | Shelldocs was not available. 
|   0  |       prototool  |   0m  0s   | prototool was not available. 
|      |                  |            | Compile Tests 
|   0  |          mvndep  |   0m 28s   | Maven dependency ordering 
|  +1  |      mvninstall  |   4m 43s   | the source passed 
|  +1  |          jshint  |   5m  9s   | There were no new jshint issues. 
|  +1  |         compile  |   1m 59s   | the source passed with JDK Private 
|      |                  |            | Build-1.8.0_282-8u282-b08-0ubuntu1~20.04
|      |                  |            | -b08
|  +1  |              cc  |   1m 59s   | the source passed 
|  -1  |           javac  |   1m 59s   | 
|      |                  |            | root-jdkPrivateBuild-1.8.0_282-8u282-b08
|      |                  |            | -0ubuntu1~20.04-b08 with JDK Private
|      |                  |            | Build-1.8.0_282-8u282-b08-0ubuntu1~20.04
|      |                  |            | -b08 has 4 issues.
|  +1  |         compile  |   2m 13s   | the source passed with JDK 
|      |                  |            | Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04
|  +1  |              cc  |   2m 13s   | the source passed 
|  -1  |           javac  |   2m 13s   | 
|      |                  |            | root-jdkUbuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1
|      |                  |            | .20.04 with JDK
|      |                  |            | Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04
|      |                  |            | has 4 issues.
|  -1  |         @author  |   0m  0s   | The source tree appears to contain 6 
|      |                  |            | @author tags which the community has
|      |                  |            | agreed to not allow in code
|      |                  |            | contributions.
|  -0  |      checkstyle  |   0m 49s   | root: The source tree has 10131 
|      |                  |            | issues.
|  +1  |        hadolint  |   0m  2s   | There were no new hadolint issues. 
|  -1  |    markdownlint  |   0m 17s   | The source tree has 934 issues. 
|  -1  |         mvnsite  |   1m 33s   | root in the source failed. 
|  -0  |          pylint  |   0m  8s   | The source tree has 653 issues. 
|  -1  |      shellcheck  |   0m  2s   | The source tree has 145 issues. 
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  0s   | The source tree has 3972 line(s) that 
|      |                  |            | end in whitespace.
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  0s   | The source tree 548 line(s) with tabs. 
|  +1  |             xml  |   1m 55s   | The source tree has no ill-formed XML 
|      |                  |            | file.
|  -1  |        yamllint  |   0m  0s   | The source tree has 8 issues. 
|  +1  |         javadoc  |   1m 36s   | the source passed with JDK Private 
|      |                  |            | Build-1.8.0_282-8u282-b08-0ubuntu1~20.04
|      |                  |            | -b08
|  -1  |         javadoc  |   1m 56s   | 
|      |                  |            | root-jdkUbuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1
|      |                  |            | .20.04 with JDK
|      |                  |            | Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04
|      |                  |            | has 81 issues.
|   0  |        spotbugs  |   6m 19s   | Used deprecated FindBugs config; 
|      |                  |            | considering switching to SpotBugs.
|  -1  |        findbugs  |   6m 14s   | root in master has 4 extant findbugs 
|      |                  |            | warnings.
|      |                  |            | Other Tests 
|  -1  |            unit  |  30m 52s   | root in the source failed with JDK 
|      |                  |            | Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04.
|  +1  |      asflicense  |   0m 24s   | The source tree does not generate ASF 
|      |                  |            | License warnings.
|      |                  |  76m 37s   | 

                                                                       Reason | Tests
 JDK Private Build-1.8.0_282-8u282-b08-0ubuntu1~20.04-b08 Failed junit tests  | 
               JDK Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04 Failed junit tests  |  tez.mapreduce.TestMRRJobsDAGApi 
                                                                              |  tez.test.TestAMRecovery 
                                                                              |  tez.test.TestTezJobs 
                                                                              |  tez.test.TestDAGRecovery 
                                                                              |  tez.test.TestPipelinedShuffle 
                                                                              |  tez.test.TestSecureShuffle 
                                                                              |  tez.test.TestFaultTolerance 
                                                                              |  tez.test.TestRecovery 

|| Subsystem || Report/Notes ||
| Docker | ClientAPI=1.41 ServerAPI=1.41 base: |
| Optional Tests | dupname asflicense yamllint markdownlint shellcheck shelldocs hadolint javac javadoc unit xml compile mvnsite spotbugs findbugs checkstyle cc prototool pylint jshint |
| uname | Linux 9143e669b4eb 4.15.0-101-generic #102-Ubuntu SMP Mon May 11 10:07:26 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
| Build tool | maven |
| Personality | personality/ |
| git revision | master / 3089d478f |
| Default Java | Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04 |
| Multi-JDK versions | /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64:Private Build-1.8.0_282-8u282-b08-0ubuntu1~20.04-b08 /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64:Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04 |
| javac | |
| javac | |
| @author | |
| checkstyle | |
| markdownlint | |
| mvnsite | |
| pylint | |
| shellcheck | |
| whitespace | |
| whitespace | |
| yamllint | |
| javadoc | |
| findbugs | |
| unit | |
| JDK Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04  Test Results | |
| Max. process+thread count | 733 (vs. ulimit of 5500) |
| modules | C: hadoop-shim tez-api tez-build-tools tez-common tez-runtime-internals tez-runtime-library tez-mapreduce tez-examples tez-dag tez-tests tez-ext-service-tests tez-ui tez-plugins tez-plugins/tez-protobuf-history-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-acls tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-cache-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-fs tez-plugins/tez-history-parser tez-plugins/tez-aux-services tez-tools tez-tools/analyzers tez-tools/analyzers/job-analyzer tez-tools/tez-javadoc-tools hadoop-shim-impls hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.8 tez-dist docs . hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.7 tez-tools/tez-tfile-parser U: . |
| Console output | |
| versions | git=2.25.1 maven=3.6.3 jshint=2.12.0 hadolint=1.18.0-0-g76eee5c markdownlint=0.23.2 pylint=2.5.3 yamllint=1.24.2 findbugs=3.0.1 |
| Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 |

Cleaning up docker image used for testing.

                              Finished build.

Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Archiving artifacts
[Fast Archiver] No prior successful build to compare, so performing full copy of artifacts
Recording test results

Build failed in Jenkins: Tez-qbt-0.10-Build #32

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[Jonathan Turner Eagles] TEZ-4025. javadoc compilation is broken in jdk11 (review by Bodor Laszlo)

[...truncated 31.10 KB...]

                           yamllint plugin: full

                        javadoc verification: full

cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean javadoc:javadoc -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   1m 35s
cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean javadoc:javadoc -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   1m 57s

root-jdkUbuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04 with JDK Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04 has 81 issues.

                        findbugs detection: master

cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> test-compile findbugs:findbugs -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   6m 11s

Building findbugs database(s) using /usr for executables.

[warning] /usr/bin/unionBugs: Unable to locate ant in /usr/share/java
[warning] /usr/bin/setBugDatabaseInfo: Unable to locate ant in /usr/share/java
[warning] /usr/bin/convertXmlToText: Unable to locate ant in /usr/share/java
[warning] /usr/bin/filterBugs: Unable to locate ant in /usr/share/java

root in master has 4 extant findbugs warnings.

                            Running unit tests

cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean test -fae > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:  72m 14s
cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean test -fae > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:  31m 25s

root in the source failed with JDK Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04.

                 Determining number of ASF License errors

cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> -fn apache-rat:check > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   0m 24s

There appear to be 0 ASF License warnings after applying the patch.

Total Elapsed time: 135m 55s

             Writing Brief Text Report to /precommit/brief.txt

                         Adding comment to Gitlab

Gitlab Plugin: no credentials provided to write a comment.

                   Writing HTML to /precommit/report.htm

-1 overall

| Vote |        Subsystem |  Runtime   | Comment
|   0  |          reexec  |   1m 24s   | Docker mode activated. 
|      |                  |            | Prechecks 
|  +1  |         dupname  |   0m 10s   | No case conflicting files found. 
|   0  |       shelldocs  |   0m 10s   | Shelldocs was not available. 
|   0  |       prototool  |   0m  0s   | prototool was not available. 
|      |                  |            | Compile Tests 
|   0  |          mvndep  |   0m 27s   | Maven dependency ordering 
|  +1  |      mvninstall  |   5m  2s   | the source passed 
|  +1  |          jshint  |   5m 11s   | There were no new jshint issues. 
|  +1  |         compile  |   1m 59s   | the source passed with JDK Private 
|      |                  |            | Build-1.8.0_282-8u282-b08-0ubuntu1~20.04
|      |                  |            | -b08
|  +1  |              cc  |   1m 59s   | the source passed 
|  -1  |           javac  |   1m 59s   | 
|      |                  |            | root-jdkPrivateBuild-1.8.0_282-8u282-b08
|      |                  |            | -0ubuntu1~20.04-b08 with JDK Private
|      |                  |            | Build-1.8.0_282-8u282-b08-0ubuntu1~20.04
|      |                  |            | -b08 has 4 issues.
|  +1  |         compile  |   2m 11s   | the source passed with JDK 
|      |                  |            | Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04
|  +1  |              cc  |   2m 11s   | the source passed 
|  -1  |           javac  |   2m 11s   | 
|      |                  |            | root-jdkUbuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1
|      |                  |            | .20.04 with JDK
|      |                  |            | Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04
|      |                  |            | has 4 issues.
|  -1  |         @author  |   0m  0s   | The source tree appears to contain 6 
|      |                  |            | @author tags which the community has
|      |                  |            | agreed to not allow in code
|      |                  |            | contributions.
|  -0  |      checkstyle  |   0m 51s   | root: The source tree has 10131 
|      |                  |            | issues.
|  +1  |        hadolint  |   0m  1s   | There were no new hadolint issues. 
|  -1  |    markdownlint  |   0m 16s   | The source tree has 934 issues. 
|  -1  |         mvnsite  |   1m 35s   | root in the source failed. 
|  -0  |          pylint  |   0m  9s   | The source tree has 653 issues. 
|  -1  |      shellcheck  |   0m  3s   | The source tree has 145 issues. 
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  0s   | The source tree has 3972 line(s) that 
|      |                  |            | end in whitespace.
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  0s   | The source tree 548 line(s) with tabs. 
|  +1  |             xml  |   1m 56s   | The source tree has no ill-formed XML 
|      |                  |            | file.
|  -1  |        yamllint  |   0m  0s   | The source tree has 8 issues. 
|  +1  |         javadoc  |   1m 35s   | the source passed with JDK Private 
|      |                  |            | Build-1.8.0_282-8u282-b08-0ubuntu1~20.04
|      |                  |            | -b08
|  -1  |         javadoc  |   1m 57s   | 
|      |                  |            | root-jdkUbuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1
|      |                  |            | .20.04 with JDK
|      |                  |            | Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04
|      |                  |            | has 81 issues.
|   0  |        spotbugs  |   6m 19s   | Used deprecated FindBugs config; 
|      |                  |            | considering switching to SpotBugs.
|  -1  |        findbugs  |   6m 13s   | root in master has 4 extant findbugs 
|      |                  |            | warnings.
|      |                  |            | Other Tests 
|  -1  |            unit  |  31m 25s   | root in the source failed with JDK 
|      |                  |            | Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04.
|  +1  |      asflicense  |   0m 24s   | The source tree does not generate ASF 
|      |                  |            | License warnings.
|      |                  | 135m 55s   | 

                                                         Reason | Tests
 JDK Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04 Failed junit tests  |  tez.mapreduce.TestMRRJobsDAGApi 
                                                                |  tez.test.TestAMRecovery 
                                                                |  tez.test.TestTezJobs 
                                                                |  tez.test.TestDAGRecovery 
                                                                |  tez.test.TestPipelinedShuffle 
                                                                |  tez.test.TestSecureShuffle 
                                                                |  tez.test.TestFaultTolerance 
                                                                |  tez.test.TestRecovery 

|| Subsystem || Report/Notes ||
| Docker | ClientAPI=1.41 ServerAPI=1.41 base: |
| Optional Tests | dupname asflicense yamllint markdownlint shellcheck shelldocs hadolint javac javadoc unit xml compile mvnsite spotbugs findbugs checkstyle cc prototool pylint jshint |
| uname | Linux a8a6fcc2a7d1 4.15.0-101-generic #102-Ubuntu SMP Mon May 11 10:07:26 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
| Build tool | maven |
| Personality | personality/ |
| git revision | master / 7d32807d8 |
| Default Java | Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04 |
| Multi-JDK versions | /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64:Private Build-1.8.0_282-8u282-b08-0ubuntu1~20.04-b08 /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64:Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04 |
| javac | |
| javac | |
| @author | |
| checkstyle | |
| markdownlint | |
| mvnsite | |
| pylint | |
| shellcheck | |
| whitespace | |
| whitespace | |
| yamllint | |
| javadoc | |
| findbugs | |
| unit | |
| JDK Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04  Test Results | |
| Max. process+thread count | 1547 (vs. ulimit of 5500) |
| modules | C: hadoop-shim tez-api tez-build-tools tez-common tez-runtime-internals tez-runtime-library tez-mapreduce tez-examples tez-dag tez-tests tez-ext-service-tests tez-ui tez-plugins tez-plugins/tez-protobuf-history-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-acls tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-cache-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-fs tez-plugins/tez-history-parser tez-plugins/tez-aux-services tez-tools tez-tools/analyzers tez-tools/analyzers/job-analyzer tez-tools/tez-javadoc-tools hadoop-shim-impls hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.8 tez-dist docs . hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.7 tez-tools/tez-tfile-parser U: . |
| Console output | |
| versions | git=2.25.1 maven=3.6.3 jshint=2.12.0 hadolint=1.18.0-0-g76eee5c markdownlint=0.23.2 pylint=2.5.3 yamllint=1.24.2 findbugs=3.0.1 |
| Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 |

Cleaning up docker image used for testing.

                              Finished build.

Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Archiving artifacts
[Fast Archiver] No prior successful build to compare, so performing full copy of artifacts
Recording test results

Build failed in Jenkins: Tez-qbt-0.10-Build #31

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[noreply] TEZ-4290: Dockerfile improvements (#111) (Laszlo Bodor reviewed by Jonathan Turner Eagles)

[bodorlaszlo0202] TEZ-4259: Create Jenkinsfile for use with tez-multibranch (github yetus integration) (Jonathan Turner Eagles reviewed by Laszlo Bodor)

[Jonathan Turner Eagles] TEZ-4241. UI: containerLogs testWrapper test fails (review by Bodor Laszlo)

[noreply] TEZ-4288: Upgrade SLF4J to 1.7.30 (#109)

[...truncated 29.80 KB...]

                          XML verification: full

                           yamllint plugin: full

                        javadoc verification: full

cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean javadoc:javadoc -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   1m 36s
cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean javadoc:javadoc -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   1m 53s

root in the source failed with JDK Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04.

                        findbugs detection: master

cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> test-compile findbugs:findbugs -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   6m 14s

Building findbugs database(s) using /usr for executables.

[warning] /usr/bin/unionBugs: Unable to locate ant in /usr/share/java
[warning] /usr/bin/setBugDatabaseInfo: Unable to locate ant in /usr/share/java
[warning] /usr/bin/convertXmlToText: Unable to locate ant in /usr/share/java
[warning] /usr/bin/filterBugs: Unable to locate ant in /usr/share/java

root in master has 4 extant findbugs warnings.

                            Running unit tests

cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean test -fae > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:  70m 54s
cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean test -fae > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:  21m 46s

root in the source failed with JDK Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04.

                 Determining number of ASF License errors

cd <>
mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> -fn apache-rat:check > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   0m 52s

There appear to be 0 ASF License warnings after applying the patch.

Total Elapsed time: 125m 28s

             Writing Brief Text Report to /precommit/brief.txt

                         Adding comment to Gitlab

Gitlab Plugin: no credentials provided to write a comment.

                   Writing HTML to /precommit/report.htm

-1 overall

| Vote |        Subsystem |  Runtime   | Comment
|   0  |          reexec  |   1m 24s   | Docker mode activated. 
|      |                  |            | Prechecks 
|  +1  |         dupname  |   0m 10s   | No case conflicting files found. 
|   0  |       shelldocs  |   0m 10s   | Shelldocs was not available. 
|   0  |       prototool  |   0m  1s   | prototool was not available. 
|      |                  |            | Compile Tests 
|   0  |          mvndep  |   0m 28s   | Maven dependency ordering 
|  +1  |      mvninstall  |   5m  2s   | the source passed 
|  +1  |          jshint  |   5m 13s   | There were no new jshint issues. 
|  +1  |         compile  |   1m 57s   | the source passed with JDK Private 
|      |                  |            | Build-1.8.0_282-8u282-b08-0ubuntu1~20.04
|      |                  |            | -b08
|  +1  |              cc  |   1m 57s   | the source passed 
|  -1  |           javac  |   1m 57s   | 
|      |                  |            | root-jdkPrivateBuild-1.8.0_282-8u282-b08
|      |                  |            | -0ubuntu1~20.04-b08 with JDK Private
|      |                  |            | Build-1.8.0_282-8u282-b08-0ubuntu1~20.04
|      |                  |            | -b08 has 4 issues.
|  +1  |         compile  |   2m 11s   | the source passed with JDK 
|      |                  |            | Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04
|  +1  |              cc  |   2m 11s   | the source passed 
|  -1  |           javac  |   2m 11s   | 
|      |                  |            | root-jdkUbuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1
|      |                  |            | .20.04 with JDK
|      |                  |            | Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04
|      |                  |            | has 4 issues.
|  -1  |         @author  |   0m  0s   | The source tree appears to contain 6 
|      |                  |            | @author tags which the community has
|      |                  |            | agreed to not allow in code
|      |                  |            | contributions.
|  -0  |      checkstyle  |   0m 55s   | root: The source tree has 10131 
|      |                  |            | issues.
|  +1  |        hadolint  |   0m  2s   | There were no new hadolint issues. 
|  -1  |    markdownlint  |   0m 16s   | The source tree has 934 issues. 
|  -1  |         mvnsite  |   1m 37s   | root in the source failed. 
|  -0  |          pylint  |   0m  9s   | The source tree has 653 issues. 
|  -1  |      shellcheck  |   0m  3s   | The source tree has 145 issues. 
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  0s   | The source tree has 3972 line(s) that 
|      |                  |            | end in whitespace.
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  0s   | The source tree 548 line(s) with tabs. 
|  +1  |             xml  |   1m 55s   | The source tree has no ill-formed XML 
|      |                  |            | file.
|  -1  |        yamllint  |   0m  1s   | The source tree has 8 issues. 
|  +1  |         javadoc  |   1m 36s   | the source passed with JDK Private 
|      |                  |            | Build-1.8.0_282-8u282-b08-0ubuntu1~20.04
|      |                  |            | -b08
|  -1  |         javadoc  |   1m 53s   | root in the source failed with JDK 
|      |                  |            | Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04.
|   0  |        spotbugs  |   6m 22s   | Used deprecated FindBugs config; 
|      |                  |            | considering switching to SpotBugs.
|  -1  |        findbugs  |   6m 17s   | root in master has 4 extant findbugs 
|      |                  |            | warnings.
|      |                  |            | Other Tests 
|  -1  |            unit  |  21m 46s   | root in the source failed with JDK 
|      |                  |            | Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04.
|  +1  |      asflicense  |   0m 52s   | The source tree does not generate ASF 
|      |                  |            | License warnings.
|      |                  | 125m 28s   | 

                                                         Reason | Tests
 JDK Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04 Failed junit tests  | 

|| Subsystem || Report/Notes ||
| Docker | ClientAPI=1.41 ServerAPI=1.41 base: |
| Optional Tests | dupname asflicense yamllint markdownlint shellcheck shelldocs hadolint javac javadoc unit xml compile mvnsite spotbugs findbugs checkstyle cc prototool pylint jshint |
| uname | Linux faef7d4dbf2f 4.15.0-101-generic #102-Ubuntu SMP Mon May 11 10:07:26 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
| Build tool | maven |
| Personality | personality/ |
| git revision | master / b4152fc85 |
| Default Java | Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04 |
| Multi-JDK versions | /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64:Private Build-1.8.0_282-8u282-b08-0ubuntu1~20.04-b08 /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64:Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04 |
| javac | |
| javac | |
| @author | |
| checkstyle | |
| markdownlint | |
| mvnsite | |
| pylint | |
| shellcheck | |
| whitespace | |
| whitespace | |
| yamllint | |
| javadoc | |
| findbugs | |
| unit | |
| JDK Ubuntu-11.0.10+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04  Test Results | |
| Max. process+thread count | 1525 (vs. ulimit of 5500) |
| modules | C: hadoop-shim tez-api tez-build-tools tez-common tez-runtime-internals tez-runtime-library tez-mapreduce tez-examples tez-dag tez-tests tez-ext-service-tests tez-ui tez-plugins tez-plugins/tez-protobuf-history-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-acls tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-cache-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-fs tez-plugins/tez-history-parser tez-plugins/tez-aux-services tez-tools tez-tools/analyzers tez-tools/analyzers/job-analyzer tez-tools/tez-javadoc-tools hadoop-shim-impls hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.8 tez-dist docs . hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.7 tez-tools/tez-tfile-parser U: . |
| Console output | |
| versions | git=2.25.1 maven=3.6.3 jshint=2.12.0 hadolint=1.18.0-0-g76eee5c markdownlint=0.23.2 pylint=2.5.3 yamllint=1.24.2 findbugs=3.0.1 |
| Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 |

Cleaning up docker image used for testing.

                              Finished build.

Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Archiving artifacts
[Fast Archiver] No prior successful build to compare, so performing full copy of artifacts
Recording test results

Build failed in Jenkins: Tez-qbt-0.10-Build #30

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[noreply] TEZ-3966: Fix config file mime type  (#26)

[...truncated 27.86 KB...]

                       maven site verification: full

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean site site:stage > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:  41m 35s

root in the source failed.

                       Checking for long paths: full

0 files in the source tree with paths longer that 240.

                            pylint plugin: full

Running pylint against identified python scripts.

                          shellcheck plugin: full

Running shellcheck against all suspected shell scripts

                      Checking for whitespace issues.

                          XML verification: full

                        javadoc verification: full

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean javadoc:javadoc -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   1m 37s

                        findbugs detection: master

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> test-compile findbugs:findbugs -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   5m 47s

Building findbugs database(s) using /usr for executables.

root in master has 2 extant findbugs warnings.

                            Running unit tests

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean test -fae > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:  69m 47s

root in the source failed.

                 Determining number of ASF License errors

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> -fn apache-rat:check > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   0m 27s

There appear to be 0 ASF License warnings after applying the patch.

Total Elapsed time: 138m 18s

             Writing Brief Text Report to /precommit/brief.txt

                         Adding comment to Gitlab

Gitlab Plugin: no credentials provided to write a comment.

                   Writing HTML to /precommit/report.htm

-1 overall

| Vote |        Subsystem |  Runtime   | Comment
|   0  |          reexec  |   2m 39s   | Docker mode activated. 
|      |                  |            | Prechecks 
|  +1  |         dupname  |   0m  8s   | No case conflicting files found. 
|   0  |        yamllint  |   0m  8s   | yamllint was not available. 
|   0  |    markdownlint  |   0m  8s   | markdownlint was not available. 
|   0  |       shelldocs  |   0m  8s   | Shelldocs was not available. 
|   0  |       prototool  |   0m  0s   | prototool was not available. 
|      |                  |            | Compile Tests 
|   0  |          mvndep  |   0m 38s   | Maven dependency ordering 
|  +1  |      mvninstall  |   5m 21s   | the source passed 
|  +1  |          jshint  |   5m 27s   | There were no new jshint issues. 
|  +1  |         compile  |   1m 55s   | the source passed 
|  +1  |              cc  |   1m 55s   | the source passed 
|  -1  |           javac  |   1m 55s   | root has 4 issues. 
|  -1  |         @author  |   0m  1s   | The source tree appears to contain 6 
|      |                  |            | @author tags which the community has
|      |                  |            | agreed to not allow in code
|      |                  |            | contributions.
|  -0  |      checkstyle  |   0m 41s   | root: The source tree has 10132 
|      |                  |            | issues.
|  +1  |        hadolint  |   0m  2s   | There were no new hadolint issues. 
|  -1  |         mvnsite  |  41m 35s   | root in the source failed. 
|  -0  |          pylint  |   0m  8s   | The source tree has 788 issues. 
|  -1  |      shellcheck  |   0m  1s   | The source tree has 147 issues. 
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  0s   | The source tree has 3972 line(s) that 
|      |                  |            | end in whitespace.
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  0s   | The source tree 547 line(s) with tabs. 
|  +1  |             xml  |   1m 18s   | The source tree has no ill-formed XML 
|      |                  |            | file.
|  +1  |         javadoc  |   1m 37s   | the source passed 
|   0  |        spotbugs  |   5m 53s   | Used deprecated FindBugs config; 
|      |                  |            | considering switching to SpotBugs.
|  -1  |        findbugs  |   5m 49s   | root in master has 2 extant findbugs 
|      |                  |            | warnings.
|      |                  |            | Other Tests 
|  -1  |            unit  |  69m 47s   | root in the source failed. 
|  +1  |      asflicense  |   0m 28s   | The source tree does not generate ASF 
|      |                  |            | License warnings.
|      |                  | 138m 18s   | 

|| Subsystem || Report/Notes ||
| Docker | ClientAPI=1.41 ServerAPI=1.41 base: |
| Optional Tests | dupname asflicense yamllint markdownlint shellcheck shelldocs hadolint javac javadoc unit xml compile mvnsite spotbugs findbugs checkstyle cc prototool pylint jshint |
| uname | Linux 80a6a4c4e245 4.15.0-101-generic #102-Ubuntu SMP Mon May 11 10:07:26 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
| Build tool | maven |
| Personality | personality/ |
| git revision | master / a42e1700e |
| Default Java | Private Build-1.8.0_275-8u275-b01-0ubuntu1~18.04-b01 |
| javac | |
| @author | |
| checkstyle | |
| mvnsite | |
| pylint | |
| shellcheck | |
| whitespace | |
| whitespace | |
| findbugs | |
| unit | |
|  Test Results | |
| Max. process+thread count | 1506 (vs. ulimit of 5500) |
| modules | C: hadoop-shim tez-api tez-build-tools tez-common tez-runtime-internals tez-runtime-library tez-mapreduce tez-examples tez-dag tez-tests tez-ext-service-tests tez-ui tez-plugins tez-plugins/tez-protobuf-history-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-acls tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-cache-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-fs tez-plugins/tez-history-parser tez-plugins/tez-aux-services tez-tools tez-tools/analyzers tez-tools/analyzers/job-analyzer tez-tools/tez-javadoc-tools hadoop-shim-impls hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.8 tez-dist docs . hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.7 tez-tools/tez-tfile-parser U: . |
| Console output | |
| versions | git=2.17.1 maven=3.6.0 jshint=2.12.0 hadolint=1.11.1-0-g0e692dd pylint=1.9.2 findbugs=3.0.1 |
| Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 |

Cleaning up docker image used for testing.

                              Finished build.

Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Archiving artifacts
[Fast Archiver] No prior successful build to compare, so performing full copy of artifacts
Recording test results

Build failed in Jenkins: Tez-qbt-0.10-Build #29

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[noreply] TEZ-4282: Possible NPE in LocalClient after TEZ-4236 (#103) (Laszlo Bodor reviewed by Panagiotis Garefalakis, Ashutosh Chauhan)

[noreply] TEZ-4278: Show PR link in Jira (#99)

[...truncated 24.44 KB...]
                       maven site verification: full

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean site site:stage > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:  41m 52s

root in the source failed.

                       Checking for long paths: full

0 files in the source tree with paths longer that 240.

                            pylint plugin: full

Running pylint against identified python scripts.

                          shellcheck plugin: full

Running shellcheck against all suspected shell scripts

                      Checking for whitespace issues.

                          XML verification: full

                        javadoc verification: full

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean javadoc:javadoc -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   1m 38s

                        findbugs detection: master

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> test-compile findbugs:findbugs -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   5m 46s

Building findbugs database(s) using /usr for executables.

root in master has 2 extant findbugs warnings.

                            Running unit tests

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean test -fae > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:  61m 49s

root in the source failed.

                 Determining number of ASF License errors

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> -fn apache-rat:check > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   0m 53s

There appear to be 0 ASF License warnings after applying the patch.

Total Elapsed time: 128m 51s

             Writing Brief Text Report to /precommit/brief.txt

                         Adding comment to Gitlab

Gitlab Plugin: no credentials provided to write a comment.

                   Writing HTML to /precommit/report.htm

-1 overall

| Vote |        Subsystem |  Runtime   | Comment
|   0  |          reexec  |   1m 21s   | Docker mode activated. 
|      |                  |            | Prechecks 
|  +1  |         dupname  |   0m  8s   | No case conflicting files found. 
|   0  |        yamllint  |   0m  8s   | yamllint was not available. 
|   0  |    markdownlint  |   0m  8s   | markdownlint was not available. 
|   0  |       shelldocs  |   0m  8s   | Shelldocs was not available. 
|   0  |       prototool  |   0m  0s   | prototool was not available. 
|      |                  |            | Compile Tests 
|   0  |          mvndep  |   0m 31s   | Maven dependency ordering 
|  +1  |      mvninstall  |   4m 47s   | the source passed 
|  +1  |          jshint  |   5m 16s   | There were no new jshint issues. 
|  +1  |         compile  |   1m 53s   | the source passed 
|  +1  |              cc  |   1m 53s   | the source passed 
|  -1  |           javac  |   1m 53s   | root has 4 issues. 
|  -1  |         @author  |   0m  0s   | The source tree appears to contain 6 
|      |                  |            | @author tags which the community has
|      |                  |            | agreed to not allow in code
|      |                  |            | contributions.
|  -0  |      checkstyle  |   0m 41s   | root: The source tree has 10132 
|      |                  |            | issues.
|  +1  |        hadolint  |   0m  2s   | There were no new hadolint issues. 
|  -1  |         mvnsite  |  41m 52s   | root in the source failed. 
|  -0  |          pylint  |   0m  7s   | The source tree has 788 issues. 
|  -1  |      shellcheck  |   0m  2s   | The source tree has 147 issues. 
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  0s   | The source tree has 3972 line(s) that 
|      |                  |            | end in whitespace.
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  0s   | The source tree 547 line(s) with tabs. 
|  +1  |             xml  |   1m 17s   | The source tree has no ill-formed XML 
|      |                  |            | file.
|  +1  |         javadoc  |   1m 38s   | the source passed 
|   0  |        spotbugs  |   5m 52s   | Used deprecated FindBugs config; 
|      |                  |            | considering switching to SpotBugs.
|  -1  |        findbugs  |   5m 48s   | root in master has 2 extant findbugs 
|      |                  |            | warnings.
|      |                  |            | Other Tests 
|  -1  |            unit  |  61m 49s   | root in the source failed. 
|  +1  |      asflicense  |   0m 53s   | The source tree does not generate ASF 
|      |                  |            | License warnings.
|      |                  | 128m 51s   | 

              Reason | Tests
 Failed junit tests  |  tez.test.TestRecovery 

|| Subsystem || Report/Notes ||
| Docker | ClientAPI=1.41 ServerAPI=1.41 base: |
| Optional Tests | dupname asflicense yamllint markdownlint shellcheck shelldocs hadolint javac javadoc unit xml compile mvnsite spotbugs findbugs checkstyle cc prototool pylint jshint |
| uname | Linux a177499ad1d1 4.15.0-101-generic #102-Ubuntu SMP Mon May 11 10:07:26 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
| Build tool | maven |
| Personality | personality/ |
| git revision | master / 851e9d8b5 |
| Default Java | Private Build-1.8.0_275-8u275-b01-0ubuntu1~18.04-b01 |
| javac | |
| @author | |
| checkstyle | |
| mvnsite | |
| pylint | |
| shellcheck | |
| whitespace | |
| whitespace | |
| findbugs | |
| unit | |
|  Test Results | |
| Max. process+thread count | 1191 (vs. ulimit of 5500) |
| modules | C: hadoop-shim tez-api tez-build-tools tez-common tez-runtime-internals tez-runtime-library tez-mapreduce tez-examples tez-dag tez-tests tez-ext-service-tests tez-ui tez-plugins tez-plugins/tez-protobuf-history-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-acls tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-cache-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-fs tez-plugins/tez-history-parser tez-plugins/tez-aux-services tez-tools tez-tools/analyzers tez-tools/analyzers/job-analyzer tez-tools/tez-javadoc-tools hadoop-shim-impls hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.8 tez-dist docs . hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.7 tez-tools/tez-tfile-parser U: . |
| Console output | |
| versions | git=2.17.1 maven=3.6.0 jshint=2.12.0 hadolint=1.11.1-0-g0e692dd pylint=1.9.2 findbugs=3.0.1 |
| Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 |

Cleaning up docker image used for testing.

                              Finished build.

Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Archiving artifacts
[Fast Archiver] No prior successful build to compare, so performing full copy of artifacts
Recording test results

Build failed in Jenkins: Tez-qbt-0.10-Build #28

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[bodorlaszlo0202] TEZ-4273: Clear off staging files when TezYarnClient is unable to submit applications (Rajesh Balamohan via László Bodor)

[noreply] TEZ-4283: Docker fails to build on master - upgrade to nodejs10 (#104)

[bodorlaszlo0202] TEZ-4273: Clear off staging files when TezYarnClient is unable to submit applications (Rajesh Balamohan via László Bodor) - addendum test fix

[noreply] TEZ-4281: dag_* files should go into a valid log directory (#102) (Laszlo Bodor reviewed by Rajesh Balamohan)

[...truncated 337.21 KB...]
                       maven site verification: full

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean site site:stage > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:  42m 22s

root in the source failed.

                       Checking for long paths: full

0 files in the source tree with paths longer that 240.

                            pylint plugin: full

Running pylint against identified python scripts.

                          shellcheck plugin: full

Running shellcheck against all suspected shell scripts

                      Checking for whitespace issues.

                          XML verification: full

                        javadoc verification: full

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean javadoc:javadoc -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   1m 38s

                        findbugs detection: master

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> test-compile findbugs:findbugs -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   5m 50s

Building findbugs database(s) using /usr for executables.

root in master has 2 extant findbugs warnings.

                            Running unit tests

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean test -fae > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:  74m 50s

root in the source failed.

                 Determining number of ASF License errors

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> -fn apache-rat:check > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   0m 37s

There appear to be 0 ASF License warnings after applying the patch.

Total Elapsed time: 158m 16s

             Writing Brief Text Report to /precommit/brief.txt

                         Adding comment to Gitlab

Gitlab Plugin: no credentials provided to write a comment.

                   Writing HTML to /precommit/report.htm

-1 overall

| Vote |        Subsystem |  Runtime   | Comment
|   0  |          reexec  |  15m 31s   | Docker mode activated. 
|      |                  |            | Prechecks 
|  +1  |         dupname  |   0m  8s   | No case conflicting files found. 
|   0  |        yamllint  |   0m  8s   | yamllint was not available. 
|   0  |    markdownlint  |   0m  8s   | markdownlint was not available. 
|   0  |       shelldocs  |   0m  8s   | Shelldocs was not available. 
|   0  |       prototool  |   0m  0s   | prototool was not available. 
|      |                  |            | Compile Tests 
|   0  |          mvndep  |   0m 57s   | Maven dependency ordering 
|  +1  |      mvninstall  |   6m 10s   | the source passed 
|  +1  |          jshint  |   5m 20s   | There were no new jshint issues. 
|  +1  |         compile  |   1m 51s   | the source passed 
|  +1  |              cc  |   1m 51s   | the source passed 
|  -1  |           javac  |   1m 51s   | root has 4 issues. 
|  -1  |         @author  |   0m  0s   | The source tree appears to contain 6 
|      |                  |            | @author tags which the community has
|      |                  |            | agreed to not allow in code
|      |                  |            | contributions.
|  -0  |      checkstyle  |   0m 44s   | root: The source tree has 10132 
|      |                  |            | issues.
|  +1  |        hadolint  |   0m  2s   | There were no new hadolint issues. 
|  -1  |         mvnsite  |  42m 22s   | root in the source failed. 
|  -0  |          pylint  |   0m  7s   | The source tree has 788 issues. 
|  -1  |      shellcheck  |   0m  2s   | The source tree has 147 issues. 
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  0s   | The source tree has 3972 line(s) that 
|      |                  |            | end in whitespace.
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  0s   | The source tree 547 line(s) with tabs. 
|  +1  |             xml  |   1m 18s   | The source tree has no ill-formed XML 
|      |                  |            | file.
|  +1  |         javadoc  |   1m 38s   | the source passed 
|   0  |        spotbugs  |   5m 57s   | Used deprecated FindBugs config; 
|      |                  |            | considering switching to SpotBugs.
|  -1  |        findbugs  |   5m 52s   | root in master has 2 extant findbugs 
|      |                  |            | warnings.
|      |                  |            | Other Tests 
|  -1  |            unit  |  74m 50s   | root in the source failed. 
|  +1  |      asflicense  |   0m 38s   | The source tree does not generate ASF 
|      |                  |            | License warnings.
|      |                  | 158m 16s   | 

              Reason | Tests
 Failed junit tests  |  tez.dag.history.ats.acls.TestATSHistoryV15 

|| Subsystem || Report/Notes ||
| Docker | ClientAPI=1.41 ServerAPI=1.41 base: |
| Optional Tests | dupname asflicense yamllint markdownlint shellcheck shelldocs hadolint javac javadoc unit xml compile mvnsite spotbugs findbugs checkstyle cc prototool pylint jshint |
| uname | Linux dea67f5627d6 4.15.0-101-generic #102-Ubuntu SMP Mon May 11 10:07:26 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
| Build tool | maven |
| Personality | personality/ |
| git revision | master / 1847817c2 |
| Default Java | Private Build-1.8.0_275-8u275-b01-0ubuntu1~18.04-b01 |
| javac | |
| @author | |
| checkstyle | |
| mvnsite | |
| pylint | |
| shellcheck | |
| whitespace | |
| whitespace | |
| findbugs | |
| unit | |
|  Test Results | |
| Max. process+thread count | 1538 (vs. ulimit of 5500) |
| modules | C: hadoop-shim tez-api tez-build-tools tez-common tez-runtime-internals tez-runtime-library tez-mapreduce tez-examples tez-dag tez-tests tez-ext-service-tests tez-ui tez-plugins tez-plugins/tez-protobuf-history-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-acls tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-cache-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-fs tez-plugins/tez-history-parser tez-plugins/tez-aux-services tez-tools tez-tools/analyzers tez-tools/analyzers/job-analyzer tez-tools/tez-javadoc-tools hadoop-shim-impls hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.8 tez-dist docs . hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.7 tez-tools/tez-tfile-parser U: . |
| Console output | |
| versions | git=2.17.1 maven=3.6.0 jshint=2.12.0 hadolint=1.11.1-0-g0e692dd pylint=1.9.2 findbugs=3.0.1 |
| Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 |

Cleaning up docker image used for testing.

                              Finished build.

Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Archiving artifacts
[Fast Archiver] No prior successful build to compare, so performing full copy of artifacts
Recording test results

Build failed in Jenkins: Tez-qbt-0.10-Build #27

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[noreply] TEZ-4277: AsyncDispatcher can hang on serviceStop if the eventhandling thread is in BLOCKED state (#97) (Laszlo Bodor reviewed by Rajesh Balamohan)

[...truncated 25.16 KB...]
                       maven site verification: full

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean site site:stage > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:  41m 37s

root in the source failed.

                       Checking for long paths: full

0 files in the source tree with paths longer that 240.

                            pylint plugin: full

Running pylint against identified python scripts.

                          shellcheck plugin: full

Running shellcheck against all suspected shell scripts

                      Checking for whitespace issues.

                          XML verification: full

                        javadoc verification: full

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean javadoc:javadoc -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   1m 39s

                        findbugs detection: master

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> test-compile findbugs:findbugs -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   5m 46s

Building findbugs database(s) using /usr for executables.

root in master has 2 extant findbugs warnings.

                            Running unit tests

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean test -fae > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:  14m  3s

root in the source failed.

                 Determining number of ASF License errors

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> -fn apache-rat:check > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   0m 28s

There appear to be 0 ASF License warnings after applying the patch.

Total Elapsed time:  81m 45s

             Writing Brief Text Report to /precommit/brief.txt

                         Adding comment to Gitlab

Gitlab Plugin: no credentials provided to write a comment.

                   Writing HTML to /precommit/report.htm

-1 overall

| Vote |        Subsystem |  Runtime   | Comment
|   0  |          reexec  |   1m 21s   | Docker mode activated. 
|      |                  |            | Prechecks 
|  +1  |         dupname  |   0m  8s   | No case conflicting files found. 
|   0  |        yamllint  |   0m  8s   | yamllint was not available. 
|   0  |    markdownlint  |   0m  8s   | markdownlint was not available. 
|   0  |       shelldocs  |   0m  8s   | Shelldocs was not available. 
|   0  |       prototool  |   0m  0s   | prototool was not available. 
|      |                  |            | Compile Tests 
|   0  |          mvndep  |   0m 31s   | Maven dependency ordering 
|  +1  |      mvninstall  |   4m 59s   | the source passed 
|  +1  |          jshint  |   6m 19s   | There were no new jshint issues. 
|  +1  |         compile  |   1m 53s   | the source passed 
|  +1  |              cc  |   1m 53s   | the source passed 
|  -1  |           javac  |   1m 53s   | root has 4 issues. 
|  -1  |         @author  |   0m  1s   | The source tree appears to contain 6 
|      |                  |            | @author tags which the community has
|      |                  |            | agreed to not allow in code
|      |                  |            | contributions.
|  -0  |      checkstyle  |   0m 41s   | root: The source tree has 10131 
|      |                  |            | issues.
|  +1  |        hadolint  |   0m  2s   | There were no new hadolint issues. 
|  -1  |         mvnsite  |  41m 37s   | root in the source failed. 
|  -0  |          pylint  |   0m  8s   | The source tree has 788 issues. 
|  -1  |      shellcheck  |   0m  1s   | The source tree has 147 issues. 
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  0s   | The source tree has 3972 line(s) that 
|      |                  |            | end in whitespace.
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  0s   | The source tree 547 line(s) with tabs. 
|  +1  |             xml  |   1m 17s   | The source tree has no ill-formed XML 
|      |                  |            | file.
|  +1  |         javadoc  |   1m 39s   | the source passed 
|   0  |        spotbugs  |   5m 54s   | Used deprecated FindBugs config; 
|      |                  |            | considering switching to SpotBugs.
|  -1  |        findbugs  |   5m 48s   | root in master has 2 extant findbugs 
|      |                  |            | warnings.
|      |                  |            | Other Tests 
|  -1  |            unit  |  14m  3s   | root in the source failed. 
|  +1  |      asflicense  |   0m 29s   | The source tree does not generate ASF 
|      |                  |            | License warnings.
|      |                  |  81m 45s   | 

              Reason | Tests
 Failed junit tests  | 

|| Subsystem || Report/Notes ||
| Docker | ClientAPI=1.41 ServerAPI=1.41 base: |
| Optional Tests | dupname asflicense yamllint markdownlint shellcheck shelldocs hadolint javac javadoc unit xml compile mvnsite spotbugs findbugs checkstyle cc prototool pylint jshint |
| uname | Linux d6922f9d79a0 4.15.0-101-generic #102-Ubuntu SMP Mon May 11 10:07:26 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
| Build tool | maven |
| Personality | personality/ |
| git revision | master / 73bcabd2b |
| Default Java | Private Build-1.8.0_275-8u275-b01-0ubuntu1~18.04-b01 |
| javac | |
| @author | |
| checkstyle | |
| mvnsite | |
| pylint | |
| shellcheck | |
| whitespace | |
| whitespace | |
| findbugs | |
| unit | |
|  Test Results | |
| Max. process+thread count | 295 (vs. ulimit of 5500) |
| modules | C: hadoop-shim tez-api tez-build-tools tez-common tez-runtime-internals tez-runtime-library tez-mapreduce tez-examples tez-dag tez-tests tez-ext-service-tests tez-ui tez-plugins tez-plugins/tez-protobuf-history-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-acls tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-cache-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-fs tez-plugins/tez-history-parser tez-plugins/tez-aux-services tez-tools tez-tools/analyzers tez-tools/analyzers/job-analyzer tez-tools/tez-javadoc-tools hadoop-shim-impls hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.8 tez-dist docs . hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.7 tez-tools/tez-tfile-parser U: . |
| Console output | |
| versions | git=2.17.1 maven=3.6.0 jshint=2.12.0 hadolint=1.11.1-0-g0e692dd pylint=1.9.2 findbugs=3.0.1 |
| Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 |

Cleaning up docker image used for testing.

                              Finished build.

Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Archiving artifacts
[Fast Archiver] No prior successful build to compare, so performing full copy of artifacts
Recording test results

Build failed in Jenkins: Tez-qbt-0.10-Build #26

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[bodorlaszlo0202] TEZ-4240: Remove SHA-256 from Tez (László Bodor reviewed by Jonathan Turner Eagles)

[noreply] TEZ-4269: Re-Work Threadpool in DAGAppMaster (#92)

[bodorlaszlo0202] TEZ-4236: DAGClientServer is not really needed to be started/used in local mode (László Bodor reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan)

[noreply] TEZ-4266: Make Tez Inherit From Apache POM (#89)

[...truncated 374.60 KB...]

                       maven site verification: full

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean site site:stage > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   3m 28s

root in the source failed.

                       Checking for long paths: full

0 files in the source tree with paths longer that 240.

                            pylint plugin: full

Running pylint against identified python scripts.

                          shellcheck plugin: full

Running shellcheck against all suspected shell scripts

                      Checking for whitespace issues.

                          XML verification: full

                        javadoc verification: full

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean javadoc:javadoc -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   0m 31s

root in the source failed.

                        findbugs detection: master

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> test-compile findbugs:findbugs -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   0m 31s

Building findbugs database(s) using /usr for executables.

root in the source failed.

                            Running unit tests

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean test -fae > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   0m 32s

root in the source failed.

                 Determining number of ASF License errors

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> -fn apache-rat:check > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   0m 32s

Total Elapsed time:  53m 57s

             Writing Brief Text Report to /precommit/brief.txt

                         Adding comment to Gitlab

Gitlab Plugin: no credentials provided to write a comment.

                   Writing HTML to /precommit/report.htm

-1 overall

| Vote |        Subsystem |  Runtime   | Comment
|   0  |          reexec  |  24m 21s   | Docker mode activated. 
|      |                  |            | Prechecks 
|  +1  |         dupname  |   0m 12s   | No case conflicting files found. 
|   0  |        yamllint  |   0m 12s   | yamllint was not available. 
|   0  |    markdownlint  |   0m 12s   | markdownlint was not available. 
|   0  |       shelldocs  |   0m 12s   | Shelldocs was not available. 
|   0  |       prototool  |   0m  0s   | prototool was not available. 
|      |                  |            | Compile Tests 
|   0  |          mvndep  |   0m 58s   | Maven dependency ordering 
|  +1  |      mvninstall  |   7m 57s   | the source passed 
|  +1  |          jshint  |   8m 42s   | There were no new jshint issues. 
|  +1  |         compile  |   2m 34s   | the source passed 
|  +1  |              cc  |   2m 34s   | the source passed 
|  -1  |           javac  |   2m 34s   | root has 4 issues. 
|  -1  |         @author  |   0m  1s   | The source tree appears to contain 6 
|      |                  |            | @author tags which the community has
|      |                  |            | agreed to not allow in code
|      |                  |            | contributions.
|  -0  |      checkstyle  |   0m 57s   | root: The source tree has 10131 
|      |                  |            | issues.
|  +1  |        hadolint  |   0m  2s   | There were no new hadolint issues. 
|  -1  |         mvnsite  |   3m 28s   | root in the source failed. 
|  -0  |          pylint  |   0m  9s   | The source tree has 788 issues. 
|  -1  |      shellcheck  |   0m  1s   | The source tree has 147 issues. 
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  0s   | The source tree has 3973 line(s) that 
|      |                  |            | end in whitespace.
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  0s   | The source tree 547 line(s) with tabs. 
|  +1  |             xml  |   1m 36s   | The source tree has no ill-formed XML 
|      |                  |            | file.
|  -1  |         javadoc  |   0m 31s   | root in the source failed. 
|   0  |        spotbugs  |   2m 42s   | Used deprecated FindBugs config; 
|      |                  |            | considering switching to SpotBugs.
|  -1  |        findbugs  |   0m 31s   | root in the source failed. 
|      |                  |            | Other Tests 
|  -1  |            unit  |   0m 32s   | root in the source failed. 
|   0  |      asflicense  |   0m 35s   | ASF License check generated no output? 
|      |                  |  53m 57s   | 

|| Subsystem || Report/Notes ||
| Docker | ClientAPI=1.41 ServerAPI=1.41 base: |
| Optional Tests | dupname asflicense yamllint markdownlint shellcheck shelldocs hadolint javac javadoc unit xml compile mvnsite spotbugs findbugs checkstyle cc prototool pylint jshint |
| uname | Linux 71af69aaea73 4.15.0-101-generic #102-Ubuntu SMP Mon May 11 10:07:26 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
| Build tool | maven |
| Personality | personality/ |
| git revision | master / 0d3b428ec |
| Default Java | Private Build-1.8.0_275-8u275-b01-0ubuntu1~18.04-b01 |
| javac | |
| @author | |
| checkstyle | |
| mvnsite | |
| pylint | |
| shellcheck | |
| whitespace | |
| whitespace | |
| javadoc | |
| findbugs | |
| unit | |
|  Test Results | |
| Max. process+thread count | 82 (vs. ulimit of 5500) |
| modules | C: hadoop-shim tez-api tez-build-tools tez-common tez-runtime-internals tez-runtime-library tez-mapreduce tez-examples tez-dag tez-tests tez-ext-service-tests tez-ui tez-plugins tez-plugins/tez-protobuf-history-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-acls tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-cache-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-fs tez-plugins/tez-history-parser tez-plugins/tez-aux-services tez-tools tez-tools/analyzers tez-tools/analyzers/job-analyzer tez-tools/tez-javadoc-tools hadoop-shim-impls hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.8 tez-dist docs . hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.7 tez-tools/tez-tfile-parser U: . |
| Console output | |
| versions | git=2.17.1 maven=3.6.0 jshint=2.12.0 hadolint=1.11.1-0-g0e692dd pylint=1.9.2 |
| Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 |

Cleaning up docker image used for testing.

                              Finished build.

Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Archiving artifacts
[Fast Archiver] No prior successful build to compare, so performing full copy of artifacts
Recording test results
ERROR: Step ?Publish JUnit test result report? failed: No test report files were found. Configuration error?

Build failed in Jenkins: Tez-qbt-0.10-Build #25

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[Rajesh Balamohan] TEZ-3985: Correctness: Throw a clear exception for DMEs sent during cleanup (Contributed by Jaume M, reviewed by Rajesh Balamohan, Ashutosh Chauhan)

[...truncated 26.76 KB...]
                           hadolint plugin: full

                       maven site verification: full

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean site site:stage > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   8m 18s

                       Checking for long paths: full

0 files in the source tree with paths longer that 240.

                            pylint plugin: full

Running pylint against identified python scripts.

                          shellcheck plugin: full

Running shellcheck against all suspected shell scripts

                      Checking for whitespace issues.

                          XML verification: full

                        javadoc verification: full

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean javadoc:javadoc -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   1m 35s

                        findbugs detection: master

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> test-compile findbugs:findbugs -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   5m 21s

Building findbugs database(s) using /usr for executables.

root in master has 2 extant findbugs warnings.

                            Running unit tests

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean test -fae > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:  70m 20s

root in the source failed.

                 Determining number of ASF License errors

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> -fn apache-rat:check > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   0m 28s

There appear to be 0 ASF License warnings after applying the patch.

Total Elapsed time: 104m 50s

             Writing Brief Text Report to /precommit/brief.txt

                         Adding comment to Gitlab

Gitlab Plugin: no credentials provided to write a comment.

                   Writing HTML to /precommit/report.htm

-1 overall

| Vote |        Subsystem |  Runtime   | Comment
|   0  |          reexec  |   2m 15s   | Docker mode activated. 
|      |                  |            | Prechecks 
|  +1  |         dupname  |   0m  9s   | No case conflicting files found. 
|   0  |        yamllint  |   0m  9s   | yamllint was not available. 
|   0  |    markdownlint  |   0m  9s   | markdownlint was not available. 
|   0  |       shelldocs  |   0m  9s   | Shelldocs was not available. 
|   0  |       prototool  |   0m  0s   | prototool was not available. 
|      |                  |            | Compile Tests 
|   0  |          mvndep  |   0m 31s   | Maven dependency ordering 
|  +1  |      mvninstall  |   5m 10s   | the source passed 
|  +1  |          jshint  |   6m 18s   | There were no new jshint issues. 
|  +1  |         compile  |   1m 25s   | the source passed 
|  +1  |              cc  |   1m 25s   | the source passed 
|  -1  |           javac  |   1m 25s   | root has 38 issues. 
|  -1  |         @author  |   0m  1s   | The source tree appears to contain 6 
|      |                  |            | @author tags which the community has
|      |                  |            | agreed to not allow in code
|      |                  |            | contributions.
|  -0  |      checkstyle  |   0m 41s   | root: The source tree has 10130 
|      |                  |            | issues.
|  +1  |        hadolint  |   0m  2s   | There were no new hadolint issues. 
|  +1  |         mvnsite  |   8m 18s   | the source passed 
|  -0  |          pylint  |   0m  8s   | The source tree has 788 issues. 
|  -1  |      shellcheck  |   0m  1s   | The source tree has 147 issues. 
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  0s   | The source tree has 3981 line(s) that 
|      |                  |            | end in whitespace.
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  0s   | The source tree 547 line(s) with tabs. 
|  +1  |             xml  |   1m 18s   | The source tree has no ill-formed XML 
|      |                  |            | file.
|  +1  |         javadoc  |   1m 35s   | the source passed 
|   0  |        spotbugs  |   5m 28s   | Used deprecated FindBugs config; 
|      |                  |            | considering switching to SpotBugs.
|  -1  |        findbugs  |   5m 23s   | root in master has 2 extant findbugs 
|      |                  |            | warnings.
|      |                  |            | Other Tests 
|  -1  |            unit  |  70m 20s   | root in the source failed. 
|  +1  |      asflicense  |   0m 28s   | The source tree does not generate ASF 
|      |                  |            | License warnings.
|      |                  | 104m 50s   | 

|| Subsystem || Report/Notes ||
| Docker | ClientAPI=1.41 ServerAPI=1.41 base: |
| Optional Tests | dupname asflicense yamllint markdownlint shellcheck shelldocs hadolint javac javadoc unit xml compile mvnsite spotbugs findbugs checkstyle cc prototool pylint jshint |
| uname | Linux a13967673525 4.15.0-101-generic #102-Ubuntu SMP Mon May 11 10:07:26 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
| Build tool | maven |
| Personality | personality/ |
| git revision | master / 04597c7b5 |
| Default Java | Private Build-1.8.0_275-8u275-b01-0ubuntu1~18.04-b01 |
| javac | |
| @author | |
| checkstyle | |
| pylint | |
| shellcheck | |
| whitespace | |
| whitespace | |
| findbugs | |
| unit | |
|  Test Results | |
| Max. process+thread count | 1546 (vs. ulimit of 5500) |
| modules | C: hadoop-shim tez-api tez-build-tools tez-common tez-runtime-internals tez-runtime-library tez-mapreduce tez-examples tez-dag tez-tests tez-ext-service-tests tez-ui tez-plugins tez-plugins/tez-protobuf-history-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-acls tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-cache-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-fs tez-plugins/tez-history-parser tez-plugins/tez-aux-services tez-tools tez-tools/analyzers tez-tools/analyzers/job-analyzer tez-tools/tez-javadoc-tools hadoop-shim-impls hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.8 tez-dist docs . hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.7 tez-tools/tez-tfile-parser U: . |
| Console output | |
| versions | git=2.17.1 maven=3.6.0 jshint=2.12.0 hadolint=1.11.1-0-g0e692dd pylint=1.9.2 findbugs=3.0.1 |
| Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 |

Cleaning up docker image used for testing.

                              Finished build.

Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Archiving artifacts
[Fast Archiver] No prior successful build to compare, so performing full copy of artifacts
Recording test results

Build failed in Jenkins: Tez-qbt-0.10-Build #24

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[bodorlaszlo0202] TEZ-4264: Make vertex id available from MROutputCommitter (Marton Bod via László Bodor)

[noreply] TEZ-4268: Buffer File Read of TEZ AM Local Resources PB File (#91)

[...truncated 23.89 KB...]
                           hadolint plugin: full

                       maven site verification: full

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean site site:stage > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   8m 23s

                       Checking for long paths: full

0 files in the source tree with paths longer that 240.

                            pylint plugin: full

Running pylint against identified python scripts.

                          shellcheck plugin: full

Running shellcheck against all suspected shell scripts

                      Checking for whitespace issues.

                          XML verification: full

                        javadoc verification: full

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean javadoc:javadoc -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   1m 36s

                        findbugs detection: master

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> test-compile findbugs:findbugs -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   5m 22s

Building findbugs database(s) using /usr for executables.

root in master has 2 extant findbugs warnings.

                            Running unit tests

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean test -fae > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:  72m 40s

root in the source failed.

                 Determining number of ASF License errors

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> -fn apache-rat:check > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   0m 28s

There appear to be 0 ASF License warnings after applying the patch.

Total Elapsed time: 105m 40s

             Writing Brief Text Report to /precommit/brief.txt

                         Adding comment to Gitlab

Gitlab Plugin: no credentials provided to write a comment.

                   Writing HTML to /precommit/report.htm

-1 overall

| Vote |        Subsystem |  Runtime   | Comment
|   0  |          reexec  |   1m 26s   | Docker mode activated. 
|      |                  |            | Prechecks 
|  +1  |         dupname  |   0m  8s   | No case conflicting files found. 
|   0  |        yamllint  |   0m  8s   | yamllint was not available. 
|   0  |    markdownlint  |   0m  8s   | markdownlint was not available. 
|   0  |       shelldocs  |   0m  9s   | Shelldocs was not available. 
|   0  |       prototool  |   0m  0s   | prototool was not available. 
|      |                  |            | Compile Tests 
|   0  |          mvndep  |   0m 27s   | Maven dependency ordering 
|  +1  |      mvninstall  |   4m 34s   | the source passed 
|  +1  |          jshint  |   6m 15s   | There were no new jshint issues. 
|  +1  |         compile  |   1m 26s   | the source passed 
|  +1  |              cc  |   1m 26s   | the source passed 
|  -1  |           javac  |   1m 26s   | root has 38 issues. 
|  -1  |         @author  |   0m  1s   | The source tree appears to contain 6 
|      |                  |            | @author tags which the community has
|      |                  |            | agreed to not allow in code
|      |                  |            | contributions.
|  -0  |      checkstyle  |   0m 41s   | root: The source tree has 10129 
|      |                  |            | issues.
|  +1  |        hadolint  |   0m  2s   | There were no new hadolint issues. 
|  +1  |         mvnsite  |   8m 23s   | the source passed 
|  -0  |          pylint  |   0m  8s   | The source tree has 788 issues. 
|  -1  |      shellcheck  |   0m  2s   | The source tree has 147 issues. 
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  0s   | The source tree has 3981 line(s) that 
|      |                  |            | end in whitespace.
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  0s   | The source tree 547 line(s) with tabs. 
|  +1  |             xml  |   1m 17s   | The source tree has no ill-formed XML 
|      |                  |            | file.
|  +1  |         javadoc  |   1m 36s   | the source passed 
|   0  |        spotbugs  |   5m 29s   | Used deprecated FindBugs config; 
|      |                  |            | considering switching to SpotBugs.
|  -1  |        findbugs  |   5m 23s   | root in master has 2 extant findbugs 
|      |                  |            | warnings.
|      |                  |            | Other Tests 
|  -1  |            unit  |  72m 40s   | root in the source failed. 
|  +1  |      asflicense  |   0m 28s   | The source tree does not generate ASF 
|      |                  |            | License warnings.
|      |                  | 105m 40s   | 

|| Subsystem || Report/Notes ||
| Docker | ClientAPI=1.41 ServerAPI=1.41 base: |
| Optional Tests | dupname asflicense yamllint markdownlint shellcheck shelldocs hadolint javac javadoc unit xml compile mvnsite spotbugs findbugs checkstyle cc prototool pylint jshint |
| uname | Linux ab007839684c 4.15.0-101-generic #102-Ubuntu SMP Mon May 11 10:07:26 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
| Build tool | maven |
| Personality | personality/ |
| git revision | master / 7374b69ed |
| Default Java | Private Build-1.8.0_275-8u275-b01-0ubuntu1~18.04-b01 |
| javac | |
| @author | |
| checkstyle | |
| pylint | |
| shellcheck | |
| whitespace | |
| whitespace | |
| findbugs | |
| unit | |
|  Test Results | |
| Max. process+thread count | 1516 (vs. ulimit of 5500) |
| modules | C: hadoop-shim tez-api tez-build-tools tez-common tez-runtime-internals tez-runtime-library tez-mapreduce tez-examples tez-dag tez-tests tez-ext-service-tests tez-ui tez-plugins tez-plugins/tez-protobuf-history-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-acls tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-cache-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-fs tez-plugins/tez-history-parser tez-plugins/tez-aux-services tez-tools tez-tools/analyzers tez-tools/analyzers/job-analyzer tez-tools/tez-javadoc-tools hadoop-shim-impls hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.8 tez-dist docs . hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.7 tez-tools/tez-tfile-parser U: . |
| Console output | |
| versions | git=2.17.1 maven=3.6.0 jshint=2.12.0 hadolint=1.11.1-0-g0e692dd pylint=1.9.2 findbugs=3.0.1 |
| Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 |

Cleaning up docker image used for testing.

                              Finished build.

Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Archiving artifacts
[Fast Archiver] No prior successful build to compare, so performing full copy of artifacts
Recording test results

Build failed in Jenkins: Tez-qbt-0.10-Build #23

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[Jonathan Turner Eagles] TEZ-4265. Tez UI doesn't show Load Counters button if any of the Dags have them

[...truncated 24.44 KB...]
                           hadolint plugin: full

                       maven site verification: full

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean site site:stage > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   8m 20s

                       Checking for long paths: full

0 files in the source tree with paths longer that 240.

                            pylint plugin: full

Running pylint against identified python scripts.

                          shellcheck plugin: full

Running shellcheck against all suspected shell scripts

                      Checking for whitespace issues.

                          XML verification: full

                        javadoc verification: full

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean javadoc:javadoc -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   1m 34s

                        findbugs detection: master

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> test-compile findbugs:findbugs -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   5m 26s

Building findbugs database(s) using /usr for executables.

root in master has 2 extant findbugs warnings.

                            Running unit tests

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean test -fae > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:  70m 57s

root in the source failed.

                 Determining number of ASF License errors

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> -fn apache-rat:check > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   0m 28s

There appear to be 0 ASF License warnings after applying the patch.

Total Elapsed time: 104m  1s

             Writing Brief Text Report to /precommit/brief.txt

                         Adding comment to Gitlab

Gitlab Plugin: no credentials provided to write a comment.

                   Writing HTML to /precommit/report.htm

-1 overall

| Vote |        Subsystem |  Runtime   | Comment
|   0  |          reexec  |   1m 22s   | Docker mode activated. 
|      |                  |            | Prechecks 
|  +1  |         dupname  |   0m  8s   | No case conflicting files found. 
|   0  |        yamllint  |   0m  8s   | yamllint was not available. 
|   0  |    markdownlint  |   0m  8s   | markdownlint was not available. 
|   0  |       shelldocs  |   0m  8s   | Shelldocs was not available. 
|   0  |       prototool  |   0m  0s   | prototool was not available. 
|      |                  |            | Compile Tests 
|   0  |          mvndep  |   0m 33s   | Maven dependency ordering 
|  +1  |      mvninstall  |   4m 35s   | the source passed 
|  +1  |          jshint  |   6m 17s   | There were no new jshint issues. 
|  +1  |         compile  |   1m 25s   | the source passed 
|  +1  |              cc  |   1m 25s   | the source passed 
|  -1  |           javac  |   1m 25s   | root has 38 issues. 
|  -1  |         @author  |   0m  1s   | The source tree appears to contain 6 
|      |                  |            | @author tags which the community has
|      |                  |            | agreed to not allow in code
|      |                  |            | contributions.
|  -0  |      checkstyle  |   0m 41s   | root: The source tree has 10128 
|      |                  |            | issues.
|  +1  |        hadolint  |   0m  2s   | There were no new hadolint issues. 
|  +1  |         mvnsite  |   8m 20s   | the source passed 
|  -0  |          pylint  |   0m  9s   | The source tree has 788 issues. 
|  -1  |      shellcheck  |   0m  2s   | The source tree has 147 issues. 
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  0s   | The source tree has 3981 line(s) that 
|      |                  |            | end in whitespace.
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  0s   | The source tree 547 line(s) with tabs. 
|  +1  |             xml  |   1m 17s   | The source tree has no ill-formed XML 
|      |                  |            | file.
|  +1  |         javadoc  |   1m 34s   | the source passed 
|   0  |        spotbugs  |   5m 33s   | Used deprecated FindBugs config; 
|      |                  |            | considering switching to SpotBugs.
|  -1  |        findbugs  |   5m 28s   | root in master has 2 extant findbugs 
|      |                  |            | warnings.
|      |                  |            | Other Tests 
|  -1  |            unit  |  70m 57s   | root in the source failed. 
|  +1  |      asflicense  |   0m 28s   | The source tree does not generate ASF 
|      |                  |            | License warnings.
|      |                  | 104m  1s   | 

|| Subsystem || Report/Notes ||
| Docker | ClientAPI=1.41 ServerAPI=1.41 base: |
| Optional Tests | dupname asflicense yamllint markdownlint shellcheck shelldocs hadolint javac javadoc unit xml compile mvnsite spotbugs findbugs checkstyle cc prototool pylint jshint |
| uname | Linux 0d82b2c2a123 4.15.0-101-generic #102-Ubuntu SMP Mon May 11 10:07:26 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
| Build tool | maven |
| Personality | personality/ |
| git revision | master / f481d3899 |
| Default Java | Private Build-1.8.0_275-8u275-b01-0ubuntu1~18.04-b01 |
| javac | |
| @author | |
| checkstyle | |
| pylint | |
| shellcheck | |
| whitespace | |
| whitespace | |
| findbugs | |
| unit | |
|  Test Results | |
| Max. process+thread count | 1506 (vs. ulimit of 5500) |
| modules | C: hadoop-shim tez-api tez-build-tools tez-common tez-runtime-internals tez-runtime-library tez-mapreduce tez-examples tez-dag tez-tests tez-ext-service-tests tez-ui tez-plugins tez-plugins/tez-protobuf-history-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-acls tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-cache-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-fs tez-plugins/tez-history-parser tez-plugins/tez-aux-services tez-tools tez-tools/analyzers tez-tools/analyzers/job-analyzer tez-tools/tez-javadoc-tools hadoop-shim-impls hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.8 tez-dist docs . hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.7 tez-tools/tez-tfile-parser U: . |
| Console output | |
| versions | git=2.17.1 maven=3.6.0 jshint=2.12.0 hadolint=1.11.1-0-g0e692dd pylint=1.9.2 findbugs=3.0.1 |
| Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 |

Cleaning up docker image used for testing.

                              Finished build.

Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Archiving artifacts
[Fast Archiver] No prior successful build to compare, so performing full copy of artifacts
Recording test results

Build failed in Jenkins: Tez-qbt-0.10-Build #22

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>


[noreply] TEZ-4095: Review of Debug Logging (#87)

[...truncated 376.39 KB...]
                           hadolint plugin: full

                       maven site verification: full

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean site site:stage > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   9m 40s

                       Checking for long paths: full

0 files in the source tree with paths longer that 240.

                            pylint plugin: full

Running pylint against identified python scripts.

                          shellcheck plugin: full

Running shellcheck against all suspected shell scripts

                      Checking for whitespace issues.

                          XML verification: full

                        javadoc verification: full

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean javadoc:javadoc -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   1m 46s

                        findbugs detection: master

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> test-compile findbugs:findbugs -DskipTests=true > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   6m 43s

Building findbugs database(s) using /usr for executables.

root in master has 2 extant findbugs warnings.

                            Running unit tests

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> clean test -fae > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:  71m 17s

root in the source failed.

                 Determining number of ASF License errors

cd <>
/usr/bin/mvn --batch-mode -Dmaven.repo.local=<> -fn apache-rat:check > <> 2>&1
Elapsed:   0m 38s

There appear to be 0 ASF License warnings after applying the patch.

Total Elapsed time: 131m 54s

             Writing Brief Text Report to /precommit/brief.txt

                         Adding comment to Gitlab

Gitlab Plugin: no credentials provided to write a comment.

                   Writing HTML to /precommit/report.htm

-1 overall

| Vote |        Subsystem |  Runtime   | Comment
|   0  |          reexec  |  17m 36s   | Docker mode activated. 
|      |                  |            | Prechecks 
|  +1  |         dupname  |   0m  8s   | No case conflicting files found. 
|   0  |        yamllint  |   0m  8s   | yamllint was not available. 
|   0  |    markdownlint  |   0m  8s   | markdownlint was not available. 
|   0  |       shelldocs  |   0m  8s   | Shelldocs was not available. 
|   0  |       prototool  |   0m  0s   | prototool was not available. 
|      |                  |            | Compile Tests 
|   0  |          mvndep  |   4m 44s   | Maven dependency ordering 
|  +1  |      mvninstall  |   7m 54s   | the source passed 
|  +1  |          jshint  |   6m 19s   | There were no new jshint issues. 
|  +1  |         compile  |   1m 25s   | the source passed 
|  +1  |              cc  |   1m 25s   | the source passed 
|  -1  |           javac  |   1m 25s   | root has 38 issues. 
|  -1  |         @author  |   0m  0s   | The source tree appears to contain 6 
|      |                  |            | @author tags which the community has
|      |                  |            | agreed to not allow in code
|      |                  |            | contributions.
|  -0  |      checkstyle  |   1m 27s   | root: The source tree has 10128 
|      |                  |            | issues.
|  +1  |        hadolint  |   0m  1s   | There were no new hadolint issues. 
|  +1  |         mvnsite  |   9m 40s   | the source passed 
|  -0  |          pylint  |   0m  7s   | The source tree has 788 issues. 
|  -1  |      shellcheck  |   0m  1s   | The source tree has 147 issues. 
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  0s   | The source tree has 3981 line(s) that 
|      |                  |            | end in whitespace.
|  -1  |      whitespace  |   0m  0s   | The source tree 547 line(s) with tabs. 
|  +1  |             xml  |   1m 24s   | The source tree has no ill-formed XML 
|      |                  |            | file.
|  +1  |         javadoc  |   1m 46s   | the source passed 
|   0  |        spotbugs  |   6m 49s   | Used deprecated FindBugs config; 
|      |                  |            | considering switching to SpotBugs.
|  -1  |        findbugs  |   6m 46s   | root in master has 2 extant findbugs 
|      |                  |            | warnings.
|      |                  |            | Other Tests 
|  -1  |            unit  |  71m 17s   | root in the source failed. 
|  +1  |      asflicense  |   0m 38s   | The source tree does not generate ASF 
|      |                  |            | License warnings.
|      |                  | 131m 54s   | 

|| Subsystem || Report/Notes ||
| Docker | ClientAPI=1.40 ServerAPI=1.40 base: |
| Optional Tests | dupname asflicense yamllint markdownlint shellcheck shelldocs hadolint javac javadoc unit xml compile mvnsite spotbugs findbugs checkstyle cc prototool pylint jshint |
| uname | Linux 58fb65f52a23 4.15.0-101-generic #102-Ubuntu SMP Mon May 11 10:07:26 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux |
| Build tool | maven |
| Personality | personality/ |
| git revision | master / c2d48a688 |
| Default Java | Private Build-1.8.0_275-8u275-b01-0ubuntu1~18.04-b01 |
| javac | |
| @author | |
| checkstyle | |
| pylint | |
| shellcheck | |
| whitespace | |
| whitespace | |
| findbugs | |
| unit | |
|  Test Results | |
| Max. process+thread count | 1542 (vs. ulimit of 5500) |
| modules | C: hadoop-shim tez-api tez-build-tools tez-common tez-runtime-internals tez-runtime-library tez-mapreduce tez-examples tez-dag tez-tests tez-ext-service-tests tez-ui tez-plugins tez-plugins/tez-protobuf-history-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-acls tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-cache-plugin tez-plugins/tez-yarn-timeline-history-with-fs tez-plugins/tez-history-parser tez-plugins/tez-aux-services tez-tools tez-tools/analyzers tez-tools/tez-javadoc-tools hadoop-shim-impls hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.8 tez-dist docs . hadoop-shim-impls/hadoop-shim-2.7 tez-tools/analyzers/job-analyzer tez-tools/tez-tfile-parser U: . |
| Console output | |
| versions | git=2.17.1 maven=3.6.0 jshint=2.12.0 hadolint=1.11.1-0-g0e692dd pylint=1.9.2 findbugs=3.0.1 |
| Powered by | Apache Yetus 0.12.0 |

Cleaning up docker image used for testing.

                              Finished build.

Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Archiving artifacts
[Fast Archiver] No prior successful build to compare, so performing full copy of artifacts
Recording test results