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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2021/11/15 11:25:28 UTC

[GitHub] [tvm] manupa-arm commented on a change in pull request #9508: [microNPU] Update Conv2D Tests to Use TF API to Gen Test Cases

manupa-arm commented on a change in pull request #9508:

File path: tests/python/contrib/test_ethosu/
@@ -30,9 +30,8 @@
 from tvm.relay.op.contrib import ethosu
 from tvm.relay.build_module import bind_params_by_name
-from . import relay_ir_builder
 from . import infra

Review comment:
       Same goes to this one as well

File path: tests/python/contrib/test_ethosu/
@@ -48,122 +46,147 @@ def get_shape_expr(in_expr, out_expr):
     return shape
-    "accel_type",
-def test_ethosu_conv2d(accel_type):
-    def create_graph_single(input_tensor_name, input_tensor_shape, input_tensor_dtype):
-        c1_params = relay_ir_builder.QnnConv2DParams(input_tensor_dtype)
- = input_tensor_shape
-        c1_params.kernel.shape = (3, 3,[3], 32)
- = relay.const(np.random.rand(32) * 2, "float32")
-        c1_params.strides = (1, 1)
-        c1_params.pad = "VALID"
-        c1_params.update_output_qnn_params(
-            input_tensor_dtype, input_tensor_dtype, input_tensor_dtype
-        )
-        input0 = relay.var(input_tensor_name,,
-        c1, new_params = relay_ir_builder.create_qnn_conv2d(c1_params, input0)
-        c1_params.ofm.shape = get_shape_expr(input0, c1)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("ifm_shape", [(1, 299, 299, 3), (1, 55, 55, 3)])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("kernel_shape", [(3, 2, 3, 3), (1, 3, 3, 3)])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("padding", ["SAME", "VALID"])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("accel_type", ACCEL_TYPES)
+def test_ethosu_conv2d(ifm_shape, kernel_shape, padding, accel_type):
+    dtype = "int8"
-        f = relay.Function([input0], c1)
-        mod = tvm.IRModule()
-        mod["main"] = f
-        return mod, [c1_params]
-    def create_graph_double(input_tensor_name, input_tensor_shape, input_tensor_dtype):
-        c1_params = relay_ir_builder.QnnConv2DParams(input_tensor_dtype)
- = input_tensor_shape
-        c1_params.kernel.shape = (7, 7,[3], 8)
-        c1_params.strides = (2, 2)
-        c1_params.pad = "VALID"
-        c1_params.update_output_qnn_params(
-            input_tensor_dtype, input_tensor_dtype, input_tensor_dtype
-        )
-        input0 = relay.var(input_tensor_name,,
-        c1, new_params = relay_ir_builder.create_qnn_conv2d(c1_params, input0)
-        c1_params.ofm.shape = get_shape_expr(input0, c1)
-        c2_params = relay_ir_builder.QnnConv2DParams(input_tensor_dtype)
- = c1_params.ofm.shape
-        c2_params.kernel.shape = (5, 5,[3], 16)
-        c2_params.strides = (1, 1)
-        c2_params.pad = "SAME"
-        c2_params.update_output_qnn_params()
-        c2, new_params = relay_ir_builder.create_qnn_conv2d(c2_params, c1)
-        c2_params.ofm.shape = get_shape_expr(input0, c2)
-        f = relay.Function([input0], c2)
-        mod = tvm.IRModule()
-        mod["main"] = f
-        return mod, [c2_params, c1_params]
-    def create_graph_activation(input_tensor_name, input_tensor_shape, input_tensor_dtype):
-        c1_params = relay_ir_builder.QnnConv2DParams(input_tensor_dtype)
- = input_tensor_shape
-        c1_params.kernel.shape = (7, 7,[3], 8)
-        c1_params.strides = (2, 2)
-        c1_params.pad = "VALID"
-        c1_params.activation = "CLIP"
-        c1_params.clip_min = 90
-        c1_params.clip_max = 110
-        c1_params.update_output_qnn_params(
-            input_tensor_dtype, input_tensor_dtype, input_tensor_dtype
+    def create_tflite_graph_single():
+        class Model(tf.Module):
+            @tf.function
+            def tf_function(self, x):
+                # Use tf.nn API to create the model
+                op = tf.nn.conv2d(
+                    x,
+                    filters=tf.constant(np.random.uniform(size=kernel_shape), dtype=tf.float32),
+                    strides=(1, 1),
+                    padding=padding,
+                    data_format="NHWC",
+                    dilations=1,
+                )
+                return op
+        model = Model()
+        concrete_func = model.tf_function.get_concrete_function(
+            tf.TensorSpec(ifm_shape, dtype=tf.float32)
-        input0 = relay.var(input_tensor_name,,
-        c1, new_params = relay_ir_builder.create_qnn_conv2d(c1_params, input0)
-        c1_params.ofm.shape = get_shape_expr(input0, c1)
-        c2_params = relay_ir_builder.QnnConv2DParams(input_tensor_dtype)
- = c1_params.ofm.shape
-        c2_params.kernel.shape = (5, 5,[3], 16)
-        c2_params.strides = (1, 1)
-        c2_params.pad = "SAME"
-        c2_params.update_output_qnn_params()
-        c2, new_params = relay_ir_builder.create_qnn_conv2d(c2_params, c1)
-        c2_params.ofm.shape = get_shape_expr(input0, c2)
-        f = relay.Function([input0], c2)
-        mod = tvm.IRModule()
-        mod["main"] = f
-        return mod, [c2_params, c1_params]
-    test_cases = [
-        (create_graph_single, ["input", (1, 300, 300, 3), "int8"]),
-        (create_graph_double, ["input", (1, 128, 256, 4), "int8"]),
-        (create_graph_activation, ["input", (1, 64, 100, 4), "int8"]),
-    ]
-    np.random.seed(42)
-    for test_case in test_cases:
-        relay_module, conv_params = test_case[0](*test_case[1])
-        input_tensor, input_shape, input_dtype = test_case[1]
-        mod = partition_for_ethosu(relay_module)
-        # Generate reference data
-        in_min, in_max = util.get_range_for_dtype_str(input_dtype)
-        input_data = {
-            input_tensor: np.random.randint(
-                in_min, high=in_max, size=input_shape, dtype=input_dtype
-            )
-        }
-        output_data = generate_ref_data(relay_module, input_data)
-        compiled_models = infra.build_source(
-            mod, input_data, output_data, accel_type, output_tolerance=1
+        # Convert the model
+        def representative_dataset():
+            for _ in range(100):
+                data = np.random.rand(*tuple(ifm_shape))
+                yield [data.astype(np.float32)]
+        converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_concrete_functions([concrete_func])
+        converter.optimizations = [tf.lite.Optimize.DEFAULT]
+        converter.representative_dataset = representative_dataset
+        converter.target_spec.supported_ops = [tf.lite.OpsSet.TFLITE_BUILTINS_INT8]
+        converter.inference_input_type = tf.int8
+        converter.inference_output_type = tf.int8
+        tflite_model = converter.convert()
+        return tflite_model
+    def create_tflite_graph_double():
+        class Model(tf.Module):
+            @tf.function
+            def tf_function_double(self, x):
+                # Use tf.nn API to create the model with two convolutions
+                op = tf.nn.conv2d(
+                    x,
+                    filters=tf.constant(np.random.uniform(size=kernel_shape), dtype=tf.float32),
+                    strides=(1, 1),
+                    padding=padding,
+                    data_format="NHWC",
+                    dilations=1,
+                )
+                # Second convolution
+                op2 = tf.nn.conv2d(
+                    op,
+                    filters=tf.constant(np.random.uniform(size=kernel_shape), dtype=tf.float32),
+                    strides=(1, 1),
+                    padding=padding,
+                    data_format="NHWC",
+                    dilations=2,
+                )
+                return op2
+        model = Model()
+        concrete_func = model.tf_function_double.get_concrete_function(
+            tf.TensorSpec(ifm_shape, dtype=tf.float32)
-        # Assumes only two runtime.Modules are created -- i.e. single offload module
-        imported_modules = compiled_models[0].executor_factory.lib.imported_modules
-        assert len(imported_modules) == 2
-        ethosu_module = imported_modules[0]
-        # Verify generated C source
-        get_cs = tvm._ffi.get_global_func("runtime.module.ethosu.getcs")
-        cmms = get_cs(ethosu_module)
-        cmms = bytes.fromhex(cmms)
-        infra.print_payload(cmms)
-        infra.verify_source(compiled_models, accel_type)
+        # Convert the model
+        def representative_dataset():
+            for _ in range(100):
+                data = np.random.rand(*tuple(ifm_shape))
+                yield [data.astype(np.float32)]
+        converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_concrete_functions([concrete_func])
+        converter.optimizations = [tf.lite.Optimize.DEFAULT]
+        converter.representative_dataset = representative_dataset
+        converter.target_spec.supported_ops = [tf.lite.OpsSet.TFLITE_BUILTINS_INT8]
+        converter.inference_input_type = tf.int8
+        converter.inference_output_type = tf.int8
+        tflite_model = converter.convert()
+        return tflite_model
+    tflite_graph_single = create_tflite_graph_single()
+    tflite_model_single = tflite.Model.Model.GetRootAsModel(tflite_graph_single, 0)
+    tflite_graph_double = create_tflite_graph_double()
+    tflite_model_double = tflite.Model.Model.GetRootAsModel(tflite_graph_double, 0)

Review comment:
       I think tflite_model_double and tflite_model_single beyond this point has the same code, if I am not mistaken. Could we refactor that bit re-use the same code ?

File path: tests/python/contrib/test_ethosu/
@@ -221,135 +220,135 @@ def get_shape_expr(in_expr, out_expr):
     return shape
+def compute_ofm_shape(ifm_shape, padding, kernel_shape, strides, dilation):
+    if padding.lower() == "valid":
+        h = math.ceil((ifm_shape[1] - (kernel_shape[0] - 1) * dilation[0]) / strides[0])
+        w = math.ceil((ifm_shape[2] - (kernel_shape[1] - 1) * dilation[1]) / strides[1])
+    if padding.lower() == "same":
+        h = math.ceil(ifm_shape[1] / strides[0])
+        w = math.ceil(ifm_shape[2] / strides[1])
+    ofm_shape = [ifm_shape[0], h, w, kernel_shape[3]]
+    return ofm_shape
     "HWIO": [1, 2, 3, 0],
     "HWOI": [1, 2, 0, 3],
     "OWHI": [0, 1, 2, 3],
-def test_ethosu_conv2d_legalize():
-    def create_graph_single(input_tensor_name, input_tensor_shape, input_tensor_dtype):
-        c1_params = relay_ir_builder.QnnConv2DParams(input_tensor_dtype)
- = input_tensor_shape
-        c1_params.kernel.shape = (3, 3,[3], 32)
-        c1_params.strides = (1, 1)
-        c1_params.pad = "VALID"
-        c1_params.activation = "CLIP"
-        c1_params.clip_min = 23
-        c1_params.clip_max = 180
-        input0 = relay.var(input_tensor_name,,
-        c1, new_params = relay_ir_builder.create_qnn_conv2d(c1_params, input0)
-        c1_params.ofm.shape = get_shape_expr(input0, c1)
-        f = relay.Function([input0], c1)
-        mod = tvm.IRModule()
-        mod["main"] = f
-        return mod, [c1_params]
-    def create_graph_double(input_tensor_name, input_tensor_shape, input_tensor_dtype):
-        c1_params = relay_ir_builder.QnnConv2DParams(input_tensor_dtype)
- = input_tensor_shape
-        c1_params.kernel.shape = (7, 7,[3], 8)
-        c1_params.strides = (2, 2)
-        c1_params.pad = "VALID"
-        c1_params.activation = "CLIP"
-        c1_params.clip_min = 10
-        c1_params.clip_max = 240
-        input0 = relay.var(input_tensor_name,,
-        c1, new_params = relay_ir_builder.create_qnn_conv2d(c1_params, input0)
-        c1_params.ofm.shape = get_shape_expr(input0, c1)
-        c2_params = relay_ir_builder.QnnConv2DParams(input_tensor_dtype)
- = c1_params.ofm.shape
-        c2_params.kernel.shape = (5, 5,[3], 16)
-        c2_params.strides = (1, 1)
-        c2_params.pad = "SAME"
-        c2, new_params = relay_ir_builder.create_qnn_conv2d(c2_params, c1)
-        c2_params.ofm.shape = get_shape_expr(input0, c2)
-        f = relay.Function([input0], c2)
-        mod = tvm.IRModule()
-        mod["main"] = f
-        return mod, [c2_params, c1_params]
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("ifm_shape", [(1, 299, 299, 3), (1, 55, 55, 3)])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("kernel_shape", [(3, 2, 3, 3), (1, 3, 3, 3)])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("padding", ["SAME", "VALID"])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("strides, dilation", [((1, 1), (2, 1)), ((3, 2), (1, 1))])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("activation", [None, None])
+def test_tflite_conv_2d_legalize(ifm_shape, kernel_shape, padding, strides, dilation, activation):
+    dtype = "int8"
+    def create_tflite_graph_single():
+        class Model(tf.Module):
+            @tf.function
+            def tf_function(self, input_shape):
+                op = tf.nn.conv2d(
+                    input_shape,
+                    filters=tf.constant(np.random.uniform(size=kernel_shape), dtype=tf.float32),
+                    strides=strides,
+                    padding=padding,
+                    data_format="NHWC",
+                    dilations=dilation,
+                )
+                if activation:
+                    op = tf.nn.relu(op)
+                return op
+        model = Model()
+        concrete_func = model.tf_function.get_concrete_function(
+            tf.TensorSpec(ifm_shape, dtype=tf.float32)
+        )
+        # Convert the model
+        def representative_dataset():
+            for _ in range(100):
+                data = np.random.rand(*tuple(ifm_shape))
+                yield [data.astype(np.float32)]
-    def verify_tensor(tensor_type, expr):
-        assert list(tensor_type.shape) == list(expr.checked_type.shape)
-        assert str(tensor_type.dtype) == str(expr.checked_type.dtype)
+        converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_concrete_functions([concrete_func])
+        converter.optimizations = [tf.lite.Optimize.DEFAULT]
+        converter.representative_dataset = representative_dataset
+        converter.target_spec.supported_ops = [tf.lite.OpsSet.TFLITE_BUILTINS_INT8]
+        converter.inference_input_type = tf.int8
+        converter.inference_output_type = tf.int8
+        tflite_model = converter.convert()
+        return tflite_model
-    def verify_linear(ext_func, conv2d_params):
+    def verify(ext_func):
         op = ext_func.body
-        for param in conv2d_params:
-            verify_tensor(, op.args[0])
-            verify_tensor(param.ofm, op)
-            # This will be in OHWI layout
-            weights_ohwi = op.args[1].data.asnumpy()
-            weights_layout = str(param.kernel.layout)
-            weights = np.transpose(weights_ohwi, INVERSE_LAYOUT_TRANSFORM_OHWI_MAP[weights_layout])
-            assert weights.shape == param.kernel.shape
-            assert weights.dtype == param.kernel.dtype
-            assert list(op.args[2].checked_type.shape)[0] == weights_ohwi.shape[0]
-            assert float(op.attrs.ifm_scale) == float(
-            assert int(op.attrs.ifm_zero_point) == int(
-            assert int(op.attrs.weight_zero_point) == int(
-            assert float(op.attrs.ofm_scale) == float(
-            assert int(op.attrs.ofm_zero_point) == int(
-            assert int(op.attrs.ofm_channels) == int(weights_ohwi.shape[0])
-            assert list(op.attrs.padding) == list(param.pad)
-            assert list(op.attrs.strides) == list(param.strides)
-            assert list(op.attrs.dilation) == list(param.dilation)
-            assert str(op.attrs.activation) == str(param.activation)
-            assert int(op.attrs.clip_min) == int(param.clip_min)
-            assert int(op.attrs.clip_max) == int(param.clip_max)
-            op = op.args[0]
-    test_cases = [
-        (create_graph_single, ["input", (1, 299, 299, 3), "uint8"]),
-        (create_graph_double, ["input", (1, 128, 256, 4), "uint8"]),
-    ]
-    for test_case in test_cases:
-        mod, conv_params = test_case[0](*test_case[1])
-        mod = ethosu.partition_for_ethosu(mod)
-        mod = legalize.LegalizeConv2D()(mod)
-        verify_linear(mod["tvmgen_default_ethosu_main_0"], conv_params)
-def test_ethosu_conv2d_legalize_errors():
-    def create_graph_single_unsupported_ifm_layout(
-        input_tensor_name, input_tensor_shape, input_tensor_dtype
-    ):
-        c1_params = relay_ir_builder.QnnConv2DParams(input_tensor_dtype)
- = input_tensor_shape
- = "NCHW"
-        c1_params.kernel.shape = (3, 3,[1], 32)
-        c1_params.strides = (1, 1)
-        c1_params.pad = "VALID"
-        c1_params.activation = "CLIP"
-        c1_params.clip_min = 23
-        c1_params.clip_max = 180
-        input0 = relay.var(input_tensor_name,,
-        c1, new_params = relay_ir_builder.create_qnn_conv2d(c1_params, input0)
-        c1_params.ofm.shape = get_shape_expr(input0, c1)
-        f = relay.Function([input0], c1)
-        mod = tvm.IRModule()
-        mod["main"] = f
-        return mod, [c1_params]
+        ofm_channels = op.attrs.ofm_channels
-    test_cases = [
-        (create_graph_single_unsupported_ifm_layout, ["input", (1, 3, 299, 299), "uint8"]),
+        # check IFM
+        ifm = op.args[0].checked_type
+        assert list(ifm.shape) == list(ifm_shape)
+        assert str(ifm.dtype) == dtype
+        assert ifm.shape[3] == ofm_channels
+        # check OFM
+        ofm = op.checked_type
+        expected_ofm_shape = compute_ofm_shape(ifm_shape, padding, kernel_shape, strides, dilation)
+        assert list(ofm.shape) == list(expected_ofm_shape)
+        assert str(ofm.dtype) == dtype
+        assert ofm.shape[3] == ofm_channels
+        # check weights
+        weights_ohwi = op.args[1].data.asnumpy()
+        assert str(weights_ohwi.dtype) == dtype
+        assert weights_ohwi.shape[0] == ofm_channels
+        assert weights_ohwi.shape[1] == kernel_shape[0]
+        assert weights_ohwi.shape[2] == kernel_shape[1]
+        assert weights_ohwi.shape[3] == 3  # only depth multiplier 1 is supported
+        # Check that scale_bias matches weight tensor
+        assert list(op.args[2].checked_type.shape)[0] == ofm_channels
+        expected_padding = infra.compute_padding_shape(
+            ifm_shape,
+            expected_ofm_shape,
+            padding,
+            (kernel_shape[0], kernel_shape[1]),
+            strides,
+            dilation,
+        )
+        assert list(op.attrs.padding) == list(expected_padding)
+        assert op.attrs.ofm_channels == ofm_channels
+        assert list(op.attrs.strides) == list(strides)
+        assert list(op.attrs.dilation) == list(dilation)
+        if activation == "RELU":
+            assert str(op.attrs.activation) == "CLIP"
+    conv2d_pattern_table = [
+        (
+            ethosu.QnnConv2DParams.composite_name,
+            ethosu.qnn_conv2d_pattern(),
+            lambda pat: ethosu.QnnConv2DParams(pat).is_valid(),
+        )
-    for test_case in test_cases:
-        mod, conv_params = test_case[0](*test_case[1])
-        mod = ethosu.partition_for_ethosu(mod)
-        with pytest.raises(
-            tvm._ffi.base.TVMError, match="EthosUCodegenError: Unsupported Layout NCHW"

Review comment:
       I think we discussed and decided to remove this error as it would not be invoked from a user flow.  cc : @ekalda . 
   Please remove the following lines : and the as they are no longer needed.

File path: tests/python/contrib/test_ethosu/
@@ -17,19 +17,17 @@
 # pylint: disable=invalid-name, unused-argument
 import pytest
 import numpy as np
 import tflite.Model
 import tvm
 import tensorflow as tf
 from tvm import relay
-from tvm.relay.backend.contrib.ethosu import util
 from tvm.relay.op.contrib.ethosu import partition_for_ethosu
-from tests.python.relay.aot.aot_test_utils import generate_ref_data
-from . import relay_ir_builder
 from . import infra

Review comment:
       Lets keep this at the very top so all dependencies are satisfied -- as it originally were.

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