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svn commit: r1398858 [32/33] - in /incubator/bloodhound/vendor/trac/current: ./ contrib/ doc/ doc/api/ doc/utils/ sample-plugins/ sample-plugins/permissions/ sample-plugins/workflow/ trac/ trac/admin/ trac/admin/templates/ trac/admin/tests/ trac/db/ tr...

Added: incubator/bloodhound/vendor/trac/current/tracopt/versioncontrol/svn/
--- incubator/bloodhound/vendor/trac/current/tracopt/versioncontrol/svn/ (added)
+++ incubator/bloodhound/vendor/trac/current/tracopt/versioncontrol/svn/ Tue Oct 16 15:55:00 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,1095 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Edgewall Software
+# Copyright (C) 2005 Christopher Lenz <>
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Christian Boos <>
+# All rights reserved.
+# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+# are also available at
+# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
+# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
+# history and logs, available at
+# Author: Christopher Lenz <>
+#         Christian Boos <>
+Note about Unicode
+The Subversion bindings are not unicode-aware and they expect to
+receive UTF-8 encoded `string` parameters,
+On the other hand, all paths manipulated by Trac are `unicode`
+ * before being handed out to SVN, the Trac paths have to be encoded
+   to UTF-8, using `_to_svn()`
+ * before being handed out to Trac, a SVN path has to be decoded from
+   UTF-8, using `_from_svn()`
+Whenever a value has to be stored as utf8, we explicitly mark the
+variable name with "_utf8", in order to avoid any possible confusion.
+  `SubversionNode.get_content()` returns an object from which one can
+  read a stream of bytes. NO guarantees can be given about what that
+  stream of bytes represents. It might be some text, encoded in some
+  way or another.  SVN properties *might* give some hints about the
+  content, but they actually only reflect the beliefs of whomever set
+  those properties...
+import os.path
+import weakref
+import posixpath
+from trac.config import ListOption
+from trac.core import *
+from trac.env import ISystemInfoProvider
+from trac.versioncontrol import Changeset, Node, Repository, \
+                                IRepositoryConnector, \
+                                NoSuchChangeset, NoSuchNode
+from trac.versioncontrol.cache import CachedRepository
+from trac.util import embedded_numbers
+from trac.util.text import exception_to_unicode, to_unicode
+from trac.util.translation import _
+from trac.util.datefmt import from_utimestamp
+application_pool = None
+def _import_svn():
+    global fs, repos, core, delta, _kindmap
+    from svn import fs, repos, core, delta
+    _kindmap = {core.svn_node_dir: Node.DIRECTORY,
+                core.svn_node_file: Node.FILE}
+    # Protect svn.core methods from GC
+    Pool.apr_pool_clear = staticmethod(core.apr_pool_clear)
+    Pool.apr_pool_destroy = staticmethod(core.apr_pool_destroy)
+def _to_svn(pool, *args):
+    """Expect a pool and a list of `unicode` path components.
+    Returns an UTF-8 encoded string suitable for the Subversion python 
+    bindings (the returned path never starts with a leading "/")
+    """
+    return core.svn_path_canonicalize('/'.join(args).lstrip('/')
+                                                    .encode('utf-8'),
+                                      pool)
+def _from_svn(path):
+    """Expect an UTF-8 encoded string and transform it to an `unicode` object
+    But Subversion repositories built from conversion utilities can have
+    non-UTF-8 byte strings, so we have to convert using `to_unicode`.
+    """
+    return path and to_unicode(path, 'utf-8')
+# The following 3 helpers deal with unicode paths
+def _normalize_path(path):
+    """Remove leading "/", except for the root."""
+    return path and path.strip('/') or '/'
+def _path_within_scope(scope, fullpath):
+    """Remove the leading scope from repository paths.
+    Return `None` if the path is not is scope.
+    """
+    if fullpath is not None:
+        fullpath = fullpath.lstrip('/')
+        if scope == '/':
+            return _normalize_path(fullpath)
+        scope = scope.strip('/')
+        if (fullpath + '/').startswith(scope + '/'):
+            return fullpath[len(scope) + 1:] or '/'
+def _is_path_within_scope(scope, fullpath):
+    """Check whether the given `fullpath` is within the given `scope`"""
+    if scope == '/':
+        return fullpath is not None
+    fullpath = fullpath.lstrip('/') if fullpath else ''
+    scope = scope.strip('/')
+    return (fullpath + '/').startswith(scope + '/')
+# svn_opt_revision_t helpers
+def _svn_rev(num):
+    value = core.svn_opt_revision_value_t()
+    value.number = num
+    revision = core.svn_opt_revision_t()
+    revision.kind = core.svn_opt_revision_number
+    revision.value = value
+    return revision
+def _svn_head():
+    revision = core.svn_opt_revision_t()
+    revision.kind = core.svn_opt_revision_head
+    return revision
+# apr_pool_t helpers
+def _mark_weakpool_invalid(weakpool):
+    if weakpool():
+        weakpool()._mark_invalid()
+class Pool(object):
+    """A Pythonic memory pool object"""
+    def __init__(self, parent_pool=None):
+        """Create a new memory pool"""
+        global application_pool
+        self._parent_pool = parent_pool or application_pool
+        # Create pool
+        if self._parent_pool:
+            self._pool = core.svn_pool_create(self._parent_pool())
+        else:
+            # If we are an application-level pool,
+            # then initialize APR and set this pool
+            # to be the application-level pool
+            core.apr_initialize()
+            application_pool = self
+            self._pool = core.svn_pool_create(None)
+        self._mark_valid()
+    def __call__(self):
+        return self._pool
+    def valid(self):
+        """Check whether this memory pool and its parents
+        are still valid"""
+        return hasattr(self,"_is_valid")
+    def assert_valid(self):
+        """Assert that this memory_pool is still valid."""
+        assert self.valid()
+    def clear(self):
+        """Clear embedded memory pool. Invalidate all subpools."""
+        self.apr_pool_clear(self._pool)
+        self._mark_valid()
+    def destroy(self):
+        """Destroy embedded memory pool. If you do not destroy
+        the memory pool manually, Python will destroy it
+        automatically."""
+        global application_pool
+        self.assert_valid()
+        # Destroy pool
+        self.apr_pool_destroy(self._pool)
+        # Clear application pool and terminate APR if necessary
+        if not self._parent_pool:
+            application_pool = None
+        self._mark_invalid()
+    def __del__(self):
+        """Automatically destroy memory pools, if necessary"""
+        if self.valid():
+            self.destroy()
+    def _mark_valid(self):
+        """Mark pool as valid"""
+        if self._parent_pool:
+            # Refer to self using a weakreference so that we don't
+            # create a reference cycle
+            weakself = weakref.ref(self)
+            # Set up callbacks to mark pool as invalid when parents
+            # are destroyed
+            self._weakref = weakref.ref(self._parent_pool._is_valid,
+                                        lambda x: \
+                                        _mark_weakpool_invalid(weakself))
+        # mark pool as valid
+        self._is_valid = lambda: 1
+    def _mark_invalid(self):
+        """Mark pool as invalid"""
+        if self.valid():
+            # Mark invalid
+            del self._is_valid
+            # Free up memory
+            del self._parent_pool
+            if hasattr(self, "_weakref"):
+                del self._weakref
+class SvnCachedRepository(CachedRepository):
+    """Subversion-specific cached repository, zero-pads revision numbers
+    in the cache tables.
+    """
+    has_linear_changesets = True
+    def db_rev(self, rev):
+        return '%010d' % rev
+    def rev_db(self, rev):
+        return int(rev or 0)
+class SubversionConnector(Component):
+    implements(ISystemInfoProvider, IRepositoryConnector)
+    branches = ListOption('svn', 'branches', 'trunk, branches/*', doc=
+        """Comma separated list of paths categorized as branches.
+        If a path ends with '*', then all the directory entries found below 
+        that path will be included. 
+        Example: `/trunk, /branches/*, /projectAlpha/trunk, /sandbox/*`
+        """)
+    tags = ListOption('svn', 'tags', 'tags/*', doc=
+        """Comma separated list of paths categorized as tags.
+        If a path ends with '*', then all the directory entries found below
+        that path will be included.
+        Example: `/tags/*, /projectAlpha/tags/A-1.0, /projectAlpha/tags/A-v1.1`
+        """)
+    error = None
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._version = None
+        try:
+            _import_svn()
+            self.log.debug('Subversion bindings imported')
+        except ImportError, e:
+            self.error = e
+  'Failed to load Subversion bindings', exc_info=True)
+        else:
+            version = (core.SVN_VER_MAJOR, core.SVN_VER_MINOR,
+                       core.SVN_VER_MICRO)
+            self._version = '%d.%d.%d' % version + core.SVN_VER_TAG
+            if version[0] < 1:
+                self.error = _("Subversion >= 1.0 required, found %(version)s",
+                               version=self._version)
+            Pool()
+    # ISystemInfoProvider methods
+    def get_system_info(self):
+        if self._version is not None:
+            yield 'Subversion', self._version
+    # IRepositoryConnector methods
+    def get_supported_types(self):
+        prio = 1
+        if self.error:
+            prio = -1
+        yield ("direct-svnfs", prio * 4)
+        yield ("svnfs", prio * 4)
+        yield ("svn", prio * 2)
+    def get_repository(self, type, dir, params):
+        """Return a `SubversionRepository`.
+        The repository is wrapped in a `CachedRepository`, unless `type` is
+        'direct-svnfs'.
+        """
+        params.update(tags=self.tags, branches=self.branches)
+        repos = SubversionRepository(dir, params, self.log)
+        if type != 'direct-svnfs':
+            repos = SvnCachedRepository(self.env, repos, self.log)
+        return repos
+class SubversionRepository(Repository):
+    """Repository implementation based on the svn.fs API."""
+    has_linear_changesets = True
+    def __init__(self, path, params, log):
+        self.log = log
+        self.pool = Pool()
+        # Remove any trailing slash or else subversion might abort
+        if isinstance(path, unicode):
+            path_utf8 = path.encode('utf-8')
+        else: # note that this should usually not happen (unicode arg expected)
+            path_utf8 = to_unicode(path).encode('utf-8')
+        path_utf8 = os.path.normpath(path_utf8).replace('\\', '/')
+        self.path = path_utf8.decode('utf-8')
+        root_path_utf8 = repos.svn_repos_find_root_path(path_utf8, self.pool())
+        if root_path_utf8 is None:
+            raise TracError(_("%(path)s does not appear to be a Subversion "
+                              "repository.", path=to_unicode(path_utf8)))
+        try:
+            self.repos = repos.svn_repos_open(root_path_utf8, self.pool())
+        except core.SubversionException, e:
+            raise TracError(_("Couldn't open Subversion repository %(path)s: "
+                              "%(svn_error)s", path=to_unicode(path_utf8),
+                              svn_error=exception_to_unicode(e)))
+        self.fs_ptr = repos.svn_repos_fs(self.repos)
+        self.uuid = fs.get_uuid(self.fs_ptr, self.pool())
+        self.base = 'svn:%s:%s' % (self.uuid, _from_svn(root_path_utf8))
+        name = 'svn:%s:%s' % (self.uuid, self.path)
+        Repository.__init__(self, name, params, log)
+        # if root_path_utf8 is shorter than the path_utf8, the difference is
+        # this scope (which always starts with a '/')
+        if root_path_utf8 != path_utf8:
+            self.scope = path_utf8[len(root_path_utf8):].decode('utf-8')
+            if not self.scope[-1] == '/':
+                self.scope += '/'
+        else:
+            self.scope = '/'
+        assert self.scope[0] == '/'
+        # we keep root_path_utf8 for  RA 
+        ra_prefix = 'file:///' if == 'nt' else 'file://'
+        self.ra_url_utf8 = ra_prefix + root_path_utf8
+        self.clear()
+    def clear(self, youngest_rev=None):
+        """Reset notion of `youngest` and `oldest`"""
+        self.youngest = None
+        if youngest_rev is not None:
+            self.youngest = self.normalize_rev(youngest_rev)
+        self.oldest = None
+    def __del__(self):
+        self.close()
+    def has_node(self, path, rev=None, pool=None):
+        """Check if `path` exists at `rev` (or latest if unspecified)"""
+        if not pool:
+            pool = self.pool
+        rev = self.normalize_rev(rev)
+        rev_root = fs.revision_root(self.fs_ptr, rev, pool())
+        node_type = fs.check_path(rev_root, _to_svn(pool(), self.scope, path),
+                                  pool())
+        return node_type in _kindmap
+    def normalize_path(self, path):
+        """Take any path specification and produce a path suitable for 
+        the rest of the API
+        """
+        return _normalize_path(path)
+    def normalize_rev(self, rev):
+        """Take any revision specification and produce a revision suitable
+        for the rest of the API
+        """
+        if rev is None or isinstance(rev, basestring) and \
+               rev.lower() in ('', 'head', 'latest', 'youngest'):
+            return self.youngest_rev
+        else:
+            try:
+                rev = int(rev)
+                if rev <= self.youngest_rev:
+                    return rev
+            except (ValueError, TypeError):
+                pass
+            raise NoSuchChangeset(rev)
+    def close(self):
+        """Dispose of low-level resources associated to this repository."""
+        if self.pool:
+            self.pool.destroy()
+        self.repos = self.fs_ptr = self.pool = None
+    def get_base(self):
+        """Retrieve the base path corresponding to the Subversion
+        repository itself. 
+        This is the same as the `.path` property minus the
+        intra-repository scope, if one was specified.
+        """
+        return self.base
+    def _get_tags_or_branches(self, paths):
+        """Retrieve known branches or tags."""
+        for path in self.params.get(paths, []):
+            if path.endswith('*'):
+                folder = posixpath.dirname(path)
+                try:
+                    entries = [n for n in self.get_node(folder).get_entries()]
+                    for node in sorted(entries, key=lambda n: 
+                                       embedded_numbers(n.path.lower())):
+                        if node.kind == Node.DIRECTORY:
+                            yield node
+                except Exception: # no right (TODO: use a specific Exception)
+                    pass
+            else:
+                try:
+                    yield self.get_node(path)
+                except Exception: # no right
+                    pass
+    def get_quickjump_entries(self, rev):
+        """Retrieve known branches, as (name, id) pairs.
+        Purposedly ignores `rev` and always takes the last revision.
+        """
+        for n in self._get_tags_or_branches('branches'):
+            yield 'branches', n.path, n.path, None
+        for n in self._get_tags_or_branches('tags'):
+            yield 'tags', n.path, n.created_path, n.created_rev
+    def get_path_url(self, path, rev):
+        """Retrieve the "native" URL from which this repository is reachable
+        from Subversion clients.
+        """
+        url = self.params.get('url', '').rstrip('/')
+        if url:
+            if not path or path == '/':
+                return url
+            return url + '/' + path.lstrip('/')
+    def get_changeset(self, rev):
+        """Produce a `SubversionChangeset` from given revision
+        specification"""
+        rev = self.normalize_rev(rev)
+        return SubversionChangeset(self, rev, self.scope, self.pool)
+    def get_changeset_uid(self, rev):
+        """Build a value identifying the `rev` in this repository."""
+        return (self.uuid, rev)
+    def get_node(self, path, rev=None):
+        """Produce a `SubversionNode` from given path and optionally revision
+        specifications. No revision given means use the latest.
+        """
+        path = path or ''
+        if path and path[-1] == '/':
+            path = path[:-1]
+        rev = self.normalize_rev(rev) or self.youngest_rev
+        return SubversionNode(path, rev, self, self.pool)
+    def _get_node_revs(self, path, last=None, first=None):
+        """Return the revisions affecting `path` between `first` and `last` 
+        revs. If `first` is not given, it goes down to the revision in which
+        the branch was created.
+        """
+        node = self.get_node(path, last)
+        revs = []
+        for (p, r, chg) in node.get_history():
+            if p != path or (first and r < first):
+                break
+            revs.append(r)
+        return revs
+    def _history(self, path, start, end, pool):
+        """`path` is a unicode path in the scope.
+        Generator yielding `(path, rev)` pairs, where `path` is an `unicode`
+        object. Must start with `(path, created rev)`.
+        (wraps ``fs.node_history``)
+        """
+        path_utf8 = _to_svn(pool(), self.scope, path)
+        if start < end:
+            start, end = end, start
+        if (start, end) == (1, 0): # only happens for empty repos
+            return
+        root = fs.revision_root(self.fs_ptr, start, pool())
+        # fs.node_history leaks when path doesn't exist (#6588)
+        if fs.check_path(root, path_utf8, pool()) == core.svn_node_none:
+            return
+        tmp1 = Pool(pool)
+        tmp2 = Pool(pool)
+        history_ptr = fs.node_history(root, path_utf8, tmp1())
+        cross_copies = 1
+        while history_ptr:
+            history_ptr = fs.history_prev(history_ptr, cross_copies, tmp2())
+            tmp1.clear()
+            tmp1, tmp2 = tmp2, tmp1
+            if history_ptr:
+                path_utf8, rev = fs.history_location(history_ptr, tmp2())
+                tmp2.clear()
+                if rev < end:
+                    break
+                path = _from_svn(path_utf8)
+                yield path, rev
+        del tmp1
+        del tmp2
+    def _previous_rev(self, rev, path='', pool=None):
+        if rev > 1: # don't use oldest here, as it's too expensive
+            for _, prev in self._history(path, 1, rev-1, pool or self.pool):
+                return prev
+        return None
+    def get_oldest_rev(self):
+        """Gives an approximation of the oldest revision."""
+        if self.oldest is None:
+            self.oldest = 1
+            # trying to figure out the oldest rev for scoped repository
+            # is too expensive and uncovers a big memory leak (#5213)
+            # if self.scope != '/':
+            #    self.oldest = self.next_rev(0, find_initial_rev=True)
+        return self.oldest
+    def get_youngest_rev(self):
+        """Retrieve the latest revision in the repository.
+        (wraps ``fs.youngest_rev``)
+        """
+        if not self.youngest:
+            self.youngest = fs.youngest_rev(self.fs_ptr, self.pool())
+            if self.scope != '/':
+                for path, rev in self._history('', 1, self.youngest, self.pool):
+                    self.youngest = rev
+                    break
+        return self.youngest
+    def previous_rev(self, rev, path=''):
+        """Return revision immediately preceeding `rev`, eventually below 
+        given `path` or globally.
+        """
+        # FIXME optimize for non-scoped
+        rev = self.normalize_rev(rev)
+        return self._previous_rev(rev, path)
+    def next_rev(self, rev, path='', find_initial_rev=False):
+        """Return revision immediately following `rev`, eventually below 
+        given `path` or globally.
+        """
+        rev = self.normalize_rev(rev)
+        next = rev + 1
+        youngest = self.youngest_rev
+        subpool = Pool(self.pool)
+        while next <= youngest:
+            subpool.clear()            
+            for _, next in self._history(path, rev+1, next, subpool):
+                return next
+            else:
+                if not find_initial_rev and \
+                         not self.has_node(path, next, subpool):
+                    return next # a 'delete' event is also interesting...
+            next += 1
+        return None
+    def rev_older_than(self, rev1, rev2):
+        """Check relative order between two revision specifications."""
+        return self.normalize_rev(rev1) < self.normalize_rev(rev2)
+    def get_path_history(self, path, rev=None, limit=None):
+        """Retrieve creation and deletion events that happened on
+        given `path`.
+        """
+        path = self.normalize_path(path)
+        rev = self.normalize_rev(rev)
+        expect_deletion = False
+        subpool = Pool(self.pool)
+        numrevs = 0
+        while rev and (not limit or numrevs < limit):
+            subpool.clear()
+            if self.has_node(path, rev, subpool):
+                if expect_deletion:
+                    # it was missing, now it's there again:
+                    #  rev+1 must be a delete
+                    numrevs += 1
+                    yield path, rev+1, Changeset.DELETE
+                newer = None # 'newer' is the previously seen history tuple
+                older = None # 'older' is the currently examined history tuple
+                for p, r in self._history(path, 1, rev, subpool):
+                    older = (_path_within_scope(self.scope, p), r,
+                             Changeset.ADD)
+                    rev = self._previous_rev(r, pool=subpool)
+                    if newer:
+                        numrevs += 1
+                        if older[0] == path:
+                            # still on the path: 'newer' was an edit
+                            yield newer[0], newer[1], Changeset.EDIT
+                        else:
+                            # the path changed: 'newer' was a copy
+                            rev = self._previous_rev(newer[1], pool=subpool)
+                            # restart before the copy op
+                            yield newer[0], newer[1], Changeset.COPY
+                            older = (older[0], older[1], 'unknown')
+                            break
+                    newer = older
+                if older:
+                    # either a real ADD or the source of a COPY
+                    numrevs += 1
+                    yield older
+            else:
+                expect_deletion = True
+                rev = self._previous_rev(rev, pool=subpool)
+    def get_changes(self, old_path, old_rev, new_path, new_rev,
+                    ignore_ancestry=0):
+        """Determine differences between two arbitrary pairs of paths
+        and revisions.
+        (wraps ``repos.svn_repos_dir_delta``)
+        """
+        def key(value):
+            return value[1].path if value[1] is not None else value[0].path
+        return iter(sorted(self._get_changes(old_path, old_rev, new_path,
+                                             new_rev, ignore_ancestry),
+                           key=key))
+    def _get_changes(self, old_path, old_rev, new_path, new_rev,
+                     ignore_ancestry):
+        old_node = new_node = None
+        old_rev = self.normalize_rev(old_rev)
+        new_rev = self.normalize_rev(new_rev)
+        if self.has_node(old_path, old_rev):
+            old_node = self.get_node(old_path, old_rev)
+        else:
+            raise NoSuchNode(old_path, old_rev, 'The Base for Diff is invalid')
+        if self.has_node(new_path, new_rev):
+            new_node = self.get_node(new_path, new_rev)
+        else:
+            raise NoSuchNode(new_path, new_rev,
+                             'The Target for Diff is invalid')
+        if new_node.kind != old_node.kind:
+            raise TracError(_('Diff mismatch: Base is a %(oldnode)s '
+                              '(%(oldpath)s in revision %(oldrev)s) and '
+                              'Target is a %(newnode)s (%(newpath)s in '
+                              'revision %(newrev)s).', oldnode=old_node.kind,
+                              oldpath=old_path, oldrev=old_rev,
+                              newnode=new_node.kind, newpath=new_path,
+                              newrev=new_rev))
+        subpool = Pool(self.pool)
+        if new_node.isdir:
+            editor = DiffChangeEditor()
+            e_ptr, e_baton = delta.make_editor(editor, subpool())
+            old_root = fs.revision_root(self.fs_ptr, old_rev, subpool())
+            new_root = fs.revision_root(self.fs_ptr, new_rev, subpool())
+            def authz_cb(root, path, pool):
+                return 1
+            text_deltas = 0 # as this is anyway re-done in
+            entry_props = 0 # "... typically used only for working copy updates"
+            repos.svn_repos_dir_delta(old_root,
+                                      _to_svn(subpool(), self.scope, old_path),
+                                      '', new_root,
+                                      _to_svn(subpool(), self.scope, new_path),
+                                      e_ptr, e_baton, authz_cb,
+                                      text_deltas,
+                                      1, # directory
+                                      entry_props,
+                                      ignore_ancestry,
+                                      subpool())
+            for path, kind, change in editor.deltas:
+                path = _from_svn(path)
+                old_node = new_node = None
+                if change != Changeset.ADD:
+                    old_node = self.get_node(posixpath.join(old_path, path),
+                                             old_rev)
+                if change != Changeset.DELETE:
+                    new_node = self.get_node(posixpath.join(new_path, path),
+                                             new_rev)
+                else:
+                    kind = _kindmap[fs.check_path(old_root,
+                                                  _to_svn(subpool(),
+                                                          self.scope,
+                                                          old_node.path),
+                                                  subpool())]
+                yield  (old_node, new_node, kind, change)
+        else:
+            old_root = fs.revision_root(self.fs_ptr, old_rev, subpool())
+            new_root = fs.revision_root(self.fs_ptr, new_rev, subpool())
+            if fs.contents_changed(old_root,
+                                   _to_svn(subpool(), self.scope, old_path),
+                                   new_root,
+                                   _to_svn(subpool(), self.scope, new_path),
+                                   subpool()):
+                yield (old_node, new_node, Node.FILE, Changeset.EDIT)
+class SubversionNode(Node):
+    def __init__(self, path, rev, repos, pool=None, parent_root=None):
+        self.fs_ptr = repos.fs_ptr
+        self.scope = repos.scope
+        self.pool = Pool(pool)
+        pool = self.pool()
+        self._scoped_path_utf8 = _to_svn(pool, self.scope, path)
+        if parent_root:
+            self.root = parent_root
+        else:
+            self.root = fs.revision_root(self.fs_ptr, rev, pool)
+        node_type = fs.check_path(self.root, self._scoped_path_utf8, pool)
+        if not node_type in _kindmap:
+            raise NoSuchNode(path, rev)
+        cp_utf8 = fs.node_created_path(self.root, self._scoped_path_utf8, pool)
+        cp = _from_svn(cp_utf8)
+        cr = fs.node_created_rev(self.root, self._scoped_path_utf8, pool)
+        # Note: `cp` differs from `path` if the last change was a copy,
+        #        In that case, `path` doesn't even exist at `cr`.
+        #        The only guarantees are:
+        #          * this node exists at (path,rev)
+        #          * the node existed at (created_path,created_rev)
+        # Also, `cp` might well be out of the scope of the repository,
+        # in this case, we _don't_ use the ''create'' information.
+        if _is_path_within_scope(self.scope, cp):
+            self.created_rev = cr
+            self.created_path = _path_within_scope(self.scope, cp)
+        else:
+            self.created_rev, self.created_path = rev, path
+        # TODO: check node id
+        Node.__init__(self, repos, path, rev, _kindmap[node_type])
+    def get_content(self):
+        """Retrieve raw content as a "read()"able object."""
+        if self.isdir:
+            return None
+        s = core.Stream(fs.file_contents(self.root, self._scoped_path_utf8,
+                                         self.pool()))
+        # The stream object needs to reference the pool to make sure the pool
+        # is not destroyed before the former.
+        s._pool = self.pool
+        return s
+    def get_entries(self):
+        """Yield `SubversionNode` corresponding to entries in this directory.
+        (wraps ``fs.dir_entries``)
+        """
+        if self.isfile:
+            return
+        pool = Pool(self.pool)
+        entries = fs.dir_entries(self.root, self._scoped_path_utf8, pool())
+        for item in entries.keys():
+            path = posixpath.join(self.path, _from_svn(item))
+            yield SubversionNode(path, self.rev, self.repos, self.pool,
+                                 self.root)
+    def get_history(self, limit=None):
+        """Yield change events that happened on this path"""
+        newer = None # 'newer' is the previously seen history tuple
+        older = None # 'older' is the currently examined history tuple
+        pool = Pool(self.pool)
+        numrevs = 0
+        for path, rev in self.repos._history(self.path, 1, self.rev, pool):
+            path = _path_within_scope(self.scope, path)
+            if rev > 0 and path:
+                older = (path, rev, Changeset.ADD)
+                if newer:
+                    if newer[0] == older[0]: # stay on same path
+                        change = Changeset.EDIT
+                    else:
+                        change = Changeset.COPY
+                    newer = (newer[0], newer[1], change)
+                    numrevs += 1
+                    yield newer
+                newer = older
+            if limit and numrevs >= limit:
+                break
+        if newer and (not limit or numrevs < limit):
+            yield newer
+    def get_annotations(self):
+        """Return a list the last changed revision for each line.
+        (wraps ``client.blame2``)
+        """
+        annotations = []
+        if self.isfile:
+            def blame_receiver(line_no, revision, author, date, line, pool):
+                annotations.append(revision)
+            try:
+                rev = _svn_rev(self.rev)
+                start = _svn_rev(0)
+                file_url_utf8 = posixpath.join(self.repos.ra_url_utf8,
+                                               self._scoped_path_utf8)
+      'opening ra_local session to %r',
+                                    file_url_utf8)
+                from svn import client
+                client.blame2(file_url_utf8, rev, start, rev, blame_receiver,
+                              client.create_context(), self.pool())
+            except (core.SubversionException, AttributeError), e:
+                # svn thinks file is a binary or blame not supported
+                raise TracError(_('svn blame failed on %(path)s: %(error)s',
+                                  path=self.path, error=to_unicode(e)))
+        return annotations
+#    def get_previous(self):
+#        # FIXME: redo it with fs.node_history
+    def get_properties(self):
+        """Return `dict` of node properties at current revision.
+        (wraps ``fs.node_proplist``)
+        """
+        props = fs.node_proplist(self.root, self._scoped_path_utf8, self.pool())
+        for name, value in props.items():
+            # Note that property values can be arbitrary binary values
+            # so we can't assume they are UTF-8 strings...
+            props[_from_svn(name)] = to_unicode(value)
+        return props
+    def get_content_length(self):
+        """Retrieve byte size of a file.
+        Return `None` for a folder. (wraps ``fs.file_length``)
+        """
+        if self.isdir:
+            return None
+        return fs.file_length(self.root, self._scoped_path_utf8, self.pool())
+    def get_content_type(self):
+        """Retrieve mime-type property of a file.
+        Return `None` for a folder. (wraps ``fs.revision_prop``)
+        """
+        if self.isdir:
+            return None
+        return self._get_prop(core.SVN_PROP_MIME_TYPE)
+    def get_last_modified(self):
+        """Retrieve timestamp of last modification, in micro-seconds.
+        (wraps ``fs.revision_prop``)
+        """
+        _date = fs.revision_prop(self.fs_ptr, self.created_rev,
+                                 core.SVN_PROP_REVISION_DATE, self.pool())
+        if not _date:
+            return None
+        return from_utimestamp(core.svn_time_from_cstring(_date, self.pool()))
+    def _get_prop(self, name):
+        return fs.node_prop(self.root, self._scoped_path_utf8, name,
+                            self.pool())
+    def get_branch_origin(self):
+        """Return the revision in which the node's path was created.
+        (wraps ``fs.revision_root_revision(fs.closest_copy)``)
+        """
+        root_and_path = fs.closest_copy(self.root, self._scoped_path_utf8)
+        if root_and_path:
+            return fs.revision_root_revision(root_and_path[0])
+    def get_copy_ancestry(self):
+        """Retrieve the list of `(path,rev)` copy ancestors of this node.
+        Most recent ancestor first. Each ancestor `(path, rev)` corresponds 
+        to the path and revision of the source at the time the copy or move
+        operation was performed.
+        """
+        ancestors = []
+        previous = (self._scoped_path_utf8, self.rev, self.root)
+        while previous:
+            (previous_path, previous_rev, previous_root) = previous
+            previous = None
+            root_path = fs.closest_copy(previous_root, previous_path)
+            if root_path:
+                (root, path) = root_path
+                path = path.lstrip('/')
+                rev = fs.revision_root_revision(root)
+                relpath = None
+                if path != previous_path:
+                    # `previous_path` is a subfolder of `path` and didn't
+                    # change since `path` was copied
+                    relpath = previous_path[len(path):].strip('/')
+                copied_from = fs.copied_from(root, path)
+                if copied_from:
+                    (rev, path) = copied_from
+                    path = path.lstrip('/')
+                    root = fs.revision_root(self.fs_ptr, rev, self.pool())
+                    if relpath:
+                        path += '/' + relpath
+                    ui_path = _path_within_scope(self.scope, _from_svn(path))
+                    if ui_path:
+                        ancestors.append((ui_path, rev))
+                    previous = (path, rev, root)
+        return ancestors
+class SubversionChangeset(Changeset):
+    def __init__(self, repos, rev, scope, pool=None):
+        self.rev = rev
+        self.scope = scope
+        self.fs_ptr = repos.fs_ptr
+        self.pool = Pool(pool)
+        try:
+            message = self._get_prop(core.SVN_PROP_REVISION_LOG)
+        except core.SubversionException:
+            raise NoSuchChangeset(rev)
+        author = self._get_prop(core.SVN_PROP_REVISION_AUTHOR)
+        # we _hope_ it's UTF-8, but can't be 100% sure (#4321)
+        message = message and to_unicode(message, 'utf-8')
+        author = author and to_unicode(author, 'utf-8')
+        _date = self._get_prop(core.SVN_PROP_REVISION_DATE)
+        if _date:
+            ts = core.svn_time_from_cstring(_date, self.pool())
+            date = from_utimestamp(ts)
+        else:
+            date = None
+        Changeset.__init__(self, repos, rev, message, author, date)
+    def get_properties(self):
+        """Retrieve `dict` of Subversion properties for this revision
+        (revprops)
+        """
+        props = fs.revision_proplist(self.fs_ptr, self.rev, self.pool())
+        properties = {}
+        for k, v in props.iteritems():
+            if k not in (core.SVN_PROP_REVISION_LOG,
+                         core.SVN_PROP_REVISION_AUTHOR,
+                         core.SVN_PROP_REVISION_DATE):
+                properties[k] = to_unicode(v)
+                # Note: the above `to_unicode` has a small probability
+                # to mess-up binary properties, like icons.
+        return properties
+    def get_changes(self):
+        """Retrieve file changes for a given revision.
+        (wraps ``repos.svn_repos_replay``)
+        """
+        pool = Pool(self.pool)
+        tmp = Pool(pool)
+        root = fs.revision_root(self.fs_ptr, self.rev, pool())
+        editor = repos.RevisionChangeCollector(self.fs_ptr, self.rev, pool())
+        e_ptr, e_baton = delta.make_editor(editor, pool())
+        repos.svn_repos_replay(root, e_ptr, e_baton, pool())
+        idx = 0
+        copies, deletions = {}, {}
+        changes = []
+        revroots = {}
+        for path_utf8, change in editor.changes.items():
+            new_path = _from_svn(path_utf8)
+            # Filtering on `path`
+            if not _is_path_within_scope(self.scope, new_path):
+                continue
+            path_utf8 = change.path
+            base_path_utf8 = change.base_path
+            path = _from_svn(path_utf8)
+            base_path = _from_svn(base_path_utf8)
+            base_rev = change.base_rev
+            change_action = getattr(change, 'action', None)
+            # Ensure `base_path` is within the scope
+            if not _is_path_within_scope(self.scope, base_path):
+                base_path, base_rev = None, -1
+            # Determine the action
+            if not path and not new_path and self.scope == '/':
+                action = Changeset.EDIT # root property change
+            elif not path or (change_action is not None
+                              and change_action == repos.CHANGE_ACTION_DELETE):
+                if new_path:            # deletion
+                    action = Changeset.DELETE
+                    deletions[new_path.lstrip('/')] = idx
+                else:                   # deletion outside of scope, ignore
+                    continue
+            elif change.added or not base_path: # add or copy
+                action = Changeset.ADD
+                if base_path and base_rev:
+                    action = Changeset.COPY
+                    copies[base_path.lstrip('/')] = idx
+            else:
+                action = Changeset.EDIT
+                # identify the most interesting base_path/base_rev
+                # in terms of last changed information (see r2562)
+                if revroots.has_key(base_rev):
+                    b_root = revroots[base_rev]
+                else:
+                    b_root = fs.revision_root(self.fs_ptr, base_rev, pool())
+                    revroots[base_rev] = b_root
+                tmp.clear()
+                cbase_path_utf8 = fs.node_created_path(b_root, base_path_utf8,
+                                                       tmp())
+                cbase_path = _from_svn(cbase_path_utf8)
+                cbase_rev = fs.node_created_rev(b_root, base_path_utf8, tmp()) 
+                # give up if the created path is outside the scope
+                if _is_path_within_scope(self.scope, cbase_path):
+                    base_path, base_rev = cbase_path, cbase_rev
+            kind = _kindmap[change.item_kind]
+            path = _path_within_scope(self.scope, new_path or base_path)
+            base_path = _path_within_scope(self.scope, base_path)
+            changes.append([path, kind, action, base_path, base_rev])
+            idx += 1
+        moves = []
+        # a MOVE is a COPY whose `base_path` corresponds to a `new_path`
+        # which has been deleted
+        for k, v in copies.items():
+            if k in deletions:
+                changes[v][2] = Changeset.MOVE
+                moves.append(deletions[k])
+        offset = 0
+        moves.sort()
+        for i in moves:
+            del changes[i - offset]
+            offset += 1
+        changes.sort()
+        for change in changes:
+            yield tuple(change)
+    def _get_prop(self, name):
+        return fs.revision_prop(self.fs_ptr, self.rev, name, self.pool())
+# Delta editor for diffs between arbitrary nodes
+# Note 1: the 'copyfrom_path' and 'copyfrom_rev' information is not used
+#         because 'repos.svn_repos_dir_delta' *doesn't* provide it.
+# Note 2: the 'dir_baton' is the path of the parent directory
+def DiffChangeEditor():
+    class DiffChangeEditor(delta.Editor): 
+        def __init__(self):
+            self.deltas = []
+        # -- callbacks
+        def open_root(self, base_revision, dir_pool):
+            return ('/', Changeset.EDIT)
+        def add_directory(self, path, dir_baton, copyfrom_path, copyfrom_rev,
+                          dir_pool):
+            self.deltas.append((path, Node.DIRECTORY, Changeset.ADD))
+            return (path, Changeset.ADD)
+        def open_directory(self, path, dir_baton, base_revision, dir_pool):
+            return (path, dir_baton[1])
+        def change_dir_prop(self, dir_baton, name, value, pool):
+            path, change = dir_baton
+            if change != Changeset.ADD:
+                self.deltas.append((path, Node.DIRECTORY, change))
+        def delete_entry(self, path, revision, dir_baton, pool):
+            self.deltas.append((path, None, Changeset.DELETE))
+        def add_file(self, path, dir_baton, copyfrom_path, copyfrom_revision,
+                     dir_pool):
+            self.deltas.append((path, Node.FILE, Changeset.ADD))
+        def open_file(self, path, dir_baton, dummy_rev, file_pool):
+            self.deltas.append((path, Node.FILE, Changeset.EDIT))
+    return DiffChangeEditor() 

Propchange: incubator/bloodhound/vendor/trac/current/tracopt/versioncontrol/svn/
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: incubator/bloodhound/vendor/trac/current/tracopt/versioncontrol/svn/
--- incubator/bloodhound/vendor/trac/current/tracopt/versioncontrol/svn/ (added)
+++ incubator/bloodhound/vendor/trac/current/tracopt/versioncontrol/svn/ Tue Oct 16 15:55:00 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Edgewall Software
+# Copyright (C) 2005 Christopher Lenz <>
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Christian Boos <>
+# All rights reserved.
+# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+# are also available at
+# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
+# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
+# history and logs, available at
+# Author: Christopher Lenz <>
+#         Christian Boos <>
+import posixpath
+from genshi.builder import tag
+from trac.config import ConfigSection
+from trac.core import *
+from trac.versioncontrol.api import NoSuchNode, RepositoryManager
+from trac.versioncontrol.web_ui.browser import IPropertyRenderer
+from trac.versioncontrol.web_ui.changeset import IPropertyDiffRenderer
+from trac.util import Ranges, to_ranges
+from trac.util.translation import _, tag_
+from tracopt.versioncontrol.svn.svn_fs import _path_within_scope
+class SubversionPropertyRenderer(Component):
+    implements(IPropertyRenderer)
+    svn_externals_section = ConfigSection('svn:externals',
+        """The TracBrowser for Subversion can interpret the `svn:externals`
+        property of folders. By default, it only turns the URLs into links as
+        Trac can't browse remote repositories.
+        However, if you have another Trac instance (or an other repository
+        browser like [ ViewVC]) configured to browse the
+        target repository, then you can instruct Trac which other repository
+        browser to use for which external URL. This mapping is done in the
+        `[svn:externals]` section of the TracIni.
+        Example:
+        {{{
+        [svn:externals]
+        1 = svn://server/repos1                       http://trac/proj1/browser/$path?rev=$rev
+        2 = svn://server/repos2                       http://trac/proj2/browser/$path?rev=$rev
+        3 =       http://ourserver/viewvc/svn/$path/?pathrev=25914
+        4 = svn://  http://ourserver/tracs/tools/browser/$path?rev=$rev
+        }}}
+        With the above, the
+        `svn://` external will
+        be mapped to `http://ourserver/tracs/tools/browser/tags/1.1/tools?rev=`
+        (and `rev` will be set to the appropriate revision number if the
+        external additionally specifies a revision, see the
+        [ SVN Book on externals]
+        for more details).
+        Note that the number used as a key in the above section is purely used
+        as a place holder, as the URLs themselves can't be used as a key due to
+        various limitations in the configuration file parser.
+        Finally, the relative URLs introduced in
+        [ Subversion 1.5]
+        are not yet supported.
+        (''since 0.11'')""")
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._externals_map = {}
+    # IPropertyRenderer methods
+    def match_property(self, name, mode):
+        if name in ('svn:externals', 'svn:needs-lock'):
+            return 4
+        return 2 if name in ('svn:mergeinfo', 'svnmerge-blocked',
+                             'svnmerge-integrated') else 0
+    def render_property(self, name, mode, context, props):
+        if name == 'svn:externals':
+            return self._render_externals(props[name])
+        elif name == 'svn:needs-lock':
+            return self._render_needslock(context)
+        elif name == 'svn:mergeinfo' or name.startswith('svnmerge-'):
+            return self._render_mergeinfo(name, mode, context, props)
+    def _render_externals(self, prop):
+        if not self._externals_map:
+            for dummykey, value in self.svn_externals_section.options():
+                value = value.split()
+                if len(value) != 2:
+                    self.log.warn("svn:externals entry %s doesn't contain "
+                            "a space-separated key value pair, skipping.", 
+                            dummykey)
+                    continue
+                key, value = value
+                self._externals_map[key] = value.replace('%', '%%') \
+                                           .replace('$path', '%(path)s') \
+                                           .replace('$rev', '%(rev)s')
+        externals = []
+        for external in prop.splitlines():
+            elements = external.split()
+            if not elements:
+                continue
+            localpath, rev, url = elements[0], '', elements[-1]
+            if localpath.startswith('#'):
+                externals.append((external, None, None, None, None))
+                continue
+            if len(elements) == 3:
+                rev = elements[1]
+                rev = rev.replace('-r', '')
+            # retrieve a matching entry in the externals map
+            prefix = []
+            base_url = url
+            while base_url:
+                if base_url in self._externals_map or base_url == u'/':
+                    break
+                base_url, pref = posixpath.split(base_url)
+                prefix.append(pref)
+            href = self._externals_map.get(base_url)
+            revstr = ' at revision ' + rev if rev else ''
+            if not href and (url.startswith('http://') or 
+                             url.startswith('https://')):
+                href = url.replace('%', '%%')
+            if href:
+                remotepath = ''
+                if prefix:
+                    remotepath = posixpath.join(*reversed(prefix))
+                externals.append((localpath, revstr, base_url, remotepath,
+                                  href % {'path': remotepath, 'rev': rev}))
+            else:
+                externals.append((localpath, revstr, url, None, None))
+        externals_data = []
+        for localpath, rev, url, remotepath, href in externals:
+            label = localpath
+            if url is None:
+                title = ''
+            elif href:
+                if url:
+                    url = ' in ' + url
+                label += rev + url
+                title = ''.join((remotepath, rev, url))
+            else:
+                title = _('No svn:externals configured in trac.ini')
+            externals_data.append((label, href, title))
+        return tag.ul([, href=href, title=title))
+                       for label, href, title in externals_data])
+    def _render_needslock(self, context):
+        return tag.img('common/lock-locked.png'),
+                       alt="needs lock", title="needs lock")
+    def _render_mergeinfo(self, name, mode, context, props):
+        rows = []
+        for row in props[name].splitlines():
+            try:
+                (path, revs) = row.rsplit(':', 1)
+                rows.append([,
+                   ',', u',\u200b'))])
+            except ValueError:
+                rows.append(, colspan=2))
+        return tag.table(tag.tbody([ for row in rows]),
+                         class_='props')
+class SubversionMergePropertyRenderer(Component):
+    implements(IPropertyRenderer)
+    # IPropertyRenderer methods
+    def match_property(self, name, mode):
+        return 4 if name in ('svn:mergeinfo', 'svnmerge-blocked',
+                             'svnmerge-integrated') else 0
+    def render_property(self, name, mode, context, props):
+        """Parse svn:mergeinfo and svnmerge-* properties, converting branch
+        names to links and providing links to the revision log for merged
+        and eligible revisions.
+        """
+        has_eligible = name in ('svnmerge-integrated', 'svn:mergeinfo')
+        revs_label = _('blocked') if name.endswith('blocked') else _('merged')
+        revs_cols = 2 if has_eligible else None
+        reponame =
+        target_path =
+        repos = RepositoryManager(self.env).get_repository(reponame)
+        target_rev = context.resource.version
+        if has_eligible:
+            node = repos.get_node(target_path, target_rev)
+            branch_starts = {}
+            for path, rev in node.get_copy_ancestry(): 
+                if path not in branch_starts:
+                    branch_starts[path] = rev + 1
+        rows = []
+        if name.startswith('svnmerge-'):
+            sources = props[name].split()
+        else:
+            sources = props[name].splitlines()
+        for line in sources:
+            path, revs = line.split(':', 1)
+            spath = _path_within_scope(repos.scope, path)
+            if spath is None:
+                continue
+            revs = revs.strip()
+            inheritable, non_inheritable = _partition_inheritable(revs)
+            revs = ','.join(inheritable)
+            deleted = False
+            try:
+                node = repos.get_node(spath, target_rev)
+                resource = context.resource.parent.child('source', spath)
+                if 'LOG_VIEW' in context.perm(resource):
+                    row = [_get_source_link(spath, context),
+                           _get_revs_link(revs_label, context, spath, revs)]
+                    if non_inheritable:
+                        non_inheritable = ','.join(non_inheritable)
+                        row.append(_get_revs_link(_('non-inheritable'), context,
+                                                  spath, non_inheritable,
+                                                  _('merged on the directory '
+                                                    'itself but not below')))
+                    if has_eligible:
+                        first_rev = branch_starts.get(spath)
+                        if not first_rev:
+                            first_rev = node.get_branch_origin()
+                        eligible = set(xrange(first_rev or 1, target_rev + 1))
+                        eligible -= set(Ranges(revs))
+                        blocked = _get_blocked_revs(props, name, spath)
+                        if blocked:
+                            eligible -= set(Ranges(blocked))
+                        if eligible:
+                            nrevs = repos._get_node_revs(spath, max(eligible),
+                                                         min(eligible))
+                            eligible &= set(nrevs)
+                        eligible = to_ranges(eligible)
+                        row.append(_get_revs_link(_('eligible'), context,
+                                                  spath, eligible))
+                    rows.append((False, spath, [ for each in row]))
+                    continue
+            except NoSuchNode:
+                deleted = True
+            revs = revs.replace(',', u',\u200b')
+            rows.append((deleted, spath,
+                         ['/' + spath),
+                , colspan=revs_cols)]))
+        if not rows:
+            return None
+        rows.sort()
+        has_deleted = rows[-1][0] if rows else None
+        return tag(has_deleted and tag.a(_('(toggle deleted branches)'),
+                                         class_='trac-toggledeleted',
+                                         href='#'),
+                   tag.table(tag.tbody(
+                       [, class_='trac-deleted' if deleted else None)
+                        for deleted, spath, row in rows]), class_='props'))
+def _partition_inheritable(revs):
+    """Non-inheritable revision ranges are marked with a trailing '*'."""
+    inheritable, non_inheritable = [], []           
+    for r in revs.split(','):
+        if r and r[-1] == '*':
+            non_inheritable.append(r[:-1])
+        else:
+            inheritable.append(r)
+    return inheritable, non_inheritable
+def _get_blocked_revs(props, name, path):
+    """Return the revisions blocked from merging for the given property
+    name and path.
+    """
+    if name == 'svnmerge-integrated':
+        prop = props.get('svnmerge-blocked', '')
+    else:
+        return ""
+    for line in prop.splitlines():
+        try:
+            p, revs = line.split(':', 1)
+            if p.strip('/') == path:
+                return revs
+        except Exception:
+            pass
+    return ""
+def _get_source_link(spath, context):
+    """Return a link to a merge source."""
+    reponame =
+    return tag.a('/' + spath, title=_('View merge source'),
+                 href=context.href.browser(reponame or None, spath,
+                                           rev=context.resource.version))
+def _get_revs_link(label, context, spath, revs, title=None):
+    """Return a link to the revision log when more than one revision is
+    given, to the revision itself for a single revision, or a `<span>`
+    with "no revision" for none.
+    """
+    reponame =
+    if not revs:
+        return tag.span(label, title=_('No revisions'))
+    elif ',' in revs or '-' in revs:
+        revs_href = context.href.log(reponame or None, spath, revs=revs)
+    else:
+        revs_href = context.href.changeset(revs, reponame or None, spath)
+    revs = revs.replace(',', ', ')
+    if title:
+        title = _("%(title)s: %(revs)s", title=title, revs=revs)
+    else:
+        title = revs
+    return tag.a(label, title=title, href=revs_href)
+class SubversionMergePropertyDiffRenderer(Component):
+    implements(IPropertyDiffRenderer)
+    # IPropertyDiffRenderer methods
+    def match_property_diff(self, name):
+        return 4 if name in ('svn:mergeinfo', 'svnmerge-blocked',
+                             'svnmerge-integrated') else 0
+    def render_property_diff(self, name, old_context, old_props,
+                             new_context, new_props, options):
+        # Build 5 columns table showing modifications on merge sources
+        # || source || added || removed || added (ni) || removed (ni) ||
+        # || source || removed                                        ||
+        rm = RepositoryManager(self.env)
+        repos = rm.get_repository(
+        def parse_sources(props):
+            sources = {}
+            for line in props[name].splitlines():
+                path, revs = line.split(':', 1)
+                spath = _path_within_scope(repos.scope, path)
+                if spath is not None:
+                    inheritable, non_inheritable = _partition_inheritable(revs)
+                    sources[spath] = (set(Ranges(inheritable)),
+                                      set(Ranges(non_inheritable)))
+            return sources
+        old_sources = parse_sources(old_props)
+        new_sources = parse_sources(new_props)
+        # Go through new sources, detect modified ones or added ones
+        blocked = name.endswith('blocked')
+        added_label = [_("merged: "), _("blocked: ")][blocked]
+        removed_label = [_("reverse-merged: "), _("un-blocked: ")][blocked]
+        added_ni_label = _("marked as non-inheritable: ")
+        removed_ni_label = _("unmarked as non-inheritable: ")
+        def revs_link(revs, context):
+            if revs:
+                revs = to_ranges(revs)
+                return _get_revs_link(revs.replace(',', u',\u200b'),
+                                      context, spath, revs)
+        modified_sources = []
+        for spath, (new_revs, new_revs_ni) in new_sources.iteritems():
+            if spath in old_sources:
+                (old_revs, old_revs_ni), status = old_sources.pop(spath), None
+            else:
+                old_revs = old_revs_ni = set()
+                status = _(' (added)')
+            added = new_revs - old_revs
+            removed = old_revs - new_revs
+            added_ni = new_revs_ni - old_revs_ni
+            removed_ni = old_revs_ni - new_revs_ni
+            try:
+                all_revs = set(repos._get_node_revs(spath))
+                # TODO: also pass first_rev here, for getting smaller a set
+                #       (this is an optmization fix, result is already correct)
+                added &= all_revs
+                removed &= all_revs
+                added_ni &= all_revs
+                removed_ni &= all_revs
+            except NoSuchNode:
+                pass
+            if added or removed:
+                modified_sources.append((
+                    spath, [_get_source_link(spath, new_context), status],
+                    added and tag(added_label, revs_link(added, new_context)),
+                    removed and tag(removed_label,
+                                    revs_link(removed, old_context)),
+                    added_ni and tag(added_ni_label, 
+                                     revs_link(added_ni, new_context)),
+                    removed_ni and tag(removed_ni_label,
+                                       revs_link(removed_ni, old_context))
+                    ))
+        # Go through remaining old sources, those were deleted
+        removed_sources = []
+        for spath, old_revs in old_sources.iteritems():
+            removed_sources.append((spath,
+                                    _get_source_link(spath, old_context)))
+        if modified_sources or removed_sources:
+            modified_sources.sort()
+            removed_sources.sort()
+            changes = tag.table(tag.tbody(
+                [ for c in cols[1:]) 
+                 for cols in modified_sources],
+                [,'removed'), colspan=4))
+                 for spath, src in removed_sources]), class_='props')
+        else:
+            changes = tag.em(_(' (with no actual effect on merging)'))
+        return'Property %(prop)s changed', prop=tag.strong(name)),
+                      changes)

Propchange: incubator/bloodhound/vendor/trac/current/tracopt/versioncontrol/svn/
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: incubator/bloodhound/vendor/trac/current/tracopt/versioncontrol/svn/tests/
--- incubator/bloodhound/vendor/trac/current/tracopt/versioncontrol/svn/tests/ (added)
+++ incubator/bloodhound/vendor/trac/current/tracopt/versioncontrol/svn/tests/ Tue Oct 16 15:55:00 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import unittest
+from tracopt.versioncontrol.svn.tests import svn_fs
+def suite():
+    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+    suite.addTest(svn_fs.suite())
+    return suite
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main(defaultTest='suite')

Propchange: incubator/bloodhound/vendor/trac/current/tracopt/versioncontrol/svn/tests/
    svn:eol-style = native