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Posted to by on 2017/09/26 17:44:24 UTC

cordova-coho git commit: CB-13278: remove

Repository: cordova-coho
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 54feabfb1 -> 32285d5e1

CB-13278: remove

as its content was transferred to via TODO

 This closes #158


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 32285d5e12f9abd4aeda79070d64da08d9756598
Parents: 54feabf
Author: Jan Piotrowski <>
Authored: Tue Sep 26 16:38:43 2017 +0200
Committer: Steve Gill <>
Committed: Tue Sep 26 10:39:40 2017 -0700

 docs/ | 507 -----------------------------------
 1 file changed, 507 deletions(-)
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d03ceb..0000000
--- a/docs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,507 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# Translating Apache Cordova
-- **Apache Cordova**'s documentation is written in *English* but translations are available in a number of different languages.
-- These languages are chosen based on volunteers who are willing to help translate from *English* to their *native tongue*.
-- We use **Crowdin**, a translation and localization management platform to collaborate amongst translators and our core team.
-# The Process of Translating
-If you know another language and are willing to help translate **Apache Cordova**, here are the steps to get started:
-- Create a free account with []
-- Search for and find the [Crowdin Cordova project]
-- Scroll down to find the languages that are currently being translated.
-- Choose a language and click on the language to start contributing.
-	- e.g. [Spanish Cordova project]
-- Next to each of the markdown files you will see a button labelled `Translate`.
-	- Clicking that button will open a translate page where the *English* version of the file is on the left.
-	- Click on a phrase in the left-hand panel.
-	- Then type a translation in the textarea to the right.
-	- Click the `Commit Translation` button.
-	- If a translation is already provided for a phrase you can vote it **up** or **down**.
-	- If you vote it **down**, be sure to also include what you believe to be the correct translation.
-## Crowdin Administrative Scripts
-There are two scripts and one jar file that need to be in place in your environment in order to automate the crowdin translation process.
-- `crowdin-cli.jar`
-- `crowdin.yaml`
-- ``
-Information on the crowdin command line interface and tooling can be found here: [Crowdin cli].
- It includes a link to download the jar file for **Windows**, **Mac OS X**, and **Linux**.
-### Demo video
-**Lisa DeLuca** has created a demo video showing the process of translating as an adminstrator that can be viewed on youtube here: [Crowdin YouTube demo]
-### crowdin.yaml
-By default, the `crowdin-cli` will look for a configuration file called `crowdin.yaml`.
-For **Cordova**, our `crowdin.yaml` file looks like this:
-    project_identifier: cordova
-    api_key: ____ourAPIkey________
-    base_path: /Users/pathTO/git/cordova     #working copy path
-    files:
-      -
-        source: "/cordova-docs/docs/en/edge/**/*.md"
-        translation: "/cordova-docs/docs/%two_letters_code%/edge/**/%original_file_name%"
-        ignore:
-          - /.git
-      -
-        source: "/**/doc/*.md"
-        translation: "/**/doc/%two_letters_code%/%original_file_name%"
-        ignore:
-          - /.git
-It is recommended that **Crowdin** be pulled from a *fork* of the `cordova-docs` github project rather than directly from the main project.
-This script grabs the **markdown** `.md` files from the `docs/en/edge` directory and pushes them into the Crowdin service for each of the lanuages that are available within crowdin.
-For information on the `api_key` value,
-please email the [crowdin project administrator].
-The `` script is the script that is run to initiate the translation flow.
-It is a custom script that first pushes any of the changed **markdown** files into crowdin.
-It then searches through all of the languages from crowdin and downloads only those languages that are 100% translated.
-Finally, it pushes the translated language files back into github.
-    #!/bin/bash
-    BASE_GIT_REPO_PATH=/Users/pathTo/git/cordova
-    GIT_REPO_PATH=/Users/pathTo/git/cordova/cordova-docs
-    CROWDIN_CLI_PATH=/Users/pathTo/crowdin
-    PROJECT_KEY='----insertkeyhere------'
-    #--- git repos
-    ## declare an array variable
-    declare -a gitrepos=("cordova-docs" "cordova-cli" "cordova-plugin-battery-status" "cordova-plugin-camera" "cordova-plugin-console" "cordova-plugin-contacts" "cordova-plugin-device" "cordova-plugin-device-motion" "cordova-plugin-device-orientation" "cordova-plugin-dialogs" "cordova-plugin-file" "cordova-plugin-file-transfer" "cordova-plugin-geolocation" "cordova-plugin-globalization" "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser" "cordova-plugin-media" "cordova-plugin-media-capture" "cordova-plugin-network-information" "cordova-plugin-splashscreen" "cordova-plugin-statusbar" "cordova-plugin-vibration")
-    read -p "What is the name of the JIRA issue?" jira
-    #---
-    ## now loop through the gitrepos array
-    for i in "${gitrepos[@]}"
-    do
-       echo "**************** $i *************************"
-       cd $BASE_GIT_REPO_PATH/$i
-       # make sure the fork has the latest from apache master
-       git checkout master
-       git pull apache master
-       git push origin master
-       #create topic branch and checkout (USE -b flag for new branch)
-       git checkout -b $jira$i
-       # below pushes changes from local to fork
-       git push origin $jira$i
-    done
-    rm
-    java -jar crowdin-cli.jar upload sources
-    curl $DOMAIN_NAME/api/project/$PROJECT_IDENTIFIER/status?key=$PROJECT_KEY > result.xml
-    read_dom () {
-        local IFS=\>
-        read -d \< ENTITY CONTENT
-    }
-    while read_dom; do
-          if [[ $ENTITY = "code" ]] ; then
-    	code=( "${code[@]}" "$CONTENT" )
-          fi
-          if [[ $ENTITY = "translated_progress" ]] ; then
-    	progress=( "${progress[@]}" "$CONTENT" )
-          fi
-    done < result.xml
-    for (( i = 0; i < ${#progress[@]}; i++ )); do
-       if [ "${progress[$i]}" = "100" ]; then
-          index=( "${index[@]}" "$i" )
-       else 
-          echo "------- language not at 100 percent ${code[$i]} ------"
-       fi
-    done
-    for element in "${index[@]}"; do
-        java -jar crowdin-cli.jar download -l ${code[$element]}
-    done
-    # fix crowdin issues:
-    echo "About to fix crowdin errors with resulting files"cd
-    #find /Users/ldeluca/git/cordova/ -name \*.md -exec sed -i "s/\* \* \*/---/1" {} \;
-    #find /Users/ldeluca/git/cordova/ -name \*.md -exec sed -i "s/## under the License./   under the License.\n---/g" {} \;
-    echo "Done with crowdin fix"
-    ## now loop through the gitrepos array
-    for i in "${gitrepos[@]}"
-    do
-       echo "**************** $i *************************"
-       cd $BASE_GIT_REPO_PATH/$i
-       git add .
-       git commit -am "$jira $i documentation translation: $i"
-        #update the new branch
-        #notneeded git pull --rebase apache master
-        git push origin $jira$i
-        #merge topic branch into apache/master
-        git checkout master
-        git pull --rebase apache master
-        git merge $jira$i
-        git rebase apache/master -i
-        #push changes of master
-        git push apache master
-        #all done, delete the branch
-        git push origin $jira$i
-        git branch -D $jira$i
-    done
-## Script output
-The script will print out the name of each file being downloaded
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/accelerometer/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/accelerometer/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/accelerometer/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/accelerometer/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/accelerometer/acceleration/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/accelerometer/parameters/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/accelerometer/parameters/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/accelerometer/parameters/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/camera/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/camera/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/camera/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/camera/parameter/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/camera/parameter/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/camera/parameter/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/camera/parameter/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/camera/parameter/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/compass/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/compass/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/compass/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/compass/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/compass/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/compass/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/compass/compassError/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/compass/parameters/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/compass/parameters/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/compass/parameters/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/compass/parameters/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/connection/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/connection/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/contacts/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/contacts/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/contacts/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/contacts/Contact/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/contacts/ContactAddress/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/contacts/ContactError/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/contacts/ContactField/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/contacts/ContactFindOptions/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/contacts/ContactName/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/contacts/ContactOrganization/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/contacts/parameters/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/contacts/parameters/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/contacts/parameters/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/contacts/parameters/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/device/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/device/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/device/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/device/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/device/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/device/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/device/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/events/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/events/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/events/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/events/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/events/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/events/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/events/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/events/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/events/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/events/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/events/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/events/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/events/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/events/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/events/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/events/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/file/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/file/directoryentry/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/file/directoryreader/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/file/fileentry/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/file/fileerror/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/file/fileobj/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/file/filereader/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/file/filesystem/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/file/filetransfer/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/file/filetransfererror/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/file/fileuploadoptions/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/file/fileuploadresult/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/file/filewriter/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/file/flags/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/file/localfilesystem/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/file/metadata/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/geolocation/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/geolocation/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/geolocation/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/geolocation/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/geolocation/Coordinates/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/geolocation/Position/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/geolocation/PositionError/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/geolocation/parameters/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/geolocation/parameters/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/geolocation/parameters/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/globalization/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/globalization/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/globalization/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/globalization/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/globalization/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/globalization/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/globalization/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/globalization/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/globalization/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/globalization/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/globalization/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/globalization/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/globalization/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/globalization/GlobalizationError/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/inappbrowser/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/inappbrowser/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/MediaError/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/Parameters/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/capture/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/capture/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/capture/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/capture/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/capture/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/capture/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/capture/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/capture/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/capture/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/capture/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/capture/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/capture/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/capture/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/media/capture/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/notification/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/notification/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/notification/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/notification/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/notification/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/notification/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/splashscreen/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/splashscreen/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/splashscreen/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/storage/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/storage/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/storage/database/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/storage/localstorage/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/storage/parameters/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/storage/parameters/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/storage/parameters/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/storage/parameters/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/storage/sqlerror/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/storage/sqlresultset/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/storage/sqlresultsetrowlist/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/cordova/storage/sqltransaction/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/cli/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/overview/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/android/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/android/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/android/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/android/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/android/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/android/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/blackberry/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/blackberry/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/blackberry/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/blackberry/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/blackberry/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/blackberry10/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/blackberry10/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/blackberry10/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/blackberry10/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/blackberry10/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/firefoxos/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/ios/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/ios/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/ios/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/ios/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/ios/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/ios/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/tizen/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/win8/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/win8/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/win8/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/wp7/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/wp8/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/wp8/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/wp8/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/platforms/wp8/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/appdev/privacy/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/appdev/whitelist/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/hybrid/plugins/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/guide/hybrid/webviews/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/config_ref/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/plugin_ref/'
-    Download: `/docs/zh/edge/plugin_ref/'
-    About to fix crowdin errors with resulting files
-    Done with crowdin fix
-    # On branch master
-    nothing to commit (working directory clean)
-    Everything up-to-date
-### Crowdin Error Debugging
-After running the `` script, some common messages might include:
- Warning: Downloaded translations does not match current project configuration.
- Some of the resulted files will be omitted.
-   - docs/zh/
-Crowdin has internal caching mechanisms that prevents us from overload.
-Please try to download translations later.
-This message can be ignored.
-It does not affect the downloaded files.
-It simply means that that **markdown** file no longer exists.
-Please [open a JIRA] issue and assign to `Lisa DeLuca` to let her know if you see this error.
-Then the file can be removed from the crowdin file manager.
-A communication error occured: ""
-<FONT face="Helvetica">
-The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests.  You may wish to try again at a later time.
-It is often the case where you will see a message that crowdin is down, like the one shown above.
-In which case you'll need to wait until Crowdin is back up or email the [crowdin support team].
-Alternatively, it could just mean that a manual build needs to be kicked off within the Crowdin tool.
-Under `Settings > Translation >` click the button to `build a fresh package`.
-### Testing Translations
-Before performing a pull request it is recommended that each language be built locally and tested for accuracy.
-To do this, run the following script:
-    ~/git/cordova-docs$ bin/generate ru edge
-`ru` in this case would run the Russian language.
-See the `cordova-docs` documentation for more information on building the documentation.
-### Viewing Translations
-After the translations have been pulled into the main Apache Cordova branch they can be viewed here: [Cordova docs edge].
-* Go to the upper-right-hand corner and select the drop down.
-* Scrolling to the bottom you will see the new languages that have been translated.
-The translations for the individual plugins
-are only viewable from GitHub under the docs directory for each plugin.
-## Manual Steps
-Even though the majority of the Crowdin Apache Cordova translations are automated there are still a few things that need to be manually monitored by our administrators.
-- Headers - Consistency in translation between headers and other linked content
-- Code snippets - Marking code snippets as `Do not translate`
-### Headers
-When a header is not consistently translated between pages then a link will appear broken and it will be impossible for users to view the content.
-If, when verifying translated documentation,
-a link doesn't appear highlighted and clickable,
-go through the **markdown** files and make sure the translations are consistent for the headers.
-It is recommended that the documentation is built and verified after each crowdin script is run before contributing the content back into the main stream.
-### Code Snippets
-Code snippets should be marked as `Do not translate` which will not allow individual translators to come in and translate the code snippets.
-However, when *new code snippets* or *commands* are entered in the code, the administrator will need to come in and *mark that new section* which could lead to it going *unmarked* and *manual* or *automated translations* of the code might occur.
-To remedy this, an administrator can go into the code snippet and *delete the suggested translation* and *mark the phrase* as `Do not translate`.
-Another example is the use of *method names*, *constants*, etc., scattered throughout the documentation.
-It is not currently possible for an administrator to mark each of these elements as `Do not translate`,
-so our proofreaders will need to go through and verify they are not translated by translators or by the automated translation services.
-[]: ""
-[Crowdin Cordova project]:
-[Spanish Cordova project]:
-[Crowdin cli]:
-[Crowdin YouTube demo]:
-[Cordova docs edge]:
-[open a JIRA]:
-[crowdin support team]:
-[crowdin project administrator]:

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