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Posted to by "Robert S. Thau" <> on 1995/08/03 03:03:01 UTC

Another 0.8.6...

Another spin of 0.8.6 is on hyperreal... by what sure looks like a group
consensus, this takes the write-permission bits off the scoreboard.  I'm
running with this now under root (the only scenario where this could
possibly make a difference --- if I'd tried to reopen the scoreboard in
the child processes after switching uids, which I fortunately don't seem
to have done).  I left the version number the same in part because I can't
find it in my to say that changing '0666' to '0644' merits a version number
boost, and in part out of sheer bloody laziness.

As I've said before, I don't see any problems with this which would
preclude releasing it as a first beta version (with the explicit proviso
that it is beta software --- that should be enough of a warning flag to
anyone).  I guess I'll be back in the morning to see who disagrees.
(And if I'm up as early as I was this morning, I'll stick around on the
Mass Ave. bridge long enough to see the sun rise...).
