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Posted to by on 2011/06/05 10:34:13 UTC

svn commit: r1132067 [3/9] - in /incubator/mesos/trunk: ec2/ third_party/boto-1.8d/ third_party/boto-1.8d/bin/ third_party/boto-1.8d/boto.egg-info/ third_party/boto-1.8d/boto/ third_party/boto-1.8d/boto/cloudfront/ third_party/boto-1.8d/boto/contrib/ t...

Copied: incubator/mesos/trunk/third_party/boto-1.9b/boto/ec2/cloudwatch/ (from r1132066, incubator/mesos/trunk/third_party/boto-1.8d/boto/ec2/cloudwatch/
--- incubator/mesos/trunk/third_party/boto-1.8d/boto/ec2/cloudwatch/ (original)
+++ incubator/mesos/trunk/third_party/boto-1.9b/boto/ec2/cloudwatch/ Sun Jun  5 08:34:02 2011
@@ -172,12 +172,12 @@ class CloudWatchConnection(AWSQueryConne
         Get time-series data for one or more statistics of a given metric.
-        @type measure_name: string
-        @param measure_name: CPUUtilization|NetworkIO-in|NetworkIO-out|DiskIO-ALL-read|
+        :type measure_name: string
+        :param measure_name: CPUUtilization|NetworkIO-in|NetworkIO-out|DiskIO-ALL-read|
-        @rtype: list
-        @return: A list of L{Images<boto.ec2.image.Image>}
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: A list of :class:`boto.ec2.image.Image`
         params = {'Period' : period,
                   'MeasureName' : measure_name,

Copied: incubator/mesos/trunk/third_party/boto-1.9b/boto/ec2/cloudwatch/ (from r1132066, incubator/mesos/trunk/third_party/boto-1.8d/boto/ec2/cloudwatch/

Copied: incubator/mesos/trunk/third_party/boto-1.9b/boto/ec2/cloudwatch/ (from r1132066, incubator/mesos/trunk/third_party/boto-1.8d/boto/ec2/cloudwatch/

Added: incubator/mesos/trunk/third_party/boto-1.9b/boto/ec2/
--- incubator/mesos/trunk/third_party/boto-1.9b/boto/ec2/ (added)
+++ incubator/mesos/trunk/third_party/boto-1.9b/boto/ec2/ Sun Jun  5 08:34:02 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,1520 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Mitch Garnaat
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis-
+# tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
+# persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol-
+# lowing conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+# in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+Represents a connection to the EC2 service.
+import urllib
+import xml.sax
+import base64
+import boto
+from boto import config
+from boto.connection import AWSQueryConnection
+from boto.resultset import ResultSet
+from boto.ec2.image import Image, ImageAttribute
+from boto.ec2.instance import Reservation, Instance, ConsoleOutput, InstanceAttribute
+from boto.ec2.keypair import KeyPair
+from boto.ec2.address import Address
+from boto.ec2.volume import Volume
+from boto.ec2.snapshot import Snapshot
+from boto.ec2.snapshot import SnapshotAttribute
+from import Zone
+from boto.ec2.securitygroup import SecurityGroup
+from boto.ec2.regioninfo import RegionInfo
+from boto.ec2.instanceinfo import InstanceInfo
+from boto.ec2.reservedinstance import ReservedInstancesOffering, ReservedInstance
+from boto.ec2.spotinstancerequest import SpotInstanceRequest
+from boto.ec2.spotpricehistory import SpotPriceHistory
+from boto.ec2.spotdatafeedsubscription import SpotDatafeedSubscription
+from boto.ec2.launchspecification import LaunchSpecification
+from boto.exception import EC2ResponseError
+class EC2Connection(AWSQueryConnection):
+    APIVersion = boto.config.get('Boto', 'ec2_version', '2009-11-30')
+    DefaultRegionName = boto.config.get('Boto', 'ec2_region_name', 'us-east-1')
+    DefaultRegionEndpoint = boto.config.get('Boto', 'ec2_region_endpoint',
+                                            '')
+    SignatureVersion = '2'
+    ResponseError = EC2ResponseError
+    def __init__(self, aws_access_key_id=None, aws_secret_access_key=None,
+                 is_secure=True, host=None, port=None, proxy=None, proxy_port=None,
+                 proxy_user=None, proxy_pass=None, debug=0,
+                 https_connection_factory=None, region=None, path='/'):
+        """
+        Init method to create a new connection to EC2.
+        B{Note:} The host argument is overridden by the host specified in the boto configuration file.
+        """
+        if not region:
+            region = RegionInfo(self, self.DefaultRegionName, self.DefaultRegionEndpoint)
+        self.region = region
+        AWSQueryConnection.__init__(self, aws_access_key_id,
+                                    aws_secret_access_key,
+                                    is_secure, port, proxy, proxy_port,
+                                    proxy_user, proxy_pass,
+                                    self.region.endpoint, debug,
+                                    https_connection_factory, path)
+    def get_params(self):
+        """
+        Returns a dictionary containing the value of of all of the keyword
+        arguments passed when constructing this connection.
+        """
+        param_names = ['aws_access_key_id', 'aws_secret_access_key', 'is_secure',
+                       'port', 'proxy', 'proxy_port', 'proxy_user', 'proxy_pass',
+                       'debug', 'https_connection_factory']
+        params = {}
+        for name in param_names:
+            params[name] = getattr(self, name)
+        return params
+    # Image methods
+    def get_all_images(self, image_ids=None, owners=None, executable_by=None):
+        """
+        Retrieve all the EC2 images available on your account.
+        :type image_ids: list
+        :param image_ids: A list of strings with the image IDs wanted
+        :type owners: list
+        :param owners: A list of owner IDs
+        :type executable_by:
+        :param executable_by:
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: A list of :class:`boto.ec2.image.Image`
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if image_ids:
+            self.build_list_params(params, image_ids, 'ImageId')
+        if owners:
+            self.build_list_params(params, owners, 'Owner')
+        if executable_by:
+            self.build_list_params(params, executable_by, 'ExecutableBy')
+        return self.get_list('DescribeImages', params, [('item', Image)])
+    def get_all_kernels(self, kernel_ids=None, owners=None):
+        """
+        Retrieve all the EC2 kernels available on your account.  Simply filters the list returned
+        by get_all_images because EC2 does not provide a way to filter server-side.
+        :type kernel_ids: list
+        :param kernel_ids: A list of strings with the image IDs wanted
+        :type owners: list
+        :param owners: A list of owner IDs
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: A list of :class:`boto.ec2.image.Image`
+        """
+        rs = self.get_all_images(kernel_ids, owners)
+        kernels = []
+        for image in rs:
+            if image.type == 'kernel':
+                kernels.append(image)
+        return kernels
+    def get_all_ramdisks(self, ramdisk_ids=None, owners=None):
+        """
+        Retrieve all the EC2 ramdisks available on your account.
+        Simply filters the list returned by get_all_images because
+        EC2 does not provide a way to filter server-side.
+        :type ramdisk_ids: list
+        :param ramdisk_ids: A list of strings with the image IDs wanted
+        :type owners: list
+        :param owners: A list of owner IDs
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: A list of :class:`boto.ec2.image.Image`
+        """
+        rs = self.get_all_images(ramdisk_ids, owners)
+        ramdisks = []
+        for image in rs:
+            if image.type == 'ramdisk':
+                ramdisks.append(image)
+        return ramdisks
+    def get_image(self, image_id):
+        """
+        Shortcut method to retrieve a specific image (AMI).
+        :type image_id: string
+        :param image_id: the ID of the Image to retrieve
+        :rtype: :class:`boto.ec2.image.Image`
+        :return: The EC2 Image specified or None if the image is not found
+        """
+        try:
+            return self.get_all_images(image_ids=[image_id])[0]
+        except IndexError: # None of those images available
+            return None
+    def register_image(self, name, description=None, image_location=None,
+                       architecture=None, kernel_id=None, ramdisk_id=None,
+                       root_device_name=None, block_device_map=None):
+        """
+        Register an image.
+        :type name: string
+        :param name: The name of the AMI.
+        :type description: string
+        :param description: The description of the AMI.
+        :type image_location: string
+        :param image_location: Full path to your AMI manifest in Amazon S3 storage.
+                               Only used for S3-based AMI's.
+        :type architecture: string
+        :param architecture: The architecture of the AMI.  Valid choices are:
+                             i386 | x86_64
+        :type kernel_id: string
+        :param kernel_id: The ID of the kernel with which to launch the instances
+        :type root_device_name: string
+        :param root_device_name: The root device name (e.g. /dev/sdh)
+        :type block_device_map: :class:`boto.ec2.blockdevicemapping.BlockDeviceMapping`
+        :param block_device_map: A BlockDeviceMapping data structure
+                                 describing the EBS volumes associated
+                                 with the Image.
+        :rtype: string
+        :return: The new image id
+        """
+        params = {'Name': name}
+        if description:
+            params['Description'] = description
+        if architecture:
+            params['Architecture'] = architecture
+        if kernel_id:
+            params['KernelId'] = kernel_id
+        if ramdisk_id:
+            params['RamdiskId'] = ramdisk_id
+        if image_location:
+            params['Location'] = image_location
+        if root_device_name:
+            params['RootDeviceName'] = root_device_name
+        if block_device_map:
+            block_device_map.build_list_params(params)
+        rs = self.get_object('RegisterImage', params, ResultSet)
+        image_id = getattr(rs, 'imageId', None)
+        return image_id
+    def deregister_image(self, image_id):
+        """
+        Unregister an AMI.
+        :type image_id: string
+        :param image_id: the ID of the Image to unregister
+        :rtype: bool
+        :return: True if successful
+        """
+        return self.get_status('DeregisterImage', {'ImageId':image_id})
+    def create_image(self, instance_id, name, description=None, no_reboot=False):
+        """
+        Will create an AMI from the instance in the running or stopped
+        state.
+        :type instance_id: string
+        :param instance_id: the ID of the instance to image.
+        :type name: string
+        :param name: The name of the new image
+        :type description: string
+        :param description: An optional human-readable string describing
+                            the contents and purpose of the AMI.
+        :type no_reboot: bool
+        :param no_reboot: An optional flag indicating that the bundling process
+                          should not attempt to shutdown the instance before
+                          bundling.  If this flag is True, the responsibility
+                          of maintaining file system integrity is left to the
+                          owner of the instance.
+        :rtype: string
+        :return: The new image id
+        """
+        params = {'InstanceId' : instance_id,
+                  'Name' : name}
+        if description:
+            params['Description'] = description
+        if no_reboot:
+            params['NoReboot'] = 'true'
+        rs = self.get_object('CreateImage', params, Image)
+        image_id = getattr(rs, 'imageId', None)
+        if not image_id:
+            image_id = getattr(rs, 'ImageId', None)
+        return image_id
+    # ImageAttribute methods
+    def get_image_attribute(self, image_id, attribute='launchPermission'):
+        """
+        Gets an attribute from an image.
+        See
+        :type image_id: string
+        :param image_id: The Amazon image id for which you want info about
+        :type attribute: string
+        :param attribute: The attribute you need information about.
+                          Valid choices are:
+                          * launchPermission
+                          * productCodes
+                          * blockDeviceMapping
+        :rtype: :class:`boto.ec2.image.ImageAttribute`
+        :return: An ImageAttribute object representing the value of the attribute requested
+        """
+        params = {'ImageId' : image_id,
+                  'Attribute' : attribute}
+        return self.get_object('DescribeImageAttribute', params, ImageAttribute)
+    def modify_image_attribute(self, image_id, attribute='launchPermission',
+                               operation='add', user_ids=None, groups=None,
+                               product_codes=None):
+        """
+        Changes an attribute of an image.
+        See
+        :type image_id: string
+        :param image_id: The image id you wish to change
+        :type attribute: string
+        :param attribute: The attribute you wish to change
+        :type operation: string
+        :param operation: Either add or remove (this is required for changing launchPermissions)
+        :type user_ids: list
+        :param user_ids: The Amazon IDs of users to add/remove attributes
+        :type groups: list
+        :param groups: The groups to add/remove attributes
+        :type product_codes: list
+        :param product_codes: Amazon DevPay product code. Currently only one
+                              product code can be associated with an AMI. Once
+                              set, the product code cannot be changed or reset.
+        """
+        params = {'ImageId' : image_id,
+                  'Attribute' : attribute,
+                  'OperationType' : operation}
+        if user_ids:
+            self.build_list_params(params, user_ids, 'UserId')
+        if groups:
+            self.build_list_params(params, groups, 'UserGroup')
+        if product_codes:
+            self.build_list_params(params, product_codes, 'ProductCode')
+        return self.get_status('ModifyImageAttribute', params)
+    def reset_image_attribute(self, image_id, attribute='launchPermission'):
+        """
+        Resets an attribute of an AMI to its default value.
+        See
+        :type image_id: string
+        :param image_id: ID of the AMI for which an attribute will be described
+        :type attribute: string
+        :param attribute: The attribute to reset
+        :rtype: bool
+        :return: Whether the operation succeeded or not
+        """
+        params = {'ImageId' : image_id,
+                  'Attribute' : attribute}
+        return self.get_status('ResetImageAttribute', params)
+    # Instance methods
+    def get_all_instances(self, instance_ids=None):
+        """
+        Retrieve all the instances associated with your account.
+        :type instance_ids: list
+        :param instance_ids: A list of strings of instance IDs
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: A list of  :class:`boto.ec2.instance.Reservation`
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if instance_ids:
+            self.build_list_params(params, instance_ids, 'InstanceId')
+        return self.get_list('DescribeInstances', params, [('item', Reservation)])
+    def run_instances(self, image_id, min_count=1, max_count=1,
+                      key_name=None, security_groups=None,
+                      user_data=None, addressing_type=None,
+                      instance_type='m1.small', placement=None,
+                      kernel_id=None, ramdisk_id=None,
+                      monitoring_enabled=False, subnet_id=None,
+                      block_device_map=None):
+        """
+        Runs an image on EC2.
+        :type image_id: string
+        :param image_id: The ID of the image to run
+        :type min_count: int
+        :param min_count: The minimum number of instances to launch
+        :type max_count: int
+        :param max_count: The maximum number of instances to launch
+        :type key_name: string
+        :param key_name: The name of the key pair with which to launch instances
+        :type security_groups: list of strings
+        :param security_groups: The names of the security groups with which to associate instances
+        :type user_data: string
+        :param user_data: The user data passed to the launched instances
+        :type instance_type: string
+        :param instance_type: The type of instance to run (m1.small, m1.large, m1.xlarge)
+        :type placement: string
+        :param placement: The availability zone in which to launch the instances
+        :type kernel_id: string
+        :param kernel_id: The ID of the kernel with which to launch the instances
+        :type ramdisk_id: string
+        :param ramdisk_id: The ID of the RAM disk with which to launch the instances
+        :type monitoring_enabled: bool
+        :param monitoring_enabled: Enable CloudWatch monitoring on the instance.
+        :type subnet_id: string
+        :param subnet_id: The subnet ID within which to launch the instances for VPC.
+        :type block_device_map: :class:`boto.ec2.blockdevicemapping.BlockDeviceMapping`
+        :param block_device_map: A BlockDeviceMapping data structure
+                                 describing the EBS volumes associated
+                                 with the Image.
+        :rtype: Reservation
+        :return: The :class:`boto.ec2.instance.Reservation` associated with the request for machines
+        """
+        params = {'ImageId':image_id,
+                  'MinCount':min_count,
+                  'MaxCount': max_count}
+        if key_name:
+            params['KeyName'] = key_name
+        if security_groups:
+            l = []
+            for group in security_groups:
+                if isinstance(group, SecurityGroup):
+                    l.append(
+                else:
+                    l.append(group)
+            self.build_list_params(params, l, 'SecurityGroup')
+        if user_data:
+            params['UserData'] = base64.b64encode(user_data)
+        if addressing_type:
+            params['AddressingType'] = addressing_type
+        if instance_type:
+            params['InstanceType'] = instance_type
+        if placement:
+            params['Placement.AvailabilityZone'] = placement
+        if kernel_id:
+            params['KernelId'] = kernel_id
+        if ramdisk_id:
+            params['RamdiskId'] = ramdisk_id
+        if monitoring_enabled:
+            params['Monitoring.Enabled'] = 'true'
+        if subnet_id:
+            params['SubnetId'] = subnet_id
+        if block_device_map:
+            block_device_map.build_list_params(params)
+        return self.get_object('RunInstances', params, Reservation, verb='POST')
+    def terminate_instances(self, instance_ids=None):
+        """
+        Terminate the instances specified
+        :type instance_ids: list
+        :param instance_ids: A list of strings of the Instance IDs to terminate
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: A list of the instances terminated
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if instance_ids:
+            self.build_list_params(params, instance_ids, 'InstanceId')
+        return self.get_list('TerminateInstances', params, [('item', Instance)])
+    def stop_instances(self, instance_ids=None):
+        """
+        Stop the instances specified
+        :type instance_ids: list
+        :param instance_ids: A list of strings of the Instance IDs to stop
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: A list of the instances stopped
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if instance_ids:
+            self.build_list_params(params, instance_ids, 'InstanceId')
+        return self.get_list('StopInstances', params, [('item', Instance)])
+    def start_instances(self, instance_ids=None):
+        """
+        Start the instances specified
+        :type instance_ids: list
+        :param instance_ids: A list of strings of the Instance IDs to start
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: A list of the instances started
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if instance_ids:
+            self.build_list_params(params, instance_ids, 'InstanceId')
+        return self.get_list('StartInstances', params, [('item', Instance)])
+    def get_console_output(self, instance_id):
+        """
+        Retrieves the console output for the specified instance.
+        See
+        :type instance_id: string
+        :param instance_id: The instance ID of a running instance on the cloud.
+        :rtype: :class:`boto.ec2.instance.ConsoleOutput`
+        :return: The console output as a ConsoleOutput object
+        """
+        params = {}
+        self.build_list_params(params, [instance_id], 'InstanceId')
+        return self.get_object('GetConsoleOutput', params, ConsoleOutput)
+    def reboot_instances(self, instance_ids=None):
+        """
+        Reboot the specified instances.
+        :type instance_ids: list
+        :param instance_ids: The instances to terminate and reboot
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if instance_ids:
+            self.build_list_params(params, instance_ids, 'InstanceId')
+        return self.get_status('RebootInstances', params)
+    def confirm_product_instance(self, product_code, instance_id):
+        params = {'ProductCode' : product_code,
+                  'InstanceId' : instance_id}
+        rs = self.get_object('ConfirmProductInstance', params, ResultSet)
+        return (rs.status, rs.ownerId)
+    # InstanceAttribute methods
+    def get_instance_attribute(self, instance_id, attribute):
+        """
+        Gets an attribute from an instance.
+        :type instance_id: string
+        :param instance_id: The Amazon id of the instance
+        :type attribute: string
+        :param attribute: The attribute you need information about
+                          Valid choices are:
+                          instanceType|kernel|ramdisk|userData|
+                          disableApiTermination|
+                          instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior|
+                          rootDeviceName|blockDeviceMapping
+        :rtype: :class:`boto.ec2.image.ImageAttribute`
+        :return: An ImageAttribute object representing the value of the attribute requested
+        """
+        params = {'InstanceId' : instance_id}
+        if attribute:
+            params['Attribute'] = attribute
+        return self.get_object('DescribeInstanceAttribute', params, InstanceAttribute)
+    def modify_image_attribute(self, image_id, attribute='launchPermission',
+                               operation='add', user_ids=None, groups=None,
+                               product_codes=None):
+        """
+        Changes an attribute of an image.
+        See
+        :type image_id: string
+        :param image_id: The image id you wish to change
+        :type attribute: string
+        :param attribute: The attribute you wish to change
+        :type operation: string
+        :param operation: Either add or remove (this is required for changing launchPermissions)
+        :type user_ids: list
+        :param user_ids: The Amazon IDs of users to add/remove attributes
+        :type groups: list
+        :param groups: The groups to add/remove attributes
+        :type product_codes: list
+        :param product_codes: Amazon DevPay product code. Currently only one
+                              product code can be associated with an AMI. Once
+                              set, the product code cannot be changed or reset.
+        """
+        params = {'ImageId' : image_id,
+                  'Attribute' : attribute,
+                  'OperationType' : operation}
+        if user_ids:
+            self.build_list_params(params, user_ids, 'UserId')
+        if groups:
+            self.build_list_params(params, groups, 'UserGroup')
+        if product_codes:
+            self.build_list_params(params, product_codes, 'ProductCode')
+        return self.get_status('ModifyImageAttribute', params)
+    def reset_image_attribute(self, image_id, attribute='launchPermission'):
+        """
+        Resets an attribute of an AMI to its default value.
+        See
+        :type image_id: string
+        :param image_id: ID of the AMI for which an attribute will be described
+        :type attribute: string
+        :param attribute: The attribute to reset
+        :rtype: bool
+        :return: Whether the operation succeeded or not
+        """
+        params = {'ImageId' : image_id,
+                  'Attribute' : attribute}
+        return self.get_status('ResetImageAttribute', params)
+    # Spot Instances
+    def get_all_spot_instance_requests(self, request_ids=None):
+        """
+        Retrieve all the spot instances requests associated with your account.
+        @type request_ids: list
+        @param request_ids: A list of strings of spot instance request IDs
+        @rtype: list
+        @return: A list of
+                 :class:`boto.ec2.spotinstancerequest.SpotInstanceRequest`
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if request_ids:
+            self.build_list_params(params, request_ids, 'SpotInstanceRequestId')
+        return self.get_list('DescribeSpotInstanceRequests', params,
+                             [('item', SpotInstanceRequest)])
+    def get_spot_price_history(self, start_time=None, end_time=None,
+                               instance_type=None, product_description=None):
+        """
+        Retrieve the recent history of spot instances pricing.
+        @type start_time: str
+        @param start_time: An indication of how far back to provide price
+                           changes for. An ISO8601 DateTime string.
+        @type end_time: str
+        @param end_time: An indication of how far forward to provide price
+                         changes for.  An ISO8601 DateTime string.
+        @type instance_type: str
+        @param instance_type: Filter responses to a particular instance type.
+        @type product_description: str
+        @param product_descripton: Filter responses to a particular platform.
+                                   Valid values are currently: Linux
+        @rtype: list
+        @return: A list tuples containing price and timestamp.
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if start_time:
+            params['StartTime'] = start_time
+        if end_time:
+            params['EndTime'] = end_time
+        if instance_type:
+            params['InstanceType'] = instance_type
+        if product_description:
+            params['ProductDescription'] = product_description
+        return self.get_list('DescribeSpotPriceHistory', params, [('item', SpotPriceHistory)])
+    def request_spot_instances(self, price, image_id, count=1, type=None,
+                               valid_from=None, valid_until=None,
+                               launch_group=None, availability_zone_group=None,
+                               key_name=None, security_groups=None,
+                               user_data=None, addressing_type=None,
+                               instance_type='m1.small', placement=None,
+                               kernel_id=None, ramdisk_id=None,
+                               monitoring_enabled=False, subnet_id=None,
+                               block_device_map=None):
+        """
+        Request instances on the spot market at a particular price.
+        :type price: str
+        :param price: The maximum price of your bid
+        :type image_id: string
+        :param image_id: The ID of the image to run
+        :type count: int
+        :param count: The of instances to requested
+        :type type: str
+        :param type: Type of request. Can be 'one-time' or 'persistent'.
+                     Default is one-time.
+        :type valid_from: str
+        :param valid_from: Start date of the request. An ISO8601 time string.
+        :type valid_until: str
+        :param valid_until: End date of the request.  An ISO8601 time string.
+        :type launch_group: str
+        :param launch_group: If supplied, all requests will be fulfilled
+                             as a group.
+        :type availability_zone_group: str
+        :param availability_zone_group: If supplied, all requests will be fulfilled
+                                        within a single availability zone.
+        :type key_name: string
+        :param key_name: The name of the key pair with which to launch instances
+        :type security_groups: list of strings
+        :param security_groups: The names of the security groups with which to associate instances
+        :type user_data: string
+        :param user_data: The user data passed to the launched instances
+        :type instance_type: string
+        :param instance_type: The type of instance to run (m1.small, m1.large, m1.xlarge)
+        :type placement: string
+        :param placement: The availability zone in which to launch the instances
+        :type kernel_id: string
+        :param kernel_id: The ID of the kernel with which to launch the instances
+        :type ramdisk_id: string
+        :param ramdisk_id: The ID of the RAM disk with which to launch the instances
+        :type monitoring_enabled: bool
+        :param monitoring_enabled: Enable CloudWatch monitoring on the instance.
+        :type subnet_id: string
+        :param subnet_id: The subnet ID within which to launch the instances for VPC.
+        :type block_device_map: :class:`boto.ec2.blockdevicemapping.BlockDeviceMapping`
+        :param block_device_map: A BlockDeviceMapping data structure
+                                 describing the EBS volumes associated
+                                 with the Image.
+        :rtype: Reservation
+        :return: The :class:`boto.ec2.instance.Reservation` associated with the request for machines
+        """
+        params = {'LaunchSpecification.ImageId':image_id,
+                  'SpotPrice' : price}
+        if count:
+            params['InstanceCount'] = count
+        if valid_from:
+            params['ValidFrom'] = valid_from
+        if valid_until:
+            params['ValidUntil'] = valid_until
+        if launch_group:
+            params['LaunchGroup'] = launch_group
+        if availability_zone_group:
+            params['AvailabilityZoneGroup'] = availability_zone_group
+        if key_name:
+            params['LaunchSpecification.KeyName'] = key_name
+        if security_groups:
+            l = []
+            for group in security_groups:
+                if isinstance(group, SecurityGroup):
+                    l.append(
+                else:
+                    l.append(group)
+            self.build_list_params(params, l,
+                                   'LaunchSpecification.SecurityGroup')
+        if user_data:
+            params['LaunchSpecification.UserData'] = base64.b64encode(user_data)
+        if addressing_type:
+            params['LaunchSpecification.AddressingType'] = addressing_type
+        if instance_type:
+            params['LaunchSpecification.InstanceType'] = instance_type
+        if placement:
+            params['LaunchSpecification.Placement.AvailabilityZone'] = placement
+        if kernel_id:
+            params['LaunchSpecification.KernelId'] = kernel_id
+        if ramdisk_id:
+            params['LaunchSpecification.RamdiskId'] = ramdisk_id
+        if monitoring_enabled:
+            params['LaunchSpecification.Monitoring.Enabled'] = 'true'
+        if subnet_id:
+            params['LaunchSpecification.SubnetId'] = subnet_id
+        if block_device_map:
+            block_device_map.build_list_params(params, 'LaunchSpecification.')
+        return self.get_list('RequestSpotInstances', params,
+                             [('item', SpotInstanceRequest)],
+                             verb='POST')
+    def cancel_spot_instance_requests(self, request_ids):
+        """
+        Cancel the specified Spot Instance Requests.
+        :type request_ids: list
+        :param request_ids: A list of strings of the Request IDs to terminate
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: A list of the instances terminated
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if request_ids:
+            self.build_list_params(params, request_ids, 'SpotInstanceRequestId')
+        return self.get_list('CancelSpotInstanceRequests', params, [('item', Instance)])
+    def get_spot_datafeed_subscription(self):
+        """
+        Return the current spot instance data feed subscription
+        associated with this account, if any.
+        :rtype: :class:`boto.ec2.spotdatafeedsubscription.SpotDatafeedSubscription
+        :return: The datafeed subscription object or None
+        """
+        return self.get_object('DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscription',
+                               None, SpotDatafeedSubscription)
+    def create_spot_datafeed_subscription(self, bucket, prefix):
+        """
+        Create a spot instance datafeed subscription for this account.
+        :type bucket: str or unicode
+        :param bucket: The name of the bucket where spot instance data
+                       will be written.
+        :type prefix: str or unicode
+        :param prefix: An optional prefix that will be pre-pended to all
+                       data files written to the bucket.
+        :rtype: :class:`boto.ec2.spotdatafeedsubscription.SpotDatafeedSubscription
+        :return: The datafeed subscription object or None
+        """
+        params = {'Bucket' : bucket}
+        if prefix:
+            params['Prefix'] = prefix
+        return self.get_object('CreateSpotDatafeedSubscription',
+                               params, SpotDatafeedSubscription)
+    def delete_spot_datafeed_subscription(self):
+        """
+        Delete the current spot instance data feed subscription
+        associated with this account
+        :rtype: bool
+        :return: True if successful
+        """
+        return self.get_status('DeleteSpotDatafeedSubscription', None)
+    # Zone methods
+    def get_all_zones(self, zones=None):
+        """
+        Get all Availability Zones associated with the current region.
+        :type zones: list
+        :param zones: Optional list of zones.  If this list is present,
+                      only the Zones associated with these zone names
+                      will be returned.
+        :rtype: list of L{}
+        :return: The requested Zone objects
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if zones:
+            self.build_list_params(params, zones, 'ZoneName')
+        return self.get_list('DescribeAvailabilityZones', params, [('item', Zone)])
+    # Address methods
+    def get_all_addresses(self, addresses=None):
+        """
+        Get all EIP's associated with the current credentials.
+        :type addresses: list
+        :param addresses: Optional list of addresses.  If this list is present,
+                           only the Addresses associated with these addresses
+                           will be returned.
+        :rtype: list of L{boto.ec2.address.Address}
+        :return: The requested Address objects
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if addresses:
+            self.build_list_params(params, addresses, 'PublicIp')
+        return self.get_list('DescribeAddresses', params, [('item', Address)])
+    def allocate_address(self):
+        """
+        Allocate a new Elastic IP address and associate it with your account.
+        :rtype: L{boto.ec2.address.Address}
+        :return: The newly allocated Address
+        """
+        return self.get_object('AllocateAddress', None, Address)
+    def associate_address(self, instance_id, public_ip):
+        """
+        Associate an Elastic IP address with a currently running instance.
+        :type instance_id: string
+        :param instance_id: The ID of the instance
+        :type public_ip: string
+        :param public_ip: The public IP address
+        :rtype: bool
+        :return: True if successful
+        """
+        params = {'InstanceId' : instance_id, 'PublicIp' : public_ip}
+        return self.get_status('AssociateAddress', params)
+    def disassociate_address(self, public_ip):
+        """
+        Disassociate an Elastic IP address from a currently running instance.
+        :type public_ip: string
+        :param public_ip: The public IP address
+        :rtype: bool
+        :return: True if successful
+        """
+        params = {'PublicIp' : public_ip}
+        return self.get_status('DisassociateAddress', params)
+    def release_address(self, public_ip):
+        """
+        Free up an Elastic IP address
+        :type public_ip: string
+        :param public_ip: The public IP address
+        :rtype: bool
+        :return: True if successful
+        """
+        params = {'PublicIp' : public_ip}
+        return self.get_status('ReleaseAddress', params)
+    # Volume methods
+    def get_all_volumes(self, volume_ids=None):
+        """
+        Get all Volumes associated with the current credentials.
+        :type volume_ids: list
+        :param volume_ids: Optional list of volume ids.  If this list is present,
+                           only the volumes associated with these volume ids
+                           will be returned.
+        :rtype: list of L{boto.ec2.volume.Volume}
+        :return: The requested Volume objects
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if volume_ids:
+            self.build_list_params(params, volume_ids, 'VolumeId')
+        return self.get_list('DescribeVolumes', params, [('item', Volume)])
+    def create_volume(self, size, zone, snapshot=None):
+        """
+        Create a new EBS Volume.
+        :type size: int
+        :param size: The size of the new volume, in GiB
+        :type zone: string or L{}
+        :param zone: The availability zone in which the Volume will be created.
+        :type snapshot: string or L{boto.ec2.snapshot.Snapshot}
+        :param snapshot: The snapshot from which the new Volume will be created.
+        """
+        if isinstance(zone, Zone):
+            zone =
+        params = {'AvailabilityZone' : zone}
+        if size:
+            params['Size'] = size
+        if snapshot:
+            if isinstance(snapshot, Snapshot):
+                snapshot =
+            params['SnapshotId'] = snapshot
+        return self.get_object('CreateVolume', params, Volume)
+    def delete_volume(self, volume_id):
+        """
+        Delete an EBS volume.
+        :type volume_id: str
+        :param volume_id: The ID of the volume to be delete.
+        :rtype: bool
+        :return: True if successful
+        """
+        params = {'VolumeId': volume_id}
+        return self.get_status('DeleteVolume', params)
+    def attach_volume(self, volume_id, instance_id, device):
+        """
+        Attach an EBS volume to an EC2 instance.
+        :type volume_id: str
+        :param volume_id: The ID of the EBS volume to be attached.
+        :type instance_id: str
+        :param instance_id: The ID of the EC2 instance to which it will
+                            be attached.
+        :type device: str
+        :param device: The device on the instance through which the
+                       volume will be exposted (e.g. /dev/sdh)
+        :rtype: bool
+        :return: True if successful
+        """
+        params = {'InstanceId' : instance_id,
+                  'VolumeId' : volume_id,
+                  'Device' : device}
+        return self.get_status('AttachVolume', params)
+    def detach_volume(self, volume_id, instance_id=None, device=None, force=False):
+        """
+        Detach an EBS volume from an EC2 instance.
+        :type volume_id: str
+        :param volume_id: The ID of the EBS volume to be attached.
+        :type instance_id: str
+        :param instance_id: The ID of the EC2 instance from which it will
+                            be detached.
+        :type device: str
+        :param device: The device on the instance through which the
+                       volume is exposted (e.g. /dev/sdh)
+        :type force: bool
+        :param force: Forces detachment if the previous detachment attempt did
+                      not occur cleanly.  This option can lead to data loss or
+                      a corrupted file system. Use this option only as a last
+                      resort to detach a volume from a failed instance. The
+                      instance will not have an opportunity to flush file system
+                      caches nor file system meta data. If you use this option,
+                      you must perform file system check and repair procedures.
+        :rtype: bool
+        :return: True if successful
+        """
+        params = {'VolumeId' : volume_id}
+        if instance_id:
+            params['InstanceId'] = instance_id
+        if device:
+            params['Device'] = device
+        if force:
+            params['Force'] = 'true'
+        return self.get_status('DetachVolume', params)
+    # Snapshot methods
+    def get_all_snapshots(self, snapshot_ids=None, owner=None, restorable_by=None):
+        """
+        Get all EBS Snapshots associated with the current credentials.
+        :type snapshot_ids: list
+        :param snapshot_ids: Optional list of snapshot ids.  If this list is present,
+                           only the Snapshots associated with these snapshot ids
+                           will be returned.
+        :type owner: str
+        :param owner: If present, only the snapshots owned by the specified user
+                      will be returned.  Valid values are:
+                      self | amazon | AWS Account ID
+        :type restorable_by: str
+        :param restorable_by: If present, only the snapshots that are restorable
+                              by the specified account id will be returned.
+        :rtype: list of L{boto.ec2.snapshot.Snapshot}
+        :return: The requested Snapshot objects
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if snapshot_ids:
+            self.build_list_params(params, snapshot_ids, 'SnapshotId')
+        if owner:
+            params['Owner'] = owner
+        if restorable_by:
+            params['RestorableBy'] = restorable_by
+        return self.get_list('DescribeSnapshots', params, [('item', Snapshot)])
+    def create_snapshot(self, volume_id, description=None):
+        """
+        Create a snapshot of an existing EBS Volume.
+        :type volume_id: str
+        :param volume_id: The ID of the volume to be snapshot'ed
+        :type description: str
+        :param description: A description of the snapshot.  Limited to 255 characters.
+        :rtype: bool
+        :return: True if successful
+        """
+        params = {'VolumeId' : volume_id}
+        if description:
+            params['Description'] = description[0:255]
+        return self.get_object('CreateSnapshot', params, Snapshot)
+    def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot_id):
+        params = {'SnapshotId': snapshot_id}
+        return self.get_status('DeleteSnapshot', params)
+    def get_snapshot_attribute(self, snapshot_id, attribute='createVolumePermission'):
+        """
+        Get information about an attribute of a snapshot.  Only one attribute can be
+        specified per call.
+        :type snapshot_id: str
+        :param snapshot_id: The ID of the snapshot.
+        :type attribute: str
+        :param attribute: The requested attribute.  Valid values are:
+                          createVolumePermission
+        :rtype: list of L{boto.ec2.snapshotattribute.SnapshotAttribute}
+        :return: The requested Snapshot attribute
+        """
+        params = {'Attribute' : attribute}
+        if snapshot_id:
+            params['SnapshotId'] = snapshot_id
+        return self.get_object('DescribeSnapshotAttribute', params, SnapshotAttribute)
+    def modify_snapshot_attribute(self, snapshot_id, attribute='createVolumePermission',
+                                  operation='add', user_ids=None, groups=None):
+        """
+        Changes an attribute of an image.
+        :type snapshot_id: string
+        :param snapshot_id: The snapshot id you wish to change
+        :type attribute: string
+        :param attribute: The attribute you wish to change.  Valid values are:
+                          createVolumePermission
+        :type operation: string
+        :param operation: Either add or remove (this is required for changing
+                          snapshot ermissions)
+        :type user_ids: list
+        :param user_ids: The Amazon IDs of users to add/remove attributes
+        :type groups: list
+        :param groups: The groups to add/remove attributes.  The only valid
+                       value at this time is 'all'.
+        """
+        params = {'SnapshotId' : snapshot_id,
+                  'Attribute' : attribute,
+                  'OperationType' : operation}
+        if user_ids:
+            self.build_list_params(params, user_ids, 'UserId')
+        if groups:
+            self.build_list_params(params, groups, 'UserGroup')
+        return self.get_status('ModifySnapshotAttribute', params)
+    def reset_snapshot_attribute(self, snapshot_id, attribute='createVolumePermission'):
+        """
+        Resets an attribute of a snapshot to its default value.
+        :type snapshot_id: string
+        :param snapshot_id: ID of the snapshot
+        :type attribute: string
+        :param attribute: The attribute to reset
+        :rtype: bool
+        :return: Whether the operation succeeded or not
+        """
+        params = {'SnapshotId' : snapshot_id,
+                  'Attribute' : attribute}
+        return self.get_status('ResetSnapshotAttribute', params)
+    # Keypair methods
+    def get_all_key_pairs(self, keynames=None):
+        """
+        Get all key pairs associated with your account.
+        :type keynames: list
+        :param keynames: A list of the names of keypairs to retrieve.
+                         If not provided, all key pairs will be returned.
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: A list of :class:`boto.ec2.keypair.KeyPair`
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if keynames:
+            self.build_list_params(params, keynames, 'KeyName')
+        return self.get_list('DescribeKeyPairs', params, [('item', KeyPair)])
+    def get_key_pair(self, keyname):
+        """
+        Convenience method to retrieve a specific keypair (KeyPair).
+        :type image_id: string
+        :param image_id: the ID of the Image to retrieve
+        :rtype: :class:`boto.ec2.keypair.KeyPair`
+        :return: The KeyPair specified or None if it is not found
+        """
+        try:
+            return self.get_all_key_pairs(keynames=[keyname])[0]
+        except IndexError: # None of those key pairs available
+            return None
+    def create_key_pair(self, key_name):
+        """
+        Create a new key pair for your account.
+        This will create the key pair within the region you
+        are currently connected to.
+        :type key_name: string
+        :param key_name: The name of the new keypair
+        :rtype: :class:`boto.ec2.keypair.KeyPair`
+        :return: The newly created :class:`boto.ec2.keypair.KeyPair`.
+                 The material attribute of the new KeyPair object
+                 will contain the the unencrypted PEM encoded RSA private key.
+        """
+        params = {'KeyName':key_name}
+        return self.get_object('CreateKeyPair', params, KeyPair)
+    def delete_key_pair(self, key_name):
+        """
+        Delete a key pair from your account.
+        :type key_name: string
+        :param key_name: The name of the keypair to delete
+        """
+        params = {'KeyName':key_name}
+        return self.get_status('DeleteKeyPair', params)
+    # SecurityGroup methods
+    def get_all_security_groups(self, groupnames=None):
+        """
+        Get all security groups associated with your account in a region.
+        :type groupnames: list
+        :param groupnames: A list of the names of security groups to retrieve.
+                           If not provided, all security groups will be returned.
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: A list of :class:`boto.ec2.securitygroup.SecurityGroup`
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if groupnames:
+            self.build_list_params(params, groupnames, 'GroupName')
+        return self.get_list('DescribeSecurityGroups', params, [('item', SecurityGroup)])
+    def create_security_group(self, name, description):
+        """
+        Create a new security group for your account.
+        This will create the security group within the region you
+        are currently connected to.
+        :type name: string
+        :param name: The name of the new security group
+        :type description: string
+        :param description: The description of the new security group
+        :rtype: :class:`boto.ec2.securitygroup.SecurityGroup`
+        :return: The newly created :class:`boto.ec2.keypair.KeyPair`.
+        """
+        params = {'GroupName':name, 'GroupDescription':description}
+        group = self.get_object('CreateSecurityGroup', params, SecurityGroup)
+ = name
+        group.description = description
+        return group
+    def delete_security_group(self, name):
+        """
+        Delete a security group from your account.
+        :type key_name: string
+        :param key_name: The name of the keypair to delete
+        """
+        params = {'GroupName':name}
+        return self.get_status('DeleteSecurityGroup', params)
+    def authorize_security_group(self, group_name, src_security_group_name=None,
+                                 src_security_group_owner_id=None,
+                                 ip_protocol=None, from_port=None, to_port=None,
+                                 cidr_ip=None):
+        """
+        Add a new rule to an existing security group.
+        You need to pass in either src_security_group_name and
+        src_security_group_owner_id OR ip_protocol, from_port, to_port,
+        and cidr_ip.  In other words, either you are authorizing another
+        group or you are authorizing some ip-based rule.
+        :type group_name: string
+        :param group_name: The name of the security group you are adding
+                           the rule to.
+        :type src_security_group_name: string
+        :param src_security_group_name: The name of the security group you are
+                                        granting access to.
+        :type src_security_group_owner_id: string
+        :param src_security_group_owner_id: The ID of the owner of the security group you are
+                                            granting access to.
+        :type ip_protocol: string
+        :param ip_protocol: Either tcp | udp | icmp
+        :type from_port: int
+        :param from_port: The beginning port number you are enabling
+        :type to_port: int
+        :param to_port: The ending port number you are enabling
+        :type to_port: string
+        :param to_port: The CIDR block you are providing access to.
+                        See
+        :rtype: bool
+        :return: True if successful.
+        """
+        params = {'GroupName':group_name}
+        if src_security_group_name:
+            params['SourceSecurityGroupName'] = src_security_group_name
+        if src_security_group_owner_id:
+            params['SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId'] = src_security_group_owner_id
+        if ip_protocol:
+            params['IpProtocol'] = ip_protocol
+        if from_port:
+            params['FromPort'] = from_port
+        if to_port:
+            params['ToPort'] = to_port
+        if cidr_ip:
+            params['CidrIp'] = urllib.quote(cidr_ip)
+        return self.get_status('AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress', params)
+    def revoke_security_group(self, group_name, src_security_group_name=None,
+                              src_security_group_owner_id=None,
+                              ip_protocol=None, from_port=None, to_port=None,
+                              cidr_ip=None):
+        """
+        Remove an existing rule from an existing security group.
+        You need to pass in either src_security_group_name and
+        src_security_group_owner_id OR ip_protocol, from_port, to_port,
+        and cidr_ip.  In other words, either you are revoking another
+        group or you are revoking some ip-based rule.
+        :type group_name: string
+        :param group_name: The name of the security group you are removing
+                           the rule from.
+        :type src_security_group_name: string
+        :param src_security_group_name: The name of the security group you are
+                                        revoking access to.
+        :type src_security_group_owner_id: string
+        :param src_security_group_owner_id: The ID of the owner of the security group you are
+                                            revoking access to.
+        :type ip_protocol: string
+        :param ip_protocol: Either tcp | udp | icmp
+        :type from_port: int
+        :param from_port: The beginning port number you are disabling
+        :type to_port: int
+        :param to_port: The ending port number you are disabling
+        :type to_port: string
+        :param to_port: The CIDR block you are revoking access to.
+                        See
+        :rtype: bool
+        :return: True if successful.
+        """
+        params = {'GroupName':group_name}
+        if src_security_group_name:
+            params['SourceSecurityGroupName'] = src_security_group_name
+        if src_security_group_owner_id:
+            params['SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId'] = src_security_group_owner_id
+        if ip_protocol:
+            params['IpProtocol'] = ip_protocol
+        if from_port:
+            params['FromPort'] = from_port
+        if to_port:
+            params['ToPort'] = to_port
+        if cidr_ip:
+            params['CidrIp'] = cidr_ip
+        return self.get_status('RevokeSecurityGroupIngress', params)
+    #
+    # Regions
+    #
+    def get_all_regions(self):
+        """
+        Get all available regions for the EC2 service.
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: A list of :class:`boto.ec2.regioninfo.RegionInfo`
+        """
+        return self.get_list('DescribeRegions', None, [('item', RegionInfo)])
+    #
+    # Reservation methods
+    #
+    def get_all_reserved_instances_offerings(self, reserved_instances_id=None,
+                                             instance_type=None,
+                                             availability_zone=None,
+                                             product_description=None):
+        """
+        Describes Reserved Instance offerings that are available for purchase.
+        :type reserved_instances_id: str
+        :param reserved_instances_id: Displays Reserved Instances with the specified offering IDs.
+        :type instance_type: str
+        :param instance_type: Displays Reserved Instances of the specified instance type.
+        :type availability_zone: str
+        :param availability_zone: Displays Reserved Instances within the specified Availability Zone.
+        :type product_description: str
+        :param product_description: Displays Reserved Instances with the specified product description.
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: A list of :class:`boto.ec2.reservedinstance.ReservedInstancesOffering`
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if reserved_instances_id:
+            params['ReservedInstancesId'] = reserved_instances_id
+        if instance_type:
+            params['InstanceType'] = instance_type
+        if availability_zone:
+            params['AvailabilityZone'] = availability_zone
+        if product_description:
+            params['ProductDescription'] = product_description
+        return self.get_list('DescribeReservedInstancesOfferings',
+                             params, [('item', ReservedInstancesOffering)])
+    def get_all_reserved_instances(self, reserved_instances_id=None):
+        """
+        Describes Reserved Instance offerings that are available for purchase.
+        :type reserved_instance_ids: list
+        :param reserved_instance_ids: A list of the reserved instance ids that will be returned.
+                                      If not provided, all reserved instances will be returned.
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: A list of :class:`boto.ec2.reservedinstance.ReservedInstance`
+        """
+        params = {}
+        if reserved_instances_id:
+            self.build_list_params(params, reserved_instances_id, 'ReservedInstancesId')
+        return self.get_list('DescribeReservedInstances',
+                             params, [('item', ReservedInstance)])
+    def purchase_reserved_instance_offering(self, reserved_instances_offering_id,
+                                            instance_count=1):
+        """
+        Purchase a Reserved Instance for use with your account.
+        ** CAUTION **
+        This request can result in large amounts of money being charged to your
+        AWS account.  Use with caution!
+        :type reserved_instances_offering_id: string
+        :param reserved_instances_offering_id: The offering ID of the Reserved
+                                               Instance to purchase
+        :type instance_count: int
+        :param instance_count: The number of Reserved Instances to purchase.
+                               Default value is 1.
+        :rtype: :class:`boto.ec2.reservedinstance.ReservedInstance`
+        :return: The newly created Reserved Instance
+        """
+        params = {'ReservedInstancesOfferingId' : reserved_instances_offering_id,
+                  'InstanceCount' : instance_count}
+        return self.get_object('PurchaseReservedInstancesOffering', params, ReservedInstance)
+    #
+    # Monitoring
+    #
+    def monitor_instance(self, instance_id):
+        """
+        Enable CloudWatch monitoring for the supplied instance.
+        :type instance_id: string
+        :param instance_id: The instance id
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: A list of :class:`boto.ec2.instanceinfo.InstanceInfo`
+        """
+        params = {'InstanceId' : instance_id}
+        return self.get_list('MonitorInstances', params, [('item', InstanceInfo)])
+    def unmonitor_instance(self, instance_id):
+        """
+        Disable CloudWatch monitoring for the supplied instance.
+        :type instance_id: string
+        :param instance_id: The instance id
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: A list of :class:`boto.ec2.instanceinfo.InstanceInfo`
+        """
+        params = {'InstanceId' : instance_id}
+        return self.get_list('UnmonitorInstances', params, [('item', InstanceInfo)])

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Copied: incubator/mesos/trunk/third_party/boto-1.9b/boto/ec2/elb/ (from r1132066, incubator/mesos/trunk/third_party/boto-1.8d/boto/ec2/elb/
--- incubator/mesos/trunk/third_party/boto-1.8d/boto/ec2/elb/ (original)
+++ incubator/mesos/trunk/third_party/boto-1.9b/boto/ec2/elb/ Sun Jun  5 08:34:02 2011
@@ -56,19 +56,20 @@ class ELBConnection(AWSQueryConnection):
         for i in range(1, len(items)+1):
             params[label % i] = items[i-1]
-    def get_all_load_balancers(self, load_balancer_names=None):
+    def get_all_load_balancers(self, load_balancer_name=None):
         Retrieve all load balancers associated with your account.
-        @type load_balancer_names: list
-        @param load_balancer_names: A list of strings of load balancer names
+        :type load_balancer_names: str
+        :param load_balancer_names: An optional filter string to get only one ELB
-        @rtype: list
-        @return: A list of L{LoadBalancer<boto.ec2.elb.loadbalancer.LoadBalancer>}
+        :rtype: list
+        :return: A list of :class:`boto.ec2.elb.loadbalancer.LoadBalancer`
         params = {}
-        if load_balancer_names:
-            self.build_list_params(params, load_balancer_names, 'LoadBalancerName.%d')
+        if load_balancer_name:
+            #self.build_list_params(params, load_balancer_names, 'LoadBalancerName.%d')
+            params['LoadBalancerName'] = load_balancer_name
         return self.get_list('DescribeLoadBalancers', params, [('member', LoadBalancer)])
@@ -76,21 +77,21 @@ class ELBConnection(AWSQueryConnection):
         Create a new load balancer for your account.
-        @type name: string
-        @param name: The mnemonic name associated with the new load balancer
+        :type name: string
+        :param name: The mnemonic name associated with the new load balancer
-        @type zones: List of strings
-        @param zones: The names of the availability zone(s) to add.
+        :type zones: List of strings
+        :param zones: The names of the availability zone(s) to add.
-        @type listeners: List of tuples
-        @param listeners: Each tuple contains three values.
+        :type listeners: List of tuples
+        :param listeners: Each tuple contains three values.
                           (LoadBalancerPortNumber, InstancePortNumber, Protocol)
                           where LoadBalancerPortNumber and InstancePortNumber are
                           integer values between 1 and 65535 and Protocol is a
                           string containing either 'TCP' or 'HTTP'.
-        @rtype: L{AccessPoint<boto.ec2.elb.loadbalancer.LoadBalancer}
-        @return: The newly created L{LoadBalancer<boto.ec2.elb.loadbalancer.LoadBalancer}
+        :rtype: :class:`boto.ec2.elb.loadbalancer.LoadBalancer`
+        :return: The newly created :class:`boto.ec2.elb.loadbalancer.LoadBalancer`
         params = {'LoadBalancerName' : name}
         for i in range(0, len(listeners)):
@@ -108,8 +109,8 @@ class ELBConnection(AWSQueryConnection):
         Delete a Load Balancer from your account.
-        @type name: string
-        @param name: The name of the Load Balancer to delete
+        :type name: string
+        :param name: The name of the Load Balancer to delete
         params = {'LoadBalancerName': name}
         return self.get_status('DeleteLoadBalancer', params)
@@ -121,14 +122,14 @@ class ELBConnection(AWSQueryConnection):
         Adding zones that are already registered with the Load Balancer
         has no effect.
-        @type load_balancer_name: string
-        @param load_balancer_name: The name of the Load Balancer
+        :type load_balancer_name: string
+        :param load_balancer_name: The name of the Load Balancer
-        @type zones: List of strings
-        @param zones: The name of the zone(s) to add.
+        :type zones: List of strings
+        :param zones: The name of the zone(s) to add.
-        @rtype: List of strings
-        @return: An updated list of zones for this Load Balancer.
+        :rtype: List of strings
+        :return: An updated list of zones for this Load Balancer.
         params = {'LoadBalancerName' : load_balancer_name}
@@ -143,14 +144,14 @@ class ELBConnection(AWSQueryConnection):
         has no effect.
         You cannot remove all zones from an Load Balancer.
-        @type load_balancer_name: string
-        @param load_balancer_name: The name of the Load Balancer
+        :type load_balancer_name: string
+        :param load_balancer_name: The name of the Load Balancer
-        @type zones: List of strings
-        @param zones: The name of the zone(s) to remove.
+        :type zones: List of strings
+        :param zones: The name of the zone(s) to remove.
-        @rtype: List of strings
-        @return: An updated list of zones for this Load Balancer.
+        :rtype: List of strings
+        :return: An updated list of zones for this Load Balancer.
         params = {'LoadBalancerName' : load_balancer_name}
@@ -161,14 +162,14 @@ class ELBConnection(AWSQueryConnection):
         Add new Instances to an existing Load Balancer.
-        @type load_balancer_name: string
-        @param load_balancer_name: The name of the Load Balancer
+        :type load_balancer_name: string
+        :param load_balancer_name: The name of the Load Balancer
-        @type instances: List of strings
-        @param instances: The instance ID's of the EC2 instances to add.
+        :type instances: List of strings
+        :param instances: The instance ID's of the EC2 instances to add.
-        @rtype: List of strings
-        @return: An updated list of instances for this Load Balancer.
+        :rtype: List of strings
+        :return: An updated list of instances for this Load Balancer.
         params = {'LoadBalancerName' : load_balancer_name}
@@ -179,14 +180,14 @@ class ELBConnection(AWSQueryConnection):
         Remove Instances from an existing Load Balancer.
-        @type load_balancer_name: string
-        @param load_balancer_name: The name of the Load Balancer
+        :type load_balancer_name: string
+        :param load_balancer_name: The name of the Load Balancer
-        @type instances: List of strings
-        @param instances: The instance ID's of the EC2 instances to remove.
+        :type instances: List of strings
+        :param instances: The instance ID's of the EC2 instances to remove.
-        @rtype: List of strings
-        @return: An updated list of instances for this Load Balancer.
+        :rtype: List of strings
+        :return: An updated list of instances for this Load Balancer.
         params = {'LoadBalancerName' : load_balancer_name}
@@ -197,16 +198,16 @@ class ELBConnection(AWSQueryConnection):
         Get current state of all Instances registered to an Load Balancer.
-        @type load_balancer_name: string
-        @param load_balancer_name: The name of the Load Balancer
+        :type load_balancer_name: string
+        :param load_balancer_name: The name of the Load Balancer
-        @type instances: List of strings
-        @param instances: The instance ID's of the EC2 instances
+        :type instances: List of strings
+        :param instances: The instance ID's of the EC2 instances
                           to return status for.  If not provided,
                           the state of all instances will be returned.
-        @rtype: List of L{InstanceState<boto.ec2.elb.instancestate.InstanceState>}
-        @return: list of state info for instances in this Load Balancer.
+        :rtype: List of :class:`boto.ec2.elb.instancestate.InstanceState`
+        :return: list of state info for instances in this Load Balancer.
         params = {'LoadBalancerName' : load_balancer_name}
@@ -218,15 +219,15 @@ class ELBConnection(AWSQueryConnection):
         Define a health check for the EndPoints.
-        @type name: string
-        @param name: The mnemonic name associated with the new access point
+        :type name: string
+        :param name: The mnemonic name associated with the new access point
-        @type health_check: L{HealthCheck<boto.ec2.elb.healthcheck.HealthCheck>}
-        @param health_check: A HealthCheck object populated with the desired
+        :type health_check: :class:`boto.ec2.elb.healthcheck.HealthCheck`
+        :param health_check: A HealthCheck object populated with the desired
-        @rtype: L{HealthCheck<boto.ec2.elb.healthcheck.HealthCheck}
-        @return: The updated L{HealthCheck<boto.ec2.elb.healthcheck.HealthCheck}
+        :rtype: :class:`boto.ec2.elb.healthcheck.HealthCheck`
+        :return: The updated :class:`boto.ec2.elb.healthcheck.HealthCheck`
         params = {'LoadBalancerName' : name,
                   'HealthCheck.Timeout' : health_check.timeout,

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--- incubator/mesos/trunk/third_party/boto-1.8d/boto/ec2/elb/ (original)
+++ incubator/mesos/trunk/third_party/boto-1.9b/boto/ec2/elb/ Sun Jun  5 08:34:02 2011
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ class LoadBalancer(object):
         Enable availability zones to this Access Point.
         All zones must be in the same region as the Access Point.
-        @type zones: string or List of strings
-        @param zones: The name of the zone(s) to add.
+        :type zones: string or List of strings
+        :param zones: The name of the zone(s) to add.
         if isinstance(zones, str) or isinstance(zones, unicode):
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ class LoadBalancer(object):
         Disable availability zones from this Access Point.
-        @type zones: string or List of strings
-        @param zones: The name of the zone(s) to add.
+        :type zones: string or List of strings
+        :param zones: The name of the zone(s) to add.
         if isinstance(zones, str) or isinstance(zones, unicode):
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ class LoadBalancer(object):
         Adding endpoints that are already registered with the Load Balancer
         has no effect.
-        @type zones: string or List of instance id's
-        @param zones: The name of the endpoint(s) to add.
+        :type zones: string or List of instance id's
+        :param zones: The name of the endpoint(s) to add.
         if isinstance(instances, str) or isinstance(instances, unicode):
@@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ class LoadBalancer(object):
         Removing instances that are not registered with the Load Balancer
         has no effect.
-        @type zones: string or List of instance id's
-        @param zones: The name of the endpoint(s) to add.
+        :type zones: string or List of instance id's
+        :param zones: The name of the endpoint(s) to add.
         if isinstance(instances, str) or isinstance(instances, unicode):

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--- incubator/mesos/trunk/third_party/boto-1.8d/boto/ec2/ (original)
+++ incubator/mesos/trunk/third_party/boto-1.9b/boto/ec2/ Sun Jun  5 08:34:02 2011
@@ -20,7 +20,17 @@
 from boto.ec2.ec2object import EC2Object
+from boto.ec2.blockdevicemapping import BlockDeviceMapping
+class ProductCodes(list):
+    def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection):
+        pass
+    def endElement(self, name, value, connection):
+        if name == 'productCode':
+            self.append(value)
 class Image(EC2Object):
     Represents an EC2 Image
@@ -32,16 +42,32 @@ class Image(EC2Object):
         self.location = None
         self.state = None
         self.ownerId = None
+        self.owner_alias = None
         self.is_public = False
         self.architecture = None
+        self.platform = None
         self.type = None
         self.kernel_id = None
         self.ramdisk_id = None
-        self.product_codes = []
+ = None
+        self.description = None
+        self.product_codes = ProductCodes()
+        self.block_device_mapping = None
+        self.root_device_type = None
+        self.root_device_name = None
     def __repr__(self):
         return 'Image:%s' %
+    def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection):
+        if name == 'blockDeviceMapping':
+            self.block_device_mapping = BlockDeviceMapping()
+            return self.block_device_mapping
+        elif name == 'productCodes':
+            return self.product_codes
+        else:
+            return None
     def endElement(self, name, value, connection):
         if name == 'imageId':
    = value
@@ -51,12 +77,6 @@ class Image(EC2Object):
             self.state = value
         elif name == 'imageOwnerId':
             self.ownerId = value
-        elif name == 'imageType':
-            self.type = value
-        elif name == 'kernelId':
-            self.kernel_id = value
-        elif name == 'ramdiskId':
-            self.ramdisk_id = value
         elif name == 'isPublic':
             if value == 'false':
                 self.is_public = False
@@ -69,45 +89,82 @@ class Image(EC2Object):
-        elif name == 'productCode':
-            self.product_codes.append(value)
+        elif name == 'architecture':
+            self.architecture = value
+        elif name == 'imageType':
+            self.type = value
+        elif name == 'kernelId':
+            self.kernel_id = value
+        elif name == 'ramdiskId':
+            self.ramdisk_id = value
+        elif name == 'imageOwnerAlias':
+            self.owner_alias = value
+        elif name == 'platform':
+            self.platform = value
+        elif name == 'name':
+   = value
+        elif name == 'description':
+            self.description = value
+        elif name == 'rootDeviceType':
+            self.root_device_type = value
+        elif name == 'rootDeviceName':
+            self.root_device_name = value
             setattr(self, name, value)
     def run(self, min_count=1, max_count=1, key_name=None,
             security_groups=None, user_data=None,
-            addressing_type=None, instance_type='m1.small', placement=None):
+            addressing_type=None, instance_type='m1.small', placement=None,
+            kernel_id=None, ramdisk_id=None,
+            monitoring_enabled=False, subnet_id=None):
         Runs this instance.
-        @type min_count: int
-        @param min_count: The minimum number of instances to start
+        :type min_count: int
+        :param min_count: The minimum number of instances to start
+        :type max_count: int
+        :param max_count: The maximum number of instances to start
-        @type max_count: int
-        @param max_count: The maximum number of instances to start
+        :type key_name: string
+        :param key_name: The keypair to run this instance with.
-        @type key_name: string
-        @param key_name: The keypair to run this instance with.
+        :type security_groups: 
+        :param security_groups:
-        @type security_groups: 
-        @param security_groups:
+        :type user_data: 
+        :param user_data:
-        @type user_data: 
-        @param user_data:
+        :type addressing_type: 
+        :param daddressing_type:
-        @type addressing_type: 
-        @param daddressing_type:
+        :type instance_type: string
+        :param instance_type: The type of instance to run (m1.small, m1.large, m1.xlarge)
+        :type placement: 
+        :param placement:
+        :type kernel_id: string
+        :param kernel_id: The ID of the kernel with which to launch the instances
-        @type instance_type: string
-        @param instance_type: The type of instance to run (m1.small, m1.large, m1.xlarge)
+        :type ramdisk_id: string
+        :param ramdisk_id: The ID of the RAM disk with which to launch the instances
-        @type placement: 
-        @param placement: 
+        :type monitoring_enabled: bool
+        :param monitoring_enabled: Enable CloudWatch monitoring on the instance.
+        :type subnet_id: string
+        :param subnet_id: The subnet ID within which to launch the instances for VPC.
+        :rtype: Reservation
+        :return: The :class:`boto.ec2.instance.Reservation` associated with the request for machines
         return self.connection.run_instances(, min_count, max_count,
                                              key_name, security_groups,
                                              user_data, addressing_type,
-                                             instance_type, placement)
+                                             instance_type, placement,
+                                             kernel_id, ramdisk_id,
+                                             monitoring_enabled, subnet_id)
     def deregister(self):
         return self.connection.deregister_image(
@@ -152,7 +209,11 @@ class ImageAttribute:
         self.attrs = {}
     def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection):
-        return None
+        if name == 'blockDeviceMapping':
+            self.attrs['block_device_mapping'] = BlockDeviceMapping()
+            return self.attrs['block_device_mapping']
+        else:
+            return None
     def endElement(self, name, value, connection):
         if name == 'launchPermission':