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Posted to by on 2011/02/22 14:59:20 UTC

svn commit: r1073355 [5/8] - in /incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk: ./ abstract-coverage/ abstract-coverage/src/main/resources/ abstract-test/ abstract-test/src/main/resources/ antcontrib-activator/ antcontrib-activator/src/main/resources/ antunit/ antun...

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/ivy-repo-management/src/main/resources/ivy-repo-management.ant
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/ivy-repo-management/src/main/resources/ivy-repo-management.ant (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/ivy-repo-management/src/main/resources/ivy-repo-management.ant Tue Feb 22 14:59:17 2011
@@ -16,133 +16,133 @@
 <project name="org.apache.easyant.plugins#ivy-repo-management" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" xmlns:ea="antlib:org.apache.easyant">
-	<ea:core-version requiredrevision="[0.8,+]" />
-	<target name=":init" phase="validate">
-		<ea:parameter phase="validate" />
-		<ea:parameter property="project.ivy.instance" default="project.ivy.instance" description="the ivy instance name for your project" />
-		<ea:parameter property="default.from.resolver" default="public" description="the repository name where the artifact will be picked up" />
-		<ea:parameter property="" default="local" description="the repository name where the artifact will be installed" />
-		<ea:parameter property="install.override" default="false" description="specify if the install targets should override an artifact on a repository if it already exists" />
-		<ea:parameter property="install.ivy.template" default="${org.apache.easyant.plugins#ivy-repo-management.ivy.xml.tpl.file}" description="specify a template ivy file used when you call install-artifact" />
-		<ea:parameter property="" default="${target}/install" description="specify a temporary directory used to make replacement in the template ivy file" />
-		<ea:parameter property="install.status" default="integration" description="specify the status of the artifact that will be installed with the install-artifact target" />
-		<ea:parameter property="install.interactive.mode" default="true" description="specify if easyant should ask questions instead of using -Dproperties" />
-		<condition property="">
-			<istrue value="${install.interactive.mode}"/>
-		</condition>
-		<!-- is project ivy settings configured ? -->
-		<ea:parameter property="project.ivy.settings.file" description="the ivysettings file used by your project" />
-		<ea:parameter property="project.ivy.settings.url" description="the ivysettings url used by your project" />
-		<condition property="is.project.ivy.settings.configured">
-			<isreference refid="${project.ivy.instance}"/>
-		</condition>
-		<fail unless="is.project.ivy.settings.configured" message="project ivy instance is not configured, at least one of the following property must be set : project.ivy.settings.file, project.ivy.settings.url"/>
-	</target>
-	<!--
-		This target is just here to intialize default value if install.interactive.mode is not set
-	-->
-	<target name="-check-interactive-mode" unless="">
-		<property name="from.resolver" value="${default.from.resolver}"/>
-		<property name="to.resolver" value="${}"/>
-	</target>
-	<!-- ================================= 
-		          target: copy-artifact              
-		         ================================= -->
-	<target name="-check-copy-artifact" depends="-check-interactive-mode" if="">
-		<input message="Please enter the module name:" addproperty="module" />
-		<input message="Please enter the organasization name :" addproperty="org" />
-		<input message="Please enter the revision number :" addproperty="rev" />
-		<input message="Please enter the repository name where the artifact will be picked up :" addproperty="from.resolver" defaultvalue="${default.from.resolver}" />
-		<input message="Please enter the repository name where the artifact will be installed :" addproperty="to.resolver" defaultvalue="${}" />
-	</target>
-	<target name=":copy-artifact" depends="validate,-check-copy-artifact" description="copy an artifact from an external repository in our repository">
-		<property name="mess" value="Usage: copy-artifact{line.separator}
-				easyant copy-artifact -Dorg=myOrgName -Dmodule=myModuleName -Drev=myRevisionNumber${line.separator}
-				Exemple:${line.separator} 		
-				easyant copy-artifact -Dorg=apache -Dmodule=commons-lang -Drev=1.0${line.separator}
-				${line.separator}
-				Docs:${line.separator} 		
-				org=Organization name (cf groupId in Maven)${line.separator} 		
-				module= Module name (cf artifactId in Maven)${line.separator} 		
-				rev= Revision number${line.separator}" />
-		<fail unless="org">org property is not defined${line.separator}${mess}</fail>
-		<fail unless="module">module property is not defined${line.separator}${mess}</fail>
-		<fail unless="rev">revision property is not defined${line.separator}${mess}</fail>
-		<ea:checkresolver resolver="from.resolver" settingsRef="${project.ivy.instance}" description="the repository name where the artifact will be picked up"/>
-		<ea:checkresolver resolver="to.resolver" settingsRef="${project.ivy.instance}" description="the repository name where the artifact will be installed"/>
-		<ivy:install settingsRef="${project.ivy.instance}" organisation="${org}" module="${module}" revision="${rev}" from="${from.resolver}" to="${to.resolver}" transitive="true" overwrite="${install.override}" />
-	</target>
-	<!-- ================================= 
-					          target: install-artifact
-					         ================================= -->
-	<target name="-check-install-artifact" depends="-check-interactive-mode" if="">
-		<input message="Please enter the module name:" addproperty="module" />
-		<input message="Please enter the organasization name :" addproperty="org" />
-		<input message="Please enter the revision number :" addproperty="rev" />
-		<input message="Please enter a path to the artifact :" addproperty="artifact" />
-		<input message="Please enter the repository name where the artifact will be installed :" addproperty="to.resolver" defaultvalue="${}" />
-	</target>
-	<target name=":install-artifact" depends="validate,-check-install-artifact" description="install a new artifact in your repository">
-		<property name="mess" value="Usage: install-artifact${line.separator}
-							easyant install-artifact -Dorg=myOrgName -Dmodule=myModuleName -Drev=myRevisionNumber -Dartifact=myFile${line.separator}
-							Exemple:${line.separator} 		
-							easyant install-artifact -Dorg=apache -Dmodule=commons-lang -Drev=1.0 -Dartifact=commons-lang.jar${line.separator}
-							${line.separator}
-							Docs:${line.separator} 		
-							org=Organization name (cf groupId in Maven)${line.separator} 		
-							module= Module name (cf artifactId in Maven)${line.separator} 		
-							rev= Revision number${line.separator} 		
-							artifact=File to import in the repository${line.separator}
-							You can also override to.resolver property to define on which repository you will publish your file 
-						" />
-		<fail unless="org">org property is not defined${line.separator}${mess}</fail>
-		<fail unless="module">module property is not defined${line.separator}${mess}</fail>
-		<fail unless="rev">revision property is not defined${line.separator}${mess}</fail>
-		<fail unless="artifact">artifact property is not defined${line.separator}${mess}</fail>
-		<available file="${artifact}" property="artifact.available"/>
-		<fail unless="artifact.available">unable to find artifact at ${artifact}${line.separator}${mess}</fail>
-		<ea:checkresolver resolver="to.resolver" settingsRef="${project.ivy.instance}" description="the repository name where the artifact will be installed"/>
-		<basename file="${artifact}" property="" />
-		<echo message="Creating ivy temp directory in ${}" />
-		<mkdir dir="${}" />
-		<echo message="Copying ${artifact} in  the ivy temp directory" />
-		<copy file="${artifact}" tofile="${}/${}" overwrite="true" />
-		<echo message="Generating ivy file for ${artifact}" />
-		<filterset id="artifact.filter">
-			<filter token="organisation" value="${org}" />
-			<filter token="module" value="${module}" />
-			<filter token="revision" value="${rev}" />
-		</filterset>
-		<copy file="${install.ivy.template}" tofile="${}/${}.xml" overwrite="true">
-			<filterset refid="artifact.filter" />
-		</copy>
-		<echo message="Publishing artifact in ${to.resolver} repository" />
-		<ivy:publish artifactspattern="${}/${}" organisation="${org}" module="${module}" revision="${rev}" srcivypattern="${}/${}.xml" resolver="${to.resolver}" pubrevision="${rev}" status="${install.status}" settingsRef="${project.ivy.instance}" overwrite="${install.override}" />
-		<echo message="Cleaning ${}" />
-		<delete>
-			<fileset dir="${}" includes="*" />
-		</delete>
+    <ea:core-version requiredrevision="[0.8,+]" />
+    <target name=":init" phase="validate">
+        <ea:parameter phase="validate" />
+        <ea:parameter property="project.ivy.instance" default="project.ivy.instance" description="the ivy instance name for your project" />
+        <ea:parameter property="default.from.resolver" default="public" description="the repository name where the artifact will be picked up" />
+        <ea:parameter property="" default="local" description="the repository name where the artifact will be installed" />
+        <ea:parameter property="install.override" default="false" description="specify if the install targets should override an artifact on a repository if it already exists" />
+        <ea:parameter property="install.ivy.template" default="${org.apache.easyant.plugins#ivy-repo-management.ivy.xml.tpl.file}" description="specify a template ivy file used when you call install-artifact" />
+        <ea:parameter property="" default="${target}/install" description="specify a temporary directory used to make replacement in the template ivy file" />
+        <ea:parameter property="install.status" default="integration" description="specify the status of the artifact that will be installed with the install-artifact target" />
+        <ea:parameter property="install.interactive.mode" default="true" description="specify if easyant should ask questions instead of using -Dproperties" />
+        <condition property="">
+            <istrue value="${install.interactive.mode}"/>
+        </condition>
+        <!-- is project ivy settings configured ? -->
+        <ea:parameter property="project.ivy.settings.file" description="the ivysettings file used by your project" />
+        <ea:parameter property="project.ivy.settings.url" description="the ivysettings url used by your project" />
+        <condition property="is.project.ivy.settings.configured">
+            <isreference refid="${project.ivy.instance}"/>
+        </condition>
+        <fail unless="is.project.ivy.settings.configured" message="project ivy instance is not configured, at least one of the following property must be set : project.ivy.settings.file, project.ivy.settings.url"/>
+    </target>
+    <!--
+        This target is just here to intialize default value if install.interactive.mode is not set
+    -->
+    <target name="-check-interactive-mode" unless="">
+        <property name="from.resolver" value="${default.from.resolver}"/>
+        <property name="to.resolver" value="${}"/>
+    </target>
+    <!-- ================================= 
+                  target: copy-artifact              
+                 ================================= -->
+    <target name="-check-copy-artifact" depends="-check-interactive-mode" if="">
+        <input message="Please enter the module name:" addproperty="module" />
+        <input message="Please enter the organasization name :" addproperty="org" />
+        <input message="Please enter the revision number :" addproperty="rev" />
+        <input message="Please enter the repository name where the artifact will be picked up :" addproperty="from.resolver" defaultvalue="${default.from.resolver}" />
+        <input message="Please enter the repository name where the artifact will be installed :" addproperty="to.resolver" defaultvalue="${}" />
+    </target>
+    <target name=":copy-artifact" depends="validate,-check-copy-artifact" description="copy an artifact from an external repository in our repository">
+        <property name="mess" value="Usage: copy-artifact{line.separator}
+                easyant copy-artifact -Dorg=myOrgName -Dmodule=myModuleName -Drev=myRevisionNumber${line.separator}
+                Exemple:${line.separator}       
+                easyant copy-artifact -Dorg=apache -Dmodule=commons-lang -Drev=1.0${line.separator}
+                ${line.separator}
+                Docs:${line.separator}      
+                org=Organization name (cf groupId in Maven)${line.separator}        
+                module= Module name (cf artifactId in Maven)${line.separator}       
+                rev= Revision number${line.separator}" />
+        <fail unless="org">org property is not defined${line.separator}${mess}</fail>
+        <fail unless="module">module property is not defined${line.separator}${mess}</fail>
+        <fail unless="rev">revision property is not defined${line.separator}${mess}</fail>
+        <ea:checkresolver resolver="from.resolver" settingsRef="${project.ivy.instance}" description="the repository name where the artifact will be picked up"/>
+        <ea:checkresolver resolver="to.resolver" settingsRef="${project.ivy.instance}" description="the repository name where the artifact will be installed"/>
+        <ivy:install settingsRef="${project.ivy.instance}" organisation="${org}" module="${module}" revision="${rev}" from="${from.resolver}" to="${to.resolver}" transitive="true" overwrite="${install.override}" />
+    </target>
+    <!-- ================================= 
+                              target: install-artifact
+                             ================================= -->
+    <target name="-check-install-artifact" depends="-check-interactive-mode" if="">
+        <input message="Please enter the module name:" addproperty="module" />
+        <input message="Please enter the organasization name :" addproperty="org" />
+        <input message="Please enter the revision number :" addproperty="rev" />
+        <input message="Please enter a path to the artifact :" addproperty="artifact" />
+        <input message="Please enter the repository name where the artifact will be installed :" addproperty="to.resolver" defaultvalue="${}" />
+    </target>
+    <target name=":install-artifact" depends="validate,-check-install-artifact" description="install a new artifact in your repository">
+        <property name="mess" value="Usage: install-artifact${line.separator}
+                            easyant install-artifact -Dorg=myOrgName -Dmodule=myModuleName -Drev=myRevisionNumber -Dartifact=myFile${line.separator}
+                            Exemple:${line.separator}       
+                            easyant install-artifact -Dorg=apache -Dmodule=commons-lang -Drev=1.0 -Dartifact=commons-lang.jar${line.separator}
+                            ${line.separator}
+                            Docs:${line.separator}      
+                            org=Organization name (cf groupId in Maven)${line.separator}        
+                            module= Module name (cf artifactId in Maven)${line.separator}       
+                            rev= Revision number${line.separator}       
+                            artifact=File to import in the repository${line.separator}
+                            You can also override to.resolver property to define on which repository you will publish your file 
+                        " />
+        <fail unless="org">org property is not defined${line.separator}${mess}</fail>
+        <fail unless="module">module property is not defined${line.separator}${mess}</fail>
+        <fail unless="rev">revision property is not defined${line.separator}${mess}</fail>
+        <fail unless="artifact">artifact property is not defined${line.separator}${mess}</fail>
+        <available file="${artifact}" property="artifact.available"/>
+        <fail unless="artifact.available">unable to find artifact at ${artifact}${line.separator}${mess}</fail>
+        <ea:checkresolver resolver="to.resolver" settingsRef="${project.ivy.instance}" description="the repository name where the artifact will be installed"/>
+        <basename file="${artifact}" property="" />
+        <echo message="Creating ivy temp directory in ${}" />
+        <mkdir dir="${}" />
+        <echo message="Copying ${artifact} in  the ivy temp directory" />
+        <copy file="${artifact}" tofile="${}/${}" overwrite="true" />
+        <echo message="Generating ivy file for ${artifact}" />
+        <filterset id="artifact.filter">
+            <filter token="organisation" value="${org}" />
+            <filter token="module" value="${module}" />
+            <filter token="revision" value="${rev}" />
+        </filterset>
+        <copy file="${install.ivy.template}" tofile="${}/${}.xml" overwrite="true">
+            <filterset refid="artifact.filter" />
+        </copy>
+        <echo message="Publishing artifact in ${to.resolver} repository" />
+        <ivy:publish artifactspattern="${}/${}" organisation="${org}" module="${module}" revision="${rev}" srcivypattern="${}/${}.xml" resolver="${to.resolver}" pubrevision="${rev}" status="${install.status}" settingsRef="${project.ivy.instance}" overwrite="${install.override}" />
+        <echo message="Cleaning ${}" />
+        <delete>
+            <fileset dir="${}" includes="*" />
+        </delete>
-		<echo message="${} succefully installed in your ${to.resolver} repository" />
-	</target>
+        <echo message="${} succefully installed in your ${to.resolver} repository" />
+    </target>
-	<target name="doit" depends=":init" />
+    <target name="doit" depends=":init" />

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/ivy-utils/module.ivy
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/ivy-utils/module.ivy (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/ivy-utils/module.ivy Tue Feb 22 14:59:17 2011
@@ -15,18 +15,18 @@
    limitations under the License.
 <ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea=""> 
-	<info organisation="org.apache.easyant.plugins" module="ivy-utils" revision="0.1">
-	       <description>
-		       This module provides utilitaries target related to ivy (clean-cache / dependencies report)
-	       </description>
-	       <ea:build organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-ant-plugin" revision="0.1"/>
+    <info organisation="org.apache.easyant.plugins" module="ivy-utils" revision="0.1">
+           <description>
+               This module provides utilitaries target related to ivy (clean-cache / dependencies report)
+           </description>
+           <ea:build organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-ant-plugin" revision="0.1"/>
                 <conf name="default" description="runtime dependencies artifact can be used with this conf"/>
                 <conf name="test" description="this scope indicates that the dependency is not required for normal use of the application, and is only available for the test compilation and execution phases."/>
                 <conf name="provided" description="this is much like compile, but indicates you expect the JDK or a container to provide it. It is only available on the compilation classpath, and is not transitive."/>
-	<publications>
-		<artifact type="ant"/>
-	</publications>
+    <publications>
+        <artifact type="ant"/>
+    </publications>

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/ivy-utils/src/main/resources/ivy-utils.ant
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/ivy-utils/src/main/resources/ivy-utils.ant (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/ivy-utils/src/main/resources/ivy-utils.ant Tue Feb 22 14:59:17 2011
@@ -16,57 +16,57 @@
 <project name="org.apache.easyant.plugins#ivy-utils" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" xmlns:ea="antlib:org.apache.easyant">
-	<ea:core-version requiredrevision="[0.8,+]" />
+    <ea:core-version requiredrevision="[0.8,+]" />
-	<target name=":init" phase="validate">
-		<ea:parameter phase="validate" />
-		<ea:parameter property="project.ivy.instance" default="project.ivy.instance" 
-			description="the ivy instance name for your project" />
-		<ea:parameter property="" default="${}/deps-report" 
-			description="the directory where ivy report will be generated" />
-		<!-- is project ivy settings configured ? -->
-		<ea:parameter property="project.ivy.settings.file" description="the ivysettings file used by your project" />
-		<ea:parameter property="project.ivy.settings.url" description="the ivysettings url used by your project" />
-		<condition property="is.project.ivy.settings.configured">
-			<isreference refid="${project.ivy.instance}"/>
-		</condition>
-		<fail unless="is.project.ivy.settings.configured" message="project ivy instance is not configured, at least one of the following property must be set : project.ivy.settings.file, project.ivy.settings.url"/>
-	</target>
-	<!-- ================================= 
-	          target: clean-report              
-	     ================================= -->
-	<target name=":report" depends="provision" phase="report" description="generate dependencies report">
-		<ivy:report todir="${}" settingsRef="${project.ivy.instance}" />
-	</target>
+    <target name=":init" phase="validate">
+        <ea:parameter phase="validate" />
+        <ea:parameter property="project.ivy.instance" default="project.ivy.instance" 
+            description="the ivy instance name for your project" />
+        <ea:parameter property="" default="${}/deps-report" 
+            description="the directory where ivy report will be generated" />
+        <!-- is project ivy settings configured ? -->
+        <ea:parameter property="project.ivy.settings.file" description="the ivysettings file used by your project" />
+        <ea:parameter property="project.ivy.settings.url" description="the ivysettings url used by your project" />
+        <condition property="is.project.ivy.settings.configured">
+            <isreference refid="${project.ivy.instance}"/>
+        </condition>
+        <fail unless="is.project.ivy.settings.configured" message="project ivy instance is not configured, at least one of the following property must be set : project.ivy.settings.file, project.ivy.settings.url"/>
-	<!-- ================================= 
+    </target>
+    <!-- ================================= 
+              target: clean-report              
+         ================================= -->
+    <target name=":report" depends="provision" phase="report" description="generate dependencies report">
+        <ivy:report todir="${}" settingsRef="${project.ivy.instance}" />
+    </target>
+    <!-- ================================= 
           target: clean-cache              
          ================================= -->
-	<target name=":clean-cache" depends=":init" description="clean the ivy cache used to resolve project dependencies">
-		<ivy:cleancache settingsRef="${project.ivy.instance}"/>
-	</target>
-	<!-- ================================= 
-	          target: clean-eacache              
+    <target name=":clean-cache" depends=":init" description="clean the ivy cache used to resolve project dependencies">
+        <ivy:cleancache settingsRef="${project.ivy.instance}"/>
+    </target>
+    <!-- ================================= 
+              target: clean-eacache              
          ================================= -->
-	<target name=":clean-eacache" description="clean the ivy cache used by easyant to resolve plugins/ buildtypes">
-		<!-- clean easyant cache -->
-		<ivy:cleancache settingsRef="easyant.ivy.instance"/>
-	</target>
+    <target name=":clean-eacache" description="clean the ivy cache used by easyant to resolve plugins/ buildtypes">
+        <!-- clean easyant cache -->
+        <ivy:cleancache settingsRef="easyant.ivy.instance"/>
+    </target>
-	<!-- ================================= 
+    <!-- ================================= 
           target: clean-lib              
          ================================= -->
-	<target name=":clean-lib" description="clean the project libraries directory">
-		<delete includeemptydirs="true" dir="${lib.dir}" />
-	</target>
+    <target name=":clean-lib" description="clean the project libraries directory">
+        <delete includeemptydirs="true" dir="${lib.dir}" />
+    </target>
-	<target name="doit" depends=":report" />
+    <target name="doit" depends=":report" />

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/javadoc/module.ivy
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/javadoc/module.ivy (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/javadoc/module.ivy Tue Feb 22 14:59:17 2011
@@ -15,33 +15,33 @@
    limitations under the License.
 <ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea=""> 
-	<info organisation="org.apache.easyant.plugins" module="javadoc" revision="0.1">
-	       <description>
-	       		<p>This module provides javadoc feature.</p>
-	       		<p>
-	       			You can bind targets of this plugin to package phase by using bindtarget element in your module.ivy file.
-	       			Example : 
-	       			<code type="xml">
-	       				<plugin name="javadoc" rev="0.1" as="javadoc"/>
-		       			<bindtarget target="javadoc:package" tophase="package"/>
-		       		</code>
-		       		Or as a nested element of the plugin
-		       		<code type="xml">
-	       				<plugin name="javadoc" rev="0.1" as="javadoc">
-	       					<!-- here, the target prefix is not mandatory as easyant can determine it from plugin element -->
-			       			<bindtarget target=":package" tophase="package"/>
-	       				</plugin>
-		       		</code>
-	       		</p>
-	       </description>
-	       <ea:build organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-ant-plugin" revision="0.1"/>
+    <info organisation="org.apache.easyant.plugins" module="javadoc" revision="0.1">
+           <description>
+                <p>This module provides javadoc feature.</p>
+                <p>
+                    You can bind targets of this plugin to package phase by using bindtarget element in your module.ivy file.
+                    Example : 
+                    <code type="xml">
+                        <plugin name="javadoc" rev="0.1" as="javadoc"/>
+                        <bindtarget target="javadoc:package" tophase="package"/>
+                    </code>
+                    Or as a nested element of the plugin
+                    <code type="xml">
+                        <plugin name="javadoc" rev="0.1" as="javadoc">
+                            <!-- here, the target prefix is not mandatory as easyant can determine it from plugin element -->
+                            <bindtarget target=":package" tophase="package"/>
+                        </plugin>
+                    </code>
+                </p>
+           </description>
+           <ea:build organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-ant-plugin" revision="0.1"/>
                 <conf name="default" description="runtime dependencies artifact can be used with this conf"/>
                 <conf name="test" description="this scope indicates that the dependency is not required for normal use of the application, and is only available for the test compilation and execution phases."/>
                 <conf name="provided" description="this is much like compile, but indicates you expect the JDK or a container to provide it. It is only available on the compilation classpath, and is not transitive."/>
-	<publications>
-		<artifact type="ant"/>
-	</publications>
+    <publications>
+        <artifact type="ant"/>
+    </publications>

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/javadoc/src/main/resources/javadoc.ant
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/javadoc/src/main/resources/javadoc.ant (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/javadoc/src/main/resources/javadoc.ant Tue Feb 22 14:59:17 2011
@@ -16,70 +16,70 @@
 <project name="org.apache.easyant.plugins#javadoc" xmlns:ea="antlib:org.apache.easyant">
-	<ea:core-version requiredrevision="[0.8,+]" />
+    <ea:core-version requiredrevision="[0.8,+]" />
-	<target name=":init" phase="validate">
-		<ea:parameter phase="validate" />
-		<ea:parameter phase="report" />
-		<ea:parameter property="" required="true" description="directory where sources to be compiled are" />
-		<ea:parameter property="" required="true" description="directory where test sources to be compiled are" />
-		<ea:parameter path="compile.main.classpath" required="true" description="path used to compile main sources" />
-		<ea:parameter path="compile.test.classpath" required="true" description="path used to compile test sources" />
-		<ea:parameter property="javadoc.file.encoding" default="UTF-8" description="encoding used for generated javadoc" />
-		<ea:parameter property="" default="${target}/report" description="base directory for reports"/>
-		<ea:parameter property="target.javadoc" default="${}/javadoc" description="base directory where javadoc will be generated" />
-		<ea:parameter property="target.javadoc.main" default="${target.javadoc}/main" description="directory where javadoc will be generated" />
-		<ea:parameter property="target.javadoc.test" default="${target.javadoc}/test" description="directory where javadoc for tests will be generated" />
-		<!-- javadoc task seems to be sensible to empty directory -->
-		<!-- if does not exit OR is an empty dir we set the property that will skip the javadoc generation -->
-		<condition property="">
-			<or>
-				<not>
-					<available file="${}"/>
-				</not>
-				<length length="0" >
-					<fileset dir="${}"/> 
-				</length>
-			</or> 
-		</condition>
-		<!-- if does not exit OR is an empty dir we set the property that will skip the javadoc generation -->
-		<condition property="">
-			<or>
-				<not>
-					<available file="${}" />
-				</not>
-				<length length="0" >
-					<fileset dir="${}"/> 
-				</length>
-			</or>
-		</condition>
-	</target>
-	<target name="-main" unless="">
-		<path id="java.source.path">
-			<dirset dir="${}" />
-		</path>
-		<javadoc encoding="${javadoc.file.encoding}" docencoding="${javadoc.file.encoding}" destdir="${target.javadoc.main}" sourcepathref="java.source.path" classpathref="compile.main.classpath" />
-	</target>
-	<target name="-test" unless="">
-		<path id="java.source.path">
-			<dirset dir="${}" />
-		</path>
-		<javadoc encoding="${javadoc.file.encoding}" docencoding="${javadoc.file.encoding}" destdir="${target.javadoc.test}" sourcepathref="java.source.path" classpathref="compile.test.classpath" />
-	</target>
-	<target name=":package" depends=":javadoc" description="generate a package containing javadoc" unless="skip.javadoc.package">
-		<mkdir dir="${target.artifacts}"/>
-		<zip destfile="${target.artifacts}/${ivy.module}">
-			<fileset dir="${target.javadoc}" erroronmissingdir="false"/>
-		</zip>
-		<ea:registerartifact type="javadoc" ext="zip" classifier="javadoc" settingsRef="${project.ivy.instance}"/>
-	</target>
+    <target name=":init" phase="validate">
+        <ea:parameter phase="validate" />
+        <ea:parameter phase="report" />
+        <ea:parameter property="" required="true" description="directory where sources to be compiled are" />
+        <ea:parameter property="" required="true" description="directory where test sources to be compiled are" />
+        <ea:parameter path="compile.main.classpath" required="true" description="path used to compile main sources" />
+        <ea:parameter path="compile.test.classpath" required="true" description="path used to compile test sources" />
+        <ea:parameter property="javadoc.file.encoding" default="UTF-8" description="encoding used for generated javadoc" />
+        <ea:parameter property="" default="${target}/report" description="base directory for reports"/>
+        <ea:parameter property="target.javadoc" default="${}/javadoc" description="base directory where javadoc will be generated" />
+        <ea:parameter property="target.javadoc.main" default="${target.javadoc}/main" description="directory where javadoc will be generated" />
+        <ea:parameter property="target.javadoc.test" default="${target.javadoc}/test" description="directory where javadoc for tests will be generated" />
+        <!-- javadoc task seems to be sensible to empty directory -->
+        <!-- if does not exit OR is an empty dir we set the property that will skip the javadoc generation -->
+        <condition property="">
+            <or>
+                <not>
+                    <available file="${}"/>
+                </not>
+                <length length="0" >
+                    <fileset dir="${}"/> 
+                </length>
+            </or> 
+        </condition>
+        <!-- if does not exit OR is an empty dir we set the property that will skip the javadoc generation -->
+        <condition property="">
+            <or>
+                <not>
+                    <available file="${}" />
+                </not>
+                <length length="0" >
+                    <fileset dir="${}"/> 
+                </length>
+            </or>
+        </condition>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-main" unless="">
+        <path id="java.source.path">
+            <dirset dir="${}" />
+        </path>
+        <javadoc encoding="${javadoc.file.encoding}" docencoding="${javadoc.file.encoding}" destdir="${target.javadoc.main}" sourcepathref="java.source.path" classpathref="compile.main.classpath" />
+    </target>
+    <target name="-test" unless="">
+        <path id="java.source.path">
+            <dirset dir="${}" />
+        </path>
+        <javadoc encoding="${javadoc.file.encoding}" docencoding="${javadoc.file.encoding}" destdir="${target.javadoc.test}" sourcepathref="java.source.path" classpathref="compile.test.classpath" />
+    </target>
+    <target name=":package" depends=":javadoc" description="generate a package containing javadoc" unless="skip.javadoc.package">
+        <mkdir dir="${target.artifacts}"/>
+        <zip destfile="${target.artifacts}/${ivy.module}">
+            <fileset dir="${target.javadoc}" erroronmissingdir="false"/>
+        </zip>
+        <ea:registerartifact type="javadoc" ext="zip" classifier="javadoc" settingsRef="${project.ivy.instance}"/>
+    </target>
-	<target name=":javadoc" depends="validate,-main,-test" phase="report" description="generate javadoc report for main classes and test classes" />
-	<target name="doit" depends=":javadoc" />
+    <target name=":javadoc" depends="validate,-main,-test" phase="report" description="generate javadoc report for main classes and test classes" />
+    <target name="doit" depends=":javadoc" />

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/jetty-deploy/module.ivy
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/jetty-deploy/module.ivy (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/jetty-deploy/module.ivy Tue Feb 22 14:59:17 2011
@@ -15,40 +15,40 @@
    limitations under the License.
 <ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea=""> 
-	<info organisation="org.apache.easyant.plugins" module="jetty-deploy" revision="0.1">
-	       <description>
-	       	A developer-convenience module for quick war-build-and-deploy with jetty (v 6.1.4). This module will 
-	       	build a webapplication (following same requirements as build-webapp-java module), launch 
-	       	jetty and deploy the built application. <br/>
-	       	The user can pass the following additional parameters for configuring the jetty run:
-	       	<ol>
-	       		<li>jetty.temp.dir: Jetty temp working directory. Defaults to: target/jetty-temp.</li>
-	       		<li>jetty.xml: Jetty Configuration XML. If unspecified, defaults to standard jetty XML 
-	       			shipped with jetty 6.1.4.</li>
-	       		<li>jetty.context: Context the webapplication should be deployed in. If unspecified,
-	       			defaults to Root (/) context.</li>
-	       	</ol><br/>
-	       	Each of these can be selectively overriden by the user. To override, in your module.ivy, include 
-	       	a property file in the module ivy description.
-	       </description>
-	       <ea:build organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-ant-plugin" revision="0.1"/>
+    <info organisation="org.apache.easyant.plugins" module="jetty-deploy" revision="0.1">
+           <description>
+            A developer-convenience module for quick war-build-and-deploy with jetty (v 6.1.4). This module will 
+            build a webapplication (following same requirements as build-webapp-java module), launch 
+            jetty and deploy the built application. <br/>
+            The user can pass the following additional parameters for configuring the jetty run:
+            <ol>
+                <li>jetty.temp.dir: Jetty temp working directory. Defaults to: target/jetty-temp.</li>
+                <li>jetty.xml: Jetty Configuration XML. If unspecified, defaults to standard jetty XML 
+                    shipped with jetty 6.1.4.</li>
+                <li>jetty.context: Context the webapplication should be deployed in. If unspecified,
+                    defaults to Root (/) context.</li>
+            </ol><br/>
+            Each of these can be selectively overriden by the user. To override, in your module.ivy, include 
+            a property file in the module ivy description.
+           </description>
+           <ea:build organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-ant-plugin" revision="0.1"/>
                 <conf name="default" description="runtime dependencies artifact can be used with this conf"/>
                 <conf name="test" description="this scope indicates that the dependency is not required for normal use of the application, and is only available for the test compilation and execution phases."/>
                 <conf name="provided" description="this is much like compile, but indicates you expect the JDK or a container to provide it. It is only available on the compilation classpath, and is not transitive."/>
-	<publications>
-		<artifact type="ant"/>
-	</publications>
-	<dependencies>
-	        <dependency org="org.mortbay.jetty" name="jetty" rev="6.1.4"/>
-	        <dependency org="org.mortbay.jetty" name="jetty-util" rev="6.1.4"/>
-	        <dependency org="org.mortbay.jetty" name="jetty-plus" rev="6.1.4"/>
-	        <dependency org="org.mortbay.jetty" name="jetty-naming" rev="6.1.4"/>
-	        <dependency org="org.mortbay.jetty" name="jetty-ant" rev="6.1.4"/>
-	        <dependency org="org.mortbay.jetty" name="jsp-api-2.1" rev="6.1.4"/>
-	        <dependency org="org.mortbay.jetty" name="jsp-2.1" rev="6.1.4"/>
-	        <dependency org="org.mortbay.jetty" name="servlet-api-2.5" rev="6.1.4"/>
-	</dependencies>
+    <publications>
+        <artifact type="ant"/>
+    </publications>
+    <dependencies>
+            <dependency org="org.mortbay.jetty" name="jetty" rev="6.1.4"/>
+            <dependency org="org.mortbay.jetty" name="jetty-util" rev="6.1.4"/>
+            <dependency org="org.mortbay.jetty" name="jetty-plus" rev="6.1.4"/>
+            <dependency org="org.mortbay.jetty" name="jetty-naming" rev="6.1.4"/>
+            <dependency org="org.mortbay.jetty" name="jetty-ant" rev="6.1.4"/>
+            <dependency org="org.mortbay.jetty" name="jsp-api-2.1" rev="6.1.4"/>
+            <dependency org="org.mortbay.jetty" name="jsp-2.1" rev="6.1.4"/>
+            <dependency org="org.mortbay.jetty" name="servlet-api-2.5" rev="6.1.4"/>
+    </dependencies>

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/jetty-deploy/src/main/resources/jetty-deploy.ant
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/jetty-deploy/src/main/resources/jetty-deploy.ant (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/jetty-deploy/src/main/resources/jetty-deploy.ant Tue Feb 22 14:59:17 2011
@@ -16,35 +16,35 @@
 <project name="org.apache.easyant.plugins#jetty-deploy" xmlns:ea="antlib:org.apache.easyant">
-	<ea:core-version requiredrevision="[0.8,+]" />
-	<target name=":init" phase="validate">
-		<ea:parameter phase="validate" />
-		<ea:parameter phase="package" />
-		<ea:parameter property="jetty.temp.dir" default="${target}/jetty-temp" description="Jetty temporary directory. If unspecified, defaults to target/jetty-temp" />
-		<ea:parameter property="jetty.xml" required="false" description="Jetty configuration XML. If unspecified, defaults to jetty.xml shipped with 6.1.4 jetty." />
-		<ea:parameter property="jetty.context" default="/" description="Application context in jetty. If unspecified, defaults to root (/)." />
-		<available property="jetty.available" classname="org.mortbay.jetty.ant.JettyRunTask" classpathref="org.apache.easyant.plugins#jetty-deploy.classpath" />
-		<fail unless="jetty.available" message="Jetty is unavailable!" />
-		<taskdef name="jetty" classname="org.mortbay.jetty.ant.JettyRunTask" classpathref="org.apache.easyant.plugins#jetty-deploy.classpath" />
-	</target>
-	<!-- default way jetty will be run:
-		jetty temp directory: target/jetty-temp 
-		jetty configuration xml: jetty.xml shipped with this module (standard 6.1.4 jetty.xml shipped with jetty) 
-		webapplication context: root (/)
-	-->
-	<target name=":run" depends="package" description="run your webapp inside a jetty application server">
-		<echo message="Deploying ${} on Jetty .." />
-		<jetty tempDirectory="${jetty.temp.dir}" jettyXml="${jetty.xml}">
-			<webApp name="${}" warfile="${target.artifacts}/${}" contextpath="${jetty.context}" />
-		</jetty>
-	</target>
+    <ea:core-version requiredrevision="[0.8,+]" />
+    <target name=":init" phase="validate">
+        <ea:parameter phase="validate" />
+        <ea:parameter phase="package" />
+        <ea:parameter property="jetty.temp.dir" default="${target}/jetty-temp" description="Jetty temporary directory. If unspecified, defaults to target/jetty-temp" />
+        <ea:parameter property="jetty.xml" required="false" description="Jetty configuration XML. If unspecified, defaults to jetty.xml shipped with 6.1.4 jetty." />
+        <ea:parameter property="jetty.context" default="/" description="Application context in jetty. If unspecified, defaults to root (/)." />
+        <available property="jetty.available" classname="org.mortbay.jetty.ant.JettyRunTask" classpathref="org.apache.easyant.plugins#jetty-deploy.classpath" />
+        <fail unless="jetty.available" message="Jetty is unavailable!" />
+        <taskdef name="jetty" classname="org.mortbay.jetty.ant.JettyRunTask" classpathref="org.apache.easyant.plugins#jetty-deploy.classpath" />
+    </target>
+    <!-- default way jetty will be run:
+        jetty temp directory: target/jetty-temp 
+        jetty configuration xml: jetty.xml shipped with this module (standard 6.1.4 jetty.xml shipped with jetty) 
+        webapplication context: root (/)
+    -->
+    <target name=":run" depends="package" description="run your webapp inside a jetty application server">
+        <echo message="Deploying ${} on Jetty .." />
+        <jetty tempDirectory="${jetty.temp.dir}" jettyXml="${jetty.xml}">
+            <webApp name="${}" warfile="${target.artifacts}/${}" contextpath="${jetty.context}" />
+        </jetty>
+    </target>
-	<target name="doit" depends=":run" />
+    <target name="doit" depends=":run" />

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/manifest/module.ivy
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/manifest/module.ivy (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/manifest/module.ivy Tue Feb 22 14:59:17 2011
@@ -15,18 +15,18 @@
    limitations under the License.
 <ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea=""> 
-	<info organisation="org.apache.easyant.plugins" module="manifest" revision="0.1">
-	       <description>This module provides manifest generation feature.<br/>
+    <info organisation="org.apache.easyant.plugins" module="manifest" revision="0.1">
+           <description>This module provides manifest generation feature.<br/>
 This module also provide a target to make an executable jar. This features requires to have dependencies in your project directory. This can be done by setting the retrieve.dependencies to true.
-		</description>
-	       <ea:build organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-ant-plugin" revision="0.1"/>
+        </description>
+           <ea:build organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-ant-plugin" revision="0.1"/>
                 <conf name="default" description="runtime dependencies artifact can be used with this conf"/>
                 <conf name="test" description="this scope indicates that the dependency is not required for normal use of the application, and is only available for the test compilation and execution phases."/>
                 <conf name="provided" description="this is much like compile, but indicates you expect the JDK or a container to provide it. It is only available on the compilation classpath, and is not transitive."/>
-	<publications>
-		<artifact type="ant"/>
-	</publications>
+    <publications>
+        <artifact type="ant"/>
+    </publications>

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/manifest/src/main/resources/manifest.ant
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/manifest/src/main/resources/manifest.ant (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/manifest/src/main/resources/manifest.ant Tue Feb 22 14:59:17 2011
@@ -16,83 +16,83 @@
 <project name="org.apache.easyant.plugins#manifest" xmlns:ea="antlib:org.apache.easyant">
-	<ea:core-version requiredrevision="[0.8,+]" />
+    <ea:core-version requiredrevision="[0.8,+]" />
-	<target name=":init" phase="validate">
-		<ea:parameter phase="validate" />
-		<ea:parameter phase="prepare-package" />
-		<ea:parameter property="project.main.classname" description="Used to define the project main class. The mainclass will then be used by many plugins (manifest, run-java, etc...)"/>
-		<ea:parameter property="manifest.main.classname" default="${project.main.classname}">
-	If defined, Main-Class and Class-Path attributes are added to produce an executable jar file.
-	By default this property take the same value as 'project.main.classname'  property.
-	If you are looking for a way to reference your mainclass one time for all plugins you should set project.main.classname instead.
-		</ea:parameter>
-		<ea:parameter property="manifest.classpath" required="false" description="If manifest.main.classname is defined, this will be used for the Class-Path attribute.  by default this will be automatically computed from the Ivy dependencies of the target artifact." />
-		<mkdir dir="${target.main.classes}/META-INF"/>
-		<ea:parameter property="manifest.file" default="${target}/MANIFEST.MF" description="the manifest-file to create/update." />
-		<ea:parameter property="" default="${target.main.classes}/META-INF/" description="the file to create/update." />
-		<!--TODO: maybe it will be more generic if we doesn't use ivy.* properties -->
-		<ea:parameter property="ivy.module" description="the name of the project, used to fill the Specification-Title and Implementation-Title in the manifest" />
-		<ea:parameter property="ivy.organisation" description="the name of the organisation that is the owner of this module, used to fill the Specification-Vendor and Implementation-Vendor in the manifest" />
-		<ea:parameter property="ivy.revision" description="the revision of the project, used to fill the Specification-Version and Implementation-Version in the manifest" />
-		<ea:parameter property="version" description="the full version of the project" />
-		<condition property="is.manifest.runnable">
-			<and>
-				<isset property="manifest.main.classname"/>
-				<not>
-				<equals arg1="${manifest.main.classname}" arg2="$${project.main.classname}"/>
-				</not>
-			</and>
-		</condition>
-	</target>
-	<target name="-generate-version-number" depends="validate" unless="version">
-		<tstamp>
-			<format property="now" pattern="yyyyMMddHHmmss" />
-		</tstamp>
-		<property name="version" value="${ivy.revision}-build-${now}" />
-	</target>
-	<target name=":manifest" depends="validate,-generate-version-number" phase="prepare-package" description="generate manifest file">
-		<manifest file="${manifest.file}">
-			<attribute name="Specification-Title" value="${ivy.module}" />
-			<attribute name="Specification-Version" value="${ivy.revision}" />
-			<attribute name="Specification-Vendor" value="${ivy.organisation}" />
-			<attribute name="Implementation-Title" value="${ivy.module}" />
-			<attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${version}" />
-			<attribute name="Implementation-Vendor" value="${ivy.organisation}" />
-		</manifest>
-		<!--generate a file -->
-		<propertyfile file="${}" comment="Generated by easyant">
-			<entry key="APPLICATION-NAME" value="${ivy.module}" />
-			<entry key="SPEC-VERSION" value="${ivy.revision}" />
-			<entry key="APPLICATION_ORG" value="${ivy.organisation}" />
-			<entry key="VERSION" value="${version}" />
-			<entry key="DATE" type="date" value="now" />
-		</propertyfile>
-	</target>
-	<!-- currently this target is only available if we use retrieve.dependencies=true because manifestclasspath is excepting a relative based structure which is not really usable using the ivy cache for example -->
-	<target name=":manifest-runnable" depends=":manifest" phase="prepare-package" description="add manifest attributes required for an executable jar" if="is.manifest.runnable">
-		<condition property="is.retrieve.dependencies.enabled">
-			<istrue value="${retrieve.dependencies}"/>
-		</condition>
-		<fail unless="is.retrieve.dependencies.enabled" message="manifest runnable feature can only be used if your the property retrieve.dependencies is enabled"/>
-		<!-- create the target artifact dir if it does not exists -->
-		<dirname file="${target.main.artifact}" property="target.artifacts"/>
-		<mkdir dir="${target.artifacts}"/>
-		<manifestclasspath property="manifest.classpath" jarfile="${target.main.artifact}">
-			<classpath refid="project.lib.main.classpath"/>
-		</manifestclasspath>
-		<manifest file="${manifest.file}" mode="update">
-			<attribute name="Main-Class" value="${manifest.main.classname}" />
-			<attribute name="Class-Path" value="${manifest.classpath}" />
-		</manifest>
-	</target>
+    <target name=":init" phase="validate">
+        <ea:parameter phase="validate" />
+        <ea:parameter phase="prepare-package" />
+        <ea:parameter property="project.main.classname" description="Used to define the project main class. The mainclass will then be used by many plugins (manifest, run-java, etc...)"/>
+        <ea:parameter property="manifest.main.classname" default="${project.main.classname}">
+    If defined, Main-Class and Class-Path attributes are added to produce an executable jar file.
+    By default this property take the same value as 'project.main.classname'  property.
+    If you are looking for a way to reference your mainclass one time for all plugins you should set project.main.classname instead.
+        </ea:parameter>
+        <ea:parameter property="manifest.classpath" required="false" description="If manifest.main.classname is defined, this will be used for the Class-Path attribute.  by default this will be automatically computed from the Ivy dependencies of the target artifact." />
+        <mkdir dir="${target.main.classes}/META-INF"/>
+        <ea:parameter property="manifest.file" default="${target}/MANIFEST.MF" description="the manifest-file to create/update." />
+        <ea:parameter property="" default="${target.main.classes}/META-INF/" description="the file to create/update." />
+        <!--TODO: maybe it will be more generic if we doesn't use ivy.* properties -->
+        <ea:parameter property="ivy.module" description="the name of the project, used to fill the Specification-Title and Implementation-Title in the manifest" />
+        <ea:parameter property="ivy.organisation" description="the name of the organisation that is the owner of this module, used to fill the Specification-Vendor and Implementation-Vendor in the manifest" />
+        <ea:parameter property="ivy.revision" description="the revision of the project, used to fill the Specification-Version and Implementation-Version in the manifest" />
+        <ea:parameter property="version" description="the full version of the project" />
+        <condition property="is.manifest.runnable">
+            <and>
+                <isset property="manifest.main.classname"/>
+                <not>
+                <equals arg1="${manifest.main.classname}" arg2="$${project.main.classname}"/>
+                </not>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-generate-version-number" depends="validate" unless="version">
+        <tstamp>
+            <format property="now" pattern="yyyyMMddHHmmss" />
+        </tstamp>
+        <property name="version" value="${ivy.revision}-build-${now}" />
+    </target>
+    <target name=":manifest" depends="validate,-generate-version-number" phase="prepare-package" description="generate manifest file">
+        <manifest file="${manifest.file}">
+            <attribute name="Specification-Title" value="${ivy.module}" />
+            <attribute name="Specification-Version" value="${ivy.revision}" />
+            <attribute name="Specification-Vendor" value="${ivy.organisation}" />
+            <attribute name="Implementation-Title" value="${ivy.module}" />
+            <attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${version}" />
+            <attribute name="Implementation-Vendor" value="${ivy.organisation}" />
+        </manifest>
+        <!--generate a file -->
+        <propertyfile file="${}" comment="Generated by easyant">
+            <entry key="APPLICATION-NAME" value="${ivy.module}" />
+            <entry key="SPEC-VERSION" value="${ivy.revision}" />
+            <entry key="APPLICATION_ORG" value="${ivy.organisation}" />
+            <entry key="VERSION" value="${version}" />
+            <entry key="DATE" type="date" value="now" />
+        </propertyfile>
+    </target>
+    <!-- currently this target is only available if we use retrieve.dependencies=true because manifestclasspath is excepting a relative based structure which is not really usable using the ivy cache for example -->
+    <target name=":manifest-runnable" depends=":manifest" phase="prepare-package" description="add manifest attributes required for an executable jar" if="is.manifest.runnable">
+        <condition property="is.retrieve.dependencies.enabled">
+            <istrue value="${retrieve.dependencies}"/>
+        </condition>
+        <fail unless="is.retrieve.dependencies.enabled" message="manifest runnable feature can only be used if your the property retrieve.dependencies is enabled"/>
+        <!-- create the target artifact dir if it does not exists -->
+        <dirname file="${target.main.artifact}" property="target.artifacts"/>
+        <mkdir dir="${target.artifacts}"/>
+        <manifestclasspath property="manifest.classpath" jarfile="${target.main.artifact}">
+            <classpath refid="project.lib.main.classpath"/>
+        </manifestclasspath>
+        <manifest file="${manifest.file}" mode="update">
+            <attribute name="Main-Class" value="${manifest.main.classname}" />
+            <attribute name="Class-Path" value="${manifest.classpath}" />
+        </manifest>
+    </target>
-	<target name="doit" depends=":manifest-runnable,:manifest" />
+    <target name="doit" depends=":manifest-runnable,:manifest" />

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/maven-publication/module.ivy
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/maven-publication/module.ivy (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/maven-publication/module.ivy Tue Feb 22 14:59:17 2011
@@ -15,64 +15,64 @@
    limitations under the License.
 <ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea=""> 
-	<info organisation="org.apache.easyant.plugins" module="maven-publication" revision="0.1">
-		<description>
-			<p>
-				This module provides functionalities to publish a pom.xml. 
-				This is really usefull if some maven based projects wants to reuse your artifacts.
-			</p>
-			<p>
-				In some cases we may want to define a different repository url for easyant (or ivy based) artifacts (published by ivy-publication plugin), 
-				and another one for maven artifacts (published through maven-publication plugin) this can be done by setting "maven.remote.repo.url" property.
-				If this property is unset, artifacts will be republished with maven descriptor on the 
-				same repository as ivy-publication module (artifacts will be overwritten).
-			</p>
-			<p>
-				This plugin is based on <a href="">mavenivy-adapters tasks</a>.
-			</p>
-			<p>
-				It uses a TypeMapping to define the mapping between ivy world and maven world (like type, ext, mavenPackaging, mavenClassifier).
-				Example :
-				<code type="xml">
-					<typeMappings id="maven.type.mappings.ref">
- 						<mapping type="myType" mvnPackaging="jar"/>
- 					</typeMappings>
-				</code>
-				You can override the default typeMappings by using <a href="">AugmentTask</a> like this :
-				<code type="xml">
-					<augment id="maven.type.mappings.ref">
- 						<mapping type="myType" mvnPackaging="jar"/>
- 					</augment>
-				</code>
-			</p>
-			<p>
-				It also uses a ScopeMapping to define the mapping between ivy configurations and maven scopes.
-				Example :
-				<code type="xml">
-					<scopeMappings id="maven.scope.mappings.ref">
-						<mapping scope="compile" conf="myIvyConfiguration"/>
-					</scopeMappings>				
-				</code>
-				You can override the default scopeMappings by using <a href="">AugmentTask</a> like this :
-				<code type="xml">
-					<augment id="maven.scope.mappings.ref">
-						<mapping scope="compile" conf="myIvyConfiguration"/>
-					</augment>				
-				</code>
-			</p>
-		</description>
-	       <ea:build organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-ant-plugin" revision="0.1"/>
+    <info organisation="org.apache.easyant.plugins" module="maven-publication" revision="0.1">
+        <description>
+            <p>
+                This module provides functionalities to publish a pom.xml. 
+                This is really usefull if some maven based projects wants to reuse your artifacts.
+            </p>
+            <p>
+                In some cases we may want to define a different repository url for easyant (or ivy based) artifacts (published by ivy-publication plugin), 
+                and another one for maven artifacts (published through maven-publication plugin) this can be done by setting "maven.remote.repo.url" property.
+                If this property is unset, artifacts will be republished with maven descriptor on the 
+                same repository as ivy-publication module (artifacts will be overwritten).
+            </p>
+            <p>
+                This plugin is based on <a href="">mavenivy-adapters tasks</a>.
+            </p>
+            <p>
+                It uses a TypeMapping to define the mapping between ivy world and maven world (like type, ext, mavenPackaging, mavenClassifier).
+                Example :
+                <code type="xml">
+                    <typeMappings id="maven.type.mappings.ref">
+                        <mapping type="myType" mvnPackaging="jar"/>
+                    </typeMappings>
+                </code>
+                You can override the default typeMappings by using <a href="">AugmentTask</a> like this :
+                <code type="xml">
+                    <augment id="maven.type.mappings.ref">
+                        <mapping type="myType" mvnPackaging="jar"/>
+                    </augment>
+                </code>
+            </p>
+            <p>
+                It also uses a ScopeMapping to define the mapping between ivy configurations and maven scopes.
+                Example :
+                <code type="xml">
+                    <scopeMappings id="maven.scope.mappings.ref">
+                        <mapping scope="compile" conf="myIvyConfiguration"/>
+                    </scopeMappings>                
+                </code>
+                You can override the default scopeMappings by using <a href="">AugmentTask</a> like this :
+                <code type="xml">
+                    <augment id="maven.scope.mappings.ref">
+                        <mapping scope="compile" conf="myIvyConfiguration"/>
+                    </augment>              
+                </code>
+            </p>
+        </description>
+           <ea:build organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-ant-plugin" revision="0.1"/>
                 <conf name="default" description="runtime dependencies artifact can be used with this conf"/>
                 <conf name="test" description="this scope indicates that the dependency is not required for normal use of the application, and is only available for the test compilation and execution phases."/>
                 <conf name="provided" description="this is much like compile, but indicates you expect the JDK or a container to provide it. It is only available on the compilation classpath, and is not transitive."/>
-	<publications>
-		<artifact type="ant"/>
-	</publications>
-	<dependencies>
- 		<dependency org="org.apache.easyant.tasks" name="mavenivy-adapters" rev="0.1"/>	
- 	</dependencies>
+    <publications>
+        <artifact type="ant"/>
+    </publications>
+    <dependencies>
+        <dependency org="org.apache.easyant.tasks" name="mavenivy-adapters" rev="0.1"/> 
+    </dependencies>

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/maven-publication/src/main/resources/maven-publication.ant
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/maven-publication/src/main/resources/maven-publication.ant (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/maven-publication/src/main/resources/maven-publication.ant Tue Feb 22 14:59:17 2011
@@ -16,65 +16,65 @@
 <project name="org.apache.easyant.plugins;maven-publication" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" xmlns:mvn="antlib:org.apache.maven.artifact.ant" xmlns:mavenivy="antlib:org.apache.easyant.tasks.adapters" xmlns:ea="antlib:org.apache.easyant">
-	<ea:core-version requiredrevision="[0.8,+]" />
+    <ea:core-version requiredrevision="[0.8,+]" />
-	<target name=":init" phase="validate">
-		<ea:parameter phase="validate" />
-		<ea:parameter phase="provision" />
-		<ea:parameter phase="prepare-publication" />
-		<ea:parameter property="target.artifacts" default="${basedir}/target/artifacts" description="destination directory for target artifacts" />
-		<typedef resource="org/apache/maven/artifact/ant/antlib.xml" uri="antlib:org.apache.maven.artifact.ant" loaderref="maven-publication.loader" classpathref="org.apache.easyant.plugins#maven-publication.classpath" />
-		<taskdef resource="org/apache/easyant/tasks/adapters/antlib.xml" uri="antlib:org.apache.easyant.tasks.adapters" loaderref="maven-publication.loader" classpathref="org.apache.easyant.plugins#maven-publication.classpath" />
-		<!--Create a POM in memory referenced by "maven.instance" id -->
-		<mvn:pom id="maven.instance" />
-		<ea:parameter property="maven.remote.repo.url" default="" description="maven url where artifact will be published, if no one is specified the same url as ivy-publication will be used" />
-		<mvn:remoteRepository id="maven.remote.repository" url="${maven.remote.repo.url}" />
-		<mavenivy:typeMappings id="maven.type.mappings.ref" useDefault="true"/>
-		<mavenivy:scopeMappings id="maven.scope.mappings.ref" useDefault="true"/>
-	</target>
-	<target name=":make-pom" depends="provision" phase="prepare-publication">
-		<!--ask  MavenIvy Adapters to convert global information (groupId,artifactId,version, packaging) and to inject them in the POM instance referenced by "maven.instance" id -->
-		<mavenivy:infoAdapter pomRefId="maven.instance" settingsRef="${project.ivy.instance}">
-			<scopeMappings refid="maven.scope.mappings.ref"/>
-		</mavenivy:infoAdapter>
-		<!--ask  MavenIvy Adapters to convert dependencies and to inject them in the POM instance referenced by "maven.instance" id -->
-		<mavenivy:dependencyAdapter pomRefId="maven.instance" settingsRef="${project.ivy.instance}">
-			<typeMappings refid="maven.type.mappings.ref"/>
-		</mavenivy:dependencyAdapter>
-		<mkdir dir="${target.artifacts}" />
-		<!-- write the pom on the filesystem -->
-		<mvn:writepom pomRefId="maven.instance" file="${target.artifacts}/pom.xml" />
-		<mvn:pom id="maven.instance" file="${target.artifacts}/pom.xml" />
-		<mavenivy:registertrigger classname="org.apache.easyant.ivy.MavenPublishTrigger" event="post-publish-artifact" classpathref="org.apache.easyant.plugins#maven-publication.classpath" settingsRef="${project.ivy.instance}" />
-	</target>
-	<target name="-trigger-publish-shared" phase="generate-shared-version">
-		<augment id="maven.instance" version="${version}" />
-	</target>
-	<target name="-trigger-release" phase="generate-release-version">
-		<augment id="maven.instance" version="${version}" />
-	</target>
-	<target name=":publish-shared" phase="publish-shared">
-		<mavenivy:deploy pomRefId="maven.instance">
-			<remoteRepository refid="maven.remote.repository" />
-			<typeMappings refid="maven.type.mappings.ref"/>
-		</mavenivy:deploy>
-	</target>
-	<!-- define a generic default target for this plugin -->
-	<target name="doit" depends="validate" />
\ No newline at end of file
+    <target name=":init" phase="validate">
+        <ea:parameter phase="validate" />
+        <ea:parameter phase="provision" />
+        <ea:parameter phase="prepare-publication" />
+        <ea:parameter property="target.artifacts" default="${basedir}/target/artifacts" description="destination directory for target artifacts" />
+        <typedef resource="org/apache/maven/artifact/ant/antlib.xml" uri="antlib:org.apache.maven.artifact.ant" loaderref="maven-publication.loader" classpathref="org.apache.easyant.plugins#maven-publication.classpath" />
+        <taskdef resource="org/apache/easyant/tasks/adapters/antlib.xml" uri="antlib:org.apache.easyant.tasks.adapters" loaderref="maven-publication.loader" classpathref="org.apache.easyant.plugins#maven-publication.classpath" />
+        <!--Create a POM in memory referenced by "maven.instance" id -->
+        <mvn:pom id="maven.instance" />
+        <ea:parameter property="maven.remote.repo.url" default="" description="maven url where artifact will be published, if no one is specified the same url as ivy-publication will be used" />
+        <mvn:remoteRepository id="maven.remote.repository" url="${maven.remote.repo.url}" />
+        <mavenivy:typeMappings id="maven.type.mappings.ref" useDefault="true"/>
+        <mavenivy:scopeMappings id="maven.scope.mappings.ref" useDefault="true"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name=":make-pom" depends="provision" phase="prepare-publication">
+        <!--ask  MavenIvy Adapters to convert global information (groupId,artifactId,version, packaging) and to inject them in the POM instance referenced by "maven.instance" id -->
+        <mavenivy:infoAdapter pomRefId="maven.instance" settingsRef="${project.ivy.instance}">
+            <scopeMappings refid="maven.scope.mappings.ref"/>
+        </mavenivy:infoAdapter>
+        <!--ask  MavenIvy Adapters to convert dependencies and to inject them in the POM instance referenced by "maven.instance" id -->
+        <mavenivy:dependencyAdapter pomRefId="maven.instance" settingsRef="${project.ivy.instance}">
+            <typeMappings refid="maven.type.mappings.ref"/>
+        </mavenivy:dependencyAdapter>
+        <mkdir dir="${target.artifacts}" />
+        <!-- write the pom on the filesystem -->
+        <mvn:writepom pomRefId="maven.instance" file="${target.artifacts}/pom.xml" />
+        <mvn:pom id="maven.instance" file="${target.artifacts}/pom.xml" />
+        <mavenivy:registertrigger classname="org.apache.easyant.ivy.MavenPublishTrigger" event="post-publish-artifact" classpathref="org.apache.easyant.plugins#maven-publication.classpath" settingsRef="${project.ivy.instance}" />
+    </target>
+    <target name="-trigger-publish-shared" phase="generate-shared-version">
+        <augment id="maven.instance" version="${version}" />
+    </target>
+    <target name="-trigger-release" phase="generate-release-version">
+        <augment id="maven.instance" version="${version}" />
+    </target>
+    <target name=":publish-shared" phase="publish-shared">
+        <mavenivy:deploy pomRefId="maven.instance">
+            <remoteRepository refid="maven.remote.repository" />
+            <typeMappings refid="maven.type.mappings.ref"/>
+        </mavenivy:deploy>
+    </target>
+    <!-- define a generic default target for this plugin -->
+    <target name="doit" depends="validate" />

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/maven-version-strategy/module.ivy
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/maven-version-strategy/module.ivy (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/maven-version-strategy/module.ivy Tue Feb 22 14:59:17 2011
@@ -15,16 +15,16 @@
    limitations under the License.
 <ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea=""> 
-	<info organisation="org.apache.easyant.plugins" module="maven-version-strategy" revision="0.1">
-	       <description>This module provides the maven version strategy. A version strategy is in charge to define the version for integrations (snapshot) and releases </description>
-	       <ea:build organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-ant-plugin" revision="0.1"/>
+    <info organisation="org.apache.easyant.plugins" module="maven-version-strategy" revision="0.1">
+           <description>This module provides the maven version strategy. A version strategy is in charge to define the version for integrations (snapshot) and releases </description>
+           <ea:build organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-ant-plugin" revision="0.1"/>
                 <conf name="default" description="runtime dependencies artifact can be used with this conf"/>
                 <conf name="test" description="this scope indicates that the dependency is not required for normal use of the application, and is only available for the test compilation and execution phases."/>
                 <conf name="provided" description="this is much like compile, but indicates you expect the JDK or a container to provide it. It is only available on the compilation classpath, and is not transitive."/>
-	<publications>
-		<artifact type="ant"/>
-	</publications>
+    <publications>
+        <artifact type="ant"/>
+    </publications>

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/maven-version-strategy/src/main/resources/maven-version-strategy.ant
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/maven-version-strategy/src/main/resources/maven-version-strategy.ant (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/maven-version-strategy/src/main/resources/maven-version-strategy.ant Tue Feb 22 14:59:17 2011
@@ -15,40 +15,40 @@
    limitations under the License.
 <project name="org.apache.easyant.plugins#maven-version-strategy"
-	xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant"
-	xmlns:ac="antlib:net.sf.antcontrib"
-	xmlns:ea="antlib:org.apache.easyant">
-	<ea:core-version requiredrevision="[0.8,+]" />
-	<target name=":init" phase="validate">
-		<ea:parameter phase="validate" />
-		<ea:parameter phase="generate-local-version"/>
-		<ea:parameter phase="generate-shared-version"/>
-		<ea:parameter phase="generate-release-version"/>
-		<ea:parameter property="publish.overwrite" default="false"
-				description="specify if publish should overwrite existing artifacts or not"/>
+    xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant"
+    xmlns:ac="antlib:net.sf.antcontrib"
+    xmlns:ea="antlib:org.apache.easyant">
+    <ea:core-version requiredrevision="[0.8,+]" />
+    <target name=":init" phase="validate">
+        <ea:parameter phase="validate" />
+        <ea:parameter phase="generate-local-version"/>
+        <ea:parameter phase="generate-shared-version"/>
+        <ea:parameter phase="generate-release-version"/>
+        <ea:parameter property="publish.overwrite" default="false"
+                description="specify if publish should overwrite existing artifacts or not"/>
-	</target>
-	<!-- version numbers -->
-	<target name="-local" phase="generate-local-version" depends="validate">
-		<!-- override version as if it was a SNAPSHOT -->
-		<ac:var name="version" value="${ivy.revision}-SNAPSHOT" />
-		<!-- SNAPSHOT need to be overwritten -->
-		<ac:var name="publish.overwrite" value="true"/>
-	</target>
-	<target name="-shared" phase="generate-shared-version" depends="validate">
-		<!-- override version as if it was a SNAPSHOT -->
-		<ac:var name="version" value="${ivy.revision}-SNAPSHOT" />
-		<!-- SNAPSHOT need to be overwritten -->
-		<ac:var name="publish.overwrite" value="true"/>
-	</target>
+    </target>
+    <!-- version numbers -->
+    <target name="-local" phase="generate-local-version" depends="validate">
+        <!-- override version as if it was a SNAPSHOT -->
+        <ac:var name="version" value="${ivy.revision}-SNAPSHOT" />
+        <!-- SNAPSHOT need to be overwritten -->
+        <ac:var name="publish.overwrite" value="true"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="-shared" phase="generate-shared-version" depends="validate">
+        <!-- override version as if it was a SNAPSHOT -->
+        <ac:var name="version" value="${ivy.revision}-SNAPSHOT" />
+        <!-- SNAPSHOT need to be overwritten -->
+        <ac:var name="publish.overwrite" value="true"/>
+    </target>
-	<target name="-release" phase="generate-release-version" depends="validate">
-		<ac:var name="version" value="${ivy.revision}" />
-	</target>
+    <target name="-release" phase="generate-release-version" depends="validate">
+        <ac:var name="version" value="${ivy.revision}" />
+    </target>
-	<target name="doit" depends=":init" />
+    <target name="doit" depends=":init" />

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/module.ivy
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/module.ivy (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/module.ivy Tue Feb 22 14:59:17 2011
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@
    limitations under the License.
 <ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea=""> 
-	<info organisation="org.apache.easyant.plugins" module="plugins-orchestrator" revision="0.1" >
-	       <description>This module acts as orchestrator to build all easyant plugins.</description>
-		<ea:build module="meta-build" revision="0.2"/>
-		<!-- If we use build scoped repository easyant use it as a dictator resolver, this have side effects as we use same ivy instance to build the plugin and to resolve plugin dependencies -->
-		<ea:property name="" value="false"/>
-	</info>
+    <info organisation="org.apache.easyant.plugins" module="plugins-orchestrator" revision="0.1" >
+           <description>This module acts as orchestrator to build all easyant plugins.</description>
+        <ea:build module="meta-build" revision="0.2"/>
+        <!-- If we use build scoped repository easyant use it as a dictator resolver, this have side effects as we use same ivy instance to build the plugin and to resolve plugin dependencies -->
+        <ea:property name="" value="false"/>
+    </info>

Modified: incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/osgi-bundle/module.ivy
--- incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/osgi-bundle/module.ivy (original)
+++ incubator/easyant/plugins/trunk/osgi-bundle/module.ivy Tue Feb 22 14:59:17 2011
@@ -15,19 +15,19 @@
    limitations under the License.
 <ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea=""> 
-	<info organisation="org.apache.easyant.plugins" module="osgi-bundle" revision="0.1">
-		<description>Provides osgi features.</description>
-	       <ea:build organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-ant-plugin" revision="0.1"/>
+    <info organisation="org.apache.easyant.plugins" module="osgi-bundle" revision="0.1">
+        <description>Provides osgi features.</description>
+           <ea:build organisation="org.apache.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-ant-plugin" revision="0.1"/>
                 <conf name="default" description="runtime dependencies artifact can be used with this conf"/>
                 <conf name="test" description="this scope indicates that the dependency is not required for normal use of the application, and is only available for the test compilation and execution phases."/>
                 <conf name="provided" description="this is much like compile, but indicates you expect the JDK or a container to provide it. It is only available on the compilation classpath, and is not transitive."/>
-	<publications>
-		<artifact type="ant"/>
-	</publications>
-	<dependencies>
-		<dependency org="net.luminis" name="osgi-bundle-ant" rev="0.2.0"/>
-	</dependencies>
+    <publications>
+        <artifact type="ant"/>
+    </publications>
+    <dependencies>
+        <dependency org="net.luminis" name="osgi-bundle-ant" rev="0.2.0"/>
+    </dependencies>