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Posted to by Thomas Drumm <> on 2010/07/04 20:40:27 UTC

Axis1 exception handling client side

Hi everybody,

We have a Web Services API configured with Axis1 which exposes services to other programs.

When we use WSDL2Java (also Axis1) to generate client stub files, we're having problems with exception handling. Everything gets wrapped up in AxisFaults, which is no good for us.

We've tried the following:

1. We made the exceptions thrown by the web services extend RemoteException. This seems to cause Axis1 problems when generating the WSDL. Only the first exception thrown is correctly WSDL'ed, with the rest for some reason looking as they did if they weren't extending RemoteException. Furthermore, even the correctly mapped exception is still wrapped in AxisFault on the client side.

2. We made the exceptions thrown by the web services extend AxisFault. This caused the client side code to translate the exception into the server-side exception and not the client side exception, which causes great confusion, since the stub files on the client side are expecting client side mappings of exceptions.

Can anyone give me some hints as to approach this correctly?

We are on a very tight deadline, and migration to another API, say Axis2 or Sun's JAX-WS is out of the question, unless you have a suggestion for an easily-implementable framework.

Thanks in advance and regards, Thomas