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Posted to by David Wood <> on 2002/01/29 03:09:25 UTC

Entity references in FOP

In the interests of being typographically correct, I'm attempting to use
oriented double and single quotes, ellipses, etc... These are typically
referenced in HTML as &ldquo; &rdquo; (&amp;ldquo; &amp;rdquo;) and so
on... however, FOP is informing me these entities are not declared.

I would be curious to find a list of what entities are in and what aren't.
Also, I presume I can use a numeric code (&#number; - or &amp;#number;) to
reference the character directly. However, it seems like a list of those
numbers and their corresponding characters is a little too basic for the
FOP documentation or the usual reference materials. I assume there's a
relevant ISO document - anybody know what it is?

Or if you just have any common numbers handy I'd love to see them.  :)
