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Posted to by Doug MacEachern <> on 2000/04/03 07:38:45 UTC

Re: Set DocumentRoot from modperl

there have been several requests for the ability to modify the
DocumentRoot, i reckon it's about time we allow that.

if you want the DocumentRoot to be reset to the original value after the
request is over, you'll have to do that yourself, something like:
my $old_docroot = $r->document_root;
$r->register_cleanup(sub { shift->document_root($old_docroot) });

the lifetime of conf->ap_document_root is longer than that of r->pool, so
it can't be used to allocate the string copy.
we could use the server pool, which isn't destroyed until the server is
restarted, but then each time you set document_root, the server would
"leak" memory.
to workaround, the new document_root is saved in a Perl variable

--- src/modules/perl/Apache.xs	2000/04/03 04:48:52	1.92
+++ src/modules/perl/Apache.xs	2000/04/03 05:36:56
@@ -783,8 +783,26 @@
     Apache    r
 const char *
+document_root(r, ...)
     Apache    r
+    core_server_config *conf;
+    CODE:
+    conf = (core_server_config *)
+      get_module_config(r->server->module_config, &core_module);
+    RETVAL = conf->ap_document_root;
+    if (items > 1) {
+        SV *doc_root = perl_get_sv("Apache::Server::DocumentRoot", TRUE);
+        sv_setsv(doc_root, ST(1));
+        conf->ap_document_root = SvPVX(doc_root);
+    }
+    OUTPUT: