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Posted to by Tony Chemit <> on 2012/02/09 19:32:00 UTC

[ANN] Release Mojo's Webstart Maven Plguin version 1.0-beta-3


The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of the Webstart
Maven Plugin version 1.0-beta-3

The Webstart Maven Plugin generates application bundles that can be
deployed via Web Start. The plugin can be used to prepare standalone
Web Start applications or Web Start applications bundled in WAR files
(with or without Sun's Download Servlet). It handles the generation of
JNLP files and optional version.xml files, using Velocity templates. It
also handles the selection and preparation of the dependencies,
performing signing, unsigning and Pack200 compression when required.

Due to MWEBSTART-192, the groupId of the plugin has changed and has 
come back to *org.codehaus.mojo*.

To get this update, simply specify the version in your project's
plugin configuration:


Some links :


Release Notes - Maven 2.x Webstart Plugin - Version 1.0-beta-3

** Bug
    * [MWEBSTART-112] - commas in dname should be escaped when generating keys
    * [MWEBSTART-130] - webstart dont generate *.jar.pack.gz files
    * [MWEBSTART-172] - French translation are not well encoded
    * [MWEBSTART-174] - jnlp.packEnabled option is not enabled when generating pack200 archives
    * [MWEBSTART-175] - integration tests fail on Mac OS X because tools.jar
    * [MWEBSTART-193] - Relative links in APT docs to other pages are incorrect.

** Improvement
    * [MWEBSTART-149] - Add parameter maxMemory to the org.codehaus.mojo.webstart.JarSignMojoConfig fields
    * [MWEBSTART-173] - Change the plugin's groupId to org.codehaus.mojo
    * [MWEBSTART-177] - Remove Utils class and use directly FileUtils instead
    * [MWEBSTART-178] - Use maven-jarsigner component instead of maven-jar-plugin
    * [MWEBSTART-180] - Use the shared api of keytool instead of mojo
    * [MWEBSTART-181] - Improve the pack200 api
    * [MWEBSTART-182] - Remove the jarsigner-api module
    * [MWEBSTART-187] - Encoding should be configurable for jnlp template file
    * [MWEBSTART-191] - Use the keytool-api

** New Feature
    * [MWEBSTART-87] - incorporate changes from codecrate maven plugin

** Task
    * [MWEBSTART-183] - Remove deprecated modules
    * [MWEBSTART-192] - Use groupId org.codehaus.mojo

Have Fun!
The Mojo team.

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