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[02/25] any23 git commit: ANY23-276 : Convert from Sesame to RDF4J
diff --git a/nquads/src/test/java/org/apache/any23/io/nquads/ b/nquads/src/test/java/org/apache/any23/io/nquads/
deleted file mode 100644
index ba54b01..0000000
--- a/nquads/src/test/java/org/apache/any23/io/nquads/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,654 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.openrdf.model.BNode;
-import org.openrdf.model.Literal;
-import org.openrdf.model.Resource;
-import org.openrdf.model.Statement;
-import org.openrdf.model.URI;
-import org.openrdf.model.Value;
-import org.openrdf.model.impl.URIImpl;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Set;
-import static;
- * Test case for {@link NQuadsParser}.
- *
- * @author Michele Mostarda (
- */
-public class NQuadsParserTest {
-    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NQuadsParser.class);
-    private NQuadsParser parser;
-    private TestRDFHandler rdfHandler;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        parser = new NQuadsParser();
-        rdfHandler = new TestRDFHandler();
-        parser.setRDFHandler(rdfHandler);
-        Set<RioSetting<?>> nonFatalErrors = new HashSet<RioSetting<?>>();
-        parser.getParserConfig().setNonFatalErrors(nonFatalErrors);
-        parser.getParserConfig().set(BasicParserSettings.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_DATATYPES, false);
-        parser.getParserConfig().addNonFatalError(BasicParserSettings.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_DATATYPES);
-        parser.getParserConfig().set(BasicParserSettings.VERIFY_DATATYPE_VALUES, false);
-        parser.getParserConfig().addNonFatalError(BasicParserSettings.VERIFY_DATATYPE_VALUES);
-        parser.getParserConfig().set(BasicParserSettings.NORMALIZE_DATATYPE_VALUES, false);
-        parser.getParserConfig().addNonFatalError(BasicParserSettings.NORMALIZE_DATATYPE_VALUES);
-    }
-    @After
-    public void tearDown() {
-        parser = null;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tests the correct behavior with incomplete input.
-     *
-     * @throws RDFHandlerException
-     * @throws IOException
-     * @throws RDFParseException
-     */
-    @Test(expected = RDFParseException.class)
-    public void testIncompleteParsing() throws RDFHandlerException, IOException, RDFParseException {
-        final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(
-                "<http://s> <http://p> <http://o> <http://g>".getBytes()
-        );
-        parser.parse(bais, "http://base-uri");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tests parsing of empty lines and comments.
-     *
-     * @throws
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testParseEmptyLinesAndComments() throws RDFHandlerException, IOException, RDFParseException {
-        final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(
-            "  \n\n\n# This is a comment\n\n#this is another comment."
-            .getBytes()
-        );
-        parser.parse(bais, "http://test.base.uri");
-        Assert.assertEquals(rdfHandler.getStatements().size(), 0);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tests basic N-Quads parsing.
-     *
-     * @throws RDFHandlerException
-     * @throws IOException
-     * @throws RDFParseException
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testParseBasic() throws RDFHandlerException, IOException, RDFParseException {
-        final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(
-            "<http://www.v/dat/4b> <> <http://sin/value/2> <>."
-            .getBytes()
-        );
-        parser.parse(bais, "http://test.base.uri");
-        Assert.assertThat(rdfHandler.getStatements().size(), is(1));
-        final Statement statement = rdfHandler.getStatements().get(0);
-        Assert.assertEquals("http://www.v/dat/4b", statement.getSubject().stringValue());
-        Assert.assertEquals("", statement.getPredicate().stringValue());
-        Assert.assertTrue(statement.getObject() instanceof URI);
-        Assert.assertEquals("http://sin/value/2", statement.getObject().stringValue());
-        Assert.assertEquals("", statement.getContext().stringValue());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tests basic N-Quads parsing with blank node.
-     *
-     * @throws RDFHandlerException
-     * @throws IOException
-     * @throws RDFParseException
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testParseBasicBNode() throws RDFHandlerException, IOException, RDFParseException {
-        final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(
-            "_:a123456768 <> <http://sin/value/2> <>."
-            .getBytes()
-        );
-        parser.parse(bais, "http://test.base.uri");
-        Assert.assertThat(rdfHandler.getStatements().size(), is(1));
-        final Statement statement = rdfHandler.getStatements().get(0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(statement.getSubject() instanceof BNode);
-        Assert.assertEquals("", statement.getPredicate().stringValue());
-        Assert.assertTrue(statement.getObject() instanceof URI);
-        Assert.assertEquals("http://sin/value/2", statement.getObject().stringValue());
-        Assert.assertEquals("", statement.getContext().stringValue());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tests basic N-Quads parsing with literal.
-     *
-     * @throws RDFHandlerException
-     * @throws IOException
-     * @throws RDFParseException
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testParseBasicLiteral() throws RDFHandlerException, IOException, RDFParseException {
-        final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(
-            "_:a123456768 <> \"2010-05-02\" <>."
-            .getBytes()
-        );
-        parser.parse(bais, "http://test.base.uri");
-        Assert.assertThat(rdfHandler.getStatements().size(), is(1));
-        final Statement statement = rdfHandler.getStatements().get(0);
-        Assert.assertTrue(statement.getSubject() instanceof BNode);
-        Assert.assertEquals("", statement.getPredicate().stringValue());
-        Assert.assertTrue(statement.getObject() instanceof Literal);
-        Assert.assertEquals("2010-05-02", statement.getObject().stringValue());
-        Assert.assertEquals("", statement.getContext().stringValue());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tests N-Quads parsing with literal and language.
-     * 
-     * @throws RDFHandlerException
-     * @throws IOException
-     * @throws RDFParseException
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testParseBasicLiteralLang() throws RDFHandlerException, IOException, RDFParseException {
-        final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(
-            "<http://www.v/dat/4b2-21> <> \"2010-05-02\"@en <>."
-            .getBytes()
-        );
-        parser.parse(bais, "http://test.base.uri");
-        final Statement statement = rdfHandler.getStatements().get(0);
-        Assert.assertEquals("http://www.v/dat/4b2-21", statement.getSubject().stringValue());
-        Assert.assertEquals("", statement.getPredicate().stringValue());
-        Assert.assertTrue(statement.getObject() instanceof Literal);
-        Literal object = (Literal) statement.getObject();
-        Assert.assertEquals("2010-05-02", object.stringValue());
-        Assert.assertEquals("en", object.getLanguage());
-        Assert.assertNull("en", object.getDatatype());
-        Assert.assertEquals("", statement.getContext().stringValue());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tests N-Quads parsing with literal and datatype.
-     * 
-     * @throws RDFHandlerException
-     * @throws IOException
-     * @throws RDFParseException
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testParseBasicLiteraDatatype() throws RDFHandlerException, IOException, RDFParseException {
-        final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(
-            ("<http://www.v/dat/4b2-21> " +
-             "<> " +
-             "\"2010\"^^<> " +
-             "<>."
-            ).getBytes()
-        );
-        parser.parse(bais, "http://test.base.uri");
-        final Statement statement = rdfHandler.getStatements().get(0);
-        Assert.assertEquals("http://www.v/dat/4b2-21", statement.getSubject().stringValue());
-        Assert.assertEquals("", statement.getPredicate().stringValue());
-        Assert.assertTrue(statement.getObject() instanceof Literal);
-        Literal object = (Literal) statement.getObject();
-        Assert.assertEquals("2010", object.stringValue());
-        Assert.assertNull(object.getLanguage());
-        Assert.assertEquals("", object.getDatatype().toString());
-        Assert.assertEquals("", statement.getContext().stringValue());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tests the correct support for literal escaping.
-     *
-     * @throws RDFHandlerException
-     * @throws IOException
-     * @throws RDFParseException
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testLiteralEscapeManagement1()
-    throws RDFHandlerException, IOException, RDFParseException {
-        TestParseLocationListener parseLocationListener = new TestParseLocationListener();
-        parser.setParseLocationListener(parseLocationListener);
-        final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(
-            "<http://a> <http://b> \"\\\\\" <http://c> .".getBytes()
-        );
-        parser.parse(bais, "http://base-uri");
-        rdfHandler.assertHandler(1);
-        //parseLocationListener.assertListener(1, 40);
-        parseLocationListener.assertListener(1, 1);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tests the correct support for literal escaping.
-     *
-     * @throws RDFHandlerException
-     * @throws IOException
-     * @throws RDFParseException
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testLiteralEscapeManagement2()
-    throws RDFHandlerException, IOException, RDFParseException {
-        TestParseLocationListener parseLocationListener = new TestParseLocationListener();
-        parser.setParseLocationListener(parseLocationListener);
-        final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(
-            "<http://a> <http://b> \"Line text 1\\nLine text 2\" <http://c> .".getBytes()
-        );
-        parser.parse(bais, "http://base-uri");
-        rdfHandler.assertHandler(1);
-        final Value object = rdfHandler.getStatements().get(0).getObject();
-        Assert.assertTrue( object instanceof Literal);
-        final String literalContent = ((Literal) object).getLabel();
-        Assert.assertEquals("Line text 1\nLine text 2", literalContent);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tests the correct decoding of UTF-8 encoded chars in URIs.
-     *
-     * @throws RDFHandlerException
-     * @throws IOException
-     * @throws RDFParseException
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testURIDecodingManagement() throws RDFHandlerException, IOException, RDFParseException {
-        TestParseLocationListener parseLocationListener = new TestParseLocationListener();
-        parser.setParseLocationListener(parseLocationListener);
-        final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(
-            "<http://s/\\u306F\\u3080> <http://p/\\u306F\\u3080> <http://o/\\u306F\\u3080> <http://g/\\u306F\\u3080> ."
-            .getBytes()
-        );
-        parser.parse(bais, "http://base-uri");
-        rdfHandler.assertHandler(1);
-        final Statement statement = rdfHandler.getStatements().get(0);
-        final Resource subject = statement.getSubject();
-        Assert.assertTrue( subject instanceof URI);
-        final String subjectURI = subject.toString();
-        Assert.assertEquals("http://s/\u306f\u3080", subjectURI);
-        final Resource predicate = statement.getPredicate();
-        Assert.assertTrue( predicate instanceof URI);
-        final String predicateURI = predicate.toString();
-        Assert.assertEquals("http://p/\u306f\u3080", predicateURI);
-        final Value object = statement.getObject();
-        Assert.assertTrue( object instanceof URI);
-        final String objectURI = object.toString();
-        Assert.assertEquals("http://o/\u306f\u3080", objectURI);
-        final Resource graph = statement.getContext();
-        Assert.assertTrue( graph instanceof URI);
-        final String graphURI = graph.toString();
-        Assert.assertEquals("http://g/\u306f\u3080", graphURI);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUnicodeLiteralManagement() throws RDFHandlerException, IOException, RDFParseException {
-        final String INPUT_LITERAL = "[\u306f\u3001\u30a4\u30ae\u30ea\u30b9\u304a\u3088\u3073\u30a4\u30f3\u30b0\u30e9\u30f3\u30c9\u306e\u9996\u90fd\u3067\u3042\u308b] [\u662f\u5927\u4e0d\u5217\u985b\u53ca\u5317\u611b\u723e\u862d\u806f\u5408\u738b\u570b\u548c\u82f1\u683c\u862d\u7684\u9996\u90fd]";
-        final String INPUT_STRING = String.format(
-                "<http://a> <http://b> \"%s\" <http://c> .",
-                INPUT_LITERAL
-        );
-        final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(
-            INPUT_STRING.getBytes()
-        );
-        parser.parse(bais, "http://base-uri");
-        rdfHandler.assertHandler(1);
-        final Literal obj = (Literal) rdfHandler.getStatements().get(0).getObject();
-        Assert.assertEquals(INPUT_LITERAL, obj.getLabel());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUnicodeLiteralDecoding() throws RDFHandlerException, IOException, RDFParseException {
-        final String INPUT_LITERAL_PLAIN   = "[\u306f]";
-        final String INPUT_LITERAL_ENCODED = "[\\u306F]";
-        final String INPUT_STRING = String.format(
-                "<http://a> <http://b> \"%s\" <http://c> .",
-                INPUT_LITERAL_ENCODED
-        );
-        final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(
-            INPUT_STRING.getBytes()
-        );
-        parser.parse(bais, "http://base-uri");
-        rdfHandler.assertHandler(1);
-        final Literal obj = (Literal) rdfHandler.getStatements().get(0).getObject();
-        Assert.assertEquals(INPUT_LITERAL_PLAIN, obj.getLabel());
-    }
-    @Test(expected = RDFParseException.class)
-    public void testWrongUnicodeEncodedCharFail() throws RDFHandlerException, IOException, RDFParseException {
-        final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(
-                "<http://s> <http://p> \"\\u123X\" <http://g> .".getBytes()
-        );
-        parser.parse(bais, "http://base-uri");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tests the correct support for EOS exception.
-     *
-     * @throws RDFHandlerException
-     * @throws IOException
-     * @throws RDFParseException
-     */
-    @Test(expected = RDFParseException.class)
-    public void testEndOfStreamReached()
-    throws RDFHandlerException, IOException, RDFParseException {
-        final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(
-            "<http://a> <http://b> \"\\\" <http://c> .".getBytes()
-        );
-        parser.parse(bais, "http://base-uri");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tests the parser with all cases defined by the NQuads grammar.
-     *
-     * @throws IOException
-     * @throws RDFParseException
-     * @throws RDFHandlerException
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testFullParseScenario()
-    throws IOException, RDFParseException, RDFHandlerException {
-        TestParseLocationListener parseLocationListerner = new TestParseLocationListener();
-        FullParseScenarioRDFHandler rdfHandler = new FullParseScenarioRDFHandler();
-        parser.setParseLocationListener(parseLocationListerner);
-        parser.setRDFHandler(rdfHandler);
-        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
-                new InputStreamReader(
-                        this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("application/nquads/test1.nq")
-                ) 
-        );
-        parser.parse(
-            br,
-            "http://test.base.uri"
-        );
-        rdfHandler.assertHandler(6);
-        parseLocationListerner.assertListener(8, 71);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Tests parser with real data.
-     *
-     * @throws IOException
-     * @throws RDFParseException
-     * @throws RDFHandlerException
-     */
-    @Test
-    public void testParseRealData()
-    throws IOException, RDFParseException, RDFHandlerException {
-        TestParseLocationListener parseLocationListener = new TestParseLocationListener();
-        parser.setParseLocationListener(parseLocationListener);
-        parser.parse(
-            this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("application/nquads/test2.nq"),
-            "http://test.base.uri"
-        );
-        rdfHandler.assertHandler(400);
-        parseLocationListener.assertListener(400, 349);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testStatementWithInvalidLiteralContentAndIgnoreValidation()
-    throws RDFHandlerException, IOException, RDFParseException {
-        verifyStatementWithInvalidLiteralContent(RDFParser.DatatypeHandling.IGNORE);
-    }
-    @Test(expected = RDFParseException.class)
-    public void testStatementWithInvalidLiteralContentAndStrictValidation()
-    throws RDFHandlerException, IOException, RDFParseException {
-        verifyStatementWithInvalidLiteralContent(RDFParser.DatatypeHandling.VERIFY);
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testStatementWithInvalidDatatypeAndIgnoreValidation()
-    throws RDFHandlerException, IOException, RDFParseException {
-        verifyStatementWithInvalidDatatype(RDFParser.DatatypeHandling.IGNORE);
-    }
-    @Test(expected = RDFParseException.class)
-    public void testStatementWithInvalidDatatypeAndVerifyValidation()
-    throws RDFHandlerException, IOException, RDFParseException {
-        verifyStatementWithInvalidDatatype(RDFParser.DatatypeHandling.VERIFY);
-    }
-    @Test (expected = RDFParseException.class)
-    public void testStopAtFirstErrorStrictParsing() throws RDFHandlerException, IOException, RDFParseException {
-        final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(
-                (
-                    "<http://s0> <http://p0> <http://o0> <http://g0> .\n" +
-                    "<http://sX>                                     .\n" + // Line with error.
-                    "<http://s1> <http://p1> <http://o1> <http://g1> .\n"
-                ).getBytes()
-        );
-        parser.setStopAtFirstError(true);
-        parser.parse(bais, "http://base-uri");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testStopAtFirstErrorTolerantParsing() throws RDFHandlerException, IOException, RDFParseException {
-        final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(
-                (
-                    "<http://s0> <http://p0> <http://o0> <http://g0> .\n" +
-                    "<http://sX>                                     .\n" + // Line with error.
-                    "<http://s1> <http://p1> <http://o1> <http://g1> .\n"
-                ).getBytes()
-        );
-        //parser.setStopAtFirstError(false);
-        parser.getParserConfig().addNonFatalError(NTriplesParserSettings.FAIL_ON_NTRIPLES_INVALID_LINES);
-        parser.parse(bais, "http://base-uri");
-        rdfHandler.assertHandler(2);
-        final List<Statement> statements = rdfHandler.getStatements();
-        final int size = statements.size();
-        for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-            Assert.assertEquals("http://s" + i, statements.get(i).getSubject().stringValue()  );
-            Assert.assertEquals("http://p" + i, statements.get(i).getPredicate().stringValue());
-            Assert.assertEquals("http://o" + i, statements.get(i).getObject().stringValue()   );
-            Assert.assertEquals("http://g" + i, statements.get(i).getContext().stringValue()  );
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testReportInvalidLiteralAttribute() throws RDFHandlerException, IOException, RDFParseException {
-        final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(
-                "<http://a> <http://b> \"literal\"^^xsd:datetime <http://c> .".getBytes()
-        );
-        try {
-            parser.parse(bais, "http://base-uri");
-  "Expected failure here.");
-        } catch (RDFParseException e) {
-            Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Expected '<'"));
-            Assert.assertEquals(1 , e.getLineNumber());
-            //Assert.assertEquals(35, e.getColumnNumber());
-        }
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testParseWithNoContext() throws RDFHandlerException, IOException, RDFParseException {
-        final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(
-            ("<http://www.v/dat/4b2-21>" +
-             "<>" +
-             "\"2010\"^^<> ."
-            ).getBytes()
-        );
-        parser.parse(bais, "http://test.base.uri");
-        final Statement statement = rdfHandler.getStatements().get(0);
-        Assert.assertEquals("http://www.v/dat/4b2-21", statement.getSubject().stringValue());
-        Assert.assertEquals("", statement.getPredicate().stringValue());
-        Assert.assertTrue(statement.getObject() instanceof Literal);
-        Literal object = (Literal) statement.getObject();
-        Assert.assertEquals("2010", object.stringValue());
-        Assert.assertNull(object.getLanguage());
-        Assert.assertEquals("", object.getDatatype().toString());
-        Assert.assertNull(statement.getContext());
-    }
-    private void verifyStatementWithInvalidLiteralContent(RDFParser.DatatypeHandling datatypeHandling)
-    throws RDFHandlerException, IOException, RDFParseException {
-       final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(
-                (
-                "<,_conte_di_Cavour> " +
-                "<> " +
-                "\"1380.0\"^^<> " + // Float declared as int.
-                "<,_conte_di_Cavour#absolute-line=20> ."
-                ).getBytes()
-        );
-        if(datatypeHandling == RDFParser.DatatypeHandling.VERIFY) {
-            parser.getParserConfig().setNonFatalErrors(new HashSet<RioSetting<?>>());
-            parser.getParserConfig().set(BasicParserSettings.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_DATATYPES, true);
-            parser.getParserConfig().set(BasicParserSettings.VERIFY_DATATYPE_VALUES, true);
-        }
-        //parser.setDatatypeHandling(datatypeHandling);
-        parser.parse(bais, "http://base-uri");
-    }
-    private void verifyStatementWithInvalidDatatype(RDFParser.DatatypeHandling datatypeHandling)
-    throws RDFHandlerException, IOException, RDFParseException {
-        parser.setDatatypeHandling(datatypeHandling);
-        final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(
-                (
-                        "<,_conte_di_Cavour> " +
-                        "<> " +
-                        "\"1380.0\"^^<> " +
-                        "<,_conte_di_Cavour#absolute-line=20> ."
-                ).getBytes()
-        );
-        if(datatypeHandling == RDFParser.DatatypeHandling.VERIFY) {
-            parser.getParserConfig().setNonFatalErrors(new HashSet<RioSetting<?>>());
-            parser.getParserConfig().set(BasicParserSettings.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_DATATYPES, true);
-            parser.getParserConfig().set(BasicParserSettings.VERIFY_DATATYPE_VALUES, true);
-        }
-        parser.parse(bais, "http://base-uri");
-        rdfHandler.assertHandler(1);
-    }
-    private class TestParseLocationListener implements ParseLocationListener {
-        private int lastRow, lastCol;
-        public void parseLocationUpdate(int r, int c) {
-            lastRow = r;
-            lastCol = c;
-        }
-        private void assertListener(int row, int col) {
-            Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected last row", row , lastRow);
-            // Column numbers are not supported by the Rio NQuadsParser currently
-            //Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected last col", col , lastCol);
-        }
-    }
-    private class TestRDFHandler implements RDFHandler {
-        private boolean started = false;
-        private boolean ended   = false;
-        private final List<Statement> statements = new ArrayList<Statement>();
-        protected List<Statement> getStatements() {
-            return statements;
-        }
-        public void startRDF() throws RDFHandlerException {
-            started = true;
-        }
-        public void endRDF() throws RDFHandlerException {
-            ended = true;
-        }
-        public void handleNamespace(String s, String s1) throws RDFHandlerException {
-        }
-        public void handleStatement(Statement statement) throws RDFHandlerException {
-            logger.debug(statement.toString());
-            statements.add(statement);
-        }
-        public void handleComment(String s) throws RDFHandlerException {
-        }
-        public void assertHandler(int expected) {
-            Assert.assertTrue("Never stated.", started);
-            Assert.assertTrue("Never ended." , ended  );
-            Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of statements.", expected, statements.size());
-        }
-    }
-    private class FullParseScenarioRDFHandler extends TestRDFHandler {
-        public void handleStatement(Statement statement) throws RDFHandlerException {
-            int statementIndex = getStatements().size();
-            if(statementIndex == 0){
-                Assert.assertEquals(new URIImpl(""), statement.getSubject() );
-            } else {
-                Assert.assertTrue(statement.getSubject() instanceof BNode);
-            }
-            if( statementIndex == 4) {
-                Assert.assertEquals(new URIImpl(""), statement.getPredicate() );
-            }
-            if(statementIndex == 5) {
-                Assert.assertNull(statement.getContext());
-            } else {
-                Assert.assertEquals(
-                        new URIImpl(String.format("", statementIndex + 1)),
-                        statement.getContext()
-                );
-            }
-            super.handleStatement(statement);
-        }
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nquads/src/test/java/org/apache/any23/io/nquads/ b/nquads/src/test/java/org/apache/any23/io/nquads/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fe92c6..0000000
--- a/nquads/src/test/java/org/apache/any23/io/nquads/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.openrdf.model.BNode;
-import org.openrdf.model.Literal;
-import org.openrdf.model.Resource;
-import org.openrdf.model.Statement;
-import org.openrdf.model.URI;
-import org.openrdf.model.Value;
-import org.openrdf.model.ValueFactory;
-import org.openrdf.model.impl.ValueFactoryImpl;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
- * Test case for {@link NQuadsWriter}.
- *
- * @author Michele Mostarda (
- */
-public class NQuadsWriterTest {
-    private static final Logger logger  = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NQuadsWriterTest.class);
-    private final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
-    private NQuadsWriter writer;
-    private ValueFactory vf;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() {
-        vf = ValueFactoryImpl.getInstance();
-        writer = new NQuadsWriter(baos);
-    }
-    @After
-    public void tearDown() {
-        logger.debug( "\n" + baos.toString() );
-        baos.reset();
-        writer = null;
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testWrite() throws RDFHandlerException {
-        Statement s1 = quad(
-                uri("http://sub"),
-                uri("http://pre"),
-                uri("http://obj"),
-                uri("http://gra1")
-        );
-        Statement s2 = quad(
-                bnode("1"),
-                uri("http://pre"),
-                bnode("2"),
-                uri("http://gra2")
-        );
-        Statement s3 = quad(
-                bnode("3"),
-                uri("http://pre"),
-                literal("Sample text 1"),
-                uri("http://gra2")
-        );
-        Statement s4 = quad(
-                bnode("4"),
-                uri("http://pre"),
-                literal("Sample text 2", "en"),
-                uri("http://gra2")
-        );
-        Statement s5 = quad(
-                bnode("5"),
-                uri("http://pre"),
-                literal("12345", uri("")),
-                uri("http://gra2")
-        );
-//        Statement s6 = quad(
-//                uri("p1:sub"),
-//                uri("p1:pre"),
-//                uri("p1:obj"),
-//                uri("p1:gra2")
-//        );
-        Statement s7 = quad(
-                uri("http://sub"),
-                uri("http://pre"),
-                literal("This is line 1.\nThis is line 2.\n"),
-                uri("http://gra3")
-        );
-        // Sending events.
-        writer.startRDF();
-        //writer.handleNamespace("p1", "");
-        writer.handleStatement(s1);
-        writer.handleStatement(s2);
-        writer.handleStatement(s3);
-        writer.handleStatement(s4);
-        writer.handleStatement(s5);
-        //writer.handleStatement(s6);
-        writer.handleStatement(s7);
-        writer.endRDF();
-        // Checking content.
-        String content = baos.toString();
-"output={}", content);
-        String[] lines = content.split("\n");
-        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of lines.", 6, lines.length);
-        Assert.assertTrue( lines[0].matches("<.*> <.*> <.*> <.*> \\.") );
-        Assert.assertTrue( lines[1].matches("_:.* <.*> _:.* <.*> \\.") );
-        Assert.assertTrue( lines[2].matches("_:.* <.*> \".*\" <.*> \\.") );
-        Assert.assertTrue( lines[3].matches("_:.* <.*> \".*\"@en <.*> \\.") );
-        Assert.assertTrue( lines[4].matches("_:.* <.*> \".*\"\\^\\^<.*> <.*> \\.") );
-        //Assert.assertTrue( lines[5].matches("<http://.*> <http://.*> <http://.*> <http://.*> \\.") );
-        Assert.assertEquals(
-                "<http://sub> <http://pre> \"This is line 1.\\nThis is line 2.\\n\" <http://gra3> .",
-                lines[5]
-        );
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testReadWrite() throws RDFHandlerException, IOException, RDFParseException {
-        NQuadsParser parser = new NQuadsParser();
-        parser.setRDFHandler(writer);
-        parser.parse(
-            this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("application/nquads/test2.nq"),
-            "http://test.base.uri"
-        );
-        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of lines.", 400, baos.toString().split("\n").length);
-    }
-    private Statement quad(Resource subject, URI predicate, Value object, Resource context) {
-        return this.vf.createStatement(subject, predicate, object, context);
-    }
-    private URI uri(String uri) {
-        return this.vf.createURI(uri);
-    }
-    private BNode bnode(String testID) {
-        return this.vf.createBNode(testID);
-    }
-    private Literal literal(String literalValue) {
-        return this.vf.createLiteral(literalValue);
-    }
-    private Literal literal(String literalValue, URI datatype) {
-        return this.vf.createLiteral(literalValue, datatype);
-    }
-    private Literal literal(String literalValue, String language) {
-        return this.vf.createLiteral(literalValue, language);
-    }
diff --git a/nquads/src/test/resources/ b/nquads/src/test/resources/
deleted file mode 100644
index 84062ba..0000000
--- a/nquads/src/test/resources/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-log4j.rootCategory=INFO, O  
-# Stdout  
-# File  
-# Control the maximum log file size  
-# Archive log files (one backup file here)  
-log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d{ISO8601}]%5p%6.6r[%t]%x - %C.%M(%F:%L) - %m%n  
-log4j.appender.O.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d{ISO8601}]%5p%6.6r[%t]%x - %C.%M(%F:%L) - %m%n
diff --git a/plugins/basic-crawler/pom.xml b/plugins/basic-crawler/pom.xml
index 6d63627..bffd7e2 100644
--- a/plugins/basic-crawler/pom.xml
+++ b/plugins/basic-crawler/pom.xml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
-    <version>1.2-SNAPSHOT</version>
+    <version>2.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
     <!-- Sesame. -->
-      <groupId>org.openrdf.sesame</groupId>
-      <artifactId>sesame-model</artifactId>
+      <groupId>org.eclipse.rdf4j</groupId>
+      <artifactId>rdf4j-model</artifactId>
@@ -44,14 +44,14 @@
-      <version>1.2-SNAPSHOT</version>
+      <version>2.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
-      <version>1.2-SNAPSHOT</version>
+      <version>2.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
diff --git a/plugins/basic-crawler/src/main/java/org/apache/any23/cli/ b/plugins/basic-crawler/src/main/java/org/apache/any23/cli/
index 1f84069..66b167b 100644
--- a/plugins/basic-crawler/src/main/java/org/apache/any23/cli/
+++ b/plugins/basic-crawler/src/main/java/org/apache/any23/cli/
@@ -78,10 +78,10 @@ public class Crawler extends Rover {
     public void run() throws Exception {
-        if (inputURIs.size() != 1) {
+        if (inputIRIs.size() != 1) {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected just one seed.");
-        final URL seed = new URL(inputURIs.get( 0 ));
+        final URL seed = new URL(inputIRIs.get( 0 ));
         if ( storageFolder.isFile() ) {
             throw new IllegalStateException( format( "Storage folder %s can not be a file, must be a directory",
diff --git a/plugins/basic-crawler/src/test/java/org/apache/any23/cli/ b/plugins/basic-crawler/src/test/java/org/apache/any23/cli/
index 2439336..eac75f3 100644
--- a/plugins/basic-crawler/src/test/java/org/apache/any23/cli/
+++ b/plugins/basic-crawler/src/test/java/org/apache/any23/cli/
@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ import org.apache.any23.rdf.RDFUtils;
 import org.apache.any23.util.FileUtils;
 import org.junit.Ignore;
 import org.junit.Test;
-import org.openrdf.model.Statement;
+import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Statement;
 import org.slf4j.Logger;
 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
diff --git a/plugins/html-scraper/pom.xml b/plugins/html-scraper/pom.xml
index 04340cf..e04651a 100644
--- a/plugins/html-scraper/pom.xml
+++ b/plugins/html-scraper/pom.xml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
-    <version>1.2-SNAPSHOT</version>
+    <version>2.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
     <!-- Sesame. -->
-      <groupId>org.openrdf.sesame</groupId>
-      <artifactId>sesame-model</artifactId>
+      <groupId>org.eclipse.rdf4j</groupId>
+      <artifactId>rdf4j-model</artifactId>
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
-      <version>1.2-SNAPSHOT</version>
+      <version>2.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
diff --git a/plugins/html-scraper/src/main/java/org/apache/any23/plugin/htmlscraper/ b/plugins/html-scraper/src/main/java/org/apache/any23/plugin/htmlscraper/
index 0605f62..ab7d34a 100644
--- a/plugins/html-scraper/src/main/java/org/apache/any23/plugin/htmlscraper/
+++ b/plugins/html-scraper/src/main/java/org/apache/any23/plugin/htmlscraper/
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ import org.apache.any23.extractor.ExtractionResult;
 import org.apache.any23.extractor.Extractor;
 import org.apache.any23.extractor.ExtractorDescription;
 import org.apache.any23.vocab.SINDICE;
-import org.openrdf.model.URI;
-import org.openrdf.model.impl.ValueFactoryImpl;
+import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.IRI;
+import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.impl.SimpleValueFactory;
@@ -46,14 +46,14 @@ import java.util.List;
 public class HTMLScraperExtractor implements Extractor.ContentExtractor {
-    public final static URI PAGE_CONTENT_DE_PROPERTY  =
-            ValueFactoryImpl.getInstance().createURI(SINDICE.NS + "pagecontent/de");
-    public final static URI PAGE_CONTENT_AE_PROPERTY  =
-            ValueFactoryImpl.getInstance().createURI(SINDICE.NS + "pagecontent/ae");
-    public final static URI PAGE_CONTENT_LCE_PROPERTY =
-            ValueFactoryImpl.getInstance().createURI(SINDICE.NS + "pagecontent/lce");
-    public final static URI PAGE_CONTENT_CE_PROPERTY  =
-            ValueFactoryImpl.getInstance().createURI(SINDICE.NS + "pagecontent/ce");
+    public final static IRI PAGE_CONTENT_DE_PROPERTY  =
+            SimpleValueFactory.getInstance().createIRI(SINDICE.NS + "pagecontent/de");
+    public final static IRI PAGE_CONTENT_AE_PROPERTY  =
+            SimpleValueFactory.getInstance().createIRI(SINDICE.NS + "pagecontent/ae");
+    public final static IRI PAGE_CONTENT_LCE_PROPERTY =
+            SimpleValueFactory.getInstance().createIRI(SINDICE.NS + "pagecontent/lce");
+    public final static IRI PAGE_CONTENT_CE_PROPERTY  =
+            SimpleValueFactory.getInstance().createIRI(SINDICE.NS + "pagecontent/ce");
     private final List<ExtractionRule> extractionRules = new ArrayList<ExtractionRule>();
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ public class HTMLScraperExtractor implements Extractor.ContentExtractor {
-    public void addTextExtractor(String name, URI property, BoilerpipeExtractor extractor) {
+    public void addTextExtractor(String name, IRI property, BoilerpipeExtractor extractor) {
         extractionRules.add( new ExtractionRule(name, property, extractor) );
@@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ public class HTMLScraperExtractor implements Extractor.ContentExtractor {
             ExtractionResult extractionResult
     ) throws IOException, ExtractionException {
         try {
-            final URI documentURI = extractionContext.getDocumentURI();
+            final IRI documentIRI = extractionContext.getDocumentIRI();
             for (ExtractionRule extractionRule : extractionRules) {
                 final String content = extractionRule.boilerpipeExtractor.getText(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
-                        documentURI,
+                        documentIRI,
-                        ValueFactoryImpl.getInstance().createLiteral(content)
+                        SimpleValueFactory.getInstance().createLiteral(content)
         } catch (BoilerpipeProcessingException bpe) {
@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@ public class HTMLScraperExtractor implements Extractor.ContentExtractor {
     class ExtractionRule {
         public final String name;
-        public final URI property;
+        public final IRI property;
         public final BoilerpipeExtractor boilerpipeExtractor;
-        ExtractionRule(String name, URI property, BoilerpipeExtractor boilerpipeExtractor) {
+        ExtractionRule(String name, IRI property, BoilerpipeExtractor boilerpipeExtractor) {
             if(name == null) {
                 throw new NullPointerException("name cannot be null.");
diff --git a/plugins/html-scraper/src/test/java/org/apache/any23/plugin/htmlscraper/ b/plugins/html-scraper/src/test/java/org/apache/any23/plugin/htmlscraper/
index 1420362..7465ade 100644
--- a/plugins/html-scraper/src/test/java/org/apache/any23/plugin/htmlscraper/
+++ b/plugins/html-scraper/src/test/java/org/apache/any23/plugin/htmlscraper/
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ import org.junit.Assert;
 import org.junit.Before;
 import org.junit.Test;
 import org.mockito.Matchers;
-import org.openrdf.model.URI;
-import org.openrdf.model.Value;
-import org.openrdf.model.impl.ValueFactoryImpl;
+import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.IRI;
+import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Value;
+import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.impl.SimpleValueFactory;
@@ -68,24 +68,24 @@ public class HTMLScraperExtractorTest {
     public void testRun() throws IOException, ExtractionException {
         final InputStream is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("html-scraper-extractor-test.html");
         final ExtractionResult extractionResult = mock(ExtractionResult.class);
-        final URI pageURI = ValueFactoryImpl.getInstance().createURI("http://fake/test/page/testrun");
+        final IRI pageIRI = SimpleValueFactory.getInstance().createIRI("http://fake/test/page/testrun");
         final ExtractionContext extractionContext = new ExtractionContext(
-                pageURI
+                pageIRI
         );, extractionContext, is, extractionResult);
-                eq(pageURI), eq(HTMLScraperExtractor.PAGE_CONTENT_DE_PROPERTY) , (Value) Matchers.anyObject())
+                eq(pageIRI), eq(HTMLScraperExtractor.PAGE_CONTENT_DE_PROPERTY) , (Value) Matchers.anyObject())
-                eq(pageURI), eq(HTMLScraperExtractor.PAGE_CONTENT_AE_PROPERTY) , (Value) Matchers.anyObject())
+                eq(pageIRI), eq(HTMLScraperExtractor.PAGE_CONTENT_AE_PROPERTY) , (Value) Matchers.anyObject())
-                eq(pageURI), eq(HTMLScraperExtractor.PAGE_CONTENT_LCE_PROPERTY) , (Value) Matchers.anyObject())
+                eq(pageIRI), eq(HTMLScraperExtractor.PAGE_CONTENT_LCE_PROPERTY) , (Value) Matchers.anyObject())
-                eq(pageURI), eq(HTMLScraperExtractor.PAGE_CONTENT_CE_PROPERTY) , (Value) Matchers.anyObject())
+                eq(pageIRI), eq(HTMLScraperExtractor.PAGE_CONTENT_CE_PROPERTY) , (Value) Matchers.anyObject())
diff --git a/plugins/html-scraper/src/test/resources/org/apache/any23/plugin/htmlscraper/html-scraper-extractor-test.html b/plugins/html-scraper/src/test/resources/org/apache/any23/plugin/htmlscraper/html-scraper-extractor-test.html
index 1e416ac..6ec92fb 100644
--- a/plugins/html-scraper/src/test/resources/org/apache/any23/plugin/htmlscraper/html-scraper-extractor-test.html
+++ b/plugins/html-scraper/src/test/resources/org/apache/any23/plugin/htmlscraper/html-scraper-extractor-test.html
@@ -138,15 +138,15 @@
                 <div class="search-types" id="search-type-term">
                     <form action="/search" method="get">
-                        <input onfocus="if (this.value=='Type one or more keywords or URI') {this.value=''} else {}; return true;"
-                               type="text" name="q" size="45" value="Type one or more keywords or URI"/>
+                        <input onfocus="if (this.value=='Type one or more keywords or IRI') {this.value=''} else {}; return true;"
+                               type="text" name="q" size="45" value="Type one or more keywords or IRI"/>
                         <button type="submit" class="inspectButton">
 		        <span class="tip">Examples:
 		          <a href="/search?q=tim%20berners%20lee">tim berners lee</a>
-		          (by <a href="/search?">URI</a>),
+		          (by <a href="/search?">IRI</a>),
 		          <a href="/search?q=michele">michele</a>, <a href="/search?q=deri">deri</a></span>
                     <div style="height:1em;">
diff --git a/plugins/integration-test/pom.xml b/plugins/integration-test/pom.xml
index d80f5fc..c1d0723 100644
--- a/plugins/integration-test/pom.xml
+++ b/plugins/integration-test/pom.xml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
-    <version>1.2-SNAPSHOT</version>
+    <version>2.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
diff --git a/plugins/office-scraper/pom.xml b/plugins/office-scraper/pom.xml
index 80cb238..db5e3ef 100644
--- a/plugins/office-scraper/pom.xml
+++ b/plugins/office-scraper/pom.xml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
-    <version>1.2-SNAPSHOT</version>
+    <version>2.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
     <!-- Sesame. -->
-      <groupId>org.openrdf.sesame</groupId>
-      <artifactId>sesame-model</artifactId>
+      <groupId>org.eclipse.rdf4j</groupId>
+      <artifactId>rdf4j-model</artifactId>
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
-      <version>1.2-SNAPSHOT</version>
+      <version>2.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
diff --git a/plugins/office-scraper/src/main/java/org/apache/any23/plugin/officescraper/ b/plugins/office-scraper/src/main/java/org/apache/any23/plugin/officescraper/
index c4e5284..4c8826c 100644
--- a/plugins/office-scraper/src/main/java/org/apache/any23/plugin/officescraper/
+++ b/plugins/office-scraper/src/main/java/org/apache/any23/plugin/officescraper/
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ import;
 import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;
-import org.openrdf.model.URI;
-import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.RDF;
+import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.IRI;
+import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.vocabulary.RDF;
@@ -76,90 +76,88 @@ public class ExcelExtractor implements Extractor.ContentExtractor {
             ExtractionResult er
     ) throws IOException, ExtractionException {
         try {
-            final URI documentURI = context.getDocumentURI();
-            final Workbook workbook = createWorkbook(documentURI, in);
-            processWorkbook(documentURI, workbook, er);
+            final IRI documentIRI = context.getDocumentIRI();
+            final Workbook workbook = createWorkbook(documentIRI, in);
+            processWorkbook(documentIRI, workbook, er);
         } catch (Exception e) {
             throw new ExtractionException("An error occurred while extracting MS Excel content.", e);
     // TODO: this should be done by Tika, the extractors should be split.
-    private Workbook createWorkbook(URI document, InputStream is) throws IOException {
-        final String documentURI = document.toString();
-        if(documentURI.endsWith(".xlsx")) {
+    private Workbook createWorkbook(IRI document, InputStream is) throws IOException {
+        final String documentIRI = document.toString();
+        if(documentIRI.endsWith(".xlsx")) {
             return new XSSFWorkbook(is);
-        } else if(documentURI.endsWith("xls")) {
+        } else if(documentIRI.endsWith("xls")) {
             return new HSSFWorkbook(is);
         } else {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported extension for resource [" + documentURI + "]");
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported extension for resource [" + documentIRI + "]");
-    private void processWorkbook(URI documentURI, Workbook wb, ExtractionResult er) {
+    private void processWorkbook(IRI documentIRI, Workbook wb, ExtractionResult er) {
         for (int sheetIndex = 0; sheetIndex < wb.getNumberOfSheets(); sheetIndex++) {
             final Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(sheetIndex);
-            final URI sheetURI = getSheetURI(documentURI, sheet);
-            er.writeTriple(documentURI, excel.containsSheet, sheetURI);
-            er.writeTriple(sheetURI, RDF.TYPE, excel.sheet);
-            writeSheetMetadata(sheetURI, sheet, er);
+            final IRI sheetIRI = getSheetIRI(documentIRI, sheet);
+            er.writeTriple(documentIRI, excel.containsSheet, sheetIRI);
+            er.writeTriple(sheetIRI, RDF.TYPE, excel.sheet);
+            writeSheetMetadata(sheetIRI, sheet, er);
             for (Row row : sheet) {
-                final URI rowURI = getRowURI(sheetURI, row);
-                er.writeTriple(sheetURI, excel.containsRow, rowURI);
-                er.writeTriple(rowURI, RDF.TYPE, excel.row);
-                writeRowMetadata(rowURI, row, er);
+                final IRI rowIRI = getRowIRI(sheetIRI, row);
+                er.writeTriple(sheetIRI, excel.containsRow, rowIRI);
+                er.writeTriple(rowIRI, RDF.TYPE, excel.row);
+                writeRowMetadata(rowIRI, row, er);
                 for (Cell cell : row) {
-                    writeCell(rowURI, cell, er);
+                    writeCell(rowIRI, cell, er);
-    private void writeSheetMetadata(URI sheetURI, Sheet sheet, ExtractionResult er) {
+    private void writeSheetMetadata(IRI sheetIRI, Sheet sheet, ExtractionResult er) {
         final String sheetName   = sheet.getSheetName();
         final int    firstRowNum = sheet.getFirstRowNum();
         final int    lastRowNum  = sheet.getLastRowNum();
-        er.writeTriple(sheetURI, excel.sheetName, RDFUtils.literal(sheetName));
-        er.writeTriple(sheetURI, excel.firstRow, RDFUtils.literal(firstRowNum));
-        er.writeTriple(sheetURI, excel.lastRow  , RDFUtils.literal(lastRowNum ));
+        er.writeTriple(sheetIRI, excel.sheetName, RDFUtils.literal(sheetName));
+        er.writeTriple(sheetIRI, excel.firstRow, RDFUtils.literal(firstRowNum));
+        er.writeTriple(sheetIRI, excel.lastRow  , RDFUtils.literal(lastRowNum ));
-    private void writeRowMetadata(URI rowURI, Row row, ExtractionResult er) {
+    private void writeRowMetadata(IRI rowIRI, Row row, ExtractionResult er) {
         final int    firstCellNum = row.getFirstCellNum();
         final int    lastCellNum  = row.getLastCellNum();
-        er.writeTriple(rowURI, excel.firstCell , RDFUtils.literal(firstCellNum));
-        er.writeTriple(rowURI, excel.lastCell  , RDFUtils.literal(lastCellNum ));
+        er.writeTriple(rowIRI, excel.firstCell , RDFUtils.literal(firstCellNum));
+        er.writeTriple(rowIRI, excel.lastCell  , RDFUtils.literal(lastCellNum ));
-    private void writeCell(URI rowURI, Cell cell, ExtractionResult er) {
-        final URI cellType = cellTypeToType(cell.getCellType());
+    private void writeCell(IRI rowIRI, Cell cell, ExtractionResult er) {
+        final IRI cellType = cellTypeToType(cell.getCellType());
         if(cellType == null) return; // Skip unsupported cells.
-        final URI cellURI = getCellURI(rowURI, cell);
-        er.writeTriple(rowURI, excel.containsCell, cellURI);
-        er.writeTriple(cellURI, RDF.TYPE, excel.cell);
+        final IRI cellIRI = getCellIRI(rowIRI, cell);
+        er.writeTriple(rowIRI, excel.containsCell, cellIRI);
+        er.writeTriple(cellIRI, RDF.TYPE, excel.cell);
-                cellURI,
+                cellIRI,
                 RDFUtils.literal(cell.getStringCellValue(), cellType)
-    private URI getSheetURI(URI documentURI, Sheet sheet) {
-        return RDFUtils.uri( documentURI.toString() + "/sheet/" + sheet.getSheetName() );
+    private IRI getSheetIRI(IRI documentIRI, Sheet sheet) {
+        return RDFUtils.iri(documentIRI.toString() + "/sheet/" + sheet.getSheetName());
-    private URI getRowURI(URI sheetURI, Row row) {
-        return  RDFUtils.uri( sheetURI.toString() + "/" + row.getRowNum() );
+    private IRI getRowIRI(IRI sheetIRI, Row row) {
+        return RDFUtils.iri(sheetIRI.toString() + "/" + row.getRowNum());
-    private URI getCellURI(URI rowURI, Cell cell) {
-        return RDFUtils.uri(
-            rowURI +
-            String.format("/%d/", cell.getColumnIndex())
-        );
+    private IRI getCellIRI(IRI rowIRI, Cell cell) {
+        return RDFUtils.iri(rowIRI +
+		String.format("/%d/", cell.getColumnIndex()));
-    private URI cellTypeToType(int cellType) {
+    private IRI cellTypeToType(int cellType) {
         final String postfix;
         switch (cellType) {
             case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING:
@@ -174,7 +172,7 @@ public class ExcelExtractor implements Extractor.ContentExtractor {
                 postfix = null;
-        return postfix == null ? null : RDFUtils.uri(excel.getNamespace().toString() + postfix);
+        return postfix == null ? null : RDFUtils.iri(excel.getNamespace().toString() + postfix);
diff --git a/plugins/office-scraper/src/main/java/org/apache/any23/vocab/ b/plugins/office-scraper/src/main/java/org/apache/any23/vocab/
index de21ff8..64ca060 100644
--- a/plugins/office-scraper/src/main/java/org/apache/any23/vocab/
+++ b/plugins/office-scraper/src/main/java/org/apache/any23/vocab/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 package org.apache.any23.vocab;
-import org.openrdf.model.URI;
+import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.IRI;
  * The <i>MS Excel</i> extractor vocabulary.
@@ -46,63 +46,63 @@ public class Excel extends Vocabulary {
      * This property links the identifier of a <i>document</i> to the identifier of a <i>sheet</i>.
-    public final URI containsSheet = createProperty(CONTAINS_SHEET);
+    public final IRI containsSheet = createProperty(CONTAINS_SHEET);
      * This property links the identifier of a <i>sheet</i> to the identifier of a <i>row</i>.
-    public final URI containsRow = createProperty(CONTAINS_ROW);
+    public final IRI containsRow = createProperty(CONTAINS_ROW);
      * This property links the identifier of a <i>row</i> to the identifier of a <i>cell</i>.
-    public final URI containsCell = createProperty(CONTAINS_CELL);
+    public final IRI containsCell = createProperty(CONTAINS_CELL);
      * This property links the identifier of a <i>Sheet</i> to the name of the sheet.
-    public final URI sheetName = createProperty(SHEET_NAME);
+    public final IRI sheetName = createProperty(SHEET_NAME);
      * This property links the identifier of a <i>Sheet</i> to the index of the first declared row.
-    public final URI firstRow = createProperty(FIRST_ROW);
+    public final IRI firstRow = createProperty(FIRST_ROW);
      * This property links the identifier of a <i>Sheet</i> to the index of the last declared row.
-    public final URI lastRow = createProperty(LAST_ROW);
+    public final IRI lastRow = createProperty(LAST_ROW);
      * This property links the identifier of a <i>Row</i> to the index of the first declared cell.
-    public final URI firstCell = createProperty(FIRST_CELL);
+    public final IRI firstCell = createProperty(FIRST_CELL);
      * This property links the identifier of a <i>Row</i> to the index of the last declared cell.
-    public final URI lastCell = createProperty(LAST_CELL);
+    public final IRI lastCell = createProperty(LAST_CELL);
      * This property links the identifier of a <i>cell</i> to the content of the cell.
-    public final URI cellValue = createProperty(CELL_VALUE);
+    public final IRI cellValue = createProperty(CELL_VALUE);
      * This resource identifies a <i>Sheet</i>.
-    public final URI sheet = createResource(SHEET);
+    public final IRI sheet = createResource(SHEET);
      * This resource identifies a <i>row</i>.
-    public final URI row = createResource(ROW);
+    public final IRI row = createResource(ROW);
      * This resource identifies a <i>cell</i>.
-    public final URI cell = createResource(CELL);
+    public final IRI cell = createResource(CELL);
      * The namespace of the vocabulary as a string.
@@ -118,16 +118,16 @@ public class Excel extends Vocabulary {
         return instance;
-    public URI createResource(String localName) {
+    public IRI createResource(String localName) {
         return createProperty(NS, localName);
      * @param localName
-     * @return the new URI instance.
+     * @return the new IRI instance.
-    public URI createProperty(String localName) {
+    public IRI createProperty(String localName) {
         return createProperty(NS, localName);
diff --git a/plugins/office-scraper/src/test/java/org/apache/any23/plugin/officescraper/ b/plugins/office-scraper/src/test/java/org/apache/any23/plugin/officescraper/
index 3650790..f970889 100644
--- a/plugins/office-scraper/src/test/java/org/apache/any23/plugin/officescraper/
+++ b/plugins/office-scraper/src/test/java/org/apache/any23/plugin/officescraper/
@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ import org.junit.Assert;
 import org.junit.Before;
 import org.junit.Test;
 import org.mockito.Mockito;
-import org.openrdf.model.Resource;
-import org.openrdf.model.URI;
-import org.openrdf.model.Value;
-import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.RDF;
+import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Resource;
+import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.IRI;
+import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.Value;
+import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.vocabulary.RDF;
 import org.slf4j.Logger;
 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public class ExcelExtractorTest {
         final ExtractionParameters extractionParameters = ExtractionParameters.newDefault();
         final ExtractionContext extractionContext = new ExtractionContext(
-                RDFUtils.uri("file://" + resource)
+                RDFUtils.iri("file://" + resource)
         final InputStream is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(resource);
         final CompositeTripleHandler compositeTripleHandler = new CompositeTripleHandler();
@@ -107,24 +107,24 @@ public class ExcelExtractorTest {
         verifyTypeOccurrence(verifierTripleHandler, Excel.getInstance().cell , 18);
-    private void verifyPredicateOccurrence(TripleHandler mock, URI predicate, int occurrence)
+    private void verifyPredicateOccurrence(TripleHandler mock, IRI predicate, int occurrence)
     throws TripleHandlerException {
         Mockito.verify( mock, Mockito.times(occurrence)).receiveTriple(
-                Mockito.<URI>any(),
+                Mockito.<IRI>any(),
-    private void verifyTypeOccurrence(TripleHandler mock, URI type, int occurrence)
+    private void verifyTypeOccurrence(TripleHandler mock, IRI type, int occurrence)
     throws TripleHandlerException {
         Mockito.verify( mock, Mockito.times(occurrence)).receiveTriple(
-                Mockito.<URI>any(),
+                Mockito.<IRI>any(),
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index e761507..0a8c69b 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
-  <version>1.2-SNAPSHOT</version>
+  <version>2.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
   <name>Apache Any23</name>
@@ -199,7 +199,6 @@
-    <module>nquads</module>
@@ -236,9 +235,9 @@
     <>yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ</>
-    <slf4j.logger.version>1.7.5</slf4j.logger.version>
-    <sesame.version>2.7.14</sesame.version>
-    <semargl.version>0.6.1</semargl.version>
+    <slf4j.logger.version>1.7.21</slf4j.logger.version>
+    <rdf4j.version>2.1.3</rdf4j.version>
+    <semargl.version>0.7</semargl.version>
@@ -343,77 +342,77 @@
       <!-- BEGIN: Sesame -->
-        <groupId>org.openrdf.sesame</groupId>
-        <artifactId>sesame-model</artifactId>
-        <version>${sesame.version}</version>
+        <groupId>org.eclipse.rdf4j</groupId>
+        <artifactId>rdf4j-model</artifactId>
+        <version>${rdf4j.version}</version>
-        <groupId>org.openrdf.sesame</groupId>
-        <artifactId>sesame-rio-api</artifactId>
-        <version>${sesame.version}</version>
+        <groupId>org.eclipse.rdf4j</groupId>
+        <artifactId>rdf4j-rio-api</artifactId>
+        <version>${rdf4j.version}</version>
-        <groupId>org.openrdf.sesame</groupId>
-        <artifactId>sesame-rio-turtle</artifactId>
-        <version>${sesame.version}</version>
+        <groupId>org.eclipse.rdf4j</groupId>
+        <artifactId>rdf4j-rio-turtle</artifactId>
+        <version>${rdf4j.version}</version>
-        <groupId>org.openrdf.sesame</groupId>
-        <artifactId>sesame-rio-rdfxml</artifactId>
-        <version>${sesame.version}</version>
+        <groupId>org.eclipse.rdf4j</groupId>
+        <artifactId>rdf4j-rio-rdfxml</artifactId>
+        <version>${rdf4j.version}</version>
-        <groupId>org.openrdf.sesame</groupId>
-        <artifactId>sesame-rio-ntriples</artifactId>
-        <version>${sesame.version}</version>
+        <groupId>org.eclipse.rdf4j</groupId>
+        <artifactId>rdf4j-rio-ntriples</artifactId>
+        <version>${rdf4j.version}</version>
-        <groupId>org.openrdf.sesame</groupId>
-        <artifactId>sesame-rio-nquads</artifactId>
-        <version>${sesame.version}</version>
+        <groupId>org.eclipse.rdf4j</groupId>
+        <artifactId>rdf4j-rio-nquads</artifactId>
+        <version>${rdf4j.version}</version>
-        <groupId>org.openrdf.sesame</groupId>
-        <artifactId>sesame-rio-n3</artifactId>
-        <version>${sesame.version}</version>
+        <groupId>org.eclipse.rdf4j</groupId>
+        <artifactId>rdf4j-rio-n3</artifactId>
+        <version>${rdf4j.version}</version>
-        <groupId>org.openrdf.sesame</groupId>
-        <artifactId>sesame-rio-trix</artifactId>
-        <version>${sesame.version}</version>
+        <groupId>org.eclipse.rdf4j</groupId>
+        <artifactId>rdf4j-rio-trix</artifactId>
+        <version>${rdf4j.version}</version>
-        <groupId>org.openrdf.sesame</groupId>
-        <artifactId>sesame-rio-rdfjson</artifactId>
-        <version>${sesame.version}</version>
+        <groupId>org.eclipse.rdf4j</groupId>
+        <artifactId>rdf4j-rio-rdfjson</artifactId>
+        <version>${rdf4j.version}</version>
-        <groupId>org.openrdf.sesame</groupId>
-        <artifactId>sesame-repository-sail</artifactId>
-        <version>${sesame.version}</version>
+        <groupId>org.eclipse.rdf4j</groupId>
+        <artifactId>rdf4j-repository-sail</artifactId>
+        <version>${rdf4j.version}</version>
-        <groupId>org.openrdf.sesame</groupId>
-        <artifactId>sesame-sail-memory</artifactId>
-        <version>${sesame.version}</version>
+        <groupId>org.eclipse.rdf4j</groupId>
+        <artifactId>rdf4j-sail-memory</artifactId>
+        <version>${rdf4j.version}</version>
-        <groupId>org.openrdf.sesame</groupId>
-        <artifactId>sesame-repository-api</artifactId>
-        <version>${sesame.version}</version>
+        <groupId>org.eclipse.rdf4j</groupId>
+        <artifactId>rdf4j-repository-api</artifactId>
+        <version>${rdf4j.version}</version>
-        <artifactId>semargl-sesame</artifactId>
+        <artifactId>semargl-rdf4j</artifactId>
       <!-- END: Sesame -->
       <!-- BEGIN: Misc -->
-        <groupId>com.github.jsonld-java</groupId>
-        <artifactId>jsonld-java-sesame</artifactId>
-        <version>0.5.0</version>
+        <groupId>org.eclipse.rdf4j</groupId>
+        <artifactId>rdf4j-rio-jsonld</artifactId>
+        <version>${rdf4j.version}</version>
       <!-- END: Misc -->
@@ -493,7 +492,7 @@
-        <version>4.11</version>
+        <version>4.12</version>
diff --git a/service/pom.xml b/service/pom.xml
index 4276412..3264290 100644
--- a/service/pom.xml
+++ b/service/pom.xml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
-    <version>1.2-SNAPSHOT</version>
+    <version>2.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
@@ -43,11 +43,6 @@
-    <dependency>
-      <groupId>org.apache.any23</groupId>
-      <artifactId>apache-any23-nquads</artifactId>
-      <version>${project.version}</version>
-    </dependency>
     <!-- Logging -->
diff --git a/service/src/main/java/org/apache/any23/servlet/ b/service/src/main/java/org/apache/any23/servlet/
index 1c13c3c..b60ad5f 100644
--- a/service/src/main/java/org/apache/any23/servlet/
+++ b/service/src/main/java/org/apache/any23/servlet/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import org.apache.any23.source.DocumentSource;
 import org.apache.any23.source.HTTPDocumentSource;
 import org.apache.any23.source.StringDocumentSource;
 import org.apache.commons.httpclient.URI;
 import org.slf4j.Logger;
 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ import java.util.regex.Pattern;
 import static org.apache.any23.extractor.ExtractionParameters.ValidationMode;
- * A <i>Servlet</i> that fetches a client-specified <i>URI</i>,
+ * A <i>Servlet</i> that fetches a client-specified <i>IRI</i>,
  * RDFizes the content, and returns it in a format chosen by the client.
  * @author Gabriele Renzi
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public class Servlet extends HttpServlet {
     private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Servlet.class);
-    public static final String DEFAULT_BASE_URI = "";
+    public static final String DEFAULT_BASE_IRI = "";
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 8207685628715421336L;
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ public class Servlet extends HttpServlet {
             responder.sendError(406, "Client accept header does not include a supported output format", report);
-        final String uri = getInputURIFromRequest(req);
+        final String uri = getInputIRIFromRequest(req);
         if (uri == null) {
-            responder.sendError(404, "Missing URI in GET request. Try /format/", report);
+            responder.sendError(404, "Missing IRI in GET request. Try /format/", report);
         final ExtractionParameters eps = getExtractionParameters(req);
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ public class Servlet extends HttpServlet {
             responder.sendError(400, "Invalid POST request, no Content-Type for the message body specified", report);
-        final String uri = getInputURIFromRequest(req);
+        final String uri = getInputIRIFromRequest(req);
         final String format = getFormatFromRequestOrNegotiation(req);
         if (format == null) {
             responder.sendError(406, "Client accept header does not include a supported output format", report);
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ public class Servlet extends HttpServlet {
         final ExtractionParameters eps = getExtractionParameters(req);
         if ("application/x-www-form-urlencoded".equals(getContentTypeHeader(req))) {
             if (uri != null) {
-                log("Attempting conversion to '" + format + "' from URI <" + uri + ">");
+                log("Attempting conversion to '" + format + "' from IRI <" + uri + ">");
                 responder.runExtraction(createHTTPDocumentSource(responder, uri, report), eps, format, report, annotate);
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ public class Servlet extends HttpServlet {
             log("Attempting conversion to '" + format + "' from body parameter");
-                    new StringDocumentSource(req.getParameter("body"), Servlet.DEFAULT_BASE_URI, type),
+                    new StringDocumentSource(req.getParameter("body"), Servlet.DEFAULT_BASE_IRI, type),
                     report, annotate
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ public class Servlet extends HttpServlet {
                 new ByteArrayDocumentSource(
-                        Servlet.DEFAULT_BASE_URI,
+                        Servlet.DEFAULT_BASE_IRI,
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ public class Servlet extends HttpServlet {
         return args[1];
-    private String getInputURIFromRequest(HttpServletRequest request) {
+    private String getInputIRIFromRequest(HttpServletRequest request) {
         if (request.getPathInfo() == null) return null;
         String[] args = request.getPathInfo().split("/", 3);
         if (args.length < 3) {
@@ -222,13 +222,13 @@ public class Servlet extends HttpServlet {
     private DocumentSource createHTTPDocumentSource(WebResponder responder, String uri, boolean report)
             throws IOException {
         try {
-            if (!isValidURI(uri)) {
+            if (!isValidIRI(uri)) {
                 throw new URISyntaxException(uri, "@@@");
             return createHTTPDocumentSource(responder.getRunner().getHTTPClient(), uri);
         } catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
-            LOG.error("Invalid URI detected", ex);
-            responder.sendError(400, "Invalid input URI " + uri, report);
+            LOG.error("Invalid IRI detected", ex);
+            responder.sendError(400, "Invalid input IRI " + uri, report);
             return null;
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ public class Servlet extends HttpServlet {
         return new HTTPDocumentSource(httpClient, uri);
-    private boolean isValidURI(String s) {
+    private boolean isValidIRI(String s) {
         try {
             URI uri = new URI(s, false);
             if (!"http".equals(uri.getScheme()) && !"https".equals(uri.getScheme())) {
diff --git a/service/src/main/resources/form.html b/service/src/main/resources/form.html
index 8a53d2c..e11a019 100644
--- a/service/src/main/resources/form.html
+++ b/service/src/main/resources/form.html
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ function showModal( id )
     <p>Parses Microformats, RDFa, Microdata, RDF/XML, Turtle, N-Triples, JSON-LD and NQuads.</p>
     <p>Download and install Any23: visit the <a href="" target="_blank">Developers Site</a> and the <a href="" target="_blank">Documentation</a>.
     <hr />
-    <h2>Convert document at URI</h2>
+    <h2>Convert document at IRI</h2>
     <form class="well form-horizontal" method="get" action="any23/">
-      <label>Pick an output format and enter the URI of a web document:</label>
+      <label>Pick an output format and enter the IRI of a web document:</label>
       <div class="control-group">
         <label class="control-label app-base-uri" for="format">http://.../</label>
@@ -204,18 +204,18 @@ function showModal( id )
     <h3>Compact API</h3>
     <p>HTTP GET requests can be made
-      to URIs of the shape</p>
+      to IRIs of the shape</p>
     <pre><span class="app-base-uri">http://.../</span><em>format</em>/<em>input-uri</em></pre>
     <p>The response is the input document converted to the desired output format.</p>
     <h3>Form-style GET API</h3>
     <p>HTTP GET requests can be made to
-      the URI
+      the IRI
       <code class="app-base-uri">http://.../</code> with the following
       query parameters:
     <table class="table">
-      <tr><th>uri</th><td>URI of an input document.</td></tr>
+      <tr><th>uri</th><td>IRI of an input document.</td></tr>
       <tr><th>format</th><td>Desired output format, defaults to <code>best</code>.</td></tr>
       <tr><th>validation-mode</th><td>The validation level to be applied on the input. Possible values:<br/>
           <code>none</code> (no validation applied);<br/>
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ Content-Length: 174
         <tr><th>200 OK</th><td>Success</td></tr>
         <tr><th>400 Bad Request</th><td>Missing or malformed input parameter</td></tr>
-        <tr><th>404 Not Found</th><td>Malformed request URI</td></tr>
+        <tr><th>404 Not Found</th><td>Malformed request IRI</td></tr>
         <tr><th>406 Not Acceptable</th><td>None of the media types specified in the <code>Accept</code> header are supported</td></tr>
         <tr><th>415 Unsupported Media Type</th><td>Document body with unsupported media type was POSTed</td></tr>
         <tr><th>501 Not Implemented</th><td>Extraction from input was successful, but yielded zero triples</td></tr>