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Posted to by Sean Fisher <> on 2002/08/08 18:57:26 UTC

Junit and Ant: batchtest

I'm using ant and junit with the batchtest property. The pattern matching with the fileset property is correctly matching my class names
but when junit goes to execute the classes it doesn't prepend the test classes w/ the package info, is there a way around this besides
ripping out the package declarations in my classes?

Here's the xml...

  <target name="runTest">
    <junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="no">
      <classpath path="${subproj.vizCommon.cp}"/>
      <formatter type="plain" />

      <batchtest fork="yes" todir=".">
        <fileset dir="c:/code/vizCommon/src/test/common/data">
          <include name="**/Junit*.java"/>
          <exclude name="**/Test*"/>
Any help appreciated,
Sean Fisher

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