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Posted to by on 2015/03/09 03:35:30 UTC

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\ No newline at end of file

Added: tajo/site/docs/0.10.0/_static/searchtools.js
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@@ -0,0 +1,622 @@
+ * searchtools.js_t
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ *
+ * Sphinx JavaScript utilties for the full-text search.
+ *
+ * :copyright: Copyright 2007-2013 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
+ * :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+ *
+ */
+ * Porter Stemmer
+ */
+var Stemmer = function() {
+  var step2list = {
+    ational: 'ate',
+    tional: 'tion',
+    enci: 'ence',
+    anci: 'ance',
+    izer: 'ize',
+    bli: 'ble',
+    alli: 'al',
+    entli: 'ent',
+    eli: 'e',
+    ousli: 'ous',
+    ization: 'ize',
+    ation: 'ate',
+    ator: 'ate',
+    alism: 'al',
+    iveness: 'ive',
+    fulness: 'ful',
+    ousness: 'ous',
+    aliti: 'al',
+    iviti: 'ive',
+    biliti: 'ble',
+    logi: 'log'
+  };
+  var step3list = {
+    icate: 'ic',
+    ative: '',
+    alize: 'al',
+    iciti: 'ic',
+    ical: 'ic',
+    ful: '',
+    ness: ''
+  };
+  var c = "[^aeiou]";          // consonant
+  var v = "[aeiouy]";          // vowel
+  var C = c + "[^aeiouy]*";    // consonant sequence
+  var V = v + "[aeiou]*";      // vowel sequence
+  var mgr0 = "^(" + C + ")?" + V + C;                      // [C]VC... is m>0
+  var meq1 = "^(" + C + ")?" + V + C + "(" + V + ")?$";    // [C]VC[V] is m=1
+  var mgr1 = "^(" + C + ")?" + V + C + V + C;              // [C]VCVC... is m>1
+  var s_v   = "^(" + C + ")?" + v;                         // vowel in stem
+  this.stemWord = function (w) {
+    var stem;
+    var suffix;
+    var firstch;
+    var origword = w;
+    if (w.length < 3)
+      return w;
+    var re;
+    var re2;
+    var re3;
+    var re4;
+    firstch = w.substr(0,1);
+    if (firstch == "y")
+      w = firstch.toUpperCase() + w.substr(1);
+    // Step 1a
+    re = /^(.+?)(ss|i)es$/;
+    re2 = /^(.+?)([^s])s$/;
+    if (re.test(w))
+      w = w.replace(re,"$1$2");
+    else if (re2.test(w))
+      w = w.replace(re2,"$1$2");
+    // Step 1b
+    re = /^(.+?)eed$/;
+    re2 = /^(.+?)(ed|ing)$/;
+    if (re.test(w)) {
+      var fp = re.exec(w);
+      re = new RegExp(mgr0);
+      if (re.test(fp[1])) {
+        re = /.$/;
+        w = w.replace(re,"");
+      }
+    }
+    else if (re2.test(w)) {
+      var fp = re2.exec(w);
+      stem = fp[1];
+      re2 = new RegExp(s_v);
+      if (re2.test(stem)) {
+        w = stem;
+        re2 = /(at|bl|iz)$/;
+        re3 = new RegExp("([^aeiouylsz])\\1$");
+        re4 = new RegExp("^" + C + v + "[^aeiouwxy]$");
+        if (re2.test(w))
+          w = w + "e";
+        else if (re3.test(w)) {
+          re = /.$/;
+          w = w.replace(re,"");
+        }
+        else if (re4.test(w))
+          w = w + "e";
+      }
+    }
+    // Step 1c
+    re = /^(.+?)y$/;
+    if (re.test(w)) {
+      var fp = re.exec(w);
+      stem = fp[1];
+      re = new RegExp(s_v);
+      if (re.test(stem))
+        w = stem + "i";
+    }
+    // Step 2
+    re = /^(.+?)(ational|tional|enci|anci|izer|bli|alli|entli|eli|ousli|ization|ation|ator|alism|iveness|fulness|ousness|aliti|iviti|biliti|logi)$/;
+    if (re.test(w)) {
+      var fp = re.exec(w);
+      stem = fp[1];
+      suffix = fp[2];
+      re = new RegExp(mgr0);
+      if (re.test(stem))
+        w = stem + step2list[suffix];
+    }
+    // Step 3
+    re = /^(.+?)(icate|ative|alize|iciti|ical|ful|ness)$/;
+    if (re.test(w)) {
+      var fp = re.exec(w);
+      stem = fp[1];
+      suffix = fp[2];
+      re = new RegExp(mgr0);
+      if (re.test(stem))
+        w = stem + step3list[suffix];
+    }
+    // Step 4
+    re = /^(.+?)(al|ance|ence|er|ic|able|ible|ant|ement|ment|ent|ou|ism|ate|iti|ous|ive|ize)$/;
+    re2 = /^(.+?)(s|t)(ion)$/;
+    if (re.test(w)) {
+      var fp = re.exec(w);
+      stem = fp[1];
+      re = new RegExp(mgr1);
+      if (re.test(stem))
+        w = stem;
+    }
+    else if (re2.test(w)) {
+      var fp = re2.exec(w);
+      stem = fp[1] + fp[2];
+      re2 = new RegExp(mgr1);
+      if (re2.test(stem))
+        w = stem;
+    }
+    // Step 5
+    re = /^(.+?)e$/;
+    if (re.test(w)) {
+      var fp = re.exec(w);
+      stem = fp[1];
+      re = new RegExp(mgr1);
+      re2 = new RegExp(meq1);
+      re3 = new RegExp("^" + C + v + "[^aeiouwxy]$");
+      if (re.test(stem) || (re2.test(stem) && !(re3.test(stem))))
+        w = stem;
+    }
+    re = /ll$/;
+    re2 = new RegExp(mgr1);
+    if (re.test(w) && re2.test(w)) {
+      re = /.$/;
+      w = w.replace(re,"");
+    }
+    // and turn initial Y back to y
+    if (firstch == "y")
+      w = firstch.toLowerCase() + w.substr(1);
+    return w;
+  }
+ * Simple result scoring code.
+ */
+var Scorer = {
+  // Implement the following function to further tweak the score for each result
+  // The function takes a result array [filename, title, anchor, descr, score]
+  // and returns the new score.
+  /*
+  score: function(result) {
+    return result[4];
+  },
+  */
+  // query matches the full name of an object
+  objNameMatch: 11,
+  // or matches in the last dotted part of the object name
+  objPartialMatch: 6,
+  // Additive scores depending on the priority of the object
+  objPrio: {0:  15,   // used to be importantResults
+            1:  5,   // used to be objectResults
+            2: -5},  // used to be unimportantResults
+  //  Used when the priority is not in the mapping.
+  objPrioDefault: 0,
+  // query found in title
+  title: 15,
+  // query found in terms
+  term: 5
+ * Search Module
+ */
+var Search = {
+  _index : null,
+  _queued_query : null,
+  _pulse_status : -1,
+  init : function() {
+      var params = $.getQueryParameters();
+      if (params.q) {
+          var query = params.q[0];
+          $('input[name="q"]')[0].value = query;
+          this.performSearch(query);
+      }
+  },
+  loadIndex : function(url) {
+    $.ajax({type: "GET", url: url, data: null,
+            dataType: "script", cache: true,
+            complete: function(jqxhr, textstatus) {
+              if (textstatus != "success") {
+                document.getElementById("searchindexloader").src = url;
+              }
+            }});
+  },
+  setIndex : function(index) {
+    var q;
+    this._index = index;
+    if ((q = this._queued_query) !== null) {
+      this._queued_query = null;
+      Search.query(q);
+    }
+  },
+  hasIndex : function() {
+      return this._index !== null;
+  },
+  deferQuery : function(query) {
+      this._queued_query = query;
+  },
+  stopPulse : function() {
+      this._pulse_status = 0;
+  },
+  startPulse : function() {
+    if (this._pulse_status >= 0)
+        return;
+    function pulse() {
+      var i;
+      Search._pulse_status = (Search._pulse_status + 1) % 4;
+      var dotString = '';
+      for (i = 0; i < Search._pulse_status; i++)
+        dotString += '.';
+      Search.dots.text(dotString);
+      if (Search._pulse_status > -1)
+        window.setTimeout(pulse, 500);
+    }
+    pulse();
+  },
+  /**
+   * perform a search for something (or wait until index is loaded)
+   */
+  performSearch : function(query) {
+    // create the required interface elements
+    this.out = $('#search-results');
+    this.title = $('<h2>' + _('Searching') + '</h2>').appendTo(this.out);
+    this.dots = $('<span></span>').appendTo(this.title);
+    this.status = $('<p style="display: none"></p>').appendTo(this.out);
+    this.output = $('<ul class="search"/>').appendTo(this.out);
+    $('#search-progress').text(_('Preparing search...'));
+    this.startPulse();
+    // index already loaded, the browser was quick!
+    if (this.hasIndex())
+      this.query(query);
+    else
+      this.deferQuery(query);
+  },
+  /**
+   * execute search (requires search index to be loaded)
+   */
+  query : function(query) {
+    var i;
+    var stopwords = ["a","and","are","as","at","be","but","by","for","if","in","into","is","it","near","no","not","of","on","or","such","that","the","their","then","there","these","they","this","to","was","will","with"];
+    // stem the searchterms and add them to the correct list
+    var stemmer = new Stemmer();
+    var searchterms = [];
+    var excluded = [];
+    var hlterms = [];
+    var tmp = query.split(/\s+/);
+    var objectterms = [];
+    for (i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) {
+      if (tmp[i] !== "") {
+          objectterms.push(tmp[i].toLowerCase());
+      }
+      if ($u.indexOf(stopwords, tmp[i].toLowerCase()) != -1 || tmp[i].match(/^\d+$/) ||
+          tmp[i] === "") {
+        // skip this "word"
+        continue;
+      }
+      // stem the word
+      var word = stemmer.stemWord(tmp[i].toLowerCase());
+      var toAppend;
+      // select the correct list
+      if (word[0] == '-') {
+        toAppend = excluded;
+        word = word.substr(1);
+      }
+      else {
+        toAppend = searchterms;
+        hlterms.push(tmp[i].toLowerCase());
+      }
+      // only add if not already in the list
+      if (!$u.contains(toAppend, word))
+        toAppend.push(word);
+    }
+    var highlightstring = '?highlight=' + $.urlencode(hlterms.join(" "));
+    // console.debug('SEARCH: searching for:');
+    //'required: ', searchterms);
+    //'excluded: ', excluded);
+    // prepare search
+    var terms = this._index.terms;
+    var titleterms = this._index.titleterms;
+    // array of [filename, title, anchor, descr, score]
+    var results = [];
+    $('#search-progress').empty();
+    // lookup as object
+    for (i = 0; i < objectterms.length; i++) {
+      var others = [].concat(objectterms.slice(0, i),
+                             objectterms.slice(i+1, objectterms.length));
+      results = results.concat(this.performObjectSearch(objectterms[i], others));
+    }
+    // lookup as search terms in fulltext
+    results = results.concat(this.performTermsSearch(searchterms, excluded, terms, Scorer.term))
+                     .concat(this.performTermsSearch(searchterms, excluded, titleterms, Scorer.title));
+    // let the scorer override scores with a custom scoring function
+    if (Scorer.score) {
+      for (i = 0; i < results.length; i++)
+        results[i][4] = Scorer.score(results[i]);
+    }
+    // now sort the results by score (in opposite order of appearance, since the
+    // display function below uses pop() to retrieve items) and then
+    // alphabetically
+    results.sort(function(a, b) {
+      var left = a[4];
+      var right = b[4];
+      if (left > right) {
+        return 1;
+      } else if (left < right) {
+        return -1;
+      } else {
+        // same score: sort alphabetically
+        left = a[1].toLowerCase();
+        right = b[1].toLowerCase();
+        return (left > right) ? -1 : ((left < right) ? 1 : 0);
+      }
+    });
+    // for debugging
+    //Search.lastresults = results.slice();  // a copy
+    //'search results:', Search.lastresults);
+    // print the results
+    var resultCount = results.length;
+    function displayNextItem() {
+      // results left, load the summary and display it
+      if (results.length) {
+        var item = results.pop();
+        var listItem = $('<li style="display:none"></li>');
+          // dirhtml builder
+          var dirname = item[0] + '/';
+          if (dirname.match(/\/index\/$/)) {
+            dirname = dirname.substring(0, dirname.length-6);
+          } else if (dirname == 'index/') {
+            dirname = '';
+          }
+          listItem.append($('<a/>').attr('href',
+            DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.URL_ROOT + dirname +
+            highlightstring + item[2]).html(item[1]));
+        } else {
+          // normal html builders
+          listItem.append($('<a/>').attr('href',
+            highlightstring + item[2]).html(item[1]));
+        }
+        if (item[3]) {
+          listItem.append($('<span> (' + item[3] + ')</span>'));
+          Search.output.append(listItem);
+          listItem.slideDown(5, function() {
+            displayNextItem();
+          });
+          $.ajax({url: DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.URL_ROOT + '_sources/' + item[0] + '.txt',
+                  dataType: "text",
+                  complete: function(jqxhr, textstatus) {
+                    var data = jqxhr.responseText;
+                    if (data !== '') {
+                      listItem.append(Search.makeSearchSummary(data, searchterms, hlterms));
+                    }
+                    Search.output.append(listItem);
+                    listItem.slideDown(5, function() {
+                      displayNextItem();
+                    });
+                  }});
+        } else {
+          // no source available, just display title
+          Search.output.append(listItem);
+          listItem.slideDown(5, function() {
+            displayNextItem();
+          });
+        }
+      }
+      // search finished, update title and status message
+      else {
+        Search.stopPulse();
+        Search.title.text(_('Search Results'));
+        if (!resultCount)
+          Search.status.text(_('Your search did not match any documents. Please make sure that all words are spelled correctly and that you\'ve selected enough categories.'));
+        else
+            Search.status.text(_('Search finished, found %s page(s) matching the search query.').replace('%s', resultCount));
+        Search.status.fadeIn(500);
+      }
+    }
+    displayNextItem();
+  },
+  /**
+   * search for object names
+   */
+  performObjectSearch : function(object, otherterms) {
+    var filenames = this._index.filenames;
+    var objects = this._index.objects;
+    var objnames = this._index.objnames;
+    var titles = this._index.titles;
+    var i;
+    var results = [];
+    for (var prefix in objects) {
+      for (var name in objects[prefix]) {
+        var fullname = (prefix ? prefix + '.' : '') + name;
+        if (fullname.toLowerCase().indexOf(object) > -1) {
+          var score = 0;
+          var parts = fullname.split('.');
+          // check for different match types: exact matches of full name or
+          // "last name" (i.e. last dotted part)
+          if (fullname == object || parts[parts.length - 1] == object) {
+            score += Scorer.objNameMatch;
+          // matches in last name
+          } else if (parts[parts.length - 1].indexOf(object) > -1) {
+            score += Scorer.objPartialMatch;
+          }
+          var match = objects[prefix][name];
+          var objname = objnames[match[1]][2];
+          var title = titles[match[0]];
+          // If more than one term searched for, we require other words to be
+          // found in the name/title/description
+          if (otherterms.length > 0) {
+            var haystack = (prefix + ' ' + name + ' ' +
+                            objname + ' ' + title).toLowerCase();
+            var allfound = true;
+            for (i = 0; i < otherterms.length; i++) {
+              if (haystack.indexOf(otherterms[i]) == -1) {
+                allfound = false;
+                break;
+              }
+            }
+            if (!allfound) {
+              continue;
+            }
+          }
+          var descr = objname + _(', in ') + title;
+          var anchor = match[3];
+          if (anchor === '')
+            anchor = fullname;
+          else if (anchor == '-')
+            anchor = objnames[match[1]][1] + '-' + fullname;
+          // add custom score for some objects according to scorer
+          if (Scorer.objPrio.hasOwnProperty(match[2])) {
+            score += Scorer.objPrio[match[2]];
+          } else {
+            score += Scorer.objPrioDefault;
+          }
+          results.push([filenames[match[0]], fullname, '#'+anchor, descr, score]);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return results;
+  },
+  /**
+   * search for full-text terms in the index
+   */
+  performTermsSearch : function(searchterms, excluded, terms, score) {
+    var filenames = this._index.filenames;
+    var titles = this._index.titles;
+    var i, j, file, files;
+    var fileMap = {};
+    var results = [];
+    // perform the search on the required terms
+    for (i = 0; i < searchterms.length; i++) {
+      var word = searchterms[i];
+      // no match but word was a required one
+      if ((files = terms[word]) === undefined)
+        break;
+      if (files.length === undefined) {
+        files = [files];
+      }
+      // create the mapping
+      for (j = 0; j < files.length; j++) {
+        file = files[j];
+        if (file in fileMap)
+          fileMap[file].push(word);
+        else
+          fileMap[file] = [word];
+      }
+    }
+    // now check if the files don't contain excluded terms
+    for (file in fileMap) {
+      var valid = true;
+      // check if all requirements are matched
+      if (fileMap[file].length != searchterms.length)
+          continue;
+      // ensure that none of the excluded terms is in the search result
+      for (i = 0; i < excluded.length; i++) {
+        if (terms[excluded[i]] == file ||
+          $u.contains(terms[excluded[i]] || [], file)) {
+          valid = false;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      // if we have still a valid result we can add it to the result list
+      if (valid) {
+        results.push([filenames[file], titles[file], '', null, score]);
+      }
+    }
+    return results;
+  },
+  /**
+   * helper function to return a node containing the
+   * search summary for a given text. keywords is a list
+   * of stemmed words, hlwords is the list of normal, unstemmed
+   * words. the first one is used to find the occurance, the
+   * latter for highlighting it.
+   */
+  makeSearchSummary : function(text, keywords, hlwords) {
+    var textLower = text.toLowerCase();
+    var start = 0;
+    $.each(keywords, function() {
+      var i = textLower.indexOf(this.toLowerCase());
+      if (i > -1)
+        start = i;
+    });
+    start = Math.max(start - 120, 0);
+    var excerpt = ((start > 0) ? '...' : '') +
+      $.trim(text.substr(start, 240)) +
+      ((start + 240 - text.length) ? '...' : '');
+    var rv = $('<div class="context"></div>').text(excerpt);
+    $.each(hlwords, function() {
+      rv = rv.highlightText(this, 'highlighted');
+    });
+    return rv;
+  }
+$(document).ready(function() {
+  Search.init();
\ No newline at end of file

Added: tajo/site/docs/0.10.0/_static/underscore.js
--- tajo/site/docs/0.10.0/_static/underscore.js (added)
+++ tajo/site/docs/0.10.0/_static/underscore.js Mon Mar  9 02:35:26 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// Underscore.js 1.3.1
+// (c) 2009-2012 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud Inc.
+// Underscore is freely distributable under the MIT license.
+// Portions of Underscore are inspired or borrowed from Prototype,
+// Oliver Steele's Functional, and John Resig's Micro-Templating.
+// For all details and documentation:
+(function(){function q(a,c,d){if(a===c)return a!==0||1/a==1/c;if(a==null||c==null)return a===c;if(a._chain)a=a._wrapped;if(c._chain)c=c._wrapped;if(a.isEqual&&b.isFunction(a.isEqual))return a.isEqual(c);if(c.isEqual&&b.isFunction(c.isEqual))return c.isEqual(a);var;if(e! false;switch(e){case "[object String]":return a==String(c);case "[object Number]":return a!=+a?c!=+c:a==0?1/a==1/c:a==+c;case "[object Date]":case "[object Boolean]":return+a==+c;case "[object RegExp]":return a.source==
+c.source&&}if(typeof a!="object"||typeof c!="object")return false;for(var f=d.length;f--;)if(d[f]==a)return true;d.push(a);var f=0,g=true;if(e=="[object Array]"){if(f=a.length,g=f==c.length)for(;f--;)if(!(g=f in a==f in c&&q(a[f],c[f],d)))break}else{if("constructor"in a!="constructor"in c||a.constructor!=c.constructor)return false;for(var h in a)if(b.has(a,h)&&(f++,!(g=b.has(c,h)&&q(a[h],c[h],d))))break;if(g){for(h in c)if(b.has(c,
+h)&&!f--)break;g=!f}}d.pop();return g}var r=this,G=r._,n={},k=Array.prototype,o=Object.prototype,i=k.slice,H=k.unshift,l=o.toString,I=o.hasOwnProperty,w=k.forEach,,y=k.reduce,z=k.reduceRight,A=k.filter,B=k.every,C=k.some,p=k.indexOf,D=k.lastIndexOf,o=Array.isArray,J=Object.keys,s=Function.prototype.bind,b=function(a){return new m(a)};if(typeof exports!=="undefined"){if(typeof module!=="undefined"&&module.exports)exports=module.exports=b;exports._=b}else r._=b;b.VERSION="1.3.1";var j=b.each=
+b.forEach=function(a,c,d){if(a!=null)if(w&&a.forEach===w)a.forEach(c,d);else if(a.length===+a.length)for(var e=0,f=a.length;e<f;e++){if(e in a&&,a[e],e,a)===n)break}else for(e in a)if(b.has(a,e)&&,a[e],e,a)===n)break};,c,b){var e=[];if(a==null)return e;if(x&&,b);j(a,function(a,g,h){e[e.length],a,g,h)});if(a.length===+a.length)e.length=a.length;return e};b.reduce=b.foldl=b.inject=function(a,c,d,e){var f=arguments.length>2;a==
+null&&(a=[]);if(y&&a.reduce===y)return e&&(c=b.bind(c,e)),f?a.reduce(c,d):a.reduce(c);j(a,function(a,b,i){f?,d,a,b,i):(d=a,f=true)});if(!f)throw new TypeError("Reduce of empty array with no initial value");return d};b.reduceRight=b.foldr=function(a,c,d,e){var f=arguments.length>2;a==null&&(a=[]);if(z&&a.reduceRight===z)return e&&(c=b.bind(c,e)),f?a.reduceRight(c,d):a.reduceRight(c);var g=b.toArray(a).reverse();e&&!f&&(c=b.bind(c,e));return f?b.reduce(g,c,d,e):b.reduce(g,c)};b.find=b.detect=
+function(a,c,b){var e;E(a,function(a,g,h){if(,a,g,h))return e=a,true});return e};,c,b){var e=[];if(a==null)return e;if(A&&a.filter===A)return a.filter(c,b);j(a,function(a,g,h){,a,g,h)&&(e[e.length]=a)});return e};b.reject=function(a,c,b){var e=[];if(a==null)return e;j(a,function(a,g,h){,a,g,h)||(e[e.length]=a)});return e};b.every=b.all=function(a,c,b){var e=true;if(a==null)return e;if(B&&a.every===B)return a.every(c,b);j(a,function(a,g,h){if(!(e=
+e&&,a,g,h)))return n});return e};var E=b.some=b.any=function(a,c,d){c||(c=b.identity);var e=false;if(a==null)return e;if(C&&a.some===C)return a.some(c,d);j(a,function(a,b,h){if(e||(,a,b,h)))return n});return!!e};b.include=b.contains=function(a,c){var b=false;if(a==null)return b;return p&&a.indexOf===p?a.indexOf(c)!=-1:b=E(a,function(a){return a===c})};b.invoke=function(a,c){var,2);return,function(a){return(b.isFunction(c)?c||a:a[c]).apply(a,d)})};b.pluck=
+function(a,c){return,function(a){return a[c]})};b.max=function(a,c,d){if(!c&&b.isArray(a))return Math.max.apply(Math,a);if(!c&&b.isEmpty(a))return-Infinity;var e={computed:-Infinity};j(a,function(a,b,h){b=c?,a,b,h):a;b>=e.computed&&(e={value:a,computed:b})});return e.value};b.min=function(a,c,d){if(!c&&b.isArray(a))return Math.min.apply(Math,a);if(!c&&b.isEmpty(a))return Infinity;var e={computed:Infinity};j(a,function(a,b,h){b=c?,a,b,h):a;b<e.computed&&(e={value:a,computed:b})});
+return e.value};b.shuffle=function(a){var b=[],d;j(a,function(a,f){f==0?b[0]=a:(d=Math.floor(Math.random()*(f+1)),b[f]=b[d],b[d]=a)});return b};b.sortBy=function(a,c,d){return b.pluck(,function(a,b,g){return{value:a,,a,b,g)}}).sort(function(a,b){var c=a.criteria,d=b.criteria;return c<d?-1:c>d?1:0}),"value")};b.groupBy=function(a,c){var d={},e=b.isFunction(c)?c:function(a){return a[c]};j(a,function(a,b){var c=e(a,b);(d[c]||(d[c]=[])).push(a)});return d};b.sortedIndex=function(a,
+c,d){d||(d=b.identity);for(var e=0,f=a.length;e<f;){var g=e+f>>1;d(a[g])<d(c)?e=g+1:f=g}return e};b.toArray=function(a){return!a?[]:a.toArray?a.toArray():b.isArray(a)?};b.size=function(a){return b.toArray(a).length};b.first=b.head=function(a,b,d){return b!=null&&!d?,0,b):a[0]};b.initial=function(a,b,d){return,0,a.length-(b==null||d?1:b))};b.last=function(a,b,d){return b!=null&&!d?,Math.max(a.length-b,0)):a[a.length-1]};
+b.tail=function(a,b,d){return,b==null||d?1:b)};b.compact=function(a){return b.filter(a,function(a){return!!a})};b.flatten=function(a,c){return b.reduce(a,function(a,e){if(b.isArray(e))return a.concat(c?e:b.flatten(e));a[a.length]=e;return a},[])};b.without=function(a){return b.difference(a,,1))};b.uniq=b.unique=function(a,c,d){var d=d?,d):a,e=[];b.reduce(d,function(d,g,h){if(0==h||(c===true?b.last(d)!=g:!b.include(d,g)))d[d.length]=g,e[e.length]=a[h];return d},[]);
+return e};b.union=function(){return b.uniq(b.flatten(arguments,true))};b.intersection=b.intersect=function(a){var,1);return b.filter(b.uniq(a),function(a){return b.every(c,function(c){return b.indexOf(c,a)>=0})})};b.difference=function(a){var c=b.flatten(,1));return b.filter(a,function(a){return!b.include(c,a)})};{for(var,c=b.max(b.pluck(a,"length")),d=Array(c),e=0;e<c;e++)d[e]=b.pluck(a,""+e);return d};b.indexOf=function(a,c,
+d){if(a==null)return-1;var e;if(d)return d=b.sortedIndex(a,c),a[d]===c?d:-1;if(p&&a.indexOf===p)return a.indexOf(c);for(d=0,e=a.length;d<e;d++)if(d in a&&a[d]===c)return d;return-1};b.lastIndexOf=function(a,b){if(a==null)return-1;if(D&&a.lastIndexOf===D)return a.lastIndexOf(b);for(var d=a.length;d--;)if(d in a&&a[d]===b)return d;return-1};b.range=function(a,b,d){arguments.length<=1&&(b=a||0,a=0);for(var d=arguments[2]||1,e=Math.max(Math.ceil((b-a)/d),0),f=0,g=Array(e);f<e;)g[f++]=a,a+=d;return g};
+var F=function(){};b.bind=function(a,c){var d,e;if(a.bind===s&&s)return s.apply(a,,1));if(!b.isFunction(a))throw new TypeError;,2);return d=function(){if(!(this instanceof d))return a.apply(c,e.concat(;F.prototype=a.prototype;var b=new F,g=a.apply(b,e.concat(;return Object(g)===g?g:b}};b.bindAll=function(a){var,1);c.length==0&&(c=b.functions(a));j(c,function(c){a[c]=b.bind(a[c],a)});return a};b.memoize=function(a,
+c){var d={};c||(c=b.identity);return function(){var e=c.apply(this,arguments);return b.has(d,e)?d[e]:d[e]=a.apply(this,arguments)}};b.delay=function(a,b){var,2);return setTimeout(function(){return a.apply(a,d)},b)};b.defer=function(a){return b.delay.apply(b,[a,1].concat(,1)))};b.throttle=function(a,c){var d,e,f,g,h,i=b.debounce(function(){h=g=false},c);return function(){d=this;e=arguments;var b;f||(f=setTimeout(function(){f=null;h&&a.apply(d,e);i()},c));g?h=true:
+a.apply(d,e);i();g=true}};b.debounce=function(a,b){var d;return function(){var e=this,f=arguments;clearTimeout(d);d=setTimeout(function(){d=null;a.apply(e,f)},b)}};b.once=function(a){var b=false,d;return function(){if(b)return d;b=true;return d=a.apply(this,arguments)}};b.wrap=function(a,b){return function(){var d=[a].concat(,0));return b.apply(this,d)}};b.compose=function(){var a=arguments;return function(){for(var b=arguments,d=a.length-1;d>=0;d--)b=[a[d].apply(this,b)];return b[0]}};
+b.after=function(a,b){return a<=0?b():function(){if(--a<1)return b.apply(this,arguments)}};b.keys=J||function(a){if(a!==Object(a))throw new TypeError("Invalid object");var c=[],d;for(d in a)b.has(a,d)&&(c[c.length]=d);return c};b.values=function(a){return,b.identity)};b.functions=b.methods=function(a){var c=[],d;for(d in a)b.isFunction(a[d])&&c.push(d);return c.sort()};b.extend=function(a){j(,1),function(b){for(var d in b)a[d]=b[d]});return a};b.defaults=function(a){j(,
+1),function(b){for(var d in b)a[d]==null&&(a[d]=b[d])});return a};b.clone=function(a){return!b.isObject(a)?a:b.isArray(a)?a.slice():b.extend({},a)};b.tap=function(a,b){b(a);return a};b.isEqual=function(a,b){return q(a,b,[])};b.isEmpty=function(a){if(b.isArray(a)||b.isString(a))return a.length===0;for(var c in a)if(b.has(a,c))return false;return true};b.isElement=function(a){return!!(a&&a.nodeType==1)};b.isArray=o||function(a){return"[object Array]"};b.isObject=function(a){return a===Object(a)};
+b.isArguments=function(a){return"[object Arguments]"};if(!b.isArguments(arguments))b.isArguments=function(a){return!(!a||!b.has(a,"callee"))};b.isFunction=function(a){return"[object Function]"};b.isString=function(a){return"[object String]"};b.isNumber=function(a){return"[object Number]"};b.isNaN=function(a){return a!==a};b.isBoolean=function(a){return a===true||a===false||"[object Boolean]"};b.isDate=function(a){return"[object Date]"};
+b.isRegExp=function(a){return"[object RegExp]"};b.isNull=function(a){return a===null};b.isUndefined=function(a){return a===void 0};b.has=function(a,b){return,b)};b.noConflict=function(){r._=G;return this};b.identity=function(a){return a};b.times=function(a,b,d){for(var e=0;e<a;e++),e)};b.escape=function(a){return(""+a).replace(/&/g,"&amp;").replace(/</g,"&lt;").replace(/>/g,"&gt;").replace(/"/g,"&quot;").replace(/'/g,"&#x27;").replace(/\//g,"&#x2F;")};b.mixin=function(a){j(b.functions(a),
+function(c){K(c,b[c]=a[c])})};var L=0;b.uniqueId=function(a){var b=L++;return a?a+b:b};b.templateSettings={evaluate:/<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,interpolate:/<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,escape:/<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g};var t=/.^/,u=function(a){return a.replace(/\\\\/g,"\\").replace(/\\'/g,"'")};b.template=function(a,c){var d=b.templateSettings,d="var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('"+a.replace(/\\/g,"\\\\").replace(/'/g,"\\'").replace(d.escape||t,function(a,b){return"',_.escape("+
+u(b)+"),'"}).replace(d.interpolate||t,function(a,b){return"',"+u(b)+",'"}).replace(d.evaluate||t,function(a,b){return"');"+u(b).replace(/[\r\n\t]/g," ")+";__p.push('"}).replace(/\r/g,"\\r").replace(/\n/g,"\\n").replace(/\t/g,"\\t")+"');}return __p.join('');",e=new Function("obj","_",d);return c?e(c,b):function(a){return,a,b)}};b.chain=function(a){return b(a).chain()};var m=function(a){this._wrapped=a};b.prototype=m.prototype;var v=function(a,c){return c?b(a).chain():a},K=function(a,c){m.prototype[a]=
+function(){var;,this._wrapped);return v(c.apply(b,a),this._chain)}};b.mixin(b);j("pop,push,reverse,shift,sort,splice,unshift".split(","),function(a){var b=k[a];m.prototype[a]=function(){var d=this._wrapped;b.apply(d,arguments);var e=d.length;(a=="shift"||a=="splice")&&e===0&&delete d[0];return v(d,this._chain)}});j(["concat","join","slice"],function(a){var b=k[a];m.prototype[a]=function(){return v(b.apply(this._wrapped,arguments),this._chain)}});m.prototype.chain=function(){this._chain=
+true;return this};m.prototype.value=function(){return this._wrapped}}).call(this);

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Binary file - no diff available.

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    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: tajo/site/docs/0.10.0/_static/up.png
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: tajo/site/docs/0.10.0/_static/up.png
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Added: tajo/site/docs/0.10.0/_static/websupport.js
--- tajo/site/docs/0.10.0/_static/websupport.js (added)
+++ tajo/site/docs/0.10.0/_static/websupport.js Mon Mar  9 02:35:26 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,808 @@
+ * websupport.js
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ *
+ * sphinx.websupport utilties for all documentation.
+ *
+ * :copyright: Copyright 2007-2013 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
+ * :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+ *
+ */
+(function($) {
+  $.fn.autogrow = function() {
+    return this.each(function() {
+    var textarea = this;
+    $.fn.autogrow.resize(textarea);
+    $(textarea)
+      .focus(function() {
+        textarea.interval = setInterval(function() {
+          $.fn.autogrow.resize(textarea);
+        }, 500);
+      })
+      .blur(function() {
+        clearInterval(textarea.interval);
+      });
+    });
+  };
+  $.fn.autogrow.resize = function(textarea) {
+    var lineHeight = parseInt($(textarea).css('line-height'), 10);
+    var lines = textarea.value.split('\n');
+    var columns = textarea.cols;
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+    $.each(lines, function() {
+      lineCount += Math.ceil(this.length / columns) || 1;
+    });
+    var height = lineHeight * (lineCount + 1);
+    $(textarea).css('height', height);
+  };
+(function($) {
+  var comp, by;
+  function init() {
+    initEvents();
+    initComparator();
+  }
+  function initEvents() {
+    $('a.comment-close').live("click", function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+      hide($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+    });
+    $('').live("click", function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+      handleVote($(this));
+    });
+    $('a.reply').live("click", function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+      openReply($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+    });
+    $('a.close-reply').live("click", function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+      closeReply($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+    });
+    $('a.sort-option').live("click", function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+      handleReSort($(this));
+    });
+    $('').live("click", function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+      showProposal($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+    });
+    $('a.hide-proposal').live("click", function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+      hideProposal($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+    });
+    $('').live("click", function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+      showProposeChange($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+    });
+    $('a.hide-propose-change').live("click", function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+      hideProposeChange($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+    });
+    $('a.accept-comment').live("click", function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+      acceptComment($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+    });
+    $('a.delete-comment').live("click", function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+      deleteComment($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+    });
+    $('a.comment-markup').live("click", function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+      toggleCommentMarkupBox($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+    });
+  }
+  /**
+   * Set comp, which is a comparator function used for sorting and
+   * inserting comments into the list.
+   */
+  function setComparator() {
+    // If the first three letters are "asc", sort in ascending order
+    // and remove the prefix.
+    if (by.substring(0,3) == 'asc') {
+      var i = by.substring(3);
+      comp = function(a, b) { return a[i] - b[i]; };
+    } else {
+      // Otherwise sort in descending order.
+      comp = function(a, b) { return b[by] - a[by]; };
+    }
+    // Reset link styles and format the selected sort option.
+    $('a.sel').attr('href', '#').removeClass('sel');
+    $('' + by).removeAttr('href').addClass('sel');
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a comp function. If the user has preferences stored in
+   * the sortBy cookie, use those, otherwise use the default.
+   */
+  function initComparator() {
+    by = 'rating'; // Default to sort by rating.
+    // If the sortBy cookie is set, use that instead.
+    if (document.cookie.length > 0) {
+      var start = document.cookie.indexOf('sortBy=');
+      if (start != -1) {
+        start = start + 7;
+        var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", start);
+        if (end == -1) {
+          end = document.cookie.length;
+          by = unescape(document.cookie.substring(start, end));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    setComparator();
+  }
+  /**
+   * Show a comment div.
+   */
+  function show(id) {
+    $('#ao' + id).hide();
+    $('#ah' + id).show();
+    var context = $.extend({id: id}, opts);
+    var popup = $(renderTemplate(popupTemplate, context)).hide();
+    popup.find('textarea[name="proposal"]').hide();
+    popup.find('' + by).addClass('sel');
+    var form = popup.find('#cf' + id);
+    form.submit(function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+      addComment(form);
+    });
+    $('#s' + id).after(popup);
+    popup.slideDown('fast', function() {
+      getComments(id);
+    });
+  }
+  /**
+   * Hide a comment div.
+   */
+  function hide(id) {
+    $('#ah' + id).hide();
+    $('#ao' + id).show();
+    var div = $('#sc' + id);
+    div.slideUp('fast', function() {
+      div.remove();
+    });
+  }
+  /**
+   * Perform an ajax request to get comments for a node
+   * and insert the comments into the comments tree.
+   */
+  function getComments(id) {
+    $.ajax({
+     type: 'GET',
+     url: opts.getCommentsURL,
+     data: {node: id},
+     success: function(data, textStatus, request) {
+       var ul = $('#cl' + id);
+       var speed = 100;
+       $('#cf' + id)
+         .find('textarea[name="proposal"]')
+         .data('source', data.source);
+       if (data.comments.length === 0) {
+         ul.html('<li>No comments yet.</li>');
+'empty', true);
+       } else {
+         // If there are comments, sort them and put them in the list.
+         var comments = sortComments(data.comments);
+         speed = data.comments.length * 100;
+         appendComments(comments, ul);
+'empty', false);
+       }
+       $('#cn' + id).slideUp(speed + 200);
+       ul.slideDown(speed);
+     },
+     error: function(request, textStatus, error) {
+       showError('Oops, there was a problem retrieving the comments.');
+     },
+     dataType: 'json'
+    });
+  }
+  /**
+   * Add a comment via ajax and insert the comment into the comment tree.
+   */
+  function addComment(form) {
+    var node_id = form.find('input[name="node"]').val();
+    var parent_id = form.find('input[name="parent"]').val();
+    var text = form.find('textarea[name="comment"]').val();
+    var proposal = form.find('textarea[name="proposal"]').val();
+    if (text == '') {
+      showError('Please enter a comment.');
+      return;
+    }
+    // Disable the form that is being submitted.
+    form.find('textarea,input').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+    // Send the comment to the server.
+    $.ajax({
+      type: "POST",
+      url: opts.addCommentURL,
+      dataType: 'json',
+      data: {
+        node: node_id,
+        parent: parent_id,
+        text: text,
+        proposal: proposal
+      },
+      success: function(data, textStatus, error) {
+        // Reset the form.
+        if (node_id) {
+          hideProposeChange(node_id);
+        }
+        form.find('textarea')
+          .val('')
+          .add(form.find('input'))
+          .removeAttr('disabled');
+	var ul = $('#cl' + (node_id || parent_id));
+        if ('empty')) {
+          $(ul).empty();
+'empty', false);
+        }
+        insertComment(data.comment);
+        var ao = $('#ao' + node_id);
+        ao.find('img').attr({'src': opts.commentBrightImage});
+        if (node_id) {
+          // if this was a "root" comment, remove the commenting box
+          // (the user can get it back by reopening the comment popup)
+          $('#ca' + node_id).slideUp();
+        }
+      },
+      error: function(request, textStatus, error) {
+        form.find('textarea,input').removeAttr('disabled');
+        showError('Oops, there was a problem adding the comment.');
+      }
+    });
+  }
+  /**
+   * Recursively append comments to the main comment list and children
+   * lists, creating the comment tree.
+   */
+  function appendComments(comments, ul) {
+    $.each(comments, function() {
+      var div = createCommentDiv(this);
+      ul.append($(document.createElement('li')).html(div));
+      appendComments(this.children, div.find('ul.comment-children'));
+      // To avoid stagnating data, don't store the comments children in data.
+      this.children = null;
+'comment', this);
+    });
+  }
+  /**
+   * After adding a new comment, it must be inserted in the correct
+   * location in the comment tree.
+   */
+  function insertComment(comment) {
+    var div = createCommentDiv(comment);
+    // To avoid stagnating data, don't store the comments children in data.
+    comment.children = null;
+'comment', comment);
+    var ul = $('#cl' + (comment.node || comment.parent));
+    var siblings = getChildren(ul);
+    var li = $(document.createElement('li'));
+    li.hide();
+    // Determine where in the parents children list to insert this comment.
+    for(i=0; i < siblings.length; i++) {
+      if (comp(comment, siblings[i]) <= 0) {
+        $('#cd' + siblings[i].id)
+          .parent()
+          .before(li.html(div));
+        li.slideDown('fast');
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+    // If we get here, this comment rates lower than all the others,
+    // or it is the only comment in the list.
+    ul.append(li.html(div));
+    li.slideDown('fast');
+  }
+  function acceptComment(id) {
+    $.ajax({
+      type: 'POST',
+      url: opts.acceptCommentURL,
+      data: {id: id},
+      success: function(data, textStatus, request) {
+        $('#cm' + id).fadeOut('fast');
+        $('#cd' + id).removeClass('moderate');
+      },
+      error: function(request, textStatus, error) {
+        showError('Oops, there was a problem accepting the comment.');
+      }
+    });
+  }
+  function deleteComment(id) {
+    $.ajax({
+      type: 'POST',
+      url: opts.deleteCommentURL,
+      data: {id: id},
+      success: function(data, textStatus, request) {
+        var div = $('#cd' + id);
+        if (data == 'delete') {
+          // Moderator mode: remove the comment and all children immediately
+          div.slideUp('fast', function() {
+            div.remove();
+          });
+          return;
+        }
+        // User mode: only mark the comment as deleted
+        div
+          .find('span.user-id:first')
+          .text('[deleted]').end()
+          .find('div.comment-text:first')
+          .text('[deleted]').end()
+          .find('#cm' + id + ', #dc' + id + ', #ac' + id + ', #rc' + id +
+                ', #sp' + id + ', #hp' + id + ', #cr' + id + ', #rl' + id)
+          .remove();
+        var comment ='comment');
+        comment.username = '[deleted]';
+        comment.text = '[deleted]';
+'comment', comment);
+      },
+      error: function(request, textStatus, error) {
+        showError('Oops, there was a problem deleting the comment.');
+      }
+    });
+  }
+  function showProposal(id) {
+    $('#sp' + id).hide();
+    $('#hp' + id).show();
+    $('#pr' + id).slideDown('fast');
+  }
+  function hideProposal(id) {
+    $('#hp' + id).hide();
+    $('#sp' + id).show();
+    $('#pr' + id).slideUp('fast');
+  }
+  function showProposeChange(id) {
+    $('#pc' + id).hide();
+    $('#hc' + id).show();
+    var textarea = $('#pt' + id);
+    textarea.val('source'));
+    $.fn.autogrow.resize(textarea[0]);
+    textarea.slideDown('fast');
+  }
+  function hideProposeChange(id) {
+    $('#hc' + id).hide();
+    $('#pc' + id).show();
+    var textarea = $('#pt' + id);
+    textarea.val('').removeAttr('disabled');
+    textarea.slideUp('fast');
+  }
+  function toggleCommentMarkupBox(id) {
+    $('#mb' + id).toggle();
+  }
+  /** Handle when the user clicks on a sort by link. */
+  function handleReSort(link) {
+    var classes = link.attr('class').split(/\s+/);
+    for (var i=0; i<classes.length; i++) {
+      if (classes[i] != 'sort-option') {
+	by = classes[i].substring(2);
+      }
+    }
+    setComparator();
+    // Save/update the sortBy cookie.
+    var expiration = new Date();
+    expiration.setDate(expiration.getDate() + 365);
+    document.cookie= 'sortBy=' + escape(by) +
+                     ';expires=' + expiration.toUTCString();
+    $('ul.comment-ul').each(function(index, ul) {
+      var comments = getChildren($(ul), true);
+      comments = sortComments(comments);
+      appendComments(comments, $(ul).empty());
+    });
+  }
+  /**
+   * Function to process a vote when a user clicks an arrow.
+   */
+  function handleVote(link) {
+    if (! {
+      showError("You'll need to login to vote.");
+      return;
+    }
+    var id = link.attr('id');
+    if (!id) {
+      // Didn't click on one of the voting arrows.
+      return;
+    }
+    // If it is an unvote, the new vote value is 0,
+    // Otherwise it's 1 for an upvote, or -1 for a downvote.
+    var value = 0;
+    if (id.charAt(1) != 'u') {
+      value = id.charAt(0) == 'u' ? 1 : -1;
+    }
+    // The data to be sent to the server.
+    var d = {
+      comment_id: id.substring(2),
+      value: value
+    };
+    // Swap the vote and unvote links.
+    link.hide();
+    $('#' + id.charAt(0) + (id.charAt(1) == 'u' ? 'v' : 'u') + d.comment_id)
+      .show();
+    // The div the comment is displayed in.
+    var div = $('div#cd' + d.comment_id);
+    var data ='comment');
+    // If this is not an unvote, and the other vote arrow has
+    // already been pressed, unpress it.
+    if ((d.value !== 0) && ( === d.value * -1)) {
+      $('#' + (d.value == 1 ? 'd' : 'u') + 'u' + d.comment_id).hide();
+      $('#' + (d.value == 1 ? 'd' : 'u') + 'v' + d.comment_id).show();
+    }
+    // Update the comments rating in the local data.
+    data.rating += ( === 0) ? d.value : (d.value -;
+ = d.value;
+'comment', data);
+    // Change the rating text.
+    div.find('.rating:first')
+      .text(data.rating + ' point' + (data.rating == 1 ? '' : 's'));
+    // Send the vote information to the server.
+    $.ajax({
+      type: "POST",
+      url: opts.processVoteURL,
+      data: d,
+      error: function(request, textStatus, error) {
+        showError('Oops, there was a problem casting that vote.');
+      }
+    });
+  }
+  /**
+   * Open a reply form used to reply to an existing comment.
+   */
+  function openReply(id) {
+    // Swap out the reply link for the hide link
+    $('#rl' + id).hide();
+    $('#cr' + id).show();
+    // Add the reply li to the children ul.
+    var div = $(renderTemplate(replyTemplate, {id: id})).hide();
+    $('#cl' + id)
+      .prepend(div)
+      // Setup the submit handler for the reply form.
+      .find('#rf' + id)
+      .submit(function(event) {
+        event.preventDefault();
+        addComment($('#rf' + id));
+        closeReply(id);
+      })
+      .find('input[type=button]')
+      .click(function() {
+        closeReply(id);
+      });
+    div.slideDown('fast', function() {
+      $('#rf' + id).find('textarea').focus();
+    });
+  }
+  /**
+   * Close the reply form opened with openReply.
+   */
+  function closeReply(id) {
+    // Remove the reply div from the DOM.
+    $('#rd' + id).slideUp('fast', function() {
+      $(this).remove();
+    });
+    // Swap out the hide link for the reply link
+    $('#cr' + id).hide();
+    $('#rl' + id).show();
+  }
+  /**
+   * Recursively sort a tree of comments using the comp comparator.
+   */
+  function sortComments(comments) {
+    comments.sort(comp);
+    $.each(comments, function() {
+      this.children = sortComments(this.children);
+    });
+    return comments;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Get the children comments from a ul. If recursive is true,
+   * recursively include childrens' children.
+   */
+  function getChildren(ul, recursive) {
+    var children = [];
+    ul.children().children("[id^='cd']")
+      .each(function() {
+        var comment = $(this).data('comment');
+        if (recursive)
+          comment.children = getChildren($(this).find('#cl' +, true);
+        children.push(comment);
+      });
+    return children;
+  }
+  /** Create a div to display a comment in. */
+  function createCommentDiv(comment) {
+    if (!comment.displayed && !opts.moderator) {
+      return $('<div class="moderate">Thank you!  Your comment will show up '
+               + 'once it is has been approved by a moderator.</div>');
+    }
+    // Prettify the comment rating.
+    comment.pretty_rating = comment.rating + ' point' +
+      (comment.rating == 1 ? '' : 's');
+    // Make a class (for displaying not yet moderated comments differently)
+    comment.css_class = comment.displayed ? '' : ' moderate';
+    // Create a div for this comment.
+    var context = $.extend({}, opts, comment);
+    var div = $(renderTemplate(commentTemplate, context));
+    // If the user has voted on this comment, highlight the correct arrow.
+    if ( {
+      var direction = ( == 1) ? 'u' : 'd';
+      div.find('#' + direction + 'v' +;
+      div.find('#' + direction + 'u' +;
+    }
+    if (opts.moderator || comment.text != '[deleted]') {
+      div.find('a.reply').show();
+      if (comment.proposal_diff)
+        div.find('#sp' +;
+      if (opts.moderator && !comment.displayed)
+        div.find('#cm' +;
+      if (opts.moderator || (opts.username == comment.username))
+        div.find('#dc' +;
+    }
+    return div;
+  }
+  /**
+   * A simple template renderer. Placeholders such as <%id%> are replaced
+   * by context['id'] with items being escaped. Placeholders such as <#id#>
+   * are not escaped.
+   */
+  function renderTemplate(template, context) {
+    var esc = $(document.createElement('div'));
+    function handle(ph, escape) {
+      var cur = context;
+      $.each(ph.split('.'), function() {
+        cur = cur[this];
+      });
+      return escape ? esc.text(cur || "").html() : cur;
+    }
+    return template.replace(/<([%#])([\w\.]*)\1>/g, function() {
+      return handle(arguments[2], arguments[1] == '%' ? true : false);
+    });
+  }
+  /** Flash an error message briefly. */
+  function showError(message) {
+    $(document.createElement('div')).attr({'class': 'popup-error'})
+      .append($(document.createElement('div'))
+               .attr({'class': 'error-message'}).text(message))
+      .appendTo('body')
+      .fadeIn("slow")
+      .delay(2000)
+      .fadeOut("slow");
+  }
+  /** Add a link the user uses to open the comments popup. */
+  $.fn.comment = function() {
+    return this.each(function() {
+      var id = $(this).attr('id').substring(1);
+      var count = COMMENT_METADATA[id];
+      var title = count + ' comment' + (count == 1 ? '' : 's');
+      var image = count > 0 ? opts.commentBrightImage : opts.commentImage;
+      var addcls = count == 0 ? ' nocomment' : '';
+      $(this)
+        .append(
+          $(document.createElement('a')).attr({
+            href: '#',
+            'class': 'sphinx-comment-open' + addcls,
+            id: 'ao' + id
+          })
+            .append($(document.createElement('img')).attr({
+              src: image,
+              alt: 'comment',
+              title: title
+            }))
+            .click(function(event) {
+              event.preventDefault();
+              show($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+            })
+        )
+        .append(
+          $(document.createElement('a')).attr({
+            href: '#',
+            'class': 'sphinx-comment-close hidden',
+            id: 'ah' + id
+          })
+            .append($(document.createElement('img')).attr({
+              src: opts.closeCommentImage,
+              alt: 'close',
+              title: 'close'
+            }))
+            .click(function(event) {
+              event.preventDefault();
+              hide($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+            })
+        );
+    });
+  };
+  var opts = {
+    processVoteURL: '/_process_vote',
+    addCommentURL: '/_add_comment',
+    getCommentsURL: '/_get_comments',
+    acceptCommentURL: '/_accept_comment',
+    deleteCommentURL: '/_delete_comment',
+    commentImage: '/static/_static/comment.png',
+    closeCommentImage: '/static/_static/comment-close.png',
+    loadingImage: '/static/_static/ajax-loader.gif',
+    commentBrightImage: '/static/_static/comment-bright.png',
+    upArrow: '/static/_static/up.png',
+    downArrow: '/static/_static/down.png',
+    upArrowPressed: '/static/_static/up-pressed.png',
+    downArrowPressed: '/static/_static/down-pressed.png',
+    voting: false,
+    moderator: false
+  };
+  if (typeof COMMENT_OPTIONS != "undefined") {
+    opts = jQuery.extend(opts, COMMENT_OPTIONS);
+  }
+  var popupTemplate = '\
+    <div class="sphinx-comments" id="sc<%id%>">\
+      <p class="sort-options">\
+        Sort by:\
+        <a href="#" class="sort-option byrating">best rated</a>\
+        <a href="#" class="sort-option byascage">newest</a>\
+        <a href="#" class="sort-option byage">oldest</a>\
+      </p>\
+      <div class="comment-header">Comments</div>\
+      <div class="comment-loading" id="cn<%id%>">\
+        loading comments... <img src="<%loadingImage%>" alt="" /></div>\
+      <ul id="cl<%id%>" class="comment-ul"></ul>\
+      <div id="ca<%id%>">\
+      <p class="add-a-comment">Add a comment\
+        (<a href="#" class="comment-markup" id="ab<%id%>">markup</a>):</p>\
+      <div class="comment-markup-box" id="mb<%id%>">\
+        reStructured text markup: <i>*emph*</i>, <b>**strong**</b>, \
+        <tt>``code``</tt>, \
+        code blocks: <tt>::</tt> and an indented block after blank line</div>\
+      <form method="post" id="cf<%id%>" class="comment-form" action="">\
+        <textarea name="comment" cols="80"></textarea>\
+        <p class="propose-button">\
+          <a href="#" id="pc<%id%>" class="show-propose-change">\
+            Propose a change &#9657;\
+          </a>\
+          <a href="#" id="hc<%id%>" class="hide-propose-change">\
+            Propose a change &#9663;\
+          </a>\
+        </p>\
+        <textarea name="proposal" id="pt<%id%>" cols="80"\
+                  spellcheck="false"></textarea>\
+        <input type="submit" value="Add comment" />\
+        <input type="hidden" name="node" value="<%id%>" />\
+        <input type="hidden" name="parent" value="" />\
+      </form>\
+      </div>\
+    </div>';
+  var commentTemplate = '\
+    <div id="cd<%id%>" class="sphinx-comment<%css_class%>">\
+      <div class="vote">\
+        <div class="arrow">\
+          <a href="#" id="uv<%id%>" class="vote" title="vote up">\
+            <img src="<%upArrow%>" />\
+          </a>\
+          <a href="#" id="uu<%id%>" class="un vote" title="vote up">\
+            <img src="<%upArrowPressed%>" />\
+          </a>\
+        </div>\
+        <div class="arrow">\
+          <a href="#" id="dv<%id%>" class="vote" title="vote down">\
+            <img src="<%downArrow%>" id="da<%id%>" />\
+          </a>\
+          <a href="#" id="du<%id%>" class="un vote" title="vote down">\
+            <img src="<%downArrowPressed%>" />\
+          </a>\
+        </div>\
+      </div>\
+      <div class="comment-content">\
+        <p class="tagline comment">\
+          <span class="user-id"><%username%></span>\
+          <span class="rating"><%pretty_rating%></span>\
+          <span class="delta"><></span>\
+        </p>\
+        <div class="comment-text comment"><#text#></div>\
+        <p class="comment-opts comment">\
+          <a href="#" class="reply hidden" id="rl<%id%>">reply &#9657;</a>\
+          <a href="#" class="close-reply" id="cr<%id%>">reply &#9663;</a>\
+          <a href="#" id="sp<%id%>" class="show-proposal">proposal &#9657;</a>\
+          <a href="#" id="hp<%id%>" class="hide-proposal">proposal &#9663;</a>\
+          <a href="#" id="dc<%id%>" class="delete-comment hidden">delete</a>\
+          <span id="cm<%id%>" class="moderation hidden">\
+            <a href="#" id="ac<%id%>" class="accept-comment">accept</a>\
+          </span>\
+        </p>\
+        <pre class="proposal" id="pr<%id%>">\
+        </pre>\
+          <ul class="comment-children" id="cl<%id%>"></ul>\
+        </div>\
+        <div class="clearleft"></div>\
+      </div>\
+    </div>';
+  var replyTemplate = '\
+    <li>\
+      <div class="reply-div" id="rd<%id%>">\
+        <form id="rf<%id%>">\
+          <textarea name="comment" cols="80"></textarea>\
+          <input type="submit" value="Add reply" />\
+          <input type="button" value="Cancel" />\
+          <input type="hidden" name="parent" value="<%id%>" />\
+          <input type="hidden" name="node" value="" />\
+        </form>\
+      </div>\
+    </li>';
+  $(document).ready(function() {
+    init();
+  });
+$(document).ready(function() {
+  // add comment anchors for all paragraphs that are commentable
+  $('.sphinx-has-comment').comment();
+  // highlight search words in search results
+  $("div.context").each(function() {
+    var params = $.getQueryParameters();
+    var terms = (params.q) ? params.q[0].split(/\s+/) : [];
+    var result = $(this);
+    $.each(terms, function() {
+      result.highlightText(this.toLowerCase(), 'highlighted');
+    });
+  });
+  // directly open comment window if requested
+  var anchor = document.location.hash;
+  if (anchor.substring(0, 9) == '#comment-') {
+    $('#ao' + anchor.substring(9)).click();
+    document.location.hash = '#s' + anchor.substring(9);
+  }

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