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Posted to by Adrian Sutton <> on 2004/03/07 22:16:17 UTC

RE: [httpclient] commons-httpclient-2.0.jar - class not found: org\apache\commons\httpclient\HttpMethod

>Problem: I am getting a runtime error when posting an XML file
>via HTTP POST to a servlet running on Tomcat 5.0.18
>Error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:

Hi Diana,
Don't put commons-logging on your boot classpath it does some funky stuff
with class loaders and doesn't always work well.  Generally speaking it's a
bad idea to use the lib/ext folder for anything except overriding items
already on the boot classpath (which is what that directory is for).  Use
the -classpath argument to java to specify the classpath to use.

There is a whole heap of HttpClient documentation at which covers most areas people
have problems with.


Adrian Sutton.

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