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Posted to by Yuraukar Nec <> on 2003/07/28 07:19:09 UTC

Howto provide my own data structure as input to Xalan?

I am trying to find a way to provide my own data structure as an input to 
Xalan C++, so I can use XSL to generate reports from my data. To achieve 
this, I am currently investigating the different options:

1. Wrap my data structure so it appears and behaves like a XalanNode that I 
can provide to Xalan
2. Wrap my data structure so it appears and behaves like a Xerces DOM node 
and use the existing wrapper to provide it to Xalan
3. any other idea?

For further clarification: assume I have a data structure like this:
class Order
    int nQuantity;
    string sProduct;
class Customer
    string sName;
    vector<Order> orders;
I would like to be able to feed an instance of Customer into Xalan an apply 
a stylesheet with templates such such as <xsl:for-each 
select="Customer/Orders[quantity>10]"> etc.
Does anyone have any experience with writing custom subclasses/wrappers for 
XalanNode, such as
class Order : public XalanNode
   //attributes as above

  // overwrite/implement all those methods that descendants of XalanNode 
needs to define
Is XalanNode the correct place to start from or is there another, simpler 
entry point?
The reason to look for a wrapper is that the data structure may be fairly 
large, partly residing in a database, so I think its not an option to 
transform it into XML or some structure and then call Xalan.

I would appreciate any help here.

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