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[2/5] incubator-geode git commit: GEODE-340 Deleting old code
diff --git a/jvsdfx-mm/src/main/java/com/pivotal/jvsd/stats/ b/jvsdfx-mm/src/main/java/com/pivotal/jvsd/stats/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d95ff5..0000000
--- a/jvsdfx-mm/src/main/java/com/pivotal/jvsd/stats/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3591 +0,0 @@
-package com.pivotal.jvsd.stats;
-import java.text.DateFormat;
-import java.text.NumberFormat;
-import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
-import java.util.AbstractList;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.SimpleTimeZone;
-import java.util.TimeZone;
- * Copies StatArchiveFileReader behavior and then adds to it to support usage
- * within a VSD like tool
- */
- *
- * @author Vince Ford
- */
-public class StatFileParser implements StatArchiveFormat {
-	private final StatArchiveFile[] archives;
-	// private boolean dump;
-	private boolean closed = false;
-	/**
-	 *
-	 */
-	public final static String FORMAT = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS z";
-	/**
-	 *
-	 * @param archiveNames
-	 * @param filters
-	 * @param autoClose
-	 * @throws IOException
-	 */
-	public StatFileParser(File[] archiveNames, ValueFilter[] filters, boolean autoClose)
-					throws IOException {
-		//System.out.println("StatFileParser 1");
-		this.archives = new StatArchiveFile[archiveNames.length];
-		//this.dump = Boolean.getBoolean("StatFileParser.dumpall");
-		for (int i = 0; i < archiveNames.length; i++) {
-			this.archives[i] = new StatArchiveFile(this, archiveNames[i], false, filters);
-		}
-		update(false, autoClose);
-//        if (this.dump || Boolean.getBoolean("StatFileParser.dump")) {
-//            this.dump(new PrintWriter(System.out));
-//        }
-	}
-	/**
-	 *
-	 * @param archiveName
-	 * @throws IOException
-	 */
-	public StatFileParser(String archiveName) throws IOException {
-		this(new File[]{new File(archiveName)}, null, false);
-		//System.out.println("StatFileParser 2");
-	}
-//    private void dump(PrintWriter printWriter) {
-//        System.out.println("StatFileParser Dump 1");
-//        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented");
-//    }
-	/**
-	 *
-	 */
-	public interface ValueFilter {
-		/**
-		 * Returns true if the specified archive file matches this spec. Any
-		 * archives whose name does not match this spec will not be selected for
-		 * loading by this spec.
-		 *
-		 * @param archive
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public boolean archiveMatches(File archive);
-		/**
-		 * Returns true if the specified type name matches this spec. Any types
-		 * whose name does not match this spec will not be selected for loading by
-		 * this spec.
-		 *
-		 * @param typeName
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public boolean typeMatches(String typeName);
-		/**
-		 * Returns true if the specified statistic name matches this spec. Any stats
-		 * whose name does not match this spec will not be selected for loading by
-		 * this spec.
-		 *
-		 * @param statName
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public boolean statMatches(String statName);
-		/**
-		 * Returns true if the specified instance matches this spec. Any instance
-		 * whose text id and numeric id do not match this spec will not be selected
-		 * for loading by this spec.
-		 *
-		 * @param textId
-		 * @param numericId
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public boolean instanceMatches(String textId, long numericId);
-	}
-	/**
-	 *
-	 */
-	static public class StatArchiveFile {
-		private final StatFileParser reader;
-		private InputStream is;
-		private DataInputStream dataIn;
-		private ValueFilter[] filters;
-		private final File archiveName;
-		private /* final */ int archiveVersion;
-		private /* final */ ArchiveInfo info;
-		private final boolean compressed;
-		private boolean updateOK;
-		private final boolean dump;
-		private boolean closed = false;
-		/**
-		 *
-		 */
-		protected int resourceInstSize = 0;
-		/**
-		 *
-		 */
-		protected ResourceInst[] resourceInstTable = null;
-		private ResourceType[] resourceTypeTable = null;
-		private final TimeStampSeries timeSeries = new TimeStampSeries();
-		private final DateFormat timeFormatter
-						= new SimpleDateFormat(FORMAT);
-		private final static int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 1024;
-		private final ArrayList fileComboValues = new ArrayList();
-		/**
-		 *
-		 * @param reader
-		 * @param archiveName
-		 * @param dump
-		 * @param filters
-		 * @throws IOException
-		 */
-		public StatArchiveFile(StatFileParser reader,
-						File archiveName,
-						boolean dump,
-						ValueFilter[] filters)
-						throws IOException {
-			// System.out.println("StatArchiveFile 1");
-			this.reader = reader;
-			this.archiveName = archiveName;
-			this.dump = dump;
-			this.compressed = archiveName.getPath().endsWith(".gz");
- = new FileInputStream(this.archiveName);
-			if (this.compressed) {
-				this.dataIn = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(, BUFFER_SIZE), BUFFER_SIZE));
-			} else {
-				this.dataIn = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(, BUFFER_SIZE));
-			}
-			this.updateOK = this.dataIn.markSupported();
-			this.filters = createFilters(filters);
-		}
-		private ValueFilter[] createFilters(ValueFilter[] allFilters) {
-			// System.out.println("StatArchiveFile createFilters 1");
-			if (allFilters == null) {
-				return new ValueFilter[0];
-			}
-			ArrayList l = new ArrayList();
-			for (int i = 0; i < allFilters.length; i++) {
-				if (allFilters[i].archiveMatches(this.getFile())) {
-					l.add(allFilters[i]);
-				}
-			}
-			if (l.size() == allFilters.length) {
-				return allFilters;
-			} else {
-				ValueFilter[] result = new ValueFilter[l.size()];
-				return (ValueFilter[]) l.toArray(result);
-			}
-		}
-		StatFileParser getReader() {
-			// System.out.println("StatArchiveFile getReader");
-			return this.reader;
-		}
-		void matchSpec(StatSpec spec, List matchedValues) {
-			// System.out.println("StatArchiveFile matchSpec");
-			if (spec.getCombineType() == StatSpec.FILE) {
-				// search for previous ComboValue
-				Iterator it = this.fileComboValues.iterator();
-				while (it.hasNext()) {
-					ComboValue v = (ComboValue);
-					if (!spec.statMatches(v.getDescriptor().getName())) {
-						continue;
-					}
-					if (!spec.typeMatches(v.getType().getName())) {
-						continue;
-					}
-					ResourceInst[] resources = v.getResources();
-					for (int i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) {
-						if (!spec.instanceMatches(resources[i].getName(), resources[i].
-										getId())) {
-							continue;
-						}
-						// note: we already know the archive file matches
-					}
-					matchedValues.add(v);
-					return;
-				}
-				ArrayList l = new ArrayList();
-				matchSpec(new RawStatSpec(spec), l);
-				if (l.size() != 0) {
-					ComboValue cv = new ComboValue(l);
-					// save this in file's combo value list
-					this.fileComboValues.add(cv);
-					matchedValues.add(cv);
-				}
-			} else {
-				for (int instIdx = 0; instIdx < resourceInstSize; instIdx++) {
-					resourceInstTable[instIdx].matchSpec(spec, matchedValues);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Formats an archive timestamp in way consistent with GemFire log dates. It
-		 * will also be formatted to reflect the time zone the archive was created
-		 * in.
-		 *
-		 * @param ts The difference, measured in milliseconds, between the time
-		 * marked by this time stamp and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public String formatTimeMillis(long ts) {
-			// System.out.println("StatArchiveFile formatTimeMillis");
-			synchronized (timeFormatter) {
-				return timeFormatter.format(new Date(ts));
-			}
-		}
-		/**
-		 * sets the time zone this archive was written in.
-		 */
-		void setTimeZone(TimeZone z) {
-			//System.out.println("StatArchiveFile setTimeZone");
-			timeFormatter.setTimeZone(z);
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns the time series for this archive.
-		 */
-		TimeStampSeries getTimeStamps() {
-			// System.out.println("StatArchiveFile getTimeStamps");
-			return timeSeries;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Checks to see if the archive has changed since the StatArchiverReader
-		 * instance was created or last updated. If the archive has additional
-		 * samples then those are read the resource instances maintained by the
-		 * reader are updated.
-		 * <p>
-		 * Once closed a reader can no longer be updated.
-		 *
-		 * @param doReset
-		 * @return true if update read some new data.
-		 * @throws IOException if <code>archiveName</code> could not be opened read,
-		 * or closed.
-		 */
-		public boolean update(boolean doReset) throws IOException {
-			// System.out.println("StatArchiveFile update");
-			if (this.closed) {
-				return false;
-			}
-			if (!this.updateOK) {
-			}
-			if (doReset) {
-				this.dataIn.reset();
-			}
-			int updateTokenCount = 0;
-			while (this.readToken()) {
-				updateTokenCount++;
-			}
-			return updateTokenCount != 0;
-		}
-		/**
-		 *
-		 * @param stream
-		 */
-		public void dump(PrintWriter stream) {
-			// System.out.println("StatArchiveFile dump");
-			stream.print("archive=" + archiveName);
-			if (info != null) {
-				info.dump(stream);
-			}
-			for (int i = 0; i < resourceTypeTable.length; i++) {
-				if (resourceTypeTable[i] != null) {
-					resourceTypeTable[i].dump(stream);
-				}
-			}
-			stream.print("time=");
-			timeSeries.dump(stream);
-			for (int i = 0; i < resourceInstTable.length; i++) {
-				if (resourceInstTable[i] != null) {
-					//resourceInstTable[i].dump(stream);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		/**
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public File getFile() {
-			// System.out.println("StatArchiveFile getFile");
-			return this.archiveName;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Closes the archive.
-		 *
-		 * @throws IOException
-		 */
-		public void close() throws IOException {
-			// System.out.println("StatArchiveFile close");
-			if (!this.closed) {
-				this.closed = true;
-				this.dataIn.close();
- = null;
-				this.dataIn = null;
-				int typeCount = 0;
-				if (this.resourceTypeTable != null) { // fix for bug 32320
-					for (int i = 0; i < this.resourceTypeTable.length; i++) {
-						if (this.resourceTypeTable[i] != null) {
-							if (this.resourceTypeTable[i].close()) {
-								this.resourceTypeTable[i] = null;
-							} else {
-								typeCount++;
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					ResourceType[] newTypeTable = new ResourceType[typeCount];
-					typeCount = 0;
-					for (int i = 0; i < this.resourceTypeTable.length; i++) {
-						if (this.resourceTypeTable[i] != null) {
-							newTypeTable[typeCount] = this.resourceTypeTable[i];
-							typeCount++;
-						}
-					}
-					this.resourceTypeTable = newTypeTable;
-				}
-				if (this.resourceInstTable != null) { // fix for bug 32320
-					int instCount = 0;
-					for (int i = 0; i < this.resourceInstTable.length; i++) {
-						if (this.resourceInstTable[i] != null) {
-							if (this.resourceInstTable[i].close()) {
-								this.resourceInstTable[i] = null;
-							} else {
-								instCount++;
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					ResourceInst[] newInstTable = new ResourceInst[instCount];
-					instCount = 0;
-					for (int i = 0; i < this.resourceInstTable.length; i++) {
-						if (this.resourceInstTable[i] != null) {
-							newInstTable[instCount] = this.resourceInstTable[i];
-							instCount++;
-						}
-					}
-					this.resourceInstTable = newInstTable;
-					this.resourceInstSize = instCount;
-				}
-				// optimize memory usage of timeSeries now that no more samples
-				this.timeSeries.shrink();
-				// filters are no longer needed since file will not be read from
-				this.filters = null;
-			}
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns global information about the read archive. Returns null if no
-		 * information is available.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public ArchiveInfo getArchiveInfo() {
-			// System.out.println("StatArchiveFile getArchiveInfo");
-			return;
-		}
-		private void readHeaderToken() throws IOException {
-			// System.out.println("StatArchiveFile readHeaderToken");
-			byte archiveVersionData = dataIn.readByte();
-			long startTimeStamp = dataIn.readLong();
-			long systemId = dataIn.readLong();
-			long systemStartTimeStamp = dataIn.readLong();
-			int timeZoneOffset = dataIn.readInt();
-			String timeZoneName = dataIn.readUTF();
-			String systemDirectory = dataIn.readUTF();
-			String productVersion = dataIn.readUTF();
-			String os = dataIn.readUTF();
-			String machine = dataIn.readUTF();
-			if (archiveVersionData <= 1) {
-			}
-			if (archiveVersionData > ARCHIVE_VERSION) {
-			}
-			this.archiveVersion = archiveVersionData;
- = new ArchiveInfo(this, archiveVersionData,
-							startTimeStamp, systemStartTimeStamp,
-							timeZoneOffset, timeZoneName,
-							systemDirectory, systemId,
-							productVersion, os, machine);
-			// Clear all previously read types and instances
-			this.resourceInstSize = 0;
-			this.resourceInstTable = new ResourceInst[1024];
-			this.resourceTypeTable = new ResourceType[256];
-			timeSeries.setBase(startTimeStamp);
-			if (dump) {
-				info.dump(new PrintWriter(System.out));
-			}
-		}
-		boolean loadType(String typeName) {
-           // System.out.println("StatArchiveFile loadType");
-			// note we don't have instance data or descriptor data yet
-			if (filters == null || filters.length == 0) {
-				return true;
-			} else {
-				for (int i = 0; i < filters.length; i++) {
-					if (filters[i].typeMatches(typeName)) {
-						return true;
-					}
-				}
-				//System.out.println("DEBUG: don't load type=" + typeName);
-				return false;
-			}
-		}
-		boolean loadStatDescriptor(StatDescriptor stat, ResourceType type) {
-            // note we don't have instance data yet
-			// System.out.println("StatArchiveFile loadStatDescriptor");
-			if (!type.isLoaded()) {
-				return false;
-			}
-			if (filters == null || filters.length == 0) {
-				return true;
-			} else {
-				for (int i = 0; i < filters.length; i++) {
-					if (filters[i].statMatches(stat.getName())
-									&& filters[i].typeMatches(type.getName())) {
-						return true;
-					}
-				}
-				//System.out.println("DEBUG: don't load stat=" + stat.getName());
-				stat.unload();
-				return false;
-			}
-		}
-		boolean loadInstance(String textId, long numericId, ResourceType type) {
-			//System.out.println("StatArchiveFile loadInstance");
-			if (!type.isLoaded()) {
-				return false;
-			}
-			if (filters == null || filters.length == 0) {
-				return true;
-			} else {
-				for (int i = 0; i < filters.length; i++) {
-					if (filters[i].typeMatches(type.getName())) {
-						if (filters[i].instanceMatches(textId, numericId)) {
-							StatDescriptor[] stats = type.getStats();
-							for (int j = 0; j < stats.length; j++) {
-								if (stats[j].isLoaded()) {
-									if (filters[i].statMatches(stats[j].getName())) {
-										return true;
-									}
-								}
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-                //System.out.println("DEBUG: don't load instance=" + textId);
-				//type.unload();
-				return false;
-			}
-		}
-		boolean loadStat(StatDescriptor stat, ResourceInst resource) {
-			// System.out.println("StatArchiveFile loadStat");
-			ResourceType type = resource.getType();
-			if (!resource.isLoaded() || !type.isLoaded() || !stat.isLoaded()) {
-				return false;
-			}
-			if (filters == null || filters.length == 0) {
-				return true;
-			} else {
-				String textId = resource.getName();
-				long numericId = resource.getId();
-				for (int i = 0; i < filters.length; i++) {
-					if (filters[i].statMatches(stat.getName())
-									&& filters[i].typeMatches(type.getName())
-									&& filters[i].instanceMatches(textId, numericId)) {
-						return true;
-					}
-				}
-				return false;
-			}
-		}
-		private void readResourceTypeToken() throws IOException {
-			// System.out.println("StatArchiveFile readResourceTypeToken");
-			int resourceTypeId = dataIn.readInt();
-			String resourceTypeName = dataIn.readUTF();
-			String resourceTypeDesc = dataIn.readUTF();
-			int statCount = dataIn.readUnsignedShort();
-			while (resourceTypeId >= resourceTypeTable.length) {
-				ResourceType[] tmp = new ResourceType[resourceTypeTable.length + 128];
-				System.arraycopy(resourceTypeTable, 0, tmp, 0, resourceTypeTable.length);
-				resourceTypeTable = tmp;
-			}
-			assert resourceTypeTable[resourceTypeId] == null;
-			ResourceType rt;
-			if (loadType(resourceTypeName)) {
-				rt = new ResourceType(resourceTypeId,
-								resourceTypeName,
-								resourceTypeDesc,
-								statCount);
-				if (dump) {
-                    //System.out.println("ResourceType id=" + resourceTypeId
-					//     + " name=" + resourceTypeName
-					//      + " statCount=" + statCount
-					//       + " desc=" + resourceTypeDesc);
-				}
-			} else {
-				rt = new ResourceType(resourceTypeId, resourceTypeName, statCount);
-				if (dump) {
-                    //System.out.println("Not loading ResourceType id=" + resourceTypeId
-					//      + " name=" + resourceTypeName);
-				}
-			}
-			resourceTypeTable[resourceTypeId] = rt;
-			for (int i = 0; i < statCount; i++) {
-				String statName = dataIn.readUTF();
-				byte typeCode = dataIn.readByte();
-				boolean isCounter = dataIn.readBoolean();
-				boolean largerBetter = isCounter; // default
-				if (this.archiveVersion >= 4) {
-					largerBetter = dataIn.readBoolean();
-				}
-				String units = dataIn.readUTF();
-				String desc = dataIn.readUTF();
-				rt.
-								addStatDescriptor(this, i, statName, isCounter, largerBetter, typeCode, units, desc);
-				if (dump) {
-//                    System.out.println("  " + i + "=" + statName + " isCtr=" + isCounter
-//                            + " largerBetter=" + largerBetter
-//                            + " typeCode=" + typeCode + " units=" + units
-//                            + " desc=" + desc);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		private void readResourceInstanceCreateToken(boolean initialize) throws IOException {
-			int resourceInstId = dataIn.readInt();
-			String name = dataIn.readUTF();
-			long id = dataIn.readLong();
-			int resourceTypeId = dataIn.readInt();
-			while (resourceInstId >= resourceInstTable.length) {
-				ResourceInst[] tmp = new ResourceInst[resourceInstTable.length + 128];
-				System.arraycopy(resourceInstTable, 0, tmp, 0, resourceInstTable.length);
-				resourceInstTable = tmp;
-			}
-			assert resourceInstTable[resourceInstId] == null;
-			if ((resourceInstId + 1) > this.resourceInstSize) {
-				this.resourceInstSize = resourceInstId + 1;
-			}
-			boolean loadInstance = loadInstance(name, id, resourceTypeTable[resourceTypeId]);
-			resourceInstTable[resourceInstId] = new ResourceInst(this, resourceInstId, name, id, resourceTypeTable[resourceTypeId], loadInstance);
-			if (dump) {
-               // System.out.println((loadInstance ? "Loaded" : "Did not load") + " resource instance " + resourceInstId);
-				// System.out.println("  name=" + name + " id=" + id + " typeId=" + resourceTypeId);
-			}
-			if (initialize) {
-				StatDescriptor[] stats = resourceInstTable[resourceInstId].getType().
-								getStats();
-				for (int i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) {
-					long v;
-					switch (stats[i].getTypeCode()) {
-						case BOOLEAN_CODE:
-							v = dataIn.readByte();
-							break;
-						case BYTE_CODE:
-						case CHAR_CODE:
-							v = dataIn.readByte();
-							break;
-						case WCHAR_CODE:
-							v = dataIn.readUnsignedShort();
-							break;
-						case SHORT_CODE:
-							v = dataIn.readShort();
-							break;
-						case INT_CODE:
-						case FLOAT_CODE:
-						case LONG_CODE:
-						case DOUBLE_CODE:
-							v = readCompactValue();
-							break;
-						default:
-							throw new IOException("UNEXPECTED_TYPECODE_VALUE_0");
-					}
-					resourceInstTable[resourceInstId].initialValue(i, v);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		private void readResourceInstanceDeleteToken() throws IOException {
-			int resourceInstId = dataIn.readInt();
-			assert resourceInstTable[resourceInstId] != null;
-			resourceInstTable[resourceInstId].makeInactive();
-			if (dump) {
-				// System.out.println("Delete resource instance " + resourceInstId);
-			}
-		}
-		private int readResourceInstId() throws IOException {
-			/*
-			 if (this.archiveVersion <= 1) {
-			 return dataIn.readInt();
-			 }
-			 */
-			int token = dataIn.readUnsignedByte();
-			if (token <= MAX_BYTE_RESOURCE_INST_ID) {
-				return token;
-			} else if (token == ILLEGAL_RESOURCE_INST_ID_TOKEN) {
-			} else if (token == SHORT_RESOURCE_INST_ID_TOKEN) {
-				return dataIn.readUnsignedShort();
-			} else { /* token == INT_RESOURCE_INST_ID_TOKEN */
-				return dataIn.readInt();
-			}
-		}
-		private int readTimeDelta() throws IOException {
-			int result = dataIn.readUnsignedShort();
-			if (result == INT_TIMESTAMP_TOKEN) {
-				result = dataIn.readInt();
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-		private long readCompactValue() throws IOException {
-			long v = dataIn.readByte();
-			if (dump) {
-				// System.out.print("compactValue(byte1)=" + v);
-			}
-			if (v < MIN_1BYTE_COMPACT_VALUE) {
-				if (v == COMPACT_VALUE_2_TOKEN) {
-					v = dataIn.readShort();
-					if (dump) {
-						//System.out.print("compactValue(short)=" + v);
-					}
-				} else {
-					int bytesToRead = ((byte) v - COMPACT_VALUE_2_TOKEN) + 2;
-					v = dataIn.readByte(); // note the first byte will be a signed byte.
-					if (dump) {
-						System.out.print("compactValue(" + bytesToRead + ")=" + v);
-					}
-					bytesToRead--;
-					while (bytesToRead > 0) {
-						v <<= 8;
-						v |= dataIn.readUnsignedByte();
-						bytesToRead--;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return v;
-		}
-		private void readSampleToken() throws IOException {
-			int millisSinceLastSample = readTimeDelta();
-			if (dump) {
-				//System.out.println("ts=" + millisSinceLastSample);
-			}
-			int resourceInstId = readResourceInstId();
-			while (resourceInstId != ILLEGAL_RESOURCE_INST_ID) {
-				if (dump) {
-					//System.out.print("  instId=" + resourceInstId);
-				}
-				StatDescriptor[] stats = resourceInstTable[resourceInstId].getType().
-								getStats();
-				int statOffset = dataIn.readUnsignedByte();
-				while (statOffset != ILLEGAL_STAT_OFFSET) {
-					long statDeltaBits;
-					switch (stats[statOffset].getTypeCode()) {
-						case BOOLEAN_CODE:
-							statDeltaBits = dataIn.readByte();
-							break;
-						case BYTE_CODE:
-						case CHAR_CODE:
-							statDeltaBits = dataIn.readByte();
-							break;
-						case WCHAR_CODE:
-							statDeltaBits = dataIn.readUnsignedShort();
-							break;
-						case SHORT_CODE:
-							statDeltaBits = dataIn.readShort();
-							break;
-						case INT_CODE:
-						case FLOAT_CODE:
-						case LONG_CODE:
-						case DOUBLE_CODE:
-							statDeltaBits = readCompactValue();
-							break;
-						default:
-							throw new IOException("UNEXPECTED_TYPECODE_VALUE_0");
-					}
-					if (resourceInstTable[resourceInstId].
-									addValueSample(statOffset, statDeltaBits)) {
-						if (dump) {
-							//System.out.print(" [" + statOffset + "]=" + statDeltaBits);
-						}
-					}
-					statOffset = dataIn.readUnsignedByte();
-				}
-				if (dump) {
-					//System.out.println();
-				}
-				resourceInstId = readResourceInstId();
-			}
-			timeSeries.addTimeStamp(millisSinceLastSample);
-			for (int i = 0; i < resourceInstTable.length; i++) {
-				ResourceInst inst = resourceInstTable[i];
-				if (inst != null && inst.isActive()) {
-					inst.addTimeStamp();
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns true if token read, false if eof.
-		 */
-		private boolean readToken() throws IOException {
-			byte token;
-			try {
-				if (this.updateOK) {
-					this.dataIn.mark(BUFFER_SIZE);
-				}
-				token = this.dataIn.readByte();
-				switch (token) {
-					case HEADER_TOKEN:
-						readHeaderToken();
-						break;
-						readResourceTypeToken();
-						break;
-						readResourceInstanceCreateToken(false);
-						break;
-						readResourceInstanceCreateToken(true);
-						break;
-						readResourceInstanceDeleteToken();
-						break;
-					case SAMPLE_TOKEN:
-						readSampleToken();
-						break;
-					default:
-						throw new IOException("UNEXPECTED_TOKEN_BYTE_VALUE_0");
-				}
-				return true;
-			} catch (EOFException ignore) {
-				return false;
-			}
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns the approximate amount of memory used to implement this object.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-//        protected int getMemoryUsed() {
-//            int result = 0;
-//            for (int i = 0; i < resourceInstTable.length; i++) {
-//                if (resourceInstTable[i] != null) {
-//                    result += resourceInstTable[i].getMemoryUsed();
-//                }
-//            }
-//            return result;
-//        }
-	}
-	/**
-	 *
-	 */
-	static protected abstract class AbstractValue implements StatValue {
-		/**
-		 *
-		 */
-		protected StatDescriptor descriptor;
-		/**
-		 *
-		 */
-		protected int filter;
-		/**
-		 *
-		 */
-		protected long startTime = -1;
-		/**
-		 *
-		 */
-		protected long endTime = -1;
-		/**
-		 *
-		 */
-		protected boolean statsValid = false;
-		/**
-		 *
-		 */
-		protected int size;
-		/**
-		 *
-		 */
-		protected double min;
-		/**
-		 *
-		 */
-		protected double max;
-		/**
-		 *
-		 */
-		protected double avg;
-		/**
-		 *
-		 */
-		protected double stddev;
-		/**
-		 *
-		 */
-		public void calcStats() {
-			if (!statsValid) {
-				getSnapshots();
-			}
-		}
-		public int getSnapshotsSize() {
-			calcStats();
-			return this.size;
-		}
-		public double getSnapshotsMinimum() {
-			calcStats();
-			return this.min;
-		}
-		public double getSnapshotsMaximum() {
-			calcStats();
-			return this.max;
-		}
-		public double getSnapshotsAverage() {
-			calcStats();
-			return this.avg;
-		}
-		public double getSnapshotsStandardDeviation() {
-			calcStats();
-			return this.stddev;
-		}
-		public StatDescriptor getDescriptor() {
-			return this.descriptor;
-		}
-		public int getFilter() {
-			return this.filter;
-		}
-		public void setFilter(int filter) {
-			if (filter != this.filter) {
-				if (filter != FILTER_NONE
-								&& filter != FILTER_PERSEC
-								&& filter != FILTER_PERSAMPLE) {
-					throw new IllegalArgumentException("FILTER_VALUE_0_MUST_BE_1_2_OR_3");
-				}
-				this.filter = filter;
-				this.statsValid = false;
-			}
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Calculates each stat given the result of calling getSnapshots
-		 *
-		 * @param values
-		 */
-		protected void calcStats(double[] values) {
-			if (statsValid) {
-				return;
-			}
-			size = values.length;
-			if (size == 0) {
-				min = 0.0;
-				max = 0.0;
-				avg = 0.0;
-				stddev = 0.0;
-			} else {
-				min = values[0];
-				max = values[0];
-				double total = values[0];
-				for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
-					total += values[i];
-					if (values[i] < min) {
-						min = values[i];
-					} else if (values[i] > max) {
-						max = values[i];
-					}
-				}
-				avg = total / size;
-				stddev = 0.0;
-				if (size > 1) {
-					for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-						double dv = values[i] - avg;
-						stddev += (dv * dv);
-					}
-					stddev /= (size - 1);
-					stddev = Math.sqrt(stddev);
-				}
-			}
-			statsValid = true;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns a string representation of this object.
-		 */
-		@Override
-		public String toString() {
-			calcStats();
-			StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
-			result.append(getDescriptor().getName());
-			String units = getDescriptor().getUnits();
-			if (units != null && units.length() > 0) {
-				result.append(' ').append(units);
-			}
-			if (filter == FILTER_PERSEC) {
-				result.append("/sec");
-			} else if (filter == FILTER_PERSAMPLE) {
-				result.append("/sample");
-			}
-			result.append(": samples=").append(getSnapshotsSize());
-			if (startTime != -1) {
-				result.append(" startTime=\"").append(new Date(startTime)).append("\"");
-			}
-			if (endTime != -1) {
-				result.append(" endTime=\"").append(new Date(endTime)).append("\"");
-			}
-			result.append(" min=").append(nf.format(min));
-			result.append(" max=").append(nf.format(max));
-			result.append(" average=").append(nf.format(avg));
-			result.append(" stddev=").append(nf.format(stddev));
-			return result.toString();
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 *
-	 */
-	static public class ArchiveInfo {
-		private final StatArchiveFile archive;
-		private final byte archiveVersion;
-		private final long startTimeStamp; // in milliseconds
-		private final long systemStartTimeStamp; // in milliseconds
-		private final int timeZoneOffset;
-		private final String timeZoneName;
-		private final String systemDirectory;
-		private final long systemId;
-		private final String productVersion;
-		private final String os;
-		private final String machine;
-		/**
-		 *
-		 * @param archive
-		 * @param archiveVersion
-		 * @param startTimeStamp
-		 * @param systemStartTimeStamp
-		 * @param timeZoneOffset
-		 * @param timeZoneName
-		 * @param systemDirectory
-		 * @param systemId
-		 * @param productVersion
-		 * @param os
-		 * @param machine
-		 */
-		public ArchiveInfo(StatArchiveFile archive, byte archiveVersion,
-						long startTimeStamp, long systemStartTimeStamp,
-						int timeZoneOffset, String timeZoneName,
-						String systemDirectory, long systemId,
-						String productVersion, String os, String machine) {
-			this.archive = archive;
-			this.archiveVersion = archiveVersion;
-			this.startTimeStamp = startTimeStamp;
-			this.systemStartTimeStamp = systemStartTimeStamp;
-			this.timeZoneOffset = timeZoneOffset;
-			this.timeZoneName = timeZoneName;
-			this.systemDirectory = systemDirectory;
-			this.systemId = systemId;
-			this.productVersion = productVersion;
-			this.os = os;
-			this.machine = machine;
-			archive.setTimeZone(getTimeZone());
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns the difference, measured in milliseconds, between the time the
-		 * archive file was create and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public long getStartTimeMillis() {
-			return this.startTimeStamp;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns the difference, measured in milliseconds, between the time the
-		 * archived system was started and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public long getSystemStartTimeMillis() {
-			return this.systemStartTimeStamp;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns a numeric id of the archived system. It can be used in
-		 * conjunction with the {@link #getSystemStartTimeMillis} to uniquely
-		 * identify an archived system.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public long getSystemId() {
-			return this.systemId;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns a string describing the operating system the archive was written
-		 * on.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public String getOs() {
-			return this.os;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns a string describing the machine the archive was written on.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public String getMachine() {
-			return this.machine;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns the time zone used when the archive was created. This can be used
-		 * to print timestamps in the same time zone that was in effect when the
-		 * archive was created.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public TimeZone getTimeZone() {
-			TimeZone result = TimeZone.getTimeZone(this.timeZoneName);
-			if (result.getRawOffset() != this.timeZoneOffset) {
-				result = new SimpleTimeZone(this.timeZoneOffset, this.timeZoneName);
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns a string containing the version of the product that wrote this
-		 * archive.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public String getProductVersion() {
-			return this.productVersion;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns a numeric code that represents the format version used to encode
-		 * the archive as a stream of bytes.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public int getArchiveFormatVersion() {
-			return this.archiveVersion;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns a string describing the system that this archive recorded.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public String getSystem() {
-			return this.systemDirectory;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Return the name of the file this archive was stored in or an empty string
-		 * if the archive was not stored in a file.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public String getArchiveFileName() {
-			if (this.archive != null) {
-				return this.archive.getFile().getPath();
-			} else {
-				return "";
-			}
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns a string representation of this object.
-		 */
-		@Override
-		public String toString() {
-			StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
-			this.dump(new PrintWriter(sw));
-			return sw.toString();
-		}
-		/**
-		 *
-		 * @param stream
-		 */
-		protected void dump(PrintWriter stream) {
-			if (archive != null) {
-				stream.println("archive=" + archive.getFile());
-			}
-			stream.println("archiveVersion=" + archiveVersion);
-			if (archive != null) {
-				stream.println("startDate=" + archive.formatTimeMillis(startTimeStamp));
-			}
-			// stream.println("startTimeStamp=" + startTimeStamp +" tz=" + timeZoneName + " tzOffset=" + timeZoneOffset);
-			stream.println("timeZone=" + getTimeZone().getDisplayName());
-			stream.println("systemDirectory=" + systemDirectory);
-			stream.println("systemStartDate=" + archive.
-							formatTimeMillis(systemStartTimeStamp));
-			stream.println("systemId=" + systemId);
-			stream.println("productVersion=" + productVersion);
-			stream.println("osInfo=" + os);
-			stream.println("machineInfo=" + machine);
-		}
-	}
-	static private class BitExplicitByteInterval extends BitInterval {
-		long firstValue;
-		long lastValue;
-		byte[] bitIntervals = null;
-//        @Override
-//        int getMemoryUsed() {
-//            int result = super.getMemoryUsed() + 4 + 8 + 8 + 4;
-//            if (bitIntervals != null) {
-//                result += bitIntervals.length;
-//            }
-//            return result;
-//        }
-		@Override
-		int fill(double[] values, int valueOffset, int typeCode, int skipCount) {
-			int fillcount = values.length - valueOffset; // space left in values
-			int maxCount = count - skipCount; // maximum values this interval can produce
-			if (fillcount > maxCount) {
-				fillcount = maxCount;
-			}
-			long bitValue = firstValue;
-			for (int i = 0; i < skipCount; i++) {
-				bitValue += bitIntervals[i];
-			}
-			for (int i = 0; i < fillcount; i++) {
-				bitValue += bitIntervals[skipCount + i];
-				values[valueOffset + i] = bitsToDouble(typeCode, bitValue);
-			}
-			return fillcount;
-		}
-//        @Override
-//        void dump(PrintWriter stream) {
-//            stream.print("(byteIntervalCount=" + count + " start=" + firstValue);
-//            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-//                if (i != 0) {
-//                    stream.print(", ");
-//                }
-//                stream.print(bitIntervals[i]);
-//            }
-//            stream.print(")");
-//        }
-		BitExplicitByteInterval(long bits, long interval, int addCount) {
-			count = addCount;
-			firstValue = bits;
-			lastValue = bits + (interval * (addCount - 1));
-			bitIntervals = new byte[count * 2];
-			bitIntervals[0] = 0;
-			for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {
-				bitIntervals[i] = (byte) interval;
-			}
-		}
-		@Override
-		boolean attemptAdd(long addBits, long addInterval, int addCount) {
-			// addCount >= 2; count >= 2
-			if (addCount <= 11) {
-				if (addInterval <= Byte.MAX_VALUE && addInterval >= Byte.MIN_VALUE) {
-					long firstInterval = addBits - lastValue;
-					if (firstInterval <= Byte.MAX_VALUE && firstInterval >= Byte.MIN_VALUE) {
-						lastValue = addBits + (addInterval * (addCount - 1));
-						if ((count + addCount) >= bitIntervals.length) {
-							byte[] tmp = new byte[(count + addCount) * 2];
-							System.arraycopy(bitIntervals, 0, tmp, 0, bitIntervals.length);
-							bitIntervals = tmp;
-						}
-						bitIntervals[count++] = (byte) firstInterval;
-						for (int i = 1; i < addCount; i++) {
-							bitIntervals[count++] = (byte) addInterval;
-						}
-						return true;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return false;
-		}
-	}
-	static private class BitExplicitShortInterval extends BitInterval {
-		long firstValue;
-		long lastValue;
-		short[] bitIntervals = null;
-//        @Override
-//        int getMemoryUsed() {
-//            int result = super.getMemoryUsed() + 4 + 8 + 8 + 4;
-//            if (bitIntervals != null) {
-//                result += bitIntervals.length * 2;
-//            }
-//            return result;
-//        }
-		@Override
-		int fill(double[] values, int valueOffset, int typeCode, int skipCount) {
-			int fillcount = values.length - valueOffset; // space left in values
-			int maxCount = count - skipCount; // maximum values this interval can produce
-			if (fillcount > maxCount) {
-				fillcount = maxCount;
-			}
-			long bitValue = firstValue;
-			for (int i = 0; i < skipCount; i++) {
-				bitValue += bitIntervals[i];
-			}
-			for (int i = 0; i < fillcount; i++) {
-				bitValue += bitIntervals[skipCount + i];
-				values[valueOffset + i] = bitsToDouble(typeCode, bitValue);
-			}
-			return fillcount;
-		}
-//        @Override
-//        void dump(PrintWriter stream) {
-//            stream.print("(shortIntervalCount=" + count + " start=" + firstValue);
-//            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-//                if (i != 0) {
-//                    stream.print(", ");
-//                }
-//                stream.print(bitIntervals[i]);
-//            }
-//            stream.print(")");
-//        }
-		BitExplicitShortInterval(long bits, long interval, int addCount) {
-			count = addCount;
-			firstValue = bits;
-			lastValue = bits + (interval * (addCount - 1));
-			bitIntervals = new short[count * 2];
-			bitIntervals[0] = 0;
-			for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {
-				bitIntervals[i] = (short) interval;
-			}
-		}
-		@Override
-		boolean attemptAdd(long addBits, long addInterval, int addCount) {
-			// addCount >= 2; count >= 2
-			if (addCount <= 6) {
-				if (addInterval <= Short.MAX_VALUE && addInterval >= Short.MIN_VALUE) {
-					long firstInterval = addBits - lastValue;
-					if (firstInterval <= Short.MAX_VALUE && firstInterval >= Short.MIN_VALUE) {
-						lastValue = addBits + (addInterval * (addCount - 1));
-						if ((count + addCount) >= bitIntervals.length) {
-							short[] tmp = new short[(count + addCount) * 2];
-							System.arraycopy(bitIntervals, 0, tmp, 0, bitIntervals.length);
-							bitIntervals = tmp;
-						}
-						bitIntervals[count++] = (short) firstInterval;
-						for (int i = 1; i < addCount; i++) {
-							bitIntervals[count++] = (short) addInterval;
-						}
-						return true;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return false;
-		}
-	}
-	static private class BitExplicitIntInterval extends BitInterval {
-		long firstValue;
-		long lastValue;
-		int[] bitIntervals = null;
-//        @Override
-//        int getMemoryUsed() {
-//            int result = super.getMemoryUsed() + 4 + 8 + 8 + 4;
-//            if (bitIntervals != null) {
-//                result += bitIntervals.length * 4;
-//            }
-//            return result;
-//        }
-		@Override
-		int fill(double[] values, int valueOffset, int typeCode, int skipCount) {
-			int fillcount = values.length - valueOffset; // space left in values
-			int maxCount = count - skipCount; // maximum values this interval can produce
-			if (fillcount > maxCount) {
-				fillcount = maxCount;
-			}
-			long bitValue = firstValue;
-			for (int i = 0; i < skipCount; i++) {
-				bitValue += bitIntervals[i];
-			}
-			for (int i = 0; i < fillcount; i++) {
-				bitValue += bitIntervals[skipCount + i];
-				values[valueOffset + i] = bitsToDouble(typeCode, bitValue);
-			}
-			return fillcount;
-		}
-//        @Override
-//        void dump(PrintWriter stream) {
-//            stream.print("(intIntervalCount=" + count + " start=" + firstValue);
-//            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-//                if (i != 0) {
-//                    stream.print(", ");
-//                }
-//                stream.print(bitIntervals[i]);
-//            }
-//            stream.print(")");
-//        }
-		BitExplicitIntInterval(long bits, long interval, int addCount) {
-			count = addCount;
-			firstValue = bits;
-			lastValue = bits + (interval * (addCount - 1));
-			bitIntervals = new int[count * 2];
-			bitIntervals[0] = 0;
-			for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {
-				bitIntervals[i] = (int) interval;
-			}
-		}
-		@Override
-		boolean attemptAdd(long addBits, long addInterval, int addCount) {
-			// addCount >= 2; count >= 2
-			if (addCount <= 4) {
-				if (addInterval <= Integer.MAX_VALUE && addInterval >= Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
-					long firstInterval = addBits - lastValue;
-					if (firstInterval <= Integer.MAX_VALUE && firstInterval >= Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
-						lastValue = addBits + (addInterval * (addCount - 1));
-						if ((count + addCount) >= bitIntervals.length) {
-							int[] tmp = new int[(count + addCount) * 2];
-							System.arraycopy(bitIntervals, 0, tmp, 0, bitIntervals.length);
-							bitIntervals = tmp;
-						}
-						bitIntervals[count++] = (int) firstInterval;
-						for (int i = 1; i < addCount; i++) {
-							bitIntervals[count++] = (int) addInterval;
-						}
-						return true;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return false;
-		}
-	}
-	static private class BitExplicitLongInterval extends BitInterval {
-		long[] bitArray = null;
-//        @Override
-//        int getMemoryUsed() {
-//            int result = super.getMemoryUsed() + 4 + 4;
-//            if (bitArray != null) {
-//                result += bitArray.length * 8;
-//            }
-//            return result;
-//        }
-		@Override
-		int fill(double[] values, int valueOffset, int typeCode, int skipCount) {
-			int fillcount = values.length - valueOffset; // space left in values
-			int maxCount = count - skipCount; // maximum values this interval can produce
-			if (fillcount > maxCount) {
-				fillcount = maxCount;
-			}
-			for (int i = 0; i < fillcount; i++) {
-				values[valueOffset + i] = bitsToDouble(typeCode, bitArray[skipCount + i]);
-			}
-			return fillcount;
-		}
-//        @Override
-//        void dump(PrintWriter stream) {
-//            stream.print("(count=" + count + " ");
-//            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-//                if (i != 0) {
-//                    stream.print(", ");
-//                }
-//                stream.print(bitArray[i]);
-//            }
-//            stream.print(")");
-//        }
-		BitExplicitLongInterval(long bits, long interval, int addCount) {
-			count = addCount;
-			bitArray = new long[count * 2];
-			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-				bitArray[i] = bits;
-				bits += interval;
-			}
-		}
-		@Override
-		boolean attemptAdd(long addBits, long addInterval, int addCount) {
-			// addCount >= 2; count >= 2
-			if (addCount <= 3) {
-				if ((count + addCount) >= bitArray.length) {
-					long[] tmp = new long[(count + addCount) * 2];
-					System.arraycopy(bitArray, 0, tmp, 0, bitArray.length);
-					bitArray = tmp;
-				}
-				for (int i = 0; i < addCount; i++) {
-					bitArray[count++] = addBits;
-					addBits += addInterval;
-				}
-				return true;
-			}
-			return false;
-		}
-	}
-	static private class BitSeries {
-		int count; // number of items in this series
-		long currentStartBits;
-		long currentEndBits;
-		long currentInterval;
-		int currentCount;
-		int intervalIdx; // index of most recent BitInterval
-		BitInterval intervals[];
-		/**
-		 * Returns the amount of memory used to implement this series.
-		 */
-//        protected int getMemoryUsed() {
-//            int result = 4 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 4 + 4 + 4;
-//            if (intervals != null) {
-//                result += 4 * intervals.length;
-//                for (int i = 0; i <= intervalIdx; i++) {
-//                    result += intervals[i].getMemoryUsed();
-//                }
-//            }
-//            return result;
-//        }
-		public double[] getValues(int typeCode) {
-			return getValuesEx(typeCode, 0, getSize());
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Gets the first "resultSize" values of this series skipping over the first
-		 * "samplesToSkip" ones. The first value in a series is at index 0. The
-		 * maximum result size can be obtained by calling "getSize()".
-		 */
-		public double[] getValuesEx(int typeCode, int samplesToSkip, int resultSize) {
-			double[] result = new double[resultSize];
-			int firstInterval = 0;
-			int idx = 0;
-			while (samplesToSkip > 0
-							&& firstInterval <= intervalIdx
-							&& intervals[firstInterval].getSampleCount() <= samplesToSkip) {
-				samplesToSkip -= intervals[firstInterval].getSampleCount();
-				firstInterval++;
-			}
-			for (int i = firstInterval; i <= intervalIdx; i++) {
-				idx += intervals[i].fill(result, idx, typeCode, samplesToSkip);
-				samplesToSkip = 0;
-			}
-			if (currentCount != 0) {
-				idx += BitInterval.
-								create(currentStartBits, currentInterval, currentCount).
-								fill(result, idx, typeCode, samplesToSkip);
-			}
-			// assert
-			if (idx != resultSize) {
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-//        void dump(PrintWriter stream) {
-//            stream.print("[size=" + count + " intervals=" + (intervalIdx + 1)
-//                    + " memused=" + getMemoryUsed() + " ");
-//            for (int i = 0; i <= intervalIdx; i++) {
-//                if (i != 0) {
-//                    stream.print(", ");
-//                }
-//                intervals[i].dump(stream);
-//            }
-//            if (currentCount != 0) {
-//                if (intervalIdx != -1) {
-//                    stream.print(", ");
-//                }
-//                BitInterval.create(currentStartBits, currentInterval, currentCount).dump(stream);
-//            }
-//            stream.println("]");
-//        }
-		BitSeries() {
-			count = 0;
-			currentStartBits = 0;
-			currentEndBits = 0;
-			currentInterval = 0;
-			currentCount = 0;
-			intervalIdx = -1;
-			intervals = null;
-		}
-		void initialBits(long bits) {
-			this.currentEndBits = bits;
-		}
-		int getSize() {
-			return this.count;
-		}
-		void addBits(long deltaBits) {
-			long bits = currentEndBits + deltaBits;
-			if (currentCount == 0) {
-				currentStartBits = bits;
-				currentCount = 1;
-			} else if (currentCount == 1) {
-				currentInterval = deltaBits;
-				currentCount++;
-			} else if (deltaBits == currentInterval) {
-				currentCount++;
-			} else {
-				// we need to move currentBits into a BitInterval
-				if (intervalIdx == -1) {
-					intervals = new BitInterval[2];
-					intervalIdx = 0;
-					intervals[0] = BitInterval.
-									create(currentStartBits, currentInterval, currentCount);
-				} else {
-					if (!intervals[intervalIdx].
-									attemptAdd(currentStartBits, currentInterval, currentCount)) {
-						// wouldn't fit in current bit interval so add a new one
-						intervalIdx++;
-						if (intervalIdx >= intervals.length) {
-							BitInterval[] tmp = new BitInterval[intervals.length * 2];
-							System.arraycopy(intervals, 0, tmp, 0, intervals.length);
-							intervals = tmp;
-						}
-						intervals[intervalIdx] = BitInterval.
-										create(currentStartBits, currentInterval, currentCount);
-					}
-				}
-				// now start a new currentBits
-				currentStartBits = bits;
-				currentCount = 1;
-			}
-			currentEndBits = bits;
-			count++;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Free up any unused memory
-		 */
-		void shrink() {
-			if (intervals != null) {
-				int currentSize = intervalIdx + 1;
-				if (currentSize < intervals.length) {
-					BitInterval[] tmp = new BitInterval[currentSize];
-					System.arraycopy(intervals, 0, tmp, 0, currentSize);
-					intervals = tmp;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	static private class TimeStampSeries {
-		static private final int GROW_SIZE = 256;
-		int count; // number of items in this series
-		long base; // millis since midnight, Jan 1, 1970 UTC.
-		long[] timeStamps = new long[GROW_SIZE]; // elapsed millis from base
-		void dump(PrintWriter stream) {
-			stream.print("[size=" + count);
-			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-				if (i != 0) {
-					stream.print(", ");
-					stream.print(timeStamps[i] - timeStamps[i - 1]);
-				} else {
-					stream.print(" " + timeStamps[i]);
-				}
-			}
-			stream.println("]");
-		}
-		void shrink() {
-			if (count < timeStamps.length) {
-				long[] tmp = new long[count];
-				System.arraycopy(timeStamps, 0, tmp, 0, count);
-				timeStamps = tmp;
-			}
-		}
-		TimeStampSeries() {
-			count = 0;
-			base = 0;
-		}
-		void setBase(long base) {
-			this.base = base;
-		}
-		int getSize() {
-			return this.count;
-		}
-		void addTimeStamp(int ts) {
-			if (count >= timeStamps.length) {
-				long[] tmp = new long[timeStamps.length + GROW_SIZE];
-				System.arraycopy(timeStamps, 0, tmp, 0, timeStamps.length);
-				timeStamps = tmp;
-			}
-			if (count != 0) {
-				timeStamps[count] = timeStamps[count - 1] + ts;
-			} else {
-				timeStamps[count] = ts;
-			}
-			count++;
-		}
-		long getBase() {
-			return this.base;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Provides direct access to underlying data. Do not modify contents and use
-		 * getSize() to keep from reading past end of array.
-		 */
-		long[] getRawTimeStamps() {
-			return this.timeStamps;
-		}
-		long getMilliTimeStamp(int idx) {
-			return this.base + this.timeStamps[idx];
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns an array of time stamp values the first of which has the
-		 * specified index. Each returned time stamp is the number of millis since
-		 * midnight, Jan 1, 1970 UTC.
-		 */
-		double[] getTimeValuesSinceIdx(int idx) {
-			int resultSize = this.count - idx;
-			double[] result = new double[resultSize];
-			for (int i = 0; i < resultSize; i++) {
-				result[i] = getMilliTimeStamp(idx + i);
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 *
-	 */
-	static public class ResourceType {
-		private boolean loaded;
-//    private final int id;
-		private final String name;
-		private String desc;
-		private final StatDescriptor[] stats;
-		private Map descriptorMap;
-		/**
-		 *
-		 * @param stream
-		 */
-		public void dump(PrintWriter stream) {
-			if (loaded) {
-				stream.println(name + ": " + desc);
-				for (int i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) {
-					stats[i].dump(stream);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		/**
-		 *
-		 * @param id
-		 * @param name
-		 * @param statCount
-		 */
-		protected ResourceType(int id, String name, int statCount) {
-			this.loaded = false;
-// = id;
- = name;
-			this.desc = null;
-			this.stats = new StatDescriptor[statCount];
-			this.descriptorMap = null;
-		}
-		/**
-		 *
-		 * @param id
-		 * @param name
-		 * @param desc
-		 * @param statCount
-		 */
-		protected ResourceType(int id, String name, String desc, int statCount) {
-			this.loaded = true;
-// = id;
- = name;
-			this.desc = desc;
-			this.stats = new StatDescriptor[statCount];
-			this.descriptorMap = new HashMap();
-		}
-		/**
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public boolean isLoaded() {
-			return this.loaded;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Frees up any resources no longer needed after the archive file is closed.
-		 * Returns true if this guy is no longer needed.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		protected boolean close() {
-			if (isLoaded()) {
-				for (int i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) {
-					if (stats[i] != null) {
-						if (!stats[i].isLoaded()) {
-							stats[i] = null;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				return false;
-			} else {
-				return true;
-			}
-		}
-		void unload() {
-			this.loaded = false;
-			this.desc = null;
-			for (int i = 0; i < this.stats.length; i++) {
-				this.stats[i].unload();
-			}
-			this.descriptorMap.clear();
-			this.descriptorMap = null;
-		}
-		/**
-		 *
-		 * @param archive
-		 * @param offset
-		 * @param name
-		 * @param isCounter
-		 * @param largerBetter
-		 * @param typeCode
-		 * @param units
-		 * @param desc
-		 */
-		protected void addStatDescriptor(StatArchiveFile archive, int offset, String name, boolean isCounter,
-						boolean largerBetter,
-						byte typeCode, String units, String desc) {
-			StatDescriptor descriptor = new StatDescriptor(name, offset, isCounter, largerBetter, typeCode, units, desc);
-			this.stats[offset] = descriptor;
-			if (archive.loadStatDescriptor(descriptor, this)) {
-				descriptorMap.put(name, descriptor);
-			}
-		}
-//    private int getId() {
-//      return;
-//    }
-		/**
-		 * Returns the name of this resource type.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public String getName() {
-			return;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns an array of descriptors for each statistic this resource type
-		 * supports.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public StatDescriptor[] getStats() {
-			return this.stats;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Gets a stat descriptor contained in this type given the stats name.
-		 *
-		 * @param name the name of the stat to find in the current type
-		 * @return the descriptor that matches the name or null if the type does not
-		 * have a stat of the given name
-		 */
-		public StatDescriptor getStat(String name) {
-			return (StatDescriptor) descriptorMap.get(name);
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns a description of this resource type.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public String getDescription() {
-			return this.desc;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 *
-	 */
-	static public class ResourceInst {
-		private final boolean loaded;
-		private final StatArchiveFile archive;
-//    private final int uniqueId;
-		private final ResourceType type;
-		private final String name;
-		private final long id; //PID of process??
-		private boolean active = true;
-		private final SimpleValue[] values;
-		private int firstTSidx = -1;
-		private int lastTSidx = -1;
-		/**
-		 * Returns the approximate amount of memory used to implement this object.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-//        protected int getMemoryUsed() {
-//            int result = 0;
-//            if (values != null) {
-//                for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
-//                    result += this.values[i].getMemoryUsed();
-//                }
-//            }
-//            return result;
-//        }
-		/**
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public StatFileParser getReader() {
-			return archive.getReader();
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns a string representation of this object.
-		 */
-		@Override
-		public String toString() {
-			StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
-			result.append(name).append(", ").append("ID" + id).append(", ").
-							append(type.getName()).append(": \"").append(archive.
-											formatTimeMillis(getFirstTimeMillis())).append('\"');
-			if (!active) {
-				result.append(" inactive");
-			}
-			result.append(" samples=" + getSampleCount());
-			return result.toString();
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns the number of times this resource instance has been sampled.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public int getSampleCount() {
-			if (active) {
-				return archive.getTimeStamps().getSize() - firstTSidx;
-			} else {
-				return (lastTSidx + 1) - firstTSidx;
-			}
-		}
-		/**
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public StatArchiveFile getArchive() {
-			return this.archive;
-		}
-		/**
-		 *
-		 * @param stream
-		 */
-//        protected void dump(PrintWriter stream) {
-//            stream.println(name + ":"
-//                    + " file=" + getArchive().getFile()
-//                    + " id=" + id
-//                    + (active ? "" : " deleted")
-//                    + " start=" + archive.formatTimeMillis(getFirstTimeMillis()));
-//            for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
-//                values[i].dump(stream);
-//            }
-//        }
-		/**
-		 *
-		 * @param archive
-		 * @param uniqueId
-		 * @param name
-		 * @param id
-		 * @param type
-		 * @param loaded
-		 */
-		protected ResourceInst(StatArchiveFile archive, int uniqueId, String name, long id, ResourceType type, boolean loaded) {
-			this.loaded = loaded;
-			this.archive = archive;
-//      this.uniqueId = uniqueId;
- = name;
- = id;
-			assert (type != null);
-			this.type = type;
-			if (loaded) {
-				StatDescriptor[] stats = type.getStats();
-				this.values = new SimpleValue[stats.length];
-				for (int i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) {
-					if (archive.loadStat(stats[i], this)) {
-						this.values[i] = new SimpleValue(this, stats[i]);
-					} else {
-						this.values[i] = null;
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				this.values = null;
-			}
-		}
-		void matchSpec(StatSpec spec, List matchedValues) {
-			if (spec.typeMatches(this.type.getName())) {
-				if (spec.instanceMatches(this.getName(), this.getId())) {
-					for (int statIdx = 0; statIdx < values.length; statIdx++) {
-						if (values[statIdx] != null) {
-							if (spec.statMatches(values[statIdx].getDescriptor().getName())) {
-								matchedValues.add(values[statIdx]);
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		/**
-		 *
-		 * @param statOffset
-		 * @param v
-		 */
-		protected void initialValue(int statOffset, long v) {
-			if (this.values != null && this.values[statOffset] != null) {
-				this.values[statOffset].initialValue(v);
-			}
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns true if sample was added.
-		 *
-		 * @param statOffset
-		 * @param statDeltaBits
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		protected boolean addValueSample(int statOffset, long statDeltaBits) {
-			if (this.values != null && this.values[statOffset] != null) {
-				this.values[statOffset].prepareNextBits(statDeltaBits);
-				return true;
-			} else {
-				return false;
-			}
-		}
-		/**
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public boolean isLoaded() {
-			return this.loaded;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Frees up any resources no longer needed after the archive file is closed.
-		 * Returns true if this guy is no longer needed.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		protected boolean close() {
-			if (isLoaded()) {
-				for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
-					if (values[i] != null) {
-						values[i].shrink();
-					}
-				}
-				return false;
-			} else {
-				return true;
-			}
-		}
-		/**
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		protected int getFirstTimeStampIdx() {
-			return this.firstTSidx;
-		}
-		/**
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		protected long[] getAllRawTimeStamps() {
-			return archive.getTimeStamps().getRawTimeStamps();
-		}
-		/**
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		protected long getTimeBase() {
-			return archive.getTimeStamps().getBase();
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns an array of doubles containing the timestamps at which this
-		 * instances samples where taken. Each of these timestamps is the
-		 * difference, measured in milliseconds, between the sample time and
-		 * midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. Although these values are double they can
-		 * safely be converted to <code>long</code> with no loss of information.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public double[] getSnapshotTimesMillis() {
-			return archive.getTimeStamps().getTimeValuesSinceIdx(firstTSidx);
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns an array of statistic value descriptors. Each element of the
-		 * array describes the corresponding statistic this instance supports. The
-		 * <code>StatValue</code> instances can be used to obtain the actual sampled
-		 * values of the instances statistics.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public StatValue[] getStatValues() {
-			return this.values;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Gets the value of the stat in the current instance given the stat name.
-		 *
-		 * @param name the name of the stat to find in the current instance
-		 * @return the value that matches the name or null if the instance does not
-		 * have a stat of the given name
-		 *
-		 */
-		public StatValue getStatValue(String name) {
-			StatValue result = null;
-			StatDescriptor desc = getType().getStat(name);
-			if (desc != null) {
-				result = values[desc.getOffset()];
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns the name of this instance.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public String getName() {
-			return;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns the id of this instance.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public long getId() {
-			return;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns the difference, measured in milliseconds, between the time of the
-		 * instance's first sample and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public long getFirstTimeMillis() {
-			return archive.getTimeStamps().getMilliTimeStamp(firstTSidx);
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns resource type of this instance.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public ResourceType getType() {
-			return this.type;
-		}
-		/**
-		 *
-		 */
-		protected void makeInactive() {
- = false;
-			lastTSidx = archive.getTimeStamps().getSize() - 1;
-			close(); // this frees up unused memory now that no more samples
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns true if archive might still have future samples for this
-		 * instance.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public boolean isActive() {
-			return;
-		}
-		/**
-		 *
-		 */
-		protected void addTimeStamp() {
-			if (this.loaded) {
-				if (firstTSidx == -1) {
-					firstTSidx = archive.getTimeStamps().getSize() - 1;
-				}
-				for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
-					if (values[i] != null) {
-						values[i].addSample();
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 *
-	 */
-	public interface StatSpec extends ValueFilter {
-		/**
-		 * Causes all stats that matches this spec, in all archive files, to be
-		 * combined into a single global stat value.
-		 */
-		public static final int GLOBAL = 2;
-		/**
-		 * Causes all stats that matches this spec, in each archive file, to be
-		 * combined into a single stat value for each file.
-		 */
-		public static final int FILE = 1;
-		/**
-		 * No combination is done.
-		 */
-		public final int NONE = 0;
-		/**
-		 * Returns one of the following values:
-		 * {@link #GLOBAL}, {@link #FILE}, {@link #NONE}.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public int getCombineType();
-	}
-	static private class ComboValue extends AbstractValue {
-		private final ResourceType type;
-		private final StatValue[] values;
-		/**
-		 * Creates a ComboValue by adding all the specified values together.
-		 */
-		ComboValue(List valueList) {
-			this((StatValue[]) valueList.toArray(new StatValue[valueList.size()]));
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Creates a ComboValue by adding all the specified values together.
-		 */
-		ComboValue(StatValue[] values) {
-			this.values = values;
-			this.filter = this.values[0].getFilter();
-			String typeName = this.values[0].getType().getName();
-			String statName = this.values[0].getDescriptor().getName();
-			int bestTypeIdx = 0;
-			for (int i = 1; i < this.values.length; i++) {
-				if (this.filter != this.values[i].getFilter()) {
-					/* I'm not sure why this would happen.
-					 * If it really can happen then this code should change
-					 * the filter since a client has no way to select values
-					 * based on the filter.
-					 */
-					throw new IllegalArgumentException("CANT_COMBINE_VALUES_WITH_DIFFERENT_FILTERS");
-				}
-				if (!typeName.equals(this.values[i].getType().getName())) {
-					throw new IllegalArgumentException("CANT_COMBINE_VALUES_WITH_DIFFERENT_TYPES");
-				}
-				if (!statName.equals(this.values[i].getDescriptor().getName())) {
-					throw new IllegalArgumentException("CANT_COMBINE_DIFFERENT_STATS");
-				}
-				if (this.values[i].getDescriptor().isCounter()) {
-					// its a counter which is not the default
-					if (!this.values[i].getDescriptor().isLargerBetter()) {
-						// this guy has non-defaults for both use him
-						bestTypeIdx = i;
-					} else if (this.values[bestTypeIdx].getDescriptor().isCounter()
-									== this.values[bestTypeIdx].getDescriptor().isLargerBetter()) {
-                        // as long as we haven't already found a guy with defaults
-						// make this guy the best type
-						bestTypeIdx = i;
-					}
-				} else {
-					// its a gauge, see if it has a non-default largerBetter
-					if (this.values[i].getDescriptor().isLargerBetter()) {
-						// as long as we haven't already found a guy with defaults
-						if (this.values[bestTypeIdx].getDescriptor().isCounter()
-										== this.values[bestTypeIdx].getDescriptor().isLargerBetter()) {
-							// make this guy the best type
-							bestTypeIdx = i;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			this.type = this.values[bestTypeIdx].getType();
-			this.descriptor = this.values[bestTypeIdx].getDescriptor();
-		}
-		private ComboValue(ComboValue original, long startTime, long endTime) {
-			this.startTime = startTime;
-			this.endTime = endTime;
-			this.type = original.getType();
-			this.descriptor = original.getDescriptor();
-			this.filter = original.getFilter();
-			this.values = new StatValue[original.values.length];
-			for (int i = 0; i < this.values.length; i++) {
-				this.values[i] = original.values[i].createTrimmed(startTime, endTime);
-			}
-		}
-		public StatValue createTrimmed(long startTime, long endTime) {
-			if (startTime == this.startTime && endTime == this.endTime) {
-				return this;
-			} else {
-				return new ComboValue(this, startTime, endTime);
-			}
-		}
-		public ResourceType getType() {
-			return this.type;
-		}
-		public ResourceInst[] getResources() {
-			HashSet set = new HashSet();
-			for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
-				set.addAll(Arrays.asList(values[i].getResources()));
-			}
-			ResourceInst[] result = new ResourceInst[set.size()];
-			return (ResourceInst[]) set.toArray(result);
-		}
-		public boolean hasValueChanged() {
-			return true;
-		}
-		public static boolean closeEnough(long v1, long v2, long delta) {
-			return (v1 == v2) || ((Math.abs(v1 - v2) / 2) <= delta);
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Return true if v is closer to prev. Return false if v is closer to next.
-		 * Return true if v is the same distance from both.
-		 */
-		public static boolean closer(long v, long prev, long next) {
-			return Math.abs(v - prev) <= Math.abs(v - next);
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Return true if the current ts must be inserted instead of being mapped to
-		 * the tsAtInsertPoint
-		 */
-		private static boolean mustInsert(int nextIdx, long[] valueTimeStamps, long tsAtInsertPoint) {
-			return (nextIdx < valueTimeStamps.length)
-							&& (valueTimeStamps[nextIdx] <= tsAtInsertPoint);
-		}
-		public long[] getRawAbsoluteTimeStampsWithSecondRes() {
-			return getRawAbsoluteTimeStamps();
-		}
-		public long[] getRawAbsoluteTimeStamps() {
-			if (values.length == 0) {
-				return new long[0];
-			}
-//       for (int i=0; i < values.length; i++) {
-//         System.out.println("DEBUG: inst# " + i + " has "
-//                            + values[i].getRawAbsoluteTimeStamps().length
-//                            + " timestamps");
-//       }
-			long[] valueTimeStamps = values[0].getRawAbsoluteTimeStamps();
-			int tsCount = valueTimeStamps.length + 1;
-			long[] ourTimeStamps = new long[(tsCount * 2) + 1];
-			System.
-							arraycopy(valueTimeStamps, 0, ourTimeStamps, 0, valueTimeStamps.length);
-			// Note we add a MAX sample to make the insert logic simple
-			ourTimeStamps[valueTimeStamps.length] = Long.MAX_VALUE;
-			for (int i = 1; i < values.length; i++) {
-				valueTimeStamps = values[i].getRawAbsoluteTimeStamps();
-				if (valueTimeStamps.length == 0) {
-					continue;
-				}
-				int ourIdx = 0;
-				int j = 0;
-				long tsToInsert = valueTimeStamps[0] - 1000; // default to 1 second
-				if (valueTimeStamps.length > 1) {
-					tsToInsert = valueTimeStamps[0] - (valueTimeStamps[1] - valueTimeStamps[0]);
-				}
-                // tsToInsert is now initialized to a value that we can pretend
-				// was the previous timestamp inserted.
-				while (j < valueTimeStamps.length) {
-					long timeDelta = (valueTimeStamps[j] - tsToInsert) / 2;
-					tsToInsert = valueTimeStamps[j];
-					long tsAtInsertPoint = ourTimeStamps[ourIdx];
-					while (tsToInsert > tsAtInsertPoint
-									&& !closeEnough(tsToInsert, tsAtInsertPoint, timeDelta)) {
-//             System.out.println("DEBUG: skipping " + ourIdx + " because it was not closeEnough");
-						ourIdx++;
-						tsAtInsertPoint = ourTimeStamps[ourIdx];
-					}
-					if (closeEnough(tsToInsert, tsAtInsertPoint, timeDelta)
-									&& !mustInsert(j + 1, valueTimeStamps, tsAtInsertPoint)) {
-						// It was already in our list so just go to the next one
-						j++;
-						ourIdx++; // never put the next timestamp at this index
-						while (!closer(tsToInsert, ourTimeStamps[ourIdx - 1], ourTimeStamps[ourIdx])
-										&& !mustInsert(j, valueTimeStamps, ourTimeStamps[ourIdx])) {
-//               System.out.println("DEBUG: skipping mergeTs[" + (ourIdx-1) + "]="
-//                                  + tsAtInsertPoint + " because it was closer to the next one");
-							ourIdx++; // it is closer to the next one so skip forward on more
-						}
-					} else {
-						// its not in our list so add it
-						int endRunIdx = j + 1;
-						while (endRunIdx < valueTimeStamps.length
-										&& valueTimeStamps[endRunIdx] < tsAtInsertPoint
-										&& !closeEnough(valueTimeStamps[endRunIdx], tsAtInsertPoint, timeDelta)) {
-							endRunIdx++;
-						}
-						int numToCopy = endRunIdx - j;
-//             System.out.println("DEBUG: tsToInsert=" + tsToInsert
-//                                + " tsAtInsertPoint=" + tsAtInsertPoint
-//                                + " timeDelta=" + timeDelta
-//                                + " vDelta=" + (Math.abs(tsToInsert-tsAtInsertPoint)/2)
-//                                + " numToCopy=" + numToCopy);
-//             if (j > 0) {
-//               System.out.println("DEBUG: prevTsToInsert=" + valueTimeStamps[j-1]);
-//             }
-//             if (ourIdx > 0) {
-//               System.out.println("DEBUG ourTimeStamps[" + (ourIdx-1) + "]=" + ourTimeStamps[ourIdx-1]);
-//             }
-//             if (numToCopy > 1) {
-//               System.out.println("DEBUG: endRunTs=" + valueTimeStamps[endRunIdx-1]);
-//             }
-						if (tsCount + numToCopy > ourTimeStamps.length) {
-							// grow our timestamp array
-							long[] tmp = new long[(tsCount + numToCopy) * 2];
-							System.arraycopy(ourTimeStamps, 0, tmp, 0, tsCount);
-							ourTimeStamps = tmp;
-						}
-						// make room for insert
-						System.arraycopy(ourTimeStamps, ourIdx,
-										ourTimeStamps, ourIdx + numToCopy,
-										tsCount - ourIdx);
-						// insert the elements
-						if (numToCopy == 1) {
-							ourTimeStamps[ourIdx] = valueTimeStamps[j];
-						} else {
-							System.arraycopy(valueTimeStamps, j,
-											ourTimeStamps, ourIdx,
-											numToCopy);
-						}
-						ourIdx += numToCopy;
-						tsCount += numToCopy;
-						// skip over all inserted elements
-						j += numToCopy;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			tsCount--;
-			{
-				int startIdx = 0;
-				int endIdx = tsCount - 1;
-				if (startTime != -1) {
-					assert (ourTimeStamps[startIdx] >= startTime);
-				}
-				if (endTime != -1) {
-					assert (endIdx == startIdx - 1 || ourTimeStamps[endIdx] < endTime);
-				}
-				tsCount = (endIdx - startIdx) + 1;
-				// shrink and trim our timestamp array
-				long[] tmp = new long[tsCount];
-				System.arraycopy(ourTimeStamps, startIdx, tmp, 0, tsCount);
-				ourTimeStamps = tmp;
-			}
-			return ourTimeStamps;
-		}
-		public double[] getRawSnapshots() {
-			return getRawSnapshots(getRawAbsoluteTimeStamps());
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns true if the timeStamp at curIdx is the one that ts is the closest
-		 * to. We know that timeStamps[curIdx-1], if it exists, was not the closest.
-		 */
-		private static boolean isClosest(long ts, long[] timeStamps, int curIdx) {
-			if (curIdx >= (timeStamps.length - 1)) {
-				// curIdx is the last one so it must be the closest
-				return true;
-			}
-			if (ts == timeStamps[curIdx]) {
-				return true;
-			}
-			return closer(ts, timeStamps[curIdx], timeStamps[curIdx + 1]);
-		}
-		public boolean isTrimmedLeft() {
-			for (int i = 0; i < this.values.length; i++) {
-				if (this.values[i].isTrimmedLeft()) {
-					return true;
-				}
-			}
-			return false;
-		}
-		private double[] getRawSnapshots(long[] ourTimeStamps) {
-			double[] result = new double[ourTimeStamps.length];
-//       System.out.println("DEBUG: producing " + result.length + " values");
-			if (result.length > 0) {
-				for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
-					long[] valueTimeStamps = values[i].getRawAbsoluteTimeStamps();
-					double[] valueSnapshots = values[i].getRawSnapshots();
-					double currentValue = 0.0;
-					int curIdx = 0;
-					if (values[i].isTrimmedLeft()) {
-						currentValue = valueSnapshots[0];
-					}
-					for (int j = 0; j < valueSnapshots.length; j++) {
-						while (!isClosest(valueTimeStamps[j], ourTimeStamps, curIdx)) {
-							if (descriptor.isCounter()) {
-								result[curIdx] += currentValue;
-							}
-							curIdx++;
-						}
-						if (curIdx >= result.length) {
-							// Add this to workaround bug 30288
-							int samplesSkipped = valueSnapshots.length - j;
-							StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer(100);
-							msg.append("WARNING: dropping last ");
-							if (samplesSkipped == 1) {
-								msg.append("sample because it");
-							} else {
-								msg.append(samplesSkipped).append(" samples because they");
-							}
-							msg.append(" could not fit in the merged result.");
-							System.out.println(msg.toString());
-							break;
-						}
-						currentValue = valueSnapshots[j];
-						result[curIdx] += currentValue;
-						curIdx++;
-					}
-					if (descriptor.isCounter()) {
-						for (int j = curIdx; j < result.length; j++) {
-							result[j] += currentValue;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-		public double[] getSnapshots() {
-			double[] result;
-			if (filter != FILTER_NONE) {
-				long[] timestamps = getRawAbsoluteTimeStamps();
-				double[] snapshots = getRawSnapshots(timestamps);
-				if (snapshots.length <= 1) {
-					return new double[0];
-				}
-				result = new double[snapshots.length - 1];
-				for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
-					double valueDelta = snapshots[i + 1] - snapshots[i];
-					if (filter == FILTER_PERSEC) {
-						long timeDelta = timestamps[i + 1] - timestamps[i];
-						result[i] = valueDelta / (timeDelta / 1000.0);
-					} else {
-						result[i] = valueDelta;
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				result = getRawSnapshots();
-			}
-			calcStats(result);
-			return result;
-		}
-	}
-	private static class RawStatSpec implements StatSpec {
-		private final StatSpec spec;
-		RawStatSpec(StatSpec wrappedSpec) {
-			this.spec = wrappedSpec;
-		}
-		public int getCombineType() {
-			return StatSpec.NONE;
-		}
-		public boolean typeMatches(String typeName) {
-			return spec.typeMatches(typeName);
-		}
-		public boolean statMatches(String statName) {
-			return spec.statMatches(statName);
-		}
-		public boolean instanceMatches(String textId, long numericId) {
-			return spec.instanceMatches(textId, numericId);
-		}
-		public boolean archiveMatches(File archive) {
-			return spec.archiveMatches(archive);
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 *
-	 */
-	static public class StatDescriptor {
-		private boolean loaded;
-		private String name;
-		private final int offset;
-		private final boolean isCounter;
-		private final boolean largerBetter;
-		private final byte typeCode;
-		private String units;
-		private String desc;
-		/**
-		 *
-		 * @param stream
-		 */
-		protected void dump(PrintWriter stream) {
-			stream.println("  " + name + ": type=" + typeCode + " offset=" + offset
-							+ (isCounter ? " counter" : "")
-							+ " units=" + units
-							+ " largerBetter=" + largerBetter
-							+ " desc=" + desc);
-		}
-		/**
-		 *
-		 * @param name
-		 * @param offset
-		 * @param isCounter
-		 * @param largerBetter
-		 * @param typeCode
-		 * @param units
-		 * @param desc
-		 */
-		protected StatDescriptor(String name, int offset, boolean isCounter,
-						boolean largerBetter,
-						byte typeCode, String units, String desc) {
-			this.loaded = true;
- = name;
-			this.offset = offset;
-			this.isCounter = isCounter;
-			this.largerBetter = largerBetter;
-			this.typeCode = typeCode;
-			this.units = units;
-			this.desc = desc;
-		}
-		/**
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public boolean isLoaded() {
-			return this.loaded;
-		}
-		void unload() {
-			this.loaded = false;
- = null;
-			this.units = null;
-			this.desc = null;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns the type code of this statistic. It will be one of the following
-		 * values:
-		 * <ul>
-		 * <li> {@link #BOOLEAN_CODE}
-		 * <li> {@link #WCHAR_CODE}
-		 * <li> {@link #CHAR_CODE}
-		 * <li> {@link #BYTE_CODE}
-		 * <li> {@link #SHORT_CODE}
-		 * <li> {@link #INT_CODE}
-		 * <li> {@link #LONG_CODE}
-		 * <li> {@link #FLOAT_CODE}
-		 * <li> {@link #DOUBLE_CODE}
-		 * </ul>
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public byte getTypeCode() {
-			return this.typeCode;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns the name of this statistic.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public String getName() {
-			return;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns true if this statistic's value will always increase.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public boolean isCounter() {
-			return this.isCounter;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns true if larger values indicate better performance.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public boolean isLargerBetter() {
-			return this.largerBetter;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns a string that describes the units this statistic measures.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public String getUnits() {
-			return this.units;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns a textual description of this statistic.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public String getDescription() {
-			return this.desc;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns the offset of this stat in its type.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public int getOffset() {
-			return this.offset;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 *
-	 */
-	static public interface StatValue {
-		/**
-		 * {@link StatArchiveReader.StatValue} filter that causes the statistic
-		 * values to be unfiltered. This causes the raw values written to the
-		 * archive to be used.
-		 * <p>
-		 * This is the default filter for non-counter statistics. To determine if a
-		 * statistic is not a counter use
-		 * {@link StatArchiveReader.StatDescriptor#isCounter}.
-		 */
-		public static final int FILTER_NONE = 0;
-		/**
-		 * {@link StatArchiveReader.StatValue} filter that causes the statistic
-		 * values to be filtered to reflect how often they change per second. Since
-		 * the difference between two samples is used to calculate the value this
-		 * causes the {@link StatArchiveReader.StatValue} to have one less sample
-		 * than {@link #FILTER_NONE}. The instance time stamp that does not have a
-		 * per second value is the instance's first time stamp {@link
-		 * StatArchiveReader.ResourceInst#getFirstTimeMillis}.
-		 * <p>
-		 * This is the default filter for counter statistics. To determine if a
-		 * statistic is a counter use
-		 * {@link StatArchiveReader.StatDescriptor#isCounter}.
-		 */
-		public static final int FILTER_PERSEC = 1;
-		/**
-		 * {@link StatArchiveReader.StatValue} filter that causes the statistic
-		 * values to be filtered to reflect how much they changed between sample
-		 * periods. Since the difference between two samples is used to calculate
-		 * the value this causes the {@link StatArchiveReader.StatValue} to have one
-		 * less sample than {@link
-		 * #FILTER_NONE}. The instance time stamp that does not have a per second
-		 * value is the instance's first time stamp {@link
-		 * StatArchiveReader.ResourceInst#getFirstTimeMillis}.
-		 */
-		public static final int FILTER_PERSAMPLE = 2;
-		/**
-		 * Creates and returns a trimmed version of this stat value. Any samples
-		 * taken before <code>startTime</code> and after <code>endTime</code> are
-		 * discarded from the resulting value. Set a time parameter to
-		 * <code>-1</code> to not trim that side.
-		 *
-		 * @param startTime
-		 * @param endTime
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public StatValue createTrimmed(long startTime, long endTime);
-		/**
-		 * Returns true if value has data that has been trimmed off it by a start
-		 * timestamp.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public boolean isTrimmedLeft();
-		/**
-		 * Gets the {@link StatArchiveReader.ResourceType type} of the resources
-		 * that this value belongs to.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public ResourceType getType();
-		/**
-		 * Gets the {@link StatArchiveReader.ResourceInst resources} that this value
-		 * belongs to.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public ResourceInst[] getResources();
-		/**
-		 * Returns an array of timestamps for each unfiltered snapshot in this
-		 * value. Each returned time stamp is the number of millis since midnight,
-		 * Jan 1, 1970 UTC.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public long[] getRawAbsoluteTimeStamps();
-		/**
-		 * Returns an array of timestamps for each unfiltered snapshot in this
-		 * value. Each returned time stamp is the number of millis since midnight,
-		 * Jan 1, 1970 UTC. The resolution is seconds.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public long[] getRawAbsoluteTimeStampsWithSecondRes();
-		/**
-		 * Returns an array of doubles containing the unfiltered value of this
-		 * statistic for each point in time that it was sampled.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public double[] getRawSnapshots();
-		/**
-		 * Returns an array of doubles containing the filtered value of this
-		 * statistic for each point in time that it was sampled.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public double[] getSnapshots();
-		/**
-		 * Returns the number of samples taken of this statistic's value.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public int getSnapshotsSize();
-		/**
-		 * Returns the smallest of all the samples taken of this statistic's value.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public double getSnapshotsMinimum();
-		/**
-		 * Returns the largest of all the samples taken of this statistic's value.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public double getSnapshotsMaximum();
-		/**
-		 * Returns the average of all the samples taken of this statistic's value.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public double getSnapshotsAverage();
-		/**
-		 * Returns the standard deviation of all the samples taken of this
-		 * statistic's value.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public double getSnapshotsStandardDeviation();
-		/**
-		 * Returns true if sample whose value was different from previous values has
-		 * been added to this StatValue since the last time this method was called.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public boolean hasValueChanged();
-		/**
-		 * Returns the current filter used to calculate this statistic's values. It
-		 * will be one of these values:
-		 * <ul>
-		 * <li> {@link #FILTER_NONE}
-		 * <li> {@link #FILTER_PERSAMPLE}
-		 * <li> {@link #FILTER_PERSEC}
-		 * </ul>
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public int getFilter();
-		/**
-		 * Sets the current filter used to calculate this statistic's values. The
-		 * default filter is {@link #FILTER_NONE} unless the statistic is a counter,
-		 * {@link StatArchiveReader.StatDescriptor#isCounter}, in which case its
-		 * {@link #FILTER_PERSEC}.
-		 *
-		 * @param filter It must be one of these values:
-		 * <ul>
-		 * <li> {@link #FILTER_NONE}
-		 * <li> {@link #FILTER_PERSAMPLE}
-		 * <li> {@link #FILTER_PERSEC}
-		 * </ul>
-		 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>filter</code> is not a valid
-		 * filter constant.
-		 */
-		public void setFilter(int filter);
-		/**
-		 * Returns a description of this statistic.
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public StatDescriptor getDescriptor();
-	}
-	/**
-	 *
-	 */
-	static protected abstract class BitInterval {
-		/**
-		 * Returns number of items added to values
-		 */
-		abstract int fill(double[] values, int valueOffset, int typeCode, int skipCount);
-       // abstract void dump(PrintWriter stream);
-		abstract boolean attemptAdd(long addBits, long addInterval, int addCount);
-//        int getMemoryUsed() {
-//            return 0;
-//        }
-		/**
-		 *
-		 */
-		protected int count;
-		/**
-		 *
-		 * @return
-		 */
-		public final int getSampleCount() {
-			return this.count;
-		}
-		static BitInterval create(long bits, long interval, int count) {
-			if (interval == 0) {
-				if (bits <= Integer.MAX_VALUE && bits >= Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
-					return new BitZeroIntInterval((int) bits, count);
-				} else {
-					return new BitZeroLongInterval(bits, count);
-				}
-			} else if (count <= 3) {
-				if (interval <= Byte.MAX_VALUE && interval >= Byte.MIN_VALUE) {
-					return new BitExplicitByteInterval(bits, interval, count);
-				} else if (interval <= Short.MAX_VALUE && interval >= Short.MIN_VALUE) {
-					return new BitExplicitShortInterval(bits, interval, count);
-				} else if (interval <= Integer.MAX_VALUE && interval >= Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
-					return new BitExplicitIntInterval(bits, interval, count);
-				} else {
-					return new BitExplicitLongInterval(bits, interval, count);
-				}
-			} else {
-				boolean smallBits = false;
-				boolean smallInterval = false;
-				if (bits <= Integer.MAX_VALUE && bits >= Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
-					smallBits = true;
-				}
-				if (interval <= Integer.MAX_VALUE && interval >= Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
-					smallInterval = true;
-				}
-				if (smallBits) {
-					if (smallInterval) {
-						return new BitNonZeroIntIntInterval((int) bits, (int) interval, count);
-					} else {
-						return new BitNonZeroIntLongInterval((int) bits, interval, count);
-					}
-				} else {
-					if (smallInterval) {
-						return new BitNonZeroLongIntInterval(bits, (int) interval, count);
-					} else {
-						return new BitNonZeroLongLongInterval(bits, interval, count);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	static private class BitNonZeroIntIntInterval extends BitNonZeroInterval {
-		int bits;
-		int interval;
-//        @Override
-//        int getMemoryUsed() {
-//            return super.getMemoryUsed() + 8;
-//        }
-		@Override
-		long getBits() {
-			return this.bits;
-		}
-		@Override
-		long getInterval() {
-			return this.interval;
-		}
-		BitNonZeroIntIntInterval(int bits, int interval, int count) {
-			super(count);
-			this.bits = bits;
-			this.interval = interval;
-		}
-	}
-	static private class BitNonZeroIntLongInterval extends BitNonZeroInterval {
-		int bits;
-		long interval;
-//        @Override
-//        int getMemoryUsed() {
-//            return super.getMemoryUsed() + 12;
-//        }
-		@Override
-		long getBits() {
-			return this.bits;
-		}
-		@Override
-		long getInterval() {
-			return this.interval;
-		}
-		BitNonZeroIntLongInterval(int bits, long interval, int count) {
-			super(count);
-			this.bits = bits;
-			this.interval = interval;
-		}
-	}
-	static private class BitNonZeroLongIntInterval extends BitNonZeroInterval {
-		long bits;
-		int interval;
-//        @Override
-//        int getMemoryUsed() {
-//            return super.getMemoryUsed() + 12;
-//        }
-		@Override
-		long getBits() {
-			return this.bits;
-		}
-		@Override
-		long getInterval() {
-			return this.interval;
-		}
-		BitNonZeroLongIntInterval(long bits, int interval, int count) {
-			super(count);
-			this.bits = bits;
-			this.interval = interval;
-		}
-	}
-	static private class BitNonZeroLongLongInterval extends BitNonZeroInterval {
-		long bits;
-		long interval;
-//        @Override
-//        int getMemoryUsed() {
-//            return super.getMemoryUsed() + 16;
-//        }
-		@Override
-		long getBits() {
-			return this.bits;
-		}
-		@Override
-		long getInterval() {
-			return this.interval;
-		}
-		BitNonZeroLongLongInterval(long bits, long interval, int count) {
-			super(count);
-			this.bits = bits;
-			this.interval = interval;
-		}
-	}
-	static private abstract class BitZeroInterval extends BitInterval {
-//        @Override
-//        int getMemoryUsed() {
-//            return super.getMemoryUsed() + 4;
-//        }
-		abstract long getBits();
-		@Override
-		int fill(double[] values, int valueOffset, int typeCode, int skipCount) {
-			int fillcount = values.length - valueOffset; // space left in values
-			int maxCount = count - skipCount; // maximum values this i