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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2021/07/07 08:23:33 UTC

[GitHub] [iceberg] kbendick commented on a change in pull request #2591: Spark: RewriteDatafilesAction V2

kbendick commented on a change in pull request #2591:

File path: spark/src/test/java/org/apache/iceberg/spark/actions/
@@ -0,0 +1,779 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.iceberg.spark.actions;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Comparator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Random;
+import java.util.Set;
+import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
+import org.apache.iceberg.AssertHelpers;
+import org.apache.iceberg.FileScanTask;
+import org.apache.iceberg.PartitionSpec;
+import org.apache.iceberg.Schema;
+import org.apache.iceberg.Table;
+import org.apache.iceberg.TableProperties;
+import org.apache.iceberg.actions.ActionsProvider;
+import org.apache.iceberg.actions.BinPackStrategy;
+import org.apache.iceberg.actions.RewriteDataFiles;
+import org.apache.iceberg.actions.RewriteDataFiles.Result;
+import org.apache.iceberg.actions.RewriteDataFilesCommitUtil;
+import org.apache.iceberg.actions.RewriteFileGroup;
+import org.apache.iceberg.exceptions.CommitStateUnknownException;
+import org.apache.iceberg.expressions.Expressions;
+import org.apache.iceberg.hadoop.HadoopTables;
+import org.apache.iceberg.spark.SparkTestBase;
+import org.apache.iceberg.spark.source.ThreeColumnRecord;
+import org.apache.iceberg.types.Comparators;
+import org.apache.iceberg.types.Conversions;
+import org.apache.iceberg.types.Types;
+import org.apache.iceberg.types.Types.NestedField;
+import org.apache.iceberg.util.Pair;
+import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset;
+import org.apache.spark.sql.Row;
+import org.junit.Assert;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Rule;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder;
+import org.mockito.ArgumentMatcher;
+import org.mockito.Mockito;
+import static org.apache.iceberg.types.Types.NestedField.optional;
+import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any;
+import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.argThat;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.doAnswer;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.doCallRealMethod;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.doReturn;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.doThrow;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.spy;
+public abstract class TestNewRewriteDataFilesAction extends SparkTestBase {
+  protected abstract ActionsProvider actions();
+  protected abstract Set<String> cacheContents(Table table);
+  private static final HadoopTables TABLES = new HadoopTables(new Configuration());
+  private static final Schema SCHEMA = new Schema(
+      optional(1, "c1", Types.IntegerType.get()),
+      optional(2, "c2", Types.StringType.get()),
+      optional(3, "c3", Types.StringType.get())
+  );
+  @Rule
+  public TemporaryFolder temp = new TemporaryFolder();
+  private String tableLocation = null;
+  @Before
+  public void setupTableLocation() throws Exception {
+    File tableDir = temp.newFolder();
+    this.tableLocation = tableDir.toURI().toString();
+  }
+  private RewriteDataFiles basicRewrite(Table table) {
+    // Always compact regardless of input files
+    table.refresh();
+    return actions().rewriteDataFiles(table).option(BinPackStrategy.MIN_INPUT_FILES, "1");
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testEmptyTable() {
+    PartitionSpec spec = PartitionSpec.unpartitioned();
+    Map<String, String> options = Maps.newHashMap();
+    Table table = TABLES.create(SCHEMA, spec, options, tableLocation);
+    Assert.assertNull("Table must be empty", table.currentSnapshot());
+    basicRewrite(table).execute();
+    Assert.assertNull("Table must stay empty", table.currentSnapshot());
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testBinPackUnpartitionedTable() {
+    Table table = createTable(4);
+    shouldHaveFiles(table, 4);
+    List<Object[]> expectedRecords = currentData();
+    Result result = basicRewrite(table).execute();
+    Assert.assertEquals("Action should rewrite 4 data files", 4, result.rewrittenDataFilesCount());
+    Assert.assertEquals("Action should add 1 data file", 1, result.addedDataFilesCount());
+    shouldHaveFiles(table, 1);
+    List<Object[]> actual = currentData();
+    assertEquals("Rows must match", expectedRecords, actual);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testBinPackPartitionedTable() {
+    Table table = createTablePartitioned(4, 2);
+    shouldHaveFiles(table, 8);
+    List<Object[]> expectedRecords = currentData();
+    Result result = basicRewrite(table).execute();
+    Assert.assertEquals("Action should rewrite 8 data files", 8, result.rewrittenDataFilesCount());
+    Assert.assertEquals("Action should add 4 data file", 4, result.addedDataFilesCount());
+    shouldHaveFiles(table, 4);
+    List<Object[]> actualRecords = currentData();
+    assertEquals("Rows must match", expectedRecords, actualRecords);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testBinPackWithFilter() {
+    Table table = createTablePartitioned(4, 2);
+    shouldHaveFiles(table, 8);
+    List<Object[]> expectedRecords = currentData();
+    Result result = basicRewrite(table)
+        .filter(Expressions.equal("c1", 1))
+        .filter(Expressions.startsWith("c2", "foo"))
+        .execute();
+    Assert.assertEquals("Action should rewrite 2 data files", 2, result.rewrittenDataFilesCount());
+    Assert.assertEquals("Action should add 1 data file", 1, result.addedDataFilesCount());
+    shouldHaveFiles(table, 7);
+    List<Object[]> actualRecords = currentData();
+    assertEquals("Rows must match", expectedRecords, actualRecords);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testRewriteLargeTableHasResiduals() {
+    PartitionSpec spec = PartitionSpec.builderFor(SCHEMA).build();
+    Map<String, String> options = Maps.newHashMap();
+    options.put(TableProperties.PARQUET_ROW_GROUP_SIZE_BYTES, "100");
+    Table table = TABLES.create(SCHEMA, spec, options, tableLocation);
+    // all records belong to the same partition
+    List<ThreeColumnRecord> records = Lists.newArrayList();
+    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+      records.add(new ThreeColumnRecord(i, String.valueOf(i), String.valueOf(i % 4)));
+    }
+    Dataset<Row> df = spark.createDataFrame(records, ThreeColumnRecord.class);
+    writeDF(df);
+    List<Object[]> expectedRecords = currentData();
+    table.refresh();
+    CloseableIterable<FileScanTask> tasks = table.newScan()
+        .ignoreResiduals()
+        .filter(Expressions.equal("c3", "0"))
+        .planFiles();
+    for (FileScanTask task : tasks) {
+      Assert.assertEquals("Residuals must be ignored", Expressions.alwaysTrue(), task.residual());
+    }
+    shouldHaveFiles(table, 2);
+    Result result = basicRewrite(table)
+        .filter(Expressions.equal("c3", "0"))
+        .execute();
+    Assert.assertEquals("Action should rewrite 2 data files", 2, result.rewrittenDataFilesCount());
+    Assert.assertEquals("Action should add 1 data file", 1, result.addedDataFilesCount());
+    List<Object[]> actualRecords = currentData();
+    assertEquals("Rows must match", expectedRecords, actualRecords);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testBinPackSplitLargeFile() {
+    Table table = createTable(1);
+    shouldHaveFiles(table, 1);
+    List<Object[]> expectedRecords = currentData();
+    long targetSize = testDataSize(table) / 2;
+    Result result = basicRewrite(table)
+        .option(RewriteDataFiles.TARGET_FILE_SIZE_BYTES, Long.toString(targetSize))
+        .execute();
+    Assert.assertEquals("Action should delete 1 data files", 1, result.rewrittenDataFilesCount());
+    Assert.assertEquals("Action should add 2 data files", 2, result.addedDataFilesCount());
+    shouldHaveFiles(table, 2);
+    List<Object[]> actualRecords = currentData();
+    assertEquals("Rows must match", expectedRecords, actualRecords);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testBinPackCombineMixedFiles() {
+    // One file too big
+    Table table = createTable(1);
+    shouldHaveFiles(table, 1);
+    // Two files too small
+    writeRecords(1, 100);
+    writeRecords(1, 100);
+    shouldHaveFiles(table, 3);
+    List<Object[]> expectedRecords = currentData();
+    int targetSize = averageFileSize(table);
+    Result result = basicRewrite(table)
+        .option(RewriteDataFiles.TARGET_FILE_SIZE_BYTES, Integer.toString(targetSize))
+        .option(BinPackStrategy.MAX_FILE_SIZE_BYTES, Integer.toString(targetSize + 100))
+        .option(BinPackStrategy.MIN_FILE_SIZE_BYTES, Integer.toString(targetSize - 100))
+        .execute();
+    Assert.assertEquals("Action should delete 3 data files", 3, result.rewrittenDataFilesCount());
+    // Should Split the big files into 3 pieces, one of which should be combined with the two smaller files
+    Assert.assertEquals("Action should add 3 data files", 3, result.addedDataFilesCount());
+    shouldHaveFiles(table, 3);
+    List<Object[]> actualRecords = currentData();
+    assertEquals("Rows must match", expectedRecords, actualRecords);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testPartialProgressEnabled() {
+    Table table = createTable(20);
+    int fileSize = averageFileSize(table);
+    List<Object[]> originalData = currentData();
+    // Perform a rewrite but only allow 2 files to be compacted at a time
+    RewriteDataFiles.Result result =
+        basicRewrite(table)
+            .option(RewriteDataFiles.PARTIAL_PROGRESS_ENABLED, "true")
+            .option(RewriteDataFiles.MAX_FILE_GROUP_SIZE_BYTES, Integer.toString(fileSize * 2 + 100))
+            .option(RewriteDataFiles.PARTIAL_PROGRESS_MAX_COMMITS, "10")
+            .execute();
+    Assert.assertEquals("Should have 10 fileGroups", result.resultMap().keySet().size(), 10);
+    table.refresh();
+    shouldHaveSnapshots(table, 11);
+    shouldHaveACleanCache(table);
+    List<Object[]> postRewriteData = currentData();
+    assertEquals("We shouldn't have changed the data", originalData, postRewriteData);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testMultipleGroups() {
+    Table table = createTable(20);
+    int fileSize = averageFileSize(table);
+    List<Object[]> originalData = currentData();
+    // Perform a rewrite but only allow 2 files to be compacted at a time
+    RewriteDataFiles.Result result =
+        basicRewrite(table)
+            .option(RewriteDataFiles.MAX_FILE_GROUP_SIZE_BYTES, Integer.toString(fileSize * 2 + 100))
+            .option(BinPackStrategy.MIN_INPUT_FILES, "1")
+            .execute();
+    Assert.assertEquals("Should have 10 fileGroups", result.resultMap().keySet().size(), 10);
+    table.refresh();
+    List<Object[]> postRewriteData = currentData();
+    assertEquals("We shouldn't have changed the data", originalData, postRewriteData);
+    shouldHaveSnapshots(table, 2);
+    shouldHaveACleanCache(table);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testPartialProgressMaxCommits() {
+    Table table = createTable(20);
+    int fileSize = averageFileSize(table);
+    List<Object[]> originalData = currentData();
+    // Perform a rewrite but only allow 2 files to be compacted at a time
+    RewriteDataFiles.Result result =
+        basicRewrite(table)
+            .option(RewriteDataFiles.MAX_FILE_GROUP_SIZE_BYTES, Integer.toString(fileSize * 2 + 100))
+            .option(RewriteDataFiles.PARTIAL_PROGRESS_ENABLED, "true")
+            .option(RewriteDataFiles.PARTIAL_PROGRESS_MAX_COMMITS, "3")
+            .execute();
+    Assert.assertEquals("Should have 10 fileGroups", result.resultMap().keySet().size(), 10);
+    table.refresh();
+    List<Object[]> postRewriteData = currentData();
+    assertEquals("We shouldn't have changed the data", originalData, postRewriteData);
+    shouldHaveSnapshots(table, 4);
+    shouldHaveACleanCache(table);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testSingleCommitWithRewriteFailure() {
+    Table table = createTable(20);
+    int fileSize = averageFileSize(table);
+    List<Object[]> originalData = currentData();
+    BaseRewriteDataFilesSparkAction realRewrite =
+        (org.apache.iceberg.spark.actions.BaseRewriteDataFilesSparkAction)
+            basicRewrite(table)
+                .option(RewriteDataFiles.MAX_FILE_GROUP_SIZE_BYTES, Integer.toString(fileSize * 2 + 100));
+    BaseRewriteDataFilesSparkAction spyRewrite = Mockito.spy(realRewrite);
+    // Fail groups 1, 3, and 7 during rewrite
+    GroupInfoMatcher failGroup = new GroupInfoMatcher(1, 3, 7);
+    doThrow(new RuntimeException("Rewrite Failed"))
+        .when(spyRewrite)
+        .rewriteFiles(any(), argThat(failGroup));
+    AssertHelpers.assertThrows("Should fail entire rewrite if part fails", RuntimeException.class,
+        () -> spyRewrite.execute());
+    table.refresh();
+    List<Object[]> postRewriteData = currentData();
+    assertEquals("We shouldn't have changed the data", originalData, postRewriteData);
+    shouldHaveSnapshots(table, 1);
+    shouldHaveNoOrphans(table);
+    shouldHaveACleanCache(table);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testSingleCommitWithCommitFailure() {
+    Table table = createTable(20);
+    int fileSize = averageFileSize(table);
+    List<Object[]> originalData = currentData();
+    BaseRewriteDataFilesSparkAction realRewrite =
+        (org.apache.iceberg.spark.actions.BaseRewriteDataFilesSparkAction)
+            basicRewrite(table)
+                .option(RewriteDataFiles.MAX_FILE_GROUP_SIZE_BYTES, Integer.toString(fileSize * 2 + 100));
+    BaseRewriteDataFilesSparkAction spyRewrite = spy(realRewrite);
+    RewriteDataFilesCommitUtil util = spy(new RewriteDataFilesCommitUtil(table));
+    // Fail to commit
+    doThrow(new RuntimeException("Commit Failure"))
+        .when(util)
+        .commitFileGroups(any());
+    doReturn(util)
+        .when(spyRewrite)
+        .commitUtil();
+    AssertHelpers.assertThrows("Should fail entire rewrite if commit fails", RuntimeException.class,
+        () -> spyRewrite.execute());
+    table.refresh();
+    List<Object[]> postRewriteData = currentData();
+    assertEquals("We shouldn't have changed the data", originalData, postRewriteData);
+    shouldHaveSnapshots(table, 1);
+    shouldHaveNoOrphans(table);
+    shouldHaveACleanCache(table);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testParallelSingleCommitWithRewriteFailure() {
+    Table table = createTable(20);
+    int fileSize = averageFileSize(table);
+    List<Object[]> originalData = currentData();
+    BaseRewriteDataFilesSparkAction realRewrite =
+        (org.apache.iceberg.spark.actions.BaseRewriteDataFilesSparkAction)
+            basicRewrite(table)
+                .option(RewriteDataFiles.MAX_FILE_GROUP_SIZE_BYTES, Integer.toString(fileSize * 2 + 100))
+                .option(RewriteDataFiles.MAX_CONCURRENT_FILE_GROUP_REWRITES, "3");
+    BaseRewriteDataFilesSparkAction spyRewrite = Mockito.spy(realRewrite);
+    // Fail groups 1, 3, and 7 during rewrite
+    GroupInfoMatcher failGroup = new GroupInfoMatcher(1, 3, 7);
+    doThrow(new RuntimeException("Rewrite Failed"))
+        .when(spyRewrite)
+        .rewriteFiles(any(), argThat(failGroup));
+    AssertHelpers.assertThrows("Should fail entire rewrite if part fails", RuntimeException.class,
+        () -> spyRewrite.execute());
+    table.refresh();
+    List<Object[]> postRewriteData = currentData();
+    assertEquals("We shouldn't have changed the data", originalData, postRewriteData);
+    shouldHaveSnapshots(table, 1);
+    shouldHaveNoOrphans(table);
+    shouldHaveACleanCache(table);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testPartialProgressWithRewriteFailure() {
+    Table table = createTable(20);
+    int fileSize = averageFileSize(table);
+    List<Object[]> originalData = currentData();
+    BaseRewriteDataFilesSparkAction realRewrite =
+        (org.apache.iceberg.spark.actions.BaseRewriteDataFilesSparkAction)
+            basicRewrite(table)
+                .option(RewriteDataFiles.MAX_FILE_GROUP_SIZE_BYTES, Integer.toString(fileSize * 2 + 100))
+                .option(RewriteDataFiles.PARTIAL_PROGRESS_ENABLED, "true")
+                .option(RewriteDataFiles.PARTIAL_PROGRESS_MAX_COMMITS, "3");
+    BaseRewriteDataFilesSparkAction spyRewrite = Mockito.spy(realRewrite);
+    // Fail groups 1, 3, and 7 during rewrite
+    GroupInfoMatcher failGroup = new GroupInfoMatcher(1, 3, 7);
+    doThrow(new RuntimeException("Rewrite Failed"))
+        .when(spyRewrite)
+        .rewriteFiles(any(), argThat(failGroup));
+    RewriteDataFiles.Result result = spyRewrite.execute();
+    Assert.assertEquals("Should have 7 fileGroups", result.resultMap().keySet().size(), 7);
+    table.refresh();
+    List<Object[]> postRewriteData = currentData();
+    assertEquals("We shouldn't have changed the data", originalData, postRewriteData);
+    // With 10 original groups and Max Commits of 3, we should have commits with 4, 4, and 2.
+    // removing 3 groups leaves us with only 2 new commits, 4 and 3
+    shouldHaveSnapshots(table, 3);
+    shouldHaveNoOrphans(table);
+    shouldHaveACleanCache(table);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testParallelPartialProgressWithRewriteFailure() {
+    Table table = createTable(20);
+    int fileSize = averageFileSize(table);
+    List<Object[]> originalData = currentData();
+    BaseRewriteDataFilesSparkAction realRewrite =
+        (org.apache.iceberg.spark.actions.BaseRewriteDataFilesSparkAction)
+            basicRewrite(table)
+                .option(RewriteDataFiles.MAX_FILE_GROUP_SIZE_BYTES, Integer.toString(fileSize * 2 + 100))
+                .option(RewriteDataFiles.MAX_CONCURRENT_FILE_GROUP_REWRITES, "3")
+                .option(RewriteDataFiles.PARTIAL_PROGRESS_ENABLED, "true")
+                .option(RewriteDataFiles.PARTIAL_PROGRESS_MAX_COMMITS, "3");
+    BaseRewriteDataFilesSparkAction spyRewrite = Mockito.spy(realRewrite);
+    // Fail groups 1, 3, and 7 during rewrite
+    GroupInfoMatcher failGroup = new GroupInfoMatcher(1, 3, 7);
+    doThrow(new RuntimeException("Rewrite Failed"))
+        .when(spyRewrite)
+        .rewriteFiles(any(), argThat(failGroup));
+    RewriteDataFiles.Result result = spyRewrite.execute();
+    Assert.assertEquals("Should have 7 fileGroups", result.resultMap().keySet().size(), 7);
+    table.refresh();
+    List<Object[]> postRewriteData = currentData();
+    assertEquals("We shouldn't have changed the data", originalData, postRewriteData);
+    // With 10 original groups and Max Commits of 3, we should have commits with 4, 4, and 2.
+    // removing 3 groups leaves us with only 2 new commits, 4 and 3
+    shouldHaveSnapshots(table, 3);
+    shouldHaveNoOrphans(table);
+    shouldHaveACleanCache(table);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testParallelPartialProgressWithCommitFailure() {
+    Table table = createTable(20);
+    int fileSize = averageFileSize(table);
+    List<Object[]> originalData = currentData();
+    BaseRewriteDataFilesSparkAction realRewrite =
+        (org.apache.iceberg.spark.actions.BaseRewriteDataFilesSparkAction)
+            basicRewrite(table)
+                .option(RewriteDataFiles.MAX_FILE_GROUP_SIZE_BYTES, Integer.toString(fileSize * 2 + 100))
+                .option(RewriteDataFiles.MAX_CONCURRENT_FILE_GROUP_REWRITES, "3")
+                .option(RewriteDataFiles.PARTIAL_PROGRESS_ENABLED, "true")
+                .option(RewriteDataFiles.PARTIAL_PROGRESS_MAX_COMMITS, "3");
+    BaseRewriteDataFilesSparkAction spyRewrite = spy(realRewrite);
+    RewriteDataFilesCommitUtil util = spy(new RewriteDataFilesCommitUtil(table));
+    // First and Third commits work, second does not
+    doCallRealMethod()
+        .doThrow(new RuntimeException("Commit Failed"))
+        .doCallRealMethod()
+        .when(util)
+        .commitFileGroups(any());
+    doReturn(util)
+        .when(spyRewrite)
+        .commitUtil();
+    RewriteDataFiles.Result result = spyRewrite.execute();
+    // Commit 1: 4/4 + Commit 2 failed 0/4 + Commit 3: 2/2 == 6 out of 10 total groups comitted
+    Assert.assertEquals("Should have 6 fileGroups", 6, result.resultMap().keySet().size());
+    table.refresh();
+    List<Object[]> postRewriteData = currentData();
+    assertEquals("We shouldn't have changed the data", originalData, postRewriteData);
+    // Only 2 new commits because we broke one
+    shouldHaveSnapshots(table, 3);
+    shouldHaveNoOrphans(table);
+    shouldHaveACleanCache(table);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testInvalidOptions() {
+    Table table = createTable(20);
+    AssertHelpers.assertThrows("No negative values for partial progress max commits",
+        IllegalArgumentException.class,
+        () -> basicRewrite(table)
+            .option(RewriteDataFiles.PARTIAL_PROGRESS_ENABLED, "true")
+            .option(RewriteDataFiles.PARTIAL_PROGRESS_MAX_COMMITS, "-5")
+            .execute());
+    AssertHelpers.assertThrows("No negative values for max concurrent groups",
+        IllegalArgumentException.class,
+        () -> basicRewrite(table)
+            .option(RewriteDataFiles.MAX_CONCURRENT_FILE_GROUP_REWRITES, "-5")
+            .execute());
+    AssertHelpers.assertThrows("No unknown options allowed",
+        IllegalArgumentException.class,
+        () -> basicRewrite(table)
+            .option("foobarity", "-5")
+            .execute());
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testCommitStateUnknownException() {
+    Table table = createTable(20);
+    shouldHaveFiles(table, 20);
+    List<Object[]> originalData = currentData();
+    BaseRewriteDataFilesSparkAction action = (BaseRewriteDataFilesSparkAction) basicRewrite(table);
+    BaseRewriteDataFilesSparkAction spyAction = spy(action);
+    RewriteDataFilesCommitUtil util = spy(new RewriteDataFilesCommitUtil(table));
+    doAnswer(invocationOnMock -> {
+      invocationOnMock.callRealMethod();
+      throw new CommitStateUnknownException(new RuntimeException("Unknown State"));
+    }).when(util).commitFileGroups(any());
+    doReturn(util)
+        .when(spyAction)
+        .commitUtil();
+    AssertHelpers.assertThrows("Should propagate CommitStateUnknown Exception",
+        CommitStateUnknownException.class, () -> spyAction.execute());
+    List<Object[]> postRewriteData = currentData();
+    assertEquals("We shouldn't have changed the data", originalData, postRewriteData);
+    shouldHaveSnapshots(table, 2); // Commit actually Succeeded
+  }
+  protected List<Object[]> currentData() {
+    return rowsToJava("iceberg").load(tableLocation)
+        .sort("c1", "c2", "c3")
+        .collectAsList());
+  }
+  protected long testDataSize(Table table) {
+    return;
+  }
+  protected void shouldHaveFiles(Table table, int numExpected) {
+    table.refresh();
+    int numFiles = Iterables.size(table.newScan().planFiles());
+    Assert.assertEquals("Did not have the expected number of files", numExpected, numFiles);
+  }
+  protected void shouldHaveSnapshots(Table table, int expectedSnapshots) {
+    table.refresh();
+    int actualSnapshots = Iterables.size(table.snapshots());
+    Assert.assertEquals("Table did not have the expected number of snapshots",
+        expectedSnapshots, actualSnapshots);
+  }
+  protected void shouldHaveNoOrphans(Table table) {
+    Assert.assertEquals("Should not have found any orphan files", ImmutableList.of(),
+        actions().removeOrphanFiles(table)
+            .olderThan(System.currentTimeMillis())
+            .execute()
+            .orphanFileLocations());
+  }
+  protected void shouldHaveACleanCache(Table table) {
+    Assert.assertEquals("Should not have any entries in cache", ImmutableSet.of(),
+        cacheContents(table));
+  }
+  protected <T> void shouldHaveLastCommitSorted(Table table, String column) {

Review comment:
       Nit: the name of this function and then the language used in the code seem sort of unrelated.  Is there a name for this that would more reflect the error message (and code)? Or perhaps a small doc comment might help to make this more clear to readers? Most things look great but I'm admittedly second guessing whether I understand why the function is named the way it is.

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