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Posted to by on 2002/05/26 19:13:44 UTC

Bug report for Xerces-C++ [2002/05/26]

| Bugzilla Bug ID                                                           |
|     +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Status: UNC=Unconfirmed NEW=New         ASS=Assigned                |
|     |         OPN=Reopened    VER=Verified    (Skipped Closed/Resolved)   |
|     |   +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   | Severity: BLK=Blocker     CRI=Critical    MAJ=Major             |
|     |   |           MIN=Minor       NOR=Normal      ENH=Enhancement       |
|     |   |   +-------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   | Date Posted                                                 |
|     |   |   |          +--------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   |          | Description                                      |
|     |   |   |          |                                                  |
|  769|New|Cri|2001-03-01|BCB 5 fails to compile Xerces 1.4 library on Windo|
|  849|New|Nor|2001-03-05|DocumentImpl::importNode() method incomplete      |
|  949|New|Nor|2001-03-12|UnixHTTPURLInputStream ignoring query params      |
| 1016|New|Nor|2001-03-18|DOM_Document does not support replaceChild and app|
| 1189|New|Cri|2001-04-02|relative path error                               |
| 1402|New|Nor|2001-04-19|XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize() is not thread safe |
| 1427|New|Nor|2001-04-20|AttributeList.getValue() returns odd value for emp|
| 1448|Opn|Nor|2001-04-20|Xerces-C crashes when locale is not set. in user e|
| 1471|New|Nor|2001-04-24|getInternalSubset returns NDATA with ""           |
| 1601|Opn|Blk|2001-05-02|DOMString bug                                     |
| 1704|New|Nor|2001-05-10|COM blows up on 95/IE4                            |
| 1941|New|Blk|2001-05-29|Xerces C 1.1.0 Built OK on OS/390, 1.4.0 will not.|
| 2007|New|Blk|2001-06-05|Encoding iso-8859-8                               |
| 2021|New|Maj|2001-06-06|Janitor/MemBufInputSource crash                   |
| 2065|New|Nor|2001-06-07|static function scope Mutex pointer results in exc|
| 2264|New|Min|2001-06-21|DOMPrint does not correctly print the ENTITY_NODE |
| 2268|New|Enh|2001-06-21|Add two members to DOMParser.hpp                  |
| 2324|New|Blk|2001-06-26|Missing method implementation in library?         |
| 2325|New|Enh|2001-06-26|Real DTD Caching                                  |
| 2393|New|Nor|2001-06-29|3 missing virtual functions in Iconv390Transcoder |
| 2546|New|Nor|2001-07-10|DOM_Node::XML_DECL_NODE is not imported           |
| 2563|New|Nor|2001-07-11|Parameter entities cannot be used inside markup de|
| 2594|New|Min|2001-07-12|CXMLDOMDocument::save does not check write errors |
| 2681|New|Maj|2001-07-18|Can't build with gcc/g++ not named 'gcc'/'g++'    |
| 2728|New|Cri|2001-07-21|Borland C++ Builder 5.0 Compile Error             |
| 2769|New|Nor|2001-07-24|Purify detects "Invalid pointer read" during XMLPl|
| 2813|New|Cri|2001-07-25|Link error                                        |
| 2814|New|Cri|2001-07-25|dummyExe build fails on HP-UX 10.20 with CC A.10.4|
| 2843|New|Min|2001-07-26|Linux build fails when threads are not used       |
| 2973|New|Blk|2001-08-02|Building Xerces on Irix (with default kernel setti|
| 3041|New|Nor|2001-08-08|wrong PLATFORM_IMPORT ?                           |
| 3094|New|Maj|2001-08-10|StdInInputSource class is broken and StdInParse sa|
| 3122|New|Blk|2001-08-14|IDOM_Parser losing Text data                      |
| 3170|Opn|Maj|2001-08-20|URLs with ? type fragments in them don't work.    |
| 3240|New|Nor|2001-08-22|Doubts if SAX2 parser is thread-safe              |
| 3246|New|Nor|2001-08-23|CreateDocument: core dump when runConfigure option|
| 3257|New|Nor|2001-08-24|Whitespace stored as PI data.                     |
| 3259|New|Nor|2001-08-24|PI within DTD is not reported                     |
| 3264|New|Nor|2001-08-24|Whitespaces in notation declaration are not normal|
| 3335|New|Maj|2001-08-29|static XMLStringPool compiled on Borland C++Builde|
| 3347|New|Enh|2001-08-29|Memory deallocation                               |
| 3399|Ass|Blk|2001-09-04|Error in SAXException::getMessage                 |
| 3412|New|Maj|2001-09-04|XMLReaderFactory::createXMLReader -> Not thread sa|
| 3505|New|Min|2001-09-07|DOMString::transcode does not always detect wcstom|
| 3567|New|Nor|2001-09-12|Unable to perform schema validation without namesp|
| 3585|New|Nor|2001-09-13|Plenty of ld warnings - symbols twice encountered |
| 3616|New|Min|2001-09-14|Inconsistent data types for line and column in Loc|
| 3771|New|Blk|2001-09-21|Segmentation Fault on RedHat 7.1                  |
| 3788|New|Nor|2001-09-24|very long lines in CppErrMsgs_EN_US.hpp(NB20010830|
| 3894|New|Blk|2001-10-01|File Iconv390TransService.hpp and .cpp not updated|
| 4052|New|Blk|2001-10-09|Xerces C++ incompatable with IRIX o32 object forma|
| 4229|New|Cri|2001-10-17|Iconv390TransService::isSpace does not work (OS/39|
| 4302|New|Cri|2001-10-19|CDATA whitespace not preserved                    |
| 4325|New|Cri|2001-10-22|Memory Leaks in the basic parser operation        |
| 4497|New|Nor|2001-10-29|Document build system broken on Unix              |
| 4541|New|Cri|2001-10-31|Wrong handling of XML data in COM wrapper library |
| 4556|New|Nor|2001-10-31|Xerces fails to locate DTD file when application h|
| 4565|New|Nor|2001-11-01|Memory Leak in transcode                          |
| 4608|New|Blk|2001-11-02|build error on Solaris                            |
| 4625|Ass|Nor|2001-11-03|won't build from outside of source tree           |
| 4640|New|Cri|2001-11-05|Memory leak when creating nodes                   |
| 4673|New|Nor|2001-11-06|Reference to input buffer                         |
| 4869|New|Enh|2001-11-14|Static DOMStrings wont initialize from char data  |
| 5209|New|Nor|2001-11-30|Catch attempts to bind a namespace prefix setting |
| 5385|New|Nor|2001-12-12|Could not load a local page to trascoder          |
| 5387|New|Blk|2001-12-12|Memory  Leak                                      |
| 5467|New|Nor|2001-12-17|Memory Leak                                       |
| 5468|New|Nor|2001-12-17|Memory Leak                                       |
| 5470|New|Nor|2001-12-17|NetAccessorExceptions parsing XML at some urls    |
| 5563|New|Enh|2001-12-21|Add capacity to build Xerces as static library    |
| 5596|New|Blk|2001-12-27|xerces shared library clashes with stdc++ ostream |
| 5699|New|Nor|2002-01-04|1.6.0 build failure on IRIX                       |
| 5854|New|Nor|2002-01-14|Patches and .spec file for rpm creation of 1.6.0  |
| 5936|New|Min|2002-01-21|COM Threading Model of COM binding (xerces-com)   |
| 5967|New|Enh|2002-01-22|DOM-IDOM Integration                              |
| 6001|New|Cri|2002-01-24|DOM parser does not stop to allocate memory and st|
| 6070|New|Min|2002-01-28|warning unused variable                           |
| 6122|New|Nor|2002-01-30|DOMString::transcode() maybe have something wrong,|
| 6227|New|Nor|2002-02-04|Make method getLastExtLocation() constant         |
| 6251|New|Nor|2002-02-05|Info during compilation                           |
| 6271|New|Nor|2002-02-06|Invalid Precondition Test                         |
| 6274|New|Min|2002-02-06|Compile warnings on IRIX, framework/XMLElementDecl|
| 6321|New|Nor|2002-02-08|gmake error in regx/                   |
| 6330|Ass|Cri|2002-02-08|Base64::encode does not work                      |
| 6358|New|Nor|2002-02-11|Insert a define to create a Win32 static lib      |
| 6367|Opn|Nor|2002-02-11|memory leak parsing xml document                  |
| 6407|New|Nor|2002-02-12|Multiple ampersands not interpreted correctly     |
| 6441|New|Maj|2002-02-13|DTD failed to pass, though valid with other tools,|
| 6467|New|Nor|2002-02-14|Installing Xerces C++ on cygwin environment       |
| 6576|New|Blk|2002-02-20|Exception on processing UTF-16 InputSource buffer |
| 6578|New|Cri|2002-02-20|Overwrite Memoy Space                             |
| 6590|New|Nor|2002-02-20|Improper Internal subset filling                  |
| 6759|New|Nor|2002-02-28|Memory leaks  with the XMLScanner.                |
| 6808|New|Nor|2002-03-01|Xerces 1.3 support for SunPro 5.3, HP aCC 3.33, IB|
| 6856|New|Blk|2002-03-04|SAX Parser dumping core after parsing invalid xml |
| 6875|New|Nor|2002-03-05|Incorrect Line-position for wrong element         |
| 6903|New|Min|2002-03-06|Exported classes with inlined virtual functions.  |
| 6910|New|Blk|2002-03-06|illegal attempt to delete void* in src/util/RefHas|
| 6959|New|Cri|2002-03-07|Parsing from Memory crashes when multiple threads |
| 7044|Opn|Maj|2002-03-12|Memory Leaks                                      |
| 7051|New|Nor|2002-03-12|"hash" argument clashes with STL's hash           |
| 7072|New|Min|2002-03-13|Documentation for XMLString::transcode states inva|
| 7077|New|Maj|2002-03-13|ICUMsgLoader doesn't load messages!               |
| 7087|New|Nor|2002-03-13|compiler warnings when using gcc                  |
| 7155|New|Nor|2002-03-15|build instructions are out of date, also, they ref|
| 7194|New|Nor|2002-03-18|The DOMParse will be very slow as we use it repeat|
| 7210|New|Cri|2002-03-18|Xerces-C++/1.7 parser can not handle % sign correc|
| 7278|New|Maj|2002-03-20|Memory leak in XMLReaderFactory::createXMLReader  |
| 7281|New|Maj|2002-03-20|Build fails on AIX platform                       |
| 7293|New|Maj|2002-03-20|Changes required to build with gcc 2.95.2 on hpux |
| 7307|Opn|Maj|2002-03-21|DOM Parser's ErrorHandler Class's fatalError() fun|
| 7336|New|Nor|2002-03-21|3 minor issues with C++ Builder (ver 5.02) build  |
| 7346|New|Nor|2002-03-22|Invalid uriId used for XMLAttr:s in XMLScanner.cpp|
| 7417|New|Nor|2002-03-24|Schemas can not be validated against the W3C speci|
| 7440|New|Enh|2002-03-25|Make Error/Message Extension Of The XMLValidator P|
| 7448|New|Enh|2002-03-25|Would like DOMString::operator< for STL use, code |
| 7458|New|Nor|2002-03-25|Schema validator does not automatically associate |
| 7475|New|Nor|2002-03-26|Xerces-C++ reports validation error with Docbook  |
| 7508|New|Nor|2002-03-27|CC 7.2 Compile error building xercesc in IRIX 6.5 |
| 7509|New|Maj|2002-03-27|DOMString::appendData(const DOMString&) is broken |
| 7512|New|Nor|2002-03-27|Wrong error message created                       |
| 7586|New|Nor|2002-03-28|xml4com: Xerces.DOMDocument. Create + Release = Me|
| 7592|New|Nor|2002-03-28|XMLURL::lookupByName() should be static           |
| 7675|New|Nor|2002-04-02|IDOM memory management problem                    |
| 7698|New|Blk|2002-04-02|filenames with embedded spaces in schemaLocation s|
| 7701|Ver|Min|2002-04-03|NameIdPoolEnumerator copy constructor should call |
| 7763|New|Nor|2002-04-05|final memory cleanup for ICU transcoder           |
| 7777|New|Nor|2002-04-05|XMLCh typedef should be conditional under MSVC 7  |
| 7944|New|Blk|2002-04-11|InputSource needs copy constructor and assignment |
| 8011|New|Cri|2002-04-12|Parser crashes when using schema val with missing |
| 8025|New|Blk|2002-04-12| create whithout XMLScanner2.o |
| 8280|New|Cri|2002-04-18|DOMParser fails on OS/390 BATCH environment       |
| 8381|Ver|Enh|2002-04-22|XMLScanner performance fixes                      |
| 8496|New|Nor|2002-04-25|IDOMEntity circular reference bug                 |
| 8549|New|Enh|2002-04-26|XMLFormatter::CharEscapes should include close ang|
| 8550|New|Nor|2002-04-26|No explanation of XMLFormatter escape options     |
| 8616|New|Nor|2002-04-29|Purify reporting UMR errors                       |
| 8741|New|Enh|2002-05-02|Support for garbage collection in IDOM implementat|
| 8750|New|Cri|2002-05-02|null pointer in ReaderMgr::skippedSpace()         |
| 8826|New|Maj|2002-05-06|Runtime Error R6025 Pure virtual function call    |
| 8863|New|Nor|2002-05-07|DocumentImpl::setUserData has invalid handling    |
| 8955|New|Blk|2002-05-10|Enumerate all schema grammars                     |
| 8984|New|Nor|2002-05-10|Memory leak in ReaderMgr::createReader            |
| 8998|New|Cri|2002-05-11|Base64 cannot decode data with even length.       |
| 9083|New|Blk|2002-05-14|In Windows we need to add  #pkg#_EXPORT to classes|
| 9084|New|Nor|2002-05-14|scripts/packageBinaries -j option not well documen|
| 9103|New|Nor|2002-05-15|no error generated with non-schema conformant file|
| 9104|New|Nor|2002-05-15|prefixes dissapearing when schema validation turne|
| 9109|New|Nor|2002-05-15|Error handling 'file://' protocol and mixed slashe|
| 9154|New|Enh|2002-05-16|Requesting Xerces Version Macro                   |
| 9207|New|Min|2002-05-17|Documentation for binToText(const unsigned int toF|
| 9297|New|Nor|2002-05-22|DOM_Node::setUserData cause application abend.    |
| 9308|New|Cri|2002-05-22|Exception when parsing the xml file               |
| 9325|New|Enh|2002-05-22|Please add accessors to sax2 parser and xml scanne|
| 9343|New|Blk|2002-05-23|Unable to build on SCO OpenServer                 |
| 9366|New|Nor|2002-05-23|Xerces-C precompiled headers do not exist upon ins|
| 9380|New|Nor|2002-05-24|Unable to build Xerces C samples with gcc on SCO O|
| 9392|New|Blk|2002-05-24|Builds fails on AIX because of makeC++SharedLib_r |
| 9406|New|Blk|2002-05-24|gcc-3.0.4 build error in SolarisPlatformUtils.cpp |
| 9407|New|Blk|2002-05-24|MsgCatalogLoader.cpp still uses fgLibLocation     |
| Total  160 bugs                                                           |

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